
Is the inclusion of the "Rp Covenant" and new tips on rping sufficient for you?


Author Topic: Rp Rules?  (Read 4440 times)

Xillix Queen of Fools

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Re: Rp Rules?
« Reply #45 on: December 26, 2009, 06:06:19 pm »
No, I don't.

You fought the law, and the law won.

neko kyouran

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Re: Rp Rules?
« Reply #46 on: December 26, 2009, 06:20:16 pm »


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Re: Rp Rules?
« Reply #47 on: December 26, 2009, 07:21:51 pm »
Thanks Shangsi for completely missing the point. How do you actually roleplay with that level text comprehension? The point was not, whether or not I can claim to have killed a dragon, but that I will immediately have people like bloodedIrishman, Akkaido Kivikar, you and a whole bunch of other self proclaimed "roleplayers" on my trail, which are so skilled in their chosen art of "roleplaying", that whining and complaining to game masters/the forum or lecturing the player in question, seems to be the only way you know how to deal with the situation.

Yes, I do understand, that there are genuine newbies, who are actually serious about wearing a dragon skull on their helmet, but know what,? I do not care about that at all. What I care about are "roleplayers" with a rule fetish. You know, that kind of people, who love to sleep with a AD&D source book (or an RP covenant for that matter) under their pillow, so they can lecture others like Brainy Smurf. I care about idiots, stepping up to me, because they feel the need to remind me of sheating my weapons (I don't do that, because the UI is sluggish and I don't want to remember equipping them again the moment, I hit attack on an ulbernaut). Thats the most dull, repetitive and pointless "roleplay" I am forced to do over and over again(it is especially annoying, since these idiots obviously never spend a single thought about where they want to go with their so called "roleplay"). I do especially care about idiots, feeling a need to report me to Game Masters for this and other things, they are too narrow minded to understand (unfortunately, most GMs I have had to deal with seem to be of the same breed).

That ill begotten covenant is not helping roleplay at all. It only gives squealers and know-it-alls an excuse to force their opinion on proper roleplay down every one elses throat. It actually stiffles roleplay to a point where any creativity is killed on the holy altar of settings. People are trained to think twice about everything they say, lest they offend someone. I for myself would not mind at all, if Darth Vader himself paid a visit to Hydlaa main square, if it was entertaining, because that is why I log in: to be entertained, not to watch some completely anemic, but totally conform "roleplay" about properly introducing yourself and then visiting the tavern as the only other option of doing something acceptable. I like the settings and it most certainly disturbs me, when they are violated. However, I do not complain about that like a crybaby. When someone approaches me, who has a dragon skull in his character description, I have all of these options:
* Completely ignore him
* At least ignore the dragon skull, if it is not actively brought to my attention
* Make an IC remark, that I never encountered such a creature in these lands (potentially confirm OOC, that this is indeed not a critter, living in this world).
* Simply go along with his story (if it is fun) and afterwards totally ignore, that the whole event took place in the first place. I do not consider my chatlog to be an epic work of poetry, that might only be filled with proper content and caption.

In any case, I do not need a covenant, to enforce what cannot be enforced, since it cannot be defined and only forces Game Masters to act at haphazard just to please an RP community, that is actually nothing but a liability to this game in terms of public relations. Or does anyone think the phrase "maybe this is not the right game for you", which is used ever so often by die hard "roleplayers" is actually a welcoming message? Does anybody think, that the attitude "covenant breakers can/will be dealt with" is particularly attractive? Especially, if it is peanuts, which can upset roleplayers and the tutorial leaves little doubt about that?

Xillix Queen of Fools

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Re: Rp Rules?
« Reply #48 on: December 26, 2009, 07:33:31 pm »
Irgendwer, you are welcome to play on the other server and avoid this covenant entirely. It will be filling up surely as more people try out the game. I am sure the wild-west gaming over there will be entertaining.


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Re: Rp Rules?
« Reply #49 on: December 26, 2009, 07:57:53 pm »
Irgendwer, you are welcome to play on the other server and avoid this covenant entirely. It will be filling up surely as more people try out the game. I am sure the wild-west gaming over there will be entertaining.

Actually, I do. I was forced back however, when appearantly ECPCUSA got the status of "just a test server" again. You might understand, that it is not particularly appealing to invest a lot of time into building a character, that can be trashed or become unavailable at or for any time. Sorry, Xillix, if you want us "powerlevelers" to leave Laanx, then give us the same guarantee for availability, that "roleplayer" have on Laanx for their precious, albeit boring books.

Also, while you are at it, please fix this attitude of ECPCUSA is the "other server", which is so rampant in these forums. It's belitteling and another reason not to switch, as it gives a feeling of discontinuety, which was only confirmed by your choice to prerelease v0.5 with the Laanx database there.

« Last Edit: December 26, 2009, 08:07:36 pm by Irgendwer »

Xillix Queen of Fools

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Re: Rp Rules?
« Reply #50 on: December 26, 2009, 08:10:47 pm »
We restored the DB on the other server as soon as we could.

You know I am sorry but we had need of the second server to test the new release.

I don't know what it is you want us to do, we are all volunteers working on donated gear.

The whole tone of your post isn't very friendly or understanding at all.

Ezpcusa is fully available to you now.

If you have issues as to how the release was handled, I highly encourage you to send a letter to Talad as executive decisions of that nature fall on him.


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Re: Rp Rules?
« Reply #51 on: December 26, 2009, 08:12:12 pm »
Actually, I do. I was forced back however, when appearantly ECPCUSA got the status of "just a test server" again. You might understand, that it is not particularly appealing to invest a lot of time into building a character, that can be trashed or become unavailable at or for any time. Sorry, Xillix, if you want us "powerlevelers" to leave Laanx, then give us the same guarantee for availability, that "roleplayer" have on Laanx for their precious, albeit boring books.

Also, while you are at it, please fix this attitude of ECPCUSA is the "other server", which is so rampant in these forums. It's belitteling and another reason not to switch, as it gives a feeling of discontinuety, which was only confirmed by your choice to prerelease v0.5 with the Laanx database there.
Oh, wow, watch this boy rage.  You'll be glad to know that Guild <Banker> has its old house back, the War on Pants continues, and Guild <Heroes> is pretty much dead.


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Re: Rp Rules?
« Reply #52 on: December 26, 2009, 09:34:24 pm »
I still do not understand what all the fuss is about. Role play should be fun. It seems you people are at odds over it. Maybe instead of arguing over it some kind of agreement can be found. This covenant that was made seems unpopular to many. Is it possible to revise it to make the majority happier?

Xillix Queen of Fools

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Re: Rp Rules?
« Reply #53 on: December 26, 2009, 09:35:28 pm »
The majority made the RP covenant.

The trouble is that debate isn't going into appropriate places. Here you have rpers arguing with Plers, instead of arguing in favor of their own server's situation. This is another of those endless debates with no positive outcome. If the tone doesn't change it will be locked. 

« Last Edit: December 26, 2009, 09:53:12 pm by Xillix Queen of Fools »


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Re: Rp Rules?
« Reply #54 on: December 26, 2009, 09:41:50 pm »
The majority made the covenant when? Do most of those players still play? If not should it possibly be revised as I mentioned before for a new set of players?


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Re: Rp Rules?
« Reply #55 on: December 26, 2009, 09:47:14 pm »
We restored the DB on the other server as soon as we could.

You know I am sorry but we had need of the second server to test the new release.

I don't know what it is you want us to do, we are all volunteers working on donated gear.

The whole tone of your post isn't very friendly or understanding at all.

I am well aware of that. I am also well aware, of the fact, that in this community, everyone who does not subscribe to the "roleplay is holy" doctrine is considered to be a second class citizen at best and treated as such. If you are complaining about a lack of manpower in your voluntary effort, I might suggest thinking about how many potential volunteers you already lost, because you and others told them to "play somewhere else", which they happily did. And this is exactly the reason, why my tone is not very friendly or understanding at all. In all the time, I have been here, this community has taken every effort to drive people away and the dev team has always been happy to assist. The RP covenant only being the latest of these antics.
Do you guys actually think about, where PS could be today, if the game was more welcoming? And no, it is not welcomning, to just state, that everyone is welcome, if that is immediately qualified with "as long as your roleplay", without a definition of what "roleplay" is suppose to be (such a statement alone is a serious turn off to everyone, who does software development) and a threat, that you can be dealt with, if you do not follow the non-rules.

The thing I want you (as in "dev/gm team") to do, though I have no hope of that ever happening, is to stop catering to the idiots. Plain and simple. You managed to breed yourself an utmost vocal and utterly braindead community of people, who shoot themselves in their own foot with every wet dream they get fulfilled (anyone remember that  time, where you had to mutually introduce yourself in order to not be labeled "Someone" in chat - Great roleplay feature!). With a little bit of sanity and throwing the moronic attitude of roleplaying is so holy, that it deserves no other place than the main chat over board, there would neither be a need for a covenant nor for a second server with relaxed rules (which as a statement is stupid to begin with, because the strict rules do not actually exist in any applicable way). In other words, what I expect you to do is to stop making PS a parody of "bacon of hope".

Here are some really easy ideas, that would instantly relief you of most of the quarrels:
* Scrap the covenant and rephrase the tutorial/loading screen hints. It's really basic psychology, that people are far more inclined to do something, if offered as an option instead of as a must. While at it, also clarify that [ooc bracket rule] to be a convention to be used only, when you have to step out of character and want to prevent missunderstandings. Make it perfectly clear, that Brainy Smurf behaviour will not be tollerated in the future (currently, it is encouraged).
* Make the whole world open PVP. Roleplay is about consequences, right? Can you think of a better consequence for bad roleplay, than to be beaten up for it? I run around all the time with weapons drawn and seriously, when someone steps up to me, to remind me of the law, he'd better be in a position to actually enforce it (alone or grouped with others). This also opens up a path for real roleplay.
* In order to keep people from grieving others with random PK, install a criminal system. Every player starts out with zero PK points. Whenever someone assaults someone with zero PK, s/he gets 5 points, another 5, if that aussault results in a kill and even more, if new players are attacked. Every character having PK points can be attacked without penalty and also be looted by everyone, once defeated. Only way to remove PK points is by paying heavy bribes to government chars or similar.
* Heck, man the guards occasionally and hunt PKers in the city down!
* Get RP out of main. Seriously, I mean it. The whoe idea of main being the RP chat is flawed to begin with. For once, roleplayers love to be among themselves anyway and second, one channel does not scale anyway. You cannot have two stories take place in the tavern at the same time, one including it being set on fire, while the other being about whatever you do upstairs. Instead of RP taking place in main, make use of story specific channels, everyone interested in can subscribe to. If you want it really fancy, put a glowing beacon in the air, stating "a story is going on here", which also provides the last 5 minutes of chatlogs for those who come in late. That will completely remove the need for any covenant. People can just choose their own style, instead of having own shoved down their throat.
* Give players the ability to flag themselves as either strict or casual roleplayers. That way the evil powerlevers can know ahead, who is an roleplayer and vice versa, allowing both groups to ignore each other.

Xillix Queen of Fools

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Re: Rp Rules?
« Reply #56 on: December 26, 2009, 10:06:19 pm »
The development team has made the effort to create a relaxed server so that players who did not want to rp had a place that they can do so. It is not the case that the second server is for second class citizens and the development team as a whole has not taken a side on the rp vs. pler debate.

Ezpcusa is a server dedicated to players who do not like these rules. Laanx is a role-play server. We instituted this with the hope that the two types of players would finally separate and play happily in their own world, without having to argue with each other in this manner.

I simply don't understand the anger.

As for your long list of development decisions they have all been discussed and were decided against. Coding a PK system is not something we have the resources to handle at this time. You can however continue to enjoy ezpcusa as it is.

Thanks for your continued support.


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Re: Rp Rules?
« Reply #57 on: December 26, 2009, 10:15:37 pm »
If you verbally abuse the people who consistently manage to mess up RP by going against every setting ever made, they will either sink (Leave the game) or swim (Learn to Rp right)

And don't tell me this is a bad method. I turned out Ok, didn't I?  ;)
"By all means marry; if you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher."- Socrates

Sarras Volcae

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Re: Rp Rules?
« Reply #58 on: December 26, 2009, 11:51:40 pm »
lmao irgendwer i cN barely read what u wrote, but ur like one of those crazy radio tLk show conspirators hahaha

also dont type so much i cant read it now and woulfny hace bothered with full vision. freaking use paragrapjs


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Re: Rp Rules?
« Reply #59 on: December 27, 2009, 12:09:37 am »
...my tone is not very friendly or understanding at all.
No kidding.

Make the whole world open PVP. Roleplay is about consequences, right? Can you think of a better consequence for bad roleplay, than to be beaten up for it? I run around all the time with weapons drawn and seriously, when someone steps up to me, to remind me of the law, he'd better be in a position to actually enforce it (alone or grouped with others). This also opens up a path for real roleplay.
This also opens up a path for griefing.  I've played games that were like this where the devs explicitly encouraged both role-playing and griefing through free-for-all PvP with looting, and it only really works if both sides can tolerate each other since these are obviously conflicting playing styles.  Through your comments (as well as most people's on this forum) I get the impression that people who play this game in general don't have ANY tolerance towards other people's playing styles or philosophies.  There is no way in hell this could happen in PlaneShift unless the such a shard wasn't RP-strict.

Furthermore, if everything you wanted did happen and your RP becomes ruined by someone, then you'll just come back here and rage some more.