Author Topic: PlaneShift IRC Policies  (Read 3596 times)


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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PlaneShift IRC Policies
« on: August 02, 2009, 11:11:50 am »
The following policies apply to #planeshift public channels, including but not limited to:


1) First, and foremost, be respectful. This includes:
  • No swearing (in any language).
  • No spamming the channel.
  • No excessive CAPS LOCK COMMENTARY.
  • No discussion of illegal activities. (software piracy, etc)
  • No harassing other channel occupants.
  • Keeping channel topics appropriate, remember that there are often young adults and children in the channel.

2) The main language for the channel should be English. If you need assistance and English is not your primary language, you may use your primary language while working on your problem if there is someone available to assist you.

3) No spoilers.

4) Channel topics should remain fitting for the channel. It is acceptable to have open topics in #planeshift as long as the conversation is appropriate and put on hold if someone joins looking for assistance or with questions regarding PlaneShift. The channel moderators are within their right to deem a topic inappropriate.

5) Respect the requests of the channel operators as well as other developers and game masters (voiced members).

6) Rules may be updated as needed, it is your responsibility to remain up to date.

7) Moderator decisions made while enforcing the above policies may be discussed privately via PM's with a channel moderator. They are not be discussed within the channel or on the PlaneShift forums.

Breaking the above policies may result in you being removed and/or banned from the channel for a period of time at the moderators discretion. Most often, you will first be warned with a kick and permitted back into the channel. Recurring policy breakers will receive a permanent ban from the channel.