Author Topic: My PS Experience and Future  (Read 470 times)


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My PS Experience and Future
« on: October 28, 2009, 06:50:50 pm »
Well, this is my first post on this forum, although I have spent countless hours (during times when I should have been working) reading post and trying to familiarize myself with the community.  After two weeks of playing, I thought I’d chime in and give my thoughts on the game, share some experiences and introduce myself to those that are reading this. 

IC, my name is UvilatPo Hitiri.  OOC, I am an avid gamer that enjoys simulator style games.  My favorite games of all time are Sim City, MS Flight Sim’s, and Madden.  With that said, I have recently began dwelling in the MMORPG realm and have been discouraged in what I have seen offered.  Mostly because of the pay to play, or pay to advance nature of those that I have experienced.  Then, my prayers were answered when I came across PlaneShift.  A beautiful game, completely free, and advancement is completely in the mind of the player.

I am new to RP, and it has taken me sometime to understand it and adjust, but I am really enjoying it.  I know that PS is a RP game, but my enjoyment comes from the simulator within myself.  Which, in turn, makes me RP better each day.

My Character
After jumping in, exploring and looking at the possibilities allowed, Uvilatpo has decided to become the best steel manufacturer in all of Hydlaa.  I am no where near that goal now, but I will strive for it as I can see I will be playing PS for quite sometime.  Uvi, what some call me for short, has a bit of  a drinking problem.  After mining, smelting and exploring, you can find him at Kada-El’s or The Stonehead.  He’s a laid back fellow, keeping to himself, but can become quite the party animal amongst friends.

My Experiences Thus Far
I have met some really helpful people in PS.  To a noob, this game can be overwhelming.   But for me, my first week was made all the more enjoyable and comfortable by other players.  That alone kept me coming back.  I have since tried to give as much of my limited knowledge to other apparent noobs that have asked me for help.

I have explored, quite a bit, joined a Guild, left a Guild, joined another guild and left that.  I hope Guild Masters don’t hold that against me when I truly start seeking another Guild, but in my state of Noobieism, I just wanted to know what a Guild was.  Well, now I do.  So my next guild selection will require more scrutiny.

My complaints
My only complaints are with the current leveling system.  While I love the design, the practice of leveling up seems a bit odd.  I know this has been discussed before but, this is my story.  In order to attain my goals, I feel I am being forced to work platinum, which has no practical use for me, and fight Trepors in the arena.  As you all know, plat for tria, and kills for PP.  Although platinum mining is in line with my profession, I’d much rather make my tria with more useful projects.  And as far as Trepor trapping goes, I wouldn’t care if I never had to draw my sword in Hydlla, but I find my self spending a lot of time in the arena and plats just so I can carry more iron and coal for farther distances.  I guess it is what it is.  But when I see forum post about people in the plats are PL’ing or don’t RP, it makes me feel bad.  But for me, I am just there to attain a bigger RP’ing goal.  Sorry.

My Future
Well, I’ll be around and that’s for sure.  If you see me in game, give me an IC shout out.  You aren’t supposed to know me, but, you know what I am getting at.  I look forward to any additions to the game and working on my RP’ing.  I will be watching the forums and if I can give any feedback to the devs or community, I most definitely will.  To the Dev Team, keep up the great work.  You have made my nights much more pleasurable.  Even to the point that I just got my XBOX out of repair and haven’t played GTA4 or my newly acquired Madden 10 but once.  I can’t seem to pull myself away from Hydlaa.  GREAT JOB!!!


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Re: My PS Experience and Future
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2009, 11:43:56 pm »
I enjoyed reading this, as it was refreshing. Though I could protest it wasn't in the right section, I'm not in the mood for that. Well done, I am happy you enjoy the game as you do.


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Re: My PS Experience and Future
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2009, 02:44:02 am »
Although you are already around for some time -- welcome to the Hydlaa forums now.

It is great to hear that you stayed long enough to learn a bit about roleplaying. It takes time and patience. Even more patience than mining platinum.

Don't believe you know all guilds only because you joined two of them. There are so many different ones. Not all of them want miners and mules. There will be one for your needs too.

Gag Harmond
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The Royal House of Purrty


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Re: My PS Experience and Future
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2009, 04:09:20 pm »
This is a bit late but....

A nolthir child, a quiet fenki, and a grumpy kra wave to Unvilat. "Welcome!"

Glad you're having fun RPing and getting the hang of it. I hope we get to meet in-game and have a chat OOC or IC :)

Guilds: There are a variety of guilds for different goals and reasons. Simply go to the different guild websites, forums, or ask people in guilds about theirs

And NEVER hesitate to ask someone for help if you get stuck on something (except for quests we arent allowed to do that)

Otherwise, good to have another roleplayer in the planeshift world  \\o//