Author Topic: Fhasha Qii  (Read 1650 times)


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Fhasha Qii
« on: July 29, 2008, 01:33:58 am »
Fhasha Qii
   Her arm was in searing pain, dripping with blood. As she rushed along the old forgotten forest path she glanced back, hoping that her attackers were no longer following.
   A noise!
   She dove into a thick fern and lay dead still, her eyes wide with fright, her heart pumping with anxiety. She could feel every single muscle in her body tense up as she strained to hear anything outside the usual forest ambience.
   Every sound that reached her ears was amplified and twisted into potential death. Her arm went numb and she realised that she might die anyway without the help of her attackers.
   Her energy was draining fast, her muscles started relaxing and she could no longer muster the energy to keep her eyes open. As her vision blurred, her hearing dimmed, and she was filled with a sickly but nonetheless welcome warmth that took her pain away.
   In her mind she could hear her mother's voice, singing a soft lullaby to help her sleep. The wind picked up pace, the clouds rolled overhead, but Fhasha knew nothing of it. Death was calling her now, she could hear him... just a little further... almost there... I'm dying... dying...
   "Gotcha!" her eyes shot open to see a man kneeling over her. She tried to scream but could only manage a soft, pitiful, almost unnoticeable cough. With expressionless eyes she glanced down at her stomach, seeing a dagger embedded into her gut, the man twisting at the handle and smiling a beautiful smile.
   She smiled back.

to be coninued...

Morla Phlint

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Re: Fhasha Qii
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2008, 03:36:14 am »
Beautiful, Eliseth, so beautiful it hurts... Can't wait to see what happens next...
« Last Edit: July 29, 2008, 04:07:42 am by Morla Phlint »

since 0.3.019 Crystal Blue || Sometimes a ragequit is the right decision.

Mathy Stockington

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Re: Fhasha Qii
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2008, 07:53:35 am »
Eliseth I read this twice. It is terrific. Can you please explain the title to me though? Along with Morla, I cannot wait for more to come!!
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Re: Fhasha Qii
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2008, 08:01:33 am »
excellent start, i can't wait to read more! :D


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Re: Fhasha Qii
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2008, 01:13:22 am »
[Thanks for the comments, I appreciate them. Mathy, Fhasha Qii is the name of the woman who was attacked]

Fasha Qii, continued...

Drip.      Drip.      Drip.      Drip.
   High above the canopy of trees, the azure sky cried it's rainy tears, casting a gloomy shadow across the forest below. Water droplets slid down the leaves, clinging desperately before plummeting toward the muddy forest floor.
   In the distance, voices could be heard, growing in strength as they drew closer.
   "...and we won't have this discussion again, Dris," came the voice of a woman, "If your father doesn't approve we'll just have to carry on without his blessing."
   The voice of a desperate man followed closely. "Don't turn your back on me! You know what this means to us."
   A pause.
   As though in anxiety, a low, menacing whisper passed through the trees as the wind blew across the Dome.
   "I'll see you at home," said the woman finally, the sound of her footsteps amplified by her anger. The young man stood in frustration, kicking up some mud, and something else...
   Curious, the man knelt down to see what he had disturbed. A knife of panic pierced his heart as he discovered the foot of a Klyros woman, who lay lifelessly concealed in a thick fern. She was hardly breathing enough to notice and covered in her own blood.
   He looked around, knowing that there won't be anyone to help. The wind picked up pace, mocking his efforts to scream, and giving the rain an extra burst of stinging cold. Drenched to the skin, the young man picked Fhasha up in his arms and rushed towards the forest's edge.
   A water droplet slid down the hand of the dying woman. As it clung to her finger it sparkled with the dying azure light.
   The light dimmed. It fell.

to be continued...
« Last Edit: July 31, 2008, 02:30:54 am by Eliseth »


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Re: Fhasha Qii
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2008, 01:49:45 am »
Fhasha Qii, continued...

   Sound filtered through the hazy curtain of consciousness, faint at first but growing clearer as light reach her opening eyes. When at last she was able to see, Fhasha noticed that she was in an ultic, probably in Akkaio, judging by the markings on the little Enkidukai boy who was standing next to her resting place, staring down at her.
   "Rrohisi sa, koliryba?" came his sweet voice. She looked straight into his eyes and saw the wisdom of a thousand years. All she could do was nod.
   The little boy giggled and ran from the ultic. Fhasha looked around as she attempted to sit up. This place was warm. A fire was burning merrily in the middle of the tent, it looked like there was a pot hanging over it, filling the air with a delicious smell that made her want to throw up.
   She winced in pain. She threw her covers aside, noticing her naked state. The wound on her stomach was visible but no longer bloody. Whoever had healed her had done a very good job of it.
   She quickly pulled the covers over herself again as the little boy came storming into the ultic again, followed closely by a slightly plump Enkidukai woman.
   The Enkidukai smiled at her as she came closer and knelt down next to her.
   "Why hello there young woman, what are you trying to do here?" she said, as she pushed on her chest to get her to lie down again, "You are in no way strong enough to get up yet you silly thing. You were truly in bad shape when you came to me."
   The little boy was sitting by the fire, playing with a stick he had brought in, he was fascinated by the mechanics of fire, setting the tip of the stick alight and then blowing it out again.
   Fhasha's face echoed her thoughts as confusion set in. The Enkidukai woman noticed this, and simply nodded. "You don't remember, do you?"
   Fhasha felt she should say something, but found she was unable to, or unwilling to, she wasn't sure. She looked up at the woman and shook her head.
   The woman sighed and then smiled again, "Not to worry, I'll tell you everything in good time. Now, you must eat." She went to the pot and scooped some of its contents into a wooden bowl and brought it to Fhasha. She helped her to sit up a little and then handed her the food. Fhasha was in no mood to eat, but knew that she needed to. The woman didn't wait for thanks and quietly left the tent.
   As she ate what seemed to be a soup of some kind, the little boy came and sat next to her with his own bowl. Fhasha watched as he carefully scooped some into his mouth, not wanting to spill. He looked at her with those brilliant eyes again, smiling softly. His gaze reached deep into her soul, reading her secrets, drinking her thoughts. He giggled and ate some more soup.

to be continued...

Mathy Stockington

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Re: Fhasha Qii
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2008, 06:28:53 am »
Please don't keep me waiting to long Eliseth. This is great!!
Life is lived forwards, but understood backwards


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Re: Fhasha Qii
« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2010, 11:41:35 am »
[decided to get a bit creative again, since I can't log into the game for a couple of days]

Fhasha Qii, continued...

Time passed like water through a stream. Days meshed together in a blur of warmth and suspicious safety. Fhasha grew uneasy with each passing hour, passed experience has never allowed her to stay in one spot for long. She knew it was only a matter time before the kindly Enkidukai woman and her little son would be dead. Sitting in a old wooden chair at the other end of the ultic, the young boy shifted his gaze from his toys to her face. Peering deep into her mind, his expression seemed to reflect her fears. What is it about this child, surely he can't know? She had to leave, and soon.
    Outside the elements were raging. The wind was blowing strong and rain was pouring. And somewhere, not to far, a sinister man with an even more sinister purpose took cover in the hollow of a tree, smiling as he watched the entrance to the magnificent Ojaveda city.
    A chill ran down the spine of the troubled Fhasha, and all at once she tried to stand. With a wince of pain the Klyros doubled over, but remained on her feet, pushing the concerned young Enkidukai aside as he tried to get her back on the bed.
    "Ubyna tanjeth zhrre!" cried the boy in a distressed voice. Though Fhasha was fond of the child, she did not hesitate to smack him out the way when he attempted once again to stop her. The young boy fell to the ground and broke out in tears. Each droplet of salty sadness like a blade tearing through her soul.

    In the next moment Fhasha was weaving her way through the maze of Enkidukai homes, wiping the tears from her eyes as she went. Tears of physical pain and emotional regret. Finally the familiar site of Brado's Tavern came into view.
    Glancing back one last time, Fhasha allowed herself a significant moment of sorrowful reflection.
    In the one single moment her heart wrenched for a what she didn't have. And so the wind kept blowing and rain kept falling, and the boy kept crying and man... stopped smiling.

to be continued...