Author Topic: [Event] Stampede!  (Read 4204 times)


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[Event] Stampede!
« on: July 04, 2008, 03:14:33 pm »

To all citizens of Hydlaa:

Peace and quiet in Yliakum is, and always will be, one of the Octarchy's highest priorities. Recent
reports of wild creatures being released within city walls and causing chaos among citizens have
reached the ears of the Octarch.

Rest assured that these raids shall not compromise the safety of the city for the guards are always
vigilant and ready to repel any attack. However, despite their swift and effective action in the past
few days to control the raging creatures, some civilian casualties have occurred. Therefore, all
citizens of Hydlaa are advised not to leave their homes unarmed in case of another beast attack.

The city guards have been ordered to deputize capable citizens who might be of aid to defend the
city and investigate the cause of these random raids. All volunteers should report to Lieutenant
Jefecra Harcrit for further details.

[Please post what your characters have witnessed or heard, their thoughts and theories, screenshots, and any other IC entry. This is not an event discussion thread and all OOC posts will be removed.]

Siteri Kidachi

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Re: [Event] Stampede!
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2008, 07:12:31 pm »
"I saw them," says Siteri Kidachi Azamace. "They seemed to be coming from the sewers, but when I went down there to investigate I found nothing unusual... Maybe I just wasn't looking hard enough. If only my mother were here, she might be able to help- she trains animals."

"Oh, the monsters... They were scary! They hurt me and Nal pretty bad..." says Eretelien Yezhmi.


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Re: [Event] Stampede!
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2008, 08:38:41 pm »
Zwenze went on the plaza and saw a huge crowd of people who chatted excited. He jined by what has happened. The people told him that monsters raided the plaza. He got told that they were comming from the sewers. He chatted with the people but the crowd dissolved soon.


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Re: [Event] Stampede!
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2008, 08:43:46 pm »
Kaerli mutters "What in Xiosia's name was that?  They were sewer monsters and seemed to be coming from the sewers, but the monsters were normal when you went in to any depth!  I wonder if someone was stirring them up intentionally..."

[btw, why was I getting "You cannot attack blabla" messages over and over during the event when I tried to attack something before it took a swing at me? :detective: ]

Timmothy Perriwinkle

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Re: [Event] Stampede!
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2008, 03:52:59 pm »
Timmothy grins maniaclly, "They were everywhere! I was just in the Tavern, minding my own business, when this one rat charged in and started attacking everyone. Then a bunch of gobbles came, and Allola went out and starting attacking them, so I decided to help, and I can fight!" He nods vigorously, "I know, amazed me too!" He continues with a wide smile, "Then I went down to the plaza to help the fight, and there just seemed to be no end to them. No matter how many we killed, more just came." He has an overly happy look pasted on his face, "It was great! All the casualties were just citizens who had huge egos and bit off more than they could chew," he shrugs, "It's their own fault they died."

[And you had to challenge the monsters to fight them as they were not NPCs]

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Re: [Event] Stampede!
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2008, 10:18:18 am »
News of beasts raiding the plaza reach the ears of Lord Dyaz. "Beasts coming from the sewers?", he thinks. A smile draws across his face. "Luckily, I never go there... It'll be better to leave the hunting to the youths. They are so eager...", he tells himself staring into the fireplace of his manor.

Lolitra, Celorrim Purrty Twins

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Re: [Event] Stampede!
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2008, 01:33:37 am »
Ixala is sure she saw the Queen Purrty caught up in the mandibles of a Tefsung, and knocked unconsious... she quietly chuckles to her self as she watches from a small hiding place, Lolitra's body carried off towards her toofle home.
Her Royal Highness Lolitra Hollinthy Purrty nods regally 'I am delighted to meet you' her tiara twinkles in the crystal light.
[had to remove my signature - as the image host lost it!!!!]


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Re: [Event] Stampede!
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2008, 02:24:10 am »
A young female Nolthrir looks worried as she remembers what she experienced yesterday. "I had just entered the plaza to deal with someone there when a Tefusang suddenly rushed towards me! I fled into the water of the fountain and thankfully the Tefusang seemed to be afraid of water as it didn't chase me there. I quickly retreated to the outer areas of the plaza then and watched with wide eyes as more and more fighters ran onto the plaza to fight the beasts. But after I had recovered from the first shock I just quickly left. I'm a young and unfortunately weak woman, no fighter, so there's no use in risking my life with enough strong folks around. I want to say thank you to all those brave men and women who did their best to keep the city safe. I hope if this should ever happen again I will be able to at least assist those who get wouned in their brave fight for the safety of Hydlaa by offering some healing..."
Her voice trails off but a look of determenation reappears on her face as she clutches her glyph sack tightly in one hand.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2008, 03:10:07 am by Luzino »
So much to do - and so little time...


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Re: [Event] Stampede!
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2008, 07:08:02 am »
Edgar Eranor the dremorian has told me this story of yesterdays events that he witnessed: He was minding his business running some errands for someone at the Inn when he noticed all these noises of battle. They seemed to come from the sewers, or from the plaza, he was not sure. Then he was just leaving the Inn to go to the temple when a large and disgusting Tefusang ran in front of him chasing some scared citizen. He followed the Tefusang as it stopped chasing and  turned around and entered the Inn. At first the beast didn't seem to be aggressive so Edgar approached it and began to study it. He had a strange, sudden, realization from the expression on it's face and some other hints in the beast's behavior that it was controlled somehow by a human mind! It may seem strange, but I assure you that this is what he felt. He then proceeded to ask for the hand of the beast in marriage, to try to appease the monsters rage. But alas! he didn't manage to finish his sentence when he was struck in the head by one of the great claws of the beast. He was unconscious for a while, a strange near-death experience, and as many people in this realm have told of, he managed to return from the realm of the dead. However he did get something from all of this: a Tefusang tooth! He likes to show it to anyone interested.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2008, 07:10:31 am by acid_head »


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Re: [Event] Stampede!
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2008, 01:58:45 pm »
Monala hears the rumour from a very nervous-looking adventurer while she's out in the wild, hunting. She frowns deeply, "Ye mean I coulda' stayed in town to get these accursed hides?"

The adventurer who told her nods and says, "Yes, milady,".

At length, she loudly utters a thoroughly un-ladylike word in the Ynnwn language.
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Re: [Event] Stampede!
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2008, 05:46:44 pm »
((No need to curse, the monsters were not lootable))

Elvors came to Hydlaa plaza, noticing a lot of people... and a member of the Guard... and rats and tefusang between them.
Well, Hydlaa citizens need protection, so it's swords out and get those monsters down as quickly as possible.
But one thing is still nagging him: those monsters looked as if they were just terrified and fleeing. Every single one of them. They must have been fleeing something in the sewers - but what?

A quick search through the sewers showed nothing - except a terrified Tefusang that was frozen in shock. ((Or, more likely, overlooked by the GMs  ;) ))
Well, spending more time in a fruitless search would have been senseless, but Elvors hopes to be there if (when?) that larger menace comes.


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Re: [Event] Stampede!
« Reply #11 on: July 09, 2008, 10:33:23 pm »
[Yeah, but Monala didn't know that you couldn't get anything from them :P]
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[1: gossip] Glaciusor: There's now a guy in skimpy armor having war flashbacks about daemons. Have fun Hydlaa


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Re: [Event] Stampede!
« Reply #12 on: July 10, 2008, 11:05:19 am »
Kaerli grumbles something about a mysterious attacker with three-toed footprints attacking an Octarchical guard and nearly killing him...and then a chilling feeling of being watched while on the way out.


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Re: [Event] Stampede!
« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2008, 06:04:13 pm »
[ I reworked this from events in Astias logfile - hope you like it and please forgive any typos or grammatical errors as i dont do this often ;) ]

Astia had been chatting with friends for a while in the street leading to Kada Els Tavern and hadnt payed much heed to an odd rat and gobble that were running about acting oddly, a fleeing Gobble hissed at Diniqule and then cowered from Siteri. She only thought it unusual for these creatures to leave the nearby sewers when so many folk were about still. Astia called after the young menki "run straight home to momma now child". The group waved after the Enkidukai girl who ran off down the street with the agility of their race. They then turned toward the Tavern looking forward to much needed refreshments. Astia entered and walked to the bar catching Allelias attention and greeting Halifae Glevern when suddenly the place was in an uproar. She hadnt noticed the hoard of rats and gobbles that had suddenly invaded the very bar room of Kada's behind her. Instinct threw her hands up against a marauding rat that jumped at her, she laughed as the rat then jumped at Halifae once before running away blindly, terrified. The next thing Timmothy was shouting "HELP! HELP! RAT!" as a hissing Gobble slashed at Thosor with its claw along the bar a little way. Her laughter quickly died as the Gobble growled and hissed as it charged at her but she got a couple good blows in before it hit her very hard, this was bad. Roboki's raised voice agreed as a crazed Gobble stampeded into Jita nearby. A marauding rat charged at Dermathil as Astia winded the hissing Gobble which tried to catch its breath before continueing to growl and shriek. Siteri shouted "They're... too strong! How did this happen..." as Roboki backed away. Now the crazed Gobble ran shrieking from Timmothy as the rat squeeked sharply. "Guards!" shouted Roboki in an urgent voice as a marauding rat snapped at Diniqule. The hissing Gobble turned its attention for a moment on Roboki giving Astia time to wonder if these creatures were under the control of some dark mind, the rat snapping at Eretelien then freezing terrified then suddenly leaping with open jaws would seem to support this idea. These creatures wanted to flee but seemed compelled not to. She leaped for the doorway and the open street but was hit hard from behind. As she slipped into unconciousness her last fleeting thoughts were "ahh the dark realm now i suppose..." but amazingly this was not to be. She came to later in the same doorway not knowing how much time had passed or even if it had all been a dream. Standing at the bar moments later sipping red wine Allelia assured her it was no dream, "I dont know what its coming to, vicious things invading my tavern and attacking customers, furniture smashed and a fine mess ive had to clear up these past hours! Laanx preserve us".


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Re: [Event] Stampede!
« Reply #14 on: July 12, 2008, 12:53:07 pm »
After the plaza was secured, a group of brave citizens led by Jamit Onare, an Octarchal guard, ventured into the sewers to investigate. The group split to cover the area, leaving Jamit alone. Then, from the dark, something attacked...

-Get away from me beast!!!- Jamit shouts- Aaaaaargggghhh!!!!

Thob hurries back to Jamit as he hears his shouts.

-Something attacked me... gather the rest... they are... in danger!

Thob nods and runs but comes back alone a few minutes later.

-I searched everywhere...but nothing- says Thob but knowing he can't give up he salutes and gets on the move again-I will try.

Jamit shouts once more.

- Retreat! Everyone back to the entrance!

Shangshi arrives. He removes his helm as he approaches the guard.

- Are you ok?

- No...-Jamit replies, struggling to speak- Get the others... back... here. They are... in... danger.

- I shall try.- Shangshi says, leaving quickly to gather the party.

A few minutes later the adventurers start to gather around Jamit.

- What is it brodr!?- questions Pirill while Jamit lies on a pool of blood.

- What has happened?- he insists.

- Something... attacked me...

- A monster?

- It... happened... so... fast. I could not see...

Pirill searches his pack for a healing potion. Jamit finds it hard to breathe, coughing blood constantly.

- Did you see where he went?

- No... It was... so fast

Yanlora arrives in the middle of the conversation.

- Err.. where who went?- she asks while Pirill finds a healing potion and gives it to Jamit. The guard makes an effort to drink it.

Pirill turns to Yanlora to explain.

- Powerful monsters attacked the plaza. We tracked them to the sewer but something attacked Jamit.

- Again? I heard about that...- she replies looking at the guard.

Shangshi returns with a few more people and they all start to tell what they heard or saw. "I have been feeling eyes upon the back of my head", Bragan said."Yes, they move in the dark", another said. A few minutes later, Kaerli joins the group.

- What's the reason for pulling back?- she asks.

Yanlora points at the messed up Jamit.

- Ouch. What hit you, or do you not know?- Kaerli asks but her attention quickly shifts to something else.- Footprints- the ranger assessed- but I don't recognize these, take a look at 'em. They aren't like any monster's prints that I've ever seen.

- I shall take your word for it, Kaerli. Tracking was never one of my skills- Bragan replies.

- These tracks are unlike any I have seen before...- Pirill add, fascinated.

- A click... then hit me.- Jamit says.- It was so fast.

- A click...that's bizarre.- Kaerli says.

- Sounds like a mechanical trap- Buruka ponders.

- I do not know... It came out of nowhere...

Kaerli frowns, noticing something new.

- Wait...those prints...they have three-toes and seem smeared as if they were made by webbed feet...-she shudders- Could a Klyros have been the attacker?

- Webbed feet?- Bragan asks- something that lives in water?

- Yes...Klyros are the only things I know with webbed feet.- she replies.

Jamit coughs some more blood, his plate armor pierced on the side, revealing a wound that does not stop bleeding. The stout dwarf is very pale and his wound needs attention. The party then moves out but as they leave, they can't help but feel someone or something was watching all along.