Author Topic: Some BlackFlame guidelines from the Settings Team  (Read 8883 times)


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Some BlackFlame guidelines from the Settings Team
« on: October 05, 2009, 09:20:21 pm »
Our hope is that this post will help guide those who wish to RP BlackFlame knowledge, either as a BF neophyte, a BF devotee, or a "regular" citizen. First, let me start with some info from former Settings prospect UndertheMoon. I will add info throughout:

Q: What is the Black Flame?
A: That is an answer you will not get. I do favor plot twists and secrets. The only answer you will get here is that it is real.


Q: Can my character mention it, then?
A: Sure you can. In the same way you would talk about the boogieman or vampires in the real world. The name is NOT completely unknown. It is commonly known. To most of the general population, the Black Flame is something to tell to children to scare them. "The Black Flame comes to get little boys who don't eat their savory stew."

However, BF is devoted to avoiding serious public interest. If they even suspect that you know more than you should, if they even have a glimmer of an idea that your tales are more than just a story to quiet the children before bed, then your life (and those of your family) may well be forfeit. BF protects its own; I suggest you do the same.

Q: So I should not be afraid of it?
A: Not quite. Even adults have superstitions and fears, and Black Flame is a strong one. Even though most people believe that the Black Flame is a wives' tale, there will still be that tiny bit of doubt that keeps them from mentioning it while walking in the dark. That "what if...?" that tickles the mind and causes grown men to laugh nervously at its mention while the wind howls outside. Sure, you know there is nothing waiting under your bed when you go to sleep, but it never hurts to check, right?

Yes (as long as you aren't one, that is).

Q: What about the guards? I hear they haul away people who say they are Black Flame worshipers...
A: Well, if you lived in a highly religious community and someone tried to start a Vampire cult next door with the intention of killing people and sucking blood, what would you do? Vampires don't really exist, but the intention to do bad things because of the idea of them does. That is what the people believe. They still don't believe in the Black Flame, but believe that anyone who would claim to follow it is someone to fear.

Since, by nature, BF is a society bent on stealth, why on Yliakum would you trust some random guard with wild tales of BF when that very guard may secretly be serving BF? Extreme caution, complete ignorance, or silent service are your only salvation.

Q: What do the guards know?
A: Guards might know more than the general population, but will not tell you if Black Flame is real or not. They will tell you the same thing as most people believe. Black Flame is the boogieman, a tall tale that some fools believe in.

Yes. Also, see above.

Q: And those higher than the guards?
A: That is not for you to know.


Q: So, what if I say my character fights the Black Flame.
A: What if you told me you fought vampires in real life? That's right. Ridicule. Same as if you say you believe vampires are real.

Either ridicule or sudden death or complete character defamation await you, depending on who hears you and how seriously they take you.

Q: So, let me get this straight. The Black Flame is real, some of the guards and government know it is real, but most people think it is made up... kind of like aliens in real life?
A: If we lived in the X-Files, the answer would be yes. Black Flame is the evil grays, or those creepy oil guys.

OOC - BF is quite real. IC - if you aren't a servant of BF, you a) play that it's all a nasty fairytale b) keep your mouth shut or c) suffer. IC- if you are a servant of BF you a) keep your mouth shut or b) suffer.

Q: What about the history and all that talk about Kadiakos and the Black Flame?
A: Sadly, the answer to that is a blunt "Ignore it." That information is years out of date. There should be NO mention of Black Flame in the public history.

Yes. BF abhores the light of public scrutiny - period.

Q: What about Dakkru and her war on Black Flame followers?
A: Dakkru is new on the scene, so people will not be sure what to make of what she says. Her followers will believe Black Flame is real, and something to hunt and kill. The rest of the people will likely think it is a scare tactic to gain control. Look up the Red Scare for an example. Most Dakkru followers will not mention Black Flame outside of the Death Realm or in view of non-believers. To them, it is a holy quest that is not for sharing with the unworthy. Sort of like a secret society.

Mostly agreed. Most chars are not likely to be privy to Dakkru's grand scheme any more than they are BF's. While Dakkru is a bit more "in your face" than BF is, she's not any more likely to enjoy blabbermouths than BF is.

IMPORTANT NOTE: True followers of Black Flame will NEVER let it be known that they are followers. Anyone who openly claims to be a follower is NOT, and is simply a fool being used by the true followers.

Another note - if the good RPers out there truly want BF to grow into something earthshaking for Yliakum, then I suggest you develop chars that a) know only fairytales or b) fight the good fight - QUIETLY or c) indoctrinate yourselves w/ BF's teachings in SILENCE. An IG spotlight on BF will ruin the intent and the chance for some really groovy RP.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2009, 09:37:05 pm by Oomi »

Tadano Hitoshi

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Re: Some BlackFlame guidelines from the Settings Team
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2009, 01:04:37 am »
Oomi, thank you for the invaluable clarification.
I`d like to ask about one point...

Q: What about the history and all that talk about Kadiakos and the Black Flame?
A: Sadly, the answer to that is a blunt "Ignore it." That information is years out of date. There should be NO mention of Black Flame in the public history.

Yes. BF abhores the light of public scrutiny - period.

You answer that the BF doesn`t want their link to Kadaikos revealed. Quite understandable.
How about the existence of Kadaikos itself? It is mentioned in a couple of quests (in relation to the name of a place and some language from `ancient Kadaikos`), so I presume the general populace does know about it? As for Laanx`s abandonment of it, I`m guessing that`s muddier territory?


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Re: Some BlackFlame guidelines from the Settings Team
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2009, 12:23:46 pm »
So I am quite happy that I made my "victim" character not completely wrong. Mostly. My best decision seems to be that he did never know by himself who he is, why he went to Hydlaa, who he met there... only that is it important to be found by those he should meet, and that they would recognise him rather than he them.

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Re: Some BlackFlame guidelines from the Settings Team
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2009, 03:07:27 am »
Finally I can start implementing the BF religion into one of my lesser known chars.


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Re: Some BlackFlame guidelines from the Settings Team
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2009, 07:17:30 am »
Azaza isnt afraid to unleash the secret of the black flame, and that she is a neophyte herself. Azaza wants nothing more than to be a normal 6 year old child; evil as hell. Azaza is not afriad of the guards either, and if they wish to arrest her, then well....they get to deal with her themselves  ;D

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Re: Some BlackFlame guidelines from the Settings Team
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2009, 09:14:26 am »
Azaza isn't afraid to unleash the secret? In that case be prepared for the BF to silence her themselves, before the Octarchy arranges a close up visit to the crystal for her and no a 6 year old won't be able to godmod her way out of permadeath
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Re: Some BlackFlame guidelines from the Settings Team
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2009, 09:24:37 am »
How about an undercover GM BF char roaming to guarantee for valid play here?  :P


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Re: Some BlackFlame guidelines from the Settings Team
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2009, 11:29:26 am »
How do you know there isn't already ;)
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Re: Some BlackFlame guidelines from the Settings Team
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2009, 02:38:00 pm »
You may roleplay a character who remains in delusion about their status in the black flame and pronounces it. However as oomi stated, the BF abhors public scrutiny and are very quiet. That character may find themselves facing other religious players, black flame followers, guards and the octarchy.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2009, 03:20:16 pm by bloodedIrishman »

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Re: Some BlackFlame guidelines from the Settings Team
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2009, 07:36:38 pm »
Anyone openly playing a loud BF follower will be ended.


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Re: Some BlackFlame guidelines from the Settings Team
« Reply #10 on: November 19, 2009, 07:10:37 am »
Azaza was sent on a "Flying Petrosaur, into the great crystal." She still tries to haunt Yliakum, but is not powerful enough to emanate herself. Hmmm. too bad. I just feel bad for the Petrosaur.

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Re: Some BlackFlame guidelines from the Settings Team
« Reply #11 on: May 31, 2010, 09:20:19 pm »
Azaza was sent on a "Flying Petrosaur, into the great crystal." She still tries to haunt Yliakum, but is not powerful enough to emanate herself. Hmmm. too bad. I just feel bad for the Petrosaur.

So that's how they get people to the crystal?  ;D
Pretty expensive way to do so.

I have an ego so large it has it's own gravity. So in short, yes, everything does revolve around me.


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Re: Some BlackFlame guidelines from the Settings Team
« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2010, 12:02:31 am »
A few (pounds of) trias is nothing to preventing unnecessary deaths.
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Re: Some BlackFlame guidelines from the Settings Team
« Reply #13 on: June 01, 2010, 12:22:15 am »
 Petrosaurs are a more than flying bags of tria, although many might think of them that way. More trias can be minted, petrosaurs must be raised and trained, and they are in limited supply.
 It would be awesome if you could paste the criminal with projectile runes and let him fly to the crystal himself.


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Re: Some BlackFlame guidelines from the Settings Team
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2010, 12:55:18 am »
That would be cool, but if people had projectile runes, they wouldn't need any Megaras or Pterosaurs or even a Winch to get to the other levels in the first place.
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