Author Topic: [Guild] Aknetgak K'kos  (Read 817 times)


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[Guild] Aknetgak K'kos
« on: December 30, 2008, 04:07:25 am »
Aknetgak K'kos

[As observed by any individual at a casual glance, this guild would appear to follow the purpose of linguistic research, studying and learning Yliakum's racial languages. {Those found on the pswiki} Any members will give this as their purpose if asked, and must have some knowledge of racial languages. The Ranks would not be divulged to any but members, who are aware of the true purpose.]

The Compilation

Warm, heavy air rests in comfortable silence within Kada-El's careworn structure.  Inside, close to the hearth, a lone tallow candle flickers, the flame dancing torpidly as it thrusts its meager light against the enveloping dark.  While the world outside sleeps, a Klyros breathes lightly, bent over a dusty leather book.  His hand guides a long, thin quill across the soft cream of the pages.  The quill tip rises from its labor, pauses, then takes a long drink from a small glass inkwell.  Another pause, and the hand pulls the quill back to work.

The Klyros stops to peer into the dark of the tavern about him.  His bright eyes confirm that he is alone.  Reassured of the maintained secrecy of his task, he resumes his work.

After a considerable length of time spent diligently writing, he halts, rises from his chair, and picks up the book after closing it silently.  He gingerly leaps up the stairs and out the front door, heading towards east Hydlaa.

Still alone due to the merit of his maintained silence, he slips into the library.  His query takes him to the bookshelf to Jayose's left.  The Klyros pulls out a few dusty tomes and begins to read, taking notes in the leather bound book, which he has reopened.

Early the next morning after working all through the night, he pauses, deep in thought.  The concentration shows clearly on his forehead.  After a few stray, mumbled syllables, he whispers with perfect enunciation the phrase 'Aknetgak K'kos.'  After writing one last thing down upon the top of the first page, his fingers dexterously gather up the two hard covers and close them with a gentle rustling.  Rising once again, he strolls out of the library to his temporary abode to get a wink of sleep.

Something is afoot.


The Book

To the outside cover of the leather book a metal emblem has been bound.  A klyros is depicted with wings thrust back as he leaps into the air.  The top of an arch is broken about his waist.  At the base of either end of the arch, a weighing dish hangs.  The two dishes are balanced.  Beneath this symbol is the phrase 'Aknetgak K'kos.'

*The book contains*

Aknetgak K'kos

[*Believed to mean 'They Who Form a Balanced Future' in the Klyros tongue.]

In the beginning, Talad and Laanx lived in harmony.  In all of Yliakum, life prospered, but the gods were not content.  Their desire was to have people; people to love, to teach, and to provide for.  Laanx learned the way, and poured her love and energy into the creation of a people formed after her own image.  These people, the lemurs, loved natural beauty and pursued it with vigor, experiencing the joy of the arts.

Talad saw that Laanx had succeeded, and while she insisted that the people were for them both, he longed even more for his own people.  He drew in much of the crystals's energy, more even than Laanx had used, but he knew not the way as did she.  Talad approached Laanx, but the energy was too great and she was struck by a blast of energy which disfigured her permanently.

What if Talad had known, had been told the way before it was too late?

Through knowledge, a mistake could have been prevented.

After countless many years of wandering with his people, Laanx found a suitable place for them to live.  They prospered, and from their toils sprung the ten cities of Kadaikos.  The people offered gifts to Laanx and followed his laws, strict though they were.  But Laanx was not content.

Having had a taste of power, Laanx felt a great thirst swell within him.  He thought of the peoples who were yet to come, and wished to have power over them as well.   In his greed, he left Kadaikos, heading towards the Stone Labyrinth.

In his absence, a black fog filled the lower reaches of the stone labyrinths.  It formed an impenetrable barrier, obscuring the way to the cities and forever separating the Lemurs of Yliakum and the Lemurs of Kadaikos. Legend tells that the city was abandoned due to disease, but there is no way of knowing whether anyone survived.  To this day, Lemurs share a sense of loss for their distant homeland.  Had Laanx been shown the error of his ways, he may never have left the cities.

Through action, a great tragedy may have been prevented.

All the same, if Laanx had not left, would the Xacha, whom Laanx found and led to safety, have survived?  The future balance is delicate and requires the utmost care to exist with stability.  This truth must never be forgotten lest our guild's well intentioned actions lead to the very chaos we seek to eradicate.

You may ask, "Who are we to dictate the solutions to the gods' misfortunes?"  I do not pretend to know better than the gods!  Quite the opposite, in fact.  I seek to learn from the gods' mistakes, thought they be few, for from them may we learn great things.  Some lessons may only be learned with the advantages of hindsight.  If still you feel the matters of the gods apply not to us, mere mortals, then read on, for the pattern extends to our realm.

In 740 AY Nyshyn Klannarr transcribed an ancient text to preserve it from damage.  The original text, "A Treatise on Night Vision," was written by Phlom Acrylos, Revealer of Nature and Master of Science.  Within lie gruesome details of experiments performed in the interest of knowledge.  Had Phlom been prevented through the presentation of this knowledge through other means,  perhaps countless subjects would have been spared their sight or even their lives.

Through knowledge, a mistake may have been prevented.

Had the residents of Ojaevda been aware of the necessary precautions and techniques to avoid plague, perhaps the plague would not have spread, threatening even the Vigesimi.

Through knowledge, unnecessary turmoil and strife may have been prevented.

Knowledge, more specifically the discovery of new knowledge, the preservation of existing knowledge, and the teaching of knowledge to the ignorant, is one of our strongest allies.

Aiming to ease his troubled mind, Kerryk Cor tells of leaders, accomplishment, forgotten Kran, and guilty secrets, for in the third generation, two young Kran, Iduello Beaut and Ilallorin Cor discovered a book.  This book detailed the hard work of Konroran, an early leader whose name had been lost to time.  However, Aedaisti Beaut, the most recent leader of Kran, had taken credit for the work of Konroran.

The two young Kran argued about what to do with the book, Iduello being afraid that knowledge of the book would tarnish his ancestor Aedaisti's good name.  Finally, they tore the book into two equal parts, each piece to be kept by the friends separately.  This secret, held deep within them, eroded their friendship, and to this day their lines have feuded tensely, one seeking to remember Konroran for what he was while the other seeks to erase him from history.  Had the knowledge of the book's contents been shared by someone else, a friendship may have endured and due credit might have been received.

Through knowledge, a mistake could have been prevented.

Yes, there is a pattern.  A pattern of mistakes which drives society towards impending chaos lest action be taken against it.   I go forth to form a future balance by acting based on lessons learned by observing the mistakes of the past.  As I go, I will seek those who see the vibrancy my vision and wish to help me accomplish my end.  Concealed we must spread, slipping into the darkness as disguised light.   Later, this disguise will be thrown off and the dark forces of chaos will be exposed. With strife and chaos thus vanquished, peace will descend and the future will be balanced!

Always keep an open mind, as evil and misfortune may come from unexpected places.  Now, to work.

The ranks are below, listed from lowest to highest:

1. Spark
2. Ember
3. Light Bearer
4. Scorching Eye
6. Radiant Revealer
6. Flame Sword
7. Scintillating Paladin
8. Resplendent Council
9. Corona
[OOC information is enclosed in brackets]

In the struggle for a future balance, fire is a double-edged sword. While fire emits light which dispels darkness, uncovers new knowledge, and lights the way forward, fire may also burn ferociously, consuming the land and leading to fear, destruction, and then further darkness once its fuel has been used up. The fine line which exists between the good effects and the bad reminds the guild members of the delicacy of making important decisions which may lead to peace or ruin. Also, these names will not directly state the purpose of the guild to those outside our ranks who may oppose our mission.  Therefore, the ranks have been given names evoking thoughts of fire and light.
If any member commits a serious crime, they will be warned the first time, dropped to Spark the second, and kicked out of the guild following the third offense. Special instances may occur.

1. Spark
A flicker, as a flash of light bursts into a new world, seeing it's surroundings in a new and different light as it spirals through the  air. Sparks may at first seem feeble, but with effort , encouragement, and fuel may grow into something greater.

[As a Spark, you are at the first and most basic level of the guild.  You have full access to the guild site and forums and other guild members are obliged to support you in lawful circumstances.  You are obliged to support other guild members as well.  In any rank, you must not break the rules of Planeshift, and that includes roleplaying.  Also, as the name implies, you are asked to help others who need aid.  Upon becoming a Spark, please create an account in the forums under your in game name.]

2. Ember
Some sparks, bright and glowing, catch and grow to form an Ember. Embers provide dim light and heat with constancy, thus being more reliable and helpful. They form the base of the fire, a foundation from which new flame and light may burst forth.

[Ember is the second rank in the guild.  The requirements for advancement are to maintain the obligations of Spark for one week.  If you've completed this requirement you may appeal to the Resplendent Council or the Corona for advancement. To advance beyond the rank of ember, a member must be involved in three guild roleplays. Upon advancement, an Ember may be assigned to any rank three through six, all of which are considered equal. At times Embers may be allowed to choose which of these four ranks they wish to advance to.]

3. Light Bearer
At times, knowledge and truth may be concealed by darkness. To shed light on the situation, a Light
Bearer seeks weaknesses is chaos from which knowledge may be gleaned.

[If ever an item is lost or a lead is required a Light Bearer must find it. Also, a Light Bearer is responsible for leading other guild members if they are lost or require guidance.  To switch to another equal rank, a Light Bearer must find one appropriate guild roleplay situation. To be eligible for advancement to the next rank, a Light Bearer must find three such situations.]

4. Scorching Eye
In the still of night, the chaos of dark whispers and mutters. A Scorching Eye must pierce the shroud to uncover the details necessary to preventing future mistakes.

[A Scorching Eye is essentially a guild spy, seeking the knowledge which will provide us with the upper hand. To switch to another equal rank, an adequate compilation of facts necessary to complete one of the roleplaying opportunities found by a Light Bearer must be produced.  If information  cannot be obtained before the unstable plan in question is set in motion, Scorching Eyes should be the first to the scene ready to follow and share the developments. In order to be eligible for advancement to the next rank, a Scorching eye must have successfully supplied information for three guild roleplays.  Any information gathered is to be posted on the forums.]

5. Radiant Revealer
After the guild has seen the potential of an event to upset the balance and the necessary information has been obtained, counteractions must be taken. A radient revealer says the right things to the right people to properly deal with an imbalance. If publicity is the most effective approach, a Radiant Revealer will spread the word, of course without bringing attention to his affiliation with the guild but instead relying upon information and evidence gathered to support his claims. If the guild's connection is noticed, knowledge will be harder to attain as our members will then be suspected.

[A Radiant Revealer acts as spokesperson, as well as occasional message deliverer to and from other guilds. To switch to an equal rank, one successful unmasking of a chaotic plot is required. To be eligible for advancement, three such successful unmasking instances are necessary.]

6. Flame Sword
By the gleaming light of his or her weapon, a Flame Sword defends other guild members and duels opposing forces when violence must be resorted to.  He or she must blaze a path of balance with the sterile blade of justice.

[Flame swords fight for the guild, both offensively and defensively when appropriate. Please roleplay duels well. Again, do not draw attention to your guild affiliation. Present other reasons for your attack, such as, "Your schemes threaten to disturb the delicate balance of peace! Cease, or I shall silence you myself!" and so on. Also, duel where it is allowed, not in a tavern or city. To switch to another equal rank, win one well-roleplayed, critical duel. By critical, I mean that the duel must be essential to the furthering of the guild roleplay which is in progress. Three such successful duels are necessary to be eligible for advancement.]

7. Scintillating Paladin
The elite group of the guild are the Scintillating Paladins, who use their wit to engage in diplomacy with guilds who may be of use or with whom we wish to be allies as well as with those guilds whom we oppose.  The rules of the guild must be enforced, and the task falls to these proficient members. Also, as their name implies, these Paladins must produce sparks, supplying the guild with new members.

[A Scintillating Paladin is selected by the Corona alone.  It is the highest rank that doesn't have a limit for the number of individuals with this rank.  A Paladin is in charge of dealing with ally and enemy guilds, as well as affairs of rule enforcement, guild improvement, and recruiting.]

8. Resplendent Council
The Resplendent Council consists of eight members who are respected for their wisdom and guidance. They are known for their just decisions and actions, and seek to enlighten those members below them. The Councilmembers are in charge of choosing which events are appropriate to be engaged in as a guild.

[This, the eighth rank, is second only to the Corona. The Resplendent Council may stop a law or rule that the Corona makes if they can demonstrate a flaw with the rule.  The council members are elected by the guild as a whole. In the instance that the Corona is absent for a long period of time, the council rules in his stead.  If a Corona decides to forfeit his position, the council will hold an election for a new Corona.]

9. Corona
His knowledge of the pattern is such that he almost visibly gives off a kingly aura, for which he is named. He is able to hide without hiding, for his presence is masked in light. He prefers to run things from behind the scenes, so as not to betray the critical secrecy of his mission; his identity known only to those whom he wishes to know.

[The Hamlaer is in charge of the guild and is responsible for running the guild, the guild website, the guild forums, and any other guild-related function.  He or she works with the Council and does whatever he or she can to help the guild's members as well as to recruit new ones.]

[The basic principles that members of Aknetgak K'kos stand for are the forming of a future balance, our primary objective, and improvement of self and others plus the prevention of mistakes through knowledge and action.  Roleplaying is essential to the guild and is stressed.]

If an individual shows interest in joining it would be in their best interest to contact Zweitholou or Kazubavmil [here on the forums, preferably by way of PM or email if possible or in game]. Initiation consists of the decyphering of the guild name [as that would not be disclosed publicly], where failure results in death and sucess results in acceptance into the guild. Of course, the contacted guildmember will talk with the interested candidate to make sure their beliefs are in sync with the true purpose of the guild before letting them undergo initiation. However, the guildmember must not reveal the true purpose when looking for qualification in a candidate, but should hint that the guild studies linguistics to aid order and justice, and that members may take actions towards this end.

[This guild has not yet been created in game and I am at the moment looking for constructive criticism in order to improve upon my concept. The website is and the forums are]

Zweitholou Gutharen,

[p.s. Does the azure sun have a corona of sorts which is visible at the edges in a crystal eclipse? If so is it still called a corona?]
« Last Edit: December 30, 2008, 04:24:28 am by Zweitholou »


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Re: [Guild] Aknetgak K'kos
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2009, 04:18:33 am »
[If it helps to simplify, the guild serves as a sort of antithesis to the format of black flame guilds, although the guild does not merely oppose black flame but indeed all forces of evil and chaos. Instead of following the approach of many who follow black flame and go about as normal individuals seemingly unalike, Aknetgak K'kos unites under a true purpose but pretends to follow another as its form of cover.

If anyone has questions or suggestions, please make them known so that I may answer the questions and use the suggestions to improve the guild.

Sorry for the double post. I wished to make a separate explanation which is hopefully clearer and more concise. If I am in the wrong for posting it please let me know and I will be glad to fix it.

Thank you,

Donari Tyndale

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Re: [Guild] Aknetgak K'kos
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2009, 06:31:10 am »
You did a good job creating this guild, and that is my only point of criticism. Why does it need to be a guild? People can follow an ideal without wearing an OOC tag over their heads :P


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Re: [Guild] Aknetgak K'kos
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2009, 03:11:03 pm »
[Thank you. As for why it should exist as a guild and not a smattering of like minded characters is in part contained in the shared belief in a need for order instead of chaos. Like-minded but separate individuals would have little if any organization, thus being unfavorably chaotic. Also, organization may provide for greater effect. Individuals alone will only have so much impact, but many acting in the interests of one [guild] allows for greater and more thorough results.

A guild is defined as: 1.   an organization of persons with related interests, goals, etc., esp. one formed for mutual aid or protection. ( Under this definition, the reason the guild is better than unorganized individuals with the same beliefs is the "mutual aid" aspect, with the aid being directed not so much at individual characters but more so directed at accomplishing the purpose, although characters will naturally be supported by the guild and shaped by it's events.

Hope this answers your question effectively.


Donari Tyndale

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Re: [Guild] Aknetgak K'kos
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2009, 06:24:45 pm »
[I refer to the magic floating marker called guild tag.]


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Re: [Guild] Aknetgak K'kos
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2009, 10:04:23 pm »
[Oh. You mean to ask why we are not simply a secret guild? I've already described why we wish to be together as a guild and the only way to accomplish that without the pretty magic markers is to be a secret guild, as far as I am aware. So here goes.

Instead of hiding in darkness, which cannot be seen, we hide by presenting ourselves openly in a way others will not understand. Then we  know more about our purpose than others do, and are consequently in greater control of the situation. Also, it mocks our enemies, who presumably do not see us for what we are even if we are right under their noses. It's true that black flame guilds do the same, or at least a similar, thing in secret guilds. It is for this very reason that we use a different format: so that secret guild members will not see what we hide because they understand the workings of a secret guild.


Donari Tyndale

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Re: [Guild] Aknetgak K'kos
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2009, 06:00:27 am »
[*sigh*, no I ask why you make it a guild as in using /guildcreate and /guildinvite, the OOC tools that are associated with the name guild :P.  A normal guild does not need such things, especially one focussed on ideals and/or religion. People in different guild-tag-ooc-guild affiliations might be interested in following your ideals without joining any guild per /guildinvite.]


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Re: [Guild] Aknetgak K'kos
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2009, 06:25:47 am »
A normal guild does not need such things[..]
[lol go pen and paper or create a game with these your own personal definitions and visions of a game - or did you fail already? :P
Guildchat is comfortable and useful. If you strive after criticizing the mechanics and features of PlaneShift, talk to the devs on IRC or wherever, but this thread is certainly not the right place]