Author Topic: [RP] If you go down to the woods today...  (Read 858 times)


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[RP] If you go down to the woods today...
« on: December 06, 2009, 05:57:09 am » might get robbed. As two unlucky individuals found out...

Our two enkidukai anti-heroes set themselves up; he in a midnight blue cloak; she in battered platemail, a battle helm and a purple linen handkerchief tied across the lower half of her wait in the bushes to either side of the road from Hydlaa to Gugrontid, just past a convenient corner.
[my menki accomplice`s name has been removed at his request.]

And it wasn`t long until a man came running along...
(17:37:43) Kaisa says: Stop right there! Your money or your life!
(17:37:47) Kaisa draws a pair of exceedingly sharp-looking daggers.
(17:37:56) Kaisa is clad in battered platemail, a battle helm and has a purple linen handkerchief over the lower half of her face.
(17:38:18) Kaisa says: [just a few coins or whatever would be nice]
(17:38:18) Menki leans towards Shywan bradishing his sword menacingly.
(17:38:24) Shywan says: I see.
(17:38:40) Kaisa says: Quickly one wants to get hurt.

(17:38:46) Menki says,'Spill your load or we spill your guts fat boy' which point the man started to make a run for it but was quickly cut off.
(17:39:32) Menki snarls,'ooh looky we got a runna'
...but he soon opened up his tria pouch
(17:39:42) >Shywan gave Kaisa 500 Tria.
(17:39:50) Kaisa accepts the coins
(17:39:54) Kaisa says: Now get outta here!
(17:40:01) Kaisa swings a kick at the man
(17:40:30) Shywan bows low I shall do that
(17:40:34) Menki says,'and forget about us, cause we will not forget'
(17:40:36) Kaisa motions to Menki, "Let`s go!"

Emboldened by their success, the two decided to try it again...though the next fish that came into their net wasn`t quite so easy...yet another man, though this one appeared to be a warrior: a long sword in one hand and a shield in the other.

(17:52:26) Kaisa says: Stop right there! Your money or your life! [Just a few Tria or anything you don`t mind losing. RP cooperation appreciated]
(17:52:28) Kaisa is clad in battered platemail, a battle helm and has a purple linen handkerchief over the lower half of her face.
(17:52:30) Kaisa draws a pair of exceedingly sharp-looking daggers.
(17:52:48) Volund smirks
(17:53:03) Kaisa says: No need to run...just lighten your tria purse a little, eh?
(17:53:07) Volund says: I'm Volund the sellsword, you pick the wrong man to highwayman
(17:53:21) Kaisa says: Why? You poor or something?
(17:53:21) Volund throws his shield over his back and draws his longsword
(17:53:35) Volund says: For seven cycles I have slaughtered targets for tria
(17:53:46) Volund says: Why do we not test who is more efficient at the job?
(17:53:53) Kaisa says: Aaaah, one of those types. Gonna make us work for our money, eh?
(17:54:06) Menki chuckles,'pretty shield. If you think you can tackle us both at once''

And so battle was joined...the warrior Volund`s two long swords against the fenki thief`s two daggers...and occasionally summoned rocks. The duel, in the close quarters of the forest road, was fierce and the menki cutthroat had little chance to get in a swing with his saber. The man and fenki exchanged several blows, both drawing blood....before one of the man`s swords slipped between the plates of the fenki`s armour and dealt her a grievous wound...
(17:55:59) Kaisa says: Run!
Sprinting for all she was worth, she headed out onto the hills beyond the forest before collapsing, panting. Hands shaking, she cast what little healing magic she knew, while keeping an eye on the edge of the forest.
(17:56:14) Menki says: where`d he go?
Her partner in crime also set about healing her, and she had a good idea that the swordsman was probably doing the same in the shelter of the forest. Minutes later he charged forth from the trees, swords held high. Sighing deeply, she staggered to her feet and raised her daggers once more...

...only to prevail.
(17:57:00) Kaisa says: Cough it up!
(17:57:18) Kaisa says: Quickly now
(17:57:21) Volund pulls out a bag of tria
(17:57:39) >Volund gave Kaisa 5000 Tria.
(17:57:53) Kaisa says: scram!
(17:57:55) Volund lays on the ground and coughs
(17:58:10) Menki nods to Volund and says,'he's got spirit this un'

And again the thieves fled, heading cross-country to take shelter in the shadow of two small fallen stalactites.
(17:59:31) Kaisa pants and examines her injuries
...setting about healing her injuries once again.
(18:00:52) Kaisa says: Thanks...that was a little *too* close for a while.
(18:01:21) Kaisa takes out the purse they got from the warrior, "Here, you take it."
(18:01:22) Menki nods and slumps as his energy is finally sapped
...only for them to be interrupted by a familiar bellow coming across the valleys...
(18:01:26) Volund shouts: I"M GONNA KILL YA
(18:01:28) >Kaisa Tuulod stands up.
(18:01:31) Volund shouts: I"M GONNA KILL YA
(18:01:36) Kaisa says: RUN!
(18:01:44) Kaisa shouts: RUN!
(18:01:45) Volund shouts: WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!
(18:02:19) Volund shouts: I'll kill you both!
(18:02:37) Volund shouts: FENKI DIE!
(18:02:39) Menki shouts: if you were you'd have done it little boy
(18:03:02) Volund shouts: Get back here fenki, I'll kill you now
(18:04:05) Volund shouts: Scum and theives!
(18:04:14) Volund shouts: I'lll wring your little necks!

...and so the swordsman Volund chased the two thieves across the wilderness to Gugrontid where they split up, the menki heading into the city itself and quickly disposing of his disguise, the fenki heading out into the maze-like valleys surrounding the city to catch her breath and tend to her hurriedly-healed wounds.
Slowly she circumnavigated the city, surmising that the vengeful warrior would be searching for her there. As she passed over the Scar of Laanx she spotted a patch of wild-growing yarrows and had an idea: she began picking them, intending to strip off her armour and pose as a herb-collector. Unfortunately a now-all-too-familiar-voice came over the hill before she had time to put her plan into action...
(18:13:41) >Kaisa Tuulod picked up a Yarrow
(18:13:58) >Kaisa Tuulod picked up a Yarrow
(18:14:01) >Kaisa Tuulod picked up a Yarrow
(18:14:14) Volund shouts: WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!
(18:14:18) Volund shouts: I"LL KILL YA!
(18:14:31) Volund shouts: I SEE YOU FENKI!
...and thus she scarpered again...
(18:14:49) Volund shouts: YOU ROB ME?!
(18:14:57) Volund shouts: SWEETHEART YOU"LL PAY

...only for them to meet once more, decisively, beyond the valley-entrance of Gugrontid.
(18:16:25) Kaisa draws a pair of exceedingly sharp-looking daggers.
(18:16:39) Volund shouts: COME ON THEN!
Once more they danced the deadly dance, blades shining in the light of the Azure Sun: warrior on the path of the sword, and thief desperate to get away with her ill-gotten gains...
...but Dakkru was on the fenki`s side again and the man was felled.
(18:17:55) Volund roars, spitting up blood
(18:17:57) Kaisa says: This mercy.

[My thanks to my accomplice for his work, to Shywan for being such a sport, and to Volund for a whole lotta fun and some nerve-jangling duels]


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Re: [RP] If you go down to the woods today...
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2009, 06:07:57 am »
Volund is a expert swordsman, a fantastic duelist and a sexy ylian. But I'm not him, so I couldn't know that for sure.  ;)

Once his arms heal, his swing will be a little stronger, and his timing on-the-ball, and Kaisa's throat will no longer be scarless.

A well-done of the moment roleplay, good job.

Morla Phlint

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Re: [RP] If you go down to the woods today...
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2009, 10:10:38 am »
Awesome roleplay! Volund made me roll on the floor laughing. So persistent! :P

since 0.3.019 Crystal Blue || Sometimes a ragequit is the right decision.


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Re: [RP] If you go down to the woods today...
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2009, 10:18:29 am »
Actually Volund wasn't going to kill Kaisa, he was going to steal a kiss after taking back his money.  :devil:


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Re: [RP] If you go down to the woods today...
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2009, 07:56:24 pm »
Strangely enough I really wish you'd robbed me...would have loved to have been a part of this, lol. ;D
Veleox Sipanes

Mr Shaydee

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Re: [RP] If you go down to the woods today...
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2009, 12:04:45 am »
Strangely enough I really wish you'd robbed me...would have loved to have been a part of this..

That can be arranged...

Mr Shaydee


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Re: [RP] If you go down to the woods today...
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2009, 07:08:54 am »
Strangely enough I really wish you'd robbed me...would have loved to have been a part of this..

That can be arranged...

Mr Shaydee

If death is an art, does that make you a blotched canvas?


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Re: [RP] If you go down to the woods today...
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2009, 07:32:40 am »
<Kaisa Tuulod picked up a Yarrow

*Feonu says: Let me give, do not go out in the f..f...forest and pose as a herb p..picker, same thing happened w...w..with me and carrots, and it didnt end to well.

-sig by sarras


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Re: [RP] If you go down to the woods today...
« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2009, 08:23:41 am »
Actually Volund wasn't going to kill Kaisa, he was going to steal a kiss after taking back his money

Now that I'd have liked to have seen  ;D
« Last Edit: December 07, 2009, 08:25:48 am by Mogweh »
Mogweh has left the building...


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Re: [RP] If you go down to the woods today...
« Reply #9 on: December 07, 2009, 10:19:48 am »
Actually Volund wasn't going to kill Kaisa, he was going to steal a kiss after taking back his money.  :devil:
I can just imagine the next time they meet...
With blades drawn, glaring at each other,
Kaisa: What is it you want? You're only the second person I've ever murdered. You wanna be number three as well?
Volund shouts: No, I demand a kiss!
Kaisa: Enough with the shouting already. Okay, I think I see the confusion: y'know, love is when someone takes your *heart*...not your *life*, and your money. That's called marriage. That comes later.
Volund shouts: I will have my kiss, or your life!
Kaisa: I have this personal rule -call me old-fashioned- but I never date anyone I've killed.
Volund bellows and charges...

As for further victims, I`m sure we`ll be up to our old tricks again sometime ;)