Author Topic: Earth and Fire  (Read 1399 times)


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Earth and Fire
« on: February 01, 2010, 05:47:01 pm »
The Akkaio fenki and the Kore fenki crested the hill at the same time.  The crystal's light was at its full strength and it lit up the plateau beautifully.  The roofs of the Derghir huts glistened in the crystal's light. The Akkaio hunter's eyes could see the Derghir sitting throughout the village. Some sat motionless; some swayed to an unknown rhythm. The Akkaio fenki had been told this was where she could learn Brown Way, she had wondered when she would ever use that Derghir bell again. This was no idle decision to come here and learn Brown way this day, brown way was her last chance to find something that would protect her from the worst part of the side affects of her curse.
   Emmara's ear twisted toward the Kore fenki to listen to her breathing. Atagal panted softly next to Emmara; she knew better than to ask Atagal how she was. Atagal would only say that she was fine, and would not even admit that she was fatigued.  Emmara's thoughts drifted off the mission at hand and lighted on Atagal. Atagal had always been the strong one in the relationship, until she had dragged herself home with a grievous puncture wound to her torso.  Atagal had spent weeks recovering her strength to walk around the guildhouse and tolerate short trips around Akkaio Dsar. It had been many months for her to build her strength up for the trip from Ojaveda to the Derghir village. Both fenki's had agreed that Emmara would wait to learn Brown Way until Atagal was strong enough to be there for Emmara if something went wrong during the Brown Way training.  Emmara sighed to herself, it had with all the other ways because of her 'issue'; she shook her head slightly at the irony of her problem.  
   All ways of magic had scarred or hurt her in some way, but she was able to use them in moderation without further problems.  It was Dark Way that had the most violent and scary affect on her.  The Dark Way spells did not even have to be directed at her, the mere presence of the release of energy in the air was enough to affect Emmara. The young fenki smiled bitterly. How ironic that it would be easy to just not learn magic and avoid the problem, but the heinous reaction to dark way exposures required her to  learn magic to find the best solution.
   It had been a disappointment that the crystal shield spell she had researched and so carefully constructed with the aid of Tarmeen and Zhamoul was not as effective as they had all hoped it would be in filtering the ambient Dark Way. The shield at best slowed the effects, but still only left Emmara a small window to escape to cleaner air. She had never been the target of a Dark Way spell, but she was well aware that the shield, if she was lucky, would protect her so that the spell would only affect her as much as it would a person with normal resilience, but she secretly doubted it would even do that for her.  
   Then Calak had come to her with a theory. He had been intrigued by Emmara's problem and had offered her his homemade potion that he used to decrease the pain he felt when channeling Dark Way for spells.  The potion was helpful, but the taste was so vile that Emmara could barely stomach it. Emmara stopped using it. He shared his new theory, and Emmara became hopeful again that maybe this idea would work. She had presented the idea to her old friend and magic scholar, Qata.  He also offered his advice which seemed to bolster Calak's theory.  Emmara began to believe and agree. She had a deep understanding and respect for nature's delicate balance, perhaps that would help her to control brown way best of all.  Perhaps it would be the magic that most naturally fit her abilities and would offer more protection.
   Doubt and trepidation set into Emmara's thoughts. So what would happen this time? what scar would she earn from learning this way? Would it be worse than what she had gone through with her eyes? With her soul?
   Atagal's voice interrupted Emmara's thoughts, “Lurre, you don't have to do this.”
   Emmara steeled her resolve, “Yes, I do.”
(20:37:32) [Group] Emmara says: I don't know if the derghir are as touchy about on lookers as                   Zhamoul was.
(20:40:32) [Group] Emmara doesn't let go of ATagal's paw as she starts walking toward the hut.
(20:42:14) [Group] Emmara pulls out a small bell. She kneels in front of Azarinth
(20:42:35) [Group] Emmara puts the bell between them and taps it to start it vibrating.
(20:44:26) [Group] Atagal watches Emmara
(20:44:31) [Group] Emmara explains her desire to learn Brown way and how she thinks it will help her more than crystal way. That she thinks the use of Brown way while close to Darkway, in the magic spectrum, may actually be safer.
(20:45:23) [Group] Emmara watches Azarinth has he hums back. He pauses and looks at Atagal curiously.
(20:46:50) [Group] Emmara watches as he gestures for Atagal to sit.
(20:47:47) >Atagal Saurar takes a seat.
 Azarinth grumbles and rocks as he speaks with Emmara.
 Emmara's eyebrows raise in surprise. Azarinth nods in finality and then nods his chin at ATagal.
(20:52:12) [Group] Emmara's eyebrows raise in surprise as Azarinth speaks, "I feel heat inside you, fenki Kore."
 Atagal looks at Emmara
 Emmara shrugs to Atagal with a puzzled expression, “ I usually only feel that you are warmer if I'm next to you.”
 Emmara turns back to Azarinth, "She can control fire."
 Emmara smiles as she listens, Azarinth gives a gravelly chuckle and explains, "She uses her fire from within."
 Emmara waits patiently to see if Azarinth will say more. He turns to Emmara, "so, you think you can handle Brown Way?"
Emmara nods. Azarinth continues, "I do not teach when spectators are present."
 Atagal glares at Azarinth
 Emmara gives Atagal a sad look, "I'm sorry, Atti. I will meet you by the poison Carakasses."
 Atagal looks at Azarinth "I am not going to leave just in case if something happens."
 Emmara looks at Azarinth, but he has closed his eyes and gone back to rocking and humming in meditation. He speaks without opening his eyes, "Your glares are not going to deter decades of my style of instruction."
 Atagal makes the floor around Azarinth's home light on fire.
 Emmara grabs the ground as it starts to shake. Azarinth mutters 'impressive'. The ground continues to shake until the top layer of dirt that is on fire is sifted lower and the fresh dirt smothers the fires.
 Atagal's flames come back even bigger, the flames start to go up the walls of the house
 Emmara lets go of the ground as it stops shaking. Azarinth mutters another series of words; giant dirt hands grow from the ground and cover the house to smother the flames.
 Atagal hisses lightly and makes the dirt around the house and the inside the house become covered in flames
 Emmara looks down at the ground. Azarinth looks at Atagal, "If you continue this tantrum I will not teach Emmara Brown Way."
 Emmara looks up pleadingly at Atagal, "Atti, please..."
 Atagal says, “If any thing happens to her, your gone..”
 Atagal stands and leaves.
Atagal sits behind a rock that quickly becomes covered in flames.
Emmara looks over her shoulder and watches where ATagal goes.
Emmara turns back to Azarinth and he begins to teach her.
 Emmara says: Emmara arrives a few hours later. She lays down next to Atagal and closes her eyes.
Atagal looks at Emmara, the flames lower just a little, the rock from all the flames is letting off a lot of heat itself. "Emmara ..?"
 Emmara grunt in acknowledgement but nothing intelligible.
 Atagal stares at Emmara.
 Emmara's voice is very soft, "Atti, the carakasses smell horrible. It's making me nauseous."
Atagal stands offering a paw.
(21:28:57) >Atagal Saurar stands up.
 Atagal whispers softly "I still think I should burn his house down..
 Emmara's eyes are still closed.
 Atagal speaks to Emmara, “ Lurre... ?”
 Emmara waves her paw and covers her ears, "Don't yell."
 Atagal sighs
 Emmara shakes her head slightly and continues to whisper, "It's not his fault. He said he has seen this happen to others that are promising in the brown way. Their senses became heightened when they first start to learn how to use nature."
 Atagal looks away from Emmara "Not the reason I said that."
 Emmara says: The students have come back and told him that affects only lasted a day or so.
 Emmara senses Atagal's continued discontent,  â€śAll the instructors have made you leave. I don't know why I thought he would be any different.”
   Emmara's senses continue to be bombarded with the details of nature throughout the night. She keeps her eyes closed to block at least one of her senses, but the raucous of nature keeps her from sleeping. During the course of the night she hears the subtle sounds of the air being pushed by Carkasses wings. Somewhere underground she heard a clacker's egg hatch and the larvae crawl to the surface. She is even given the dubious honor of hearing a Carkakass pooping and the smell reaches her from its location many kilometers away. Atagal yearns to hold Emmara and comfort her, but Emmara's sense of touch is too heightened. Comforting touches are to the point of almost being painful. Atagal stays awake with her and they talk in voices that are no louder than whispers, so Emmara's ears are not overwhelmed. At one point Emmara wonders how many of those promising brown way apprentices went insane from their first lesson. She admits to herself that the sparkly fur is the prettiest scarring she has received from her issues with magic.  She is glad the heightened senses is temporary and not a side affect of her personal issue with magic. She ponders the last question that Azarinth asked her before dismissing her, “Why is Brown Way important?”  

(23:13:55) [Group] Emmara's eyes open wide. "oh my gosh!"
(23:14:38) [Group] Atagal says: What love?
(23:14:40) [Group] Emmara pushes to her feet. As she tries to walk she staggers sideways a couple steps before regaining her balance.
(23:15:33) [Group] Atagal gets to her feet too.
(23:16:26) [Group] Emmara moves quickly toward Azarinths hut
(23:16:39) [Group] Atagal says: Emmara...?
(23:17:00) [Group] Emmara calls over her shoulder, "Hurry up, I just figured out something Azarinth said."
(23:17:00) [Group] Atagal follows
(23:17:32) [Group] Emmara strikes the bell as she pulls it out of her pack. "I think I understand."
(23:18:59) [Group] Emmara says: "You said come back when I've practiced enough." Azarinth opens his eyes, "you think you've learned enough in such a short time."
(23:20:14) [Group] Emmara nods.
(23:21:30) [Group] Emmara says: I could hear and feel so much that all I wanted to do was escape the constant noise.
(23:21:51) [Group] Emmara says: I could hear, feel, and see everything.
(23:22:10) [Group] Atagal listens to every thing being said
(23:22:45) [Group] Emmara says: It was like nothing wanted to sleep, but I was wrong. Each being does sleep, but nature doesn't.
(23:23:38) [Group] Emmara says: Something is always going on. Nature is always there.
(23:24:24) [Group] Emmara says: It will always be there for me.
(23:26:55) [Group] Emmara says: "I am part of it." Azaranith nods, "that is why you and the fire bearer go well together."
(23:27:28) [Group] Atagal says: fire bearer..?
(23:28:19) [Group] Atagal says: That's a new one...
(23:31:28) [Group] Emmara and Azaranith look at Atagal. Azarinth's lips part slightly before he speaks, "the fire is not you."
(23:32:17) [Group] Atagal says: Than who?
(23:35:17) [Group] Emmara shakes her head in disbelief, "No, Atagal is my soul mate. I don't belong with anyone else." Azaranith looks at them both, "Find the fire and find peace." Azaranith closes his eyes and begins to hum, "Eenooough."
(23:36:12) [Group] Atagal looks at Emmara thoughtfully
(23:37:24) [Group] Emmara stands and she stares at the meditating Derghir. There is a mixture of confusion, sadness, and anger.
(23:37:41) [Group] Emmara backs away from the Derghir.
(23:38:00) [Group] Emmara runs
(23:38:01) [Group] Atagal says: Emmara
(23:38:42) [Group] Atagal follows.

Emmara runs several peaks and valleys away from the Derghir village until her lungs can no longer support her crying and running at the same time. She stops on a hill overlooking Camp Banished. She kneels to the ground as she tries to catch her breath. Atagal follows up the hill at a slowerpace while panting faintly.  Emmara's tears run down her cheeks as her eyes are clinched closed. She whispers sadly, "I don't want to be with another."
    Atagal says softly "You won't."
    Emmara whispers over and over, "Lurre sa. Lurre sa. Lurre sa....."
    Emmara stands up and walks to the edge of the hill.
   Atagal Saurar stands up and walks close to Emmara.
    Emmara's voice starts low and finishes in a roar, "I want YOU!"
    Atagal places a paw on Emmara's shoulder "Like he would know what we feel Emmara"
    Emmara nuzzles her cheek against Atagal's paw on her shoulder.
    Emmara looks at the ground, "Isn't a curse enough, now I'm part of a prophesy."
    Atagal says: Lurre stop please..
    Emmara stays quiet.
    Atagal puts her arms around Emmara "No matter what any one says we know we are entse.."
    Emmara turns to bury her face into Atagal's shoulder; she wraps her arms tight around Atagal.
    Atagal starts to sing in a low voice, she pauses every once in a while trying to remember words    to a song she heared once before.
    Emmara's ears twitch at Atagal's voice.
   Emmara's sobs start to slow down.
   Emmara's tense muscles relax; her breathing is lighter and more even.

[please be patient with this storyline as I know that it would appear that Atagal's talent is out of settings. Be assured that there are several experienced PSers assisting behind the scenes to bring to light the story of how and why the character came to have this ability and keep it within settings. The character because of traumas earlier in her life her mind has blocked out much of her earlier years. So hold on and I hope you enjoy the ride.]
« Last Edit: February 01, 2010, 06:33:58 pm by EStripus »
Don't godmod me and we'll get along fine.


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Re: Earth and Fire
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2010, 05:49:17 pm »
   Fire from Where?
   Emmara was elated to hear her shy guildmate declared the winner of the eating contest next to Harnquist's shop.  Both fenkis had eaten like ravenous ulbers to outdo each other during the contest.  The strange hooded fellow that was their competitor could hardly keep up with the House Cheshire enkis.  Emmara was also happy that Atagal had stayed with her during the contest.  She knew it had taken a lot of Atagal's will power to stay around the crowd that had gathered.
   Emmara spotted Elady in the crowd of onlookers. It had been awhile since she had talked with her tall friend. She dragged Jacobita with her to meet Elady. Atagal followed with a strained patience since Emmara's path took them through the thick of the crowd. By the time the small group had caught up to the long strides of Elday, they were all on the opposite side of the fountain closer to the temple of Laanx.  The reunion started off with Elady's concern for Jacobita's and Emmara's health. Elady shares her concerns that the Diaboli host of the eating contest may have been an infamous criminal in the area, and he may have had alterior twisted motives for hosting the eating contest. Jacobita becomes overwhelmed at the implication that the food may have been poisoned; the small group tries to comfort her and let her know that Dr. Lesiros will be able to help if either Emmara or her become ill.
   Elady continues to describe the crimes that the Diaboli has been involved with. Emmara becomes angry when she learns the one of the crimes included torturing people. It was good feeling to know that two people came to the innocent victims aid, one of the rescuers being from a guild that House Cheshire is on good terms with. Elady digressed on the topic when Jacobita seemed to be disturbed by such a disturbing topic.  The young Clamod started to look a little shaky. Elady offered to give her some herbs to calm her stomach. As she reached into her pouches a ring accidentally fell out and bounced on the courtyard stones.  
(19:14:39) Emmara's ears twitch at the ringing sound of the metal on the ground.
(19:14:49) Jacobita shakes her head softly ..." It'S all right ... probably the cider ... I'm not used to booze"
(19:14:55) Emmara looks at the ring, "Elady, you dropped a ring."
(19:15:15) Emmara gives ATagal a quick glance at Jacobita's words.
(19:16:02) Emmara reaches over to pick up the ring that has fallen near her. "This is beautiful ring."
(19:16:05) Elady still looking in her pack for her packet of herbs looks up at Emmara's comment. " Oh that old ring. I picked it up along the way someplace. I forget where. It probably isn't anything special."
(19:16:49) Atagal glances at the ring if she can see it
(19:16:49) Emmara tilts her head, "You've never know that strange things can be found in Yliakum."
(19:17:02) Emmara holds the ring up for ATagal to see.
(19:17:31) Jacobita glares at the ring in Emms hand with glassy eyes ..." might be magical" she mutters
(19:17:45) Elady shrugs " I have just never had the time to have the ring checked out."
(19:18:16) Emmara nods, "perhaps. Elady, I'm not very powerful with Azure way, but I do know a detection spell. Would you like me to try it?"
(19:19:02) Elady looks at Jacobita " How can you tell that?" Looking to Emmara " If you have the ability to test it feel free to do so."
(19:19:38) Jacobita rubs her eyes "thought I'd feel something ..."
(19:19:45) Atagal sits near Emmara
((19:20:28) Emmara laughs softly, "Elady you are giving me a neck cramp, would you like to join us with jacobita?"
(19:21:15) Elady looks flustered " OK yes sorry ."
(19:21:28) Elady steps up and sits with the rest of the group.
(19:21:33) Jacobita blinks at Emmara a bit confused
(19:22:01) Emmara smiles, "ok, the stone isn't the most comfortable but at least jacobita doesn't feel alone down here."
(19:22:20) Emmara lays the ring in the center of the group.
(19:23:15) Emmara thinks for a minute and then whispers some words of magic.
(19:23:27) Jacobita smiles at Emmara "sorry for the inconvenience"
(19:23:36) >Emmara Stripus picked up a ring
(19:24:26) Emmara emits a soft blue glow from her paw which suddenly breaks into wild sparkles.
(19:24:35) Emmara opens her eyes suddenly, "ow."
(19:24:46) Atagal says: Lurre?
(19:25:22) Elady eyes grow wide at the wild sparkles.
(19:25:47) Jacobita looks concerned at Emmara
(19:25:56) Emmara stammers, "I'm sorry, I lost control of the spell."
(19:26:26) Jacobita says: can I help you with that spell? - I know the basics of azure way"
Atagal's torso glows a soft blue from under her plate armor.
(19:26:43) >Emmara Stripus dropped a ring.
(19:27:41) Jacobita rubs her eyes, thinking that seeing the blue glow at Atagal comes from the boozes influence
(19:27:49) >Elady Wanz picked up a ring
(19:28:00) Emmara looks disappointed at Elady, "I'm sorry."
(19:28:33) Emmara is looking away from ATagal and does not seem to notice anything.
(19:28:47) Atagal would not notice anyways...
(19:29:12) Elady doesn't seem to hear Emmara staring at the blue glow from Atagal's torso.
(19:29:22) Atagal places a paw on Emmara's shoulder "Are you ok though lurre?"
(19:29:46) Emmara tilts her head at Elady, "I know my spell failure didn't hurt the ring."
(19:30:13) Emmara turns to ATagal and her eyes widen. Emmara's mouth works as she tries find the words. "aaaa"
(19:30:41) Atagal titles her head "Ok..?"
(19:31:00) Emmara nods slowly as her brain seems to spin.
(19:31:14) Jacobita blinks her eyes, still staring at Atagal
(19:31:26) Emmara glances at Jacobita and Elady to see what they are doing.
(19:31:32) Elady looks to Atagal " Are you wearing some kind of magical armor?"
(19:31:47) Atagal shakes her head
(19:32:13) Emmara nods, "Ok, I'm not just seeing this"
(19:32:25) Jacobita mutter barely understandable "shouldn't drink..."
(19:32:41) Emmara looks back at ATagal, "Lurre, look down at yourself."
(19:32:49) Atagal looks down
(19:32:50) Elady looks confused " Then why are you glowing Atagal?"
(19:33:00) Jacobita adds "--- you're glowing"
(19:34:26) Atagal unstraps her armor and pulls the top piece off.

(19:45:14) Jacobita tries to grab at Atagals chest (while she unstraps the armor)
(19:45:55) Emmara helps ATagal remove her plate chest piece.
(19:46:06) >Emmara Stripus stands up.
(19:46:44) Emmara lays them aside and step back to look at ATagal. "It's not the shirt underneath either."
(19:47:04) >Emmara Stripus takes a seat.
(19:47:08) Jacobita carefully observes where the glow may come from and pauses her hand in midair
(19:47:32) Emmara looks at Elady, "Have you ever seen anything like this. It is almost like it is under her fur."
(19:47:49) Elady says: I don't know much about magic I admit but why would a person glow when a detection spell is done?
(19:48:11) Jacobita approaches atagal even further with the curious look of a scientist
(19:48:43) Emmara eyes widen, "Azarinth."
(19:48:54) Atagal looks at Emmara
(19:49:06) Jacobita's ears flip in Emmaras direction
19:49:31) Emmara looks at her company, "Azarinth detected something unique about Atagal, but he was cryptic."
(19:50:13) Elady looks at Emmara and nods " Yes he can be hard to understand at times."
(19:50:20) Atagal waits to see if Emmara says more
(19:50:46) Emmara nods, "I don't know if my bell of Derghir is flawed or his language doesn't translate fully."
(19:50:49) Jacobita still waves her head from one side to the other examining Atagal "who is Azarinth?"
(19:51:51) Jacobita abruptly turns to Emmara "I just got such a translation bell, too ... but I had not yet the chance to try it "
(19:52:13) Emmara looks at Jacobita, "The Derghir that trains me for brown way."
(19:54:08) Atagal looks up at Emmara again "So... What are you thinking lurre..?"
(19:54:14) Emmara looks at Jacobita, "He trains brown way users. He is the the derghir."
(19:54:46) Emmara looks clueless, "Elady, do you have any ideas of who we can go to for answers?"
(19:55:11) Jacobita nods at Emmara "I could not yet speak to him in a way i could have understood his name"
(19:55:45) Elady's brows knit in thought " I know a couple of people well versed in magic but I haven't seen them recently and I don't know where to look for them."
(19:56:24) Emmara looks at ATagal with her brows raised and eyes wide, "I have no thoughts."
(19:56:59) Elady says: There is that Blue way master over by the library but I don't know him well.
(19:57:00) Emmara looks at the ground, "Please, Elady will you share their names?"
(19:57:03) Atagal looks at herself, she looks back at Emmara "Do you remember how he worded what he had said..?"
(19:57:29) Jacobita smiles at Emmara "but it's beautyful, don't you think?"
(19:57:33) Emmara nods to Elady.
(19:58:03) Emmara shakes her head at Jacobita, "More like disconcerting."
((19:58:11) Elady says: Qata is the person I know the best who knows much about all the ways but I haven't seen him in a while.
(19:58:14) Emmara thnks about Atagal's question.
(19:58:39) Jacobita sighs and shrugs
(19:58:46) Emmara answers Elady offhandedly, "I should have thought of that, I just say him recently near Oja."
(19:59:50) Emmara speaks slowly trying to remember Azarinth's words. "You and the fire bearer make an interesting pair. Then he looked at ATagal and said: You are not the fire."
(20:00:19) Elady gives Emmara a puzzled look.
(20:00:34) Jacobita looks confused at Emmara "was there someone else with you at that time?"
(20:00:48) Emmara shakes her head to jacobita, "Just us."
(20:01:20) Jacobita leans over to Emmara and whispers something in her ear
(20:01:36) Elady looks to Atagal, "Why would he call you the fire bearer?"
(20:01:58) Emmara's ear twitches as she listens to jacobita.
(20:02:13) [Tell] Jacobita tells you: "might it be another soul residing in her ... I'm thinking of her majestys case"
(20:02:24) Emmara looks from Elady to ATagal. "It is up to you if you wish to share what you can do."
(20:02:52) Emmara's eyes open wide at Jacobita's suggestion, "I hope not."
(20:03:46) Jacobita nods "still its confusing..."
(20:07:07) Atagal looks back to Elady, flames form in the middle of all of them, quickly growing bigger.
(20:07:38) Jacobita jumps back
(20:07:57) Elady jumps back as well
(20:08:35) Emmara doesn't seem bothered by the flames and doesn't flinch.
(20:09:02) Emmara invites them back, "it's safe. They aren't hot."
(20:09:03) Atagal's flames grow even more, they seem to change color to a blue-ish

(20:09:12) Jacobita looks confused reaching out a paw into the flames
(20:09:13) Elady says: I have never seen such a thing. I didn't notice Atagal using a glyph!
(20:09:34) Emmara smiles slightly, "She doesn't need it for fire."
(20:10:08) Elady moved back a little closer seeig as it isn't hot.
(20:10:09) Emmara passes her paw slowly through the flame, "See it's cold."
(20:11:02) Elady looks confused " Everything I know about magic says one needs a Glyph before being able to cast a spell.
(20:11:04) Jacobita starts to play with the flames
(20:11:25) Emmara nods, "that is what we all know."
(20:11:56) Atagal grins lightly and the flames move, covering Jacobita
(20:13:22) Emmara looks at Elady, "She couldn't always do first happened during a very stressful emotional time."
(20:13:47) Emmara looks quickly at ATagal to see ATagal's reaction of her statement.
(20:13:55) Elady says: This seems quite the interesting mystery.
(20:14:13) Atagal glances at Emmara than back to Jacobita
(20:14:36) Jacobita giggles and enjoys playing ... almost ignoring the others
(20:15:19) Elady looks to Emmara " Has she ever hurt anyone accidently with this ability?"
(20:15:42) Emmara looks down.
(20:15:51) Emmara's ears droop
(20:16:18) Atagal glances at Elady, "Yes.."
(20:16:41) Jacobita looks at Atagal and her ears drop
(20:17:01) Emmara looks back up.
(20:17:23) Emmara adds quickly, "but it was a long time ago."
(20:17:28) Atagal says: While I was having a bad dream and another time during the stress.."
(20:17:39) Elady looks sad. looking to Atagal " Emmara said this ability developed during a stressful situation . Could you tell me about it?"
(20:18:01) Jacobita blinks a bit concerned at Atagal and pads after some flames
(20:18:40) Emmara smiles sadly at Jacobita, "It's ok, Jacobita, she doesn't lose control anymore."
(20:19:19) Atagal says: Well... At the time pretty much felt that every one I ever cared about were all against me."
(20:19:51) Jacobita grins at Emmara and nods ... she seemingly tries to follow the conversation but gets easily distracted by the flames
(20:20:06) Atagal's flames slowly leaves
(20:21:18) Atagal adds sofrtly "I went crazy in a reaction and killed two of them."
(20:21:53) Jacobita keeps silent for some time and seems to be deep in thought
(20:22:05) Elady looks shocked for a moment before recovering a look of calm and concern.
(20:22:06) Emmara listens quietly and goes back to looking at the stones. Her tail lays still behind her.
(20:24:33) Emmara's ears twitches during the silence.
(20:25:12) Elady says: Had you studies much in the red way before you developed this ability Atagal?
(20:26:10) Atagal says: I have skill in all three ways... how much in what very's...
(20:26:11) Jacobita whispers to herself "what if not only stones and such can be glyphs ... Talad entrust this force upon other things such as souls and we never noticed ..." seems still deep in thought
(20:26:22) Atagal says: Before I found this out..
(20:27:37) Elady looks to Jacobita " What was that you said?"
(20:28:11) Jacobita looks up at Elady "hm? ... oh" blushes "sorry, was I thinking aloud?"
(20:28:12) Emmara raises her eyes slightly to look at Jacobita.
(20:29:31) Emmara glances over at ATagal as her eyes detect the flow fading.
(20:30:10) Elady smiles at Jacobita with encouragement " I think any ideas should be explored to help solve this mystera so please share your thoughts."
(20:31:21) Emmara reaches over lightly rubs ATagal's shoulder, "Are you ok?"
(20:31:32) Atagal nods
(20:31:52) Jacobita gets a bit uneasy and looks down at the floor "well --- I'm just a beginner in crystal way ... but ... well.. I just thought about the nature of glyphs and wondered if that power could also be bound at souls"
(20:31:58) Atagal leans over and whispers in Emmara's ear and giggles
(20:32:16) [Tell] Atagal's whisper "You know your going to have to work off allthat food from the event right..?"
(20:32:29) Emmara seems a little surprised at Atagal's light-heartedness.
(20:32:45) Atagal grins some "Lurre sa."
(20:32:55) Emmara smirks and waves Atagal's comment off.
(20:33:06) Emmara says: Lurre sa, also.
(20:33:26) Jacobita seems not to notice Emmara and Atagal - she seems more concerned of having said something wrong
(20:33:45) Elady ponders Jacobita's statement. " But how would a glyph be bound to a soul. Unless that soul was touched by Talad who is said to have created all the glyphs?"
(20:33:59) Emmara tilts her head at Jacobita's suggestion, "But who's soul would be bound to Atagal's?"
(20:35:02) Jacobita says: It might even be Atagals soul that was touched by talad ... *shakes her head "sorry I'm just guessing wildly"
(20:35:06) Emmara says: oh, umm, you mean ATagal's soul is bound to a glyph?

(20:36:39) Jacobita shrugs "I think I do not understand the nature of glyphs well enough to follow that thought ... sorry ... I'm no help at all"

(20:37:25) Emmara looks encouragingly at Jacobita, "Your idea is as good as any of ours; I mean it 's not even natural that ATagal glows."
(20:37:53) Elady gives Jacobita a reassuring smile. " We are all trying to find an answer sister so any ideas are welcome.
(20:38:41) Jacobita nods
(20:40:47) Elady says: It is said that Talad is responsible for the creation of the Glyhps so that we could produce magic. But how much do we really know about the nature of glyphs?
(20:42:32) Jacobita says: do you know an expert on the matter of glyps ?
(20:42:35) Emmara says: They appear spontaneously in nature.
(20:43:15) Emmara says: but not sure how or why they occur.
(20:45:35) Emmara rests her head in her paws, "Now we have more questions."
(20:45:55) Elady says: Who realy knows only a few people really truely understand the nature of magic I feel.
(20:45:58) Jacobita says: The only place to ask that comes to my mind is the magic shop ..." *sighs*
(20:46:33) Emmara looks up at the fenki standing in the middle of their group, "Yes?"
(20:47:23) Elady looks to Jacobita and nods. " Yes I have gone to the magic shop to have some juggling balls infused with magic."
(20:48:13) Emmara shakes her head violently, "Not Levrus!"
(20:48:50) Emmara clenches her teeth, "He is the one that messed up my eyes."
(20:49:07) Jacobita says: i recieved the most basic training in magic there, but I think that a high priest of Talad and Expert on magic will be needed "
(20:50:27) Elady says: Then the most expert magic user I know is Qata and the most experienced person I know with reguards to Talad is my friend Lilura. leader of the Brotherhood of Talad.
(20:50:31) Jacobita looks at Emmara with curiosity "I thought it was natural "
(20:50:52) Emmara says: This is as close as Leuth could get to fixing my eyes.
(20:51:26) Emmara says: My eyes looked like facted gems before this. They were naturally bright blue.
(20:51:45) Emmara hisses, "No, not Levrus....hack."
(20:52:07) Emmara says: The only t hing he ever did successfully was making our armbands that ATagal and I wear.
(20:52:20) Jacobita looks dazzled

(20:53:07) Elady says: Well if a hack magic user like Lev can infuse magic into some balls who knows what a real master could do.

(20:58:56) Elady says: But the question is why someone would do somethign like this to a person. If that is what happened?
(20:59:32) Jacobita turns to Elady "but what if this is a natural gift?"
(20:59:39) Emmara scowls and looks at ATagal, "Why can't we be normal fenkis?"
(21:00:17) Elady looks to Jacobita " It seems we have several possibly avenues to explore before we can find an answer.
(21:00:29) Atagal nuzzles Emmara's cheek softly.
(21:01:13) Emmara takes amoment to accept Atagal's comfort.
(21:02:30) Elady looks over to Emmara and Atagal and smiles watching them .
(21:02:33) Jacobita smiles encouragingly at Emmara and Atagal "cheer up! at least you are not such a boring little thing like I am "
(21:03:06) Elady tries to stifle a laugh at Jacobita's comment.
(21:03:37) Emmara smiles a little and looks at Jacobita, "Be careful what you wish for little one. I thought I was normal at one point in my life."
(21:03:38) Elady says: I don't think any of us in this world are boring sister.
(21:04:02) Atagal giggles lightly "Till you met me Emmara.."
(21:04:31) Emmara smiles at ATagal, "And you have been the only pleasant surprise of things that are not normal with me."
(21:05:11) Jacobita lifts a paw to her chin (thinking position) "however ... if it's all right with you , Atagal we should try to seek help from the brotherhood of talad and ..." *thinks for the name " Qu... eh ... the one you mentioned, Elady"
(21:05:13) Emmara sighs, "We have a lot to do, it seems and a long road ahead to solve this mystery."
(21:05:29) Emmara says: Qata
(21:05:41) Jacobita says: Qata ... right!
(21:05:53) Atagal sighs grimly
(21:06:52) Jacobita nods at atagal "only if it is all right with you, of corse"
(21:07:00) Emmara says: Elady, Qata I know and am also friends with. Will you be willing to use your social connections at the stonehead to find the best red mage you can?"
(21:07:04) Elady says: Qata isn't form the Brotherhood of Talad that is Lilura but he is a great mage.
(21:08:00) Elady says: I'm afriad Qata is the best red way mage I know but I can try to find a better one.
(21:08:09) Jacobita smiles at Elady "I meant we should seek help from both at the same time ... perhaps it might also help if they could work together and share thoughts"
(21:08:43) Emmara nods, "Thank you, Elady. I figure you have the best social network to confirm if there is one out there."
(21:09:09) Elady says: I will certainly do all I can to help you.
(21:09:59) Shoraal notices a couple familiar faces among there... thre fenki seen so far... and smiles...
(21:11:44) Jacobita says: [I'll go to bed very soon .... tired***]
(21:12:36) Emmara looks around, "This has been an interesting day. I just wanted to win the eating contest."
(21:13:25) Emmara looks up at the fading crystal light, "I'm sorry to have kept you so long, Elady."
(21:13:29) Jacobita smiles at Emmara "seems that searching for ores made me hungry"
(21:13:51) Emmara laughs softly at Jacobita, "I bet you sleep well tongiht also"
(21:14:22) Elady smiles at Emmara " No worris my friend. You have brought an interesting puzzle into my otherwise boaring day."
(21:14:24) Jacobita stretches and smiles "i hope so"
(21:15:37) Emmara smiles and winks, "No day is ever boring."
(21:16:04) Emmara stands up and offers her paw to ATagal.
(21:16:07) >Emmara Stripus stands up.
(21:16:34) Emmara says: Thank you for your time now and in the future, Elady. Atagal and I should get going.
(21:16:37) Jacobita also stands up "say Emmara ... shall I give you the ores I collected?"
(21:16:41) Elady stands up and works the kinks out of her legs.
(21:16:48) >Jacobita Bombay stands up.

The group goes their way, all disappointed that no answers could be found during their brainstorming. Emmara was slightly comforted that their friend would do her best to find someone to help.  

« Last Edit: February 01, 2010, 06:38:18 pm by EStripus »
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Re: Earth and Fire
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2010, 11:02:30 pm »
Nice RP.

Ironic that the Kore fenki is associated with fire, Irin, or flame, Irka.


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Re: Earth and Fire
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2010, 11:18:47 pm »
Coincidence only, the character and her unique 'talent' were created a long time ago before the Kore Irka clan ever existed, if that is what you are getting at. Atagal was created by the player 2 years ago and had the talent well before I started playing 13 months ago.  ;). We have just recently decided as players to create a scenario to have the character's investigate the origins of her 'talent'.

I do appreciate the compliment. I have a lot of fun RPing Emmara and have spent a ridiculous amount of time RPing her and watching her mature and change based on those RPs. Atagal RL loves to RP, and Atagal IC has gone through many more changes because of prior RPs, so it has been fun to watch these two fenkis evolve.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2010, 09:48:09 am by EStripus »
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Re: Earth and Fire
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2010, 07:00:14 pm »

Emmara wandered the wilds of Oja in thought. So much was happening so fast since Lord Barike had left to search for his brother, Myysst.  She looked down at the lush green grass under her feet as she strolled along. The fresh air wasn't really helping, but being away from the guildhouse where no one could find her was helping. Even Atagal realized that her lover needed some space and time alone. Emmara looked up and her eyes wandered aimlessly across the area, the lack of voices was deafening but strangely comforting. No reports of attacks or deaths. No one being condescending about her efforts to lead House Cheshire.

A vague sensation of her muscles relaxing under her fur amazed her. How long had they been tight? Her ears twitched and rotated toward the distant sounds of the gobbles fishing in the river. She considered kicking off her boots and walking in bare paws. It had been so long since she had done that; it would be wonderful. She halted as she reached the far side of the river. The spire tunnel towered over her. A debate rose in her mind whether to sit near the river or to visit Azarinth for another lesson.

The thought of a magic lesson drew her mind onto a tangent. An impromptu consultation with Qata when they had met in the arena. She pondered what she and Atagal had learned from Qata. It wasn't much, but they were more pieces to the puzzle of her unique talent.  He felt that she somehow had a direct link to the powers of redway which is why she did not need a glyph to cast, but also why items that should buff a magic users use of red way were useless for her.  What baffled him the most was: If she somehow had a direct link to redway powers then why could she only use fire. She should also be able to throw meteors at will and control lightning. They were all stumped by this fact.

The distant sound of hooves clattering on the floor of the spire tunnel reach her ears. Sounds like someone is in a hurry. Out of curiosity she watches the entrance, the rivnak explodes out of the tunnel and the hoof beats become low and muted as they hit the turf. Her enkian eyes squint to try and see the rider. Emmara's eyes grow wide as she catches a faint wisp of scent on the wind. There is not enough time to summon her drifter before the rivnak bears down on her. It does not matter that the outfit has changed since the fountain. The full set of armor is exquisite and well polished. The white silk cape hangs from his shoulders. The hood is placed neatly over the featureless seemingly metallic mask that hides his face. Her ears lay back slightly as she hears the harsh sound of his screeching breath echo off the inside of the metallic  mask. She hides her fear behind a poker face of calm as the red eyes reaffirm her sense of smell: Jacula

The fierce red eyes of the Ynnwn lock with the unwavering gaze of the fenki's amethyst eyes. His rivnak circles Emmara with a measured gait, as if the rivnak fears to make a mistake under its master's commanding grip on the reins. Her paws slide to the hilt of her daggers as she turns in the center of the circle, never letting the rivnak get behind her. After a few turns, Jacula almost imperceptibly pulls on the reigns and the rivnak halts immediately. Jacula slides out of the saddle in a skillfull manner, landing on the ground below with a heavy thud. Emmara shifts her weight from hind paw to hind paw to keep her weight light and mobile. Jacula draws a sword from on of the hilts in his belt. The serrated blade glistens as he points it at Emmara, his other hand wandering to a pouch strapped onto the back of his belt 'Surrender your weapons. There is no need to make this harder than it has to be'

Emmara draws one dagger and slides her other paw into her glyph sack. She whispers a word and a soft white glow surrounds her. Jacula lowers his sword to the ground as he appeals to her, as if to gain her trust 'I only want a few questions answered' he says as he attempts to lower his voice into a soft tone.
Emmara takes a defensive stance but holds her ground. "Last time we met you weren't interested in talking. And the last time I knew of your activities, you killed a dear friend and guildmate."

Jacula transends into a violent demeanor “Do you really think you posses the skill to stop me fenki? I'll crush you like an insect. Put down your weapons.. And I promise that I will be..” a few screeching breaths escape his lips as he adds spitefully “...gentle..”

Emmara whispers another word and stones rise from the ground and form to her slight athletic build. The stones turn pale in the soft white glow. "You have tormented my guildmates and yet I'm supposed to trust you and put away my weapons."

Jacula takes a step closer as he squeezes the glyph behind his back, his swords dragged over the ground “I don't ask you to trust me.. I simply ask you to obey” he snarls, the violent energy in his eyes growing brighter
Emmara steps back, "Drop your weapon and I will sheath mine."
Jacula tilts his head given her claim, dropping his serrated blade onto the ground. The glyph remaining hidden between his thumb and the palm of his hand

Emmara keeps out of arms reach of the tall Ynnwn. She slides her dagger into its sheath, but her paw remains on it.
Jacula looks up into the crystal, his armor glistening in the azure sun “I need a few questions answered. That is all I ask.”
Emmara shrugs nonchalantly to hide her anxiety, "I'll answer if it suits me."
Jacula retorts violently “Unless you want to end up like the those who have played games with me. I suggest you answer every single one.' he snorts before adding 'Atagals abilities.. How did she aquire them?”
Emmara rocks her head back slightly and laughs at the sky. A thought barrels into her mind: Laanx! He really is insane as the rumors. She returns her full gaze to Jacula, "WHY would you think I would tell you that?" Her rock armor expires and the rocks melt off her and slide to the ground. They solidify into erratic patterns.
Jacula lets his disfigured lips part in a smile under his mask, as if having expected her answer. He raises the hidden glyph towards her as he exclaims “Darkness!' a black smog soon begins to seep through the air, seemignly smothering the light around them.
Emmara walks backwards away from the creeping darkness. She keeps her feet and only squints slightly as the shield filters the dark way energy released from casting the spell. Emmara clenches her jaw, whispers for the return of her rock armor, and then steps to the left of the dark smog.
Jacula grabs the pommel of his sword given the distraction, his glyph remaining raised as he begins to walk towards her “Atagals abilities.. Tell me.” he snarls.
Emmara circles jacula's darkness. The stones trail her at a slower pace, searching for their caller.
Emmara reverses her step to move toward the stones so they meld to her her. "Why the mask Jacula? I hear rumors you were burned. Was she too hot for you to handle in the dungeon."
Jacula lets another wave of darkness slither through the air towards Emmara, he follows her steps as another snarl escapes his lips “Save yourself the pain.. Tell me!” he commands
Emmara's white glow fades. "If the rumors are true about you being burned, why would you want to dance with fire anyways?"
Jacula suddenly paces up to Emmara, directing a vicious slash towards her ribcage without answering her question. Emmara slides to her left and back but the blade catches her armor and makes a clean slice on the leather. She draws her dagger that her paw has been resting on. Her other paw blindly traces the slice and feels no blood. He sneers as the serrated blade slashes through the leather, missing it's original target. He follows her obsessively, attacking again in form of a stab directed to her stomach
The fenki's face becomes serious and she whispers again as she steps to the right of the stab. Her right paw gives a backhand slash toward Jacula's shoulder. Emmara's soft white glow returns.
Jacula roars as the tip of the dagger digs into the lightly armored part on the back of his shoulder. He swings the back of his fist against her jaw as he turns towards her, trying to dig his sword into her stomach.

Emmara staggers sideways as the mailed fist catches her jaw; she twists her body as she staggers and watches as the blade misses her by inches. Slight disorientation from the blow forces her to stagger backwards to regain her footing and earn some distance. Emmara feels blood run down the side of her jaw from where the fist connected.
The adrenaline fuels his relentless attack.  The serrated blade whistles through the air in a wide slash directed at her waist. Jacula feels a powerful ache where her dagger connected, blood rushing down the side of his plated armor.
Emmara shifts her weight back and steps to the right. She follows into Jacula behind his arc and jabs toward his ribs. Jacula has difficulty keeping up with Emmara's speed given her light weight, her dagger connects. Yet the blade does nothing but scrape his heavily plated armor. He aims a punch at her temple in a hook like motion, his eyes widening in fury.
Emmara grunts and staggers sideways as the mailed fist connects; for a split second her vision explodes in white light. She is slower but moves away to gain distance again and her vision returns though blurry at the edges. He narrows his eyes as he throws the serrated blade after her, hoping that she will have slowed down enough to be unable to avoid its arc as it slashes through the air. Emmara's eyes widen and she ducks to the side of the slow large missile. She gives Jacula an incredulous look that he would have thrown away his weapon.

The adversaries circle each other, each trying to regroup from the distraction of their injuries. Jacula trails his gauntled fingers over the wound in the back of his shoulder, smearing them with blood. Emmara blinks and tries to refocus her eyes quickly to not miss his next move.

Jacula extends his arms in a mocking gesture at Emmara. He begins to pace towards her again, wanting to be as relentless as possible. With the intention of tiring her out. Emmara is slow to respond but backs up before he gets within reach. Jacula continues to pace after her, not wanting to give her a moments rest. The rock armor slides off her and returns to the ground. The fenki slides her paw in her glyph sack, and mumbles a word to low to be heard. She backs up, hesitates, then whispers. Jacula aims a powerful punch against Emmara's stomach, wanting to take away her breathing. Her boots slip on a cast off rock causing her balance to shift erratically; she stumbles slightly. The armored fist connects with the leather armor on her shoulder; There is a muted crack in her shoulder but her adrenaline charged body blocks out the sensation. He dives at her, trying to use his superior weight to pin her to the ground. As she grabs his arm, an electrical current rushs though his body, causing his muscles to constrict. Emmara slides out from under Jacula with a hiss as she feels him lose control of his muscles temporarily. Her left arm does not carry as much weight as her right arm as she scrambles backwards on the ground.

Jacula tries to take hold of Emmara's ankle and drag her towards him while both remain on the ground. Emmara pants heavily. Frantically, she bends her knee quickly to avoid the steel encased hand. She gasps out a word: Spire. Jacula gets onto his knees and leaps towards her as the flames spiral up around her vulnerable figure. Jacula is scalded as he passes into the fire spire, the flames flickering over his body. Horrified at his mindless persistence, she tries to roll to the side but her injured left shoulder causes her arm to drag. She clenches her teeth against a scream as Jacula's lands on it.
Jacula struggles to assert himself on top of her, to prevent her from being able to move. Emmara's lithe build writhes under him. Her flexibility allows her legs to coil like springs between her chest and his. With all her strength she kicks with both paws to push him away. The plated Ynnwn leans forward. His superior weight causing her legs to painfully buckle, as he ends up on top of her. Without mercy his fists reign down punches directed at her face.

Instinctively she tries to raise her arms to block the blows, but are knocked away. Her eyes glaze over for a second as the repetitive blunt force makes it hard to think through the pain. She raises her paws toward Jacula and barely audibly whispers:  Missile Shower. He is suddenly hit in the back by two magic missiles, numerous others slamming into the ground around them, stirring up both dust and pebbles. He is sent slamming into her with his whole weight given the hit, the back of his armor heavily dented.
Dizzy and desperate, she struggles to slide out from under the stunned attacker. She drives the dagger between his shoulder pieces to keep him distracted. The mailed fist around her throat seems to have a mind of its own as it tightens to hold its prey. The blood pounds in her ears as more adrenaline pours into her system. Her paw twists the dagger that still lays between the armor plates.

Jacula roars in agony as the dagger is twisted, his fingers begin to close around her throat in a vice grip, trying to crush her windpipe with a firm squeeze as she slides out from under him. A muffled cry of pain escapes between clenched teeth as she commands her left arm to pull her. Her right paw extends its claws and sinks the claws in between the chinks of Jacula's armored glove in an effort to make him release. The breaths are becoming ragged in her throat, but her muscles fight harder than ever to survive. Jacula gets to his knees with great effort, he pushes down on his grip around her throat with his whole body. His violent shimmer in his eyes growing worse as her claws tries to seek their way through the armor. Two of them digging into his skin. Emmara whispers with her last breath, "Electrotouch." As her claws remain imbedded in his armor. She goes limp under his grip.

His muscles constricts and his muscles are locked in place, including his grip on her windpipe. The lock soon transcends into violent twitches, he tries to keep his grip. Trying to crush the remainder of her throat before rendered limp. A relief washes over her mind as she feels the pressure release, the gamble had worked. Without opening her eyes Emmara pulls and scrambles her way across the ground away from Jacula. Upon hearing that dreaded word, she looks over her shoulder in terror as the Dark way is released. She grabs her ring and calls to her drifter. Jacula rises to his feet, his eyes darkening as he tries to lift his arm. His body still twitching as he exclaims, having reached for another glyph 'Death!' black energy begins to seek its way towards Emmara.  An unbidden, uncontainable, and agony filled cry echoes across the river as she is briefly connected to the death realm. She forces herself to her feet. With an awkward stumbling, limping gait she rushes toward the drifter coming toward her. The ambient energy ravages her soul long after the contact with death realm is gone.

Emmara drags herself across the back of the drifter and becomes motionless as the drifter flies toward Oja.  Osghet makes an erratic swerve to keep the unmoving fenki on his back. The drifter is spooked by the tension in the air and speeds away from the pounding hooves of the rivnak with the strange rider on its back. Osghet arrives at the guildhouse door and tilts to the side. The shock of landing on her injured shoulder jolts the fenki into a dim level of consciousness. She crawls to the door and lifts her key up to the lock. The door swings open as the latch is sprung. She drags herself over the threshold and weakly kicks the door shut so the iron latch drops securely into the hole.

Jacula stumbles out of his saddle and falls to the ground as he rushes to catch the closing door. He lets a vicious roar escape his lips as he tries to kick the door in, but to no avail given it's sturdy frame. Emmara shudders as the door shakes with the powerful kick. Overcome by her injuries, Jacula's  screeching voice follows her into unconsciousness.
'You will be like the fenki I left for the rats in the sewers. I'll will plague you until you tell me what I want to know'
« Last Edit: March 21, 2010, 09:53:09 pm by EStripus »
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Re: Earth and Fire
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2010, 11:03:44 am »
New Leads

Emmara and Atagal arrived at Harnquist's shop. It was a busy day, all the anvils and forges were busy. There was a constant ring of metal on metal as the smiths' hammers fell. The fenki's sat in the shade of a tree to wait.  Elady had sent them a post to meet her here, but she had not arrived yet. A thought crossed Emmara's mind and she pulled a bronze axe out of her pack. She had been carrying it around for a long time, but usually forgot to sell it because it was buried under all her salvaged animal parts. She hefts it in one paw and squints at the bulk and balance, “It is such a clumsy weapon, why would anyone want to use it is a thought beyond me.” A shadow falls over Emmara and both fenki's look up at the owner of the shadow. Elady smiles, “I'm not sure either, I prefer my hands.” Emmara smiles and puts the battle axe back in her pack and promptly forgets about it again. The fenki's stand up and exchange greetings with their trusted friend.

The conversation turns to current events as Elady discusses the lack of clientele at the Stonehead tavern.  She laments about her current business problems, “Just wish business was better at the Stonehead."
Emmara tilts her head and looks concerned, "I though business was usually good at the stonehead."
The Ynnwn shakes her head, “Not since the Plat mine has dried up. Things are slow out in Gug these days.” “I'm sorry to hear that. I think Brado has trouble as well. His place is frequently empty.”
With a shrug, Elady responds “Brado always has trouble attracting people. I think it is all the outlaws who hang out in Oja that scare people away.”
Emmara sighs heavily, "It is hard to keep up with keeping Oja clean. Jacula and Rigwyn have been a handful for the Kore Irka Clan, and an unpleasant experience for all of us involved with the enki alliance."
The Ynnwn clearly bristles at the mention of Jacula and Rigwyn's names.
The young Akkaio nods curtly, "They will fall someday. Live by the sword, die by the sword. Someday, Jacula will meet his match."
Elady nods her head in agreement.
Emmara looks as if she wants to say something, but looks around cautiously. When she is certain no one is within hearing distance she asks quietly, "Have you been able to find out anything for Atagal and I?"
Uneasy and distrustful around crowds Atagal looks at Elady, "Mind talking about that some where else if you have information? Even more so sense some people are after knowing..”
Emmara looks apologetic, "I'm sorry, Elady to drag you around. I don't want the wrong people hearing this."

Emmara catches sight of Shoraal as the group begins to move. “Shoraal, can you stay in the area? I'd like to talk with you shortly.” Shoraal nods and leans against the wall of the smith's shop. The three walk to an L-shaped alley a little ways from Harnquist's shop. Atagal lightly leaps onto a stack of crates at the corner of the L and scans both entrances of the alley; she nods to Elady to continue.
“I have been searching for a red mage but haven't had a lot of luck. I did talk to a couple of people who know about magic in general. They thought infusing someone with magic might be possible but very dangerous.”
Emmara bites her lower lip in thought. Her thought is interrupted by Atagal's soft hiss, “Dumb menki...” Her white paw flicks toward the nearest corner of the building. Without trying to allow an unusual pause in the conversation Emmara slips out of her boots. “So you are saying that these people were not red way specialists?” Her paws soundlessly carry her to the corner of the building, and her nose picks up Shoraal's scent. Without further hesitation she steps around the corner wearing a disappoving expression, “Shoraal, I believe I inferred this to be a private conversation and that I would meet you back at Harn's.”

Emmara holds a short discussion with Shoraal regarding whether the alley is safe and secure. It is hard to argue him when he explains that he was trying to make sure his senior ranks would not surprised. Shoraal further explains his reasoning why he doesn't think the alley is secure, Emmara relents. After all, she thinks, what good is having someone with his talents if she isn't going to listen to his advice. With an appreciative nod she agrees to let Shoraal stand guard, but he is to stand near the tree on the otherside of the walkway. She hated the feel of the stone walkway under her paws as they touched the too perfectly smooth stones leading to the alley where Atagal and Elady had been watching. As she enters the confining walls of their meeting place, she suppresses a grimace when her paw steps in something greasy and sticky at the same time   The private conversation continues until unexpectedly it is interrupted, not once but twice more!

Elady detects Emmara's growing frustration at not being able to get in two sentences before being interrupted. She smiles encouragingly, “Perhaps we should move this meeting to the dox guildhouse.” Atagal nods in agreement, “It has very suddenly become very busy around here.” Elady leads the way through the streets to the upper level of Hydlaa. Shoraal follows the trio quietly keeping an eye out for any unwanted observers. The fenkis stand patiently at the door as their host unlocks the guildhouse. Shoraal becoming more comfortable in his role as an aspiring guard, stands where he is able to see as much of the street and courtyard as possible.

Emmara looks around the guildhouse as she enters. The walls are a soft color and the floors are a warm rich manicured wood. She smiles at the mixture of herbal scents in the air from the herbs housed on a shelf.  Elady locks the door behind her, “We should be able to talk here safely. Would you prefer to sit in the chairs or over on the carpet and pillowed area.” With hardly a pause, Atagal strolls over to the pillows. She looks around with a pleased expression, “This is much roomier without having the oversized scale in the middle of the floor.” Elady gives her guests a moment to get comfortable.
Emmara nods and relaxes slightly, "You haven't heard any rumors of a finding a specialist?"
Elady shakes her head. " As I said the people I talked to felt infusing a living being would be very difficult and potentially dangerous."
Atagal shrugs "If that is what happened to me.. than I doubt the person thought much of it hurting me.."
Elady looks thoughtful, "Or maybe someone was desperate Atagal. The people I talked to had never heard of it working. They did mention a menki who was also interested in this subject many years ago. who was well skilled in red way magic."
Emmara bites her lower lip in thought as she listens.
Atagal nods softly "But did they ever know if it worked. I did not know till I went crazy and stumbled upon that I could do it..."
Emmara shifts on the pillows and folds her legs under her, "With as unique and powerful as your gift is, I'm going to guess they had no idea, lurre.”
Atagal's eyes take on a stern cold look, “So it's a menki we're looking for?”
The Ynnwyn's head bobs but an apologetic expression, “Unfortunately they couldn't remember a name just some crazy idea this menki had about helping his people some how.”
Emmara looks puzzled.
Atagal says: so no idea how to find this menki..?
Elady shrugs and holds her palms up, “That is all the information I was able to gather, I'm sorry.”
with a soft shake of her head, Emmara accepts the information, “It is more than we had to start with.”
Atagal stands up and Emmara follows suit. “Elady, thank you for your help in this matter. It gives us a place to start. We can talk to Levrus perhaps, maybe he knows of a red way specialist that can tell us more.”
Elady straightens her legs and stands up to walk her friends to the door. The young akkaio looks at Atagal as they walk to the front door, “It's still a pretty long shot to be able to find this menki, but I'm willing to follow this to the end."
Her partner's white head nods slightly in consent.

The trio reaches the door and Elady reaches for the brushed iron handle. Her thumb depresses the latch and they all step over the threshold into the courtyard. Shoraal remains where he had taken up his post as watchman. Emmara extends her paw to Elady, “"Elady, thank you for your time and help. You are good person and Yliakum can use more of them lately. I hope next time we meet it is to have a relaxing drink of cidar."
Elady smiles at the fenkis. Her red hand clasps the sienna paw " I look forward to that my friend."

With a cautious last look around the courtyard and confirming nod from Shoraal, the enkis disappear around the corner and head back to the guildhouse.  During the journey home, Emmara ponders, “How do you find an old menki that no one remembers?”
« Last Edit: March 30, 2010, 11:09:37 am by EStripus »
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Re: Earth and Fire
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2010, 11:41:30 am »
[An enjoyable read. Keep up the good work  :thumbup:]


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Re: Earth and Fire
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2010, 11:02:07 pm »
[sorry I have not posted in this storyline for a long time. The RPs were done in mid March, but RL time has not allowed for much in write ups. I will attempt to catch up with what the fenkis have done toward their search for Atagal's past.]

Waking Nightmares

Emmara and Atagal stood atop the battlements of Hydlaa. It was quiet up here and the view was amazing. Atagal always knew the best places for solitude. Then again, that is what Atagal had always sought after she had gone insane. She very rarely was comfortable around people anymore, so it only figures that Atagal was a master at finding hidden places.  The fenki's let their drifters go about their own business. Emmara walked to all the sides of the battlements to see the different views. She pushed the fear away that one of the views would reveal Jacula standing quietly and looking up at them from the darkness of his hood. Emmara forces a smile on her face as she reprimands herself, “Stop it. He hasn't come near you or Atagal in quite a while. Do not jump at shadows.”
   Eventually they settled down on an ulber fur that Atagal always kept in her pack. They talked about anything and everything that best friends and mates talk about. Eventually, the conversation turned to a topic that Atagal refused to let die.
   She smirked at Emmara, “I still think you should try my plate armor on.”
   Emmara laughed softly, “No, Atti, I told you have no desire to try on that loud and heavy suit of metal.”
   â€śCome on, I want to see what you would look like in plate mail.”
   Emmara shakes her head with a smile, “No, I'll stick with my leather armor. It is light and quiet.”
   â€śWhat if we made a bet. If you lose then you try my armor on?”
   Emmara lays back on the fur with a giggle, “No, you are not going to trap me into wearing that monstrosity by a bet. I won't take the bet.”
   Atagal leans over Emmara, “Well, I could tickle you until you concede.”
   The smile disappears from Emmara's muzzle and is replaced by fear, “You wouldn't?”
   Atagal grins broadly, “Of course I would.”
   Emmara tries to quickly crawl away as she realizes that Atagal has every intention to use tickle torture to get her mate into the plate mail. Emmara's attempts to fight off the tickle attack are futile and the two wind up locked in each other's arms.

   Emmara slowly wakes up from the nap they had both fallen into after the tickle fight, which wound up in a stale mate.  Atagal lays there asleep, though she is purring lightly; she snuggles as close to Emmara as she can.  Atagal shivers in her sleep. Emmara gently rubs Atagal's belly and slides slowly away from her and stands up; she allows a silly grin to cross her muzzle at the thought she had when she woke up. Atagal shivers a bit more when Emmara moves away.
   Emmara lightly steps over to Atagal's pile of armor. She tilts her head at it. She glances over her shoulder at Atagal. Then she carefully and quietly slides her paws into the boots.
   Atagal rolls over and curls up into a ball still sleeping, her breathing is still in the same rhythm but heavier.  Emmara accidentally scuffs the leg piece on the stone. She cringes and looks over her shoulder to see if it woke her mate. Atagal's body trembles after the sound, and Emmara nods satisfied to herself that she had not woken the sleeping Kore. Emmara very carefully straps on one leg piece followed by the other.
   Atagal's body starts to tremble worse as she seems to try to get into a tighter ball. Emmara is focused as she puts the torso armor on clumsily and tries to do the buckles. It hangs crooked on her. Emmara tries to surpress a giggle as she slides the arm and shoulder plates on.
   Atagal has a deep growl come out in her sleep. Emmara turns a little surprised and alarmed at hearing Atagal growl in her sleep. As she turns the boots scrape and bang on the stones, as she stumbles a little in the heavily weighted footware.  Atagal's body becomes covered in flames, the color of it matching the amythest stone on her bracelet that Emmara gave her.  Her eyes open.
    Emmara blinks at the flames, never having seen that color. Her voice is soft and filled with awe, "Atti?"
   Atagal lets out a low hiss and her  body trembles from under the flames.
   Emmara calls a little louder, "Atti." She takes an ungraceful step forward and the armor bangs against itself and the stones.  She stops and cringest at the noise she is making.  Atagal hisses louder. Emmara stops. She stands with an uncertain expression on her face; it is mixed with sad frustration. She wants to go to Atagal but the armor seems to be agitating Atagal's dream.
   Atagal's flames slowly start to grow, her eyes slowly looking around, and they have not noticed Emmara. S he hisses again as her body is racked by another tremble.
   Emmara tries to cast cleanse but her inexperience in the armor keeps her from being able to make the gestures correctly. The poorly buckled torso armor rattles against itself. The spell is not completed. Atagal turns her head some so it looks like she is looking at Emmara, though the look in her eyes shows she does not see that it is Emmara
   Emmara tilts her head and stops moving. She looks into Atagal's eyes and sees fear and anger, but no recognition of her surroundings.  Atagal's musles tense up, as she slowly moves.
Emmara's eyes open a little wider as she sees Atagal start to stalk her; she opens her mouth to start to say something. Atagal lunges at her with fangs and claws bared.
   Emmara shrieks Atagal's name and falls backwards and to the side as she fails horribly at dodging while wearing the armor.  The claws make a nasty sound as they scratch along the armor while she grips it.
   Emmara pants heavily in fear as she tries to crawl backwards away from Atagal. She screams again, "ATTI!"
   Unphased, Atagal swings a paw towards Emmara, claws stretched out.
   Emmara throws a plated arm up and blocks the blow.
   Atagal grips the arm tightly, pushes it down, and swings with her other paw.
    Emmara brings her plated knee up hard between Atagal's legs.
   Atagal lets out a scream.  Emmara closes one eye and looks uncertainly at Atagal with the other, she looks like she feels very bad about doing that.
    Emmara has a compassionate questioning voice, "Ata?"
   Atagal's eyes are clincked closed, her fangs showing.
   Emmara speaks softly, “Atti, it's only a dream. It's me Emmara. Open your eyes, Lurre.”
   Atagal hisses again as she turns her face back to Emmara.
   Emmara's eyes go wide in shock that the apparent nightmare still holds Atagal. She scrambles backwards. The metal screeches on the stones.
   Atagal looks right at Emmara, she moves quickly to try to pin her down. Unable to manuever in the ill fitting armor she curls into a ball. She covers her head with her plated arms to avoid the imminent blows that Atagal's raged feeled eyes promise to deliver.
   Atagal starts hitting at the armor mercilessly.  Emmara cringes as she feels dull hits through the armor. Despite the armor, she goes limp.  Emmara bites her limp and forces herself to stay limp as she feels Atagal's claw get a lucky strike through a gap in the torso plates.  Atagal starts to hit the armor harder, she growls loudly. Emmara stays curled up and limp, but a tear runs down her covered cheek.
Atagal's fist start to bleed from the repeated hitting on the armor, her breath becomes heavy and she stops.
   Emmara slowly moves her arm to peek at Atagal. Atagal looks down at Emmara, her fangs showing. “Atti, it's me. Your lover. Emmara.”
   Atagal says in a low hiss "Don't lie to me."
   Emmara puts her arms up to ward off any blows, "I'm not lying. I can prove it."
   Atagal grips the sides of the blood smeared chest plate trying to tear it off.
   Emmara blurts out, “I kissed you first.”
   Atagal's paws don't loosen their grip but they stop tugging at the armor.
   Emmara speaks calmly but confidently as she notices that Atagal's mind is trying to return to consciousness "The dagger you never show people has an inscription: Hearts of Fire. Through the fire and beyond."
   Atagal's paws let go of the armor as her eyes widen with the reality she has awoken to. She gets to her feet, and tears roll down her cheek almost right away. She runs for the wall that connects to the next line of battlements.
   Emmara reaches into thin air toward Atagal, "Atti, wait!"
   Atagal puases at the wall, placing her paws on the top.
   Emmara's voice is sad and soft, "Please.....don't run from me."
   Atagal's paws fall from the wall leaving blood smears. She collapses to her knees.
   Emmara drags herself to her feet. She clumps and teeters toward Atagal in the armor.
   Atagal looks at the ground, her tears dripping down
   Emmara sinks to the ground behind Atagal. She wraps her arms around Atagal and lays her head on the back of Atagal's shoulder.
   Atagal whispers "I am so sorry... I thought.." she sobs and it cuts off her words.
   Atagal tries repeating and finishing though she only sobs more.
   Emmara hugs Atagal closer, "Shhh."
   Atagal looks at her paws. Seeing the blood on them, she leans forwards and lays her head against the stoneand whispers again "I am so sorry." Her words slightly messed up from her crying.
   "Shhh, Atti, that is your blood I'm not hurt. I'm fine." Emmara nuzzles the back of Atagal's shoulder and continues to use a soft voice, "It was only a dream. It wasn't your fault."
   Atagal says "They had your face and voice...But how long.." she says even softer "I remember feeling a great pain and noticing the place where I was changed..."
   Emmara stops nuzzling Atagal for a moment, "You remembered something through your dream? about how....."
   Atagal says softly, though lying "No."
    Emmara tilts her head on Atagal's shoulder. "Atti, let it out or else it will haunt your dreams again."
   Atagal sighs, tears still drip from her eyes to the ground she says softly "Yes I know what happend..Still feel it bearly..." she glances at Emmara "But I will not hold it against you, you were protecting yourself."
   Emmara sighs, "I was hoping it would wake you. But what did you mean when you said: noticing the place where you were changed."
   Atagal whispers "My guess is it did wake me and I thought the dream just changed... and I was some where else.."
    Emmara grasps at Atagal's paw.
   Atagal smiles softly though her eyes show she still is very sad, perhaps more sad than Emmara has ever seen her "I see you have my armor on.." she sighs "And I smell that you lied.."
   Atagal moves a paw to where her claw caught Emmara' through the armor.  Emmara shakes her head and gives a slight smile, "It wasn't you. When I was trying to figure out how to get the armor on by myself, I cut myself when one of the buckles accidentally dragged across me."
   Atagal says softly "I love you so much Emmara... I am so sorry." she stares into the amythest eyes when saying it, still tears run down her cheeks. Atagal whispers "but outside of the dream... you where the one being hit" she frowns and leans closer to touch her nose to Emmara's nose.
   Emmara pulls Atagal against her, "I know, Lurre. I also know it was not me you were fighting in that dream. Stop worrying, I'm ok."
   Atagal sighs "I'm trying.."
   Emmara rubs ATagal's shoulder, "But I have to ask, what was the dream about?"
   Atagal whispers "At first.. there was this laughter... for so long... it kept moving around me,,, I kept turning to face it never seeing it.. than there was clanking metal.." she sighs softly "Probably was you in the armor... but when I went looking... did not see where the sound came from.. but after a bit I saw something.. looked like the person was a shadow, but then put on what seemed to be your face. He looked like you... well, it... I should have noticed after you kneed me that I was seeing the real you, not a dream shift... you were glowing.. but the dream you didn't glow.."
   Emmara nods and continues to rub Atagal's shoulders long after she has finished talking. As the fenkis console each other, Emmara whispers a heal spell to close the wound on her side. She reassures Atagal it is only to make sure such a small cut doesn't turn into an infection. She keeps her paw over it while it heals, so Atagal can not further question the source of Emmara's wound.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2010, 11:05:53 pm by EStripus »
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Re: Earth and Fire
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2010, 11:17:04 pm »
Nice to see an update :)

My only concern is this: That you refer to them alot as 'mates'. This would be a false use of the term as mates are animal pairs for the production of offspring (ie: mating).... in Enkidukai terms, this would surely only apply to a male and female Enkidukai. Just my two cents.


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Re: Earth and Fire
« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2010, 11:34:57 pm »
Webster's ninth new collegiate dictionary:

mate3 n (defintion #3) one of a pair: as a: either member of a couple and esp. a married couple. b: either member of a breeding pair of animals. c: either of two matched objects.

Two of the three subdefinitions do not deal with male or female differentiation or breeding practices.
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Re: Earth and Fire
« Reply #10 on: July 31, 2010, 11:46:13 pm »
[still March RPs]

What's This?

It's the morning after Atagal spent time talking with Almada. Emmara drifted off in the chair letting the two of them talk things out. Almada needed to understand that she was welcome in the guild and the family, but Atagal just did not feel any romantic feelings for her. It was time to stop flirting and understand that Atagal and Emmara were soul mates and committed to only each other.
   Emmara rolls onto her side on the couch and mumbles in her sleep, but nothing intelligible.  Emmara stirs slightly her nose twitches subconsciously.  Emmara rolls over again. Her body faces toward the common room.  Emmara opens her eyes to slits. She groggily sits up and her foot paws swing over the edge of the chair.  Emmara's feet collide with Atagal's butt and one paw sets down on Atagal's tail, very little pressure.
   Atagal's eyes open and she looks at Emmara "Careful please.."
   Emmara's eyes fly open and her feet dance in the air. She collapses back into the back of the chair as her feet come quickly off the ground, "Atti!" Emmara sits back up slowly and puts her paws carefully on the ground, "Why are you sleeping on the floor?"
   Atagal speaks softly "Did not want to move you.."
   Emmara blinks, still a little disoriented. "Where'd Almada go?"
   Atagal says: She left...To sleep I think..
   Emmara's inhales slightly and looks over toward the coffeetable where the smell of food might be coming from.
   Atagal sighs, “I might have slightly scared her to, I do not know.. but apparently now she is referring to me as a big sister.”
   Atagal turns some to look up at Emmara
   Emmara rubs her paw over her face, but the look of confusion doesn't rub off. "What did you do and why would she do that?"
   Atagal says: well she asked me to try to teach her how to use swords better...
   Emmara says: how'd that make you feel to be called big sister?
   Atagal shrugs
   Emmara half scowls and half laughs, "Well, at least she didn't kiss you again."
   Atagal looks at Emmara "Lurre sa."
   Emmara slides onto the floor next to Atagal. She leans over and hugs Atagal, resting her cheek on Atagal's ribs, "Lurre sa."
   Atagal's mind drifts back to the evening after Emmara had fallen asleep. Something unique had happened. After Atagal had convinced Almada that her and Emmara did not see Almada as a romantic interest, Almada had slowly accepted it with a heaviness in her heart that she may never be a part of something special. The voice requested Atagal to do something in Almada's presence. It made no sense exactly why the voice wanted it now, but Atagal complied to avoid getting a headache if the voice decided to throw a tantrum. She was excited to tell Emmara but decided to wait until morning.
   Atagal grins softly "You remember what you did with fire?"
   Emmara twists her mouth in thought, "The fireball with you, or my little dancer?"
   Atagal says: “Dancer...Ever thought of how a bigger one would look like?”
   Emmara shakes her head, "I don't have that kind of control. I haven't studied redway in a long time."
   Atagal grins softly "And who are you speaking with?"
   Emmara looks back at Atagal and her eyes widen slightly with realization, "You can make a shape out of fire?"
   Atagal says: I can change fire's color, I can build walls and balls out of it... so why could I not?
   Emmara shrugs speechlessly. Her eyes widen with curiosity, “So do I get to see the figure?"
   Atagal nods her head slightly behind Emmara  A small fire from the ground builds up into the shape of a fenki.
   Emmara looks wide eyed at the fenki figurine. Her voice is filled with awe, "ooo"
   Atagal grins and the fire turns teal; it walks towards Emmara. It leaves no trace of burn marks on the carpet or the stone floor as it approaches. It reaches a paw out to the amazed Akkaio. She knows her armband with a piece of Atagal's life force in it will protect her as it always had since it was made, so she reaches up with no fear of Atagal's magical flame. Emmara reaches up and puts her paw against the fire figure.  Atagal's flames start to change, and they move over Emmara, slowly covering her. Emmara looks down at herself and smiles.
   Emmara tilts her head in thought. She pulls her arm back slightly with the palm up and whispers. The minute figurine that she had learned to create as a parlor trick appears.
   Atagal watches Emmara
   Emmara's figurine bows to the fire fenki.
   Atagal's fire fenki bows back
   Emmara smiles a little. The figurine waves at the fire fenki.
   Atagal's fire fenki kneels down onto it's knees
   Emmara lowers her paw with the figurine on it, so it is eye level with the fire fenki. The figurine walks to the tip of Emmara's finger and reaches out to the fire fenki.
   The teal fire fenki bows it head slightly so it's head is close to Emmara's tiny figurine.
   Emmara's figurine touches the fire fenki's nose.
   Atagal's fire fenki randomly licks the figurine
   Emmara's figurine disappears with a snapping sound. Emmara startles and pulls her paw back with a yelp.
   Atagal titles her head and looks at Emmara, “What is it, Lurre?”
   Emmara holds her paw to her chest and rubs it gently. She has a troubled expression on her face.
“It seems our magic didn't mix. Yours disrupted mine, and it hurt.”
   Atagal holds out her paw for Emmara's.
   Emmara lays her paw, palm up, tenderly in Atagal's paw. The fur on the fingertip is singed where the figurine last stood. There doesn't appear to be any severe burns on her finger or paw.
   Atagal frowns and kisses Emmara's fingertips "I am sorry, Lurre."
   Emmara shrugs, "We didn't know. Were you trying to influence my flame or just bringing them together?"
   Atagal says: she was trying to lick yours..
   Emmara nods as she bites her lower lip. "Apparently, they can not cross each other's space. I wonder if it would work if you were touching me. Like we did with the figurine and the fireball in the ruins.”
   Atagal says: it's up to you if you want to try
   Emmara looks at her finger and thinks about it for a moment before nodding.
   Emmara turns back to where the fire fenki kneels.
   Atagal's fire fenki stares at Emmara
   Emmara lays her singed paw on Atagal's leg and extends her other paw toward the fire fenki. She whispers and the figurine reappears.
   Atagal watches Emmara
    Emmara thinks for a moment, "Ok, what if you try to intentionally influence my figurine."
   Atagal says: Just tell me what you want me to do lurre...
   Atagal's fire fenki titles it's head a little, the ears flicker lightly
   Emmara says: ok, think of how you made the fire fenki turn teal, now think of it turning my figurine teal. Sort of like spreading paint.
   Emmara places the figurine close to the fire fenki again.
   Atagal's fire fenki seems reluctant
   Emmara tilts her head at the fire fenki and gives her an encouraging nod.
   Atagal's fire fenki sticks it's tongue out at Emmara than bows it's head near the figurine
   Emmara's figurine reaches out toward teh fire fenki.
   Atagal's fire fenki moves to lick the figurine like before
   Emmara's figurine turns teal.
   Atagal's fire fenki presses it's nose lightly against the figurine
   Emmara's figurine for the brief instant that the fire fenki stops touching it in order to switch from licking to nuzzling, the figurine returns to an orangey red color.
   Emmara's figurine turns back to teal when it is licked.
   Atagal giggles softly
   Emmara says: ok, so you can control my fire through your fire. I'm going to assume this is going well becuase I'm allowing my magic to be influence as opposed to resisting it.
   Atagal says: well when said like that it makes sense..
    Emmara says: It seems both of those two elements have to be present in order for it to work.
   Atagal's fire fenki lays it's chin on Emmara's paw though keeps it cheek lightly against the figurine.
   Emmara smiles affectionately, "The fire fenki is definately yours."
   Atagal says very queitly "Partly.."
   Emmara glances over her shoulder at Atagal.
   Emmara says: “What do you mean, partly?
   Atagal looks at Emmara, so does the fire fenki.
   Atagal's fire fenki licks Emmara's ear
   Emmara glances at the fire fenki as it licks her ear.
   Atagal whispers lightly "As I said I think it likes you unlike others. Emm, she is the voice in my head."
   Emmara bites her lower lip in thought as she studies the fire fenki.
   Atagal says: I did not know it could do that till last night
   Emmara looks a little tired, "I have to let my figurine go, the energy to keep it going is starting to wear on me." A soft whisper and the figurine disappears. Emmara's shoulders sag a little bit with fatigue from holding the spell for so long.
   Atagal says: lurre sa.
   Emmara smiles at Atagal, "Lurre sa." She turns her head to see if the teal fire fenki shows any response.
   Atagal's fire fenki seems to just be watching the two fenki's, hard to see but itseems to kind of smile
   Emmara looks back to Atagal, "Is the voice telling you it's responses and you are controlling the fire fenki?"
   Atagal shrugs lightly "She can do what she wants with that form... long as I let her.."
   Emmara looks thoughtful.
   Atagal smiles softly "I was not sure if you caught that though.."
   Emmara nods, "I'm learning."
   Emmara looks at the fire fenki, "Have you always been with Atagal?"
   Atagal's fire fenki nods
   Emmara says, “Since birth?”
   Atagal's fire fenki once again nods
   Emmara pauses and blinks with a look of surprise and uncertainty.
   Atagal says softly "Lurre.. Ask more.."
   Emmara bites her lower lip in thought and turns back to the teal fenki.
   Atagal says: If I ask it does not make as much sense sense she is in me.
   Emmara says: are you Atagal's fears?
   Atagal's fire fenki lifts a paw and moves it side to side and shakes her head trying to say kind of but not really
   Emmara says: Are you part of Atagal's fire power?
   Atagal's fire fenki shakes her head
   Emmara says: You asked ATagal to create this form for you?
   Atagal's fire fenki shrugs lightly
   Emmara says: Atagal told me you became quiet after I had been around for a little while. Do you feel that I'm good for her, and that is why you remained silent for so long?
   Atagal's fire fenki nods and smiles
   Atagal silently watches
   Emmara says: With everything that has happened recently; you have become restless again. Do you blame me?
   Atagal fire fenki shakes her head
    Emmara shifts her weight and leans her side against the chair and thinks for a moment, “But you dont' like the dangers that have befallen House Cheshire?”
   The fire fenki shakes it's head as if to answer Emmara's question.
   Emmara smiles sadly, "I don't either."
   Atagal's fire fenki moves to lick Emmara's cheek
   Emmara says: “Do you understand that when you yell at Atagal it is difficult for her to think straight?”
   Atagal's fire fenki nods hesitantly
   Atagal looks at Emmara "I have a idea.."Atagal gets to her feet and goes get some parchment. She sets it infront of the fire fenki, “Fire, burns paper; she can write.”
   Atagal's fire fenki looks at the paper than to Emmara, than back to the paper and writes 'it is the only way I can really talk to her.. or was.'
   Emmara reads the burn marks on the paper. she nods and looks at the fire fenki.
   Emmara's whiskers twitch, "so now you won't scream at her anymore?"
   Atagal's fire fenki writes: 'never tried to scream at her'
   Emmara squints at the words and nods, "ok, but just so you know. That's what it sounds like to her."
   Atagal's fire fenki writes: 'yeah I know but does not mean it's what I was trying to do'
   Emmara looks up suddenly at fire fenki, "You said you were around since Atagal's birth. Do you know how Ata got her fire power?"
   Atagal's fire fenki writes slowly: 'yes'
   Emmara's eyes light up, but she looks apologeticaly at Atagal, "I'm sorry, Lurre. Are you in the mood to hear what she might say?"
   Atagal shrugs
   Emmara looks back to the fire fenki, "How did she get the power?"
   Atagal's fire fenki writes: 'she was experimeted on..'
   Emmara closes her eyes and turns her head away from the page.
   Emmara says: "Lurre?" Emmara twists her whole sitting position so that she faces Atagal.
   Atagal looks at Emmara with a steady gaze, but does not seem upset at the news.
   Atagal's fire fenki writes: 'She seems to not remember much of her past, like she was born after it stopped... and only remembers after..'
   Emmara looks startled at the revelation. She puts an arm around Atagal's shoulder, "Do you want to hear the rest of this?"
   Atagal looks at Emmara and says softly "I know you want to know what happend... and I do not think she can answer what she does not know."
   Emmara looks endearingly at Atagal, "My curiosity does not come before your feelings. If you don't want to know more, then I won't ask for more answers."
   Atagal kisses Emmara "I am fine."
   Emmara kisses Atagal in return. She tilts her head and lighlty presses her forehead to Atagal's, "You sure?"
   Atagal says softly "Just ask your questions, my love."
   Emmara looks at the fire fenki, "Are Elady's sources right, was it a menki that did this?"
   Atagal's fire fenki writes: "Yes."
   Emmara says: Do you remember where he did his experiments?
   The teal flame shakes her head.
   Emmara nods with a mild look of dissapointment on her face. She looks up hopefully, "Do you remember what type of enki he was?"
   Atagal's fire fenki writes 'not right now, though he was her foster father'
   Emmara stares at the paper in disbelief.
   Emmara's voice is soft, "he was family?"
   Atagal's fire fenki writes "Mother and father could not keep me and my sister because they did not have enough money, so they sent me to be with some one else, who became my dad”
   Emmara scowls and growls low in the back of her throat, "Doesn't matter, he was trusted by someone with a kit's life."
   She turns to look at Atagal and is surprised to see Atagal smile softly at her.
   Emmara smiles and shrugs back realizing that an angry Atagal usually means lots of things go up in flame, "Well, I guess it is good that you are taking this without getting angry."
   Atagal says softly "I have you and what he did helps me try to keep you safe..."
   Atagal's fire fenki writes "Was painful to get through... very.."
   Emmara looks at the paper when she smells it burning it again. She reads it and nods, "no wonder she forgot."
   Atagal's fire fenki nods.
   Emmara slowly starts to put the mystery together of the voice, “Is that why you get loud whenever you think something might cause Atagal great harm emotionally?”
   Atagal's fire fenki writes "I am within her... if things happen to her things happen to me"
   Emmara's whiskers twitch, "Then you must be thrilled when she decides to fight ulbers in only her fur." Emmara smirks at Atagal.
   Atagal's fire fenki slowlywrites "She has you... even if the ulber hurts her alot. She will not willingly let the ulber take her out long as you are with her."
   Atagal slips her arms around Emmara and purrs softly.  The fire fenki writes "Any more questions..?"
   Emmara shakes her head without lifting itfrom Atagal's shoulder, "Thank you."
   Atagal's fire fenki nods and slowly disappears
   Emmara wraps her other arm around the front of Atagal. She sits quietly holding Atagal.
   Atagal whispers "Was not as bad as you though it'd be?"
   Emmara's voice is quiet near Atagal's ear, "No, but I was a little nervous at first consider how she makes you act when she is bottled up inside your head."
   Atagal nods.
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Re: Earth and Fire
« Reply #11 on: August 01, 2010, 12:11:25 am »
Webster's ninth new collegiate dictionary:

mate3 n (defintion #3) one of a pair: as a: either member of a couple and esp. a married couple. b: either member of a breeding pair of animals. c: either of two matched objects.

Two of the three subdefinitions do not deal with male or female differentiation or breeding practices.

But you're using it in the context of definition b), right? And that is where my issue lies.


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Re: Earth and Fire
« Reply #12 on: August 01, 2010, 11:11:21 am »
Opening the Lines of Communication

Emmara returns to the guildhouse after an early morning hunting trip. Atagal casually reclines in their favorite chair in the common room.
   Atagal says softly "I talked to the voice a bit while you were gone.."
    Emmara's voice is soft but interested, "Oh. you are learning to communicate better. That's good. what did she have to say?"
   Atagal nods, “It is a lot less painful...she wants to help solve something and also.. I found out more about me.”
   Emmara giggles, "She has become very chatty all of a sudden. I'm glad."
   Atagal says softly "She said how she was always with me... she was who I used to be... literally...”
   Emmara nods and continues to listen.
   Atagal says, “My fosterday was not trying to be evil in a sense but wanted to prove something could be done... though I just so happen be a free luck kind of thing...Lucky me.
   Emmara's ears droop and she nods with a sad expression on her face.
   Atagal says, “When I forgot who I was even more so when I was being raped... apparently, I also forgot about the fire. That is why it took till I went crazy and started hearing the voice I remembered I had the power.”
   Atagal glances over as the fire fenki appears. She strides toward the table with the parchment on it. The silhouette of the a flaming finger reaches out to the paper.  Emmara turns to the paper as the smell of it burning causes her nose to wrinkle slightly. The teal apparition burns light brown lines into the parchment: Do you remember Azarinth's words?
   Emmara nods, "I remember Derghir's words."
   Atagal's Voice writes "I belive he meant that once you find out what truely made the fire from within Atagal, then you would be at ease. Until you read this you always thought it was how she always was... but it was not it was placed in her against her will..."
   Emmara nods slowly as she finishes reading and looks up at the fire fenki, "I have been starting to realize the same things."
   Atagal's fire fenki nods and writes "I believe partly he was missing that the flames are who she is now... They are not just something in here..
   Emmara bites her lower lip for a moment, "In order to recognize that means you have to know Atagal; I think you are right about the second part."
   Atagal's fire fenki looks as if she sighs and writes "I know her better than she knows herself.."
   Emmara tilts her head at the fire fenki and a look of compassion crosses her face.
   Atagal's fire fenki seems to giggle with no sound and writes "You know her very well too for the most part."
   Emmara smiles slightly, "I understand the fierce Atagal." Emmara lays her head on Atagal's shoulder, "and I love her."
   Atagal's fire fenki writes "Yes I know you do, and I know she loves you... So do I."
   Emmara smiles and rubs her cheek on Atagal's shoulder
   The Voice slowly writes "Though I know the 'me' part might bother you.."
   Emmara laughs very softly with a disarming tone, "I like you more now that we've found a way to communicate. It is good to know that you and Atagal are learning to communicate with each other. I am happy to have help giving Atagal a little more conscience."
   Atagal's fire fenki smiles faintly and writes "But I know you don't love me though I am a part of your mate..."
   Emmara answers honestly, "We have only met and before that I only knew you as a harmful voice in Atagal's head, though now I understand you did not mean to be."
   The apparition shimmers as her head shakes. She writes "but that is wrong... You've known me as long as you knew her... I am her. But I understand either way."
   Emmara says, “Have you remembered anything that might lead us to this red way mage?”
   Atagal's fire fenki shakes her head and writes "I think Elady might have a lead or will find one to find the menki..."
   Atagal says softly "I think she is some what sad.." the fire fenki' ears flatten when Atagal says that.
   Emmara looks between them. "I suppose she might be. In a certain sense she is your lost childhood."
   Atagal whispers "How I feel about you is also how she feels about you Emmara. Think of it this way: if you felt I did not love you... though you love me like you do.. She feels that way."
   Emmara looks thoughtfully at Cabolojh, "It's not that I don't love you because you are Atagal, but you are such a different facet of her that I need time to understand you better."
   Atagal's fire fenki writes "I know which is why I did not say anything about it.."
   Atagal sticks her tongue out at the imbodiment of her former self.
   Emmara gets a quirky little smile on her face and looks between the fire fenki and Atagal as they interact, "You two are sort of like sisters when you interact...twins"
   Atagal laughs slightly and the silhouette of Cabolojh wavers as if laughter has moved her.
   The Kore fenki looks thoughtfully at the fire fenki, but speaks to Emmara, “We should give her a name. I mean I know she is part of me, but calling her Atagal would be too confusing.”
   Emmara nods slowly and bites her lower lip as the fire fenki turns to her. “It makes sense. She has emotions like us even though she doesn't have true form.”
   A small smile shaped gap appears in the flames that shape the fire fenki's head.
   Emmara ponders for a moment then nods confidently, “How about Cabolojh? Do you like that?”
   The teal flames on the head shift slightly to emulate her head nodding: yes.
   Atagal smiles as she catches the subtle manipulation to make the enki words into a name. She murmurs to herself, “precious spirit.”
   Emmara tries to hide a yawn, “Atti, can we go to bed?
   Atagal nods and the fire fenki dissipates.  Emmara stands up and offers her paw to Atagal. Atagal takes it.  Emmara walks out of the common room and down to their bedroom. She wonders to herself what will Atagal do if they ever do find her foster father.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2010, 11:14:00 am by EStripus »
Don't godmod me and we'll get along fine.


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Re: Earth and Fire
« Reply #13 on: October 30, 2012, 01:59:04 pm »
Webster's ninth new collegiate dictionary:

mate3 n (defintion #3) one of a pair: as a: either member of a couple and esp. a married couple. b: either member of a breeding pair of animals. c: either of two matched objects.

Two of the three subdefinitions do not deal with male or female differentiation or breeding practices.

But you're using it in the context of definition b), right? And that is where my issue lies.

Cause I can. I am going to point out now, for pointlessly complaining on here =3 they got married and have a kit so hush (all the details between chu never know for complaining! :p)


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Re: Earth and Fire
« Reply #14 on: October 31, 2012, 03:08:58 am »
Quote from: Right Said Fred
Cause you're my mate, and I will stand by you...

is not the same meaning as

Quote from: Bloodhound Gang
Ha ha, well now! We call this the act of mating.


Gag Harmond
Knight and Ambassador
The Royal House of Purrty