Author Topic: new guild oppertunity  (Read 2117 times)


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new guild oppertunity
« on: September 05, 2009, 11:37:58 pm »
hey everyone i am now working on createing a new guild nothing fancy at this time however te guild is only of a thought for the time being i am currently looking for a number of members that will become the corner stone of this guild ie the higher ranks. so i invite anyone interested in takeing up these positions to either let me know on here or contact me dirrectly if applying through the boards i ask that you make an application in the same vaine as i am about to.

Name : Alliva Alyeve

Race : Enkidukel

Skills: Sword master, red way master, Crystal way expert

How long have you been in Yalikum ( i.e how long have you been playing ): 5 Years

Previous guilds: Sapere magi, Hokyba Da ojaveda and the knowladge seekers

Previous ranks in guilds: Master mason, Elder council, Student

Have you helped run or setup guild before: Setup ad ran both Hokyba Da Ojaveda and Sapere Magi

Other skills or information that perhaps may help you being picked for a high up position:
I have much knowladge about weapons, deuling, Magic and of yalikum itself i have seen a lot in my years and stood on many battle fields i have ralied peopl to the defeance of many and the dfeance of one i have seen a lot and i think i know a fair bit witch i think will be helpfull to the guild and to the other memebers that may join this is why i think i should have a high up possition because of the knowladge base i can bring to the guild and pass on.

Now please remember people i am only looking for a handfull of people to take up the higher roles for the time being as in siting as a infd of council for the guild so tha we can all sit down and ge things done that will benifit us and yalikum as a whole. However if you are not picked for this position i will consider all of you for other positions as teachers or similar the council will be helping as mch as possible but it will be mainly down to other to teach as much as they can and help out lets call em teachers for th time being when and if the guild gets bigger the teachers will be the firs conact for knowladge the council members will still help were and when needed so dot feel bad if ou are not chosen for a spot on the council you will still be a vital part for the guild.
I am afraid of fighting. I am afriad of being beaten and losing. But i am more afraid of surviving as a cripple than dying in fight.However. I always try to find a new strong enamy.
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Timmothy Perriwinkle

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Re: new guild oppertunity
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2009, 11:56:00 pm »
Obvious question: What does the guild do?

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Re: new guild oppertunity
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2009, 12:21:50 am »
atm im not 100% mate it will be basicaly a newbe guild that will take in new players and ty to provide everything they need more of a kinda tutorial guild kinda thing helping the new people lern how they want and trying to give them the information they want or ned.
I am afraid of fighting. I am afriad of being beaten and losing. But i am more afraid of surviving as a cripple than dying in fight.However. I always try to find a new strong enamy.
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Re: new guild oppertunity
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2009, 01:11:35 am »
I am by no means a guild guru but here is a little bit of feedback from me (because I think constructive feedback is the best kind of thing that can be posted on these forums!  :innocent:).

A guild can be a hard thing to make. A good guild can be near impossible if you don't have the right help. It takes time, ideas, and resources. This is my suggestion to you: Come up with a solid IC reason to have a new guild in Yliakum. Perhaps something that has a twist or is a bit different than any other active guild out there currently.

Having a guild to help newbies is nice and all, but I think I've heard this reason mentioned for numerous guilds in this forum. And having that as the only reason (I believe) is a poor reason to start a guild. I do not believe that it will add anything new to the game. So the question I have for you (this is sort of a rhetorical, think-about-it question): What can your guild offer that is new to Yliakum? What sort of reason do you have for creating this? There are other guilds devoted to helping newbies out there (as well as a whole channel of advisers and a team of GMs if I may add), so how will you be different?

Please take this as constructive help and I'm not trying to start an argument or insult your idea
« Last Edit: September 06, 2009, 01:13:07 am by Havuik »


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Re: new guild oppertunity
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2009, 03:34:04 am »
bilieve me there will be a twist atm im currently just tring to get the people with experience to step up first mate. but i think you miss poin of a newbie guild dont just proveide info they provide resourcses equipment ect ect unlike some guilds that may just hand things to em on a platter we wont. they will be actively learning things fom there selves with guidance from us. however they won be left alone eithr it be the case of go do this guild thing for it you will learn this and you will perhaps get this for us and in return we give you this kinda thing but i know wat you are meaning.

but also considering i helped build i was one of the three that built sapere magi and hokyba da ojaveda do you really think im not gnna have a twist and a backing for it like i said i need the experience to put there hands up now causee one person dont make a guild and i wanna get the best in it to begin with.
I am afraid of fighting. I am afriad of being beaten and losing. But i am more afraid of surviving as a cripple than dying in fight.However. I always try to find a new strong enamy.
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Re: new guild oppertunity
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2009, 11:40:39 am »
Well I don't know much about Sapere Magi or Hokyba da Ojaveda, so my comments are just on what you have said in this thread so far.

Now it's great to help out the newbies and all, and I understand you won't just be giving them advice, but perhaps it is better to have a solid IC reason. Since this will be on Laanx I would think it would be necessary to have some sort of RP as background. Perhaps if you provided what ideas you had for it so far then more people would be inclined to join.

I hate to be the center of attention all the time, but I'll bring up something I did for my guild; Before it was even created I made a post on the guild forums here about it. I provided IC goals and requirements as well as OOC ones. Now I'm not saying that that is the best way to do it and I did it 100% perfect (because I didn't by a long shot). But I think if people see what the guild is about and what it's purpose is then they can see if their character(s) fit in with it. And if you do a real good job with your post then they may even be more eager to help you and your project.

Remember, a guild isn't just about getting 20k, five people, and a name. What kind of IC purpose will your guild serve? Perhaps you could share some of the details (even if you haven't gotten everything ironed out) as to what you have planned. Then people will see if it's something interesting they want to be involved in.


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Re: new guild oppertunity
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2009, 12:23:43 pm »
First, the idea of a newbie helper guild might be helpful . PS used to have plenty of them, though we don't anymore I believe.

Now it's great to help out the newbies and all, and I understand you won't just be giving them advice, but perhaps it is better to have a solid IC reason. Since this will be on Laanx I would think it would be necessary to have some sort of RP as background.

Take that in mind strongly as you design this guild. It is important that it isn't a guild that just helps OOCly but ICly as well, developing the character through some guild purpose/function. In my opinion your best bet would be not to start a guild but a school for something. It's up to you ultimately but I think a school makes it easier for someone to give someone OOC skills and still have an IC purpose.
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Re: new guild oppertunity
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2009, 06:20:41 pm »
again duraza im hoping to create a nearly purely ic guild as in as little ooc information as possible least not to he studnt there will be lists of trainers ect ect but that will be maily passed on from the experienced players in an ic way .but i do know what you are both getting at however everyone that is a "teacher" will be there for there own reason and we will incoperate that ino what the guild is ultimately about. me personaly icly i just wanna pass on valuable skills to the new generation but i cnt always say thats why everyone would be joining im wanting that to be the overall reason why there all there but you just dont know. you see normaly when people create guild it is 3 r 4 people initialy getting together sitting down and talking about it just as i did with both of my other guilds and both guilds were well known quickly and here names are still mentioned ide call them sufcessfull guilds this is something i wann try again but this time  get people with very varied back grounds to try it.
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Re: new guild oppertunity
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2009, 09:41:05 pm »
Anyone wants to join my guild, just im me. We're not going to do any guild things, just im eachother, etc, etc. You get the idea? We're a succesfull guild.
I suggest the statue of Laanx gets turned into a statue of Parallo <3. An NPC could never replace the huge hole he left in my heart when he died  :'(

Timmothy Perriwinkle

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Re: new guild oppertunity
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2009, 11:03:35 pm »
Hell man, know what I just realized? This guild is perfect for the OSP!

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Re: new guild oppertunity
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2009, 05:32:00 am »
Oregon State Police? Orange Steel Plate? Ol' Shotgun Pete? Oh, Shoot Partner, I Ought Sympathise with that Post but what Perriwinkle ain't being Obvious, making Parallo Oblivious.
I suggest the statue of Laanx gets turned into a statue of Parallo <3. An NPC could never replace the huge hole he left in my heart when he died  :'(

Timmothy Perriwinkle

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Re: new guild oppertunity
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2009, 09:02:51 am »
No matter what anyone does, you're oblivious.

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Re: new guild oppertunity
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2009, 09:18:31 am »
sorry mate i do have to ask OSP ? Is that that guild alliance thing i been hearing about perhaps if it ever gets going i might consider it mate but as youve seen theres not been a hugh amount of hands being put up for time being and please people no argueing this was ment to be a thread to get people involved and yes i do apprectiate the comments already made by oters in it.
I am afraid of fighting. I am afriad of being beaten and losing. But i am more afraid of surviving as a cripple than dying in fight.However. I always try to find a new strong enamy.
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Re: new guild oppertunity
« Reply #13 on: September 07, 2009, 11:15:44 am »
For details about the OSP check here Also note it is way more than just a guild alliance, it requires some serious RP and work.

And there isn't a huge amount of hands being put up for anything. You are not alone. I worked on coming up with a guild a while ago and just now am I coming up with 6 actually people (as opposed to alts) and some of them aren't active very much these days. Plan on doing a lot by yourself at the beginning. And again I will state my (and what Parallo was saying between the sarcasm) opinion. No one wants to join a project like creating a guild if the leader doesn't show he is willing to work and put forth details about the guild. If your serious about making a guild why don't you come up with a post like most of the other guilds on this forum have? Give us some background and what exactly you will do IC. What you provide that is new to the RP environment. Even then it will be hard to find people willing to join, but you will gain support and feedback from other guilds and experienced players, which will help a lot.

If you're having trouble coming up with the RP details of your guild, feel free to shoot me a PM of what you have so far and I'd love to check it out and see what you got in the works.


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Re: new guild oppertunity
« Reply #14 on: September 07, 2009, 12:20:42 pm »
atm im actualy just looking for 3 people tbh i already mannaed to rope indygo into this and he is also willing to do quite a bit of work for this in his own personal way so i do have one vastly experienced player into this and jst looking for people with a few years experience and willing to put in some work i mean dont get me wrong with makeing everything myself im more than willing to. but i feel that other ideas would be a good thing also if people are actively involved in createing he guild in the first place i.e have there voice heard and some of there ideas incorperated then it makes them appreciate it a lot more and more willing to work on bettering the guild. or thats the basic idea finding players after the guild has been setup is fine but you tend to find these players a lot of them aint really willing to put in the work to actualy keep the guild afloat.
I am afraid of fighting. I am afriad of being beaten and losing. But i am more afraid of surviving as a cripple than dying in fight.However. I always try to find a new strong enamy.
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