Author Topic: Time Frame on Race ReStrictions  (Read 274 times)


  • Traveller
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Time Frame on Race ReStrictions
« on: October 15, 2008, 02:14:55 am »
ok i've searched the forums for a few hours. still not sure where to go , my time is running out , im putting this post here in hopes it's somewhat the right place :)

I was wondering about when the Race Restrictions will be implemented.

Is it planned for when everyone's stats are reset.

or do you plan to just drop everyones skills that have gone beyond their race's upcomming limits.
i think that would be a good idea. and would help discourage Sword Weilding Lemurs and Spell casting Krans for example.

I understand that the infravision and night vision will require some sort of OpenGL overlay to represent the viewing differance.
and would enforce the use of many more torches , limiting dual weilding in caves or durring night time.

i think these implimentations are crusial (sp?) or Critical to hammering in a Theme to the Yilikum World.
Cos franky right now race choices determine how you look , and the role players are getting angry with the powerlevelers because they dont understand they are not
meant to have high magic or weapon skills because of the race they are.

Not meant as a flame. Just a wondering ;'D


  • Hydlaa Notable
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Re: Time Frame on Race ReStrictions
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2008, 02:39:32 am »
The answer to your question is Soon(tm) and that means sometime in the next 20 years
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