Author Topic: [RP] The Madness of Jacula  (Read 4126 times)


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[RP] The Madness of Jacula
« on: August 24, 2009, 10:16:15 am »
((Edit: Since I made the opening post, even if it wasn't my idea to start this RP, I feel I ought to make an explanatory note of sorts for those who need to familiarize themselves with this thread. :)

Not intended to be a one-shot/short-term event, this is turning out to be an evolving story that started from an incident at the Magic Fair and is gradually involving more RPers in the PS community through on-the-spot interaction. Many thanks to Jacula Pundactum, who begun this.

Now please read and enjoy...))


    (21:03:21) >Zephan Cystennin greets Jacula Pundactum.
    (21:03:54) Jacula raises his rockpick over his head, bringing it down with force 'Greetings Zephan, how goes it?'
    (21:04:35) Zephan casts a friendly glance in Jacula's direction before returning his attention to the cliff. "Going well, thank you. And how are you doing?"
    (21:06:25) Jacula returns the smile with a slight nod 'I have been busy lately.. It would seems that people have taken offence because of my allignment of late' he says while grinning slightly
    (21:06:46) Zephan says: Offence? Why is that?
    (21:07:22) Jacula smiles mischevously 'Let's just say people fear what they don't know..'
    (21:08:06) Zephan says: Oh... well, that's true. Lack of knowledge breeds lack of understanding... that sort of thing..
    (21:09:25) Jacula recalls the event of the magic fair, smiling deviously to himself 'Yes.. One could say that, i am glad that you are not as narrow minded'
    (21:09:38) Zephan says: Since we're on the subject, would you mind terribly if I asked how you've come upon your new alignment?
    (21:10:54) Zephan seems to be hitting the rock a bit more easily now that there's conversation going, his mind off the tediousness of the work.
    (21:12:04) Jacula ponders for a bit, twitching slightly. His bodylanguage of an unstable nature 'There are few that listens to the wicked, i turned to one in particular and found inner peace' me mutters to himself 'or inner chaos'
    (21:13:00) Zephan looks a little confused, and perhaps a bit wary. "Hum. I might have to ask you to explain that one..."
    (21:18:23) Jacula leans to pick up some ore as an amulet around his neck suddenly slides over his head, falling to the ground
    (21:18:29) >Jacula Pundactum dropped an Amulet of Dark Salvation.
    (21:18:40) Zephan scratches his chin. "Ah. Well, I've had the... opportunity to read Londris's tomes in his library. But I think it's barely scratching the surface." He glances at the amulet.
    (21:18:55) >Zephan Cystennin raises an arm and points towards Amulet of Dark Salvation.
    (21:19:00) Zephan says: You dropped something, I think.
    (21:19:12) Jacula looks paniced, swiftly picking ut up, hideing it in his pocket
    (21:19:14) >Jacula Pundactum picked up an Amulet of Dark Salvation
    (21:19:35) Zephan doesn't seem to be bothered by it, returning to his digging.
    (21:20:03) Jacula sneers, his eyes narrowing as he looks around. A slight gleam of rage in his eyes
    (21:21:18) Zephan looks in Jacula's direction to ask another question, but he becomes worried by the look on his face, and forgets what he was going to ask, for a moment.
    (21:22:36) Jacula collects himself and looks to zephan,he tilts his head as if expecting him to say something 'yes?'
    (21:23:36) Zephan pauses. "Erm. Sorry, question slipped my mind." He turns back to his digging, giving Jacula a cautious glance. "I'm sure I'll remember in a moment."
    (21:25:49) Jacula twitches again, his demeanor quite unstable . he looks suspiciously to Zephan stopping his digging to study his movements for a bit
    (21:28:07) Zephan swings his rock pick. He seems to be looking ahead a bit too intently.
    (21:30:23) Jacula suddenly puts his palm to his head, grunting as if he is in pain, he mutters something to himself
    (21:32:01) Zephan stops digging, his rock pick to the cliff as he looks over his shoulder. "Uh... are you alright?"
    (21:32:37) Rastalh says: uh .. i am ..
    (21:32:51) Jacula suddenly glares at Zephan, from his expression to judge he seems angered by something 'what are you looking at?' he mutters
    (21:33:48) Zephan nods to Rastalh indicating he was talking to Jacula, then gives Jacula a frown. "Thought you were having a headache or something... but well, if you weren't..."
    (21:34:15) Jacula looks around, his hands trembleing slightly 'don't look at me, any of you!' he sneers
    (21:35:06) Jacula continues to dig, eyes swiftly sizeing up the people arround him, he looks worried and even more unstable
    (21:35:33) Zephan raises a hand, "Okay, okay..." and sighs as he turns back to the cliff, his ears twitching.
    (21:36:53) Jacula puts his hands to his head again, falling to his knees as he cries out in pain 'im not listening, you're not real' he mumbles
    (21:36:54) Rastalh scratches his beard, dust of his pant's and then spits in his hands to conitinue swinging his rockpick
    (21:36:56) >Jacula Pundactum takes a seat.
    (21:37:31) Zephan says: Jacula? Are you -sure- you're alright?
    (21:37:49) Zephan looks right and left at the other miners.
    (21:38:07) Jacula squirms on the ground, his hands pressing against his head as he suddenly roars, obviously obsessed by something or someone
    (21:38:14) Rastalh nods to Zephan
    (21:38:21) Zephan says: Uh...
    (21:38:40) Zephan slowly stows away his rock pick and talisman.
    (21:39:36) Jacula digs his fingers into the hard ground, suddenly looking up at Zephan with madness in his eyes
    (21:40:13) Zephan raises his hands up, a gesture to show he's intending no harm. "Hey, wait-"
    (21:40:49) Jacula gets up, trying to grab Zephan by the throat as he raises his axe over his head
    (21:40:52) >Jacula Pundactum stands up.
    (21:41:25) Zephan cries out, "WHOA!" as he ducks to slide underneath Jacula, intending to end up behind him.
    (21:42:02) Jacula breathes heavily, his eyes telling of a growing madness within him. He swiftly turns around as Zephan slides underneath him
    (21:43:03) Zephan decides to draw Jacula away from the other miners ((who are, by the way, welcome to join the RP combat >.>)), and scampers down the hill.
    (21:43:21) Jacula grabs Zephan by the wrist, suddenly turning his attention to Rastalh 'What are you looking at?'
    (21:43:58) Zephan frowns, trying to pull free while Jacula's attention is on someone else.
    (21:44:39) Jacula tries to grab Zephans throat again, with the intent of chokeing the life out of him 'She speaks to me, she wants your soul' he almost shouts
    (21:45:32) Rastalh keeps silent, but with his ears wide opened.... - continues digging -
    (21:46:19) Jacula roars as he throws one of his axes towards Rastalh, with the intent of killing him
    (21:47:02) Zephan makes a wild gesture with his hand to make an explosion of Dazzling Light in Jacula's face, out of reflex.
    (21:47:46) Rastalh frowns, looking a bit frightened
    (21:47:50) Jacula turns his attention back towards Zephan, his fingers around his throat as he is struck by dazzling light. e cowers his eyes as he steps back, swinging his axe wildly
    (21:48:25) Zephan leaps backwards, mainatining what he feel sis a safe distance. "What's gotten into you?!" he yells.
    (21:48:33) Jacula is blinded, swinging his axe with the intent of takeing Zephan's head off
    (21:49:49) Zephan ducks and rolls a bit further away, this time sending a blast of Azure energy, a Psychic blow, intending to catch Jacula off guard.
    (21:50:10) Jacula grins at Zephan's question, slowly moving closer as he swings his axe infront of him 'She wants you.. She wants you in her embrace' he mumbles to himself
    (21:51:09) Zephan backs away as Jacula advances, mumbling back, "Sorry, the only one I intend to be embracing me is my wife..." Why he has the time to make a joke, one can't be certain.
    (21:51:11) Jacula is caught by supprise by the psychic dart, he feels the air go out of him as it connects. He looks even more angered, still trying to kill him
    (21:52:30) Jacula chants Dakkru's name, fnally catching up with Zephan, trying to hit him with a slash of his axe
    (21:52:56) Zephan backs away, falling onto his back as he trips over a rock. The slash passes over him, but he is a bit dazed from the fall.
    (21:54:15) Jacula puts his foot on Zephan's chest, raising his axe over his head 'Any last words.. friend?' he grins with sheer madness in his eyes
    (21:55:53) Zephan fails to squirm out from under the force of Jacula's weight, and tries to hit him with a psychic blow again, his hand starting to rise.
    (21:57:40) Jacula brings his axe down with force, it sears through one of the horns of Zephans helm, hitting the ground with a oud thud next to his head, he falls back himself as he is hit by a psychic dart
    (21:58:16) Zephan rolls away quickly, frowning at the horn that fell off his helmet. He scampers some distance to get a good look at Jacula.
    (21:59:33) Jacula grunts as he stands, blinded with rage 'don't struggle.. i wont hurt you' he says with a clear insanity in his voice
    (22:00:24) Zephan continues backing away, "Is this... what Dakkru is like?"
    (22:01:46) Jacula sneers, advanceing quickly trying to punch Zephan square in the face with his left hand
    (22:02:10) Jacula roars 'don't ever utter her name, blasphemer'
    (22:02:38) Zephan dodges, but now imbalanced by the missing horn in his helmet, and he skids a little too far to the left.
    (22:03:26) Jacula stretches out his arm to the right, hitting Zephan with the blunt flat side of his axe
    (22:04:52) Zephan is sent rolling off to the side with a loud WHUMPF when he reaches the bottom off the hill, the sheer blunt force making his vision spin.
    (22:06:50) Jacula unsheats one of his daggers, kneeling as he puts it to Zephans throat 'Now.. Now she will award me.. she will be pleased' he mutters, his eyes wide open, observing Zephans pulsating throat
    (22:08:02) Zephan seems to have stopped resisting, looking perplexed and maybe a little annoyed. "Fine... is that all you want? Go ahead, I'll be back..." And he stares Jacula square in the eye.
    (22:09:27) Jacula smiles wickedly, just as he is about to dig his dagger into Zephans throat he cries out in pain, dropping the dagger and putting his hands to his helmet, falling back in the grass
    (22:10:15) Jacula squirms on the ground, finally the helmet comes off his head, he lays down unconcious, a strange book falling out of his pack as he does
    (22:10:48) >Jacula Pundactum dropped a book.
    (22:11:17) Zephan crawls to his knees and some distance away from Jacula, noticing the book. He frowns as he pulls it towards him.
    (22:11:43) Jacula twitches, he lays flat on the ground, eyes closed
    (22:13:09) Jacula slowly opens one of his eyes, his vision blurred he looks up at Zephan 'w-what, what happened?' he stutters
    (22:13:23) Zephan's eyes skim the words in the book, and he groans. "Uh. You went bonkers."
    (22:14:35) Jacula notices Zephan holding the book, he swiftly stands up snacthing it from his hands 'Dont.. dont touch that..' he stutters
    (22:14:38) >Jacula Pundactum stands up.
    (22:15:01) Zephan raises his hands, then goes over to pick up the horn that was shorn off from his helmet.
    (22:15:15) Jacula looks light headed, staggering around 'did i hurt you?'
    (22:15:32) Zephan grins lopsidedly. "Not too much."
    (22:16:29) Jacula runs away swiftly, 'im so sorry', he mutters

((OOC Note: This was a spontaneous RP that took place at the Gugrontid mine, which I believe I part of Jaculas ongoing character development. :D It likely might have become more epic if the other miners had joined in, but Jacula and I had some OOC fun nonetheless. Text combat FTW!))
« Last Edit: August 28, 2009, 05:47:38 pm by Zephan »
~ Zephan Cystennin, Dermorian Huntsman ~

"Think with your brain and not with your blades."


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Re: [RP] The Madness of Jacula
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2009, 03:33:48 am »
[Thank you Zephan, i had alot of fun. Jacula's antics will continue in the purpose of some sort of consequence, be it confrontation, a trial or just general despise. Feel free to contact me if you wish to take part in this random Rp. I look to Elady, Jamona or Aurelyn to review the events of tHe magic fair where another attack occurred as my logs sadly messed up. Keep in mind that all of this will be done with the purpose of entertainment with the emphasys of fun for all who participate. As for my character development Jacula will turn into an evil character in time, but first i intend to enjoy the transformation towards that goal  8) have fun, and lets bring back some good evil Rp to PS.]


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Re: [RP] The Madness of Jacula
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2009, 05:20:54 am »
((Posting this because everyone else's logs were inaccessible :P ... another encounter with Jacula and his inner chaos.))

Yielding platinum once more with the beasts slumbering, the Gugrontid mine brings together a few friends exchanging good-humored banter. Even Jacula is amongst them, seemingly having recovered from yesterday's episode.

Yet the peace was not to last...

    (17:15:12) Eckar says: Not happy with those teasing Ulbers...
    (17:15:18) >Eckar Rraynne shoots a frosty glare at Ulbernaut.
    (17:15:42) Zephan says: They're busy practicing their line dance for the next mass attack.
    (17:15:53) Eckar says: I'll give them a line dance...
    (17:16:05) Eckar smirks.
    (17:16:27) Jacula suddenly twitches, his eyes fadeing as he mutters something to himself
    (17:16:35) Eckar eyes Jacula.
    (17:16:59) Zephan eyes flick to Jacula involuntarily, hearing the mutter while he hasn't hit the ground with his pick yet.
    (17:17:27) Anibela lookes over her shoulder curiously at Jacula
    (17:18:33) Eckar tilts her head as she gazes at Jacula, "What did you say?"
    (17:18:39) Jacula looks up with narrow eyes, keeping his composure as he continues to dig
    (17:19:15) Eckar looks slightly uneasy.. then lowers her gaze and starts to dig again.
    (17:21:03) Jacula seems to be talking to himself in a slight voice, he tries to focus as his hands tremble
    (17:21:23) Anibela looks over at Eckar 'you can have him'
    (17:21:34) Eckar tucks her wings at her back and gazes over at Jacula once more..her eyes trailing from his hands to his face, "What's going on Jacula..?"
    (17:23:34) Zephan frowns deeply, digging more slowly.
    (17:24:06) Jacula shurgs casually, still muttering to himself 'no' he suddenly cackles in a hoarse tone of voice as he looks around
    (17:25:30) Eckar looks slightly disturbed..frowning a little, "Jacula..?"
    (17:25:58) Zephan mumbles to Eckar, "I think we'd better get ready..."
    (17:26:23) Eckar nods to Zephan..unsure of exactly what she should do..
    (17:26:55) >Zephan Cystennin greets Xarock Sabbaan.
    (17:27:15) Eckar whispers under her breath.
    (17:27:20) Jacula suddenly drives his fist into the stone wall with a loud thud 'NO!' he almost roars as he looks up with a unstable look on his face
    (17:27:56) Anibela decides to give Jacula some space
    (17:28:07) Eckar closes her eyes slightly and shudders.. deciding that saying his name isn't helping.
    (17:28:47) Dragnoor says: some are devoted to service...and whos individual lives suffer..draggy sighs
    (17:29:57) Jacula puts his hand on his head sighting deeply 'Im sorry..' he mutters as he breathes heavily, his demeanor more unstable than ever
    (17:30:19) Zephan peers at Dragnoor curiously before returning his wary gaze to Jacula.
    (17:30:32) Eckar gazes at Jacula with a worried look.. unsure if to approach him.. or back away, she opens her mouth to speak.. but stops.
    (17:30:38) >Xarock Sabbaan greets Zephan Cystennin.
    (17:32:14) Jacula continues to dig slowly, notecing the eyes of many as they wander over him, he looks like he is trying to focus, not makeing any sudden movements as he remains quiet
    (17:32:24) Anibela ignores whats going around here and focuses on digging
    (17:32:44) Dragnoor says: hehe we all have our crosses to bear
    (17:32:56) Zephan says: Crosses?
    (17:32:58) Eckar tucks her wings tighter at her back, lowering her gaze slightly to the ground as she digs.
    (17:33:12) Dragnoor says: s symbol of peace zeph
    (17:33:41) Anibela hoping she dont have to help anyone out if it comes to it
    (17:34:02) Jacula closes his eyes as he leans back against the large rock
    (17:34:22) >Jacula Pundactum takes a seat.
    (17:34:33) Dragnoor looks at jacula with concern
    (17:34:38) Eckar stops digging and returns her attention to Jacula, speaking softly.. "Are you okay?"
    (17:34:41) Dragnoor says: whats wrong ,lad?
    (17:36:08) Jacula seems to be in a medative state, breathing softly as his head tilts forward, not responding
    (17:36:19) Eckar looks at Zephan...
    (17:36:27) Dragnoor says: leave him be
    (17:36:41) Dragnoor says: time heals all wounds
    (17:36:43) Zephan nods, thinking that's a good idea, but he looks to be on his gaurd nonetheless.
    (17:36:50) Anibela looks worried over at Jacula
    (17:37:29) Anibela says: do the Ulbers come over here?
    (17:37:46) Zephan says: Sometimes...
    (17:38:06) Anibela looks nervously over at the ulbers
    (17:38:15) Jacula seems to be talking to himself in his deep state, yet what he is saying is to hard to make out from far away
    (17:38:56) Eckar moves closer to Jacula.. kneeling almost as if to listen.
    (17:39:01) >Eckar Rraynne takes a seat.
    (17:39:30) Zephan watches Eckar carefully.
    (17:39:44) Dragnoor says: i wanna shoot sommat
    (17:40:22) Jacula whispers to himself 'she carved her name in my mind.. She listens to my plea..'' me twitches suddenly, his face positioned towards Eckar, his eyes still closed
    (17:41:19) Eckar tilts her body back slightly as she watches Jacula's movments.. making out his words.. "Who.. Jacula..?"
    (17:41:37) Zephan mutters, "Not sure if it's a good idea to ask..."
    (17:42:11) Eckar glances at Zephan.. positioning herself to jump back if she has to.
    (17:42:29) Jacula suddenly opens one of his eyes, with a rapid movement he puts a dagger to Eckars throat, for a second his eyes are filled with insanity
    (17:42:54) Zephan freezes, dropping his rock pick.
    (17:42:58) Eckar gasps and jumps back.
    (17:42:59) >Eckar Rraynne stands up.
    (17:43:45) Anibela says: are you ok Eckar?
    (17:44:07) Eckar rubs her throat and frowns.. her body stiffening.. "Yes..."
    (17:44:12) Jacula looks puzzled, dropping the dagger to the ground. putting his hands to his head 'what is happening to me' he pleads
    (17:44:30) Zephan says: ... I wish I knew ...
    (17:44:51) Eckar frowns more as she gazes at Jacula, but afraid to go near him now.
    (17:45:19) Jacula slowly gets up as he locks his eyes with Eckar's 'i diden't mean to.. im so sorry'
    (17:45:23) >Jacula Pundactum stands up.
    (17:45:57) Eckar shakes slightly..frowning even more.."I.."
    (17:46:01) Zephan says: Has this been... happening often?
    (17:46:33) Jacula looks angry with himself, squeezing the amulet around his neck, he looks unstable. ready to go of in a frenzy at any moment
    (17:47:09) Jacula suddenly looks to Zephan as his eyes darken 'I-i don't know..' he mutters
    (17:47:21) Anibela looks worried
    (17:47:23) Xarock says: hmmm
    (17:47:31) Eckar locks her jaw for a bit as she moves towards Jacula, trying to place a hand on his arm..
    (17:48:00) Zephan's foot twitches, as if he's preparing to make a quick movement.
    (17:48:33) Jacula looks at Eckar's throat as she places her hand on his arm, he blinks and closes his eyes again. looking as if he is fighting within himself
    (17:49:12) Eckar growls lowly as she watches his eyes and frowns again, quickly removing her hand.. backing up.
    (17:50:08) Jacula seems to react badly to the many eyes upon him, he trembles eyeing each and every one of them fiercely
    (17:50:29) Anibela quickly looks away
    (17:50:38) Zephan raises his eyebrows and looks away, turning his head slightly towards Eckar and Anibela.
    (17:50:50) Eckar glances at Zephan..
    (17:52:03) Jacula suddenly grabs Anibela, placeing his arm around her throat, whispering in her ear 'don't look at me.. don't'
    (17:52:28) Eckar stiffens completely and locks her eyes on Jacula.
    (17:52:32) Anibela gasps , eyes looking frightened
    (17:52:45) Jacula looks back at Zephan and Eckar as he twitches 'Eyes.. eys everywhere' he grunts
    (17:52:59) Zephan's right hand starts glowing azure very faintly. He hides it behind his back.
    (17:53:16) Eckar narrows her eyes slightly, her claws wrapping tight around her wand.. "Jacula... let her go."
    (17:53:25) Anibela whispers 'please dont hurt me'
    (17:53:40) Anibela whispers 'il stop looking'
    (17:54:07) Jacula tightens his grip around Anibelas throat 'The soulkeeper, se speaks.. She wants you..' he whispers in her ear
    (17:54:13) Zephan says: If you're seeking sacrifice, she's not the one you want.
    (17:54:41) Eckar has a pained expression on her face as she grips her wand tighter.. the glyph at the tip of it glowing even brighter now.. "Jacula.. please, you don't want to do this.. let her go."
    (17:55:29) Jacula speaks in a twisted tone of voice as he smells Anibelas hair 'You have no idea what i wan't' he grins
    (17:55:54) Anibela looks over at Zephan and Eckar with a help me look in her eyes
    (17:56:32) Jacula suddenly lets her go, swiftly running away. leaving many questions in the air
    (17:56:42) Zephan's jaw drops.
    (17:56:57) Zephan says: Are you alright, Anibela?
    (17:57:03) Eckar loosens the grip on her wand, her body shaking a little. "Anibela.. are you okay?"
    (17:57:26) Anibela looks relieved, trying to catch her breath
    (17:57:46) Anibela says: what does he want of me?
    (17:58:06) Zephan says: I don't think he's quite himself...
    (17:59:09) Anibela shrugs it off and goes back mining

To be continued...
~ Zephan Cystennin, Dermorian Huntsman ~

"Think with your brain and not with your blades."


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Re: [RP] The Madness of Jacula
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2009, 05:43:30 am »
* Erelenga Karal already witnessed an outbreak of his fury after the Magic Fair in the Explorer Outpost, it required 4 people - well, mostly women, and a bookworm - to keep him down...

Gag Harmond
Knight and Ambassador
The Royal House of Purrty


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Re: [RP] The Madness of Jacula
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2009, 06:52:41 am »
Very entertaining ! Keep up the good work... Looking forward to reading more :)

Gotta give the miners some credit for their ability to ignore screams of madness and flashes of bright light from spells. They are truely dedicated to their work :)


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Re: [RP] The Madness of Jacula
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2009, 07:43:19 am »
\\o// I enjoyed the spontaneous rp. XD One way to get a tired mind to try and function I suppose. Haha. Yay for 6am rp's. XD]
You're still wrong.
Hope you're loving it.


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Re: [RP] The Madness of Jacula
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2009, 08:17:58 am »
Miners ... miners ... what do you mean? ... Ah, the Platinum zombies.

Gag Harmond
Knight and Ambassador
The Royal House of Purrty


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Re: [RP] The Madness of Jacula
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2009, 09:32:31 am »
This is from the event at the Magic Fair. The Magic Fair was winding down with most of the people in the area sitting around the fire talking.

(14:06:32) >Jacula Pundactum stands up.
(14:07:17) Jacula says: Intresting fair this..
(14:07:45) Mordaan says: I think so.
(14:08:05) Mordaan says: Perhaps there could have been a more solid itinerary, but I wanted to keep it informal.
(14:08:20) Jacula says: May the wicked one plan thoughts of evil into your minds
(14:08:36) Jacula looks unstable, maybe even insane
(14:08:45) Aurelyn blinks
(14:08:54) Mordaan says: I had an idea for things like presentations, but no one volunteered.
(14:08:56) Mordaan says: Humm?
(14:09:22) Jamona stares at the fire
(14:10:03) Jacula warms himself by the fire, a deep grins of madness comes as an response to Mordaan's puzzled look
(14:10:49) Mordaan says: Umm, you ok?
(14:10:58) Mordaan looks at Jacula
(14:11:09) Jacula twitches and sneers 'what are you looking at?'
(14:11:51) Mordaan shrugs
(14:11:55) Jacula stutters to himself 'kill the lies, burn them all.. burn it all'
(14:12:02) Mordaan continues to write notes
(14:13:07) Jacula looks into the fire again, hypnotized by the flames 'Burn it all' he suddenly shouts
(14:13:18) >Mordaan stands up.
(14:13:33) Elady looks with concern at Jacula.
(14:13:43) Mordaan approaches Jacula "Hey there, snap out of it!"
(14:13:44) Aurelyn glances at Mordaan and Jacula
(14:14:04) Mordaan waves his hand in front of Jacula's face
(14:14:21) Mordaan says: You ok? What's this about burning?
(14:14:46) Jacula turns to Mordaan, insanity burning in his eyes 'what, what did i do, what?'
(14:15:11) Mordaan says: Umm, you were just muttering something.
(14:15:47) Jacula narrows his eyes, his body twitching slightly 'Yes, she speaks to me, can't you hear her?' he sneers
(14:16:08) Erelenga mutters something about going fishing...
(14:16:10) >Erelenga Karal stands up.
(14:16:24) Mordaan says: Umm, I don't hear anything.
(14:16:36) Jacula covers his ears 'the voices, t-the voices' he almost screams
(14:16:58) Jamona looks at Aurelyn
(14:17:09) Indygo looks around the camp with a curious expression
(14:17:10) Mordaan looks around, concerned
(14:17:18) Aurelyn raises an eyebrow and whispers to Jamona
(14:17:26) Jacula seems to be under the influence of some sort of spell
(14:17:30) >Elady Wanz stands up.
(14:17:32) Mordaan backs up and waves at Indygo
(14:17:49) >Mordaan greets Indygo Matteao.
(14:17:54) Indygo notices Mordaan out of the corner of his eye and smiles wide
(14:18:10) Jacula turns to Aurelyn and Jamona 'the tounges of the wicked, they speak of dark to come.. t-they speak'
(14:18:15) >Erelenga Karal greets Indygo Matteao.
(14:18:16) >Erelenga Karal salutes Indygo Matteao with respect.
(14:18:21) Mordaan says: Careful, Indygo, this fella seems to be under some sort of spell.
(14:18:24) Indygo says: Garadi' Mordaan, Kera'mart! Kalid?
(14:18:27) Elady stands up looking towards Jacula with a worried expression.
(14:18:42) Indygo jumps back and looks at the fella
(14:18:45) Aurelyn takes Jamona's hand and whispers
(14:18:49) Erelenga says: But good to see you again, Indygo...
(14:19:11) Indygo looks at Erelenga and nods "Garamdor..."
(14:19:21) Indygo studies Erelenga's face
(14:19:30) Jacula squeezes the handle of his axe tightly 'eyes, thousands of eyes upon me, you can't see me.. nobody can' he says with a unstabe look in his eyes
(14:19:37) >Jamona Shikon stands up.
(14:19:42) >Jamona Shikon takes a seat by Aurelyn Tiyel.
(14:20:03) Erelenga says: Everyone talking about spells, isn't there any to calm one's mind?!
(14:20:06) Jamona takes Aurelyn's hand
(14:20:27) >Mordaan nods in agreement with Erelenga Karal.
(14:20:39) Mordaan says: I wish I knew.
(14:20:42) Elady shakes her head " Not that i know of."
(14:21:03) Jacula raises his axe as Mordaan moves closer 'W-why are you looking at me, don't look at me' he stutters
(14:21:22) >Cesun Otersbrook stands up.
(14:21:26) Mordaan says: [wow, btw, up to 44 ... lots of simple ones not mentioned]
(14:21:31) Elady says: Maybe a purification spell?
(14:21:43) Mordaan nods "Might be worth a try."
(14:21:47) Erelenga says: [ Sleep is only self-directed? ]
(14:22:08) Jacula seems to become hostile, swinginf his axe towards Mordaan 'stay away from me!'
(14:22:10) Mordaan says: [yes]
(14:22:14) Indygo crosses his arms "I have calmed an angry Ulber or two using Dweomer Transfusion...."
(14:22:18) Mordaan jumps back
(14:22:37) Erelenga whispers to Indygo "You could try - carefully."
(14:22:37) Indygo lifts an eyebrow as he straps his axes to his back
(14:22:39) Mordaan says: [sorry, that was a terrible jump :D]
(14:22:54) >Liliah Ferinand stands up.
(14:22:58) Jacula has distinct madness in his eyes, shielding himself and raises his axe in another attack
(14:23:10) Mordaan drops his mug
(14:23:10) >Aurelyn Tiyel stands up.
(14:23:12) Indygo begins to chant in stonebreaker
(14:23:14) >Jamona Shikon stands up.
(14:23:15) >Mordaan dropped a Mug.
(14:23:29) Aurelyn steps back, visibly shocked
(14:23:32) Mordaan looks around, concerned
(14:23:35) >Lecoda Tahir stands up.
(14:23:42) Mordaan says: Whoa! I am no threat to you.
(14:23:45) Jamona follows Aurelyn
(14:24:00) Jacula laughs 'She speaks to me, she wants your soul' he roaars, as he tries to grab Mordaan by the throat
(14:24:02) Erelenga says: Sir! The carrots!
(14:24:13) Erelenga says: Quick - they are against you!
(14:24:21) Mordaan throws up his hands in defense
(14:24:24) Indygo snickers to himself
(14:25:02) Elady jumps towards Jacula trying to bump him away from mordaan.
(14:25:03) Erelenga frowns - bad attempt of distraction.
(14:25:07) Jacula grabs one of his wrists, raising his axe. can anybody stop him?
(14:25:33) Mordaan falls to the ground
(14:25:36) >Mordaan takes a seat.
(14:25:50) Jacula gets pushed by Elady, he turns to her, twitching uncontrolablly
(14:26:05) Erelenga rolls out a few glass beads.
(14:26:16) Jamona buts her hand on her mouth, a bit fearfully
(14:26:28) Indygo casually picks a pebble up from the ground and bounces it off of Jacula's helmet
(14:26:32) Aurelyn holds Jamona's hand tightly
(14:26:35) Elady assumes a fighting stance ready to defend herself.
(14:26:58) Jacula slips on a few beads, yet controls his balance as he raises his axe, trying to grab Elady
(14:27:18) Mordaan gets back up and arms his swords
(14:27:23) >Mordaan stands up.
(14:27:45) Jacula grunts 'burn the lies.. Burn them all' as he tries to grab Elady
(14:27:51) Elady attempts to side step Jacula as he approchestrying to block his axe arm.
(14:28:34) Jacula suddenly swings his axe to the right, trying to take Mordaan's head of his shoulders
(14:28:56) Jamona closes her eyes
(14:29:00) Mordaan blocks Jacula's axe with his swords but falls back to the ground
(14:29:00) Indygo quickly takes a rope from his pack and slips it around Jacula's feet tying them together
(14:29:02) >Mordaan takes a seat.
(14:29:10) Aurelyn covers a scream with her hand
(14:29:31) Mordaan says: Ugh! Stop this!
(14:29:33) Elady starts chanting a prayer to Xiosia asking for what ever posses Jacula to be dispelled.
(14:29:34) Jacula puts his boot on Mordaans throat, raising his axe, chargeing a powerfull blow
(14:30:11) Erelenga throws a larger piece of ore at Jacula's backhead.
(14:30:15) Mordaan tries a stab at Jacula's torso
(14:30:22) Jacula talks to himself 'you will do.. you will feed the voices, yes you will'
(14:30:43) Indygo shrugs and walks away
(14:30:51) Jamona looks fearfully at Aurelyn
(14:30:52) Jacula grunts as a sword hits his armor, his eyes burning with rage
(14:30:54) Indygo says: Dol' gararrth...
(14:31:17) Elady raises her leg trying to kick the back of Jacula's knee.
(14:31:48) Jacula falls as his knee buckles under him, hitting the ground with a loud thud
(14:31:51) >Jacula Pundactum takes a seat.
(14:32:04) Mordaan rolls out of the way a bit
(14:32:13) >Mordaan stands up.
(14:32:16) >Mordaan takes a seat.
(14:32:29) Jacula twitches, looking obsessed by something, or someone, struggleing to get back up
(14:32:45) Elady says: Hurry Hold Jacula down.
(14:33:04) Mordaan says: Ah, perhaps curing faith is a good spell choice.
(14:33:08) Elady moves to keep Jacula on the ground.
(14:33:22) Jacula roars as he gets held down, trying viciously to get back up
(14:33:38) Mordaan gets back to his feet
(14:33:40) >Mordaan stands up.
(14:33:48) Lecoda says: I think we might need more to hold him down
(14:33:50) Earowo trips on a rock
(14:33:57) Aurelyn looks at the poeple standing around Jacula "What are you waiting for? Hold him down!"
(14:34:02) Mordaan says: What in the?
(14:34:11) Jacula struggles, he hits a Menki with his axe, killing him on the spot
(14:34:17) Mordaan says: [well that's one way to jump on him ;)]
(14:34:28) Aurelyn gives a hand to Elady and Lecoda
(14:34:29) Lecoda says: [lol]
(14:34:33) Mordaan jumps on Jacula
(14:34:35) Erelenga tries to hold Jacula's legs.
(14:34:40) >Erelenga Karal takes a seat by Jacula Pundactum.
(14:34:49) Elady says: Disarm him if you can.
(14:34:54) Jacula roars as he gets held down, shaeing wildly, speaking in tounges
(14:35:08) Jamona tries to help holding Jacula down as well
(14:35:32) Jacula roars 'let go of me.. i'll kill you all, all eat your souls'
(14:35:40) Elady says: We need to knock him out.
(14:36:03) Mordaan tries to remove Jacula's helmet
(14:36:04) Lecoda says: ehmm ... someone start the curing faith spell
(14:36:11) Jacula almost gets back to his feet in sheer fury, but gets pushed down again
(14:36:12) Aurelyn says: Remove his helm
(14:36:32) >Jacula Pundactum dropped a Dakkru's Blessing.
(14:36:34) Jacula roars as his helm is removed
(14:37:01) Aurelyn says: :me glances at Jacula's face
(14:37:07) Jacula looks to it eagerly, seemingly weakened by the loss of it
(14:37:09) Aurelyn glances at Jacula's face
(14:37:17) Mordaan takes the hilt of his sword and gives Jacula a crack on the head
(14:37:25) Aurelyn says: No!
(14:37:28) Elady tries to punch Jacula on the jaw to knock him out.
(14:37:32) Erelenga can't look at this ... ouch.
(14:37:50) Jamona looks away
(14:38:03) Jacula takes the blows and falls back, still concious, stil fighting them from below
(14:38:35) Mordaan says: [darn, dinner, I gotta go for a bit]
(14:38:47) Lecoda says: [ bad timing ]
(14:38:58) Mordaan says: [yeah, sorry]
(14:39:00) Elady punches Jacula a second time.
(14:39:03) Lecoda says: [ :P ]
(14:39:09) Jamona says: Stop...
(14:39:09) Jacula spits blood, his eyes burning with anger
(14:39:29) Jacula is finnaly knocked unconcious, laying flat on the grass
(14:39:58) >Erelenga Karal stands up.
(14:40:25) Jacula breathes slowly, blood sippering from his open mouth
(14:40:26) Elady stands back and looks assamed of herself. " I'm sorry but it was the only thing I culd think of to prevent him from hurting himself and others."
(14:40:41) Erelenga says: Oh boy ... what obsesses him?
(14:41:03) Jamona looks at the helmet
(14:41:05) Erelenga says: We don't wanth him to die though...
(14:41:07) Aurelyn points at Jacula's mouth "He seems wounded"
(14:41:14) Jacula twitches on the ground, his eyes rolling to the back of his head
(14:41:15) Elady says: Does anyone have some rope. We should bind him before he wakes up.
(14:41:47) Aurelyn says: First we should disarm him
(14:41:58) Jamona nods
(14:42:06) >Jacula Pundactum dropped a Reinforced Battle Axe.
(14:42:30) Elady moves the axe away from Jacula's body.
(14:42:37) Erelenga pulls away the helm and sets it near the ring of sack.
(14:42:40) Jacula tilts his head slowly, the blood dripping into the grass
(14:42:50) >Jacula Pundactum picked up a Dakkru's Blessing
(14:42:59) Lecoda says, "we can use this rope" and picks up the robe Indygo tried to tie around Jaculas legs earlier
(14:43:22) Erelenga takes the axe and puts it next to the helm.
(14:43:29) Elady nods to Lecoda " Bind his hands and then I can heal his wounds."
(14:43:50) Jacula twitches slightly as they tie him up, talking in tounges 'he will come for you, the soulkeeper will eat you from within'
(14:44:26) >Erelenga Karal picked up a Mug
(14:44:36) >Aurelyn Tiyel takes a seat by Jacula Pundactum.
(14:44:52) >Erelenga Karal dropped a Mug.
(14:45:06) Aurelyn looks at Elady, Erelenga and Lecoda "Does anyone know his name?"
(14:45:09) Jamona frowns echoing "Soul...keeper?"
(14:45:21) Jacula slowly opens his jet black eyes, his gaze jumping from person to person
(14:45:29) Erelenga shakes his head.
(14:45:39) Aurelyn looks at Jacula "Sir! Are you all right?"
(14:45:48) Lecoda says: I think I recognice hom from the Gugrontid mine ... If it is him they called him Jacula
(14:45:52) Elady says: His name is Jacula. I have seen him about at the mine a few times.
(14:46:19) Aurelyn nods and looks at Jacula "Jacula! Are you all right?"
(14:46:41) Erelenga says: Good luck, ladies ... I have to return.
(14:46:44) >Erelenga Karal greets everyone.
(14:46:45) Erelenga waves goodbye.
(14:46:49) Jacula laughs as he realizes that he is tied up 'You blasphemers speak her name, travel through her realm.. The eclipse is near, you wil all bask in darkness'
(14:47:20) Aurelyn mumbles "Dakkru..."
(14:47:32) Jamona looks at Aurelyn
(14:47:43) >Jamona Shikon takes a seat.
(14:48:10) Jacula tries to muscle himself loose, bu to no success, he looks up at Elady 'you back a punch, you damned heretic'
(14:48:11) Aurelyn looks at Jacula "You must calm down Sir"
(14:49:13) Jacula roars into the sky as he realizes he can't move 'You will all die, die by her glory'
(14:49:22) Elady looks down at Jacula " I have had lots of training in fist fighting."
(14:50:11) Jacula looks over to his pack laying on the ground, a book fallen out 'don't touch that, ill cut off your fingers' he says in a twisted tone of voice
(14:50:16) >Jacula Pundactum dropped a book.
(14:50:53) Aurelyn glances at the book and looks at the three ladies "Hold him tight!"
(14:50:54) Elady looks at the book and picks it up.
(14:51:29) Elady says: [Would pick it up if it wasn't guarded :P]
(14:51:43) Jacula roars 'No! dont touch that, dont touch it!
(14:51:50) Jacula says: [read it]
(14:51:58) Aurelyn looks at the book with interest
(14:52:20) Elady starts to read the book holding it out for anyone else who wants to look at it.
(14:52:37) Jacula struggles to break free, only one thought crossing his mind 'kill them, kill them all'
(14:53:54) Jacula gets a hold of Aurelyns wrist, squeezing it tightly
(14:54:03) Lecoda says: [ wb Mordaan ]
(14:54:08) Aurelyn lets out a "Ouch!!"
(14:54:10) Mordaan says: [sorry, had I had the presence of mind, I would have said Mordaan took and elbow and went unconsious. :P]
(14:54:24) Mordaan says: [so what'd I miss?]
(14:54:32) Jamona looks scared, not knowing what to do
(14:54:46) Elady says: Knocked him out , tied him up now readin his book]
(14:54:51) Jacula tries crush her little hand in his, grunting wildly
(14:55:06) Aurelyn shouts: OUCH!!!
(14:55:36) Aurelyn shouts: My... My hand!
(14:55:52) Jamona takes a dagger and stabs Jacula's arm
(14:55:55) Lecoda hits Jaculas hand hard just above the knuckles
(14:55:58) Mordaan says: Hey, hey, calm down, we're trying to help you.
(14:56:16) Elady kicks at Jacula's head trying to knock him out again.
(14:56:44) Jacula cries out in pain as jamonas dagger severs through his arm
(14:56:44) Mordaan glances at the book
(14:57:04) Aurelyn tries to free her hand
(14:57:09) Jamona quickly hides her dagger again fearfully "What did I do..."
(14:57:11) Jacula takes another punch to the jaw 'don't touch it.. don't..'
(14:57:18) Lecoda put's on her mail gloves getting ready for a second punch should the first one not loosen his grib
(14:57:47) Jacula falls back in the grass again, his arm bleeding wildly, coloring the grass red
(14:58:13) >Jamona Shikon stands up.
(14:58:14) Lecoda tries to heal the wound from the stab
(14:58:24) Aurelyn looks at her hand, wincing
(14:58:26) Mordaan joins in the healing
(14:58:44) Jacula twitches, his head shakeing
(14:59:05) Jamona looks at Aurelyn "Are you all right?"
(14:59:13) Jacula turns his eyes towards the book, then they roll back into his skull
(14:59:15) Mordaan says: Hmm, what does the book say? Whatever we're going to do needs to be done fast.
(14:59:28) Aurelyn shakes her head and winces "No."
(14:59:50) >Jamona Shikon takes a seat by Aurelyn Tiyel.
(14:59:54) Elady passes the book to Mordaan so he can read it.
(15:00:09) Mordaan reads
(15:00:31) Jacula struggles to regain his awareness
(15:00:35) Mordaan rolls his eyes
(15:00:40) Aurelyn steps back
(15:00:42) Elady says: Ramblings about the Black Flame and Dakkru.
(15:00:42) >Aurelyn Tiyel stands up.
(15:00:47) >Jamona Shikon stands up.
(15:00:53) >Aurelyn Tiyel takes a seat.
(15:00:58) Jamona follows Aurelyn
(15:01:09) >Jamona Shikon takes a seat.
(15:01:24) Mordaan says: Who in the world wrote this?
(15:01:29) Aurelyn looks at Mordaan, wincing but visibly not caring "Let me have a look at this book"
(15:01:41) Jacula suddenly reaches for a knife sheated in his boot, he cuts the ropes and snatches the book from Mordaans hand, stepping back
(15:01:45) >Jacula Pundactum stands up.
(15:01:47) >Jacula Pundactum picked up a book
(15:01:48) Elady says: I think he wrote it himself I think.
(15:01:58) Mordaan passes the book to Aurelyan
(15:02:06) >Jamona Shikon stands up.
(15:02:08) Aurelyn pouts
(15:02:22) Mordaan says: (but it's taken0 [lol]
(15:02:23) Aurelyn says: [he snatched the book...]
(15:02:31) Jacula looks unstable 'you will pay for this.. you are all marked.. all of you'
(15:02:54) >Jacula Pundactum picked up a Reinforced Battle Axe
(15:03:02) Aurelyn glances at Jacula and steps back
(15:03:03) >Aurelyn Tiyel stands up.
(15:03:11) Jacula laughs 'i wil lseek you out for this.. i will make you bleed'
(15:03:31) Mordaan frowns
(15:03:34) Jacula hides behind his shield, his axe at the ready
(15:03:58) Mordaan equips his swords once again
(15:04:06) Elady reluctantly draws her sabers.
(15:04:10) Aurelyn steps backwards
(15:04:27) Jamona follows Aurelyn
(15:04:43) Jacula speaks in a wicked tone of voice 'Mordaan, Jamona, Elady, Aurelyn and Lecoda.. you are all marked'
(15:04:51) Mordaan holds out his swords in a defensive posture
(15:05:06) Elady looks at Jacula " Leave now and there is no need for more blood to be shed.
(15:05:22) Jacula laughs with madness in his eyes 'you will pay.. you will pay the dearest price, you will taste her wrath'
(15:05:29) Mordaan says: -You- attacked -me-. We did nothing to provoke this.
(15:05:46) Mordaan says: And who do you speak of? Dakkru?
(15:06:07) Elady says: I know that Xiosia protects me and I have no fear.
(15:06:08) Jacula says: Your filthy eyes upon my work.. I will cut them out
(15:06:25) Jacula tilts his head and grins
(15:06:28) Mordaan blinks
(15:07:19) Jacula points to all of them with his axe 'I will come for each and every one of you.. mark my words, what you saw must be unseen'
(15:08:06) Mordaan speaks with confidence "Well, I will be waiting!"
(15:08:09) Elady says: What we saw was the rantings of a madman.
(15:08:22) Jacula sneers at Aurelyn 'I will come for you first, and make you scream'
(15:08:53) Jamona cries out and collapses
(15:08:55) >Jamona Shikon takes a seat.
(15:09:06) Mordaan turns to look
(15:09:13) Jacula laughs 'and you Jamona.. you will watch her die'
(15:09:23) Aurelyn glances at Jacula "Your days are counted too. The octarchy has a special treatment for little followers of the black flame or those who think they are"
(15:09:43) >Aurelyn Tiyel takes a seat by Jamona Shikon.
(15:09:46) Mordaan nods
(15:09:53) Aurelyn looks at Jamona and shouts
(15:10:00) Aurelyn shouts: Jamona!
(15:10:17) Jacula roars 'first you will taste her anger'
(15:10:24) Elady keeps her attention on Jacula.
(15:10:43) Jacula narrows his eyes' all of you.. marked' then he runs off
(15:10:55) Mordaan watches Jacula leave


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Re: [RP] The Madness of Jacula Another run in with Jacula.
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2009, 04:38:28 pm »
I unfortunately had another run in with Jacula between the Gug ramp and the Plat mine.

(12:00:29) Jacula slowly sneaks up on Elady, moving swiftly
(12:01:05) Elady hear something and turns her head. Seeing Jacula she backs away.
(12:01:35) Jacula tilts his head and smiles, eyes wide open 'What's wrong' he asks softly
(12:02:15) Elady says: You know what is wrong since the last time you saw me you marked me for death.
(12:03:11) Jacula gives Elady a puzzled look, his eyes fluttering 'what? i did no such thing'
(12:03:37) Jacula is abviously delusional as he seems very distant as he talks
(12:04:40) Elady eyes Jacula cautiously " You don't remember what happened at the Magic fair?"
(12:05:48) Jacula focuses lockshis eyes with Eladys, putting his fingers to his broken lip as he grins
(12:07:26) Elady sees Jacula's broken lips and gives a faint smile " Sorry about that but it was the only way to stop you from hurting Mordaan and others."
(12:07:38) Jacula twitches sligthy 'you do pack quite the punch for a woman you know...' he seems unstable, his mood nor demeanor not makeing scence
(12:08:15) Elady says: My trainers have taught me well.
(12:08:26) Jacula moves a little closer, smiling wickedly
(12:09:04) Elady backs up to maintain dsitance from Jacula.
(12:09:42) Jacula twitches slightly as he places a hand on Eladys shoulder, whispering in her ear 'do you really thing Xiosia will save you?' he sneers with a broad grin
(12:09:56) Jacula says: [think*]
(12:10:13) >Solita Desolo greets everyone.
(12:10:35) Jacula looks up at Solita and eyes her intently
(12:10:54) Solita says: You busy here, Elady ... then I will rush upstairs.
(12:11:06) Elady bats Jacula's arm off her shoulder and backs up once again. " I know Xiosia watches over me."
(12:11:56) Jacula looks back at Elady 'marked untill days end.. As your false idol' me closes his eyes and mutters to himself, something about him just isent right
(12:13:14) Elady backs up a bit more getting closer to the miners at the Plat mine. Death and rebirth are part of the circle of life, just like the crops that grrow in the fields and the flower on the hills.
(12:14:45) Jacula covers his eyes and begins counting 'Oh.. How i love you, how i hate you. Planting filthy thoughts in my head' he looks unstable, about to snap at any given moment, his words not makeing sence
(12:15:24) Jacula counts slowly as he looks up at Elady
(12:15:34) Elady continues to back up towards the Plat mine hoping for safety in numbers.
(12:17:29) Jacula laughs disturbingly 'i wonder.. i wonder if you will scream Xiosia's name when the time comes' he looks over at Elady, studying her intently 'you look like a screamer to me' he grins
(12:19:03) Elady gives Jacula a wicked smile " Don't be so sure I'll be the one screaming."
(12:20:47) Jacula looks delighted as he smiles playfully at Elady 'Oh how i love that sweet arrogance of your, i can almost taste it' he smirks as he locks his dark eyes with hers
(12:23:22) Jacula squeezes the amulet around his neck as he talks to himself 'I don't want to.. She has been so nice to..' he is interupted by a searing headache which makes him fall to his knees, crying out in pain
(12:23:31) >Jacula Pundactum takes a seat.
(12:23:55) Elady meets Jacula's eyes. " I'm sorry for what every has clouded your mind like this."
(12:25:09) Elady watches Jacula sink to his knees but shows no sign she is going to approach him.
(12:25:15) Jacula grunts, looking up at her, blood streaming from his mouth 'you still look like a screamer to me.. I'll save you for last' he says while grinning fiercely
(12:26:38) Jacula slowly gets up again, his delusion seeming to have a deeper grasp of him 'She tells me.. i know it to be true'
(12:26:42) >Jacula Pundactum stands up.
(12:26:47) Elady gives Jacula a sarcastic smile. " Then I guess I have time to prepaire myself for you."
(12:28:16) Jacula twitches, his behavior seems to be split in two he slowly mutters to himself 'whisper to me. whisper your all your wicked dreams..'
(12:29:02) Jacula suddenly turns around, he shoots a glance at Elady before he walks away 'she bears the mark.. The mark of the soulkeeper' he says to himself


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Re: [RP] The Madness of Jacula
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2009, 07:15:02 am »
Alliva stands working hard under the sun mineing platinum it has been a long time since hes been in the realm of yalikum and needs to make some tria so he digs away. Over hearing a conersation Alliva makes a comment to his friend stebin that if someone threatend him back in the day that he would have just killed him. A few moments later he is confronted by a Yawnin that gose by the name Elady the yawnin asks for help to stop a person that is being lead insane and has vowed to kill her and others Alliva agrees.

The party is also joined by 2 Dwarves and thy go looking for the person soon finding him look out over the kran city Alliva confronts him to try getting his side but is not meet well. After a long talk Alliva trying to find some way of gettin Jacula of from the ledge to try captureing him to no avail he actualy throws himself of. Alliva rushing don to the ramp were he should have landed find nothing but can still feel a dark preasceance waching him.
I am afraid of fighting. I am afriad of being beaten and losing. But i am more afraid of surviving as a cripple than dying in fight.However. I always try to find a new strong enamy.
(Fighter in the wind)


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Re: [RP] The Madness of Jacula
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2009, 08:28:35 am »
Solita Desolo was able to gather two gentlemen from the Way of the Hammer (Tucos and ... Cuhar?) to guard the Stonehead Tavern staff along with Alliva. She would like to express her appreciation that one can always rely on these people with renown.

Gag Harmond
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Re: [RP] The Madness of Jacula
« Reply #11 on: August 26, 2009, 08:42:30 am »
Alliva rushing down to the ramp were he should have landed find nothing but can still feel a dark presence watching him.

After being confronted by the angry mob, Jacula threw himself off the tower as they pinned him down, or at least.. That was what they thoughts they saw, and what he wanted them to see. He is still watching, hidden in shadows.. As two travelers approach

(16:19:42) Mellas smiles at Jonoth, panting a little from the long run.

(16:20:00) Elady says: We had him tied up at the magic fair. While some of us were reading his book looking for insight into his madness he cut his ropes with a hidden knife.

(16:20:32) Mellas says: Did you hear that?

(16:20:36) Jonoth smiles "I dont think anyone is here"

(16:20:41) Jonoth says: Hear what?

(16:20:44) Mellas says: Was that Elady's voice earlier?

(16:21:08) Alliva says: a greate axe not fun to fight against

(16:21:09) >Elady Wanz greets Jonoth Shyemlye.

(16:21:11) >Mellas Dibaloues greets everyone.

(16:21:12) >Elady Wanz greets Mellas Dibaloues.

(16:21:16) >Jonoth Shyemlye greets Elady Wanz.

(16:21:40) Mellas says: Elady, I overheard a little when I walked by, sounded rather violent.'

(16:21:41) Elady says: Jonoth, Mellas nice to see you.

(16:22:09) Jonoth says: Is everything ok?

(16:22:14) Mellas smiles at Elady and Alliva. 'Good to see you too.'

(16:22:24) Elady says: I was telling this kind Menki about how my troubles with Jacula started, out at the magic fair when he attacked Mordaan.

(16:22:42) Mellas gasps. 'Jacula?'

(16:22:47) Alliva says: wait he attacked mordaan ?

(16:22:47) Jonoth says: Jacula again? Did he attack you?

(16:23:02) Elady says: Because I helped to protect Mordaan out at the outpost now Jacula has marked me for death.

(16:23:12) Alliva says: wait wait wait

(16:23:25) Alliva says: mordaan couldn't beat him ?

(16:23:31) Mellas swallows, looking rather uncomfortable now. 'Really.. are you sure it's Jacula?'

(16:24:12) Elady looks to Alliva " Jacula did catch Mordaan by surprise and mordaan fell to the ground.

(16:24:15) Alliva says: mordaan is no slouch of a fighter

(16:24:41) Elady says: When Mordaan was on the ground I pushed Jacula away from Mordaan.

(16:25:07) Elady says: Jacula turned against me but then tried to cut Mordaan's head off when he stood up.

(16:25:37) Alliva says: i should just kill this basterd

(16:25:57) Elady says: Mordaan fell and as Jacula moved in to strink I kicked Jacula on the back of the knee which caused him to fall to the ground and then several of us piled onto Jacula.

(16:26:15) Mellas walks over and takes a hold of Alliva by the shoulders. 'Don't you dare! This has to be something else!'

(16:27:06) Mellas can't believe it. 'This doesn't sound like Jacula, not the real Jacula.'

(16:27:17) Alliva sniggers if i wanted to you couldn't stop me

(16:27:38) Elady looks sadly at Mellas " I'm afraid Jacula has gone mad. He says he hears Dakkru whispering to him asking for souls to be sent to her.

(16:28:01) Mellas growls at Alliva. 'Well you'll just have to try and see for yourself.'

(16:28:25) Alliva says: mordaan is an old friend of mine

(16:28:26) Elady says: But at time there seems to be some kind of internal struggle going on within Jacula, like part of him is trying to resist the madness.

(16:28:39) Alliva says: i have fought by his side on the battlefield before

(16:29:28) Mellas turns to look at Elady. 'Dakkru... I should've known,' she sighs softly. 'I understand your feelings Alliva, but Jacula is a very dear friend of mine, I cannot let anyone kill him.'

(16:30:04) Alliva says: i can understand your feeling but you cannot let that cloud your judgment

(16:30:14) Alliva says: i have delt with people like him in the past

(16:30:35) Elady says: Mellas then someone needs to find out how to help Jacula quickly. Jacula has vowed to kill Mordaan several others and myself.

(16:30:59) Mellas glares at Alliva, but doesn't say a word. Her eyes are blazing.

(16:31:02) Alliva says: the only way maybe to bring him death

(16:31:26) Mellas says: No.

(16:32:10) Alliva says: a dark taint lives in him he himself may not be evil but i think if hes a good person he'd rather die than be a puppet for this

(16:32:54) Alliva says: i know i would

(16:33:16) Mellas looks determined. 'Killing, murder, it is our last option.'

(16:33:31) Alliva says: yes but an option none the less

(16:34:09) Mellas repeats, putting extra strength on the middle word. 'The LAST option.'

(16:34:09) Jacula watches all of them, remembering their faces. carving their names into his mind

(16:34:16) Alliva says: i do not wish to kill but if i have to i will

(16:34:35) Mellas says: Tell me what you have tried until now, what have you discovered?'

(16:34:37) Alliva pauses for a second

(16:34:46) Alliva shouts: were are you?

(16:34:59) Alliva says: he is close.

(16:35:27) Elady carefully looks around

(16:35:45) Mellas takes a deep breath, looking around. 'Calm down Alliva, we need a plan to help him.'

(16:36:12) Alliva says: you devise the plan ill hunt

(16:36:20) Alliva says: ill keep him busy much as i can

(16:36:36) Mellas looks from Alliva to Jonoth and Elady. 'Please tell me what you know.'

(16:36:51) Elady says: I think getting the helm and amulet away from Jacula might be a good idea.

(16:37:01) Alliva says: i only know what i have been told but it seams to check out

(16:37:13) Elady says: At the Magic Fair he seemed to calm down slightly once we got his helm off.

(16:37:22) Jacula watches the confused face of the menki, grinning to himself

(16:37:52) Alliva shouts: ok i know your here Jacula come down and fight like a man.

(16:38:04) Mellas smirks at the mention of the two items. 'I'll agree with that completely.' She ponders a little, thinking some things over, as if she's making a plan of her own.

(16:38:04) Elady says: And when Jacula confronted me earlier he grabbed his amulet and then sunk to his knees holding his head like he was in pain.

(16:38:38) Elady says: There is also a book, I think Jacula wrote it himself. It was like a manifesto of a mad man.

(16:39:15) Elady says: The book seemed extreamly important to him and he didn't want anyone touching it.

(16:39:44) Mellas growls at Alliva's shout. 'Stop being so violent, you only make trouble,' before she turns to Elady. 'That is very useful information, thank you.'

(16:40:09) Mellas counts, raising her fingers. 'We have the amulet, the helmet and the book.'

(16:40:14) Alliva says: yeah but if hes hunting me then he will leave you lot alone to come up with something

(16:40:23) Elady says: That is about all I know, except he said he will save killing me for last.

(16:40:43) Elady shivers slightly after her last comment.

(16:41:27) Mellas is about to make another comment but bites her tongue. 'Did anyone get to read the book?' she asks instead.

(16:41:51) Elady says: Yes I read it and I believe Mordaan read it.

(16:42:14) Elady says: Maybe Aurelyn read it also.

(16:42:17) Alliva says: then what it say?

(16:42:58) Elady says: It was hard to follow given the little time I had to look at it. It started off talking about wanting to seek out the black flame.

(16:43:25) Alliva says: black flame..

(16:43:35) Alliva says: ive heard of this before

(16:43:36) Elady says: But the later part of the book talked about Dakkru and serving her and the death realm and the coming eclipse.

(16:43:57) Mellas says: The coming eclipse?

(16:44:01) Elady says: I needed more time to try and fully understand what the book was talking about.

(16:44:14) Alliva says: eclipse aint good

(16:44:20) Mellas closes her eyes, thinking. 'This really doesn't sound good.'

(16:44:32) Alliva says: the last crystal eclipse I saw monster rise up from the dead

(16:45:09) Alliva says: and the black flame i believe to be a powerful black magic artifact

(16:45:24) Alliva says: although dont quote me on that.

(16:45:46) Alliva says: if i remember correctly someone removed the black flame from the death realm

(16:45:58) Mellas crosses her arms. 'Remember then, the helmet and the amulet, we need to get those items away from him. Preferably the book too, it doesn't sound like a very healthy book to read.'

(16:46:39) Elady nods her head in agreement with Mellas.

(16:47:07) Elady says: But he will not give up any of those items willingly.

(16:47:36) Alliva says: ill smash the amulet

(16:47:51) Mellas says: Nay.. maybe we should catch him asleep.

(16:48:08) Mellas says: Or, make him fall asleep, for that matter.

(16:48:45) Elady says: I'm ashamed to say I knocked Jacula out at the Magic Fair, with much difficulty.

(16:49:34) Alliva says: there is potions you can make for certian things but hard to get someone to take em

(16:49:50) Mellas looks Elady over, impressed. 'That's quite the feat. Shows it isn't impossible to do this.'

(16:50:07) Mellas thinks. 'He's often at the mines, we can team up.'

(16:50:35) Elady shrugs " I have much training in fist fighting. It is a non lethal way to protect yourself.

(16:50:56) Alliva looks at his paws

(16:51:01) Alliva says: i have claws..

(16:51:09) Alliva says: not exactly non lethal.

(16:51:25) Mellas chuckles at Alliva.

(16:59:13) Mellas frowns slightly, looking around Gugrontid. Her eyes flash a little. 'I'm sure you two want this done with as quickly as possible? Yet, I do think we need more people. Do you have any warriors who would be willing to help?'

(17:00:08) Elady says: I'm sure we can gather plenty of people to help if need be.

(17:01:56) Mellas nods. 'Speak with them, this doesn't have to be a big problem if we keep the element of surprise, and simply overpower him quickly. Like I said earlier, he's often at the mines, and it's not unusual for many people to be there.'

(17:02:51) Mellas ponders. 'Of course, we don't know what he does in between, so you and the other ones who were "marked", I suggest you travel with protection.'

(17:03:54) Elady says: Believe me I am trying to not be alone if I can help it.

(17:04:36) Mellas nods at Elady.'I will believe that.'

(17:05:06) Elady says: Jacula caught me by surprise earlier doay when I was alone but near the mine.

(17:06:24) Mellas tries to hide a knowing expression. 'What happened?'

(17:07:31) Elady says: We just talked, He said he thinks I'm a screamer and that is why he will save killing me for last. He scoffed at my faith that Xiosia will protect me.

(17:09:04) Mellas shakes her head softly. 'That's truly not the Jacula I know. We must help him Elady.'

(17:09:48) Elady says: I would prefer to help him rather than kill him Mellas but if it comes to it I will do what ever I can to protect myself.

(17:10:52) Mellas speaks sternly. Then we won't let it come to that.'

(17:11:37) Elady smiles at Mellas " I certainly hope it doesn't come to that."

(17:12:23) Mellas looks in the direction of the mines. 'Very well. Keep the three items in mind, speak to the others, and keep safe, Elady.'

(17:12:54) Elady says: I'll be sure to do that Mellas. Safe travels to you and may the Goddess Bless you.

(17:13:06) Mellas stretches her arms. 'There's something I should do, please excuse me. Thank you, and take care!'

(17:13:17) >Mellas Dibaloues salutes Elady Wanz with respect.

(17:13:22) Elady bows " Untill we meet again then."


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Re: [RP] The Madness of Jacula
« Reply #12 on: August 26, 2009, 09:04:06 am »
*Jacula slumbered in sweet soothing silence, cradled by the darkness consuming his mind. He rests now, dreams of pain and struggle smothered by her golden light omitting from the core that once was his sanity… looming in the darkness of his mind, a delighted smile on his face tells of his dreams.

beneath his eyelids a glimpse of her splendor, slowly repeating itself , finding himself surrounded by something so much better than reality, a twisted memory modified to his liking, carved into his mind replaying over and over. Suddenly she speaks, he has not choice but to obey, she holds the reigns of his actions as he awakens into a grim reality, the rain washing away the misdeeds of days of past as makes his path through Gurgontid aware of the eyes upon his person, yet warmed by her embrace, his twisted delusion.

Deeds of unspeakable evil, he does them gladly for in his broken mind she rewards him, her every nuance intoxicating as a melodious harmony, echoes of all that is occult and wisdom from an ancient time few knew had once been.
his unstable mind playing tricks on him, he reaches out to touch her face, her soft scented tresses. Yet as he reaches, he only reaches out in thin air. At that moment, his mind is clear, as he returns to reality. Her grip around him loosening, if only for a moment he is himself again only to feel smothered, drawn back by her voice. The noise of the people around him and the hard working miners quickly turning into a deafening din as insanity consumes his mind, stabbing its cold metallic reigns into him. He falls to the ground, spitting blood as she enters his mind, only to have the rain washing it from his mouth. Her voice echoing inside his head 'Elady, Jamona, Aurelyn, Mordaan, Lecoda and Zephan, what they saw must be unseen' he gets to his feet, smiling wickedly.

[So far this event has been highly entertaining. In fact i am starting to think of it as a social experiment, some people want to kill Jacula others want to help him, some even want to join him. It provides an interesting twist in the story. The text above i wrote in order to give you an IC insight of his mind. More and more excellent Rpers is getting involved in the storyline and much more is to come  :thumbup: ]
« Last Edit: August 27, 2009, 09:17:25 am by jaculapundactum »


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Re: [RP] The Madness of Jacula
« Reply #13 on: August 26, 2009, 03:37:00 pm »

After Mellas spoke to Elady, she knew she had to find Jacula and speak to him. She left in a hurry, searching the area, until at last... she found him at one of the highest points of Gugrontid.

(17:17:34) Mellas says: Jacula!
(17:18:15) Mellas tests the waters. 'How are you feeling?'
(17:18:31) Jacula narrows his eyes and tilts his head as he moves closer
(17:19:34) Mellas steps back, holding up a hand. 'Jacula, calm down. I'm not here to hunt you, it seems many things happened after I left campfire that night.'
(17:20:03) Jacula slowly leans closer to her, whispering in her ear 'stay away from me Mellas.. I'd hate for you to get hurt'
(17:21:45) Mellas looks at the helmet and the amulet he carries on him. 'Are you saying you would hurt me then, have you truly gone that far?'
(17:22:02) Jacula corrects his helmet, twitching slightly 'much has changed.. For change is imminent'
(17:22:45) Jacula seems to be struggleing within himself, his behavior split in two 'im scared Mellas.. im scared i will'
(17:23:12) Mellas looks into Jacula's eyes. 'Have we.. *us* changed too?'
(17:23:30) Jacula grunts as a searing headache locks his head in its vice
(17:24:27) Mellas walks forward, gently trying to place one hand against his neck to send a soothing energy through his skin.
(17:25:11) Mellas says: Would you tell me where you found this helmet, and the amulet?'
(17:25:40) Jacula locks his eyes with hers, a gleam of anger in his eyes, yet his rage is fadeing with her soft touch
(17:26:40) Mellas leans closer, whispering.
(17:27:08) Jacula suddenly sneers 'what about 'us'.'.?
(17:30:01) Mellas gives him a soft smile, ignoring the sneer. Instead, she tries to place another hand on the other side of his neck. Trying to relax, to soothe the darkness.
(17:30:20) Jacula smiles wickedly 'if you feel that way.. why whisper it.. why hide it?'
(17:31:25) Mellas sighs. 'You know why, please Jacula. Just let me help you. Where did you get these two items?'
(17:32:19) Jacula seems unusually calm yet he frowns at her question 'a thing of past.. Given to me by the keeper herself'
(17:32:43) Mellas looks confused. 'You mean Dakkru?'
(17:34:44) Jacula tilts his head and locks his horned helmet with hers 'you have many questions, i have limited answers..' he seems to bubble up on rage again, talking in a highly unstable tone of voice
(17:36:09) Mellas swiftly moves her hands from his neck to his helmet, using all her strength to try and pull it off in one movement.
(17:38:11) Jacula jumps back, looking as if he is keeping himself from hurting her 'Run' he grunts as he falls to his knees
(17:38:17) >Jacula Pundactum takes a seat.
(17:39:36) Jacula suddenly looks up at her, his black eyes highlighted by blood red veins, blood slowly drip from his mouth as he smiles disturbingly
(17:39:40) Mellas uses Jacula's moment of hesitation instead to jump on him, hands pulling at the base of the horns on his helmet to get it off. 'I won't let her hurt you if I can help it!' she shouts.
(17:40:45) Jacula roars, fighting himself to his feet as he draws one of his axes, swinging it wildly in Mellas direction
(17:40:50) >Jacula Pundactum stands up.
(17:41:55) Jacula tries to stop himself 'run, run!' he pleads to her in his final moments of sanity
(17:42:48) Mellas nimbly jumps to his other side, using his shoulder and her legs to swing herself around him, onto his back. Her hands slide around his throat. 'Jacula, just take off the helmet and the amulet, please.'
(17:44:08) Jacula throws her over his head flat on her back as he raises his axe, chargeing a powerful blow
(17:45:38) Jacula looks down at her, his axe still raised over his head, his demeanor still unstable, yet there is something unusual in his eyes
(17:47:22) Mellas cries out when she lands with a *thud* on her back, her eyes wide when she sees the raised axe above her. There are thoughts of escaping in her mind, of running. Yet, she'd like to see what Jacula would do.
(17:47:45) >Mellas Dibaloues takes a seat.
(17:48:27) Mellas looks up into Jacula's eyes, looking for recognition, for something.
(17:50:38) Jacula brings his axe down with force, yet stopping it right before her face. he looks into her eyes, a spark of love that was once there still resides within him. He steps back 'I... i love' he says then suddenly stops as he moves back 'don't follow me' he pleads.

Mellas lets the ynnwn leave without following, relieved to still be alive, but worried about his fate. Whatever is possessing Jacula is strong, and it only appears to be growing. She looks up at the crystal and prays to any god that this may end well, for everyone...

[Jac, thanks for the awesome RP. You're an amazing writer and I know we all look forward to finding out what happens!! \\o// ]


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Re: [RP] The Madness of Jacula
« Reply #14 on: August 27, 2009, 12:24:27 am »
[Wooow. This really does keep getting better and better! XD ]
You're still wrong.
Hope you're loving it.