Author Topic: [OSP] Explorer Guided Tours - Announcement  (Read 506 times)


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[OSP] Explorer Guided Tours - Announcement
« on: July 11, 2009, 12:14:48 pm »
New and don't know your way around yet?
Get lost frequently traveling between cities?
Or just interested in a little site-seeing?

The Explorers Guild in association with the Octarchal Society for Progress is holding a series of guided tours.

For now, tours will be held on the following dates:
Saturday, July 11,  6PM GMT - Sites of interest in Hydlaa
Saturday, July 18 - Tour to Ojaveda
Saturday, August 1 - Eagle Bronze Doors, Part 1 (to the Lake of Tears, including Gugrontid)

We will be adding further dates and depending on demand, we may add more days.  Times for 7/18 and 8/1 TBA.

All tours to be given are as follows:
 - Sites of interest in Hydlaa (including East Hydlaa)
 - Tour to Ojaveda
 - Eagle Bronze Doors, Part 1 (from Hydlaa to Lake of Tears Outpost, including Gugrontid)
 - Eagle Bronze Doors, Part 2 (from Lake of Tears Outpost to the Eagle Bronze Doors)
 - Tour of the Laanx Dungeon
 - Tour of the Hydlaa sewers

Custom tours can also be arranged any time.  Just contact an Explorer to make arrangements.

Comments, ideas and suggestions: discuss here.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2009, 12:22:43 pm by Mordaan »
--Overseer, Explorers Guild.


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Re: [OSP] Explorer Guided Tours - Announcement
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2009, 11:24:45 pm »
Thoss would like to plan a little impromptu tour July 15 [2200 GMT] leaving from the Explorer Booth near Harnquist's in Hydlaa.

Tour will begin in Hydlaa, visiting sites as deemed appropriate, as well as include a day hike out to the Outpost, winding up the trip at the Stonehead Tavern for a little wind-down.

All interested are more than welcome. Those who may like to roleplay with the group along the route to spice things up are welcome as well.
Thoss Yonbur/Aarnir Irety/Oslorod Krolar/Myno Eljin


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Re: [OSP] Explorer Guided Tours - Announcement
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2009, 02:27:43 am »
Greetings Explorer Friends:
I be Roled Rolak, and I have me a...unique touring request. I have been dropping by yer Outpost and yer table in Hydlaa plaza each cycle now fer a week or so and have yet to find me an Explorer to speak to personally. Please, if ye see a youngish Dermorian about, with a scar o'er his left eye and a wry grin, a'scratching his shin, please Sirs and Ladies, to introduce yer self if ye would? Then I will ask ye of a place... well, when I meet ye I shall ask if ye can guide me there. Methinks one who be quite well acquainted with all known lands and wilds would be the only one(s) who might could help me. I be willing to pay a fair price fer this service.
Roled, Rolak,
"RR is a PieSexual" ~ Monala


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Re: [OSP] Explorer Guided Tours - Announcement
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2009, 08:34:42 am »
Thoss ambles up to the tent, noticing the message pinned to the post. After reading, he sits down and writes a brief not in response, pinning it atop the previous.

Greetings friend Roled!

It is good to hear from you, and I apologize that we have been out in the field and somewhat hard to find as of late. I am excited to hear that you have an adventure in mind! I would love to set up a meeting time to make up a plan to seek out your quest. However, as you have noticed, circumstances pull us away from our post more often than is desired. Perhaps if you have a groffel or some such familiar you could attempt to send us a message if you are about. They seem to have a knack for finding folks around the dome. [give a /who explorers and send an IC /tell "message"] Or you may want to leave me a personal note here at my tent [PM] and we can try and arrange a meeting.

Your friend,

Thoss Yonbur/Aarnir Irety/Oslorod Krolar/Myno Eljin