Author Topic: [RP] Memento Mori  (Read 278 times)


  • Hydlaa Resident
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[RP] Memento Mori
« on: December 08, 2009, 09:54:21 pm »
The assassin perched atop a roof, scanning the street below.
Soon enough, if his schedule is the same as usual.
A slight flash of red below.
He made his way across the rooftops, until the figure he was trailing stopped.
Right behind the tavern, I couldn't have chosen a better spot myself. Wait, what was that?
The assassin spun about, drawing a pair of long knives.
"How long have you been following me?"
The other figure, swathed in black and grey, did not answer.
I'm getting a bad feeling about this one.
The other figure silently drew a longsword.
The assassin studied his opponent, adjusting his grip on his weapons.
Tch, pure black mask, not a bad idea. A swordsman, what a terrible place to fight one, guess it can't be helped, though.
A smile found its way onto his face as he adjusted his feet on the narrow strip of roof. The swordsman raised his weapon.
The assassin adjusted his footing once, then charged.

A final kick sent the dead man falling to the stone street below.
Tch, not much of a swordsman. Still the other one got away, and that certainly made a good deal of noise. Time to go.

The red cloaked figure listened to the ring of steel on steel.
My, my, they really are going at it up there.
A thud, then another.
Another failure, I'll have to reconsider my approach to this.
He suppressed his anger, composing his features, then he turned and went below.

The assassin closed his eyes, bringing his memories of his opponent to mind.
Weird eyes, blank before I killed him. Where have I seen that before....
Come on, think!
Optimists are just cynics waiting to happen.