Author Topic: Event Calendar  (Read 1664 times)


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Event Calendar
« on: September 23, 2008, 02:20:46 am »
What I would really like to see for this game is an event calendar.

Much like this one here

Because the fact is, GM-led events seem to be rare in this game, such so that I have never been in one, and only twice actually met a GM in game. So it would really help people to know when to show up for the RP fests if we have a little flash code or whatever is suitable calendar that shows where you are now, what's happened in the last week or so, and what's planned to happen. It would kick even more ass if you could make it automatically convert to local time from your computer clock.
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Re: Event Calendar
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2008, 02:37:46 am »
Events aren't planned they generally occur when we have the time and manpower so there is no point in having an event calendar, in addition having an event calendar like the one suggested would attract players for ooc reasons.

GM led events in PlaneShift are primarily about encouraging Role Play not giving out unique items or valuable rewards, although this does happen at times, if you are around when a GM event takes place then we would like you to act as your character would and not immediately jump on /guild and /tell and oocly let all your friends know.
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Re: Event Calendar
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2008, 10:12:02 am »
Forgive me, but this seems a bit contradictory. You are wanting to encourage RP in-game, but don't necessarily want people to know when the events are to be able to RP in them.

I understand that things don't happen on a hard schedule. This is fine, and I don't have a problem with this because of the way all aspects of the game run. However, IC or OOC, if there isn't a big reward, why not get as many people as possible involved? I know that if there were an event that piqued my interest, I would try to be on at the appropriate time. As it is though, I am rarely on during peak times because of my RL schedule. I may not be your typical player, but if my character doesn't give a flip about an event, I won't bother trying to get involved. For others, who are constantly lamented... the dreaded PLer, they may come and see what this whole RP thing is about. Maybe they will get involved, maybe they won't. The point is, at least a couple of events (may I suggest 1 a month) would be JUST for the purpose of getting as many players as possible involved, regardless of motive. For these events, a schedule would be appropriate.

Also, as a side benefit, the Devs could use this time to test out new GM features or specific game mechanics, or even server/client testing. I don't see a problem if the Devs use this for OOC reasons too.


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Re: Event Calendar
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2008, 11:11:19 am »
Its not in the least bit contradictory, if you have a GM Event calendar you have people showing up for ooc reasons (we've seen it before and we see it still) not for the roleplay, but for what freebies they might get and to be able to get the event registered, good enjoyable and fun rp doesnt have to involve masses of people, quality is always preferable to quantity.
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Re: Event Calendar
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2008, 11:34:18 am »
I don't disagree with that. In fact, I have suggested and would prefer, a series of smaller events over a huge event. Perhaps have some kind of event where there is someone in each of the major towns doing something.

I personally don't get why it is sooooo terrible for people to show up for OOC reasons. If you aren't giving out huge prizes, why does it matter? There is a huge rift between the perception of two groups discussed on the forums all the time... RPers vs PLers. Isn't it kinda the goal of the Devs (whatever function they perform) to try to bring those groups of people in-line with the long-term vision of PS? Why is it that these events are super secret or whatever? If you have some high-profile events that are small and don't have huge rewards, why can't this be a learning opportunity for the people that come try PS and may not know the ins and outs of RP.

Also, what is the benefit of "registering an event"? I have quests I truly don't care about that I have completed while trying to learn different things about the game. Does that give me some level of prestige somehow? Do events actually weigh somewhere in unofficial standings among players?

I promise, I am not trying to just be contrary, I just don't get it.


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Re: Event Calendar
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2008, 12:00:05 pm »
We can only handle so much text at once, and as such player turnout is inversely proportional to Role Play quality.  Events typically have an idealized number of participating player characters depending on scope and number of GMs playing roles.  I would say making any GM have to interact with more than 7-8 players (also having more than 7-8 players interacting with themselves) is going to make event quality go down.  Whole lines of dialogue get ignored as the GM's have to pick and choose what they answer as there is no way to respond to it all.  I hope this clarifies things somewhat.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2008, 12:09:27 pm by Rayken »
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Re: Event Calendar
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2008, 12:09:11 pm »
I personally don't get why it is sooooo terrible for people to show up for OOC reasons.

Forgive me for barging in, and correct me if I am wrong... But showing up for ooc reasons punches plot holes in the event. A short example, perhaps:

An event is announced on these message boards that there is going to be a GM event in Ojaveda regarding a rogue uprising. In rp, no one will know of the uprising until it happens, because its secret. Characters who were say, planning on making a trip to the bronze doors, or perhaps needed to pick up a weapon at Hydlaa suddenly have a change of heart saying "Hmm I want to go to oja and hang out for a bit"

For what appears to be no apparent reason, they are motivated by ooc reasons to drop rp in hope they might get some shiny stuff at the event. This means all over yliakum, suddenly people flock to ojaveda, ironically right before the rogues start their revolt. This creates what I like to call "Plot holes" Or anomalies, unexplained events that technically shouldn't happen.

Of course you make a good point, if the game masters could organize events in every major city we wouldn't have this issue would we? Well the problem there is that it takes a battalion of game masters to over-see a single event, to make sure everything runs smoothly, and much of the time a battalion of game masters are not available. This means that the staff would not be able to support such events, well... perhaps once in a blue moon, but not as often as players would like.

Hope this makes some sense.  ;)
« Last Edit: September 23, 2008, 12:17:43 pm by Crackken »


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Re: Event Calendar
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2008, 01:46:12 pm »
Things are becoming clearer... so let me share my thoughts...

1. I understand that player to GM ratio now. That makes a lot more sense than what I normally read about OOC rationale for showing up.

2. I can think of at least 1 SIGNIFICANT reason why people cancel other plans and show up for events... it is something DIFFERENT. You go to places all the time for quests and just to see what is out there, but things don't really change often. So when there is something new going on, everyone wants to break the cycle and see what is going on. The only way to get away from this mentality is make things change more often...

which leads into my suggestion, and inclusion of the "calendar" concept for this original write-up...

What if events could be done where GMs weren't required 100% of the time? A rouge uprising in Akkaio was mentioned... what if there were 3 - 5 support NPCs that were added, ONLY for the event... to collect supplies (weapons, armor, etc crafted by players) and to pay bounties for the number of rogues dispatched, or just to add flavor to the event... maybe a handful of travelers that are barracading themselves at Brado's and can't make it back to Hydlaa. This allows for many new temporary quests and such as well. This also creates numerous opportunities for players to interact and have stories to tell.

The calendar comes into play because you could simply announce a event (IC) as a call to arms or hear ye, hear ye... all citizens capable of action report to X location for further instructions.

I know this would require significant effort, but I truly think the benefit would be worth it.


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Re: Event Calendar
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2008, 01:53:47 pm »
It isn't a calendar, but basically the same idea you mentioned: (This thread also links to threads on the message board that can be used to post ''hear ye hear ye'' information about an upcoming event or anything else.)

Also that section of the forum is a way people can announce events ICly, such as a call to arms.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2008, 01:56:08 pm by Crackken »


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Re: Event Calendar
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2008, 01:47:46 pm »
If Mythryndel's suggestion is possible to be carried out would it not solve your problem Rayken. If there are thing's happening quite often that maybe don't even need direct GM interaction then people might feel inclined to wait until the next event that is IC for them to participate in.
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Re: Event Calendar
« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2008, 04:58:49 pm »
in note to the unmanned events.

perhaps random pre-plotted courses for [NPC]criers to run along spreading word of what is happening in another town or district or small camp
this could be for any number of differnt mosters or uprisings.

i dont really see the Dev's using this thou

because you can have a small group of you role play taking the town back by desposing of the NPC Bad guys...

Thou it would be nice , if a GM exsisted outside of Peak hours.

I often am on durring my normal play time and there is at max 2 Game masters on

generaly none and sometimes one.

i hear complaints from australians , and im a New Zealander , im GMT+13
we do kinda feel excluded from the whole thing.

But I imagine that this would improve over time as the Plane Shift world grows and develops.

So we just have to build more of our own Role Play story ;D


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Re: Event Calendar
« Reply #11 on: December 23, 2008, 10:54:35 am »
having a ingame one maybe kinda like World of Worcraft does and maby you could put on holidays like Christmas, thanksgiving , Halloween ect and depending where you leive would what holiday show up on your calendar it could be a option to have them show up and you that would just help fill the calendar if you dont do many events and also you could have it also so you could add personal events like if you you have a guild meeting  all people to add it to there and you could even make a even reminder alarm so you dont miss event or let say guild meeting and to take it a step farther you could even make the calendar compatible with ical & google calendar so you could sync it with you calander app so you dont miss out any important real life thing that need to be done and hey this is all just a idea


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Re: Event Calendar
« Reply #12 on: December 23, 2008, 11:08:33 am »
ingame there are no holidays like thanksgiving or christmas and till settings makes ingame holidays i see no need for such, also there is no set relation between rl and ingame time/date so a calendar ingame would not work well.


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Re: Event Calendar
« Reply #13 on: December 23, 2008, 11:45:15 am »
Of course you make a good point, if the game masters could organize events in every major city we wouldn't have this issue would we?

Personally I always wondered why there are so many events in Hydlaa and hardly anything going on in Oja - that was when I still was a player, though.
When I first played a role in a dev/gm event about a year ago (the crystaleclipse) I happened to run a sub-part of the event in Oja, it was pretty hard to stay IC and still attract people to join the plot. Today I'm a GM and some time ago I happened to run a small event in Oja again. Again it was pretty hard to get players to join, even though the role allowed me to run around and shout for help.

The problem I see with remote locations like Oja or the Eagle Bronze Doors is, that hardly someone goes there for the RP only. Most people that are found in Oja are there for training only, the rest are mainly new players that picked Enkidukai as race. In weeks time I only happen to see maybe like 3 or 5 people that have some RPs in Oja.

I realized, though, that no matter how often we throw events in Oja, people would still not stay and RP, instead they return to Hydlaa afterwards and RP in Kada-El's or somewhere else...or even return to Gugrontid for the grinding.

However, something about the topic ought to be said too. While I think a calendar would be a great thing to have ig, so players know what time of year it is, what day it is and so far, it wouldn't make much sense yet to implement that, as time is kinda standing still anyways. In Yliakum it's still the same year as 2 years ago in RL and that won't change until version 1.0 (maybe earlier if Yliakum is so far developed that it would make sense to have the time running, but who knows).

An event calendar on the other hand I disagree with. The reasons for that have been pointed out by Mordraugion and Rayken already. It would spoil the fun too much.
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Re: Event Calendar
« Reply #14 on: December 23, 2008, 12:03:08 pm »

However, something about the topic ought to be said too. While I think a calendar would be a great thing to have ig, so players know what time of year it is, what day it is and so far, it wouldn't make much sense yet to implement that, as time is kinda standing still anyways. In Yliakum it's still the same year as 2 years ago in RL and that won't change until version 1.0 (maybe earlier if Yliakum is so far developed that it would make sense to have the time running, but who knows).

I did not know there was a 'time of year' or a 'day'. Is there information [a book in game] or on the main website regarding this? I have yet to find it. Though I admit to having difficulty searching for things on line.

I can use a dictionary and an encyclopedia to find things and I can show you how. :offtopic:  :oops:
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