Author Topic: Complaint about the Devs  (Read 2005 times)


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Complaint about the Devs
« on: February 13, 2010, 04:35:58 am »
ok before i begin........

Yes Devs are doing there hardest this is not about the complaint, yes they are volunteers but so are we "testers".

My complaint is most likely pointless because it would be like complaining about the government to the government.... But here I go....

I've nearly had it with this game! The way the devs treat us is unexceptable, they always tell us that we are "testers" not "players", well heres one thing treat us like testers and we will be testers, I am very annoyed about things with the new release (yes its a bit late but hey) the devs told us that there might be a platinum mine, so we go looking, its as if they just wanted to get a laugh out of use searching the ground pointlessly, (and don't say that there might be one still when over 80 players/testers have still not come across it) I am annoyed with the way they treat us in General Discussion when someone was talking about armored mobs and well someone told them what advise will you give a person hammering a screw, sorry i don't think that was a dev, and I didn't read most of it, but mehhh they still kind of backed it up, to add to that since they locked it, DO YOU WANT US TO PL OR NOT? WE ARE TRYING TO GET A QUEST DONE THERE IS NO TRIA LEFT TO PAY SOMEONE TO DO IT, OR TRAIN TO DO IT, THAT IS WHY WE ARE DOING THE QUEST. I am not very happy with this, i am not happy about the change in mobs but hey no use in complaining the devs will just lock the thread! so i might as well add it to here instead. I know these are very minor ones but, pull your heads out of the sky and wake up your not the king of PS yes you can nearly do anything in PS but at this rate there wont be anyone to do it to. don't tell me to go away and leave PS, when this is in the complaints department not the Suggestion Department (which doesn't exist) so don't have a rant and flame when its called the complaints department for a reason...

Thank you for your time.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2010, 04:38:20 am by Vakachehk »
You maybe roleplaying but you could still be OOC.


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Re: Complaint about the Devs
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2010, 04:51:39 am »
Well a few comments:

- Platinum is currently useless in the game. It is not worth the effort to go look for it.
- The changes in the mobs are a work in progress. It is really hard to get things right the first time. We listen to feedback (through the bug tracker) and try to fix things as we go but this is really a lot of work.

I don't understand your complaint about quests however?

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Re: Complaint about the Devs
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2010, 07:11:36 am »
Re the Hammering a screw comment, since you couldn't be bothered to read it all nor even go back and check when composing the opening post.
The gist of the comment is no matter how strong or quick you are, even if you are the best screwdriver wielder in the world it won't help you hammer in a nail with a screwdriver.
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Re: Complaint about the Devs
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2010, 07:13:17 am »
Some of the quests are still broken, it is quite possible that not all have been found by the people who do actually report things on the bugtracker. Other quests appear to require items that are only available from crafters and thus a new player is likely stuck having to buy the required item from other players, I am thinking of one specifically that requires shield bands for which I found no npc seller.

I can certainly understand new players frustration with the way things are currently but as far as the bugs go it is a lot better than the days when you had to try to keep your open quests to a minimum due to them causing conflicts with other bugs that made it impossible to complete.

Certainly some of the older quests may need to be tweaked due to the re-balancing of mob strength and distribution, for instance the ulber parts appear to be much harder to get now as the easy ulbers have been replaced with other critters and as well as being less common they have been beefed up, I think. The rewards for these quests may not have been increased. Consumer bits have also become harder to get.

That said, Vakachehk, this is the complaint department, true, but it is specifically not the rant department. Excessively general complaining is not terribly helpful, except maybe to blow off steam which might help you but steams others. There are a number of threads initiated by Xillix and others for more specific issues which neko has kindly collected here and there is as well the Wish List for suggestions concerning new features. The bugtracker is a place to discover whether that quest you are having trouble with is known to be broken in which case you will just have to wait to finish it, and if it is not known it would help everyone to report it. It also has the capacity to accept feature requests. Feature requests generally do not get closed out of hand but they also do not get worked on unless there is general consensus among the devs that they are good ideas and someone has a real interest in implementing them.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2010, 07:16:24 am by bilbous »


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Re: Complaint about the Devs
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2010, 07:39:31 am »
@ Vakachehk

personally it doesn't budge me you telling me there is no platinum mine. there is one i set it up and i took care to port it on update. it has been ready for half a year so *don't tell me there are none and we are laughing*
there is just a difference the position of this mine is strictly kept secret, no one in the gm team knows about them and only some devs know about it (essentially those who can peek the actual table or, in reality, as most of those don't care about mines, only those who set them up or normalized them)
So it's there you can refuse whathever you wish but it's there. Bad luck if 80 players were searching for it. Actually the question is why as nothing can be crafted with it.

The recent quest which needs those items, which i wrote myself, are quests for crafter not for hunters etc. so they are targeted to them although you can always do it with the help of a crafter.


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Re: Complaint about the Devs
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2010, 09:08:53 am »

For clarity - I made the comment about hammering a nail with a screwdriver. I was not being smug
Or sarcastic, rather I was hinting that perhaps swords/daggers were not longer the most effective tool for killing
These particular mobs.

Sometimes we try to accomplish something using the means that we think is the best and face constant frustration as we find that our chosen method or tool is ineffective.

One who thinks metacognitively will question thie approach and ask themselves if they have really chosen the best approach or not. That was my point in this illustration.

If you cannot kill moibs with swords or daggers then try magic.

With about 50 in sword and maxed skills I could not scratch these critters, but with 60 dw I could take some nice hits at them.

I am not a dev either btw.

My advice to you is this, parts of the game are not working or need fixing. Rather focusing on the parts that are not working, change and
Start focusing on what does work. Planeshift had been like this since I started playing in feb of 08. I've always found new things to do when one thing
Stops working.

Try: crafting, roleplaying, training a skill, manipulating other palyers (ic), hitting on fenale players :), or just having a good laugh.

These things will pass. They are temporary.

Good luck vakachek, and hope to meet up
With you guys ic in the near future !



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Re: Complaint about the Devs
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2010, 11:03:10 am »
raises hand meekly

This lowly GM knows where the plat mine is and has even mined a few ores from it.

Remember it isn't reasonable that a single person could do all the different skills in the game ( but yes a lot of people can). I see quests that require you having to get an item form a player crafter as a good thing since it encourages interaction between players. After all this is a role playing game and you generally need to meet and talk to other players, unless you really enjoy talking to yourself :) For the sake of realism you should have to talk to other players and buy items from them in order to accomplish some of the quests. ONe character shouldn't really have the ability to craft everything he/she needs in this world.


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Re: Complaint about the Devs
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2010, 11:22:12 am »
Just so you know, I wasn't saying the shield band quest was a bad thing, I was just suggesting it might  have been what the OP was talking about. I found it a bit annoying, but even on EZ there was someone willing to craft them for me, that I haven't accepted the help yet is my own fault.

Xillix Queen of Fools

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Re: Complaint about the Devs
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2010, 12:15:43 pm »
I thought we treated players exceptionally well. . .


Now I am being attacked by sad pandas..

Notice! This is an effort at making the situation lighter...

Vakachehk, Why don't you try telling us what you'd like us to do differently?

-Show us where or how players are badly treated, so we can consider that.
-Show us what's wrong with quests via the bug tracker.
-Show us why we should not think of players as testers.
-Explain why you feel we've slighted you or any other player by attempting to improve the game.

Random invective against the team, untoward accusations, and appeals to pity, are not rational and therefor not helpful. Even here in the complaint department, we expect a degree of direction and helpfulness from our testers. Right now it is hard to read this initial post as anything more than you trying to vent your frustrations, that may be great for you, but I would like to think that more than wanting to vent, you actually want to see the problems improve or be fixed.

Why aren't you participating in the areas we've set out for commentary on these issues?

Do you want to be treated like a paying customer? Have you even seen how paying customers are dealt with in other games?

Are you breaking up with us because we have pimples?

Good luck Vaka.



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Re: Complaint about the Devs
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2010, 12:26:29 pm »
@Vakachehk: A week ago I would have agreed with you, but I am slowly coming to realize that the devs are making the game more sophisticated. They are still depending on us to give constructive feedback. Some days I am better with that 'constructive' concept, other days I lose my level headed objective outlook. The devs are listening. For example based on many complaints of the mob refactoring Weltall created a thread for us to give good metrics and help them track whether a mob may be overly powerful or even too easy [no such thing as too easy  :P]. I have yet to put an entry there. I'm still working through all the options of fighting mobs with all of Emmara's 'tools' between RPs.

@the devs: Sorry for my poorly worded complaints sometimes. I have returned to enjoying the game since I remembered that you are all trying really hard to find balance and add depth to the game. Thanks for creating a world that actually remembers what mmoRPg stands for.  :thumbup: [no offense meant to the EZPC users; it is just harder to find true RPing games with this much variety of races, religion, and skills]

@ Rigwyn: Well, I can't say that I entirely agree with your comment about the hammering with a screwdriver when priorly the screwdriver was an appropriate tool, but progress requires some adjustment. Since Emmara is already trained in a couple ways of magic, perhaps it is time for her to evolve and learn to be a more creative hunter. Thanks Rig for making me think outside of the box and still be able to keep my character's foundation of development [being a huntress]; magic works better on a few of my problem mobs.

« Last Edit: February 13, 2010, 01:08:16 pm by EStripus »
Don't godmod me and we'll get along fine.


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Re: Complaint about the Devs
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2010, 07:00:11 pm »
@everyone my complaint is not about things not working or it taking awhile to fix it is that the way they treat us and want us to be "testers" not "players"... sorry i kind of could not be bothered reading everyone's comment after weltal as they repeat them selves about what this complain is about, I honestly don't care that there is no platinum but I do care that they said that there might still be one! I still don't care that platinum is useless. Also my complaint is about players/tester whatever you want to call them, make a discussion about a problem and you go ahead and lock it, we are trying to help so are you devs, yes there are a couple of flamers around. like one about the energy complaint and told me I was whining when I was suggesting. and no I'm not perfect eather we are all human.
You maybe roleplaying but you could still be OOC.

Xillix Queen of Fools

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Re: Complaint about the Devs
« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2010, 07:33:42 pm »
Platinum has been on the server since the original release of .5


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Re: Complaint about the Devs
« Reply #12 on: February 13, 2010, 10:13:27 pm »
PS is way better about how much consideration players get than most games IMO. They are closer to us and actually hear the complaints. Note: Not doing exactly what is asked for every complaint is not the same as not hearing. I myself listen to what all sorts of people say but that doesn't mean I feel in the least bit obligated to act on it just cause it fell out of their mouths. If you think Devs are insensitive in PS, go play more MMOs. I like how PS runs much better. As much as I like the game Mabinogi, I still think the Devs for that game must be off their rockers.

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Re: Complaint about the Devs
« Reply #13 on: February 14, 2010, 04:39:35 am »
I would like to make it absolutely crystal clear that I don't agree with Vakachehk.

Since 0.5 my character has not made 1 single tria. Except quest rewards.

He has not trained a single skill, except Empathy.

Skills and Tria for me are not the core of the game, roleplay is enough. I as a person don't have time to train, power level, or make and hoard and spend large amounts of ingame money. But the time that I do have ingame I relish, because it's full of rich roleplay (except when the power cuts out) with wonderful mates. Even if I'm not roleplaying, I'm discussing relative-to-the-game ideas and also events that have already taken place.

A character does not need to be maxed and loaded with money and rare items for the player to enjoy the game. The player just needs to enjoy role-playing in PlaneShift. In my time I've met humble potters and couriers, "Lords" and "Ambassadors", and even unscrupulous villains (though my character did not know so).

All in all, I'm very happy with the game.


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Re: Complaint about the Devs
« Reply #14 on: February 14, 2010, 06:15:02 am »

would you please keep in mind there are players who are new to this game, who have >ne> (read: low- or unskilled) characters, who need to train, who need to skill, who are not some obscene powerhouse built up for years and who just want to RP?

Well... if I need 10diamond crystals for a quest... yes, I know where to get them. Yes, I have a rock pick... and have (thought I have) decent fighting skills (Melee and LA, and don't tell me to pick up a weapon, this is a character concept of a martial artist)... and I get overrun by some vermin I did not even see coming in the dungeon.
It is impossible to even go there without support (from some high power ally), and even if I find one, I might be deadmeat due to lag - sorry, no fun.
Same situation in the sewers, which I found first to be something of a training ground - heck - who puts thunder clackers or wrath rats there? they just don't belong! you don't even step out of the load zone and get creamed...

sorry that I need to let off some steam, I see the work involved, but you should listen to all levels of play - and in the thread where you want combat stats, only some powerhouses posted so far... if THOSE get in trouble... well how about the people with lower socres? you don't really want us just trying to smash rogues in Oja, and even by that, we get too few PP to reach a good score, to get anywhere NEAR such scores as mentioned in the aforementioned thread...