
Would you like to see roleplaying more strictly enforced and more highly encouraged on Laanx?


Author Topic: Roleplay Dismay No Way!!!  (Read 7988 times)


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Re: Roleplay Dismay No Way!!!
« Reply #30 on: October 29, 2008, 06:17:49 pm »
I think it's also important to point out that we aren't divided into roleplayers and non roleplayers.  It's a sliding scale, and players who roleplay often do things that are out of character even when they're roleplaying.
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Re: Roleplay Dismay No Way!!!
« Reply #31 on: October 29, 2008, 06:53:52 pm »

I think it's also important to point out that we aren't divided into roleplayers and non roleplayers.  It's a sliding scale, and players who roleplay often do things that are out of character even when they're roleplaying.

These two quotes sum up my vote. Besides, if RP was 'enforced' that would mean we would ALL have to play by the rules  :P I'm admittedly a rule breaker and I think many 'roleplayers' are too so they'd kill their fun as well. (Not trying to saw we should break rules....just that we do.)
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Re: Roleplay Dismay No Way!!!
« Reply #32 on: October 29, 2008, 06:57:08 pm »
I voted yes, not to make it stricter but to put a little more emphasis back on RP. What kind of RP game has little RP.  ??? And lately it has dropped. I trust will swing back in the other direction eventually but for now the game seems to be mostly ooc tells and grinding.

It is very difficult to strike up Rps because most of the experienced RPers are gone or not on very much and new players rarely start out RPing. I'm sure most RPers remember being terrified or a little scared to do it at first. Once the current wave of new players starts turning out more Rpers it should balance out though.

...The game is advertised as being RP-heavy and RP oriented, attracting a certain sort of RP-heavy player.  Of course when they see 'wts 15 plat ore 1k each' they get a little irked, and probably say something stupid/rushed/elitist. ... It feels like being bopped on the nose for being bad, and really discourages RP.  I said before I don't mind Powerlevelers, but if I had the choice I'd much rather socialize with the scorned RPer than Miney McMinerson Mineymine the fourth--  No matter how nice mineymine is, I find RPing more fun.

I think Kedhran is right. But less so now. I think most of the "tell the RPers to stop whining talk." has winded down again. However, RPing is a bit of a footnote as opposed to the focus of the game right now. I distinctly remember walking around Hydlaa and passing friends engaged in personal RPs and plenty of open RPs. Honestly, that's how I started.

I also notice that the level of RPing seems to have scaled back.

I remember 5 base groups:
people who never mentioned anything outside of the game but didn't roleplay
People who RPed but were really laid back about it (i.e. smileys are ok, etc...)
People who  RP but where a little stricter (i.e. don't type "/me thinks that so and so is crazy")
And the RP Nazis (few though they were)

Now it seems to be 2 groups:

People who  RP but where a little stricter (i.e. don't type "/me thinks that so and so is crazy")

I think RP nazis just gave up on getting rid of the PLers and left. XD


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Re: Roleplay Dismay No Way!!!
« Reply #33 on: October 29, 2008, 07:23:24 pm »
I was addressing your remarks, but giving my background as well. From your remarks, it appeared that you were saying that only those that RP should be allowed. I take a more centrist view, and say that as long as you are not in violation of the rules, or rude, that both extremes (and the majority that, I believe, are a hybrid like myself) can all get along just fine. I do not see where anyone is being left behind, or suffering, because of the way PS is right now.

I do not see your "poking fun at the PLers" thread as fostering an environment that is welcoming to all. The reason I stop what I am doing to help new players is to return the favor done to me when I first started by many, and to help introduce new players to what the game has to offer. The game has more to offer than a 3d chat client, or just a 1-player game that is nothing but grinding.

And, for the record, I wasn't attacking or trying to put words in your mouth. I was making a case, and taking your statement about PS needing to be more RP-only to task.

[EDIT] I just realized I missed an entire page of responses... For all of the talk of days gone by and how great the RP was... I am always on the look out for stuff going on in main. Possibly it is just because I don't hang out around Kada El, but there have been entire evenings (2 - 4 hours) where I see nothing going on in main unless I drop something or have to sit down and rest. I have been involved with groups who were playing around in-character, but it wasn't some huge grand thing that I would necessarily tell tales about a year from now. Maybe I just got involved with PS too late to experience what all the hype is with RP. However, I see a lot more people moaning about it (not addressing anyone personally in this thread), but not a lot of people in-game making new RPs.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2008, 09:29:28 pm by Mythryndel »

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Re: Roleplay Dismay No Way!!!
« Reply #34 on: October 29, 2008, 07:53:04 pm »
You opened a can of worms here Xillix. I say let people play their game and have fun. That is what the quest system and grinding is for to many people in game. If they feel pushed into doing something they do not want to do then they will leave. Once I greeted a player in game and the player said "I am not a role player." I wished him well and went on my way. I love the role play, but I would never ask someone to do it if they do not want to. It is called Common Courtesy.
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Re: Roleplay Dismay No Way!!!
« Reply #35 on: October 29, 2008, 10:23:39 pm »
It's not so much that it felt like a personal attack, as it felt like you went on the defensive right away.  Let me clarify:  Powerlevel all you want.  By no means remain in-character at absolutely all times, we'd go mad from stress if we did.  I'm not saying you shouldn't train and have fun, but I'm saying the game-- in and of itself-- should put more focus on roleplaying and the community.  Or it should put ALL of its focus on ease of play and working on making the mechanics more fun.  Play any Roleplaying server on any other game, it's seldom just a 3d chat client-- and people talk all the time when they're playing it for the grinding aspect.  And I'd like to say this:  Roleplaying a tea-party isn't fun for me.  In the past this meant ZOMG AWESOME EMOTE FIGHT IN THE TAVERN for myself and others, which I'm sure earned me my share of harsh glares from all varieties of players, but now it's calmed down to walking, talking, doing stuff other than sipping ale at the bar.  My guild, which is by no means filled with roleplayers,  does the most amusing of RPs when they want to, even if most of the time they're training or leveling- Roleplaying hunts, ceremonies, parties, etc.  It's great stuff, and the way they use it is hardly a 3d-chatbox.

But, I digress.  This poll isn't one about banning all the people who actually PLAY the game.  It's about what the focus of the community should be on, what the Devs and GMs should do about it, and simple, overall things.  That's all.  Not enforcement "RP or DIE" sort of thing.  No one would do that, it'd never be fair. A bit more interest in character development and storylines would be lovely, though.  I'd like a player to stop and wave back when I say hello, or walk around town without their weapons out.  Mabye have one of the people I greet not rocket by, and wave or say hi, even if only for a second.  Maybe a few less names like "Elfy Earpoint".  That teensy bit of roleplaying-- small and insignificant it may be-- would do wonders for me and others.  After all, that's supposed to be what sets planeshift apart from other games--  As we're told in the tutorial, the guides, and many other places.


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Re: Roleplay Dismay No Way!!!
« Reply #36 on: October 29, 2008, 11:09:51 pm »
Your most recent response is different from how I took your initial post. I think I agree with almost everything you said in your most recent post. When someone /greets me or tries to talk to me, I (almost) always stop and respond as soon as I notice. And I TRY very hard to not have weapons out in Hydlaa. It is difficult sometimes to remember always to put away my swords when leaving the arena, or when I am carrying large amounts of stuff to Kada El's...

Names are supposed to be enforced by the GM's when things like that are brought to their attention. Beyond that, I don't think RP focus is going to get all players to be... um... courteous.


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Re: Roleplay Dismay No Way!!!
« Reply #37 on: October 30, 2008, 12:17:34 am »
Having an in character conversation with someone is roleplaying.  In character conversations usually start with a greeting. ;)
Still, I gave a bad example.  Let's say I give them an in-character greeting.  They don't have to be courteous and wave back.  They can spit on my boots, or give me a glare, or emote out ignoring me.  But I like seeing that the player isn't ignoring my RP, OOCly, regardless of the IC results, get it?  It's not about courtesy so much as it is a reaction--  any reaction-- so long as it's in-character.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2008, 12:19:51 am by Kedhran »


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Re: Roleplay Dismay No Way!!!
« Reply #38 on: October 30, 2008, 12:24:42 am »
But I like seeing that the player isn't ignoring my RP, OOCly, regardless of the IC results, get it?

How would you have this enforced?
And how isn't ignoring by ignoring the perfect acting?


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Re: Roleplay Dismay No Way!!!
« Reply #39 on: October 30, 2008, 12:28:34 am »
Do I think roleplaying should be more strictly enforced...

I was recently in Hydlaa plaza listening to someone shout the song 'barbie world' *clicks yes*

Do I think it should be enforced beyond blatant disregard for the rules, no, not really... I think roleplay should be encouraged more?  Yes, yes I do...

My theory on life is as long as their not bothering anybody else let them do what they want... think it should be the same with roleplay... my thoughts are jumbled right now, sorry for the incoherentness, 7 day patrols while replacing sleep with dip isn't good for johnny, sorry :P
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Re: Roleplay Dismay No Way!!!
« Reply #40 on: October 30, 2008, 12:35:52 am »
Like I said:  I want to know the player acknowledges me.  Sure, we might have a hundred perfect little actors who are just the bestest at ignoring people and are all better RPers than me...

...Or the players could not be paying attention, or flat out ignoring out-of-character.  There's really no way of telling.

As for enforced...  never said enforced.  In fact, I never even suggested that there was a way for it to be enforced.  It's the sort of thing that can't be enforced, but comes naturally when the effort is made to focus more on roleplaying.  If you're asking me about how I personally would fix the problem... I don't know.  I answered the question on the poll and gave my reasons, then defended my reasons.  Pick apart all you want, but there's absolutely nothing else you can take from what I've said.  Re-read my previous posts if you want, because there's nothing I can say now that won't be repeating myself.

@Mythryndel:  I get a little agitated, because most of what you took from my original post were things I didn't even say, and certainly didn't mean.  (Especially the bit about helping newbies and 'maxed out stats'.)  But I've seen names like the one I mentioned... so mabye the GM team isn't doing as much about the names as I'd like them to.  Which is why I voted 'yes'.  And in the end, this isn't about you, or what you personally do.  You might be setting a good example, but not everyone is like you in their actions.

I'll leave with this:  The fact that exceptions exist, and the fact that I can't come up with a solution, is no evidence that there isn't a problem or that no effort should be made to solve it.  I won't simply say "It's not my job to figure out how to fix this," but I truly, honestly, have no practical advice.  If I figure out how to make things better, I'll certainly send the devs a jingle.

Oh, and here's your booby prize, Khoridor:  You win, I lose, congratulations.  :sleeping:
« Last Edit: October 30, 2008, 01:03:19 am by Kedhran »


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Re: Roleplay Dismay No Way!!!
« Reply #41 on: October 30, 2008, 01:19:56 am »
I voted yes because I chew fried beetlebooth.

Yeah, I couldn't think of any long, philosophical paragraphs to type...


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Re: Roleplay Dismay No Way!!!
« Reply #42 on: October 30, 2008, 01:42:45 am »
I voted "yes" despite not being particularly fond of 'enforcing' roleplay. That will only tick people off.

It's the encouraging roleplay that I'm saying yes to. If you want to do nothing but outmax your stats, that's fine by me as long as you don't grief me over playing out scenes that mechanics doesn't support whatsoever and possibly (and this happens often) neglecting working at my stat-related goals because I'm involved in a plot. However, if you want to give this whole roleplaying thing a shot, you've got my support.

Also, there's nothing wrong with frequenting the tavern, in my humble opinion. XP
« Last Edit: October 30, 2008, 01:45:43 am by Candy »
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Re: Roleplay Dismay No Way!!!
« Reply #43 on: October 30, 2008, 02:38:08 am »
But I've seen names like the one I mentioned... so mabye the GM team isn't doing as much about the names as I'd like them to.  Which is why I voted 'yes'.
There is a lot of digression through this page, but I got my answer here.

Oh, and here's your booby prize, Khoridor:  You win, I lose, congratulations.  :sleeping:
well at least I just learned a new word, although I have no idea if its supposed to be condescending or not.

For me, the only place I find names out of context is in the guild ranks, and since it's only as a result of /who, I don't make much of it.


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Re: Roleplay Dismay No Way!!!
« Reply #44 on: October 30, 2008, 02:55:08 am »
Well, something else I meant by my earlier comment was that people, even while roleplaying, will interrupt roleplaying with out of character words and actions.

player1 : [zomg, this is such a good RP!]
player2: [lol, I'm taking a screenshot]

And so on.  Maybe Xillix is talking about cracking down on stuff like that during GM events?
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