Author Topic: GuildWare is up  (Read 403 times)


  • Hydlaa Resident
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GuildWare is up
« on: April 19, 2003, 07:21:38 am »
(posts quickly before forums crash again)

Right, well the suite that Simon has been working on is ready for alpha testing.  Note that there\'s quite a few features that still need implementing (haven\'t set up the create-character section with PlaneShift races, but will be doing that tomorrow *EDIT* It\'s done now!).  A description from the front of the site is as follows:

Here\' s how it works:

At this time this site is early in its developement and guild site creation requires manual intervention on my part.

If you are not tolerant of bugs that can crop up and delays that may occur in fixing them (I write this site as a hobby in my spare time so depending how severe a problem is it may take some time to be fixed) then I suggest you do not request a site.

What you get for having a guild site:

Message board, Calendar, Guild Roster, Guild application area and custom pages with an automated menu creation system. Alliances can be made between guilds, offering them extra access you your site which strangers would not get. How much you give them is completely up to you. Many other features will be added in the future, guild banking, archives, gallery and many more.

What do I require for this?

As I said, since this is still under developement it takes time on my part to add sites so for now I will not be adding that many, probably no more than 5 or 10 over the next few weeks until I see how stable things are and if there are any major issues.

Several interfaces are still cruder than they will be in the final release, especially the guild site area, where if you do not have a knowledge of cascading style sheets (CSS) you may have some problems making your site look the way you want it to. A simple easy to use interface for doing it is part way through writing at this time.

When I am satisfied at the way things are running I will open the area up for a much easier guild creation system.


To request a guild please do the following:

Post a new thread, put at the front the words GUILD REQUEST, followed by your guild name. In the post include a description of your guild; its aims, preferences, beliefs, rules and also its membership requirements.

Lastly you will need at least 5 people signed up in reply posts to your guild - don\' t bother just faking this as we have access to emails, etc. Both you and all the people signed up must have unguilded characters available to be signed up.

When that is done, I will review the request. If accepted, I will create you a site area. When I do that, you and the 5 people that backed your guild will have all your characters added to the guild. Please bear in mind that at the present there is no way to remove a character from a guild.

To join an existing guild:

You can sign up to the site even if you don\' t belong to a guild, but you will need to have a character name and game selected before you can join any guild. This is in the edit profile section. You can create as many characters as you like, but once a character is guilded, you can\' t guild it anywhere else.

Please bear in mind it is still under developement and many features are not yet in place.

So far, everything looks pretty good, but we need volunteer guilds to test it!  For all those folks who expressed interest in the site while we were constructing it, now\'s your chance to have a go!


We\'ve found a few problems already with logging in and getting to the boards, but that seems to be fixed now.   If you have a guild that would like to try out this suite, give it a go and Simon will get back to you when he can.


« Last Edit: April 19, 2003, 03:39:02 pm by Mehallie »