Author Topic: [GuildRP] Kore Irka Clan: Promotion Ceremony  (Read 716 times)

Akkaido Kivikar

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[GuildRP] Kore Irka Clan: Promotion Ceremony
« on: October 16, 2009, 10:00:33 pm »
I'm very proud of my clan for this event, so much so that I'm posting logs to show them off!

At this ceremony, the appropriate ranks were given Golden Shields, Ornate/Reinforced Longswords (depending on rank), and Quarterstaves. We also had a minute of silence for a PS player who died recently.

(13:18:32) Akaiddo coughs loudly.
(13:19:20) Vakachehk looks at Akaiddo
(13:19:32) Akaiddo says: We, great Enkidukai, are here today to celebrate great accomplishments of our fellow clan members.
(13:20:43) Akaiddo says: However, we must also remember our friends that pass on. As such I ask that we observe a minute's silence for Astia Fingol of Nomothetes, where word has reached us of her permanent passing to the Death Realm.
(13:21:00) Akaiddo bows his head, initiating the silence, a single tear drops from his eye.
(13:22:48) Akaiddo raises his head. "Thank you for your respect to this great Dermorian."
(13:23:10) Akaiddo smiles at Joccey. "Thank you for coming to observe this with us."
(13:23:49) Akaiddo says: Now, we must move on to the main event, hopefully Teia will be with us soon for her part.
(13:23:55) Joccey gives a watery smile her eyes filled with tears, "I wouldn't miss this for the world"
(13:24:26) Dharke nods in agreement
(13:25:11) Suati gives a slight nod listening silently
(13:25:29) Akaiddo says: I would first like to say a few words about our Clan. I am proud of you, proud of you all. You are fine young Kore, and you serve our cause well. Enkidukai across Yliakum are telling of your helpfulness, heroism, bravery and your goodwill.
(13:26:24) Akaiddo says: You have made the dreams of my father, of his father, and of the Kivikar ancestors proud. The flame withing your hearts burns bright and true, and you are all deserving of your ranks.
(13:26:49) Akaiddo says: Today, we have gathered to celebrate those that have acheived their ranks, and to welcome new members to our family.
(13:27:21) Akaiddo turns to Mikuna and Korekyn. "Welcome, my brethren."
(13:28:33) Akaiddo says: We also celebrate the works of non-Kore for our cause, who despite not being privileged to be Finkyli, still work hard for the clan.
(13:28:56) Akaiddo turns to Suati. "We are grateful, sister."
(13:29:39) Akaiddo says: We are incredibly proud of our Finkyli. What great warriors! What sacred upholders of the Kore ways!
(13:30:33) Akaiddo says: Our Manthanol, so wise, so just, so true. They guide our clan through dark times, and walk with us in the light.
(13:30:57) Akaiddo sticks his quarterstaff into the ground. He turns to Vakachehk.
(13:31:23) Akaiddo says: Brother, will you come and speak to our members? Have you anything to say?
(13:31:45) >Vakachehk Kivikar stands up.
(13:32:13) Vakachehk says: well uhh wasnt really prepared for this
(13:32:19) Vakachehk says: but i do have a few words
(13:33:33) Vakachehk says: i think Akaiddo is very right, you all have been serving not just Enkidukai but every citizen as far as i've seen and would like to thank you all for yor good work
(13:33:47) Vakachehk smiles while siting back down
(13:33:58) >Vakachehk Kivikar takes a seat.
(13:34:52) Akaiddo says: Today I will be giving the Finkyli and Manthanol their badges of office, their special weapons, shields, and quarterstaves.
(13:35:20) Akaiddo smiles to Dharke. "Dharke, please approach."
(13:35:25) >Dharke Tirabu stands up.
(13:36:02) Dharke straightens herself up nervously
(13:36:23) Akaiddo says: You have served us well, not only finding strong Kore to join our cause, but by mining, donating Tria and resources, and continually proving your worth as a Finkyli.
(13:36:50) Akaiddo says: Is there anything you would like to say to your fellow Irka members?
(13:37:24) Dharke says: Only to say thanks for their friendship and support as a clan. Rreny'a so
(13:38:11) Akaiddo says: And now I grant you your badges of rank. Bear them with pride, Kore.
(13:38:38) >Akaiddo gave Dharke an Ornate Longsword, a Quarterstaff and a Golden Shield.
(13:38:46) Dharke says: Thank you, I will
(13:38:54) Akaiddo claps for Dharke Tirabu!
(13:39:02) >Dharke Tirabu takes a seat.
(13:39:09) Vakachehk claps along with Akaiddo
(13:39:38) Akaiddo smiles to Myriliana. "Myriliana, my dearest, will you please approach?"
(13:39:39) Joccey smiles and claps for Dharke Tirabu also
(13:39:49) >Myriliana Rakivik stands up.
(13:40:39) Akaiddo says: You have made me proud, by becoming so strong, and proudly bearing the armour of a Kore. Will you speak a few words to your fellow Clan members?
(13:42:30) Myriliana says: I would just like to thank everybody for being so helpful and I'd especially like to thank Akaiddo for training me up so well
(13:43:02) Akaiddo smiles, then leans over and gives Myriliana a kiss on the cheek.
(13:43:13) Myriliana smiles
(13:43:20) Akaiddo says: Here are your rank badges. Bear them with Kore pride and nothing less.
(13:43:33) Dharke gives a small whistle
(13:43:44) >Akaiddo gave Myriliana an Ornate Longsword, a Quarterstaff and a Golden Shield.
(13:44:01) Myriliana says: Thank you, I will
(13:44:13) Dharke claps for Myriliana
(13:44:15) Joccey smiles and claps for Myriliana
(13:44:19) >Myriliana Rakivik takes a seat.
(13:44:24) Akaiddo looks wistfully around but still does not see Teia.
(13:44:27) Vakachehk claps along with everyone els
(13:44:28) Akaiddo sighs.
(13:44:53) Akaiddo says: Mikuna, step forward.
(13:44:59) >Mikuna Tabu stands up.
(13:45:46) Akaiddo says: While you have been a ratbag to begin with, and don't yet have the wisdom and strength required to be a Finkyli warrior, I am still proud of you. I'd like you to have this helmet.
(13:45:58) Akaiddo says: Is there anything you want to say to the rest of the Clan?
(13:46:17) >Akaiddo gave Mikuna a Horned Helm.
(13:46:27) Mikuna says: i can not think of anything
(13:46:38) Akaiddo smiles at Mikuna.
(13:47:01) Akaiddo says: Well, let it be known that your good behaviour has impressed me, and I see merit in you.
(13:47:10) Mikuna says: thank you
(13:47:23) Akaiddo says: You may take a seat.
(13:47:27) Dharke claps for Mikuna
(13:47:29) >Mikuna Tabu takes a seat.
(13:47:36) Joccey claps also
(13:47:39) Vakachehk claps along
(13:47:50) Myriliana claps also
(13:47:53) Akaiddo says: Vakachehk, again, please approach.
(13:47:59) >Vakachehk Kivikar stands up.
(13:48:34) Vakachehk comes forward
(13:48:51) Akaiddo says: My brother, despite the rivalries we have as siblings, I am still very proud of you. When all others fail me in battle, I know your sword will still fight by mine.
(13:49:09) Akaiddo says: Father would be proud of you.
(13:49:38) Akaiddo says: I am prouder than any other to have you as my Manthanol, my second in command, my brother and my friend.
(13:49:50) Akaiddo says: Is there anything you would like to say to the Clan, again?
(13:51:22) Vakachehk says: well yes i guess so, I would still like to thank everyone for being great Irkas, and id like to thank you Akaiddo for leading this Clan and i'm sure father would very much appreciat it
(13:51:33) Akaiddo says: Now, please accept your badges of office and rank.
(13:51:58) >Akaiddo gave Vakachehk a Reinforced Longsword, a Golden Shield and a Quarterstaff.
(13:52:04) Vakachehk says: thank you
(13:52:06) Akaiddo smiles at his brother.
(13:52:10) Akaiddo says: You're welcome.
(13:52:11) Vakachehk goes and sits back down
(13:52:20) >Vakachehk Kivikar takes a seat.
(13:52:35) Akaiddo says: There are two others worthy of recognition.
(13:53:06) Akaiddo says: Teia Starsphire and Larkai.
(13:53:26) Akaiddo says: Teia has served me well, shown her wisdom, bravery, and strength.
(13:53:48) Akaiddo says: For that reason she is a Kore Manthanol.
(13:54:29) Akaiddo says: Larkai has long served by the Clan as a Kore Finkyli. He is worthy of much respect.
(13:55:02) Vakachehk nodes in agreement
(13:55:21) Joccey claps in recognition for both Teia Starsphire and Larkai
(13:55:40) Vakachehk begines to clap too
(13:55:46) Akaiddo says: So congratulations to them. When I can, they will be given their swords, shields, and quarterstaves.
(13:57:22) Akaiddo smiles at the Kore Irka Clan around him.

[Removed Tells, and a small amount of Guild chatter from the beginning.]

Well done guys!

A screenshot link:


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Re: [GuildRP] Kore Irka Clan: Promotion Ceremony
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2009, 02:13:03 am »
Congratulations to your initiates. Well done, and the logs were entertaining to read.


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Re: [GuildRP] Kore Irka Clan: Promotion Ceremony
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2009, 11:14:12 am »
(13:36:02) Dharke straightens herself up nervously
(13:36:23) Akaiddo says: You have served us well, not only finding strong Kore to join our cause, but by mining, donating Tria and resources, and continually proving your worth as a Finkyli.

(13:39:49) >Myriliana Rakivik stands up.
(13:40:39) Akaiddo says: You have made me proud, by becoming so strong, and proudly bearing the armour of a Kore. Will you speak a few words to your fellow Clan members?

(13:44:59) >Mikuna Tabu stands up.
(13:45:46) Akaiddo says: While you have been a ratbag to begin with, and don't yet have the wisdom and strength required to be a Finkyli warrior, I am still proud of you. I'd like you to have this helmet.

Some positive critisism:

1) Don't all these comments refer to PL acts?

2) Maybe we (Masters of Move) should post our ceremonies and promotion parties here too. Only, we don't see them as RP events that contribute anything to the community. We see such occasions merely as guild events, something we do for our own, and choose not to post logs about these ceremonies here. Just a different point of view on such occasions.

With regards,

Perlan, Grandmaster of the Masters of Move
« Last Edit: October 17, 2009, 12:03:15 pm by perlyboy »

Akkaido Kivikar

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Re: [GuildRP] Kore Irka Clan: Promotion Ceremony
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2009, 02:53:08 pm »
The contributions they made are entirely IC. Sure, they may be considered "PL" acts, but in my belief the fact that they are rewarded in IC ways and that training, becoming strong, and protecting and serving Enkidukai, as well as mining to fund our cause is an IC act. We keep IC when we talk in Main around the mines, we don't duel in Hydlaa, and we frown on fighting in other cities.

I find it rather funny that you, whose guild is known for OOC at the mines, dueling in the Plaza, and other non-IC acts of PLing is trying to throw mud.

I posted the logs because for most of the KIC present it was their first RP "event", sure it was a small Clan ceremony, but I was proud of them, and I wanted to show them off and show them they should be proud of themselves for keeping so IC and being so respectful of the conventions of RP and the hallmarks and pillars of the PlaneShift community.


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Re: [GuildRP] Kore Irka Clan: Promotion Ceremony
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2009, 04:03:35 pm »
(13:36:02) Dharke straightens herself up nervously
(13:36:23) Akaiddo says: You have served us well, not only finding strong Kore to join our cause, but by mining, donating Tria and resources, and continually proving your worth as a Finkyli.

(13:39:49) >Myriliana Rakivik stands up.
(13:40:39) Akaiddo says: You have made me proud, by becoming so strong, and proudly bearing the armour of a Kore. Will you speak a few words to your fellow Clan members?

(13:44:59) >Mikuna Tabu stands up.
(13:45:46) Akaiddo says: While you have been a ratbag to begin with, and don't yet have the wisdom and strength required to be a Finkyli warrior, I am still proud of you. I'd like you to have this helmet.

Some positive critisism:

1) Don't all these comments refer to PL acts?

2) Maybe we (Masters of Move) should post our ceremonies and promotion parties here too. Only, we don't see them as RP events that contribute anything to the community. We see such occasions merely as guild events, something we do for our own, and choose not to post logs about these ceremonies here. Just a different point of view on such occasions.

With regards,

Perlan, Grandmaster of the Masters of Move

You may refer to my satire in the general discussion.

The contributions they made are entirely IC. Sure, they may be considered "PL" acts, but in my belief the fact that they are rewarded in IC ways and that training, becoming strong, and protecting and serving Enkidukai, as well as mining to fund our cause is an IC act. We keep IC when we talk in Main around the mines, we don't duel in Hydlaa, and we frown on fighting in other cities.

I find it rather funny that you, whose guild is known for OOC at the mines, dueling in the Plaza, and other non-IC acts of PLing is trying to throw mud.

I posted the logs because for most of the KIC present it was their first RP "event", sure it was a small Clan ceremony, but I was proud of them, and I wanted to show them off and show them they should be proud of themselves for keeping so IC and being so respectful of the conventions of RP and the hallmarks and pillars of the PlaneShift community.

All hands around, you've done well.


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Re: [GuildRP] Kore Irka Clan: Promotion Ceremony
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2009, 04:18:04 pm »
Well done! Even if Suati was definitely standing out \O/ Hehe sorry I couldn't stay, I got caught up in other things and had to log out quickly. I look forward to do more things with the clan in the future :)


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Re: [GuildRP] Kore Irka Clan: Promotion Ceremony
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2009, 01:03:54 am »
I posted the logs because for most of the KIC present it was their first RP "event", sure it was a small Clan ceremony, but I was proud of them, and I wanted to show them off and show them they should be proud of themselves for keeping so IC and being so respectful of the conventions of RP and the hallmarks and pillars of the PlaneShift community.

N'aww, you're making us blush :D


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Re: [GuildRP] Kore Irka Clan: Promotion Ceremony
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2009, 11:15:26 am »
I find it rather funny that you, whose guild is known for OOC at the mines, dueling in the Plaza, and other non-IC acts of PLing is trying to throw mud.

Communication can be hard, it was positive critisism, like i mentioned... As I am mostly the one who gets thrown mud at

Sarras Volcae

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Re: [GuildRP] Kore Irka Clan: Promotion Ceremony
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2009, 06:42:35 pm »
I find it rather funny that you, whose guild is known for OOC at the mines, dueling in the Plaza, and other non-IC acts of PLing is trying to throw mud.

Communication can be hard, it was positive critisism, like i mentioned... As I am mostly the one who gets thrown mud at

speaking as a third party, I spotted some passive aggressiveness hidden in your post. in fact, your "positive criticism" is only a label to hide the true nature of your post. have you ever thought that maybe there's a reason the mud's being thrown at you? you're just picking fights.