Author Topic: [RP] Nightmare Dust  (Read 1259 times)


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[RP] Nightmare Dust
« on: November 13, 2009, 09:33:53 pm »
A young Xacha was sitting at his desk, going over a few details on the alchemical formula his teacher had asked him to study. He could feel his eyes drifting shut....
Eyes open! You've got to finish this, then you can sleep. Come on, Fismas! Wait, what was that?
A knock at the door.
The young man sleepily opened his door.
That's odd. he thought There aren't usually figures in dark cloaks outside my door...
His sleep deprived brain needed a moment to register the oddity of the situation.
"You're coming with us."
Fismas scrambled back inside, trying frantically to shut the door. His foot hit something as he backpedaled and sent him sprawling upon the floor. Then a darkness swept over him and he knew no more.

A cloaked figure watched the fool tumble backwards and heard a distinct thud as a rather heavy book landed on the Xacha.
No matter, shouldn't be fatal.
He went through the Xacha's desk, until he came upon a bit of paper, covered in scrawled alchemical markings.
Ah, here we are.
He looked back to the Xacha.
Shouldn't be too hard.

Fismas opened his eyes.
My head's killing me...
He looked around, but he could see only stone.
Where... am I?
Then he noticed the shackle about his leg.
Where am I!?
He noticed a second shackle, and at the end of that...
A corpse!
He passed out again.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2009, 10:02:24 pm by Shadow1490 »
Optimists are just cynics waiting to happen.


  • Hydlaa Resident
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Re: [RP] Nightmare Dust
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2009, 12:06:12 pm »
[There, I added the logs.]
Act 1, Scene 1
Fismas opened his eyes it was dark, but his eyes adjusted. He still had no idea where he was, he didn't think it was the sewers, but that didn't help him much. He could hear footsteps.
"Glad to see you're awake, Xacha.
The cloaked figure, Fismas supposed it was a guard of some sort, had a sack slung over one shoulder.
"What do you want?"
"Pretty simple, you're an alchemist, we'd like you to make something for us."
The guard dropped a sheet of paper on the floor at Fismas' feet. The Xacha's eyes widened.
"But this is..."
"Well, you don't have to do as we say, you simply won't be of any use if you don't. Get my drift?
Fismas' normally pale features lost a bit more color.
"Besides, until you agree to cooperate, you don't eat."
The guard took a loaf of bread out of the sack and Fismas realized how long it'd been since he'd last eaten.
"Fine... I'll make your potion."
"Figured you'd see sense, after all, you don't want to end up like your cellmate, do you?"

Since I cannot see the crystal, I've lost track of how long I've been down here. The guard comes by perhaps twice a day? If I judge it by that, I've been down here at least a week. Anyway, I should get some rest.
Fismas dreamed he was home again, working at his desk. The Xacha reached for a vial....
Fismas jolted awake to the sound of a rattling chain and crackling lightning. A Nolthrir stood a short distance away, a dagger at by the lock that kept Fismas shackled. Fismas took a moment to regain his composure, but he had to warn the Nolthrir about the guard.
"What are you doing here?! When /he/ comes back you'll end up" Fismas couldn't make himself look at the corpse, so he waved a hand in its direction.
Fismas spoke with Mellas and Garosan, after a time, Jinsyn and Marqsaynt showed up as well, despite repeated attempts to break the chain or lock, the heavily enchanted metal held. Throughout it all, a figure watched the proceedings from the shadows.

Raelas pulled a vial full of black dust out of his pocket, edging towards the group. When he was close enough he tossed the vial into their midst. He dashed off before the black cloud of Nightmare dust settled. A grin crossed his face beneath his mask.
Too easy.
Then he noticed the armored Ylian with the claymore.
I was careless, the assassin reprimanded himself, readying his bow.
A short while later, Jinsyn appeared in Raelas' sight.
Damn it, two on one. Raelas cast Darkness, slipping back into the magically created shadows as he dashes for the exit. Not quickly enough, a burst of light in the corner of his eyes was all the warning he had before a glowing arrow sliced open his left shoulder. He kept moving, but a trail of blood clearly marked his path.

(22:47:02) Mellas peeks around the corner, spotting a shackled man. Hesitantly she comes closer, slayer the clacker with her dagger.
(22:48:38) Mellas glances at the other corpse and winces, slowly heading closer to the ylian. 'Hello sir, are you okay?'
(22:49:25) Fismas seems to have fallen asleep.
(22:50:52) Mellas notices that Fismas must've fallen asleep and checks her surroundings once more before sneaking closer. She studies the shackle, wondering how to get the captive man free.
(22:51:35) Fismas's shackle seems normal enough, with a heavy looking lock upon it.
(22:53:54) Mellas crouches down, using her dagger to try and force the shackle open. With her ears perked up so tries to make as few sounds as possible, but the chain still rattles.
22:54:13) >Mellas Fenixxes takes a seat.
(22:54:57) Garosan comes up behind Raelas trying to cover his mouth to keep him quiet not knowing where he is freind or foe
(22:55:04) Fismas's shackle lets out a burst of magically created lightening as Mellas tries to force it, Fismas jolts awake.
(22:55:36) Raelas doesn't move as Garosan covers his mouth.
(22:55:57) Garosan says quietly "Whats going on here?"
(22:56:26) Raelas shrugs.
(22:57:02) Garosan climbs up the rest of the stairs quietly.
(22:57:23) Raelas ,provided Garosan let go of him, creeps down the stairs.
(22:57:25) Mellas yelps and jumps back, dropping her dagger. Her hands are burnt by the lighting strike. 'Oww dang it,' she curses.
(22:57:47) >Mellas Fenixxes dropped a Dagger.
(22:57:57) Garosan comes round the corner
(22:58:24) Fismas looks up, looking a bit lost, and very confused, "Where am I?" he looks to his right, "Where'd /that/ come from?!" he begins to look rather green.
(22:58:53) Garosan says: Everything alright Mellas?
(22:59:37) Mellas activates the healing spell, lessening the pain in her hands. 'I don't know know how you got here,' she says softly to Fismas. 'I recently heard about a kidnapping and thought I'd try searching the dungeons.'
(23:01:19) Fismas avoids looking at the body on the floor, he shakes his head, "What are you doing here?! When /he/ comes back you'll end up" he gestures to his right, not wanting to look in that direction.
(23:01:21) Mellas looks up at Garosan with a smile. 'I'm glad you could make it,' she says, nodding. 'I'm okay, just a bit burnt. It's a magical lock.'
(23:01:55) Garosan sheaths his claymore and takes off his helm seeing there is no immediate danger.
(23:02:07) >Garosan Ringe takes a seat.
(23:02:43) Garosan sees the corpse and looks grim "Know who did this?"
(23:03:04) Mellas's pointed ears lay flat when Fismas mentions a certain fate. She shivers, evading to look at the corpse herself. 'Garosan, did you see anyone around the dungeon?' she inquires while studying the lock again. 'Sir, do you have any idea how we could get you free?'
(23:03:32) Garosan nods "Aye."
(23:03:38) Mellas looks from one ylian to the other, hoping to get things cleared up. 'Who!?'
(23:03:56) Fismas shakes his head, "I don't know how the lock works... a man in a red cloak comes by regularly, he brings food... and..."
(23:04:09) Garosan sighs "I do na know."
(23:04:59) Mellas gulps. 'I think I met that man,' she mumbles. 'And seeing that this lock is magically protected, we need a mage to get you free.'
(23:05:20) Garosan looks more grim at the mention of the red cloak
(23:06:17) Mellas glances over at Garosan, worried. 'Who can we call? Could you send your yulbar?'
(23:06:30) >Garosan Ringe stands up.
(23:06:40) >Garosan Ringe takes a seat.
(23:07:00) Garosan says: Who do i send it to?
(23:07:23) Mellas thinks, tapping her chin while keeping an eye on the entrance to the chamber. 'Jinsyn?'
(23:08:15) Garosan scratches his beard "Not sure i know em."
(23:08:16) Mellas suddenly frowns, looking directly at Fismas. 'What did you say your name was?'
(23:08:50) Fismas says: Oh... I've forgotten to introduce myself... how rude, my apologies. My name is Fismas.
(23:10:27) Garosan looks up and sees a figure in a cloak
(23:10:30) >Garosan Ringe stands up.
(23:11:29) Garosan looks over the ledge for the cloaked figure
(23:11:30) Mellas smiles warmly. 'I hoped you'd say that, sir Kellic has been looking for you. He told me you were kidnapped recently.'
(23:11:41) Fismas nods.
(23:11:57) Mellas gives Garosan a weary look, yet thankful that the ylian is keeping an eye out.
(23:12:04) >Garosan Ringe takes a seat.
(23:12:25) Garosan speaks quielty "Who ever I saw is still here."
(23:13:13) Mellas looks around, biting her lip. 'We should get out of here, and quick.' She takes a piece of graphite from her ear and begins writing a note.
(23:13:27) Garosan nudges Mellas trying to get her attention
(23:13:42) Mellas looks up at Garosan questioningly.
(23:13:55) Fismas slumps against the rock, letting out a sigh.
(23:14:59) Garosan mouths the words "Still here"
(23:15:09) Mellas glances at the lock, not interested in touching it again anytime soon. With an elegant signage she attaches the note to her own groffel.
(23:15:49) Mellas nods to Garosan and wishpers to her pet as silently as possible. "Bring this to Kellic. Fly like the wind!"
(23:18:28) Garosan says: You think we can get this lock undone?
(23:19:13) Mellas whispers back: "I don't know, I tried to force it open with my dagger, but it activated a lightning blast. It's magic!"
(23:19:52) Garosan says: Are you alright?
(23:20:37) Mellas shows Garosan her slightly burnt hands and nods. 'Don't worry, I'll be fine. Did you send a note to Jinsyn for help?"
(23:20:52) Mellas says: Oh.. wait!
(23:21:29) Mellas begins to write another note, hesitates.. then shakes her head. 'Nay, please send it to Jinsyn.'
(23:21:59) Fismas looks around nervously, "You shouldn't stay here! If he comes back... it'll be horrible..."
(23:22:13) Garosan gives the note to Ibanic and quietly says to him "Bring this to Jinsyn."
(23:22:42) Garosan's firmiliar quickly runs off with the note
(23:23:02) Mellas watches her groffel return, face falling when the attached letter doesn't exactly carry the message she expected. She swallows uncormfortably.
(23:25:11) Garosan looks concerned "Bad news?"
(23:25:26) Mellas reads out loud. "You had best not let your letters be intercepted..." Her voice is shaky. "Just that, and all this black dust."
(23:25:58) Fismas looks up from the floor at the words, "black dust"
(23:26:15) Mellas sniffs the note, recognizing the bloody smell before coughing. 'Eww.'
(23:26:16) Garosan's hand moves towards his claymore
(23:26:45) Garosan says: Stand guard?
(23:26:51) Mellas hands the note and dust to Garosan, but it slips from her hand and spills on the floor.
(23:27:29) Garosan reads the note and looks at the dust grimly.
(23:28:57) Mellas whispers to her groffel. "Be careful, try to reach Marqsaynt and bring him here." A hand raises itself to her head as her thoughts begin swimming through one another.
(23:28:58) Fismas covers his mouth and nose as the spilled dust rises into a cloud.
(23:29:00) Jinsyn shouts: "Hello?"
(23:34:34) Jinsyn approaches cautiously and quietly asks, "What's the problem? I came as quickly as I could."
(23:34:46) >Garosan Ringe stands up.
(23:35:26) Mellas starts rolling from side to side wildly, screaming when terrible images are awakened in her mind.
(23:35:41) Jinsyn's eyes widen in shock.
(23:35:42) Mellas shouts: NO!! Let him go!
(23:35:58) Garosan moves over to Mellas to try and wake her
(23:36:35) Fismas claps his hands over his ears.
(23:36:52) Jinsyn notices the charred...something and furrows his brows in concern. He then turns back to Garosan and Mellas.
(23:37:02) Garosan shakes Mellas gently trying to wake her
(23:38:01) Jinsyn shifts his weight from one foot to the other, unsure of how to proceed.
(23:38:29) Mellas cries out in frustration as one horror after the other passes by. She begins to sob, uncosciously trying to kick and hit Garosan away. 'No No!!! Let him go!!'
(23:38:43) Marqsaynt clears his throat adn smirks "Not interupting, am I?"
(23:38:54) Jinsyn jumps at the sudden question.
(23:39:02) Jinsyn turns and blinks.
(23:39:11) Garosan says: Not if you can help sir.
(23:39:16) Marqsaynt nonchalantly spins a dagger and sets a small groffel down.
(23:39:25) Marqsaynt raises an eyebrow "Help?"
(23:39:50) Garosan is kicked in the gut his armor absorbing most of the impact.
(23:40:15) Jinsyn winces and then adjusts his awkwardly-fitting helmet.
(23:41:04) Garosan speaks quietly as he treis to wake Mellas again "She tries to open the lock with her dagger be it shocked her."
(23:41:36) Mellas squirms and rolls around, as if her body is trying to knock the nightmares away. 'Not him, please!'
(23:41:37) Jinsyn frowns, before asking, "Lock? What lock?"
(23:41:55) Fismas reaches down to the rattle the chain shackled to his leg.
(23:41:58) >Fismas Deber picked up a book
(23:42:00) Garosan nods his head to the man chained to the rock
(23:42:00) >Fismas Deber dropped a book.
(23:42:17) Marqsaynt watches Mellas, and his mood turns more dark "how about you guys tell me what's going on here..."
(23:42:19) Jinsyn looks at the chain. "Ah.."
(23:42:29) Garosan says: Come on Mellas wake up.
(23:42:50) Marqsaynt spins his dagger away.
(23:42:59) Jinsyn shifts his gaze to Marqsaynt. "I only just arrived and have no idea what's going on..."
(23:43:24) Jinsyn tilts his head. "Perhaps a simple healing spell might help?"
(23:43:24) Marqsaynt kneels down next to Mellas "How long has she been like this?"
(23:43:27) >Marqsaynt takes a seat.
(23:44:01) Garosan kneels also not sure how to wake Mellas
(23:44:02) >Garosan Ringe takes a seat.
(23:44:06) Marqsaynt casts a brief look at the charred corpse on the ground.
(23:44:13) Mellas coughs up some black dust, her expression one of obvious pain and fear, tears streaming down her face.
(23:44:33) Marqsaynt says: ...That can't be good.
(23:44:34) Jinsyn bites his lower lip in consternation.
(23:44:38) Garosan speaks quietly "I reiceived a note from Mellas sayin she needed help.."
(23:44:48) Jinsyn tries a simple healing spell.
(23:45:17) Jinsyn frowns.
(23:45:28) Marqsaynt nods towards Fismas "Who's this blasted guy?"
(23:45:52) Garosan says: The reason i was called.
(23:45:55) Fismas still has his hands over his ears, and his eyes squeezed shut.
(23:45:57) Mellas relaxes somewhat after Jinsyn's spell, laying still.
(23:47:31) Jinsyn's frown vanishes slightly, as he notices that Mellas seemed to react positively to his spell.
(23:48:02) Marqsaynt says: Not that I have anything against the blasted cold, dark, and dank ol' dungeon... but maybe we should get Mellas into some fresh air and find a blasted healer.
(23:48:02) Garosan looks to Jinsyn "Need help?"
(23:48:26) Garosan says: And what about this man, we can na leave him here.
(23:48:37) Marqsaynt smirks "You sure about that?"
(23:48:47) Marqsaynt looks at Fismas "What's your story, Pal?"
(23:48:49) Jinsyn crosses his arms, pondering the situation.
(23:49:06) Garosan tries to wake Mellas again
(23:49:25) Fismas says: I opened my door one evening, the next thing I know I'm down here with a c-...c-c-corpse next to me.
(23:49:49) Jinsyn says: "How unfortunate..."
(23:49:52) Marqsaynt stands up and shrugs "How do we know you didn't do this to her?"
(23:49:54) >Marqsaynt stands up.
(23:50:08) Marqsaynt takes a step towards Fismas.
(23:50:19) Jinsyn looks at Garosan. "Were you present when Mellas tried to free this man?"
(23:50:22) Mellas blinks, slowly waking up this time when Garosan shakes her. She sits up, holding her head.
(23:50:53) Marqsaynt looks over at Jinsyn "Wait... Mellas tried to free him?"
(23:51:22) Jinsyn looks up and nods to the Diaboli. "That's what this fellow here said..."
(23:51:27) Fismas remains silent, simply slumped against the stone.
(23:51:31) Jinsyn nods towards Garosan.
(23:51:31) Garosan shakes his head "Nay, i got here shortly after"
(23:51:51) Garosan looks back to Mellas "You alright?"
(23:51:58) Marqsaynt looks back down and notices Mellas rousing "Welcome back."
(23:52:38) Mellas nods carefully, looking around. 'Ohay, Marqsaynt, Jinsyn.'
(23:52:56) Jinsyn smiles softly and nods. "Glad to see you're awake."(23:53:07) Marqsaynt says: You alright there?
(23:54:03) Jinsyn shifts his gaze to the floor, as a curious thought enters his head.
(23:54:31) Fismas remains silent, looking paler than normal.
(23:54:32) Mellas says: Yes, I'm okay. Just, what happened?
(23:54:52) Marqsaynt says: This guy *nods towards Fismas* says you tried to free him.
(23:55:42) Jinsyn moves over to inspect the chain and lock, from several feet away, taking care to avoid the charred remains.
(23:56:04) Garosan says: You fell asleep suddenly...
(23:56:07) Mellas needs a moment before she remembers. 'Aye, aye, Kellic told me an alchemist was kidnapped. An alchemist named Fismas.'
(23:56:50) Fismas nods, "I'm Fismas." the chain looks normal, if a bit dirty.
(23:56:59) Marqsaynt offers his hand to Mellas to help her up "Remember anything else?"
(23:57:12) Mellas looks over at said alchemist. 'Since I caught the thieves who's stole Alirukell's supplies before in the dungeon, I assumed the captive would be kept here as well.
(23:57:28) Jinsyn picks up a small stone between his thumb and index finger and drops it onto the chain.
(23:57:54) Mellas smiles thankfully at Marqsaynt and stands up slowly, dusting her chainmail.
(23:57:58) Fismas glances to the side as there's a muted clink as the stone strikes the chain.
(23:57:58) >Mellas Fenixxes stands up.
(23:58:10) Jinsyn observes no immediate magical reaction to the rock.
(23:58:19) Garosan gets up now that Mellas is awake
(23:58:23) >Garosan Ringe stands up.
(23:58:39) Jinsyn reaches into his pack for a flower.
(23:58:57) Jinsyn drops it on the chain.
(23:59:00) >Jinsyn Lorellyte dropped a Snowbud.
(23:59:24) Fismas's chain doesn't react to the flower, either.
(23:59:31) Mellas eyes the chain wearily. 'I tried to force it open with my dagger, but this only activated a magical lightning strike.'
(23:59:45) Marqsaynt says: Huh...
(23:59:50) Marqsaynt says: I've got an idea.
(00:00:05) Mellas flashes Marqsaynt a hopeful look. 'What's that?'
(00:00:09) Marqsaynt grins rogusihly "You might want to stand back"
(00:00:15) Jinsyn frowns and carefully retrieves the flower without touching the chain.
(00:00:21) >Jinsyn Lorellyte picked up a Snowbud
(00:00:41) Mellas makes a face and can't help but to chuckly a little. 'Okay... be careful though.'
(00:01:09) Marqsaynt takes out a cold glyph and sets it down own the chain, not the lock... then pulls out a rock pick.
(00:01:30) Jinsyn leans back against the wall and watches silently.
(00:01:36) Marqsaynt grins and takes a giant swing at the frozen chain.
(00:02:07) Fismas's chain emits a burst of lightning as the head of the pickaxe strikes it.
(00:02:08) Mellas clasps her hands together, hoping for the best.
(00:02:15) Jinsyn flinches.
(00:03:04) Marqsaynt's rock pick flies out of his hands and back into the railing.
(00:03:32) Jinsyn inquires of the Diaboli, "Are you alright, good sir?"
(00:03:36) Marqsaynt swears under his breath, and shakes his hand like it stings.
(00:03:43) Mellas steps over to Marqsaynt, concerned. 'Are you okay?'
(00:03:50) Marqsaynt smirks "Survived worse."
(00:04:14) Marqsaynt winks "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine... didn;t think you could get rid of me that easily, did ya?"
(00:04:38) Jinsyn breathes out a sigh of relief.
(00:04:59) Marqsaynt looks at Fismas "What the blast did you do to end up like this, Pal? Someone -really- doesn't want you going anywhere.
(00:05:00) Mellas smiles, appreciating the lighter atmosphere Marqsaynt created.
(00:05:40) Jinsyn casts a minor dweomer detection spell on the chain.
(00:06:20) Fismas shrugs, "I don't know what I did... but... I think I know why I'm down here."
(00:06:25) Marqsaynt rubs his jaw thoughtfully, and -half- joking says "Well, we could just cut off his leg.
(00:06:32) Marqsaynt looks at FIsmas "I'm listening."
(00:06:36) Jinsyn sighs. "I'm not adept enough in the Blue way to figure out any more than that both the chain and the lock are heavily enchanted..."
(00:06:45) Garosan listens
(00:07:50) Fismas turns paler than usual at the notion of amputation, "Well...whenver the guard comes by... he brings food, but refuses to give it to me until I make something following this alchemical formula he brings along."
(00:08:20) Marqsaynt says: Wait, a guard? *swears under his breath* Someone is going to be showing up?
(00:08:35) Jinsyn remarks lightly, "Maybe he has a key?"
(00:08:37) Mellas frowns, remembering their situation.
(00:08:43) Marqsaynt says: ...Seems likely.
(00:08:56) Jinsyn says: "We could set an ambush?"
(00:09:00) Mellas tiptoes over to the railing to check on their surroundings.
(00:09:24) Garosan sighs and shakes his head "Nay, they know we are here."
(00:09:24) Jinsyn suddenly recalls the curious thought that had crossed his mind earlier.
(00:09:45) Marqsaynt says: I'm all for that... but, first I'd like to hear what exactly his guy is making for our guard friend.
(00:09:54) Jinsyn quietly says, "Maybe if I enchant my hands with lightning first..."
(00:10:15) Jinsyn reaches down tentatively with an outstretched index finger.
(00:10:15) Mellas sighs, chewing her bottom lip. 'I bet they're using Alirukell's official supplies for this.'
(00:10:15) >Jinsyn Lorellyte takes a seat.
(00:10:34) Jinsyn pokes quickly at the chain...
(00:11:11) Garosan says: Mellas i must as, Who is this Alirukell?
(00:11:33) Fismas's chain doesn't react except to spark slightly as Jisyn touches it "I don't know what it is I'm making... I just follow the formula... it's too advanced for me to make sense of."
(00:12:15) Jinsyn didn't feel any shock, so he lays two fingers on the chain.
(00:12:22) Marqsaynt glances around the corner, then looks back to the group "Well, whatever we're going to do, we better do it fast... no idea how much time we have."
(00:12:32) Marqsaynt looks at Jinsyn "That working?"
(00:12:43) Jinsyn frowns, as the chain continues to spark.
(00:13:03) Jinsyn looks up at Marqsaynt. "I feel a slight tickling..."
(00:13:22) Fismas's chain continues to spark, then after prolonged contact releases a burst of lightning.
(00:13:46) Jinsyn says: "No pain... maybe i can try the..." Jinsyn's spell fades just as the burst of lightning is released.
(00:13:52) >Jinsyn Lorellyte stands up.
(00:14:01) Jinsyn slams into the wall.
(00:14:01) Mellas turns to Garosan, watching Jinsyn's study on the chain from the corner of her eye. 'Alirukell is a blue way and crystal way mage. He can be rather cold, but he did make the cure for the illness that has been spreading through Hydlaa lately.'
(00:14:02) Marqsaynt holds a hand up to sheild his eyes.
(00:14:22) Jinsyn stares at his gloved hand, smoke rising from it.
(00:14:50) Marqsaynt says: Well that answers that question...
(00:15:02) Mellas takes a step back, watching the scene with big eyes. 'What is this!?'
(00:15:15) Marqsaynt looks back to Fismas "When does this guard usually come around?"
(00:15:16) Mellas says: Someone who can enchant a chain to this extent...
(00:16:03) Marqsaynt says: Blasted crazy mages...
(00:16:09) Marqsaynt says: Never can trust them.
(00:16:24) Fismas seems to be doing som calculations in his head, "Well... if my calculations are right... he should've been here by now."
(00:16:30) Garosan scratches his beard thinking "Mind if i give it a try?"
(00:16:51) Marqsaynt draws his swords and turns.
(00:17:19) Marqsaynt says: Blasted guard is late... *smirks* He think I have all day?
(00:18:01) Mellas follows Marqsaynt, looking round the corner.
(00:18:19) Mellas says: No one yet... should we set an ambush?
(00:18:40) Marqsaynt says: Less fun than just winging it... *winks* but, probably smarter.
(00:18:41) Jinsyn shakes his head groggily and lifts his gloved hand only to see a few streams of smoke drifting up lazily from his two fingers.
(00:19:12) Mellas looks from one to the other uncertainly. 'Goodness knows what we're up against.'
(00:19:18) Marqsaynt glances back at Jinsyn "Uh... you okay there, Pal? You're smoking."
(00:19:57) Fismas looks around nervously.
(00:19:57) Jinsyn waves his non-steaming hand dismissingly at Marqsaynt. "I'm... fine... I think..."
(00:20:17) Marqsaynt nods distractedly as he suddenly senses someone behind him and turns around...
(00:20:17) Garosan says: Mind if i try the lock?
(00:20:40) Marqsaynt says: Uh... this guard a he or a she?
(00:20:41) Mellas says: Just be careful, Garosan.
(00:20:48) Garosan nods
(00:20:52) Fismas says: A he. I know that much.
(00:21:06) Marqsaynt shrugs and turns back to the group "Good to know."
(00:21:11) Garosan kneels and a picks up Mellas fallen dagger
(00:21:14) >Garosan Ringe takes a seat.
(00:21:19) >Garosan Ringe stands up.
(00:21:22) Jinsyn shakes his head to clear away the remaining stars.
(00:21:24) >Garosan Ringe takes a seat.
(00:21:56) Garosan carefully slides the dagger into the lock
(00:22:22) Fismas's chain's lock emits a sudden burst of lightning as the dagger makes contact.
(00:22:28) >Garosan Ringe picked up a Dagger
(00:22:35) Jinsyn winces slightly as the blade contacts the lock... and winces more at the burst.
(00:23:03) Jinsyn rubs absently at his gloved hand and looks with concern at Garosan.
(00:23:03) Garosan lets go of the dagger grimicing
(00:23:12) Mellas jumps up lightly, the burst momentarily scaring her, even though she partially expected it. 'Garosan?'
(00:23:22) Marqsaynt swears and looks back to the "locksmiths": Will you two blasted stop that?! If it didn't work before, what makes you think it would be any different this time?"
(00:25:33) Raelas edges around the corner slightly, throwing the vial at the space bewteen Mellas and Marqsaynt.
(00:31:43) >Raelas Albrix dropped a book.
(00:32:13) Marqsaynt hear's a small sound and turns...
(00:32:17) Jinsyn says: "I can try..." Jinsyn hears something breaking...
(00:32:29) Jinsyn turns to follow Marqsaynt's gaze.
(00:32:37) Marqsaynt says: Oh... great...
(00:32:47) Jinsyn sees a familiar black cloud of dust emanating from the broken vial.
(00:32:48) Fismas eyes the cloud of dust splling out from the vial with something approaching panic, he breathes some dust in, the passes out.
(00:32:59) Marqsaynt throws a gloved hand over his mouth but stumbles back, already woozy.
(00:33:02) Raelas kicks a rock in his haste to get away.
(00:33:03) Jinsyn holds his breath and jumps back.
(00:33:04) Garosan jumps to the side instictivly
(00:33:13) Mellas actually spots the vial falling between her and Marqsaynt, she steps back quickly.
(00:33:44) Garosan looks up from the vial and quickly draws his claymore runnign off
(00:34:00) Jinsyn calls out, "Did anyone see who threw that?" from behind a hand.
(00:34:05) Marqsaynt leans heavily against the pillar... his eyes barely staying open...
(00:34:20) Marqsaynt offers a muffled "No."
(00:34:29) Mellas coughs lightly, covering her mouth and nose. She sways a little, but remains awake. 'Nay..'
(00:34:29) >Marqsaynt takes a seat.
(00:35:12) Marqsaynt starts to slip into sleep...
(00:35:31) Mellas tries to wave the dust away with her free hand, glancing over at Fismas and Marqsaynt with worry.
(00:35:32) Fismas strains against the chains in his sleep, letting out a frightened shriek.
(00:35:45) Jinsyn grunts in annoyance at the situation.
(00:36:14) Jinsyn hurries over to the stairs to see if Garosan is still around.
(00:36:35) Marqsaynt grits his teeth as sweat beads on his forehead... and he clenches his hands into fists.
(00:36:59) Mellas waits for the dust to settle before she runs over to Marqsaynt, trying to pull him away.
(00:37:08) >Marqsaynt stands up.
(00:37:23) >Marqsaynt takes a seat.
(00:38:01) Mellas places Marqsaynt by the rock, wiping the sweat off her own forehead. 'Whew... not the lightest one around.'
(00:38:15) Marqsaynt mutters in a half stupor "You're not real..."
(00:38:40) Mellas rests a hand on his forehead, whispering a healing spell.
(00:39:18) Marqsaynt's eyes burst open and he sits bolt upright with a sharp breath.
(00:39:31) Marqsaynt's eyes dart around.
(00:39:43) Mellas gasps and steps back. 'Easy,' she shushes. Easy..'
(00:40:14) Marqsaynt starts to stumble up "Where is he?"
(00:40:22) >Marqsaynt stands up.
(00:40:52) Mellas shakes her head, not knowing the answer to Marqsaynt's question. 'Garosan and Jinsyn followed him.'
(00:41:24) Marqsaynt nods his head once.
(00:41:44) Marqsaynt leans back against the railing still collecting his wits "You alright?"
(00:42:25) Mellas looks up at Marqsaynt, nodding slowly. 'A bit drowsy,' she admits. 'But not too bad.'
(00:42:45) Marqsaynt says: Good... What about what's his face? *nods towards Fismas*
(00:43:06) Mellas says: Follow them if you wish, I'll look after Fismas.
(00:43:26) Marqsaynt says: I'm not leaveing you alone.
(00:43:36) Mellas returns the nod before she turns to check up on Fismas. 'It's okay.'
(00:44:19) Marqsaynt teases "It's not that I don't think you can handle it, I just don't want your groffel tearing apart another pair of my pants."
(00:44:36) Fismas seems to still be in a deep sleep, although he occasionally lets out a scared noise.
(00:44:43) Marqsaynt draws his swords...
(00:45:08) Mellas does her best to stir the black dust on the floor as little as possible. With a chuckle on Marqsaynt's statement she places her hand on Fismas' forehead.
(00:45:25) Marqsaynt says: Besides... they -always- return to the scene of the crime.
(00:45:28) Mellas whispers a healing spell, hoping for the best.
(00:45:34) Marqsaynt says: And this time I won't be distracted.
(00:46:33) Mellas nods her agreement. 'You are right, they must care about this man as long as he has to do their chores.'
(00:47:16) Mellas glances at the corpse beside Fismas. 'When they're done however...'
(00:47:41) Marqsaynt winks "Well, it's not like I'm staying around this place for the atmosphere..."
(00:48:04) Mellas smirks, amused.
(00:48:18) Jinsyn shouts: "Where'd he go? Did you see?"
(00:48:34) Marqsaynt says: I think they lost him...
(00:48:46) Mellas follows Marqsaynt's restless movements with her eyes. 'Aye, not a good sign.'
(00:50:05) Fismas stirs, groaning, then his eyes pop open, looking terrified.
(00:50:56) Mellas lifts her hand to her mouth to cover a yawn, the drowsy feeling halted by Fismas' sudden action. 'Whoa, easy!'
(00:51:24) Mellas tries casting another healing spell, hoping to calm Fismas down.
(00:51:45) Fismas looks around, then manages to take stock of his environment, calming as the healing spell is cast.
(00:52:38) Jinsyn runs back, panting.
(00:52:47) Marqsaynt says: You find him?
(00:52:57) Jinsyn waves his free hand in greeting.
(00:53:13) Mellas nods, relieved that her spell worked before she turns to listen to Jinsyn.
(00:53:15) Jinsyn continues to pant, "He... ran... off..."
(00:53:21) Marqsaynt says: Which way?
(00:53:38) Jinsyn says: "Garosan couldn't...reach him in time... to do any damage.."
(00:53:52) Marqsaynt says: Fantastic...
(00:53:54) Jinsyn says: "Out... the stairs up..."
(00:53:54) Mellas says: Allow me, I'll search the dungeon. I know it well.
(00:54:08) Marqsaynt says: He could be anywhere by now...
(00:54:19) Jinsyn says: "He had a bow, but luckily neither of us were injured... Much, anyway.."
(00:54:23) Mellas sighs. 'Anyone tried the tower?'
(00:54:31) Marqsaynt says: Get a good look at him?
(00:54:35) Jinsyn lifts his leg to show a fresh scar on his ankle.
(00:54:48) Jinsyn says: "I did manage to injure him... an energy arrow to the shoulder.."
(00:54:59) Jinsyn says: "He left a blood trail, but I figured that I'd best come back to check..."
(00:55:05) Marqsaynt says: ...may be enough to pick him out of a crowd.
(00:55:25) Jinsyn nods.
(00:55:37) Marqsaynt says: Most likely won't be coming back here anytime soon... probably spooked him.
(00:55:40) Jinsyn furrows his brow. "He was dressed in all gray."
(00:55:58) Jinsyn says: "Cloak..mask... couldn't note any distinguishing features..."
(00:56:16) Marqsaynt says: Just a wounded shoulder and a gender... great.
(00:56:40) Jinsyn sighs. "He has command of the Dark Way as well, though how much of one, I cannot be certain."
(00:56:48) Marqsaynt says: Blasted mages...
(00:57:47) Jinsyn looks at Fismas. "No luck with the chain?"
(00:57:57) Fismas shakes his head miserably.
(00:58:28) Marqsaynt says: Could just kill him... that'd put at least a temporary end to this blasted mage's plans.
(00:58:32) Jinsyn inquires, "Have you attempted to wriggle your leg free?"
(00:58:40) Fismas pales, looking faint.
(00:58:50) Marqsaynt shrugs "Just saying..."
(00:58:54) Jinsyn says: "The chain obviously doesn't hurt y--" Jinsyn truns to Marqsaynt at his words.
(00:59:03) Jinsyn turns* and blinks.
(00:59:06) Fismas nods, "I've tried that... no luck."
(00:59:31) Marqsaynt says: By the way, who's the corpse?
(01:00:05) Fismas says: I don't know, it was like this when I was brought here.
(01:00:14) Jinsyn returns the shield to his back.
(01:00:50) Marqsaynt says: Well that's special...
(01:00:51) Jinsyn asks, "Have you considered refusing to help them? Whoever 'them' is..."
(01:01:52) Fismas nods.
(01:01:57) Jinsyn crosses his arms and then taps a chin.
(01:02:36) Marqsaynt looks at Fismas "I take it you're not exactly armed, yeah?"
(01:03:16) Jinsyn lifts his finger up in the air, before crying out one word: "Soap!"
(01:03:50) Marqsaynt gives Jinsyn and odd look, then shrugs "...alright."
(01:04:01) Jinsyn eyes the clacker from the corner of his vision.
(01:04:13) Jinsyn murmurs, "Yes...this might do..."
(01:04:19) Jinsyn pounces on the clacker!
(01:04:52) Fismas nods, "Not really."
(01:04:52) Marqsaynt spins a dagger out and holds it out to Fismas " Keep it on you... Do with it what you must."
(01:04:54) Jinsyn slices away some fat.
(01:05:12) >Marqsaynt gave Fismas a Serpent's Dagger.
(01:05:17) Fismas nods, then gulps.
(01:05:22) Jinsyn grimaces at the mess, but tries to collect a handful.
(01:05:32) Marqsaynt says: I'm going to go see what I can find...
(01:05:49) Jinsyn moves over to Fismas, holding the goopy substance, some of which drips down slowly.
(01:05:54) Jinsyn nods to Marqsaynt.
(01:05:56) Marqsaynt nods to Jinsyn "Good look with greasing him up..."
(01:05:59) Marqsaynt says: luck*
(01:06:03) Jinsyn chuckles.
(01:06:19) Jinsyn eyes Fismas questioningly. "May I...?"
(01:06:31) Fismas blinks, "Ah... go ahead... I suppose..."
(01:06:56) Jinsyn nods. "Uhm.. I do apologize in advance if this serves no other purpose than to make you more uncomfortable, good sir..."
(01:07:02) >Jinsyn Lorellyte takes a seat.
(01:07:21) Jinsyn crouches down and lets the fat fall onto the clasp.
(01:07:42) Fismas watches the claps, however, not much changes.
(01:07:52) Jinsyn wipes his hands on the floor to clear away some of the fat.
(01:08:01) Jinsyn says: "Maybe you could try, uhm... spreading it better.."
(01:08:26) Jinsyn asks "Can you fit some between your leg and the clasp?"
(01:09:52) Fismas shakes his head, "The shackle is very tight, I doubt I could get any of that under there."
(01:10:06) Jinsyn frowns.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2009, 09:03:13 pm by Shadow1490 »
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Re: [RP] Nightmare Dust
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2009, 04:39:05 pm »
[ Green: Fismas
Italics: Fismas' thoughts
Red: Unknown figure (Raelas)
Teal: Marqsaynt
light green: Merivo
Blue: Mellas
Yellow: Mogweh
Pink: Kaerli]

Fismas drifted in and out of restless sleep.
I hope they find a way to get me out of here.
The sound of footsteps awoke him. He looked up to see a figure swathed in grey, oddly enough with one arm in a sling.
"You're not the usual guard."
No answer.
"What do you want?"
No answer.
"Who are you?"
Pain blossomed in Fismas' chest the knife struck home. The figure turned and walked away.
It's burning.... fire.... poison....
"Well, well, guess I'll need to visit the tower after all.
Fismas lost consciousness.
The Xacha's fevered mind drifted, cut off from reality. Much of what happened next was a blur in his mind.
"Give a blasted dagger to an alchemist and they get themself stabbed..."
"He's burning up..."
"She's at the other end of this dungeon...looking this way."
"That blasted elf did this..."
He opened his eyes, he could see... a Nolthrir?
"Good, you're still here."

When he awoke his wound had been bandaged. His eyes managed to focus.
"Oh, hello, Mellas."
"Glad to hear you talk, Fismas. You scared me there. Can you tell us what happened?"
"I don't remember much... someone in a cloak showed up, stabbed me... and I don't remember much else. Something about a tower."
Fismas hadn't noticed Marqsaynt standing off to one side, his slight twitch of surprise sent a wave of pain across his chest.
"-A- tower, or -the- tower?"
'A tower, the tower entrance in the dungeon... Are they hiding something there?'

Marqsaynt rushed off before anymore discussion could really get started, Mellas followed soon after. A little while passed and Merivo, too left. Fismas leaned back on the stone, feeling secure.
That was about when the arrow punched into his side. As he passed out, he could hear Merivo shouting.
"Fismas!" and then "Mell! Come quick!
"I hate blasted archers..."
"I knew I shouldn't have left him."
Then complete darkness enveloped the Xacha.

A burst of pain brought him back to consciousness rather quickly. The arrow, striped black and green, lay on the floor. The barbed arrowhead covered in blood.
He felt faint, drifting on the edge of unconsciousness. Still, he could hear, although much of it was lost to his muddled brain.
"I'm gonna have to burn the wound closed before he loses too much blood."
"Burned beats dead, right?"
There was a second, burning pain in his side, he slowly fell into unconsciousness.
"I'm going to go see what I can find out about that blasted archer elf... don't go anywhere now."

A short while later an Enkidukai by the name of Mogweh showed up, he lit a fire and shared a little food and water with the hungry Xacha.
I should warn him.
"You'll be killed if you hang around!"
"By what?"
"There's an archer lurking around, no idea where he is now."
"You're Fismas? Locked with a magical key. I spoke with Merivo about this. Okay, I'll look them up. Do you need anything before I go?''

Fismas fell asleep. He awoke to familiar voices.

"Hey, Fismas it's Mogweh, remember? Can you hear me?"
The fairly large group of people had spread out around the room, keeping an eye out for the archer.
'It's Mogweh Fismas, we've got a key to try on the lock'
Despite misgivings and generally suspicions in relation to the enchanted lock, there was a click and the lock opened.

Once he was free, Fismas discovered that his weakened body was unable to walk, he was forced to lean on Mogweh and Mellas in order to go far.
They encountered no major impediments on their way out of the dungeon, a smile crept across the Xacha's face as he saw the crystal's light.
I thought I'd never see it again... I'd forgotten how beautiful it could be...
The Xacha's thoughts were interrupted.
"Move! Move! Archer!"
Fismas was roughly pulled behind the fence near the exit from the Iron Temple's dungeon.
"Get down archer!"
Marqsaynt and Jonoth closed on the archer's position while Mellas and Mogweh loosed crystal way spells at him. It didn't take long for him to be rendered unconscious and tied up.
A short interrogation revealed that the archer knew very little about the people who had kidnapped Fismas, (""We grabbed the go-between!") and Fismas, Mogweh and Mellas headed off to the healer's tent. On the way, Fismas picked up a bow that had fallen when Raelas was knocked out.

However, Raelas still had a trick or two up his sleeve.
I got careless, and look where it got me. I'm about to get tossed off a tower, some assassin I turned out to be.
Raelas' thoughts were interrupted as he landed heavily on a ledge a short way below, the wind knocked out of him. It had also knocked one of the darts he kept up his sleeves loose. He had to work hard to suppress his grin. As the diaboli got close Raelas lashed out with one arm, driving the dart into Marqsaynt's raised leg.
Right before a foot crushed his throat.
He woke up in the Death Realm.

At the Hydlaa Sanatorium Fismas collapsed onto one of the beds, sleep wasn't far behind.
Neither could sleep block out what happened next.
"Got room for one more?"
'What happened?'
"Dart, it burns..."
"Looks like he caught a dart in the leg...and there are definite signs of poison on it."
Fismas could hear the hum of crystal way magic, even asleep.
"I think... it's spreading."
Time passed.
"There is an antidote, but the one I know requires ingredients that are not readily available."
'Fismas..Fismas..We need your help'
The Xacha shifted, but continued to slumber.
Please Fismas, the poison, is there an antidote? Marqsaynt is sick'
Fismas sat up, due to the loss of his glasses, he couldn't see much, but he could make out several other figures in the tent.
"He was hit with a poisoned dart, apparently the poison causes severe bleeding."
As Fismas moved closer to Marqsaynt, he could make out rivulet's of red against the Diaboli's black skin.
"I was able to identify it, but the only antidote I know would take days to find the ingredients for."
"I can hold out, take your time." Was that... humor?
Fismas wracked his brain, trying to remember if his alchemy teacher had ever mentioned a way to deal with this. The others discussed other methods, however, the only blue way mage they were able to find flatly refused to help.

Fismas sat in a chair, cradling his head in his hands.
Some use I am. I couldn't even help one person. I should've been able to help.
He shuddered at the memory, blood had run everywhere, the bed stained red. The smell was inescapable.
Fismas idly ran a hand across the assassin's bow, wondering what he was going to do.
To be continued...
« Last Edit: November 17, 2009, 10:27:02 pm by Shadow1490 »
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Timmothy Perriwinkle

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Re: [RP] Nightmare Dust
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2009, 07:05:52 pm »
Don't do that colourful crap. Hinders reading.

[12:05am] XilliX: I <3 you that much


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Re: [RP] Nightmare Dust
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2009, 09:18:18 pm »
Fismas walked the grounds around the Iron Temple, admiring the structure. He heard familiar voices from nearby and went over to investigate.
After a short conversation with Mellas, Mogweh and Jonoth the alchemist decided to get back to work, so taking out a few components he began working. Unfortunately he was paying more attention to the conversation going on than his potion. Fismas quickly paid for his lack of attention when his potion exploded, spraying the Xacha with greenish sludge.
He felt an odd tingling sensation.
"Luferac gnihtemos si egnarts."
The statement made perfect sense to Fismas, but everyone else looked rather puzzled at first.
After a few failed attempts to converse with the sludge covered alchemist Mellas figured out how to get through to him.
'nac uoy dnatsrednu em won?'
A short nod from Fismas.
'er'uoy gnikaeps ruoy sdrow eht rehto yaw dnuora.'
Once Fismas had managed to get himself free of the foul smelling sludge he remembered that he had to meet his alchemy master soon and quickly, but politely, took his leave.
It's not like him to be late.
I smell... blood!
Fismas turned around, a cry of abject horror tore free from his lips before he fell unconscious to the ground.

And deep below Hydlaa, Fismas was being discussed.
"The lemur is dead?"
"I do hope you left them that 'clue' as I instructed."
"Yes, master."
"Then I am pleased. You are dismissed."
The lemur girl bowed and walked out, away from the altar,
and beneath his hood, the ynnwn smiled.

Someone's calling a name, mine?
"Fismas! Fismas can you hear me? It's Mogweh!"
I should wake up.
And then reality jolted back in to fill his memories.
The next few hours were a blur to him.
Master is... dead...
He wandered the streets of Hydlaa late into the night.
I have to... have to tell his family, don't I?
He paused outside his late master's home.
I've been here often... poor Siavi, she was always asking her father if he wanted any help. Kept me sane when I had a hard formula to memorize.
The Xacha took a deep breath, then walked in.
The next morning Fismas walked over to the Iron Temple.
I should... I have to arrange for the expulsion ceremony.
Optimists are just cynics waiting to happen.


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Re: [RP] Nightmare Dust
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2009, 04:23:56 am »
Good work bud.  :thumbup:

Thanks for removing that coloring by the way, it was blinding at times.


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Re: [RP] Nightmare Dust
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2009, 09:51:59 pm »
Fismas took a seat on the steps in the plaza.
It's been a long couple of days. Still... Siavi's vanished, I wonder where she is.
The crystal's light slowly changed in color, fading away as night fell.
There was that incident with that box in the temple, although that Enkidukai... whatever his name was seemed to have recovered from the poison.
The Xacha's eyes closed as he slowly drifted off to sleep.
-Far below Hydlaa-
A tall figure swathed in a blood red cloak perused a book shelf idly, though he never took a book.
"You're back."
A new figure, dressed in black, with a mask keeping the face hidden, nodded.
"Is it done."
The other figure carefully placed a box on the ground, from within came the clinking noise of glass hitting glass.
"How kind of you."
No response.
"Is the assassin dead."
The other figure shifted slightly.
"Oh, I see."
No response.
"You may go, try to avoid dying."

Meanwhile, another figure balanced on one of Hydlaa's roofs. Dressed all in black, the hood on his coat obscuring his face from view. He thought about everything he'd heard.
This has his mark all over it. I'll have to proceed carefully.

The Ynnwn lounged in a chair, carefully watching the board.
My, my, an interesting move indeed. This game becomes interesting.
A grin slowly crept across his face as he moved a piece of his own.
Still, none of them know how far I can reach.
His grin only widened as he reached across the table to move a piece the other color.
None of them!
« Last Edit: November 24, 2009, 04:35:55 pm by Shadow1490 »
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Re: [RP] Nightmare Dust
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2009, 11:38:12 am »
Melly is getting more and more confused after reading these posts.
Who is who? What on yliakum is going on here!? xD

Great plotting though, the mystery really keeps you on your toes.
Hah, it was fun that the blood-cloaked diaboli ran into Mogweh and Mellas at the sewers! *snickers*
Question, will you be uploading the actual logs of this event at the end?


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Re: [RP] Nightmare Dust
« Reply #8 on: November 23, 2009, 12:52:25 pm »
Hah, it was fun that the blood-cloaked diaboli ran into Mogweh and Mellas at the sewers! *snickers*

[Mogweh went 'native' in the sewers - I think if it hadn't been so late I could really got into Mog chewing his way into the BF temple under the influence of the dust.

Thanks to Mellas for setting him on fire, thus burning him to a crisp to *save* him from that one ;)

I'm also completely clueless as to who is pulling the strings, but while Mogs Crystal Magic holds out and Dakruu keeps spitting him back out - he's having fun and so am I - cheers]
Mogweh has left the building...


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Re: [RP] Nightmare Dust
« Reply #9 on: November 23, 2009, 07:21:50 pm »
I'm also completely clueless as to who is pulling the strings, but while Mogs Crystal Magic holds out and Dakruu keeps spitting him back out - he's having fun and so am I - cheers]
[Glad to hear you're enjoying yourself!]
Question, will you be uploading the actual logs of this event at the end?
[I hadn't intended to, but I could do that. Or just send them via PM or something.]
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Re: [RP] Nightmare Dust
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2009, 07:28:02 pm »
[Post 'em!  \\o//]


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Re: [RP] Nightmare Dust
« Reply #11 on: November 23, 2009, 10:18:37 pm »
I am the fuel that feeds the fire.  :devil:


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Re: [RP] Nightmare Dust
« Reply #12 on: November 24, 2009, 04:48:50 pm »
Act 2, Scene 1
The Ynnwn reaching across the board and picked a piece off the board.
"Ah, now, where shall I put you?"
He turned the small bit of carved wood over in his hand a few times, then smiled.
"Ah yes, of course, after all, things like you are only good for one thing."
He set the piece back on the board.

The messenger checked his bag once.
Good, it's secure, don't want this thing falling into the hands of the wrong people.
He looked around.
Now... where exactly am I?
He could see a few rocks, but the path was no where in sight.
Alright, that's the last time I use one of his shortcuts.
He let out a sigh and started in what he thought was the right direction. A few hours of walking later.
Finally! Hydlaa, I'd better get this thing delivered. Then I can hit the tavern!
A figure swathed in a blood-red cloak waited below.
After the messenger had left he turned the map over in his hands.
This is going to be most amusing.
He carefully placed the map of Hydlaa into a crate filled with vials of black dust.

[Post 'em!  \\o//]
[I guess I'll stick the logs up once I've cleaned them up a bit. Which probably means they'll be coming up a bit at a time.]
« Last Edit: November 26, 2009, 09:54:19 pm by Shadow1490 »
Optimists are just cynics waiting to happen.


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Re: [RP] Nightmare Dust
« Reply #13 on: December 04, 2009, 06:11:44 pm »
'I have good tidings. I've managed to spread as many of the poisoned pies around Hydlaa as I can - out in the open. Many of the citizens are very jumpy now.'
"How excellent, you have done well."
A short while later, the red-cloaked figure was alone,
"A pity, this grows boring, I wonder if they'll pull out any surprises? Or is this game already done?"
He walked out the door, taking note of the figure awaiting him.
"Don't you have other games to play?"
"Are you going to get in my way?"
Silence, then a nod.
"Well, I can't have that, I suppose I'll have to kill you." he smiled pleasantly, "Or make you wish you were dead."
This isn't over yet.

« Last Edit: December 08, 2009, 09:15:19 pm by Shadow1490 »
Optimists are just cynics waiting to happen.