Author Topic: Jaycol Lays Dying (RP)  (Read 1800 times)


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Jaycol Lays Dying (RP)
« on: August 30, 2009, 04:58:03 am »

   Jaycol lays dying as he continues to press his hand against the deep puncture wound at his left side. The darkened blood continues flow but not freely, He rotates his head slightly looking for anyone that may be on the distance road below. He realizes now even if they were he did not have the strength left to call to them.
  His mind races in search of other options.. He knows he has little time left, too much of his life blood has spill out of the small opening on his side. His fingers play idly with the ring he wears on his right hand as they often did when he was considering his thoughts. He pauses for a moment holding his hand up to stare upon the ring. Some how it had been overlooked.
     He closes his eyes and concentrates. He very rarely uses this skill except when he is alone in his office at The Call of Destiny's Hall. Slowly he opens his eyes and looks at the small animal standing nearby. It sniffs at him and whines with concern. Jaycol uses the last of his strength to push it away from him. He rolls his head and looks in the direction of Gugrondrid. He pushes at it again before he losses consciousness.
     Jaycol's body was found on a hilltop outside of Gugrondrid in a pool of his own blood. His hand resting near the small puncture wound on his side. Those that found him healed him as well as they could with magic and potions so he could be safely moved to the Stonehead Tavern. Here he will be looked after until it is safe to move him again or until he recovers.

Who did it?: Only Jaycol and the Entity(s) responsible know for sure. That being the case his life may still be in danger in more ways then one.

Where to look for clues?: Jaycol was last seen in good health By Elady and two other patrons at the Stonehead Tavern. There are some clues there. They may help. They may not. I guess that depends on what questions are asked.

Will Jaycol recover? He may in time if he is well taken care of as he struggles between the realm of light and darkness and he is kept safe.

In these time of growing wickedness who can we trust to guard or even to look after his wounds. Surely the entity(s) responsible may try in some way to keep him silent by making sure he never recovers.

[For the sake of playing this out I will log on and remain at the Stonehead tavern when I know there is a staff member present there. I will remind unconscious for about two weeks to allow RP to develop out from this for those willing to partake. I have given nothing more here then the obvious. It will take some interaction and some detective work in order to work it out. Thus I say no more. I leave the rest for others to fill in the details of the story. Until/if I rcover. Have fun]
« Last Edit: August 30, 2009, 05:01:51 am by jaycol »


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Re: Jaycol Lays Dying (RP)
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2009, 03:07:54 pm »
Solita is waiting with Keella, Cilay, Hawin, Indygo, and Roberet, hoping for Elady or Illysia to appear and tell them more.

Gag Harmond
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Re: Jaycol Lays Dying (RP)
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2009, 02:19:41 am »
Friends of Sir Jaycol:
Yesternight, the lady Elady did come upon Sir Jaycol, in a pool of his own blood, near to dying. Lady E sent her groffel to me, and me Brother,  Sir Master Dragonis and me did come as fast as we could to aid her and the stricken dwarf. Together we carried Jaycol to the Stonehead, where I did me best to staunch his wound and give his blood fortification to heal. Elady and Dragonis and me cast many a healing spell upon Jaycol, which perhaps did save his life, tho he lies still unconscious. I went to the winch fer to get a bed fer the invalid, knowing not how long the fellow may need tending and care. Kra Dedorre helped administer more healing drops throughout the long night.

This evening, I returned with the bed, it being a long haul from the winch to Gugrontid fer anyone, specially me a Dermorian. I arrived to find Elady in a state of almost catatonic trance, a female Dermorian (later I were told she be one Aurelyn) unconscious upon one of the tables, and Jaycol still unconscious in the corner. There be much mayhem but I did me best to treat the suffering of the unconscious lady first, then to administer to Elady, all the while tending to the wounds of Jaycol. Kra Togh told the tale that one Aurelyn, this one upon the table, and her companion Jamora were walking and Jamora did leave, and Aurelyn became very sad then fell into this state of restless unhappy sleep. Kra did carry the limp Dermorian Lady here to the Stonehead.

One sir Havilik, fergive me good Commandant Menki if I have spelled yer name wrong... Havilik went out with another good menki fer to search if others maybe injured. Another good menki whose name I did na get did go fer me in search of Sir Master Rarodele of the Klyros Junction, fer me thought in me desparation that his renowned powers as a healing mage would be our only hope! Then good Sir Zephan arrived, as did Sir Mage Rarodele, thankee again to the menki. Rarodele did pass from one to the next spreading his strong healings as I did with me herbs and potions. Jaycol lies still unconscious but resting more comfortable now upon the bed. One Ylian Sir Guron....something... were most helpful, as were Kra Stonehead guards. Several folks did come in and there were too much commotion fer the healing of the ailing so I did plead with the onlookers to kindly return upon another time fer the hospitalities of the Tavern. Much obliged to ye folks, please do return to the Stonehead...

Rarodele with Zephan did manage to heal Elady and bring her forth from her trance. Rarodele in a mighty effort did rouse Aurelyn, whereupon she did scream and cry, and more were heard that the lady Jamora be missing entirely! Please all folk, look fer the lady Jamora if ye can and keep her safe returning her to Aurelyn.

Elady voiced fears in her trance state that one Jacula, who has attacked her and others, might be the culprit responsible fer Jaycol's wounding and coma, and the agonies inflicted upon Aurelyn and Elady. I know not if this be the case, but from what I hear about this Jacula, he seems him a dastardly fella and dangerous.

Friends of Jaycol, please come and visit him, but be quiet and gentle please with the dwarf. Please add to the protection of the staff of the Stonehead by yer presence if ye can. Daughters of Xiosia please hold close to yer sisters and protect each other. If any knows of the Priestess Siteya's whereabouts please ask her to return to Gugrontid as soon as she may.

Please keep yer eyes open and blades ready if ye see this Jacula. I hopes me I ne'er meet the fellow.
Thankee to all who came to the aid of these friends.

Sir Rarodele, tis me honor indeed to know such a profound healer as ye be.
Roled Rolak
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Re: Jaycol Lays Dying (RP)
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2009, 10:39:27 am »
Elady enters the Stonehead Tavern  Feeling very tired.  Due to the stress of the situation with Jacula she hadn't been sleeping well for a while. The previous night was near sleepless  as she worried about Jaycol, one of her oldest and dearest friends.  As she entered the Stonehead she hoped that Jaycol's condition would have improved but one quick look at the stricken dwarf dashed her hopes. She moves to Jaycol's side and checks the dressings on his wounds. As she checks the wound she sighs, realizing that Jaycol's condition is beyond her ability to help.

Elady's mood is lightened a bit when she sees Glundun   as the kran take Kra's guard position. Another smile crosses Elady's face as her friend Garosan enters the Tavern. AS guests start coming into the Stonehead it looks like it will be a normal day , something that has been all to rare recently and is much needed.

An unknown kran enters the Stonehead carrying the limp body of Aurelyn, setting her gently on a table. Elady is shocked to see her friend being brought into the Stonehead like this and rushes to Aurelyn's side to see what is wrong and how she can help.  A quick examination of Aurelyn's body doesn't reveal an injuries. Not seeing any obvious reason for Aurelyn's condition Elady is at a loss to know how to help her. Suddenly the lack of sleep, stress, helplessness at not being able to help her friends in need seem to overwhelm the young Ynnwn. The overload of emotions is to much for Elady's mind to handle at the moment and her mind seems to slowly start to shut down as a way to protect it's self. Elady sits down on a bench and pulls herself into a protective ball as her mind blocks out the frantic activity around her.

After a while, with the support of her friends in the Stonehead Elady slowly starts to come around and become aware of what is going on around her.   As Aurelyn sits up and screams Elady focuses on one task, help Aurelyn. As Elady works to help Aurelyn she seems to also be heling her self as for the moment she has a single task to focus on until Aurelyn falls asleep.


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Re: Jaycol Lays Dying (RP)
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2009, 08:41:58 am »
Jacula skulks through Gurgontid, the miners doesn't seem do notice him as he makes his way towards the tavern. The rumors he has indulged in of late being quite disturbing to him. Apparently Jaycol has been stabbed by an unknown foe, and suspicious eyes rest upon Jacula. He tightens his fist and frowns, the idea of him not being able to send a lowly dwarf screaming into her realm bothers his twisted ego greatly. As he enters the tavern he frowns, realizing Jaycol must have been moved. Suddenly a familiar voice perks up his ears, it's Aurelyn, sitting back in the Ojedeva pillows with a unknown Kra by her side. He covers his mouth at the sight of her, the imagined smell of this rotten wench stinging in his nostrils. He sits down by the table and listens as they banter, keeping himself from doing anything rash just yet. Their persiflage seeming to annoy him.

He waits for her to leave then he quickly intercepts the Kra, his delusional demeanor causing fright in it's eyes as he unsheats a dagger, it tells him that it's just a courier yet he demands that it imparts him about Jaycol and his condition.
Yet as the Kra is about to crack Aurelyn returns, the stench slowly fading as another smell exudes from her person, the scent of foolish bravery. He moves closer.. Sniffing the air around her as he slowly licks his mouth. Yet suddenly three kran's surround him, weapons in hand they keep him back as Aurelyn and the courier swiftly run down the ramp, shunning his presence. cringing below as they await the others to neutralize the menace that is Jacula, Aurelyn cries out for the guards catching the attention of some of the miners. His anger knows no limit as he realizes that it's trap.

He is suddenly grabbed by one of the kran's, he roars in bloodthirst as he cuts it down. It's beady eyes slowly rolling into the back of it's skull as it falls to the ground with a loud thud. Yet he seems disappointed of the fact that it dosen't bleed. He turns to the other Kra, it's tough demeanor visibly changed into fear as he takes it's head off with a slash of his axe, sending it rolling down the ramp as a sign to those below. The third runs away swiftly, yet jacula doesn't seem to notice, consumed by the thrilling frenzy of the fight.

He sneers as a high pitch voice calls the guards again, he makes for one of the stone towers, watching as a heavily armored Ynnwn join Aurelyn and the courier below. He watches the Ynnwn sprint up the ramp and position himself in front of the tavern, only to be greeted by the hollow shells of two murdered kran's. Jacula smiles to himself, lurking in the cover of shadows as he moves closer, the Azure sun slowly setting as he does. Jacula approaches the Ynnwn as he stands ready, his eyes narrowing as he scoffs 'I've heard all about you' before raising his axes, looking as if he is about to attack. Jacula grins, exchanging a few sentences of irrelevant meaning with the Ynnwn before swinging wildy towards him with his axe. The Ynnwn takes a blow to his shoulder and staggers back, Yet he fights on valiantly slashing his axes against Jaculas armor with a deafening crash, leaving both their ears ringing. Jacula smirks through gritted teeth, managing to send the Ynnwn to his knees as he connects with a forceful blow to his temple. He locks his eyes with his before he comes down hard with a slash to the side of his neck, the blood flowing freely onto the stone ground.

Jacula kneels dipping his fingers in his blood, watching as it glistens in the last rays of the Azure sun before day turns to night. He slowly licks his fingers before he notices a crowd slowly making it's way upwards the ramp, he smiles wickedly before disappearing into the night, leaving the body's for the crowd to mourn. Yet his search for information about jaycol is not over.

[Thanks to Trodgar, Dodarre and fatgar for being such good sports about the IC killings. Look forward to reading more, and i wonder what will happen to Jaycol. See you ingame  :thumbup:]


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Re: Jaycol Lays Dying (RP)
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2009, 07:36:33 am »
[ I will be trying to catch up with this by the end of the week. I will be piecing the RP together in story form from my logs which are limited from my little corner at the tavern. I will add some insight to characters based on my knowledge of them and/or the info provided in my logs. Anyone who has been participating that is interested in adding to. It would be much appreciated. I prefer this method vs posting logs myself. Logs tend to be too general. So it may take me a tad bit longer]

  Glundun Axiz walks into the Stonehead Tavern as he has done so many times before. His duties there is a guard have made him a familiar face as he stands silently at his post. He had been away for some time, his return prompted by an urgent message that was sent to him. Asking him if he could come and look after the Taverns security. The letter was brief, insisting on the need for his services.
  Elady greets him as he enters. The troubled look of her face forces him to react with concern.
  "Is Everything alright Elady?" He asks somberly. his hand causally reaching down to undo the half knotted cord that secures the hilt of his saber. He looks up and around the tavern slowly. He turns to Elady as she steps closer.
  Elady thanks him for coming on such short notice. She pauses then begins to bring him up to date of the situation. She explains about finding Jaycol near death outside of Gugrontid. Having brought him here to look after him and keeping him safe in the hopes that he will recover.She Glances over at Jaycol. She swallows before turning back to Glundun.

  "We will need you here Glundun. We do not know what has happened to Jaycol. He may still be in danger" She tells him.
  Glundun listens in silence as she explains her concerns. He waits until she finishes.
  "I will stay as I am needed then Elady. I will make arrangements to be nearby when I am not on duty." He offers reassuring her.
   He takes another glance around the tavern, then tuns moving towards to door. He surveys the city quickly watching for movement along the exposed areas visible from the entrance. He listens for a moment before walking back inside to stand guard.

  "I will take my post then, unless you prefer that I stand near him instead?" He asks.
  Elady who had moved over near Jaycol. She kneels down to examine the bandages on the dwarves wound tosee if they need to be changed. She looks up over her shoulder turning her head slightly.
  "Maybe having  you stand closer to Jaycol would be a good idea? Be especially alert for anyone with weapons who gets near him." She tells him.
   Glundun nods and walks around  the tavern's kikiri. Lady Peckerly  watches him pass by before returning it's attention to the bowl of crumbs on the floor. He takes up a post just on the opposite side of the rail near the area where the dwarf lay.
  Elady returns her attention to the task of checking the dressings of Jaycol's wound. She stands placing her hands on her hips. For the moment she is satisfied that everything looks in good shape for now. She takes a deep breath as she looks over the sleeping figure before her.  Whispering something to herself as she reaches out to pull the blanket back up towards his chest. She tucks in the edges and gives a last look of concern before moving towards the kitchen to wash.

   Elady Wanz stands alone in the kitchen troubled at all that has happened lately. She presses the heels of hands against her forehead closing her eyes. Elady has worked here at the tavern for many cycles working tirelessly.The last cycle she has helped to manage the running of the Stonehead as Illysia bacame ever increasingly busy with the growing lists of supplies and orders.
   In the last few cycles Elady had become in a fashion a matriarch figure  here for many of the regular customers. Many seeking her advise and encouragement. To them she always displayed a rare inner strength based on her values and had become well respected for it. Today Elady Wanz did not feel that way.The strain of her fallen friend was taxing to her resolve. So like so many other days before this she busied herself with the chores in the kitchen secluded from the view of others. She lowers her head in silent prayer asking Xiosia to grant her strength.
  The guard's greeting to the arrival of a customer stirs her from her thoughts as she looks up. Quickly she wipes her hands upon her apron. She reaches up to check her hair before walking out to the tavern's open floor to greet her guest.

  Elady smiles as she approaches Qata Nazen offering him a warm greeting.
  "Greetings" Qata returns.
  He glances in Jaycol's direction and walks to where he lay removing a set of of polished swords as he nears. He stops at the stern warning from Glundun he turns to quickly address him.
  "These are spellweave blades for healing." He assures Glundun.
  Elady moves near the guard asking him to run a errand for her. Glundun looks at her in doubt in which she replies.
  "It's okay Glundun I can take care of things for awhile"
  She hands him a few coins shaking her head to confirm her words.
  "I will return shortly then." Glundun tells her as he glances once more in Qata's direction before heading towards the entrance.
 Qata summons his strength to pass on to the injured dwarf laying before him. The air seems to shift between the two as he calls forth the power of the crystal channeling it through his body to Jaycol's. He chants softly as he concentrates through the spell. He wavers slightly as it comes to a close the sudden drain of strength visible only for a moment. He looks down at Jaycol before turning towards Elady.
  "So? He has been Unconscious for it bit?" He asks.
  "We have tried all the magic healing known of. I think it is in the hands of the Gods now if Jaycol lives or dies." She answers.
  "He could wake up now or in a few weeks. If he makes it." She adds with a shrug.
  Qata looks at her thoughtfully."Yes, he is a good dwarf. I am sure Xiosia will provide for him sustenance."
  Elady glances at Jaycol then back to Qata."I just want to find out who is responsible for this and bring them to justice."
  "Did he leave with that woman last night" he asks.
  "Yes." Elady replies. "When Jaycol left he was in the company of that woman"
  "Hmmm? I tried to warn him. I has a bad feeling about her." Qata said then continues. " But? dwarves will be dwarves"
He pauses
  "Liquor and women.It's surprising they have survived this long."
  "But, it could have easily been Jacula with all the death and destruction he has been leaving behind him lately." She says facing Qata.
  "Well, how do we know for sure? I presume Jaycol is the only witness." He asks her.
  Elady looks away as Glundun returns carrying a package. She takes it from him as he offers it to her. She moves around the place where Jaycol lay setting it down then walks back as Glundun again takes his post nearby. She walks towards Qata facing him.
  "Jaycol's possession's were missing. Maybe who ever took them will try to sell one of his items. Like one of the maps or cards he had. We could get a clue that way." She tells Qata. He shakes his head in agreement with her.
  "Yes, That would help." he replies. "But, likely they would just keep the tria and disgard the rest. Unless they are  that foolish?"
  Elady turns aside looking down at Jaycol with a sad expression.
  "All I know is he left with that woman, and not long afterward I found him almost dead from a stab wound." She stands silent for a moment. "Maybe, someone traveling to the Bronze Doors saw Jaycol and the woman, or his attacker after they left?" She adds turning back to Qata.
  Qata senses her discomfort and smiles at her.
  "Well, Jaycol is in very good hands with you Elady." He assures her then with a grin he adds. " Just don't put too much weight on him with your excellent cooking."
  Elady returns a smile. "Right now, getting Jayol to eat anything would be a big step forward."
  "I might like seeing the new leaner Jaycol." Qata says jokingly.
  " Hopefully the new leaner Jaycol will be better at dodging daggers." Elady returns in jest.

* If you can't find good RP. Try turning off auto-run.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2009, 04:53:29 am by jaycol »


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Re: Jaycol Lays Dying (RP)
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2009, 08:09:35 am »
Already a little earlier (some RL days ago), Doctor Lesiros Forita visited Jaycol together with Elady. He confirmed a rather stable condition of the patient and recommended to try some slow and careful feeding with soup. He will try to return in time with a collection of fresh herbs to support the wound healing...

Gag Harmond
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Re: Jaycol Lays Dying (RP)
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2009, 09:33:54 am »
[Yes, been trying to get in earlier so that I could be on hand for the doctor. Jaycol did get feed. I will get to that part of my logs eventually. There were a few busy moments ahead of that I am still going through, Hopefully I can catch him this week :)]


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Re: Jaycol Lays Dying (RP)
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2009, 09:40:58 am »

   Glundun watches as Elady and Qata engage in conversation. Normally he stays to himself while he is on duty. On few occasions when the tavern is slow he has allowed himself the luxury of talking to the other staff or a patron there. He turns to the couple.
   "So it is a woman you think that may have done this? He asks them. "Or do you think that maybe this other person you mentioned may have struck him down?" He look to Elady then Qata as he waits for an answer.
   "Well, all of the horrible things about Jacula has to be kept in mind. Still theft isn't something Jacula has done yet." She says turning to look at Glundun. Her face become firm. " I certainly want to talk to that woman Jaycol left with that night for sure."
   "Jacula, in his madness, wants to kill, not rob." Qata states, adding to what Elady has said. 
   "No one is suggesting that maybe the stabbing and the robbery are linked together." Glundun says turning to face Qata. "The robbery itself could just as well be a farse."
   Elady nods in agreement to Glunduns observation.
   "Maybe someone came across Jaycol before I got there and took his items thinking he was dead.?" She asks giving the idea some thought.
   "Did anyone search the area for clues? Glundun asks Elady turning slightly to meet her gaze. "If he was marked for death his posessions may still be close to there."
   "I didn't have time to search the area." Elady exclaims distressed.
   Glundun stands silent for a moment,
   "That is understandable. It maybe too late now." He states. "Have the city guards been informed of this? They should know what is happenings within their post."
   Elady frowns at Glunduns statement.
   "Do the city guards really care about anything that happens outside the city walls?" She asks him.
   " I think they only patrol within Hydlaa." Qata adds.
   "If he was lead from the city to be robbed or attacked. I would think They would." Glundun said.
   Elady shifts her body placing her hands on her hips.
   "We should seek out information about anyone else who has been attacked in the general area I found Jaycol at." She says looking between her two companions.
   "...and find out if anyone else has had dealings with the woman." Qata adds to Elady's suggestion pointing his finger at her indicating they were thinking along the same lines.   
    Glundun nods in agreement with the others. 
   "That would be a good place to start."


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Re: Jaycol Lays Dying (RP)
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2009, 05:50:06 am »

  Garosan Ringe approaches the Stonehead Tavern in an unsteady gait. He has been here several times before. Often he stops on his way to or coming back from one of his many long travels. The others look up to notice him as he enters.
   Elady sees her friend as he enters the tavern slowly. Excusing herself from the ongoing conversation she goes to meet him. Greeting him warmly as she approaches. He smiles back at her.
  "Afternoon Elady" He said. He stops and awaits as she makes her way to him. She wipes her hands on her apron out quickly of habit as she draws near. She place her hands on her hips and asks him cheerfully.
  "Coming home from another trip to the Bronze Doors Garosen?"
   He laughs outwardly at her question.
  "I wish' Dakkru's realm."
   Garosan walks with Elady as they move over to Qata and Glundun. Garosan exchanges greetings with them as he and Elady approach.
 "Thank ye both" He tells them in acknowledgment. He glances over noticing Jaycol  resting near the pillows for the first time. "Is he alright?"
 "Nothing a little Red Liquor won't cure." Qata adds quickly. They join together in laughter at his quip. Elady steps up and interrupts the men's mirth.
  "I hope Jaycol will be alright. His fate is in the hands of the Gods now I feel."
  "Praps." Garosan comments turning towards Elady.
  "...and the Gods do smile favorably on Jaycol. Qata offers into the conversation.
   Garosan nods at the comment glancing quickly over to Jaycol.
  "The dwarf is lucky to have ended up here" He said.
  "Jaycol...Is lucky his Groffol found me when it did." She states in a matter of fact way. Her voice softens then. "I was lead to Jaycol by the little creature."
   Garosan turns to look more closely at the dwarf lying before him.
  "So, This is Jaycol?" he asks.
  "Yes, this is my good friend Jaycol. She moves up beside Garosan and looks down upon her sleeping friend.
  "Good Groffle" He nods to himeslf then turns to look at Elady. "What do you know bout the attacker?"
   Qata interrupts the two as they talk. He bows to them.
  "If you would please excuse me? I must see someone." Qata said to them waiting for their reply."
  "Very well sir" Garosan said to him.
  "Safe travels Qata" Elady tells him turning to give her friend her farewells.
  "May Xiosia guide your path." Qata says to them as he begins to walk away. He stops and turns back."..and may she protest Jaycol." He pauses for a moment then turns and makes his way towards the door.

  Garosan stands silently with Elady for a few minutes. His face traced in thought. He looks up at her.
   "What do you know bout the attacker?" He asks her the question again that he had asked before Qata had interrupted  with his departure.
   Elady turns back to him after she watched Qata leave.
  "Nothing for sure. All we know for sure is Jaycol left the tavern in the company of a young woman." She looks away and glance at Jaycol for a moment. "After that the next time I saw him was in a pool of his own blood." She says sadly as she brings her hand up covering her mouth. She closes her eyes as she recalls the scene clearly in her mind. She reaches back to check that her hair is in place still. Her mouth tighting slightly.
"..and his trias and items were missing,"
  Garosan waits for a moment as his friend Elady collects herself. Waiting until she straightens and turns back to face him before he continues to ask questions.
  "Do you know her name?" He asks in a serious way.
  "I believe she said her name was Syurulla" She said. Her face displaying the hardened strength of her resolve.
   Garosan nods again. He takes out a fold of parchment and charcoal and begins to write down the information that Elady is giving him.
  "What race was she?" He asks without looking up at her.His hand holding the charcoal in place as he awaits her answer.
  "Ynnwn" Elady answers him taking a deep breath. "A little younger then I am. About eighteen to twenty cycles." Elady watches as Garosan begins writing down what she tells him. She waits until he glaces up at her before she continues. " She was wearing a dress." She stops thinking back. "Green I think...and she had boots with heels. She didn't have any visible weapons."
  "Anything else?" Garosan asks her without looking up.
   Elady stops to think if she had forgotten anything the answers him shaking her head.
  "That is about all I can remember?" She said.  
  "..and The groffle? Was it his?" He asks without raising his head.
  "Oh,yes. It was Jaycol's" She tells him.
  "The groffle's name?" Garosan asks.
   Elady shrugs the look of her face uncertain as she answers.
  "I had never seen it before, and Jaycol wasn't in any condition to tell me."

  The rush of movement at the Taverns entrance draws their attention as they both
look up together at the interruption.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2009, 04:57:18 am by jaycol »


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Re: Jaycol Lays Dying (RP)
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2009, 04:41:45 am »
[In the next few sections. Another RP had entered into the Stonehead Tavern nd the two became intertwined during the cousre of the evening. As other characters arrived it became fast paced and it was hard to work other arriving players into it. (To which I apologize for. In the event that it happens this way again someone will step back and help bring new arrivals into the RP) Because this wasn't planned the characters worked the two together and it became a very busy if not somewhat chaotic evening]

A darkened Kran enters the tavern quickly carrying a young women in its arms. It walks swiftly to the nearest table setting her down gently upon its surface. It turns around frantically searching for anyone that can give it assistance. The Kran spots Elady and Garosan near the corner of the tavern.
  "Togh need help." It exclaimed urgently. Its head turning repeatedly as it looked between Garosan and Elady with the look of panic in its face.
   Garosan looks up calmly from his conversation with Elady unable to see the women clearly behind the bulky figure.
  "Yes Kra. How may I help?" He asked Togh.
   The kra looks stunned as it considers the question of the man. Then it realizes that the man may not have understood.
  "No, Lady need help." Togh said hoping that Garosan would understand.
  "Aye" Garosan replies walking across the tavern floor towards the table where the girl was placed by Togh."What is wrong?" He asked looking at Togh.
   Togh turns to the young women and back to Garosan as it searches for the words to explain.
  "Lady fall down" Togh said it's voice sad but urgent as it answered Garosan's question.
  "How far?" Garosan asks shocked at what Togh had said as he quickens his pace towards the table. He walks directly towards Togh who steps to the side at his approach. Togh shakes it head at Garosan's
  "No. Not like that." Togh said. It pauses as it watches the man trying to find the words."She lose everything." It looks at the woman in thinking. "..and she curse." Togh looks back at Garosan then with some confidence as it continues. "...and then she fall."
  "Where Gemma?" Garosan stares at the Kran raising his eyebrows."It's more serious then...?" His question trails off as he looks back at the women.
  "Near the Bronze Doors." Togh said looking over at Elady as she approaches them.
  "Elady? Your more experienced then I am." Garosan said looking up from the motionless form of the woman.
  Elady had turned to adjust Jaycol's blanket after the Kran had come in. Allowing Garosan to see what it had needed. She had walked over slowly after him as he had began to question the Gemma. She was taken aback when Togh had stepped aside. She stood in shock as she recolonized the young woman on the table. It was her friend Aurelyn Tiyel. They have  been friends for for several cycles. She rushes quickly to the table pushing Garosan aside driven by fear for her friend.
   Aurelyn lays unmoving as Elady climbs up on the bench of the table. Elady looks quickly at the paled form of her friend. She leans over the woman placing her hand over her heart as she listens for her breathing. She rises up and looks closely into  Aurelyn's staring eyes passing her hand over the open orbs watching for some reaction. Getting no response she carefully begins to check for any noticeable injury.
  "She not move." Togh shifts uncomfortably. "Then Togh not now what to do?" Togh looks at Garsan shaking it's head. "Then Togh carry."
  "Kra, you have done good bringing her here." Garoasn said placing a hand on Togh's shoulder reassuringly.
  "Togh try the camp, but no one there." Togh said to Garosan nodding it's head. It continues to talk as it watches Elady examines the young woman it had carried here. "We look for friend when she fall. She very sad that friend gone."
   Elady listens to the two behind her as she continues to look along Aurelyn's body for any sign of injury. She opens the lower ends of Aurelyn's shirt checking an old wound on the woman's stomach that she had known was there. It appears to have healed leaving a huge scar along the once softened skin.
  "Did you find any wounds Elady?" Garoasn asks her.
  "There doesn't seem to be any Garosan she tells him before turning to Togh "Did she say anything before she got like this?" Elady asks the Kran.
  "She curse Yliakum..and the she curse the Gods." Togh said nodding it's head.
   Elady sighs. A look of concern upon her face. She places a hand over her mouth in frustration, unsure of what to do.
  "Togh not know, but she scream very loud." It said shrugging. "Togh want to warn her. but then she fall." Togh trails off looking down as the Kran seems to ta talk to itself. "Lady very, very sad."

   Elady gets up from the bench a worried look on her face as she starts to pace back and forth quickly. Overwhelmed by all that has been happening to her lately she begins to mumble to herself.
  "Jacula?..Jaycol?..Now Aurelyn?"
  "Jacula?" Togh blurts out looking out Elady surprised.
   Elady stops pacing and looks back at Togh with a stern and argry look making the Kran step back.
  "Yes! A mad man that wants both Aurelyn.." She points at Aurelyn laying at the table."...and I dead"
   Togh follows Elady gesture with a glance then turns back to her adding cautiously.
  "Lady say..." Togh hesitates afraid to anger Elady again. " Lady say she want kill Jacula." Togh looks down for a moment not wanting to look upon the glare it had received from Elady. Reluctantly the Kran faces her and continues. "Lady say, she very angry with Jacula. Lady say.." Togh hesitates unsure if it should finish. "Jamora gone because of Jacula" Togh rushes to say the words stepping back watching for Elady's reaction. It looks around confused at the others.
  Elady stares at the Kran. Trgh's last statement shocks her as she notices the Kran's discomfort. She shakes her head to clear her thoughts.
  "Togh? She asks the Kran softly. her face saddened as she fears the answer to her question."Has Jacula killed Jamona?"
   Togh stops to think about the question.  Struggling to remember what Aurelyn had said.
  "Togh think she say yes." The Kran looks sadly at Elady then glance at Aurelyn as it rambles on "But, that odd? Togh said. "Must of found way out Death. Because we search now." The Kran finishes with a puzzled look on it's face. It looks at Elady then Garosan."Togh just courier. Togh not understand of life and death."

[Ooops! Had to go back through and edit out the bed since we didn't have it yet]
« Last Edit: September 09, 2009, 04:58:56 am by jaycol »


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Re: Jaycol Lays Dying (RP)
« Reply #11 on: September 09, 2009, 06:46:49 am »

   Roled Rolak entered the tavern carrying the peices of a small bed that he had promised Elady that he would bring to the Stonehead for Jaycol. He pants from the hard labor of climbing the ramp with the extra weight. He moves over near the carpet where Jayol lays setting the pieces on the floor. He turns  walking over toward the others.
Garosan and Togh talk quietly to themselves as Roled approaches. He walks up behind Elady as she stands slightly rocking back and forth on her feet facing her friend Aurelyn. Roled cannot see the stunned expression on her face as he nears.
  "Elady" Roled said touching her lightly on the shoulder. He doesn't notice that she didn't hear him.
  "I have come with the bed..." He trails off as he realizes she hasn't responded to him. He squeezes her shoulder slightly as he he says her name again.
  "Elady?" he said with concern his voice louder this time. She flinches at his touch. Alarmed Roled takes hold of her shoulders and tries to turn her to face him. She turns toward him slowly.
  "Roled? Elady says surprised. "I am glad you are here." She said relieved.
  "Aye" Roled said as he glances around trying to access the situation. His hands still holding Elady's shoulder firmly he looks at her curiously with concern in his eyes.
  "I....I.." Elady starts to say not being able to finish the sentence. She points first over at Jaycol then back towards Aurelyn shaking her head.
  "Oh,no." Roled exclaims. "what has happened here Elady?" He asks, still holding her shoulders firmly giving her some support. He leans his closer to hers so he can can see into her eyes."are you alright?" He glances over at Aurelyn laying on the table. "what be wrong with this lady?"
    Elady throws up her arms in frustration breaking Roleds grip upon her shoulders. She walks away towards the table behind him. Bewildered Roled looks towards the others for an explanation. His gaze falls on Togh.
  "She very, very sad." Togh offers with a shrug. "Then she fall on the ground." Togh looks over at Aurelyn with a puzzled expression.
  "Kra when did this happen?" Roled asks Togh turning back to look at Elady with some concern. "Elady, can ye please bring me some hot water?" He asks of her.  He can see she is overwhelmed emotionally and hopes the small task will help her.
  "Water?" Elady asks. She shakes her head "Yes, water." Elady said turning to walk towards the kitchen.
  "Thankee" Rolded tells her thoughtfully as he watches her walk away. He turns and walks over to the Dermorian laying on the table.
  "Kra, be she a friend of yers?" He asks Togh as he nears the table. Togh nods at Roled. Roled shakes his head. "I be studying the healing arts and magics. May I look at her?"
Togh nods again.
  "We searching other friend. Then?..She very. very sad." Togh said still shaking it's head. "She curse Yliakum. She curse Gods. Then she fall on ground."
  "This were at the Bronze Doors? He asks Togh. "How long ago?"
  "Togh just got here few minutes before you get." Togh answered Roled."Togh run fast as possible from Doors.Stop at camp, but no one there."
   Roled listens carefully as Togh explains what happened. He removes his chain armor setting it aside on the bench. Roled then opens his pack taking out some bags containing herbs and leaves. and two potion bottles spreading them out along the bench.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2009, 06:57:18 am by jaycol »


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Re: Jaycol Lays Dying (RP)
« Reply #12 on: September 09, 2009, 01:15:57 pm »

  Garosan watches Elady as she sets a pot of hot water on the table.She quietly turns and walks to the other table and sits down. Garosam turns to Roled.
  "Sir Elf?" He he said looking at Roled."Is the bed for Jaycol?"
    Roled sits down at the bench at the table where Aurelyn is lying. Sorting through the herbs that he has placed there.
  "Aye Kra, How be Jaycol?" He asks as he begins gathering up a selection of the herbs he has brought. He begins to mash up some devils's claw,strawberries, and charmflower into the the hot water that Elady has set near him on the table.
  "I am not a Kra." Garosan said puzzled.
  "Sorry friend." Roled glances up at Garosan. "I didn't look up." he turns back to what he was doing. "What know ye of this woman? What were she sad about do ye know? What happened to make her sad?" Roled ask in a series of questions as he continues working.
 Togh walks over to where Elady is sitting. Feeling better that it was not in Roled's way. The kran looks down at her.
  "So you know Miss Aurelyn?...and Miss Jamona? Togh asks her.
   Elady does not respond to Togh's questions or even looks up at the Kran. She pulls her knees up towards her cheek, wrapping her arms around her legs. Tears well up in her eyes as she gently rocks her body.
   Garosan Calls out Ibanic his familiar. Quickly writing a note and giving it to Ibanic. He kneels and whispers to the Groffel.
  "Quick take this to Zephan" He stands watching as Ibanic runs out of the tavern.
    Roled looks up from his work turning towards Garosan.
  "Sir Yilan, I be Roled." Roled then turns to Togh. "Kra, Tell me all ye can please." He said before picking up one of bottle setting on the bench. He carefully places three drops of a rejuvenation potion into the Demorian's mouth.
  "Jamona is away." Togh said watching Roled from the other table where Elady sat rocking back and forth on the bench.
  "To much,Jacula..Jaycol..Jamona..
Aurelyn" She mumbled to herself.
  "What know ye of these deeds Roled asks Garosan as he waits to see if Aurelyn shows any reaction. Seeing none he turns and quickly walks over towards Elady.
  "Elady take two drops of this" He said handing her the rejuvenation potion.
   Elady looks up as Roled hands her the potion and takes a few sips from the bottle.
  "Jamona her friend. More then friend. You know? Togh said to Roled.
  "Aye." Roled replies looking at Togh. Thankee kra. What be yer name please?" He asks the Kran.
  "Togh." The Kran said with a nod."Togh Kornar."
   Elady puts the bottle of potion down at the table then lowers her cheek to her knees. 
Roled nods to the Kran and moves toward the kitchen to get some Red Liquor

    Anumesa Venise enters the taven. She stops near the entrance and glances around She peers closely at the figure lying in the corner.
  "Jaycol?" She said moving over near him she that something is wrong. Turning around she walks towards the others at the tables.
  "what has happened here? She asks as Roled returns to Elady's side holding out a mug of red liquor. Her question going unheard as they seem to ignore her.
  "Can Togh help?" The Kran asks concerned as Roled returns from the kitchen. "Togh try to get help from Hydlaa?
  "Everything alright Elady?" Garosan asks as he looks over from the table where Aurelyn lays motionless.
  "To much to deal with" Elady said to herself as she begins to rock again on the bench.

    Anumesa stomps her foot impatiently and raises her voice slightly to be heard.
  "What has happened here? She asks again pointing back towards Jaycol. Why is my dear friend laying in the corner in such a state? her anger starting to surface as she waits for a reply.
  "Jaycol stabbed...almost died...tried to help." Elady rambled almost incoherently.
   Roled returns to Elady's side giving her the mug of red liquor She takes it from him and begin to drink from it is Roled turns to Togh.
  "Aye Togh. Would ye and Sir Garosan Gently lift Jaycol unto the bed?
  "Can do." Togh said moving away.
   Anumesa's eyes widen at what Elady had said.
 "Who would do such a thing?" She shakes her head."Is there any way that I can help?
  "Elady please. Drink the Red Liquor Slowly." Roled said as he turns back to Elady his vioce rising on the last word. He glances up at Anumesa
  "Hello Lady, please a moment?...and then I shall talk with ye." he tells Anumesa who nods to him and waits patiently.
  "Don't know. Lady?..Jacula?..Other?" Elady rambles on.


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Re: Jaycol Lays Dying (RP)
« Reply #13 on: September 10, 2009, 10:03:29 am »

    Togh approaches Jaycol where he lays in the corner of the tavern. It was the Krans intent to follow Roled's request and to get the dwarf placed into the bed that Roled had brought. As Togh nears, the armored Kran guard moves to block Togh's way.
 "Do I know you Gemma?" Glundun asks Togh standing between Togh and the fallen dwarf.
  "Togh Kornar," Togh says to Glundun with a bow as the Kran tries to walk around the alerted guard.
  "If you are not a healer, please keep your distance." Glundun tells Togh sternly shifting it's position to stay between Togh and his charge. "The one that did this may try again. It will not be on my watch" Glundun said.
  "Dermorian say Togh, put dwarf on bed with Master Garosan. Togh said to the guard. "Togh sorry. Togh only want to what was told."
     Glundun looks at the other Kran soundly and considered it words. Glundun then nods and sets the shield in it's hand down.
  "Then I will help you" Glundun said faces Togh. The two Krans work together to assemble the pieces of the bed. It did not take long as the beds structure was of a simple design. They move the small bed to the side setting it down.
  "Togh is that where they want the bed?" Glundun asks Togh noticing how close it was to the one-five-three board.
  "Not know, Just told me to put him in."Togh looks at Glundun considering the question. "Togh ask" Togh said with a shake of it's head towards the guard. The kran walks swiftly away looking to find Roled.

    On the other side of the tavern away from the two krans, care was still being provided to the young woman Aurelyn and Elady.
  "Aurelyn hurt I don't know how to help." Elady said to herself. Her head still resting upon her folded legs as she sits on the bench opposite of the table that hols her fallen friend.
    Anumesa stands to the side as she waits for Roled. She watches as he moves back and forth between the two women. She moves over near the table where the young woman lays to observe closer as Roled busies himself again with Aurelyn's care.
  "Can you play one of these?" Garosan asks Anumesa turning towards her and holding out a pan flute in his hand. Taking the flute from him Anumesa squints at it, turning it over in her hands.
  "Possibly... its been some time." She said lifting the pan flute to her lips and  softly begins to play a rather simple song.
    Roled stirs the mixture that has been steeping in the pot of hot water as the gentle tune fills the air. He takes the spoon and gently places some the mixture of Charmflower and Devil's claw on Aurelyn's lips. He pinches her nose gently so that she will open her her mouth,  he then swabs more of the potion onto her tongue. He watches as he does so and gets no reaction from her.
     Sitting alone Elady rocks gently on the bench where she is seated. She continues to talk to herself. The many thoughts of all the terrible things that have been happening lately in her life surfacing all at once. She is overwhelmed by  the stress of emotions as they seem to crush at her all at once.
  "Jacula kills. Marked us." She whispers. Her eyes looking straight ahead without focus. "Siteya missing.." She tilts her head to the side resting her cheek upon her knees watching the movement of the flames in the fireplace."Need to make tea...and bake pies."Her voice draws the attention of Roled as he turns to her, concerned for his friend.
  "Elady? He said, knowing that he was not going to get a response from her.

    Sacho Awotowa arrives at the tavern. He has come to enjoy the peaceful surroundings here. He walks inside stopping short of the tables looking over the scene before him.
  "May I help you sir?" Garosan asks him from his seat at the far table where Aurelyn lays unmoving.
  "Greetings Sir Menki." Roled said looking up from his work. "Sir are you willing to help us?" Roled asks him.
    Sacho continues to look around confused. He looks back at Roled.
  ""I would be happy to assist if I can" He said to Roled.
  "There be a Klyros Junction sage and magician in Hydlaa., right now at Harnquists. Names..Rarodele. Would ye Please run and get him? Roled asks turning to look him. "Tell him please that Roled Rolak needs help at the Stonehead. Many injured." The look in Roled's eyes pleading as he gives Sacho his instructions.
  "Very well." Sacho nods. "I will find Rarodele."He said to Roled turning to leave. Sacho turns back once more to glance about the tavern before heading towards the door.
  "Thankee Sir." Roled calls after him as Sacho departed for Hydlaa.

    Roled returns his attention back to Aurelyn continuing to give her a some of the herbal mixture for the pot on the table. Togh approaches behind him tapping Roled upon the shoulder. He turns to face the Kran.
  "Yes Sir Togh?"He asks.
  "Is bed in good position? Togh asks Roled.
    Roled glances over to the corner and nods.
  "Yes it's fine Togh, thankee." Roled replies.
  "Good." Togh said, walking back to the corner where Jaycol lay.

    Togh walks up to Glundun after talking to Roled only moments ago.
  "Say its fine" Togh tells the other Kran. Roled comes up behind Togh and looks at the bed.
  "Tis fine fer now that the bed be here" He addresses the two Krans. He turns to look at Glundun. "Kra, I be Roled. I cared for Jaycol last night when he were injured. Please carefully lift him onto the bed." Roled said.
    Glundun nods as Roled turns away and walks towards the tables. The Kran turns  to Togh.
  "Alright carefully now" Glundun tells Togh as they both move to either side of the injured dwarf. Glundun removes the blanket setting it aside before knelling to take a hold Jaycol gently with Togh's help. Togh carefully places it's hands under Jaycol's body and nods to Glundun. They lift the small body up between them moving slowly towards the bed. Together they lower the weight of the dwarf's body upon the bed, making sure that they do not move him too quickly. Togh releases Jaycol as his body comes to rest on the bed. Togh goes back to retrieve the blanket and with Glunduns help they again cover Jaycol. Togh looks at Glundun and nods before walking over towards the tables where the others are. Glundun retrieves the shield that was set side and resumes the guard post.


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Re: Jaycol Lays Dying (RP)
« Reply #14 on: September 18, 2009, 06:14:18 pm »

      Roled moves quickly back towards Elady. His urgency causes Anumesa to retreat out of his way as he moves by her. He pours another sip of rejuvenation potion into Elady's mouth then holds the red liquor up for her.
  "DRINK! ELADY." He tells her sternly and watches as Elady follows his order taking a few sips from the mug he held for her. He then turns to Anumesa as she continues to play softly on the Pan flute.
  " Lady will ye help? Please, help Elady drink the whole of the red liquor slowly. He asks her as he moves over to the Dermorian lying on the other table. He addresses Garosan as he notices another patron entering the tavern.
  " Sir would you please greet any newcomers and keep them from the injured?"  He asks Garosan.
  "Aye, if that's what I have to do.." Garosan replies as he moves towards the the new arrival.

       Havuik Keleiw enters the busy tavern. He looks around curiously as on one of the tables Roled pinches Aurelyn's nose swabbing her mouth when she opens it to breathe.
  "Injured?" He asks surprised as he looks about the tavern again.
  "Err..? Welcome to the Stonehead Tavern." Garosan greets him.
 Havuik looks at Garosan.
  "Thank you. ..What is going on here?" He asks him. He watches as Roled finishes with the Demorian  picking up a bottle of potion and quickly moving over to the dwarf lying on the bed at the corner.
  "I need more hot water please," Roled calls out looking up momentarily. "Someone?...Anyone?" Roled asked before turning back undoing the belt that was holding the poultice from the last evening, gently removing the now dried mash.
    Havuik looks back and forth between Roled and Garosan.
  "Jaycol was attacked and wounded." Garosan said looking at Havuik pointing towards the corner where the bed was located. "Then Kra here brings in the Elf" Garosan continues explaining as he indicates Togh and Aurelyn turning in each of their directions with a nod of his head.
     Havuik looks back and forth between Roled and Garosan.
  "What? This is an outrage. More crime." He said glancing at Garosan with a shocked expression on his face. " Please, is there anything I can do?" He asks Garosan.
  "Drink slowly..." Elady mumbles to herself causing Garosan to turn towards her.
  "I don't know right now." Grosan tells Havuik as he turns away turns away. "One moment. I'll be back." He adds as he sets off to the kitchen to heat the water Roled requested.
     Havuik watches Garosan walk away and sees Elady sitting nearby. He approaches her giving a bow in greeting. Looking around again before reaching up to remove his helmet. He turns back towards Elady.
  "What is going on?" He asks her unaware of her condition. He waits for her reply as he notices that she stares off in the distance seemingly unware of his question before responding in a strained voice.  "Jaycol stabbed. Aurelyn hurt....Much...Too much." Elady said to herself not showing Havuik any acknowledgment.
    Havuik clears his throat.
 "What was the nature of this attack?" He asks.
 " Jaycol stabbed almost died...Aurelyn different." Elady says still not looking up at Havuik. Who glances over at Aurelyn with concern.

    Roled approaches from the corner interrupting Havuik's questions of Elady.
  "Sir can we talk later PLEASE.?" He asked of him raising his voice as he finished to stress his point.  
  "Aye, what can I do now?" Havuik asks Roled stepping back from Elady. "I am here if help is needed."
  "Sir Menki. Do you wish to help?" Roled asked.
  "I will." Havuik sais with a nod.
  "Are you a mage or a herbal healer? Roled asks him raising his eyebrows.
  "Nay, I am sorry." Havuik shakes his head frowning.
  "Jacula hurt people. Stop Jacula...To much to do...Help Jaycol, Aurelyn." Elady rambles, drawing their attention.
  "This is Jacula's work?" Havuik asks Elady glancing down at her. She ignores him as she takes a sip from the mug in her hands. He looks over at Aurelyn then back towards Roled.
  "We think so, Elady seems to be in a state." Roled replies glancing down at Elady. He takes a deep breath and faces Havuik. "Alright. Would ye please run to the platinum hill and see if there are any Masters of Crystal or Blue Ways there?"
    Havuik nods to Roled.
  "Laanx protect." He said with a bow before departing.

    Roled watches as Havuik walks away. He turns back towards just as Riesa Serend entered. He looks up as she and Togh greet each other. Togh looks over to meet his glance.
  "Sir? I go to Hydlaa? Find help." The Kran asked.
  "Aye kra, ask for healers or magicians. Go to Harnquists first, then try the infirmary tent in the Temple greens, then try Kada-Els. Maybe Allelia or her sister." Roled instructed Togh who listened carefully, nodding to him before hurrying away. Roled noticed Riesa as she neared Elady with some concern in her face.
  "Lady Fenki?" He asked. " Know you Elady?"
  "Yes." She stated plainly. She hesitated a moment then continued. "Yes, I work here with her, and in the same guild."
  "Ye are a Daughter of Xiosia?" He asks surprised.
  "Yes." Riesa said.
  "Can ye go and round up any of yer guild sisters? Roled asked her then said to her more seriously. "We need them here now."
    Riesa glanced at Elady then nodded quietly.
  "Thanke Lady" Roled said to her as she made her way to the tavern doorway. He turned to Elady and gently helps her lift the mug to her lips gently patting her shoulder treassuringly.
  "It will be fine Elady. Keep breathing please." He told her as she sipped more of the the strong liquid.
  "Where is that Hot water I asked for?" He shouts over his shoulder.
    In the kitchen Garosan shrugs as he patiently waits for the water to come to a boil.

   Zephan Cystennin passes Riesa as he comes running into the tavern after Ibanic  skidding to a stop. He reaches up quickly removing his helmet.
  "Quite a crowd?" He said surprised.   "What's wrong?" He asks with raised eyebrows, darting a glance from one person to the other.
  "This one is unconscious." Roled told him pointing over to Aurelyn." Jaycol was stabbed and is near death. Elady and I treated him last night.
  "To much to do....To many to care for.." Elady rambles to herself.
    Zephan glances at her curiously.
  "Who went to get the water?" He asks having heard Roled call out for it as he entered.
  "Zephan can you get the water and bring it to me at Jaycol, then tend to Elady.? Roled asked.
  "Aye, well then." Zephan said with a nod. He started to move towards the kitchen just as Garosan came around the counter carrying a pot of steaming water setting it upon the table behind Elady.
  "You needed hot water?" Garosan asked stepping out of the way as Zephan came to take it from the table and carry it over to Roled.
  "Thanke Zephan" Roled told him as he set the water down near the bed. "Help Elady please." Roled added without looking up.
  Zephan moved back towards the table where Elady sat. She sipped more of the red liquor a smile on her face. Her tears appearing to have stopped.
  "Aurelyn." She said.
  "Aurelyn." She repeated.
    Zephan peers at her.
  "Elady?..What's going on?" He asks frowning at her.
    Elady looks up at Zephan.
  "To much to do... Too soon"

    Garosan watched Zephan and Elady from where he stood aback to stay out of of the way as Roled roamed between the three people he had taken under his care.
  "Sir Garosan, would ye help?" Roled asked from the corner where he know cared for Jaycol.
  "What do you need?" Garosan returned his question.
  "Would you please gently swab more potion into Aurelyn's mouth? Not to much, don't want her to choke." Roled told him standing and looking over at Garosan.
  "Help Jaycol..Help Aurelyn...Stop Jacula.." Elady rambled at the mention of Aurelyn's name.
     Garosen simply looked at her and glanced over again to Roled.
  "Very well." He said moving over to the table that held the unconscious Demorian. He picked up the spoon and moved it and the pot of steeped tincture to the opposite side of the table where he could do what was asked of him and enable him to watch everything that was going on in the tavern. He care set them down and taking the spoon placed a small amount of the liquid unto it. Gently he swaps some of the potion into Aurelyn's mouth as he had seen Roled do earlier. He pauses to make sure the she swallows it. Watching to see if there would be any reaction from her.  He shakes his head seeing none.
  "If she doesn't swallow this soon I'll have to remove it." He says to himself as he watches to make sure she does not choke. He then looks up as Roled comes over to check on his progress.
  "Ah, Sir Garosan. Did she swallow any? Roled asks him.
  "Only a little." Garosan replies lookig up. "Did na use much. It slipped down her throat."
  "Good." Roled nodded to response. "If she got some in her that be better then not." Roled said.
  "If you don't mind though I go by Garo." Garosan tells him looking over.
  "Fine Sir Garo. Thanke." Roled said.
     Garosan nods as he turns away. Taking off his arm plating and setting it aside. He picks up the brew and lets some of it waft under the Demorian's nose.
     Roled looks up from his care of Jaycol's wound as Havuik returns from his errand.
  "None at the the platinum mine" Havuik tells him as the menki looks around between Elady, Jaycol and Aurelyn in concern.
  "By the Gods!" Roled exclaims excitedly dropping a kingsfoil leave from his hand. "Where be all the mages of Yliakum?" He asks bitterly.
  "Roled, relax..." Zephan calls over to him
  "Aye...I will" Roled nods to himself picking up the fallen leaf crushing it in his hand and letting the peices fall into the hot water. He looks at his herbs realizing he is missing something. He looks up again at Havuik.
  " Sir Menki. Would ye see if ye can find some saffron fer me?" Roled asks him.
  "Where can I find it?" Havuik returns wishing to be of further assistance.
  "Ask Zephan." Roled tells him over his shoulder as he crushes another kingsfoil leaf into the water. He begins to stir the leaves in the hot water impatiently as Havuik nods and walks over to where Zephan was watching out for Elady.
  "Zephan? Where might I find Saffron?" Havuik asks.
  "Hmm?" Zephan looks up. He thinks for a moment and begins to try to explain how best to find the area where the plant is known to grow. Havuik listens closely muttering to himself under his breath.
  "Ain't there some in the pantry Zephan?" Roled asks as he approaches from the bed where Jaycol lay.
  "Pantry?...Saffron?" Elady asks as her eyes start to seem more focused.
  "Elady, Elady, listen to me." Roled said loudly to her as he he kneels down holding her shoulders looking into her eyes as she looks up at him. "Please get me one bag of saffron Elady." He asks her.
  "By door on floor" she tells him.
  "Perhaps, we should try and have everyone calm. Elady's not responding well to all that's going on." Zephan said.

     Elady smiles at at the rhyme of Zephan's words. She stands up slowly, turning she heads towards the pantry with Zephan following closely behind her. They return together shortly afterward as Elady sets some saffron onto the table.
  "Saffron on the floor by the door." Shes says  looking at Roled and pointing to the saffron on the table.
  "Thankee Elady." Roled said to her going over and again takes her shoulders in his hands. "Ye are doing wonderfully helping everyone...Keep breathing please..." He adds.
  "The Saffron from the pantry." Elady said looking please with herself.
  "Sir Zephan? Roled turns to ask. "Will ye help me please for a moment with Jaycol?"
  "One problem at a time, deal with one problem at a time." Elady closes her eyes mumbling to herself trying to regain control of her thoughts.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2009, 07:19:17 pm by jaycol »