Author Topic: Usual, semi-annual complain  (Read 9134 times)


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Usual, semi-annual complain
« on: July 14, 2009, 04:58:07 pm »
Like every few few month it's time again to rant a bit about the ignorance of most of the PS players. Nothing new, I know. For me the only news about this is that I start such a thread. Maybe I just have become too annoyed over the pasts years with this...or, what I think is more likely it got far worse the last months.

But I know, it's asking too much of players to read some in-game books or a player guide. Most people are just too busy to form new guilds with interesting should they find the time to go for an hour to the library and read those boring books. And sure, thinking of such creative names takes all the time so it's only understandable that the history of the guild is missed out. For what is that history useful at all? It's not needed to start guild wars with other guilds and turning the plaza into a second arena. What, it is not allowed to fight within the city walls? Where is that written? A book in the library? You must be kidding, neither I nor my character can read. I just copied the letters from the tutorial walk-through to the chat window.

That tutorial is stupid anyway, when I want to play a game like this I only need the movement keys and the attack idea why anyone wants me to read what a stupid NPC says. I have my quest-cheat-charts to get the glyph rewards, no need to bother myself with those stupid stories the NPCs tell. I just ignore NPCs at all. So even if there is such a law that fighting is not allowed in towns, who cares? I have never seen any of the NPC guards acting at all, even if I kill others right in front of them. So leave me alone with your useless talking about an Octarchal Decree. Nobody cares about it, so why should I.

Roleplay you say? I am Roleplaying. I play a character in a world where the name tags float above other's heads, where I can steal beer mugs from barrels from some distance without even touching the barrels and then can run away and laugh about the stupidity of others who didn't notice it. And why should I use OOC-brackets? Nobody at the mines uses them so why should I? And there isn't really a difference of what my character and I think. What, you say there are people who enjoy themselves playing out arguments in this game and laugh behind their screens while their characters are in an argument? How should this work? I'm always really upset when someone kills me in the PvP pit and I won't stop hunting him down until I killed him at least twice in revenge. Other kinds of arguments? With the current game mechanics there is not much else I can do than killing monsters or other players. How could I get upset about a thievery there...what, you mean people argue about religion here? Xiosia? I thought that is the female version of Santa Claus who maxed my Brown Way skill. There isn't even a skill for religion in game, so no sense arguing about it. I don't get this whole IC/OOC difference at all. Why can't my character just buy a notebook from Jirosh, login the RL Internet and read the PS forums. There are computers in the winch and with such a computer I wouldn't have to care about using OOC information from the forum in game. I could just lookup what others say in the forums and then react with my character in game to this by killing them. And why should I bother myself with finding out in game who is my enemy. I can just look at their guild tags to know this, or for secret guilds I go to their forums to find out who is a member. It's much faster this way, and there isn't the problem that I maybe kill the wrong one.

Other solutions than killing characters? I already said the game mechanics doesn't allow much other things! You say talking in the chat window? Wait, let me see...I think I have turned that damned window off. It took away far too much space on my screen which I need to spot my enemies to kill them. It's already annoying that I have to turn on that window again if I want to auction my Q300 weapons. Quality is OOC and shouldn't go to the IC auction tab? Now you start with that stupid IC/OOC stuff again. It's IC. I can read the quality when I right-click my weapons. And what I know knows my character too.

But please excuse me now. A member of an enemy guild just ran past us to the plaza. Maybe I can catch him there. The plaza is a good plaza for this, we will have enough space there to duel. We are currently at war with three other guilds. And our new members already start to complain in the help channel that they are constantly killed by players of our enemy guilds. So it's time that I kill most of them to show them who we are. I'm sure if I kill them often enough they will surrender and declare us as the winners. And isn't this what this game is pwn other players?. That is why I spend every spare minute at the platinum mines and slaying Ulbernauts. I needed that to max all magic ways, all armor skills and the two weapons skills. Right now I'm training the third weapon skill..and I also need more than 1 million tria to get one of those weapons which increases my dark way skill. Soon I will be unbeatable. Then I maybe even survive a evening in Kada El's with the three fights there every hour.

And I need all those skills to protect my Klyros wife. What, Krans are genderless? But I had the marry button with her, and now we even have a child together. One of my guild mates plays that child and he will soon be as powerful as me. And I'm not genderless. I'm a male Kran...I hate all those players who play characters with a different gender than they have in RL. Those are all perverted. Before I married my wife I made sure she is a girl IRL too. What you say roleplaying is about playing different roles? You must be wrong there...I'm sure it's about skill-numbers defining your role. But I really have to go now or that other player will escape. Now I have to turn on that damned chat window again to call my guild mates to the plaza.

[sarcasm mode off again...I'm somewhat serious about the following]
Please wipe ezpcusa and make it the RP server. Nearly nobody on laanx cares about roleplay at all anymore. So leave them their precious skills and give the Roleplayers a safe place again. And will take much longer for Roleplayers to gain some skills, but it's still better than the current situation on Laanx.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2009, 07:39:55 pm by Aiwendil »


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Re: Usual, semi-annual complain
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2009, 06:04:50 pm »
Sorry Aiwendil, but I have to disagree...  ;D One I did all the training I can stand to do years ago before I started RPing... I will not be going through that again.  :P Two, Laanx is our server, if anything we should take it back.  ;) I say if the rules of the server aren't being followed, make petitions. Sometimes it's not about the speed with which a problem is dealt with but that it is dealt with some how. If we give up on working with it, the problem will get worse. If necessary I will test the limits of how many petitions one person can submit. If the rules of the sever aren't followed, I will most definitely comment on it.  ;)


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Re: Usual, semi-annual complain
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2009, 06:29:06 pm »
* Elvicat get's out his pitchfork "shoo shoo you perky plers"

 ;D soory just had to ;)

Xillix Queen of Fools

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Re: Usual, semi-annual complain
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2009, 07:13:12 pm »

I'd say wipe both and let people make informed choices for the next release.

(and stop pestering me about xiosia :P )


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Re: Usual, semi-annual complain
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2009, 08:28:53 pm »
I must say this was no doubt the truth and it gave me a good laugh while I was skimming through the forum  ;D

Please wipe ezpcusa and make it the RP server. Nearly nobody on laanx cares about roleplay at all anymore. So leave them their precious skills and give the Roleplayers a safe place again. And will take much longer for Roleplayers to gain some skills, but it's still better than the current situation on Laanx.

Meh, wouldn't bug me in the least bit if this was done. Of course, I've only ever personally trained one of my characters and that alt is dead so I'm less attached than other players.


I'd say wipe both and let people make informed choices for the next release.

(and stop pestering me about xiosia :P )

I'd say go for this (but I only care about having my characters name so what do I know?)...but then let Santa's favorite helper Xiosia come visit the RP server bearing gifts :P


On a more serious note I hardly log on unless I've the intent to RP and have the specific plan down. Basically, I don't do any casual RP on PS, or what I'd consider casual, so I can't really comment on the status of RP on the server, though I'm bias enough to agree with you just because you said it.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2009, 08:39:09 pm by Duraza »
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Re: Usual, semi-annual complain
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2009, 08:34:23 pm »
I agree with everything except one little thing that was mentioned. The tavern fights stopped happening from what I've seen... the Yulbars and Rangers of Yliakum have calmed down. :P


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Re: Usual, semi-annual complain
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2009, 09:45:05 pm »
The nice thing about Planeshift is that it was created to be for everyone, this of course hampers the immersive gestalt of a thematically unified community at any given moment in time. But I look forward to the once and future zeitgeists of Yliakum.


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Re: Usual, semi-annual complain
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2009, 10:03:27 pm »
I like to level some and RP some. I really like to be able to run from RP in area A to RP in area B without having to rest several times in between. I'm not willing to give up my levels to go to a new RP server. I hope I'm not the only one who thinks there needs to be a balance between leveling and RP as I personally think that either pure RP or pure leveling is to limiting.


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Re: Usual, semi-annual complain
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2009, 11:12:34 pm »
I'd say wipe both and let people make informed choices for the next release.

Yes. Clear things out. My characters are old and rich and trained and like their names. I still say: Yes.


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Re: Usual, semi-annual complain
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2009, 11:26:56 pm »
I like to level some and RP some. I really like to be able to run from RP in area A to RP in area B without having to rest several times in between. I'm not willing to give up my levels to go to a new RP server. I hope I'm not the only one who thinks there needs to be a balance between leveling and RP as I personally think that either pure RP or pure leveling is to limiting.

I think so.

I'd say wipe both and let people make informed choices for the next release.

Yes. Clear things out. My characters are old and rich and trained and like their names. I still say: Yes.

Nuuuuuuu!!!!  :-\  Wipes are never good unless they fix technically problems like the quest system and such.

Xillix Queen of Fools

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Re: Usual, semi-annual complain
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2009, 11:42:04 pm »
Illysia the fact that it fixes MANY issues is automatically true.

It will raise new bugs and give devs new inspiration.

Anyone want a poll on it?


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Re: Usual, semi-annual complain
« Reply #11 on: July 15, 2009, 12:04:07 am »
No. Decision should come as an executive order, not as a democratic consensus. Too many will say, "My precious!"
« Last Edit: July 15, 2009, 12:33:42 am by verden »


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Re: Usual, semi-annual complain
« Reply #12 on: July 15, 2009, 02:23:57 am »
Much as I love my characters and as much effort as I've put into levelling them, I wouldn't mind either a wipe or migrating to EZ.

Admittedly, however, my okay-ness with migrating is a little biased because I have such low ping on it *cough* >>;

As for uninformed players making all these pointless new guilds and duelling in the plaza, yes, that's incredibly obnoxious and needs to stop.
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Re: Usual, semi-annual complain
« Reply #13 on: July 15, 2009, 06:12:18 am »
Sorry Aiwendil, but I have to disagree...  ;D One I did all the training I can stand to do years ago before I started RPing... I will not be going through that again.  :P Two, Laanx is our server, if anything we should take it back.  ;) I say if the rules of the server aren't being followed, make petitions. Sometimes it's not about the speed with which a problem is dealt with but that it is dealt with some how. If we give up on working with it, the problem will get worse. If necessary I will test the limits of how many petitions one person can submit. If the rules of the sever aren't followed, I will most definitely comment on it.  ;)
I play Aiwendil now for a long time, and I also spent a lot time on leveling her. Still I think a wipe isn't the worst solution. Of course I would prefer to take Laanx back, I just see no way to do this. It's not that there weren't any tries like this, this or this (And a lot more, I'm just too stupid to search the PS forums). But still I see the situation getting worser and worser, especially in the past two or three month. We have a non-RP server but nobody wants to go there because there aren't enough others players to kill or to compete with. Nearly every new player on laanx gets caught by one of the new guilds in the first days they play by OOC recruiting. Not even a chance to show most of them that there are others things than endless guild wars. That's why I suggested moving the RPers to ezpcusa. They are a minority, I have to accept that. So it's easier to move them there than the rest 90% of the players. And by moving the RPers I also see the advantage that people think twice before they join the RP server and not just register to the first server in the list.

I'd say wipe both and let people make informed choices for the next release.
Sure, would be even a better solution. I just didn't dare to suggest this.

(and stop pestering me about xiosia :P )
This time it was not aimed at you ;) *Aiwendil hide*

On a more serious note I hardly log on unless I've the intent to RP and have the specific plan down. Basically, I don't do any casual RP on PS, or what I'd consider casual, so I can't really comment on the status of RP on the server, though I'm bias enough to agree with you just because you said it.
Thanks for this, but as always I suggest people shouldn't rely on my words and have a look for themselves. I'm too much of a "text-player" to be not biased in this issue.

I agree with everything except one little thing that was mentioned. The tavern fights stopped happening from what I've seen... the Yulbars and Rangers of Yliakum have calmed down. :P
Sorry, I can't agree there. I used to spend a lot time with Aiwendil in Kada El's. Just lately I have less time to visit Allelia. And the few times I managed to escape the Red Crystal Den and went there I almost every time witnessed a fight there. And sure, the three fights in an hour were a little bit exaggerated...I think it was two hours I spend there to see those fights.

I like to level some and RP some. I really like to be able to run from RP in area A to RP in area B without having to rest several times in between. I'm not willing to give up my levels to go to a new RP server. I hope I'm not the only one who thinks there needs to be a balance between leveling and RP as I personally think that either pure RP or pure leveling is to limiting.
Oh, please don't get me wrong Elady. This is not about PLing at all. It's about disruptive behavior. Nothing wrong with people who train their chars. I also don't have a problem if they never Roleplay at all. But people who think the plaza is a good place for their duels make it really hard for others to enjoy the atmosphere of Hydlaa. A better balancing would be nice indeed, but I'm not sure if it will stop things like this.

Anyone want a poll on it?
I agree with verden there. We all know what the outcome of such a poll would be. One of the reasons why I suggested moving the RPers to ezpcusa...there is no way that most players will agree on a wipe of Laanx, no matter if it would help to solve some issues. This is something the PS team had to decide.

So allow me some more words: We have two server, so please let us make use of them. Events like defending a fortress, Dlayo Slayer Championship or Winch Duelling Championship are for sure fun for a lot of players. But they don't belong on the RP server. I don't want to turn this in a fight what is the better...or main server. Players have different views on what is fun in PlaneShift. But for me it's obvious that those different views will always result in troubles when all people play on the same server.


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Re: Usual, semi-annual complain
« Reply #14 on: July 15, 2009, 07:43:54 am »
*Bakin gets out his soapbox*
I play my character when I'm online, sometimes "rp'ing", sometimes "pl'ing", but always in a polite and IC manner.
For me there is no distinction - I play my character. period.
Last time I was in Kada-El's, there was no trouble, and I've seen no disruptive behaviour for a long time.

I have never visited the other server, and it is only for testing. (maybe not, but that's my stance)
I certainly won't be moving there just because there are spoiled teens running around foolishly.

So I say don't make a big deal about it - If there's a player which is causing problems, /report him.
If our beloved Devs *may they develop fruitfully* decide to do something, I'm gonna support 'em 100%
But until something is done from their side, I'm just gonna play my char to my pleasure, and I suggest you others do the same.
*Bakin steps down again and moves on with his life*
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