Author Topic: My thoughts on enchanting&smithing  (Read 2842 times)


  • Hydlaa Resident
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« Reply #30 on: February 20, 2002, 07:08:49 pm »
That would be too easy since if everyone did that quest the materials/ore would be limitless if you could redo the quest....  Think about what you said when there are 800+ people online



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« Reply #31 on: February 20, 2002, 11:48:00 pm »
Originally posted by corsairk8
Yes, but the trouble is that a game economy will never work if you can simply create (or obtain for free) your own raw materials, and build weapons. If there is unlimited sources of metals then there would be either a situation like in RuneScape where one or two people dominates, or a massive surge of powerful items, which would devalue everything in the game, for trading. If there were few finite or limited amounts of raw materials in mines, then eventually people will run out and weapons will become too rare. In my opinion, mining hasnt worked in RuneScape, so why fall for the same trap?

Im sure you may have fun, but im not really the one to talk to about this. Im not the guy who decides this stuff. You really should just play the game when its out, and decide then if you enjoy it and wish to play it regularly. We are sure that our game will be appealing to alot of roleplayers.

Yes, this is all true.  I think the key is balance.  Every read the Sword of Truth series?  Thats the kind of balance I mean. If there is ANY creation in the game, there should be an equal and opposite force.  Entropy if you will.  The balance for birth and growth?  Aging and death.  Thats why there are no immortals.  The balance for godly powers?  Godly mistakes.  If you\'ve ever read the Mage: Ascension pnp (pen and paper, though everyone uses pencils because you have to erase) or larp game, either really, have a balance for the magic they do.  Not some mana point thing (though I can see that) but rather a backlash from warping reality to their will.  Balance.  If you create items, then items should break, decay, or just become lost.   Or whatever, I dunno the answer, but if you can create anything, then that thing must be inherently destructable.

P.S. Who ever heard of anything as numb as an infinite supply of something from a hole in the ground.  You guys ever considered some sorta random terrain generator.  It could save you alot of work.  Or not, I\'ve never really done anything like this, I just like to read about it.  Anyway,

Montenegro, Master of Assasins
All right you primitive screwheads!  Listen up!


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« Reply #32 on: February 21, 2002, 07:38:27 am »
Yes, we have looked at many technologies that can do this, but we havent decided on anything to use yet. We will very likely use or create our own tool to generate dungeons, and place items in manually though, because there will be such large areas of this. Most of the game world, will be modelled in detailed though, and the maps that are already created look absolutely great.


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Thoughts on Mining
« Reply #33 on: February 21, 2002, 04:27:11 pm »
Well I understand the reasoning behind why there might not be mining.However i do have a few ideas that ive just come up with.
With regards to programming it might work.

In the real world there are only a certain amount of ores metals and natural resources.Isnt it possible to make these metals far and inbetween.Meaning that yes certain metals you might be able to come across a few monsters drop them here and there gold silver pretty much.However in certain dungeons far below veins of ore could be found.
Now in order for you to get to these in the first place would be quite the acomplishment.But having someone able to mine it and with the proper tools as well...
Also making it harder to carry than other items more realistic.In other games you see people carrying loads that there is no chance even with super strength that they could carry.
Now if we can develop the game engine to spawn a certain amount here and there .Taking into account the various factors .Not an unlimited spawn perhaps maybe even a spawn that is allowed only at certain intervals in the game.
Nobody would know when and if they could mine ....also on a side note perhaps if you had a random spawn meaning it spawns from time to time here or there.
With a random spawn at various different locations and only lasting for a time and then disappearing might be another way of making sure it is controlled.
Now these spawns even the far and between ones might not happen or can be turned off if it appears that it is getting out of hand.Just like it had been mined out.
Then metals would need to be recycled in order to make different items.
Anyways you could start with a certain amount in the rocks and more below as the world progressed it would be harder to find and come across.
True this makes it a bit harder on newer people.However if you look at our world today its the same way.


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« Reply #34 on: February 21, 2002, 08:57:09 pm »
I like the spawn idea.  If you make it so that the metal isn\'t immediately accesible in this big ol\' stalactice, then that makes sense.  Plus, do you realize that suddenly, gold and silver devalue and ores become quite valuable as they are rare.  Mining could be lucrative because it would be dangerous and difficult.  If you mined an area with a few clicks before it were played out (or your pack was full) then had to make a trip to the surface - well, I should guess that you\'d not carry more than a few implements/weapons worth at a time.  Cetainly not enough for a suit of full plate.  Perhaps only just enough for a single claymore like sword.  Suddenly weapons become more valuable.  Also, why is it on every game that mundane weapons are so nearly useless?  A well crafted sword should be very deadly, even compared to magic ones.  They would just add special abilities, not necessarily such crappy things as damage and to hit stuff.  Its kinda ridiculous when you think about it.  Why does it work?  I mean, if the sword is flamming, it would add some fire damage, but really, not that much.  The flames would be more useful for lighting things on fire...  :)  ahh, my inner pyromaniac
All right you primitive screwheads!  Listen up!


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« Reply #35 on: February 21, 2002, 09:18:39 pm »
If the spawning thing really existed it would really put a cap on the economy. However if people can bring up goods, people wouldn\'t want to give up something they paid so much for.  So there would be a lot in circulation...
And there is the problem with duping.... :(



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« Reply #36 on: May 25, 2002, 06:56:55 pm »
Leather and/or cloth armors should be weakest.
I think I probably agree about not having bronze or anything... doesn\'t make that much sense...

About the rituals for enchanting being long lost, how long have people been down in this cave? Is there an opportunity for that, storyline-wise? (I really haven\'t been following that stuff enough, myself...)

I personally like the idea of crafting magic arms and armor. Perhaps a more powerful set, artifacts or something, could only be found, or made by deities, or by NPCs that are themselves vastly more powerful then we\'ll ever let a character get.

Diamond armor isn\'t that great an idea, but diamond studded mail (or something similar) might work...

Oh, and gold and silver armors are protected by the Gods, because they\'re purty, or something... :P


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« Reply #37 on: June 10, 2002, 03:57:36 pm »
I think it would be cool if people couldn\'t carry much ore alone. And that it would be verry dangerous to obtain ore. I think that people will start working in groups to optain ore of gold or watever. This would be very good cus games are more fun when you work in team. So a team would have a miner few man who carry the good and few fighters to guard them. I think this would work well. Of cource the only problem is that newbies or people who aren\'t in a guild won\'t be able to get the ore easly. But it will encourage htem to form new or join guilds.


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« Reply #38 on: June 10, 2002, 07:59:50 pm »
And guilds could clash for mining terf... That could work well. The guards have to defend not only from monsters, but also from other guilds... just in case.

Of course most guilds probably won\'t be into mining, unless it is inordinately profitable... We should probably balance it somewhat with the various other ways guilds can make money.


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« Reply #39 on: June 16, 2002, 02:19:35 pm »
reading is fun? is that why i just read all these post  :D



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but but but...
« Reply #40 on: September 10, 2002, 12:14:14 pm »
but cutting wood, harvesting grain or MINING would be great way to collect experience in the beginning. IMHO  :O  


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« Reply #41 on: September 10, 2002, 12:29:50 pm »
Mining would only make you better in... mining. There are no levels in PS. Only skills which can be trained.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2002, 12:30:04 pm by ParaSite »
<Worf> These are the moments when my ego gets put back on the ground. I use linux for quite some time, and am soon 2 years maintainer of a linux distribution. I started to think I would be good at it. But then I tried to get planeshift running.


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« Reply #42 on: September 10, 2002, 05:09:42 pm »
Well, it would probably increase your strength values as well (I would think), maybe endurance too.  However, I think the point was that newbs (probably) don\'t start out with enough to start going out and killing monsters.  But any character with a decent amount of physical ability can join an organization that controls an area of mining.  That person can mine minerals for the organization, and be paid in tria.

It would kinda make sense, seeing as you probably wouldn\'t get a lot of people that want to spend all their time mining, but would be an alternative to \"rat-bashing.\"

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« Reply #43 on: September 10, 2002, 07:45:03 pm »
Yeah, I kinda like this one. A good way to get money for your initial adventuring equip, and it\'d be a good motivation for people to actually mine, thereby supplying ore to the smiths and such, without making ore overly valuable itself, because that\'d be kinda weird.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2002, 07:45:23 pm by David_HD »


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« Reply #44 on: September 12, 2002, 07:14:11 am »
i\'m glad that even someone liked my idea:)