Author Topic: Geyesie: The Painter [Part 1]  (Read 672 times)


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Geyesie: The Painter [Part 1]
« on: October 10, 2009, 01:41:33 pm »
[This part of the storyline does not have violence, but it is fairly graphic, it is heavy content. For those with a weak stomach, you are warned]

Geyesie stood still, his heart pounding terribly; he laid his back against the wall and held his breath.

Quiet, quiet, they’re passing by, they can’t see me

From the sound of their voices, he guessed they were around twenty paces around the building.

I’m getting sloppy, this wouldn’t have happened if I’d have took that caravan to oja when I had the chance

Geyesie’s hands were clenched and sweaty. He was wearing brown-dyed light cloth pants and a shirt, while his feet were shoeless. His hair was wild and unkempt, falling down onto his shoulders and forehead.

“You thieving runt, I’m gonna find ya and when I do I’ll skin your head for the bounty!”

They’re still looking

Damn them
I need to move

Geyesie anxiously swerved his head to the left and right searching for an escape.

Those don’t work, the guards will see me

He frantically gripped the ragged dagger he had stuffed across his belt and crouched down, waiting for the men to come.

Just stab him in the heart and run

Geyesie gripped his stomach and felt another sickness wash over him.

Not now, not now, this is not the time

“Look behind that house you three, circle it!”

Geyesie heard the command and the scampering of feet circling the house rapidly. He dropped to his stomach and crawled three feet, one hand pushing him forward and the other gripping his stomach.




Between the corner of an empty building and a fence he hid himself, barely breathing.

The guards rounded the building where he had been and waited for their captain to come.
“Where the hell is he?”
The captain pushed one of the men aside and glowered in the face of another, whose face Geyesie could not see.
“We have searched in various districts, but its clear”
The leader was of small height, but stocky. His beard covered nearly his entire face, and he was clothed in padded leather armor. Slung in a sheath below his right arm was a small sword and across his back a round wooden shield.
“Search it again, all of you”

The man waited for all his subordinates to leave, while he eyed the surroundings.
“I know you’re there, boy”
“I know it”
“I can smell your stench”
“Come out, and I’ll give you leniency”
“Stay there, and make me find you, and I’ll kill you where you hide”

Geyesie gripped his dagger and his mind clouded. The man reminded him of his father, and he felt a fury he had only felt once before.

Stab him in the heart
I want to kill him

The man sighed and smiled. “Well, well, I’m sorry little guy, I didn’t mean to say things like that, just come on out, would ya?”
“Nothings going to happen to you”

The man waited half a minute, and his smiling features abruptly changed. His eyebrows twisted toward the center and his mouth contorted in anger. He drew his sword and began to sneak around the area, looking into each small alley between buildings.

Geyesie softly whispered to himself,
“He deserves death, he deserves it”
“How many others have suffered because of him?”
“He’s mine”

While the man searched the area, with his sword drawn, Geyesie contemplated killing him.

“Yliakum would be a better place for it”
“No man, woman, nor child would miss him”

When Geyesie’s thoughts drifted to the man’s likeness to his father, his mind clouded once more and his doubts subsided.

“I’m right here dog”

Geyesie got off his knees and walked out of his hiding place. He walked into the lit area and stood up straight, despite the pain in his stomach.

The man turned his head and walked forward slowly, grinning softly.
“Are you going to be a man, runt?”
“Facing me is a brave thing, and I praise ya for it”
Geyesie scrutinized the man. He was short, yes, but his features looked to be Ylian.
“Are you a Ylian?” he asked the man.

The man laughed loudly “Ylian, of course I am runt. My name is Eronden, boy”
“I’ve been after you for weeks”

 â€śI would like to know, why you have been searching for me?”

The man smiled broadly, and said “The last one died out too easy”


“I enjoy a little fun with my captives before their trials; unfortunately they seem to die before it’s their time”

The man’s eyes glimmered red and Geyesie wondered whether this was the trick of a light.

“You’ve killed others…tortured them?” Geyesie’s knees began to tremble, and the pounding of his heart grew quickly.

The man spoke softly, “Oh…yes, it was exquisite”

“They call me a evil bastard, but they do not know the beauty of what I do, boy”

The man slowly walks toward Geyesie.

“It is an art form, truly”

He raises his left arm, points his sword at Geyesie, and smiles.

“And your body will be the canvas upon which I paint my masterpiece”

Geyesie’s knees began to wobble so terribly, he felt he would fall to the ground. His heart was pounding so heavily, he felt his chest would explode. He felt the fear, it paralyzed him. He could barely move himself, and all the meanwhile his eyes fixed upon this man who slowly walked toward him.

« Last Edit: October 10, 2009, 04:24:12 pm by bloodedIrishman »


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Geyesie The Painter Part 1
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2009, 02:45:27 am »
Ahh... The Ithorians. Those snot-nosed aliens? I would be glad to wipe them off the face off the face of the galaxy. But, I have heard they are very force adept, we must use caution.