Author Topic: [OSP] Poetry Fair - [Saturday, October 24]  (Read 778 times)


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[OSP] Poetry Fair - [Saturday, October 24]
« on: October 14, 2009, 03:56:06 pm »

When: Saturday, October 24, 2009 - 8PM UTC or 3PM(?) ET
Where: Lake of Tears Outpost - Bronze Door Road2

Calling all poets!  The Explorers Guild in association with the Octarchal Society for Progress continues it's monthy fair series with a Poetry Fair.  This time we are also joining forces with our good friends at the Red Crystal Den.  This time ideas for activities are simple, we'll just have people read their works.  Although anyone is welcome to attend and read, for those interested in a reading, please inform Mordaan, Aiwendil, or Lhaa in game to get registered.

Catering will be provided by the Stonehead Tavern and a tria bar for drinks will be available courtesy of the Red Crystal Organization.

So get ready for poetry by the camp fire in the wilderness!

We get back on our monthly schedule and this time pick a theme not of in game skills.  After an initial discussion about location we have settled on the Outpost which is by the Lake of Tears on Bronze Door Road2.  Everyone is welcome to attend!
So offer your thoughts here.

edit: updated the information
« Last Edit: October 17, 2009, 02:32:13 pm by Mordaan »
--Overseer, Explorers Guild.


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Re: [OSP] Poetry Fair - [Saturday, October 24]
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2009, 09:08:07 pm »


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Re: [OSP] Poetry Fair - [Saturday, October 24]
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2009, 05:19:42 pm »
Glad i got to go, had fun hearing everyone's poems

-sig by sarras


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Re: [OSP] Poetry Fair - [Saturday, October 24]
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2009, 07:43:36 am »
First of all, thanks to all who came to the fair. I hope you all had some fun there.  But now to the individual persons who helped with the event:

  • Anaros - It's good to know that we can always count on you as guard. A big thanks for this.
  • Elady - A big thanks for providing us with the tasty food and for taking it there.
  • Haraun - More or less the only barkeeper we had as Aiwendil had to leave the bar very often. Great work there.
  • Lace - What should I say....thank you again. Great story and good to know that we can always rely on you.
  • Suati - Great work as guard and also as performer. Thanks for this.

Also a "thank you" to the people who also read some poems during the fair: Erelenga, Geoni and Xitop

I also want to thank Anaros, Exyph, Gag and Haraun for helping carrying the drinks to the outpost the day before.

Now to the organizers:
  • Mordaan - Great work with the concept of the fair and the overall organization. I hope it turned out how you wanted.
  • Lhaa - A big thanks again for all the work you put into this. We all now that such events wouldn't work out without you. Oh...and not to forget a thanks for the promised logs.

I hope i haven't forgotten anyone...if so please excuse my bad memory

And sorry, no screenshots from me this time. Most of the time I wasn't close enough to make some good once...and when Aiwendil read the poems I simply forgot it.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2009, 01:46:35 pm by Aiwendil »


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Re: [OSP] Poetry Fair - [Saturday, October 24]
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2009, 03:22:25 pm »
Logs and screenshots.


Mordaan shouts: "Errhrm...we will be getting things started in about ten mintues. Again, feel free to grab some food at the table...prepared once again by our good friend Elady.
Aiwendil takes the coins from Lhaa and smiles "Thank you Daling. Can you tell Mordaan I'm ready to open the bar then"
Lhaa gives a quick nod. "Okay."
Mordaan shouts: And soon you can get drinks from the bar which is across from there.
Dannae says: I wouldn't miss any of these events when I'm able to come Elady
Lhaa leans towards Mordaan a bit and whispers to him. "Th'bar's ready to open."
Mordaan says: Ah excellent.
Dannae smiles and waves to Lhaa
Mordaan shouts: Indeed...and now the bar is open!
Lhaa returns Danae the smile with a broad grin and walks on towards the bar.
Aiwendil smiles to Sacho "Can I offer you something?"
Aiwendil turns to Lhaa "Thank you"
Lhaa walks back behind the counter. "Need any help here?"
Sacho shakes his head. "No, I have been away for nearly a week." He smiles a little. "I haven't hear anything about this. I just stopped by when I saw people actually at this outpost."
Aiwendil winks to Sacho "Have a seat at the camp fire and enjoy some poetry then"
Shew looks at Aiwendil "Do you have some juice?"
Sacho nods his head.
Mordaan shouts: "So feel free to buy a drink or grab some food...there's also some snacks around the fire. Then in a few minutes everyone can gather 'round the fire and we'll get started.
Aiwendil looks to Shew and shakes her head "Sorry, not really. I can only offer you water, tea or milk if you don't want to have any alcohol"
Haraun stretches a bit and waves with a smile "Can help somehow?"
Lhaa glances over to Exyph. "Need a drink, handsome?"
Exyph comes closer to the table and smiles to Lhaa
Shew frowns for a moment then nods "Tea, then, please.."
Exyph says: Yes, I'd like two cider
Exyph steps aside
Aiwendil looks to Haraun and nods "Sure, please come here so that the Nolthrir doesn't have to be so close to the stoves"
Lhaa nods to Exyph and walks towards the barrels. "'Course."
Exyph bows to Dannae
Dannae grins and gives a little wave, "Hi Aiwendil"
Haraun nods, then grins "And not too clease to wine barrels, Aiwendil means?"
Exyph pulls out several coins out his pockets and tries to identify them
Lhaa fills two mugs with cider and hands them over to Exyph. "S'forty tria, please."
Shew turns around and bows slightly to Dannae "Greetings.."
Aiwendil smiles warmly to Dannae "Hello, nice to see you. Can I offer you something?"
Aiwendil giggles softly at Haraun comment "No, in this case I really worried only about the heat"
Dannae says: Hello Exyph, good to see you here. Maybe you'd like to sit with me at the fire
Exyph hands a several coins to Lhaa
Haraun nods to Aiwendil and grins to Lhaa "Ok, warmth is anyway good for Enkis"
Dannae says: Hi Shew, yes Aiwendil, I'll need 2 teas and a beer please
Lhaa takes the extra coins and smiles warmly to Exyph. "Why, thank you."
Exyph smiles at Dannae "That would be great"
Aiwendil nods to Dannae "Sure, just a moment please"
Lhaa smirks to haraun and nods to him. "I'll laeve th'bar to you then, 'case you don't mind. S'far too hot for a poor fish here."
Aiwendil walks to the barrels and fills one mug with beer. Then she heads back to the counter and pours some hot water in two cups and tosses a tea bag in them afterwards
Exyph directs his eyes to Suati and then turns back to Dannae "Have you met Suati already?"
Dannae grins at Exyph, "Good, I'd like that"
Aiwendil offers everything to Dannae
Dannae says: How much do I owe Aiwendil?
Haraun nods smiling to Lhaa "Maybe can enjoy some nice poems - Haraun will try to serve the customer's needs"
Aiwendil smiles "That would be 140 tria Dannae"
Shew patiently waits for his tea.
Exyph takes several steps in direction of Suati
Suati shakes her head to Exyph. "I don't think your friend and I have met."
Exyph says "Can I introduce you?" and looks at Suati and then to Dannae
Lhaa gives Haraun a smirk and nods again. "Thank you handsome." She says, then turns to Aiwendil and grants her an apologetic smirk. "I'll come over t'check on you often?"
Dannae says: Thanks Aiwendil
Aiwendil nods to Lhaa "Sure Darling...thank you". Then she pours some more hot water in a new cup and puts a tea bag inside
Exyph turns to Dannae "Please, this is my friend Suati. We have met in Den once"
Lhaa bends in to place a soft kiss on Aiwendil's cheek, then rushes off of the counter.
Xitop says: how kind
Xitop says: as a matter of fact. a friend lent it to me
Xitop says: .Erekno the mighty, his name is...
Lhaa settles beside Sacho and gives him a soft silent smile.
Xitop says: a verygood and, may i say, generous friend of mine
Lhaa turns to Lace to repeat the gesture, then lifts her hands and casts a quick spell to soak her hair in water.
Erelenga says: Erekno ... I heard that name before.
Lace smiles lhaa softly
Xitop says: Yes a great young leader. in my humble opinion!
Shew walks around the circle then stops next to Lhaa and asks quietly "Mind if I sit at your side?"
Mordaan says: Ah I see.
Lhaa shrugs softly to Shew. "Do that."
Elady says: Thank you Dannae.
Shew hesitates for a moment, looking at Lhaa then sits down.
Lace stay relaxed since its shew and look around
Mordaan looks over and Lhaa and whispers "Umm, so who's up first, anyways?"
Zalya says: Thank you.
Shew nods to Lace with a weak smiles, then places his dish on his lap and starts looking around.
Zalya says: How much did it cost?
Zalya says: Thanks
Lace nods shew back smiling couraginly and then stretch a bit
Lhaa turns to Mordaan and smirks, taking a quick look around. "Ah, I can do that, I s'pose."
Zalya takes a small sip of tea
Zalya says: Thats pretty good
Mordaan shouts: "Ok, I see we have a decent sized crowd here? Maybe cozy would be the word."
Mordaan shouts: Thank you all for coming to our poetry fair.
Mordaan shouts: First a big thanks to the members of the Red Crystal Organization. *claps*

Lhaa looks up to Mordaan with a soft smirk, nodding her head a bit.
Elady claps
Lace smiles and claps
Zalya claps
Shew puts his tea cup down and claps as well.
Xitop murmurs approval
Mordaan shouts: They figured to help out with the performers and ... turns out they -are- the performers. *grins*
Lhaa mutters something unhearable under her breath.
Mordaan shouts: And to Elady for once again providing the food for us today. *claps*
Shew turns to Lhaa and frowns a bit, wondering.
Lace smirks boyisly and aplaudes
Lhaa claps gently and flashes Elady a quick smile.
Zalya claps
Elady says: I mostly just delivered the food lots of others helped make it.
Shew raises his dish and bows to Elady.
Mordaan shouts: Okay then, let's get started, shall we?
Xitop mutters. so long as we know who to sue
Mordaan shouts: First up, let's give a warm welcome to Lhaa!
Xitop claps
Lace smiles lhaa charmingly and claps
Elady looks to Lhaa and claps.
Mordaan looks at Lhaa and claps
Shew puts everything down again and applaudes enthusiasticly.
Lhaa stands up and walks over to the bookstand.
Suati sits down in the space Dannae made and sets her mug down long enough to clap at Lhaa
Lhaa walks over to the bookstand and gives everybody a somewhat sad glance before speaking. "'Tis a poem from my good friend Siteya Ganaya called "Xiosia, they mean t'chop us down"." She states feebly, then takes a breath and starts reciting the poem by memory, her hands set gently on the empty bookstand.
Lhaa shouts: By maskin' my thoughts for a polite society
Lhaa shouts: I have destroyed easy places
Lhaa shouts: I would slip into you
Lhaa shouts: An' just for a moment of release, th'house will sink ten feet deep
Lhaa shouts: An' you still, soft, holdin' shadows
Lhaa shouts: Bitin' your silent tongue serene
Lhaa shouts: Oh, how love an' destruction
Lhaa shouts: Are on friendly terms
Lhaa shouts: With me an' you an' each other.
Lhaa casts a shaky smirk as she finishes, then bows her head lightly and walks over to the bar place without another word or gesture.

Haraun smiles at Lhaa as she returns "Sounded nice, though did not understand each word"
Aiwendil grins to Lhaa "So Mordaan got you to read a poem and I missed it?"
Lhaa walks over to the bar and smirks to both. "Ah, thank you Haraun." She says, then turns to Aiwendil and shrugs. "S'pose I can read another one."
Lhaa says: What 'bout you read one too after Lace?
Mordaan shouts: That was very ... emotional, eh?
Mordaan shouts: Alright then, next up we have Lace. *claps*

Aiwendil smiles to Lhaa "Another one? Sure, but I will be here at the bar I miss it as well". Then she ponders over Lhaa's last words "Me reading a poem? I think I could do it needed?"
Haraun says: Hmmm, if it stays quiet Haraun can do the bar
Lhaa snorts softly and shrugs to Aiwendil. "Nothin's needed, if you put it like that." She says, then smirks a bit. "I'd like it."
Lace shouts: " i have prepared little poem which might be quite entertaining "
Aiwendil casts a warm smiles "If you would like it I can't reject. Sure, I will read something from your books"
Aiwendil grins "I think I have the right one in mind already"
Lhaa chuckles to Aiwendil. "Do you now? How's that go?"
Lace grins and takes sips at his drink then starts :oh once there was bard bit whimpy and liked to be bit tipsy.
Aiwendil giggles "You are not the only one with those books..I have copies of some of those too"
Haraun uses some time to check the barrels, ears mostly towards the poem reading.
Lace winks eye "oh we know how the bards can be sometimes "
Aiwendil turns to Haraun "Can I leave you alone at the bar for a moment and tell Mordaan that I will read a poem?"
Lhaa gives Aiwendil a playful glance. "WHat 'bout you see that you ain't the only one with drinks then? I could do with some wine."
Haraun turns to Aiwendil and nods "Sure, Haraun will take care of the bar"
Lace shouts: he walked happily whistling to plaza end not knowing that he soon step at lions den.
Haraun says: Ouch... ok, it's warm...
Aiwendil laughs "Sure Darling. She takes a goblet from the counter and heads to the barrels, filling it with wine". Then the diaboli steps back to Lhaa and offers the goblet to her "Here you are"
Lace shouts: end of the plaza what he sees its dermorian lady turning at her heels ouer bard feels bit tipsy and his feet goes whipsy.
Lhaa smiles warmly to Aiwendil. "thank you beautiful." She says, then looks at Haraun and nods firmly to him. "An' thanks to you Haraun. I'm happy you made it."
Aiwendil walks out of the bar and smiles to Haraun "I wil lbe back after reading. But it doesn't seem that many want something to drink while the poems are read"
Lace wink eye and smiles "we all know how beutifull ladies affect us "
Lace shouts: nervously he say "oh mylady with eyes so grey and stunning beutfull as starphile under crystal light your name ask i may ?"
Aiwendil steps to Lhaa and reaches for the Nolthrir's hand "Should we go?"
Lhaa nods to Aiwendil. "We should."
Haraun bows a little to Lhaa, the smiles at Aiwendil "No worries about the bar - Haraun will serve guests if come"
Lace grins "ah bards truly are charming fellows dont they "wink eye
Exyph follows the gesture of Dannae
Lace shouts: dermorian lady with her eyes so grey looks bard and say "sweetie so nice and funny your words are like honey yet ill not tell my name but consider it i may... "
Aiwendil releases Lhaa's hand and steps to Mordaan. Bending down she whispers to him
Shew notices Lhaa and Aiwendil and smiles to them.
Mordaan leans to listen
Lace shouts: stunning beuty then ads"if you prove me yourself some day "then laught sweatly and continue at her way.
Erelenga wonders which Dermorians with grey eyes he knows...

Lhaa returns Shew the smile with a brief smirk and settles beside him.
Celeva reaches down to take a honey glazed apple, biting into it.
Lace shouts: young bard bit whimpy and tipsy looked after her and said "oh what a shame she walked away i think this is not my day"
Aiwendil nods slightly and walks back to Lhaa, sitting beside the Nolthrir
Lace shouts: laught heartilly and sips his drink "oh poor fellow "
Lhaa re-soaks her hair with another quick spell and leans gently on Aiwendil, smiling up to her a moment before she leans her head on the diaboli's shoulder.
Exyph takes a sip of his cider
Lace shouts: then he sights "oh i really wanted to dance with her tonight under soft crystal light"
Aiwendil wraps her arm around Lhaa, giving the Nolthrir a gentlee squeeze while listening to Lace
Suati looks at the hony glazed apples and reaches over Exyph to grab a few. "Sorry, excuse me Exyph."
Shew reaches out and grabs the bowl with honey glazed apples. Holding it out to Aiwendil and Lhaa he quietly asks "Want some?"
Lace shouts: then bard get little brighter and decides to come mighter after that he wanted to chat and headed back to kada els.
Dannae can't help looking upwards toward the crystal
Exyph exclaims "Aghh..."
Exyph turns to Suati "I mean I did guarded it for you"
Suati chuckles before eating them and looking backup at Lace again
Lace shouts: so there is a bard little whimpy who love to be a tipsy and hes legs go whipsy when he entertain the ladies and serve his deities
Aiwendil looks the SHew and shakes her head "No, thank you. Not now"
Lhaa gives Shew a soft head-shake. "Not unless they were swimmin' a while ago." She mutters somewhat teasingly in reply.
Shew shrugs and puts the bowl back on the ground, Then he turns back to listen to Lace.
Xitop says: smoke is getting into my eyes. from the fire
Lace shouts: grinnin adds"we still dont know did he met that lady again but perhaps ,,,"
Lace laught heartilly and bow elegantly to everyone then takes sip at his drink and wanders off the another performer way

Celeva claps, smiling brightly for Lace.
Xitop claps warmly
Mordaan applauds
Elady chuckls and claps for Lace.
Exyph claps to Lace
Dannae claps for Lace
Lace smiles "thank you everyone "
Suati claps for LAce
Lhaa shoots Lace a grin and claps enthusiastically.
Aiwendil smiles to Lace while clapping for him
Shew applaudes and nods to Lace, broadly smiling.
Mordaan shouts: Well done, thank you Lace.
Zalya claps
Dannae says: He's so talented... I love to hear his tall tales at all these events
Exyph turns to Dannae "I wander where he is taking that stories from"
Lace blushes boyishly
Mordaan says: Yes, Lace always has wonderful stories.
Aiwendil turns hre head to Lhaa, pecking the Nolthrir's cheek before cuddling up to her
Shew leans over to Lace "That was always.."
Mordaan shouts: Okay then, next up I have been told Aiwendil has something for us. *claps*
Dannae shrugs to Exyph, "I heard Kada's mentioned in that one"
Zalya claps
Lace smiles shew boyishly
Celeva giggles, looking over at Aiwendil.
Lhaa lifts her head from Aiwendil's shoulders and grins up to her, patting the diaboli's back. "Go ahead. We want t'listen to you."
Xitop says: .saw her a few weeks back. eating pies
Exyph smiles as Dannae "As well as some bard"
Aiwendil looks up "Oh...that early?" She shrugs slightly and withdraws from Lhaa "Sorry Darling, excuse me for a moment". Then she raises slowly
Shew quickly turns to Aiwendil, his face shows a wondering glance, then he claps.
Lace smiles aiwendile and claps
Aiwendil silently walks behind the bookstand. Opening the book in her hand she looks to the people around the fireplace once before raising her voice slightly. "Today I will read Pathos from Siteya Ganaya's book Pathos, Panic and Poetry for you."
Xitop says: wonder if its about food
Exyph gets surprised to see Aiwendil behind bookstand
Aiwendil takes a deep breath before starting to read from the book "All the grit in your nails and under chin - Is just the mother creeping in... - Pathos - This path that I'm on - Is not a path at all"
Dannae glances back and forth to her guild sister's, "More from siteya"
Aiwendil continues reading from the book without looking up to the listeners once "It's a maze inside a gilded cage - The more I see the more I rage - Because I refuse to sing his song"
Zalya nods to Dannae still listaning intently to Aiwendil
Lhaa takes a slow pull of wine while she listens.
Aiwendil looks up for only a short moment before going on in a slightly sad tone "My heart is not in this - I'm shadowed by Xiosia - Because her structure is tall - And I'm on the wrong side of the wall - Peeking in at beauty"
Lace listens aiwendils words silently
Aiwendil's voice gets even softer as the diaboli reads on "Where her wind, her will - Distorts me, contorts me. - She warps me, - Mars - and spoils me - I convet her heart, I fall to my knees - I convet her beauty, I fall to my knees"
Mordaan listens closely and reaches for some more apple slices
Lhaa sets the mug down and hugs her legs, chin on her knees.
Xitop says: this is lovely
Aiwendil looks in the book a last time and reads. "Her song as if spoken from the lips of a siren - Hallows everything". Then she closes the book and finishes softly "I covet her heart - fall to my knees - I covet her beauty - fall to my knees - I covet her hear - covet her heart". Without saying anything else she slowly walks away from the bookstand.
Exyph listens with a kind of thoughtful face
Xitop says: Hooray...... well said
Mordaan applauds "Excellent!"
Shew casts a quick look at Lhaa, showing her a soft smile, then turns back to listen. When Aiwendil finishes he starts applauding.
Lace aplaudes smiling warmly to aiwendil"that was beutifull poem aiwe"
Liliah claps warmly
Lhaa wraps her arms around Aiwendil and bends in to kiss her gently. "That was beautiful, darlin'. She mumbles softly."
Exyph clasp
Mordaan shouts: Very well done...thank you Aiwendil.
Elady claps.
Aiwendil sits beside Lhaa again, nodding to the others. Then she leans her head against the Nolthrir and whispers "Thank you"
Mordaan smiles "Seems Siteya's works are very prevalent today."
Zalya claps and turns to Elady and Dannae speeking softly "I liked that one a lot"
Exyph takes a look at Zalya and Dannae
Dannae stands clapping, "And how about some applause for the author Siteya even though she is away"
Mordaan nods and claps enthusiastically
Exyph nods to Dannae and claps
Lace aplause as well noddin to dannae
Lhaa withraws from Aiwendil and nods to Dannae's words. "Yes, please." She says, then starts clapping.
Zalya stands up clapping
Xitop claps with enthusiasm
Barike smiles and claps
Dannae says: We all wish her return soon
Shew stands up as well and claps louds.
Elady claps for sitya.
Dannae smiles to Aiwendil, "And your reading did great justice to her words... nice iteration"
Xitop says: so, it wasn't about food or pies then
Suati politely nods to the kra beside her.
Lhaa bends down and picks up her mug, then gives it a long pull, crouching behind Aiwendil. She leans her foream gently on the diaboli's shoulders and mutters to her. "Will you keep my drink safe?"
Dannae says: "Oh, and not to forget you too Lhaa"
Aiwendil smiles weakly to Dannae "It are her words that are beautiful. I only read them"
Mordaan shouts: Okay then, next up once again we have Lhaa. *claps*
Aiwendil nods to Lhaa "Of course Darling"
Lace claps smiling lhaa
Celeva claps for Lhaa
Lhaa gives Aiwendil a quick grin and sets the drink down.
Shew smiles at Lhaa, watching her and applaudes.
Exyph looks intrigued and claps
Lhaa stands up and slowly walks over to the bookstand, her chin low. "Th'last's a poem called "Tricklin' Waters" by our beloved Jaycol Ironhandt. A topic ah... you'd never expect from a nolthrir." She sets the note down and takes a deep breath, then starts reciting in a soft, melodious voice.
Aiwendil looks at the mug and mutters displeased "Wine..."
Shew casts a quick look at Aiwendil and grins.
Lhaa shouts: Soothed by its repetitive rhythm
Lhaa shouts: Flowin' gently past th'stones
Lhaa shouts: Placed out randomly within its path

Aiwendil leans back and listens to Lhaa
Lhaa shouts: Caressin' them s'it pasted
Lhaa shouts: Like th'hands of a master
Lhaa shouts: Upon the instrument of his life

Lace leans relaxed listenin halfclosed eye
Lhaa shouts: Movin' in lovin', carin' motions
Lhaa shouts: Offerin' only the finest of melodies
Lhaa shouts: I lost myself
Lhaa shouts: Within th'tender caresses it offered
Lhaa shouts: My troubles forgotten as I listened
Lhaa shouts: Relaxin' to its song of nature

Dannae stares into the flames to blank her thoughts while listening
Lhaa shouts: I closed my eyes
Lhaa shouts: An' I found my thoughts driftin'
Lhaa shouts: Into that, what once was

Shew listens to Lhaa, a hardly visible frown on his face.
Lhaa shouts: Pictures of more pleasant memories
Lhaa shouts: Portraited 'emselves t'me
Lhaa shouts: My spirit dancin'
Lhaa shouts: On the edge of reality
Lhaa shouts: As I enjoyed the moment
Lhaa shouts: Time was lost t'me

Aiwendil lowers her head, staring to the floor while listening to Lhaa
Lhaa shouts: So soon th'day pasted by
Lhaa shouts: I raised t'leave
Lhaa shouts: ...With a heavy sigh.

Barike nods slowly in time to Lhaa's words
Lhaa sighs heavily, then bows her head a little towards the audience and flashes a smile before stepping away.
Exyph looks at his cider, but don't take it
Exyph claps
Mordaan applauds
Lilura claps
Liliah claps
Elady claps
Barike applauds
Grizzt applauds
Lace smile lhaa and aplaudes"beutifull lhaa "
Aiwendil looks up to Lhaa again, casting a warm smile "That was beautiful Darling"
Xitop claps heartily
Suati claps looking thoughtfully
Dannae claps, then whistles for Lhaa
Shew applaudes loud and whistles again.
Lhaa takes the mug and gives it a long pull first, then sits down and smiles softly to Aiwendil. "Thank you darlin'."
Shew looks at Lhaa as she sits down again and leans over to her, whispering to her.
Mordaan shouts: Very moving. Thank you Lhaa. And to Jaycol as well.
Aiwendil bends her head to Lhaa, trying to kiss the Nolthrir's lips. After pulling back from her she sighs softly "I should go back to the bar"
Lace smiles bit and says lowered voice "where those days indeed went ,,"
Lhaa returns Aiwendil the kiss and nods to her, running her hand through the diaboli's hair once. "'Course, do that. Haraun's been lonely for a while." She says to her, then turns to Shew to listen.
Aiwendil nods slightly and witdraws reluctantly from Lhaa. Then she stands up and slowly leaves in direction of the bar
Mordaan shouts: Okay, now I'd like to open the floor *looks down* ... or groud if you anyone else interested in reciting something.
Lhaa shrugs softly to Shew and smirks a bit. "Thank you."
Celeva giggles at Mordaan's pun.
Exyph takes a look at Suati than at Dannae
Dannae looks eagerly around
Lace smiles a bit and sips his drink
Suati patiently looks around the group.
Mordaan looks around
Xitop says: I have a very short verse
Mordaan says: Ah very good.
Dannae giggles, "I'll bet it's about food"
Lhaa sniggers softly under her breath.
Exyph claps cheerfuly
Xitop says: This is a short , very short poem, untitled
Geoni smiles at Xitop
Suati looks at Xitop and claps a little
Xitop clears throat, and begins
Lace claps xhitop
Barike chuckles quietly
Xitop says: Light string vest traces the belly's orbit...
Xitop says: Good haul last night..
Xitop says: Fish |Supper!
Xitop says: thanks
Mordaan applauds
Lace just laugh heartilly and aplaus
Suati chuckles before sipping her cider and clapping
Dannae giggles, "Yep, food"
Exyph looks confused
Lesiros says: Quite brief.
Shew grins to Xitop and applaudes.
Lesiros says: Indeed.
Xitop says: ok, will shout next time
Exyph leans to Dannae "How did you knew that?"


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Re: [OSP] Poetry Fair - [Saturday, October 24]
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2009, 03:25:51 pm »

Mordaan shouts: Oookay then. Would anyone else like to recite something?
Erelenga shouts: Yes, I could...

Lhaa takes another pull of wine, then stands up and walks towards the bar.
Haraun smiles to Lhaa "Welcome back - a nice poem aswell, one of the fist Haraun got from Jaycol"
Aiwendil smiles to Haraun "I have those prayers as well. They are...nice"
Lhaa smiles to Haraun and nods to him. "'Twasn't hard t'choose for me of all his."
Haraun chuckles
Erelenga shouts: This poem is called "The Rose", which seems to be a ... best matching translation to me...
Erelenga clears his throat
Erelenga shouts: Love is like a rose in all her colors so full
Erelenga shouts: While when she mingles her water with tears
Erelenga shouts: Slowly looses her color and withers away

Lhaa smirks as she looks from the fire back to the two. "Looks like we ain't got many thirsty folks today. Shall I help empty th'barrels?"
Erelenga shouts: Her scent is no longer sweet, but salty.
Aiwendil winks to Lhaa "Sure, another wine for you Darling? Or some liquor?"
Erelenga shouts: The crystal sun that otherwise gave her warmth
Erelenga shouts: with its gentle beams

Lhaa smirks softly to Aiwendil. "Make it liquor, help my shaky legs a li'l." She replies, then empties the wine in one swig and slides the empty mug towards the diaboli.
Erelenga shouts: dries her out in fieriness
Erelenga shouts: and no longer shines bright
Erelenga shouts: Tenderly, I give you water
Erelenga shouts: pure, fresh and oh so soft
Erelenga shouts: and caress your leaves for a while

Aiwendil takes the mug and nods "Why shaky? From reading the poems?"
Erelenga shouts: so that they may shine full as the crystal sun
Aiwendil turns around and walks to the barrels, filling the mug with liquor. Heading back to Lhaa she offers the mug to the Nolthrir "Here you are"
Mordaan shouts: Thank you for that, Erelenga.
Lhaa shakes her head and gives a playful reply. "No, from hearin' you read one. I shall ask you t'do that more often." She says as she takes the mug.
Mordaan shouts: Anyone else?
Geoni shouts: Beauty is an opinion
Aiwendil smiles warmly "Do that Darling. There are a few more poems I love to read. And even more if it is in private for you"
Haraun makes a small bow to Mordaan
Geoni shouts: something to me can be quite pretty
Geoni shouts: to somebody else can be quite bland
Geoni shouts: this might not be easy to understand
Geoni shouts: ill put it like this

Lhaa grins to Aiwendil. "Now you jus' got t'keep my hands quiet while you read 'em." She says, then winks to Haraun and smiles to both. "I'll head back there, okay?"
Geoni shouts: some may think a vase to be beautyful
Geoni shouts: others may think the flower inside

Haraun nods to Lhaa "Enjoy the wine and poems"
Aiwendil grins impishly "Why, as long as I can hold the book in my hand and my mouth is not busy with kissing I can keep on reading no matter what you hands do"
Haraun says: Or liquor...
Geoni shouts: Some may like thier meat well done
Geoni shouts: Others may like their meat to be rare

Lhaa giggles to Aiwendil and nods to Haraun. "I'll do, thank you." She says, then walks on towards the fire.
Geoni shouts: Beauty can be a preference
Geoni shouts: or perhaps a preferable taste
Geoni shouts: whatever beauty may be
Geoni shouts: it should never go to waste.

Exyph changes in face
Dannae raises her mug of beer
Exyph claps
Suati chuckles and nods to Geoni clapping
Barike claps
Lhaa folds her left arm around her tummy and leans her right elbow on it to drink some liquor.
Dannae pours the rest down on the last words
Dannae says: Nice Geoni
Mordaan shouts: Very nice
Erelenga whispers to Geoni: "Could you send me that poem please? I bet Jayose will publish it in his library extension!
Barike glances up at the crystal and jumps to his feet "See you all later. I've got to get going."
Exyph looks at Dannae "Do you need to refill your mug?"
Geoni waves goodbye at Barike
Dannae lets out a burp and a giggle, "Yes please"
Erelenga waves goodbye.
Lesiros waves goodbye.
Lhaa walks to the bookstand and looks at everybody. "Anybody else wants t'gift us a good poem?"
Exyph turns toi "How about you, Suati? One cider more or you stll have something there?"
Dannae says: I wish I could Lhaa
Suati says: I would like to say something. It is short though my friends
Geoni claps
Exyph smiles
Lace claps
Lhaa gives Dannae a quick smirk, then steps aside to let Suati through. "Now, 'tis a nice surprise. Please." She gestures towards the bookstand.
Exyph turns quickly to Dannae "I'll get something after, Suati's poem"
Haraun chuckles "Or just one of each"
Erelenga says: A milk please, with a bit honey.
Suati shouts: Greetings friends, a friend of mine told me something long ago, which I would like to share with you
Exyph gets excited and looks to the drum of Suati and then back to her face
Suati shouts: it may not be a poem, it may not mean anything to you, but it was one of the last few words he said to me and I take them to heart
Exyph twitches his ears
Lhaa gives Suati a slightly concerned, although curious glance.
Lhaa crouches behind Dannae and leans her forearm gently on the nolthrir, giving her a warm smile as she mutters. "I can't believe you ain't got nothin' beautiful t'tell us."
Suati shouts: *breathes deeply* To absent friends, lost loves, old gods, and the season of mists; and may each and every one of us always give Dakkru her due....
Aiwendil walks to Lhaa and mutters softly "I could read one more poem if needed"
Lhaa grins up to Aiwendil. "Needed? I'd love that." She mutters unobtrusively in reply.
Geoni sighs at the reality that will come to kra not too long ahead
Suati raises her mug of cider and bows her head, downing it all before silently walking off to her seat
Exyph takes a look at Dannae and Lhaa by the corner of his eye
Dannae gets up on noticing Lhaa
Lhaa sets her mug down and claps gently as she watches Suati, a soft smirk on her lips.
Exyph claps
Geoni hugs suati as she takes a seat
Suati grunts in surprise as she is hugged by Geoni before nodding a little at Lace
Dannae grins to Lhaa, "Afraid I'm not much of a writer, but I sure love listening"
Exyph whispers to Suati "That was wonderful words."
Aiwendil nods to Lhaa "Then I do this. Just tell me when"
Lhaa returns Dannae the grin. "'Case 'twasn't my same case I wouldn't trust you,s weetlips." She says, then turns to Aiwendil and smirks to her. "Th'bookstand's free, darlin'. An' I already long t'hear you recite."
Suati smiles a little at Exyph out of the corner of her eyes. "Thank you friend"
Geoni smiles at the upkeep of literature with the young people of Yliakum
Mordaan applauds
Aiwendil giggles softly and nods to Lhaa "Then lets do it"
Aiwendil walks behind the bookstand again and looks to the people. Casting a broad grin she says "I have something more funny this time. My Kingdom For More Food from Illysia Caterean"
Dannae slides an arm idly around Lhaa's waist as she watches Aiwendil prepare
Aiwendil shouts: Yliakum is known I hear, for bearing interesting eats.
Lhaa shifts her gaze to Aiwendil and watches her with a warm smile on her lips, leaning gently on Dannae.
Aiwendil shouts: But when such food I go to find, the stores are all deplete.
Geoni smiles and feels a bit hungry
Aiwendil shouts: It shouldn't be a chore to find variety in your meal.
Lhaa snickers. "Unless you only eat pies." She mumbles.
Aiwendil shouts: But choices you won't hardly find, even if you search with zeal.
Aiwendil winks to Lhaa
Lhaa sticks her tongue out.
Aiwendil shouts: Jomed has some food to serve, all you have to do is ask
Aiwendil shouts: But finding more than Tefu steaks is surely quite the task.

Geoni 's immense stomach rumbles
Aiwendil shouts: The fisherwomen Burdess lives upon a fish filled river.
Exyph tries to take sip, but founds that it is out
Dannae feels the ground tremble from Geoni's stomach
Aiwendil shouts: But she has nothing more than carp, not even just a sliver.
Suati chuckles at the amusing poem
Aiwendil shouts: If fungi are your favorite treat then consider yourself blessed.
Aiwendil shouts: Just wander 'round Hydlaa and pick mushrooms at their best.
Aiwendil shouts: Harnquist is surrounded by many apples that look good.

Exyph leans to Suati "I bet it will be finished with some mentioning of Red Crystal Den"
Aiwendil shouts: But one must live on more than that, this is well understood.
Aiwendil shouts: I guess I should reserve myself to my sad and choiseless fate.
Aiwendil shouts: But still I wish that I could find more to put upon my plate.

Geoni looks down disdainingly at the platinum dust in kras bag
Lhaa smirks and pokes Dannae's hip gently with hers. "What 'bout some tasty fish?"
Aiwendil giggles softly and closes the book "Not as sad as the last one...I hope you enjoyed it". Then she turns around and heads back to Lhaa
Elady slides a couple fo crystals to Geoni
Geoni thanks Elady for the ruby and emrald
Exyph claps
Geoni sighs "i wish my body could handle nice food like that"
Elady claps
Lhaa places a soft kiss on Dannae's cheek, then withdraws and steps to Aiwendil. "Nice one, darlin'. Knew you couldn't let that one go." She says teasingly to her.
Exyph turns his head up to see where is Dannae
Dannae startles at the poke giggling, "Now you've gone and raised all our appetites Aiwendil"
Geoni pops a Ruby in kras mouth
Mordaan shouts: Well, speaking of food, there is still plenty.
Aiwendil winks to Dannae before turning to Lhaa "I thought something more funny would be appropriate. And that poems fits me somehow I think"
Mordaan shouts: Anyone else wish to read something?
Geoni smiles and claps at Aiwendil
Lhaa grins to Dannae's remark. "Don't s'pose that's somethin' t'blame her for." She says, then directs the grin to Aiwendil. "Oh, 'course 'tfits you. But I didn't hear th'word pie mentioned one single time."
Mordaan shouts: Okay then, in the tent directly in front of me we will have an exhibition of poetry books.
Mordaan shouts: And if anyone wants to sell some books now would be the time.
Mordaan shouts: Thank you to everyone who read today. It was a wonderful event. Thank you all for coming.

Exyph turns to Suati "So, do you wan't something to drink?"
Geoni smiles at the happiness of the event
Aiwendil winks to Lhaa "But fish was mentioned. So maybe you could say I read this poem for you Darling"
Mordaan looks around and smiles
Lhaa snickers to Aiwendil. "Oh, in that case I must thank you, then." She says, then gives a hum as she bends in to kiss Aiwendil's lips.
Exyph shakes his mug to see how last drop of cider falls on the ground
Aiwendil returns the kiss gently, wrapping her arms around the Nolthrir's body
Mordaan shouts: And once again, thanks to everyone at the Red Crystal Den for their participation. Aiwendil, Lhaa, Lace... *claps in their direction*
Geoni says: well i have to go now, if anyone is selling books now is the time to tell me, ill happily buy poetry.
Aiwendil withdraws from Lhaa and looks to Mordaan as her name is mentioned
Mordaan looks at Geoni "Thanks for your reading, gemma."
Exyph stands up and says "I whish to say thank you The Explorers and Red Crystal Den, for arranging such a nice events for us"
Lhaa quirks an eyebrow, seeming momentarily annoyed by Aiwendil's gesture.
Mordaan says: I hope everyone enjoyed themselves.
Geoni says: Everyone have a nice day, i was happy to hear all of this expression
Lhaa smirks as she replies to Exyph. "Why, thanks to you for comin'. I'm happy you enjoyed yourself."
Exyph looks at Suati and continues "And to all perfomers"
Aiwendil winks to Exyph "Sh did more than only perform. Suati also helped to protect us all today"
Erelenga says: Mordaan, did you miss Elady?
Dannae says: Did you have a few not show up today?
Mordaan says: Oh yes, and once again thanks to Elady for supplying the food.
Exyph nods to Lhaa and Aiwendil
Mordaan looks at Elady and bows
Mordaan says: How could I forget? *smiles*
Elady looks to Mordaan and smiles " You are welcome as always."
Lhaa flashes Elady a smile. "Where's th'fish, then? Th'Diaboli made us all hungry."
Elady looks to Lhaa " I put some fish out ont he tables. If it is all gone I think I have some more I can put out."
Aiwendil turns back to Lhaa and laughs "We can stop at a lake when going back and so you can get some fish if you want"
Lhaa looks around and smirks, then replies playfully. "Ah, not so many people with good taste 'round as t'do with it all methinks."
Suati shakes her head to Exyph. "I think I've had enough to drink today."
Exyph nods to Suati "I see"
Lhaa turns to Aiwendil and smirks. "An' why don't we jus' go an' sit down at th'table now?" She asks, shifting her glance over to Dannae questioningly.
Mordaan says: Sure, plenty of food still there.
Elady says: should see if there is anythign we are shor t of on the tables.
Dannae grins, "Sounds good to me" then glances back at Exyph
Exyph throws a glance at Dannae and continues "I'll go get some drinks"
Aiwendil looks from Lhaa to Dannae and sighs "I will join you a bit later then. I should see how Haraun is doing"
Lhaa shrugs a bit to Aiwendil. "Okay. Perhaps he should leave th'bar s'well." She says somewhat casually.
Exyph glances to Suati "Are you comming for some dinner at the table?"
Suati glances at the tent. "I would like to look at the poetry first if you don't mind."
Lhaa turns to Detiey and gives her a soft smirk, her eyebrows furrowing a tad. "Hmm, greetings dear."
Aiwendil gives Lhaa a unsure glance "And what about the people who want to have a drink after all those poems?"
Detiey says: hi Lhaa, Aiwnedil, dannae
Aiwendil turns to Detiey and smiles weakly " are a bit late"
Exyph nods to Suati and then smiles to Danane "A moment and I'll bring you a new mug of beer"
Dannae smiles at Detiey, "Hi, too bad you couldn't have come sooner"
Lhaa takes a deep breath and smirks to Aiwendil, giving a helpless head-shake only as a reply.
Suati walks off to the tent
Detiey says: its good to see you all again
Detiey says: ho opens her amrs for a hug
Lhaa takes a moment to survey Detiey and finally smirks. "That it is." She says, then walks closer and hugs the nolthrir. "How're you..?"
Detiey says: hmm I feel filthy
Dannae says: Will you join us for some dinner Detiey?
Detiey nods "Surs.. I'm starved
Aiwendil watches Lhaa and Detiey "So please excuse me for a moment. I will have a look at the bar. I want to see how long we have to keep it open"
Lhaa playfully withdraws the hug and grins. "Didn't bath for a while?"
Detiey says: sorry If I smell a bit
Lhaa nods to Aiwendil. "Thank you darlin'."
Dannae grins, "Maybe we can go to the lake after eating"
Detiey looks sideways at Dannae smirking "yeah...
Lhaa smirks. "That's a good plan. Will join you after we're all done here."
Detiey says: yeah.. just remember , I'm the same as you...
Detiey laughs softly
Lhaa gives an awkward smirk, then turns and nods towards the table. "Let's eat?"
Zalya says: Aiwendil may I please have some milk for my tea?
Exyph hands two coins to Haraun and rest puts in his pocket
Exyph says: Thank you
Exyph takes mugs
Zalya says: Thanks
Lhaa settles on the bench and grins broadly to Dannae as she nods down towards the fishes. "Look, she planned this spot specially for us."
Dannae smiles, "I see that"
Exyph comes close to Dannae with a smile on his face
Zalya says: No, just a bit for my tea
Dannae looks at Exyph, "Where's suati?"
Lhaa picks up one of the fishes and playfully stomps it on the table before Dannae. "Here, your prey."
Dannae says: Oh, thanks Exyph
Exyph response while handing the mug to Danan "I think she is looking the books"
Exyph says: There she is...
Exyph smiles
Zalya says: Thanks
Dannae half whispers, "Are you two dating"
Lhaa picks up a carp and quickly runs her forefinger's long nail along its side, then removes thorns and tail at once.
Exyph whispers to Dannae "No, we don't."
Lhaa quirks an eyebrow to Dannae's question and grins silently from Suati to Exyph. "Perhaps you should, then."
Dannae says: Oh, I sort of got that impression
Suati silently sits at the table putting her drum on the seat next to her.
Zalya pours a bit of milk in to the glass of tea, and then hands the bottle back to Aiwendil
Exyph takes a look at Suati and smiles
Detiey smiles and presses Lhaa's hand
Zalya smiles " No, please thats a tip
Lhaa turns to Detiey and smirks softly to her. "Liked th'poems exposed?"
Dannae giggles as Detiey joins them, "This must be the Nolthrir side"
Suati glances up to see Exyph smiling and gives a small half smile before taking a plate of pot roast
Exyph comes around Dannae to make Lhaa hear also "She is very interesting person. I still wander what is the history of that drum"
Detiey luaghs and takes some fish
Lhaa grins to Dannae's remark and raises her voice. "That it is, put all your fish here before we get angry!"
Lesiros says: Well, how shall I say, miss Detiey. I, uhm ... was asked not to ruin a surprise.
Exyph nods to Detiey
Elady says: I guess I should have put more fish at this part of the table.
Zalya smiles back "Anytime"
Detiey says: a surprise?
Detiey tears hungrily at her fish,,
Lesiros says: But I am unsure about it. I mean...
Exyph comes to the Suati "Do you mind if I'll take seat here?"
Lesiros says: If I would search for my love for weeks, I would not make it a surprise, I would instead shout it from the Iron Tower to find her.
Lhaa frees her hand from Detiey's grip and starts slicing her carp casually, then sets the first of it in her mouth and hums happily at the taste.
Lhaa looks up to Elady and smiles warmly to her. "'Tis really good Elady, thank you."
Suati glances up to see Exyph standing patiently before moving her drum to her left side
Dannae makes a playful glare to Exyph, "traitor, that's the wrong side"
Exyph smiles and takes a seat


  • Guest
Re: [OSP] Poetry Fair - [Saturday, October 24]
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2009, 03:33:04 pm »

Detiey looks a little puzzled at Lasiros
Elady nods to Lhaa " I'm glad you are enjoing it."
Lesiros says: So I think I better tell you still -- someone recently approached me and asked to find you.
Exyph gives a smirk at Dannae "I didn't wanted ruine that way how your side is looking"
Lhaa grins to Dannae's comment. "Hey now, perhaps s'me in th'wrong side, you may switch s'well."
Detiey munches aggressivly at her fish
Shew steps next to Detiey and smiles to her "Do you mind?"
Lesiros says: A tall guy, what was his name ... Ki-hy...
Detiey says: Lesiros.... I have know for some days about him..
Zalya says: Mind if I sit here Klyros?
Detiey says: Kihyrell, my husband
Lesiros says: Oh, good...
Lesiros says: Sorry that I am late about it.
Mordaan sips his tinga tea and seems to enjoy it quite a bit
Lesiros says: I don't mind, miss, take a seat.
Exyph drawns in the scent of food around him
Zalya smiles "thanks"
Suati rips off a piece of the pot roast and eats it
Detiey says: he has been asking all around town about me , lesiros
Mordaan hungrily grabs a piece of pie
Dannae turns attention toward easing her hunger slicing her teeth through a tasty fishy
Aiwendil walks to the table and looks around "Does anyone need a drink before I sit down?"
Lesiros says: Well, I am not sure if he would be really as happy a you would be?!
Elady slides a bowl of potroast over in front of her and starts eating.
Lesiros says: *as
Detiey frowns at lesiros.... I would not be happy at all to meet him... take that as written
Shew looks down to Detiey and slightly shakes his head, smiling, as he watches her eating.
Lhaa stuffs another slice of carp in he mouth and munches hastily. She turns to Aiwendil and smirks softly. "You sit down. I'll serve th'drinks if anybody wants one. You've already worked enough today."
Lesiros says: Then I did not mishear when he...
Lesiros says: ... when he slipped speaking of getting his hands on you again.
Detiey stiffens a little then relaxes
Aiwendil smiles at Lhaa's words "No, I wil do that. There is no need that you get too close to the stoves there". Then she looks at all people onace again before walking to the bench "Bu if nobody wants anything I can sit down indeed"
Suati eats another piece of the roast before glancing at Exyph. "Heh, I guess poetry about food does not make you hungry my friend."
Detiey says: inded not.... but .. please... I am here with many friends, let me enjoy a moment ... yes?
Lhaa shrugs her shoulders. "Do that, darlin'." She says, then swallows another piece of fish at once.
Dannae pats the bench next to her looking at Aiwendil
Exyph turns to Suati "I just trying to find the most tasty but I can't choose"
Shew looks at Aiwendil, hesitating a moment then shakes his head with a smile "No now..."
Lesiros nods. "I am sorry... I see you really need a bit joy."
Detiey nods at lesiros, "Joy.. is something I am long overdue for"
Detiey looks around at friends and smiles..
Exyph smiles at Detiey
Mordaan grabs a slice of honey nut bread
Lhaa returns Detiey the smile softly, then turns back to Aiwendil. "Please join us."
Shew bends down to Detiey and asks quietly "Is it okay if I sit next to you?"
Suati chuckles looking around the table before looking back at Exyph. "Well there's pot roast, pie, rice, a lot of things. Though I think the ladies on the other side of the table might beat you to the fish."
Detiey turns to Shew, then pats the bench next to her
Aiwendil nods to Shew "Just tell me if you need something". Then she looks from Dannae to Lhaa and back. Shrugging her shoulders she asks softly "Is there enough space between you two for a pie loving diaboli?"
Lhaa grins to Aiwendil and nods to her. "There's room for you, now that you didn't start eatin' yet."
Detiey giggles as Aiwendil squeezes in
Dannae giggles, "There is now... don't know about after ward though"
Shew nods to Aiwendil then sits down smiling at Detiey "Thank you.."
Lesiros says: I wonder if he could be the one your friends could teach a lesson together. Like a little trap...
Aiwendil gives Dannae a questiong glance
Zalya sips some tea
Exyph nods to Suati and looks at pan-fried carp
Lhaa grabs Aiwendil's forearm and pulls down. "Oh c'mon darlin'. Jus' sit down."
Shew looks at Lesiros but says nothing.
Detiey puts down her food, slightly annoyed at lesiros.. "Please sir, I beg you talk of other matters this eve.."
Aiwendil giggles and sit on the bench as she is pulled "I though you Nolthrir maybe want to be on your own"
Mordaan finishes his bread and sips more tea
Suati chuckles and continues to eat the pot roast in front of her.
Lesiros shrugs
Lhaa smirks to Aiwendil and shakes her head. "'Tmay get borin' in that case. I need somebody t'tease meanwhile."
Lesiros looks confused and sad
Elady finishes off the bowl of potroast in front of her.
Detiey relaxes, she feels safe surounded by her good friends
Exyph looks at pie and shakes his head. after that takes a piece of honey nut bread
Shew waves to Sulaika "Hey there."
Aiwendil grins impishly to Lhaa "As long as you don't mind that someone teasing you back"
Mordaan says: Greetings!
Detiey picks up a new piece of fish and proceeds to devour it
Lhaa shakes her head to Aiwendil, then bends over and reaches for a pie to smack it against the table before her playfully. "Don't mind, here's your prey or... well, somethin'."
Aiwendil winks to Lhaa after the Nothrir sets the pie in front of her "But only one slice today"
Shew waves to Sulaika again.
Mordaan says: Hmm...seems some folks are in need ot healing
Exyph leans to Suati "Can I get know the history of that drum?"
Lhaa chuckles softly under her breath. "You say that now."
Suati looks at Exyph shyly while giving an occasional glance at her drum. "Oh there is not much to say...."
Exyph takes an exciting look and ask Suati "May I try?"
Aiwendil rolls her eyes amusedly "The last visit here made me...less longing for pie". But despite her words the diaboli reaches for a slice of the pie and bites in it
Detiey turns to Lhaa "the den has been closed or a while, were you out here preparing this feast?"
Lhaa laughs at Aiwendil's remark and shrugs as she watches the diaboli take the slice. "Sure, darlin'." She says, then turns to Detiey and smirks a bit. "Yes indeed. I'm sorry you couldn't find us more often, dear. We get a li'l ah.. unpredictable before events."
Suati glances at the drum unsurely before nodding a little to herself. "If you wish Exyph. But be gentle friend. This drum has been with me for a long time." She picks up the drum and hands it to Exyph
Dannae no sooner finishes her fish than begins filling her mouth with pie
Zalya takes a bite of fish.
Exyph takes carefuly the drums and shakes it a bit
Detiey giggles softle at Lhaa "It has been rather ..... unpredictable... for some days"
Mordaan smiles "They were certainly busy with the planning. Quite the organizers."
Aiwendil swallows the pie in her mouth and nods to Lhaa's words "Yes, and usually also very stressed. Soemtimes it's better if nobody can find us before an event Detiey"
Zalya says: So How did people enjoy the poatry?
Mordaan says: I liked it very much.
Mordaan says: And I'm not normally that much into things like poetry.
Lhaa heaves a soft sigh and nods to Detiey. "All 'round, eh?" She asks quietly, then turns to Aiwendil and grins. "But sometimes bein' found can be funny."
Lesiros pouts
Exyph looks at Suati and taps
Shew looks at Detiey "I hope you slept well the other day..."
Mordaan says: So far, our fairs have focused on skills like cooking and crafting. I wanted something a little different this time.
Aiwendil giggles at Lhaa's comment "Sure, at least at first. If the finder doesn't get annoyed later on"
Suati watches Exyph amusedly hearing the tiny vibrations of his tapping.
Exyph turns to Dannae smiles and makes another tap
Detiey leans back evidently suffed full of food
Shew chuckles a bit, watching Detiey "Too much?"
Dannae grins back at Exyph tapping the drum
Zalya says: Same with me, I Definitly enjoy it but some of it seems da bit dull. But all the poatry in the show was very powerful.
Mordaan nods
Detiey smiles at Shew,," for now,,, "
Exyph smiles and returns drum to Suati "Now I understand. This small thing may bring some fun at any time."
Exyph says: Very useful thing long trips, I guess
Aiwendil winks to Zalya "I read the last one more for the entertaiment...Illysia wrote other poems as well."
Shew chuckles again on Detiey's answer "We should ask Elady if she can give you a huge bag with the leftovers..."
Lhaa turns to Shew with a frown. "What you think she is, th'groffel?"
Detiey looks at Shew happily. "Thanks for being such a gentleman last night.... and yes.. maybe there will be some left.."
Exyph takes a sympathy look at Detiey
Aiwendil is about the reach for the second slice of pie as she realizes waht she is doing. Quickly she pulls her hand back
Elady smiles everyone is more than welcome to any food left over. Better you carry it away than me having to take it back.
Lhaa chuckles softly catching Aiwendil's move and takes a piece of fish herself.
Zalya finishes of the fish
Shew looks over to Lhaa "Seems I need to explain every single thing to you lately...of course I didn't mean it that way...thanks for reminding me.."
Mordaan takes some more bread
Lhaa gives Shew a quick wink. "You're welcome."
Exyph takes a piece of nut bread
Shew smiles over to Lhaa "But maybe we should make sure there is no more pie left to take away..."
Mordaan finishes his tea and puts the empty mug on the table
Haraun stretches "Getting time for Haraun. Congratulations for having created this evening and thanks to everyone having made it a nice one"
Aiwendil looks from Lhaa to Shew, then shrugs her shoulders "Why so? I don't have to take the pie from here. I can get it in the den if I really want"
Aiwendil looks to Haraun "You are leaving us?"
Lhaa chuckles to Shew's remark and shrugs to Aiwendil. "So long's I ain't watchin', indeed."
Aiwendil smiles warmly to Haraun "Thank you for the help."
Haraun nods "Yes.. should... will look again later for things that should be brought back"
Shew grins to Aiwendil "Just kidding....I'd never dare to stand between you and your pie..."
Exyph winks to Aiwendil and nods to the pie
Lhaa gives Haraun a warm smile and nods firmly to him. "thank you for th'help again, handsome. Shall She grant you a safe trip back to th'Lair."
Aiwendil nods to Haraun "That's a good idea. It shouldn't be too much, but some things need to go back to the Den"
Aiwendil looks back to the others and rolls her eyes "I got the message...I will never ever again take part in a pie eating contest"
Haraun smiles "Thanks" and waves "Wish a very nice evening"
Mordaan chuckles
Lhaa grins to Aiwendil.
Aiwendil waves to Haraun "Take care and a safe journey back to hydlaa"
Lhaa turns back to Haraun and waves to him.
Mordaan says: Oh, you did yourself proud in that contest, Aiwendil.
Lhaa looks aover to Aiwendil. "I say we take care of everythin' tomorrow. I'd rather walk back here than carry it all today."
Shew chuckles a bit and mutters "Maybe it's better the way it is..if you both would prefer fish, you may be fighting all the time about who gets the last piece.."
The roar of an enraged ulbernaut echoes in the distance...
Suati chuckles as she reads the different conversations, fingering the drum on her lap
Zalya says: What was that?
Mordaan says: Oh no! Herman??
Elady says: Oh no not again.
Mordaan looks around
Elady says: Quick throw some pie to Herman.
Dannae says: Do I hear a hungry Ulbernaut?
Shew looks around, his hand glide to the handly of his dagger.
Aiwendil looks to Mordaan "Maybe..but I wil suffer for taking part in the contest for the rest of my life". Then she looks to Lhaa "Sure, there is no need to clean up here today"
Suati blinks realzing everyone standing in alert
Mordaan says: Let me take a look and see if he's behaving.
Detiey says: uuff
Detiey says: mordaan had a pet Ulbernaut?
Mordaan says: Yes, so far.
Shew watches Mordaan and sits down again.
Detiey says: do they like water.....?
Mordaan leans over and speaks softly to Elady "Keep your eyes peeled just in case."
Elady says: I've never seen a Ulber in the water.
Detiey smiles. good
Elady slips her hand close to the handle of her saber " I certainly will Mordaan."
Exyph takes a little bit closer to Suati and whispers to her "Have you met Ulbernatus before? I mean in real fight, not just running around"
Detiey says: Nolthrir like the water.... she adds nervously
Shew nods to Elady "...and from their stink I doubt they wash very often..."
Detiey feels a little self concious as she has not bathed for a few days
Suati relaxes slightly and turns to Exyph. "Did you say ulbernaut? I don't really know what you said, but they are dangerous creatures. Even I stay away from them."
Lesiros says: Ulbernauts are one of the reasons I never miss my job.
Exyph nods "I also prefer not to check how weak they are in comparsion with me"
Mordaan snickers at Lesiros
Detiey looks at Lhaa then points at the mug in front of her "Is the wine from The Den?"
Lhaa gives Detiey a nod. "Want a mug?"
Exyph turns to Lesiros with light shiver
Detiey smiles widely
Detiey says: mmm it would be nice
Aiwendil nods to Detiey "Just a moment, I get you one"
Detiey says: I come with you
Shew looks over to Aiwendil "Could you bring me some more tea as well?"
Exyph takes his sip of his cider
Lhaa chuckles softly and stands up. "I'll like that."
Suati chuckles "Well just don't take on ulbernauts unless you have friends with you."
Detiey says: hey.. lhaa... its good to see you...
Lhaa picks up a mug by the counter and steps to the barrels. before starting to fill it, she gives Detiey a definitely concerned glance, smirking a bit. "Likewise. All okay?"
Aiwendil looks at Lhaa and Detiey "Sorry, I wil lbe gone in a moment again. Just have to get some tea for Shew"
Detiey nods "I so tired of hiding... I think maybe I should just stop it..
Lhaa gives Aiwendil a dismissing head-shake.
Lhaa turns back to Detiey and shrugs a bit. "An' what're you goin' t'do?"
Lhaa turns around and bends down to fill the mug with wine, heaving a soft sigh.
Detiey says: I'm not sure., but living like a street rat ... it's not for me..
Detiey leans on the barrel
Aiwendil pours some hot water in a cup and puts a tea bag in it. Then she carefully lift the cup and gives Detiey and Lhaa a short glance before heading back to the table
Lhaa bends back up and hands the mug over to Detiey. "S'on th'house." She says, then looks over to the table for a moment. "Perahps you should hear th'klyros, set up a trap."
Detiey takes the mug from Lhaa "I feel quite sure, that in a crowd, he wont try anything
Detiey says: I just need my friends around me.... for my own happiness
Lhaa gives a soft smirk. "He's been goin' around shakin' his purse. Perhaps he ain't goin' t'do it, but some other, more desperate man may."
Detiey says: yeah I know that..... but he wants me back..... therefore alive, I suppose
Detiey takes a long drink of wine and smiles, as it warms her
Lhaa narrows her eyes coldly. "Set him up, force him into a crime. one th'guards can easily face. May s'well get banished for that."
Detiey nods at Lhaa.... "we can talk about this ..later... but now, lets enjoy the party... Hmm?
Detiey smiles
Lhaa nods and returns the smile. "'Course, I left my wine there."
Aiwendil quickly stuff the remaing pie in her mouth as she notices Lhaa coming back
Elady says: I say a mining fiar with a mining contest.
Shew watches Lhaa and Detiey returning and mutters smiling "Enough chatting?"
Lhaa laughs out at Aiwendil's antics as she sits back beside her. "I saw that, darlin'."
Mordaan says: Mining contest?
Mordaan rubs his beard in thought
Detiey smiles back at Shew "Girl talk, honey..."
Elady says: Sure send peopel out and they have to return with a certain amount of ores.
Aiwendil stil chews on the pie as she looks to Lhaa "Saw what?"
Elady says: First one back here with the right number of each ore wins.
Exyph sighs "mining?... how that can be funny?"
Dannae looks to Mordaan, "Or maybe something to make use of the nearby lake of tears"
Mordaan says: Okay, sounds good.
Mordaan says: How do we make sure they don't already have ores on them?
Suati flicks the crumbs on her fur onto the ground and watches the people chat around the table
Shew looks a bit astonished at Detiey at her remark but then smiles and nods "Thought so.."
Detiey leans to see Dannae "swimming contest...?
Lhaa chuclkles softly to Detiey's reply, then turns to Aiwendil and tries to gently slap both of the diaboli's cheeks at once. "This."
Elady says: Maybe like what the Warriors did for the rumble. They had some way to scan peopel to make sure they had nothing on them .
Mordaan looks over at Dannae "That could work, too."
Mordaan says: Okay, that sounds good.
Elady says: See part of the contest would be if the miners know the location of the local mines.
Aiwendil can't avoid to grin as she shakes her head "There is nothing there Darling". Quickly she swallows the pie in her mouth
Dannae smiles to Detiey, "I've already mentioned to Lhaa an idea for a synchronized swimming show"
Detiey chuckles "Then my sisters will have the advantage, of course
Mordaan says: True.
Mordaan says: Yeah, some races will have definite advantages with swimming.
Exyph rises his mug "How about dancing?"
Shew turns over to Elady "i'd like to sign up one or two of my guild..."
Lhaa grins to Aiwendil and places a noisy kiss on her cheek, then turns to Dannae and nods to her. "Now, I'd like t'set that up. S'a shame we can't make a huuuge pool in th'Den."
Elady says: There are lots of ores to choose from in this region, copper, gold, zinc, tin,
Mordaan says: Hmm, dancing...
Elady says: Lumium cinnabar.
Mordaan says: Right, we could awards points for more rar materials.
Aiwendil laughs "I bet you all would love if we make the den one huge pool. But not as long as I have a vote too"
Detiey laughs at Lhaa's suggestion,,, "yes we could drink and watch all other customers drowning
Mordaan says: *rare
Exyph nods to Mordaan "Yeah, dancing pairs in that circle on the other side of this camp"
Shew grins, watching Elady and nodding at each of the materials she enumbers.
Exyph mumbles "But that requires some training"
Mordaan says: Heh, not what it was designed for, but it would be good to finally find a use for that.
Lhaa grins to Detiey. "Oh, we could leave a tiny corridor, jus' so that th'dwarves can reach th'bar."
Elady says: Maybe even include Diamond see how many know where the diamond mine in Gug is vs those who would go into Hydlaa for them.
Mordaan turns back to Elady "Yeah."
Elady says: Same with Tin who knows where the local tin mine is vs going to the river.
Detiey looks over at the lake.. "it looks so inviting.."
Mordaan says: Or really make it hard and ask for at least one of every ore known.
Detiey finishes her wine
Elady says: Atleast the ones that are available on this side of Hydlaa.
Dannae says: That sounds almost like a scavenger hunt Elady
Mordaan says: Dancing might be more in the future...I wouldn't want two artistic type of events in a row.
Shew leans over to Lhaa and mutters silently "I could think of a mountable pool...let's say twice the size of the stage..."
Detiey says: Has that Ulber quietened down?.... I tink I need a swim
Mordaan says: I haven't heard from it except that initial roar.
Lhaa smirks to Shew and shakes her head a bit. "I s'pose th'Diaboli'd really rip my heart off should I let you do that."
Aiwendil leans back and sighs "No pool in the Den. I don't want to get all the water out there again"
Shew grins at Detiey "Too much talking about water?"
Dannae's ears perk up at the mention of a swim
Mordaan says: Again?
Mordaan says: Did something happen there?
Detiey puts down her nug and stands up
Shew nods to Aiwendil "I guess I could make it really waterproof..and some piping for the draining..."
Mordaan says: I'll take a look at Herman just in case.
Detiey walks down to the waters edge
Shew watches Detiey with a smile.
Aiwendil rolls her eyes amusedly "Okay...have your pool...But don't expect me to help with it"
Mordaan says: Yup, just standing there quietly.
Lhaa arches her eyebrows to Aiwendil. "I jus'... can't believe what you jus' said?" She says, batting her eyes in astonishment.
Shew pouts a bit "Someone'll need to heat up the water to a nice temperature.."
Aiwendil turns to Lhaa "What have I said? Only that you can do it...and that I won't get in the Den as long as the poll is there"
Lhaa turns to Shew with a quirked eyebrow. "What do you mean "heat up"?"
Aiwendil laughs "Do you really think the water will be heated Shew? You should know Lhaa better"
Shew smiles to Lhaa "I just think about -others-..."
Exyph gets his eyes at Aiwendil
Lhaa shrugs her shoulders. "Cold water's good for your bloodflow an' so long's it for doin' exercise in it, th'temperature's fine after a minute."
Shew grins "But you won't get any dermorians or ylians into it for another show..."
Aiwendil giggles "I just won't get close to any pool Lhaa controls"
Lhaa snickers and pouts playfully to Aiwendil. "Spoilsport."
Mordaan says: Cold water...
Mordaan shivers at the tought
Shew chuckles and looks at Aiwendil "So she gets the pool and you the key to the draining system?"
Aiwendil winks to Lhaa "I thought having the pool is the fun for you...not torturing poor diaboli with it"
Dannae smiles to herself at Aiwendil's remark
Aiwendil shakes her head, looking to Shew "No, I don't want to have aynthing to do with it. I will leave the Den before you any water is in there and will onyl come back when the water is goen again"
Detiey returns , smiling
Dannae turns to Detiey, "You certainly look refreshed"
Shew turns to Detiey and smiles to her "Had fun?"
Lhaa rolls her eyes to Aiwendil. "What's th'whole point, then. I jus' meant it t'run Dannae's li'l show."
Mordaan says: Enjoy your swim?
Detiey smiles.. yes it makes me feel Nolthrir again
Exyph yawns and his eyes is barely open
Shew grins to Detiey "Visibly.."
Dannae giggles sniffing, "And not smell so Nolthrir again"
Detiey stands away from the table then shakes her hair out
Lhaa smilks up to Detiey, saying nothing, just watching.
Exyph looks at Suati
Aiwendil turns to Lhaa "If you want to tortue me with cold water do that in a small tub...somewhere I can escape easily"
Lhaa grins to Aiwendil and shrugs as she reaches for her mug. "You're assumin' I'd let you escape."
Suati looks up at Exyph. "Leaving my friend?"
Exyph says: Sorry, I think I'll leave you to take a rest...
Shew turns back to Aiwendil "Err.. you can heat up your side...should be possible with the insulation in the frame..."
Suati nods. "It's been a long day. Sleep."
Dannae pats her full stomach, "I just might need a swim and rest myself"
Lhaa turns to Exyph and shoots him a smirk. "Thanks for turnin' up. hope you enjoyed th'poetry. An' th'company too."
Aiwendil winks to Shew "I doubt she allows me...She enjoyed it far to much seeing me jumping around afterwards to get warm again"
Detiey says: me giggles at Shews technical answer to any problem
Exyph bows and says "Thank you all for a good company. I had a great evening."
Detiey smiles ay Exyph
Mordaan says: Thanks for coming!
Aiwendil looks to Exyph "It was nice to have you here. Thanks for coming and take care"
Suati says: It was nice to see you again Exyph. Stay safe.
Shew nods to Exyph then looks at Detiey with a slight wondering frown.
Detiey says: anyone staying here tonight?
Exyph smiles and takes few steps away
Aiwendil shakes her head, looking to Detiey "I have to go back to Hydlaa to my son"
Lhaa smirks as she turns to Detiey. "Not th'whole night, but if you think I'll go past that lake an' not take a bath..."
Exyph says: Until next we meet
Shew shakes his head as well "Don''t think so...unless there's a reason to stay.."
Lhaa waves politely to Exyph. "Goddess bless, handsome."
Exyph walks in direction of trees near of lake