Author Topic: too long to train  (Read 3622 times)

Sarras Volcae

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too long to train
« on: March 06, 2010, 02:53:22 am »
there's only a tl;dr because i suck at writing

training takes too long. i don't want to waste all my free time leveling. surprising, i know, that some players have real lives. maybe levelling takes so long to keep powerlevellers away... idk. that wouldn't make sense because if training was easy, they'd get bored quickly. strict roleplayers could train too, and they wouldn't have to have characters who are ic powerbuilders yet ooc pansies. just let everyone max out if they want, and there will be more roleplay, if that's really what this game is looking for.

i'm sarras volcae, and i approve this crappy message


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Re: too long to train
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2010, 03:18:39 am »
i've heard responses to things like this a million times.
rp'rs dont need training at all.
they shouldnt have to ahve any sort of training to be able to communicate and have fun with other players. take your friend stashka for example
he's told me before, he doesnt train, he only comes to ps to have fun with people
training is nowhere near a neccesity.
thats somthing you have to live with
Dohmo: Please clean up your language immediately.
Me: as i just said, what i said, fits in the guidlines of rated PG, i was just explaining to the G guy
Dohmo: Sorry I tried to e nice
Dohmo: and i'm telling you to clean it up. last warning
Dohmo: now just do it
Dohmo: No more warnings


Sarras Volcae

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Re: too long to train
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2010, 04:33:40 am »
but stashka's character is a wimp, and he uses the game mechanics to show that  :P so he really has no need to train.


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Re: too long to train
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2010, 04:44:30 am »
i've heard responses to things like this a million times.
rp'rs dont need training at all.
they shouldnt have to ahve any sort of training to be able to communicate and have fun with other players. take your friend stashka for example
he's told me before, he doesnt train, he only comes to ps to have fun with people
training is nowhere near a neccesity.
thats somthing you have to live with

RPers don't need training then what do we do? to have a character you don't just sit there in a Tavern and say random stuff that your character is a hero and blah blah you need to show it, the only way is to train that. but yes there is a lot of threads like mine that I made :)
You maybe roleplaying but you could still be OOC.


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Re: too long to train
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2010, 09:20:25 am »
Sarras does have a point which i've thought about from time to time. If you could max out quickly then yes, there would be more time to rp. 
Regarding the need for stats, some rpers limit their ic actions to their stats so they do need to train to back up their rp.
In my opinion, it would be ideal if one could train quickly but be limited to mastery in one area provided you accept a permanent handicap ( weakening in opposing stats) ,and perhaps near mastery in a secondary skill.

On the other hand, there are players who enjoys bashing monsters and upping their stats like what is done in older single player *rpg* games. This rapid ttaining would probably end their fun prematurely.
While laanx is meant to be an rp server I suspect that the game is intended to be entertaining for both rp and leveling.


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Re: too long to train
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2010, 01:19:26 pm »
personally the only thing i think takes to long to train is magic, everything else goes just fine, the only currentsetback is the issue with the pp switching around a lot
Dohmo: Please clean up your language immediately.
Me: as i just said, what i said, fits in the guidlines of rated PG, i was just explaining to the G guy
Dohmo: Sorry I tried to e nice
Dohmo: and i'm telling you to clean it up. last warning
Dohmo: now just do it
Dohmo: No more warnings



  • Hydlaa Notable
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Re: too long to train
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2010, 04:20:33 pm »
I posted part of the following in the 'NPC re-factor and you' thread, and got a response that frankly was even more discouraging.

Calling into question my ability to think, or assuming that some people have real lives and somehow I don't, perhaps these aren't the best ways to communicate and build communities of respect, in my not so humble opinion.  X-/

But even that response reminds me that WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT and what we are looking for- in leisure time, in our RL and perhaps even in our IG relationships (assuming one is playing a character who isn't of the 'chaos and killing' power persuasion)- what we are looking for is as varied as our characters, our environments, our biologies and our 'souls'.

So, to reiterate my own point, and forgive me please for having the audacity or even the ego perhaps, to quote myself...

      "Well I hesitated to post here, then I thought, what the hey.. it's just my opinion.... so here goes...
        As far as the points go, I (again just my opinion) am frustrated by how hard it is to earn points, except by questing, which my main has now done massive numbers of... it seems pretty impossible now to continue on his character
       motivation, it seems unattainable to earn enough points to afford magic training at the higher levels, not to mention the cost.  I have found in the two months since the new version I've really lost interest in playing.. it's too much
       of a grind, and the folks I used to rp with, many seem to be gone now. So what's the point, if the rp factor is so diminished AND the ability to advance my character's goals is so hindered by the mechanics?

      So Roled is pretty frustrated...
      Just thought I'd let you know.
    THANK YOU for the rivnaks!"

 This is my experience. It is valid, as valid as anyone else (tho I admit I am biased towards participatory democracy). I CAN imagine the difficulties in 'creating a world' as the PS motto goes, and continually applaud the brains, the developers, the programers, the game masters and mistresses, the techies and the writers and the volunteers all, AND THE PLAYERS who are creating this game. In creating this world, tho, I hope always to experience respect for and appreciation of the valid experiences of us, the 'testers', the players, the chameleons known as 'the community'.

Can't believe I'm quoting Rigwyn again (Xiosia's socks, I hope Roled never meets Rigwyn!  ::)  ) but here goes! I AGREE with Riqwyn! ehheheh

Sarras does have a point which i've thought about from time to time. If you could max out quickly then yes, there would be more time to rp. 
Regarding the need for stats, some rpers limit their ic actions to their stats so they do need to train to back up their rp.
In my opinion, it would be ideal if one could train quickly but be limited to mastery in one area provided you accept a permanent handicap ( weakening in opposing stats) ,and perhaps near mastery in a secondary skill.

On the other hand, there are players who enjoys bashing monsters and upping their stats like what is done in older single player *rpg* games. This rapid ttaining would probably end their fun prematurely.
While laanx is meant to be an rp server I suspect that the game is intended to be entertaining for both rp and leveling.

I'm one of those who, if I could progress a little more quickly, I would have more time to role play.

I'm also one of the ones who tries to plays to his stats- as Roled gets to be a better magician, his maturity, his life goals, his strengths and his character becomes deeper, more assured, less wide eyed. Not being able to make progress on his life goals is hindering role play enormously, for me.

One other tangent: In this game, where rewards are based mostly on killing and slashing and hacking away at monsters and cutthroats and insects,  and in this game where so many player's characters seem to be set upon creating death, injury and chaos, I deliberately chose, when I started almost 3 years ago, to try to play an alternative character.

Roled is a pacifist. He is kind hearted, and as generous as his tria allows. He likes almost everyone {except Rigwyn  :devil: } and avoids those he doesn't like or is scared of. He loves the idea of a Goddess of Peace and so Xiosia has become more and more important to him. He tries to be helpful. And he longs to become an adept Crystal Mage, and use his developing skills to heal people. He works hard to make enough points and tria to train in magic, and now with the re-factoring, it seems the only way to earn significant pps is to kill monsters and rogues. So he reluctantly trains swords. He's a genuinely nice guy with some skeletons in his backstory closet. And, coming out of that closet, he is gay.

I would like to get the satisfaction again that I once had, playing this game and rping with folks. Roled continues to become sadder, and more of a loner. Not by choice..

There's my 50 hexa's worth of ramblings on the 'too long to train' thread. Thanks for listening.

Roled Rolak
SoX- Sons of Xiosia
Knowledge Seekers
"RR is a PieSexual" ~ Monala


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Re: too long to train
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2010, 08:08:31 pm »
Even pacifists are required to train martial skills in Yliakum law. Whether or not combat magic is included in that edict is unclear but it likely is. Why should we care if your character is gay, how does that relate to this thread?

You want to avoid combat and still get pp's try weapon repair last I looked it was quite rewarding in experience, although I haven't looked at it since the refactor and it too is quite expensive to train -- all those repair kits in addition to the training costs. Learn to cook, lots of free raw material to practice on just sitting there waiting to be picked up.

There are still bugs in the progression system but just complaining doesn't get them fixed, do you use the bugtracker?


There are many things that take longer to practice than weapons and armor and that has to do with how long it takes to get practice rather than money / progression points. This is another thing that needs to be looked at.


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Re: too long to train
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2010, 08:14:01 pm »
The only time I find to train in Planeshift is when I have no school and I am physically injured so I have to stay home. The massive amount of time it takes to train a single weapon combat skill is too much for any normal player. This is my opinion and observation from personal experience and chatting with friends in game.

If the development team decided to raise the difficulty of training to keep away power levelers, it doesn't work. They enjoy hacking and slashing until they maxed what they please. Rather, lower the difficulty. If possible, move the system away from the necessity to do repeated actions like grinding. That would keep power levelers away more effectively.


  • Hydlaa Notable
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Re: too long to train
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2010, 10:47:04 pm »
Thanks Bilbous for your comments: quick replies in orange

Even pacifists are required to train martial skills in Yliakum law.
I know-Roled has and does.
Whether or not combat magic is included in that edict is unclear but it likely is.
Just reread an edict today in the Octarchal Decree that seems to lead to the opposite conclusion.
Why should we care if your character is gay, how does that relate to this thread?
Speaks to the point of our characters being varied and different, and how the current refactoring limits the ability of alternative characters to advance their life goals when they differ from mainstream PS slash and hack

You want to avoid combat and still get pp's try weapon repair last I looked it was quite rewarding in experience, although I haven't looked at it since the refactor and it too is quite expensive to train
Roled has and it is -- all those repair kits in addition to the training costs. Learn to cook, Roled has and money in it.... lots of free raw material to practice on just sitting there waiting to be picked up.

There are still bugs in the progression system but just ahem?  ::| complaining doesn't get them fixed Roled doesn't just complain- in fact I rarely complain. Sorry I thought a complaint dept thread was for...well... complaints. I hope you can attend the Parade of Guilds Roled and the SoX are organizing for Unodin- see each town bulletin board for details
, do you use the bugtracker? I do and I have and will continue to, thanks for the reminder...


There are many things that take longer to practice than weapons and armor and that has to do with how long it takes to get practice rather than money / progression points. This is another thing that needs to be looked at. Agreed! ;D

Roled Rolak

"RR is a PieSexual" ~ Monala


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Re: too long to train
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2010, 12:08:03 am »
hope you enjoyed the tea.


  • Hydlaa Notable
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Re: too long to train
« Reply #11 on: March 07, 2010, 01:19:56 am »
Thankee- it were delicious!
May Xiosia spread charm flowers before ye!
"RR is a PieSexual" ~ Monala


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Re: too long to train
« Reply #12 on: March 07, 2010, 02:44:30 am »
I also somehow remember that the increased difficulty was a try to make it a better environment for RPers. If it now turns out that it didn't work or made things even worse it should of course be reconsidered.
It's tempting to do it the other way round and make it more easy; but that might also turn out to be even worse - e.g. if indeed many people leave after having reached their maximum training.

.....also a saddle that won't pinch the tail. One day!

Sarras Volcae

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Re: too long to train
« Reply #13 on: March 07, 2010, 04:43:52 am »
no one leaves after maxing out. they duel and rp being super awesome... training is not (or should not be) the point to the game. not even in world of warcraft. it's about having fun, which you do once you're maxed. you can't roleplay if you're busy grinding.

i've lost motivation to continue playing planeshift. only thing that keeps me here is occasional roleplay, once or twice a week. i enjoy training, but not in ps. it's too dull and tedious, especially with the constant lag.


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Re: too long to train
« Reply #14 on: March 07, 2010, 10:18:32 am »
Oddly enough, back a few years ago when there was nothing much else but combat skills to train and max stats was about 100, I got bored and took a six month break once my main character was pretty much maxed. The game wasn't enough fun to work up other characters. Later when stats and skills got expanded I came back but training had become such a chore that I've never gotten bilbous maxed in any skill, max stats was just a matter of spending points and money. Of course it doesn't help in getting maxed that I tend to use him to train everything so that my efforts are not concentrated.

It is a good thing I enjoy the bug testing aspect as without that I probably would not still be around. I have recently started new characters to test general progression but they have not gotten very far.