Author Topic: [Event] The Hand of Law  (Read 2538 times)


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Re: [Event] The Hand of Law
« Reply #15 on: August 18, 2008, 10:45:28 am »
[I was at a trial once and the judge admonished me because I kept shifting around in my seat due to a pillar blocking the sight-lines. He actually told me he would have me removed if I did not sit still. I was surprised no-one got ejected for all the /me spam that was going on. It kind of defeated the purpose of being asked to remain quiet to have people interjecting action emotes. I do realize that it gave the spectators a feeling of being a part of the event but it wasn't the kind of play where the actors intentionally broke the "fourth wall." Arresting a few people at the end was probably the least disruptive thing they could have done. If everyone had related the ants in their pants the trial would have gotten lost in the chatbox. I admit I offered up a bad smell during the course of the trial but it was supposed to discourage other "emotes," a fact that nobody understood. I made my political advocacy speeches before the trial and after Amidson had declared the trial over.

It was quite a show and the GMs were marvels of forbearance. ]


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Re: [Event] The Hand of Law
« Reply #16 on: August 18, 2008, 11:31:09 am »
[I personally enjoyed the players' reactions to the verdict and the evidence as it was introduced. That child skull... priceless. :P]

Lolitra, Celorrim Purrty Twins

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Re: [Event] The Hand of Law
« Reply #17 on: August 18, 2008, 11:36:11 am »
[a great event - made me think how corrupt the judicial system can be - Lolitra was rather miffed at not being allowed to speak her words in the court - she stormed out hehe - and was very shocked to hear that the Guards went 'mad' arresting all sundry of people for talking in court - a sort of thing expected with such a 'verdict' heheh]

[Corrupt? Because a citizen is not allowed to address the Vigesimi during an official proceeding like a trial? Hmmm... interesting interpretation. Glad you enjoyed the event though.]

It had nothing to do with people not being allowed to speak during the trial, it was to do with the 'judgement' passed, and that Lolitra felt that the evidence offered - seemingly new - from the Rogue was taken at face value - where as it should have caused the court to be adjourned to 'test' that evidence prior to conviction. (which is what would happen in real courts it it were new evidence that would effect the judgment and conviction of those on trial)

It may well be that the court was already aware of this - it was just that Lolitra was not.... and wished to 'give up some wisdom' to the courts.  This being a Character thing to her.

I do feel that it would have left the whole thing a little flat to just watch - and not see 'reactions' of others to the court hearing as it went on - which builds for future RP.

I personally do not disagree with the 'contempt of court' in the fact that some would be told to 'be quiet - or be removed'  In reality a court would not arrest or charge if the person was evicted and the case continued - only if they returned and continued would they in reality charge contempt of court.  Lolitra's feelings against this is purely a pride thing!

On the note of court proceedings - this hearing was very 'simplistic' compared to a real crown court hearing - which is what this would have been being a court that can judge a sentence of death.  In reality it would have gone on for days - during which - yes - believe it or not - new evidence can be introduced between adjournments - so long as it is presented before the next hearing, unlike a Coronors court where they can introduce new evidence at 'any time' during that hearing.  Then there is the fact that there would have been the Cross Examinations of the 'key witnesses' both for and against the defendant(s).

The other facter is that a lot of players could have missed their opportunity to 'give evidence' or 'false evidence' (for believe it or not - people do lie in court...) due to their inability to be in game at the appropriate times.  [how many suffered this I have no idea - if any at all.]

The next thing I will highlight is that if we are talking about courts of the Middle Ages - they generally had it so evidence would be heard 'ad-hock' - from any present at the time, and then a judgement passed... sometimes a mob court... as then they were not so - complex.

I will reiterate though - that it was a great event... and I did enjoy it greatly and would not wish to 'change the course' of pre-planned scripted event. I do however feel that 'seeing' /me reactions to the court proceedings made for a more real Role Play - and gave opportunities for people to 'prepare' or 'react' in ways that would create new RP for later times...

But that is only my oppinion.
Her Royal Highness Lolitra Hollinthy Purrty nods regally 'I am delighted to meet you' her tiara twinkles in the crystal light.
[had to remove my signature - as the image host lost it!!!!]


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Re: [Event] The Hand of Law
« Reply #18 on: August 18, 2008, 12:05:19 pm »
[ Great Event. In my oppinion, player reactions are indeed necessary for an RP. Otherwise we could as well get the whole "planned thing" written here to read it like a story. The Vigesimi shouting "Silence!" is exactly as IC as someone using /me to describe a visual reaction is silente (unless they describe that they make noise)

There: People waiting to get in: ]


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Re: [Event] The Hand of Law
« Reply #19 on: August 18, 2008, 12:06:29 pm »
[Keep in mind that this is the first hearing done in game. Things are still being worked as to the way the court proceeds I'm sure. I think they way it went was fine, as it would have taken up way too much time otherwise and the Vigesimi is a busy person. She would have not been happy to be still hearing the case days later. And 1 RL day is the equivalent of 6 PS days as well.

If I recall, the session went from 12 midnight to 3 pm the next day in IG time. If they were to do it in a way more like RL then it would throw off the RP in other ways. Not to mention PS is allowed to break from RL norms. I mean if you lived underground, you would probably do things a bit different as well.  ;) ]

Lolitra, Celorrim Purrty Twins

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Re: [Event] The Hand of Law
« Reply #20 on: August 18, 2008, 12:13:55 pm »
I just hope that MORE events like this are forthcoming - as the planning that would have had to have gone into this must have been tremendous. 

BIG UP to the GM's... and thanks.
Her Royal Highness Lolitra Hollinthy Purrty nods regally 'I am delighted to meet you' her tiara twinkles in the crystal light.
[had to remove my signature - as the image host lost it!!!!]

Under the moon

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Re: [Event] The Hand of Law
« Reply #21 on: August 18, 2008, 12:32:36 pm »
[Yliakum court is not the same as you know. The 'trial' actually happens behind the scenes, and guilt is assumed and proven beforehand. The public part of the trial is to show the people the evidence deemed most noteworthy and declare the verdict. If you read the court opening again: "By my power, blessed by the Gods and Law, I declare this honorable trial to have begun. Let Justice be my shining light in the eyes of the Gods. Let Mercy be granted to those deserving. Let the full Fury of the Law fall on those guilty. Bring forth the accused..." you will notice there is no provision in that for releasing the innocent. :) Now for some screenies!]

The court falls quiet as the accused are brought in. Evidence is placed before the court.

Witnesses are called in turn, and the terrible tale unfolds.

Even so, trials can become long for those who have seen them before.

Levrus comes to have his say. Someone please remind him where he is, and that 'Purple' is not on trial.

The new evidence that leave no doubt.

And the man who found it hidden in the sewers.

The case ended, and the brothers were taken away. After a break, a new case was called.

Vileneck Ord enters and quietly takes his place.

He explains to the court how he was used, and why he did what he did. He accepts full responsibility for his actions, and is granted a lesser sentence of banishment to live out his remaining weeks of life.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2008, 12:38:33 pm by Under the moon »


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Re: [Event] The Hand of Law
« Reply #22 on: August 18, 2008, 12:38:51 pm »
[Jayose Levrus and his obsession about the color purple... You should ask him about it in-game, by the way. I hear he'll be happy to elaborate. :detective:]


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Re: [Event] The Hand of Law
« Reply #23 on: August 19, 2008, 03:46:21 pm »
[ all of the /me going on was way to distracting, was over used really. im not picking at anyone but honestly who do you think in a event like this would realistically notice you giving a glare, and a slight yes or no shake of the head or lip biting...once in a while maybe but (" gasp glare gasp cry gasp glare whisper gasp  nod whisper glare smile smirk glare ")  it was rather aggravating that it seemed to be more for attention grabbing than to just put yourself more in character for some people i myself went to the /me a time or two but one persons name coming up every 2-6 lines with things nobody would possible either notice OR care about is...never mind. other than this i really enjoyed the trial. i also enjoyed all the arresting going on :thumbup: ]
« Last Edit: August 19, 2008, 03:52:26 pm by Capprion »


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Re: [Event] The Hand of Law
« Reply #24 on: August 19, 2008, 03:56:29 pm »
[ all of the /me going on was way to distracting, was over used really. im not picking at anyone but honestly who do you think in a event like this would realistically notice you giving a glare, and a slight yes or no shake of the head or lip biting...once in a while maybe but (" gasp glare gasp cry gasp glare whisper gasp  nod whisper glare smile smirk glare ")  it was rather aggravating that it seemed to be more for attention grabbing than to just put yourself more in character for some people i myself went to the /me a time or two but one persons name coming up every 2-6 lines with things nobody would possible either notice OR care about is...never mind. other than this i really enjoyed the trial. i also enjoyed all the arresting going on :thumbup: ]

The "lookitme mentality" of some players has had whole threads dedicated to it.  (I seem to recall a recent one about Mary-Sue-ism....)  The event was very interesting and it was great to get an insight into the workings of the legal system of the Octarchy.  I understand the desire to express oneself, but that's what groups are for.  Cluster in with the people who want to hear it, and then offer quiet commentary.  A tab for folks who are 'on stage' would be very handy for performances and such like this, but until we have it then we need to treat the Main tab with a little less spam and a little more courtesy, IMHO.


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Re: [Event] The Hand of Law
« Reply #25 on: August 19, 2008, 04:22:01 pm »

And the man who found it hidden in the sewers.

 :ban: oh no i look so angry  :( and my hair  so grey  >:( im not old enough to have grey  hair im 22!!
But it was my frist Testimony [IC and RL] and thanks for my guild to help me to translate the english. [Thanks Planeshift  :P to learn every day so much english  :thumbup:]


Kezar Ketar, Veteran of the Order of Light

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Re: [Event] The Hand of Law
« Reply #26 on: August 19, 2008, 04:23:53 pm »
There wasn't nearly /me going as much as it would seem. Most of the people didn't do it at all. Also, it is realistic. If you can notice the subtle fidgeting of the prisoners you'll notice the reactions of the people in the court. Try telling someone that there is a murderer killing kids and carrying their skulls around. What's the likelihood the person will not react. ::| The people observing were hearing about the kids for the first time. That would not give enough time to restrain reaction.


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Re: [Event] The Hand of Law
« Reply #27 on: August 19, 2008, 04:42:54 pm »
There wasn't nearly /me going as much as it would seem. Most of the people didn't do it at all. Also, it is realistic. If you can notice the subtle fidgeting of the prisoners you'll notice the reactions of the people in the court. Try telling someone that there is a murderer killing kids and carrying their skulls around. What's the likelihood the person will not react. ::| The people observing were hearing about the kids for the first time. That would not give enough time to restrain reaction.

I think there's a happy medium, though, between offering legitimate reactions to major moments and needing to see one's own name every few lines.  Just an opinion based on having sat through the first trial, nothing more or less.


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Re: [Event] The Hand of Law
« Reply #28 on: August 20, 2008, 11:16:19 am »
[I do not think anyone is saying it was out of character for people to express their reactions during the trial, just that from some players perspective it detracted from the overall experience, lengthened the proceedings and was not, for those reasons, really appropriate. I, for one, wish people had shown more restraint.]
* Prolix , speaking to whoever might be in earshot:
Yes Sir I saw the whole thing. Can you imagine the gall of those so called "Royals" disrupting the proceedings of the Octarch's court? It is a wonder they were not banished and sent back through the Bronze Doors.COACT is seriously considering starting a petition to that effect! I'm telling you friends, when COACT speaks, the bureaucracy listens. It wasn't just them of course there were a few others who could use a course in decorum. Perhaps ninety day in the dungeons will teach them a lesson. Did you see the poor Vigesimi? She had to scream to be heard over all the rustling. She sure cuts a magnificent figure, I wonder if she is married.

["Prolly" is such a twit ;) ]