Author Topic: Last Stand of Wizards  (Read 912 times)


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Last Stand of Wizards
« on: July 08, 2008, 05:02:36 pm »
Hi Planeshifters. Today I'm shaky, but I hope this story will, at least, bring joy in your hearts.
The story is dedicated to the following people:

My brother Giorgio, who died yesterday. To the racket he used to make with his toy weapons, I won't ever be able to say goodbye. (Edit: this was a joke)
Parallo, for demanding this story (I used the policy "less eloquence = more understand").
Sangwa of Thunder, for bringing great awe in our hearts during the days of tempest and storms, like today is for me.
The great Skald from the North, for trasforming otherwise dull nights into enthralling moments we won't easily forget (and I believe I'm talking on behalf of the whole PS community), telling us epic tales and deeds of heroes. (He is also known as Draklar.) He is one of the reasons for Planeshift is what it is today.
John Thazer, Lord of Chaos, Bringer of Change, enemy of the Dark Empire, because even enemies like him, for how much irritable they might be, are part of life.

"It is written that one day, there will come a time when all the mages of the world will be drawn from the world, into a kind of limbo. The good mages, the Wizards, will be drawn into an empty universe, and given free reign to create whatever they wish. The evil mages, the Warlocks, will be drawn to a plane of brimstone and screams, in which they must do battle with one another, until it is decided who is the strongest. The strongest will go on to a great reward; the rest to endless torment. Until then, none will be allowed to remain dead for long." --Raven Black


Blow your horn, oh Skald.
May its howl set me alight.
And gift me with eloquence.
Manifold battles we have seen.
None as the Clash of Wizards.
Tell me: and begin from where you like.
Thazer didn't thread any path.
If not the chaotic one.
And many lives were sewered.
Many perished, many cherished...
Those who lived, tell tales of it.

The fat ynnwn kept rambling on, raving on the tactical plans, on how they'd take over the hamlet... this and that... and whatever.
-Forsooth! Don't you see the whole town is just two abandoned houses? - commented the thin guy, but in vain.
-Wait, I think Greius is right - interrupted the shortie at once - is it possible that you don't realize, boss? Don't you really see? This place isn't even worth our time. Let's just get going and we'll see what happens. -
Turns out another group of bandits was already raiding the few houses... two houses were all that settlement consisted of, as Greius knew.
-You have got some nerve! - was shouted. The guys unsheathed their swords and charged upon their rivals.
They were only two: one red caped and the other black hooded.
The black person just stepped aside, exclaiming: - Bah! I am tired of fighting. I didn't find anything of interest in there, anyway. -
Lifting an eyebrow, the other man let his hand slide on the red cape, black on the inside, then yawned, as if tired.
-Wait! - exclaimed the fat ynnwn - If they don't want to fight, we can just rob them. -
Then, inclosing his victim, the fat ynnwn intimidated him. The guy didn't budge, looking still away, at the distance.
- I am talking to you! Look at me! - and grabbed his hair, turning his head forcefully. This way he could stare directly at his eyes.
-AAAAaaargh! - shouted him. Shocked, or disgusted, he let loose his grasp on the red guy and, turning rapidly, fled towards his companions.
-What happens, boss? - asked Greius. - What have you seen?
-What have I seen?? I don't know! - shouted the fat ynnwn - I only know I stared at the eyes of that man, only for a split second... and that was the most disgusting shit I experienced in my life!
-What the hell? - grunted the shortie.
-There was something in his eyes! It's... sick! It's... wicked! - remarked the boss, appalled. - Go and look for yourself if you don't believe me. -
Greius approached the red man.
-Look at me, scum! - he said. As expected, no answer. - What the hell do you have in your eyes, look at me!! -
Said this, Greius put himself in front of his victim's eyes and stared deep into them.
-AAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaa..... - departed a scream of panick, fading out with long reverb.
Greius fell to ground, still alive, but in a trance.
Thus, for the first time, the man in red cape spoke.
-Stupid man. You have looked upon the Eye of Terror. Behold the Eye of Terror! -
Suddenly the rest of the gang charged, but everyone was met by the red caped man's gaze and fell down.
Few panicked and tried to flee, but the red man caught their sight and simply gazed.
-I am not looking at you! - finally exclaimed the fat ynnwn, covering his face. Suddenly he felt a prickle on his chest. A metal pyramid, surrounded by red color, had sprung from inside his body and pierced the clothes. The black hooded man, had snuck behind him, stabbing him with his dagger.
-Bah. This wasn't anywhere as fun as the Clash of Magi. - complained him, nervously walking towards his companion.
-Indeed Ken... - he started, in a grim mood - just it didn't work out as planned. It only resulted in casualties on both sides.
-However they suffered many more casualties than us, you have to admit - said Ken.
-Have it your own way, Kenneth. - said him, shaking his head in disapproval - The purpose of the Clash of Magi was to net us a few acres of land, upon which to erect outposts and even more Wizard Towers. However, not only no land was gained, but many wizards were lost, among which Pyrokar, the Kei'elar.-
-And isn't this positive? - questioned Ken.
-You know better than me. We have already discussed of this. - grinned the red caped man.
Ken nodded, while they walked away.

         *         *         *

Reunited in the magic circle, the Wizards hasted to convoy the mana on the focus orb, making it glow with blue light.
-Enough! - decreeted Pyrokar - Let me scry upon it. -
He walked to the centre of the circle and sat, while staring at the orb. Instants of time passed, yet as long as years. They awaited to know what their destiny was.
Noticing the worried expression, -Master, how's the Scry coming? - inquired Arran the apprentice.
-It isn't finished yet, but you've better alert the other Wizard Towers, for the enemy is about to strike and they plan a magical assault. They are so much superior to us.-
Everyone in the circle shivered.
-But master - insisted Arran - will we... survive? -
Pyrokar dropped the orb and looked at his apprentice. It took him a few seconds to be able to reply.
-No, Arran, we are doomed. But we must fight back, for if we desert, the lands of the third circle will fall to the Dark Empire's control and domain. We have to stop their advancing. -
A great confusion struck the Wizards, who, panicking, argued against each other with animosity.
One of the eldest Wizards took the word: - I suggest that we retreat and join the other magicians. After all there are many other Towers and, if we alert them, they will have the time to charge their spells before the enemy strikes. We aren't the last stand, after all.
-No - rebutted Pyrokar - it will never work. We, are the last stand! If the Dark Empire gets beyond this Tower, the rest of us magicians will fall. We have to hold the enemies here while our magicians, in the meantime, charge their spells, or they will never have enough time. Our sacrifice will save them and the war will be won.-
Few of the magicians dispatched the message to the other Towers.
Shortly, one of the chiefs of the other circles sent a reply back. It said: "Honorable Pyrokar, you are the Kei'elar and without you, we would be nothing. You are our commander, only you know the best spells of fire and, if you die, they will be lost. Please run for your life, save yourself. We'll be glad to sacrifice our lives to keep your Art alive in our Realm."
Once the message was read, the circle agreed that Pyrokar should run away, for with his death much would go definitely lost. He should live, so that his fire spells would survive with him and other Wizards might study them in the future.
Pyrokar was moved by the deep affection of the Wizards. Thus he spoke.
-What do you think the most scorching thing of all is? What's the hottest fire that you know, the fire which burns with the most heat? -
The Wizards thought Pyrokar was testing their magical knowledge. They were aware that only the Kei'elar knew the most powerful spells and his specialty was fire indeed. So each of the magicians tried to guess a spell name from Pyrokar's spellbook.
One by one, they tried their guess. One by one, they were rebuked for their ignorance.
Finally, Pyrokar explained: - The hottest fire isn't found in a magical spell. The hottest fire is the fire of love. It is the fire which gives me the courage to stay and to keep this stand, in order to defend whom I love. This is the biggest fire. The best spell of fire, no matter how powerful it may be, couldn't ever match this fire. I have experienced it and its flame enwraps me. I bask in it and its heat is a bliss. I will give my life for it, for there is no life, just the Fire. If you lack this fire, you lack everything. -
Thus he spoke and the other magicians were puzzled. They were going to die but they wished to know.
-Master - said Arran - how can we experience that fire? We want to experience it too.
-It is too late for you to experience it - gloomily stated Pyrokar - but I can describe it for you. - He paused as if a great burden had overwhelmed him. He crossed his fingers on his heart, took a deep breath and exhaled, slowly looking up, as if his mind had gone far away. Everyone was curious, they craved from his words, they wanted to know what it felt like. They wanted to experience it
-When I met my lover's lips, the air was set ablaze. All around us ebbed to conflagrate and burn, and overburn. Space was set in twain, the fire inside us, as lava, mingled our bodies and where my body matched hers, no longer was I, but us. And the fire outside us, in the air and everywhere, so hot it cold to destroy everything, made everything unimportant but to taste that moment. I abandoned myself to the Fire and let it flow inside me, so I blent into it and the space was no longer sundered. Our breaths merged into one and I no longer remembered who I was, so I thought: "who am I?". So if, surronded by the fire, I looked at her and she asked me "What's the fire?", "What's important?" then I'd answer "You are the fire, you are important".-
Suddenly, disrupting the mind, the Mental Wave reached them. It was the beginning of the Clash of Magi. For one second, Pyrokar knew and with all himself wished and appealled : - If there exists a superior God, please, I beg you that when I'll be no more, may you upkeep the Fire for her, for she will be alone. - And a sensation similar to waterous bitter bile mixed with thousand iron spikes hit his heart and the rest of his body, obfuscating his sight with tears. There wasn't enough time to realize though, as he entered the into the Mental Wave, starting to clash his brain against those combined of the Dark Empire Wizards.

         *         *         *

Sangwa of Thunder had the Fire too. Such a flame, he possessed. And he was happy for it, he was powerful with it. Sangwa summoned everyone in the throne room of the Dark Empire Headquarters. He was happy and wished to celebrate his triumph.
Suddenly a white gleaming feminine silhouette arrived, by cunningly stepping through the doorway. Her skin so luminous, so polished and elastic, covered the exquisitely shaped body. Her hair was light brown with blonde and red highlights which glittered at sunlight. You would ask: what is, such a wonder? Is she Human or Dermorian? Impossible to tell, for she conveyed the beauty of both plus her grace and agility that rendered her superior and unimaginably attractive. Everybody kneeled down and bowed their heads. Except Sangwa, who was allowed to simply bow. He kissed her offered hand.
-Princess Aelya - he gleefully said - I have to report you our success!! -
-Explain - coldly said the Princess. And yet her voice was so warm.
-The Chaotic Warriors engaged us in a Clash of Magi on the southern frontier in the third circle and I managed to handle the situation very conveniently for the Empire. We have lost not a single acre of land, while we managed to eliminate their Kei'elar, Pyrokar!! -. Thus he said and he expected commend, but the Princess remained silent.
-And do you call this a success? - softly asked her, breaking an embarassing silence.
-My Lady, aren't you satisfied of my demeanour? I lead our Wizards to success! I managed to defeat Pyrokar! This will be a dire strike for the Chaotic Warriors...
-Do you really think we have been successful? - asked her more energically. - Do you really think that Pyrokar has lost? And all the casualties among our Wizards?
-I think... - tried Sangwa.
-Be silent! - raved the lady - Pyrokar has stopped our magicians and you fell for his trap! Had we passed his Tower, the rest would have fallen and we'd conquered the Chaotic Warriors. Don't you think?
-But how, my Lady - questioned Sangwa - I too considered that aspect but their defenses seemed unbreakable. Now even I, the Thunder, could have broken them.
-You are a fool! - shouted the Princess, enraged. - It was simpler than that. Really. Can't you just look at your left? Who's besides you? You have a sister. And if you are the Thunder, who might your sister be? -
Suddenly Sangwa realized. All made sense. How dumb of him, all of this time, not to have considered this possibility.
-If I am the Thunder, my sister is... Hurricane! - exclaimed Sangwa.
-Exactly! At long last you realize! - proclaimed Aelya - And if only you had asked for the help of your sister, then she could have easily turned the tides of war in our favour.
-How dumb of me - realized Sangwa - I apologize my Lady. He felt pityful before her.
-You acted recklessly and egoistically and... - said her. The Thunder was not only ashamed but felt insignificant. Silence reigned for a dozen of seconds.
-...and I simply love that! - continued her, blinking gracefully. Then she stamped her lips onto his forehead and kissed. - I'll be gone. Take care of the Dark Empire for me, my dear. -
Delighted for the kiss, Sangwa of Thunder, was completely dismayed. So, in the end, she liked him! He didn't notice her go. She stepped through the room, letting her hand through her hair. When she reached the door, Sangwa immediately realized and stood up.
-My Lady! - he shouted - Wait please!! -
When she crossed the doorway, suddenly a bright flash of light surged and devoured her.
-NOOOOOOO!!! - screamed him, running outside. - Wait! I am not ready, I... I... - she couldn't be seen nowhere. Evidently she was no longer in that world -... love you - whispered the Thunder, as noone could hear him. Suddenly realizing to have permanently lost his Fire, Sangwa's eyes turned dim and dark.
With the speed of the Thunder, Sangwa dived inside and before his sister.
-I hate you! - he shouted with extreme rage - I hate you! all this time, you had so great a power and never told me. Now everything is lost because of you!! -
Then he turned towards the rest. - You have heard our Princess Aelya. I am the new sovreign. The Dark Empire is mine!  Does anyone question my authority? - shouted him.
A voice could be heard but Sangwa looked at the opponent and a thunder departed from his hand, incinerating him.
-Anyone else? - questioned the Thunder. Everyone bowed down, as they did earlier for the princess. - Good. - said Sangwa, grinning with satisfaction.
-And now - ordered to his sister - you will pay for your crimes by serving the Empire in its highest ranks and aiding me in command. Let's proceed with world domination. -
A dark aura had clearly overtaken Sangwa.
John Thazer and Ken Shinobi, having looked at the whole scene through a divinatory orb, laughed now and then.
-Veeery well. - said Ken, pleased for the outcome. -Sangwa's changement is finally complete. Everything as we planned.
-And so, Ken, - said John - this is the Dark Empire. Nothing but fools, now that the Lady has left them. They think their decisions actually mattered.
-Little they know - remarked Ken - that whatever they might have done, a Clash of Magi doesn't allow anyone conquer any land. Nor to us, nor to them.
-Indeed, it doesn't simply work as intended - explained John - and I'm not in the mood to fix things. So whatever everyone did, the outcome was going to be only one.
-Also - continued Ken - I'm sure Pyrokar never suspected we actually attacked the Dark Empire and not viceversa. Poor idiot. He died thinking he was defending his homeland, while he was on the invaders' side. He was the evil person of this story and didn't even know he was fighting against the good guys, the Dark Empire.-
The two laughed horribly: MOUAHAHAHA! MWAHAAHHAAHAHAHHAAHAHAHA! and their laughter echoed through the air for the rest of the day.

         *         *         *

In this game there are no true winners. But if you think about it, in any game with opponents, there is no winner without many losers. Where one rejoyces, another cries in despair. It is the law of balance.
And even if I'm aware the bliss of the winner is sweet, so worse is the despair of the losers. My name is Arran and this was my story, with all the details I found out only after years. I was next to my master during his tragic moment.
We of the circle tried to stick close, but one second of negligence was enough for the Wizards of the Dark Empire to overcome us. I too wondered where they could find so great a Strength from. They seemed to be convinced, so patriotic, so right. I thought we were the righteous ones, but they too, or else how could they crush us? l was unaware they simply defended their families and their homeland. I was so naive. If I knew, I wouldn't have killed so many. And so in that moment Pyrokar, before the flame of his life departed from this Realm, used his last sparkle of energy to conjure a Sylph and I found myself adrift, pushed by the wind, many miles away. I couldn't tell you, but I know you hear me from the Mystics Realm: thank you, my master. I owe you my life.
Forgive me, Pyrokar. I failed: forgive me. She was there, in Hydlaa, before me. She looked so happy when she spotted me, that she dropped everything and rushed to me and asked for news about the War. And I told her that we have won, thanks to you, my master. You were a hero. She was so happy to know! And she looked so beautiful and full of life when, with glittering eyes, she asked for news of you and how soon you'd come back to her. Forgive me Pyrokar, because I lacked the courage to tell her the truth. I couldn't pluck the petals of this flower, because I was petrified. I was terrorized to see the face before me, so happy, with the smiling cheeks, turn doleful and maybe wheeping and I don't know what, I was afraid to discover. What should have I told her? That her love and reason to live had died? The mere thought filled me with grieve, which, in a few seconds, I felt I couldn't hide for longer, so I excused myself and ran away before the tears could betray me. -Who am I, a child or a Wizard? - I thought. Maybe you could tell me, because I don't know.
But what happened after, is what truly struck me. I couldn't believe my eyes! She had run and followed me, no matter how many corners I turned, no matter I'd crossed half of the city. -Wait! - she screamed. I will never forget her screams. She said she'd forgetten to ask if you were alright and she had to know. She was starving for you, oh master. She couldn't let me go without an answer. I think that, deep inside herself, she already knew about your fate.  But in that moment, finally, I too knew the Fire. Not because I've experienced it, oh master: I haven't. But I knew it all the same. I knew it because you loved me so much to save my life, while I couldn't explain her that I should have died, but you were dead in my place.
Burning everything around me, Fire made me realize how unimportant everything is, such as: who are friends? who are enemies? We are the same. There are only creatures of Yliakum.
And I know that John Thazer and Ken Shinobi ignored all of this. If they knew, they would have never committed such a treason. So I should probably forgive them - but I can't. I know I am contraddicting myself, but I can't forgive them. I hate them. Everyone needs to know who truly the Chaotic Warriors are and that they need to get killed. They are a threat for us all, they deserve to die. They did so much harm to innoccent lives. So my life now has a new purpose: to eradicate the Chaotic Warriors. If anyone gets to read this diary, please join me in my crusade and kill them. John Thazer has the Eye of Terror and the Sword of Chaos. Be well prepared. And Ken Shinobi needs to be annihilated before he approaches. If you know he sleeps in a house, bring enough explosives to make the whole Yliakum cave in. They deserve to die.
Oh master, I'll be forever your apprentice.
The apprentice
« Last Edit: August 21, 2018, 02:58:47 pm by Attersson »


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Re: Last Stand of Wizards
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2008, 10:04:46 am »
Oh noes! People still write about me. Trust me my friends I'm not such bad character. Our friend Tmed here, always puts me in a darker light.

You can try, but you shall fail! Seek us not, we shall find you.


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Re: Last Stand of Wizards
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2008, 08:42:04 am »
John, you've grown a sense of humorism, calling me names...  :)

Let's see what people think about your guild site, that I successfully "acquired" through certain means and hosted here: <--- To understand what the Kei'elar is.

So let me see. Aelya says it's fine, essentially. Good.

Sangwa and Ken... hmmm... hang on, let me hire a lawyer  :D