Author Topic: [Guild] - Reaver Pack  (Read 5536 times)

Garris Shrike

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[Guild] - Reaver Pack
« on: September 18, 2008, 04:06:40 pm »
Garris slowly walks up to the Ojavedan square plaza, remembering the times spent here.....shaking off his memories, he casually pins a frayed notice to a nearby cart. printed, in bold letters:

Are you a mercenary, assassin, or generally shady character? Are you renowned for your stealth, fearlessness, and speed? The Pack has need of you. the Reaver Pack is now accepting applications for new members. Those who wish to be a Reaver must have a good attitude, renowned skills or character, and must know how to traverse the world at least fairly decently. Inquire with Garris or Lokter, Enkis.


(Forums *Important for any Pack Member*:

The Reaver Pack is a family. It is loose knit and not officially a hardcore contracting guild, more of a we take what we get kind of deal, more of a gathering of players based on reputation as skilled characters. To be a Reaver I absolutely DEMAND that you have good character and roleplaying ability, and good loyalty.

The goal of the Pack is quite simple.

Reaver Pack Mission statement:

"To create a family of mercenaries, assassins, and warriors, and those with them. The Reaver Pack is a family, and as such, works like one. Those who become members of the Pack are allowed to bring in their wives, children, and acquired land into the Pack's holdings. The Pack will protect those within it as a brother would die for another brother. The Pack requries undying devotion. Reavers run together, not alone. Even if you are the wife or child of a Reaver Pack member, you are under the same protection as them. We are a family of friends."

So basically saying is, it's open to anyone with a good reputation, and you can bring those you know along with them. This is a very RP-ing guild, as I demand that those who become Reavers RP a Reaver character. Reaver clan work is based off of contracting:

Contracting with the Reavers:
The Reavers, to earn money, do odd jobs for those willing to pay. Now that we're pretty well established ingame, we should be able to pick up any work that needs done. If you need work done, contact a Reaver, you non-Reavers! We'll take part in any RP that you'd like, we're all actors.

Contracts can include anything within (or out of!) the law, provided it doesn't compromise your characters morals. The only rules we have on contracting currently are:
-the guild "Ways of Life" members cannot be harmed.
-Possible House of Purrty (?)

To join the Pack, post an application here or catch me online.

The Reaver Pack:

Founder: Garris Shrike

-Lokter Tarvitz

Specialized members and their roles:
-Vannaka, Duelist
-Lokter and Catarina, Smiths
-Lutrimer, Steward
-Garris, Lazy Bum

Members that we need:

In essence, those in every role of life.

Pack Members and their families:

Garris Shrike
Lokter Tarvitz
Vannaka (partial)

*Full Reaver and Reaver Pack Member Status:*
-Full Reaver: Those in the guild. They have full benefits, including applying for the war team for Guild vs. Guild wars, and are offered food and assistance whenever needed.
-Reaver Pack Member: Those who have applied to be a Reaver, but are in another Guild. You can be a Reaver and a Guild member with different guilds, so long as they do not interfere with your Reaver duties. The Reaver Pack members are offered food and assistance whenever needed and are accepted as part of the "family". They are not leeches on the Guild, as they must pay for what they take and give the family what it needs in time of duress. The system of supply and demand is in effect here.

***Note!: Even if you aren't a warrior and feel you can contribute something to the guild, we have need of players of every RP type! Apply!***

Pack History (For those interested):

[as told by Garris Shrike:]

As you walk into Ojeveda and into the bar, you notice a lean, wiry Menki sitting at a table, surrounded by some other Enkis, chatting and playing various games, and carelessly playing with knives....
You sit down, and inquire about the Reaver Pack guild, and its history. The wiry Enki is only too happy to oblige....

"The pack was started when H'okyba Da Ojaveda was disbanded. The H'okyba was a mercenaries guild, one of the strongest in Yliakum. Led by Blayze and his wife Nefert, the H'okyba had won many legendary battles, including one against the cretins who had invaded Ojaveda and their leader.

But the H'okyba is no more. Only I am left. Now, to get onto things...

The Reaver Pack is an ancient way of life, really. Born from the same principles of the H'okyba, and countless other guilds before it. The Pack is family. Those in the Pack are those to protect. Reavers are not solitary animals, except in odd cases.
(For just a little bit of Reaver history/story:
Reavers are fierce creatures, and so the Pack must be fiercely protective of those within it.
The Reavers are nomads, and will travel to where they are needed. We can be mercenaries for hire in times of war, or workers for hire in times of peace. But we stick together.

I have great dreams for the pack, traveler....dreams of having a nomadic village, of those within us becoming great legends, and the rest of us being the unseen players supporting the Legends, only to be elevated to that status one day ourselves. The Pack is family. Family supports, builds up, and shares loss, no matter the pain.... we are born of necessity, of the way of life known to all." [conceptually, the Reavers are a new clan. We have no old "history", but we are willing to make it.]

Garris slowly stares at you, with piercing green eyes....

"Will you become one with the Pack?"

-Delving into the Reaver Backstory!
The Reaver leaders have developed a rather interesting backstory for those interested. Ask them ingame about it (Through RP, of course) and you may learn some interesting things. Also, if you would like to sign up on the forums and chat there, feel free to do so! We'll give you guest status and you can poke around.

-The Reavers have no set religious background. You're free to worship whomever you please, provided it doesn't interfere with Pack matters. Which some may.

-The Reavers do engage in some RP that may be considered mature (PG-13+ we take to groupchat), so if you expect a tame clanchat...don't join. I'll personally ask you ahead of time if you have any problems with that, and if you do, this may not be the guild for you.

-The Reavers try to appear professional (with the exception of myself  ;D), therefore, outside of your clan members, try and uphold the Reaver name!

More Technicalities:

System: Reavers are a family, family gives to the other members in time of need. *This requires FULL devotion to the clan. Those who are not willing to help a brother out should not join. Of course, this also means that you will receive aid when you are in need too. But you must be able to give when necessary, unless you are low on supplies yourself*

Hard? Yeah. Very hard. But if we were able to pull this off, it would be an incredible step in the right direction for PlaneShift RP.

« Last Edit: December 08, 2008, 02:15:21 pm by Garris Shrike »
Garris Shrike.
A lady's man. That lady's friend's man. That lady's friend's sister's man.
He will be missed.
M. R., also known as Lurch


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Re: [Loose Guild/Organization] - Wolf Pack
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2008, 06:21:43 pm »
It is loose knit and not officially a guild, more of a gathering of players based on reputation as skilled characters.
[other junk i removed]
I'll found the guild when I have 5 dedicated commitments from players willing to build the clan hierarchy with me.

So is it a guild or not...? you said it's not officially a guild, but then you said you would found the guild when you have enough players...
Censorship FTW.


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Re: [Loose Guild/Organization] - Wolf Pack
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2008, 07:09:15 pm »
Well to begin with you got an interesting concept that I never saw before.
But you may want to looks at these parts of your recruitment thread

-No history, you may want to add some to make your thread more interesting I personally look at the the history when looking for a org/guild first.
-The name, unless you got a really good reason your in for some nasty tells from trolls.
-Make the ranks on your own, if you do it with the other 4 your looking for it may cause more grief then it can help and they may leave if they don't get there way.
-The requirements are slightly confusing, your asking for renown skill? I don't quite understand what you mean by that.

Good luck with your guild.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2008, 06:17:35 am by Colinb »

Donari Tyndale

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Re: [Loose Guild/Organization] - Wolf Pack
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2008, 06:20:29 am »
Colinb wanted to ask "What in laanx name are wolves?", but he forgot about that ;). Seriously. Get another name. Wolves do not exist, and why did the poor Devs bother to create unique races if you just go and use wolves? That is not very creative, and creativity is the key to success.

Since he now states that I fully agree with Colinb.


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Re: [Loose Guild/Organization] - Wolf Pack
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2008, 06:23:31 am »
There may be something like wolves, just like Kikiri resemble chicken. However, there's no knowing for sure until Settings deals with it. I recommend visiting the library and reading some books on the currently known biotope of Yliakum.
We're not evil. We're simply amazing.

Garris Shrike

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Re: [Loose Guild/Organization] - Wolf Pack
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2008, 10:04:25 am »
good lord, it's been forever since I played this o.O
thanks, all! ThomPhoenix (or another moderator), would you mind changing the name of the thread to "The Reaver Pack"

And I'll edit the first post with some history for those of you interested. Didn't have the time too yesterday, pardons.


Currently, it is an organization, and those from any clan are willing to join. I will be creating a clan however, if 5 members are willing to dedicate their time to it. It is more of a family-type organization, but those who wish to become "Full Reavers" will be inducted into the Guild.


Thank you! but yes, the renowned skill is quite simple. You must be known either here on the forums or ingame as a good roleplayer or character developer. Basically you have to be good at what you do.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2008, 10:45:26 am by Garris Shrike »
Garris Shrike.
A lady's man. That lady's friend's man. That lady's friend's sister's man.
He will be missed.
M. R., also known as Lurch

Siteri Kidachi

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Re: [Loose Guild/Organization] - Reaver Pack
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2008, 12:17:16 pm »
You know, the Plakkem Hverrjanor guild used wolves as a theme and nobody complained about that...

Garris Shrike

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Re: [Loose Guild/Organization] - Reaver Pack
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2008, 12:50:08 pm »
I'm just not cool enough to use 'em as a theme :P

but mm, no worries. This should do. Still looking for 5 founders.

Currently, I found someone IG who will tailor us clothing, but won't join the clan...or will she? :whistling:
Garris Shrike.
A lady's man. That lady's friend's man. That lady's friend's sister's man.
He will be missed.
M. R., also known as Lurch

Garris Shrike

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Re: [Loose Guild/Organization] - Reaver Pack
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2008, 02:07:38 pm »

I was contacted by Vannaka whilst IG, he has agreed to help train duelers. Those who don't know, he is a very experienced dueler and will train those who are willing to join the Reavers.

Also, a lovely Northrir lady will be tailoring clothes for those who need it. :flowers:
Garris Shrike.
A lady's man. That lady's friend's man. That lady's friend's sister's man.
He will be missed.
M. R., also known as Lurch

Lokter Tarvitz

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Re: [Loose Guild/Organization] - Reaver Pack
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2008, 04:34:42 pm »
I will join the Pack...
I have no great assets to give but i am loyal and will stick to the Reaver way of life.

I am a budding swordsman with a mild interest in blacksmithing.

I also have an affinity for the dark way, which has left me excluded by some becuase of my roots and my skills, they find it unsettling to be around me.

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Re: [Loose Guild/Organization] - Reaver Pack
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2008, 05:09:05 pm »
Is there a website?
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Garris Shrike

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Re: [Loose Guild/Organization] - Reaver Pack
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2008, 10:31:53 am »
I'll work on creating a website today.

Thank you, Lokter. Your enthusiasm is perfect for a Reaver.

[catch me IG, i'll tell you whatever you need to know. Currently all you need to do is put that you wear the Reaver Pack emblem somewhere on you (I'll create that today as well, provided I get the time ::|) and if you want, begin asking others and spreading the word about the Pack. Funds are always appreciated from anyone to help make the guild a reality.]
« Last Edit: September 26, 2008, 10:34:31 am by Garris Shrike »
Garris Shrike.
A lady's man. That lady's friend's man. That lady's friend's sister's man.
He will be missed.
M. R., also known as Lurch

Lokter Tarvitz

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Re: [Loose Guild/Organization] - Reaver Pack
« Reply #12 on: September 28, 2008, 06:04:50 am »
i can contirbute funds... how much do you need to get started?

also can you post the link to the website once you are done?

Team Fortress 2 FTW!

Garris Shrike

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Re: [Loose Guild/Organization] - Reaver Pack
« Reply #13 on: September 29, 2008, 10:06:43 am »
currently due to my character being wiped, I'm in need of about 19 grand.
Sick, eh?
The website will be up soon...I'm trying to make it as nice looking as possible.
Garris Shrike.
A lady's man. That lady's friend's man. That lady's friend's sister's man.
He will be missed.
M. R., also known as Lurch


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Re: [Loose Guild/Organization] - Reaver Pack
« Reply #14 on: September 29, 2008, 11:14:58 am »
19k isn't a problem, talk to me when you have enough members to start a guild
Censorship FTW.