Author Topic: Xifer's Morbid Tale  (Read 480 times)


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Xifer's Morbid Tale
« on: March 20, 2010, 07:07:56 pm »
Xifer Fyresoul was born on the sixth level of Yliakum. He was a relatively normal Dermorian child. Xifer did have his problems, as all children do. His life, though, has never been easy. When Xifer was thirteen cycles old, his parents, Sarina and Jetsu Fyresoul, were assassinated by a young Ynnwn mercenary. Xifer was devastated after this happened. He had to stop his schooling and work as a carpenter to support his younger sister, Nynin. He continued his schooling through Nynin, who taught him what she learned at the end of each day.

For the next three years, they continued to live like this. Xifer working for a living, Nynin teaching him at night, and then going and doing it all over again the next day. That is, until he met Saema. Saema was a Nolthrir of the same age as Xifer. She didn't know how she ended up on the sixth level, but claimed she was attempting a spell that supposedly conjured rain. This could help in droughts. Unfortunately, the town that Xifer lived in didn't take kindly to mages of any kind. You see, most of the mages that originated from this town ended up being dark mages, hell-bent on killing and causing misery. Thus, magic was illegal-ized. Saema helped Xifer learn to control a unique ability-- pyromancy. He was born with this skill, which is very rare. Most pyromancers gain this trait through apprenticeships, but few are born with the skill. Xifer gave Saema a place to stay and some clothes in return. He built another room onto his small home to accommodate her.

Xifer began to use his skill to make tria in his town, hiding it so that he only appears to be a skillful flame dancer. After two years of this Xifer became a well-known and widely respected person. This never went to his head though. Xifer's personality was never one of a very high-born person, more of a peasant. This is due to how his parents raised him and the fact he's never been wealthy.

In the two years since Xifer met Saema, they fell deeply in love. This seemed a little odd to the others of the town; they were all Dermorian, so her presence was suspicious as well. If anyone thought she was a spy or some kind of threat, they never moved against her.

After being together for months, Xifer finally proposed to Saema. She agreed whole-heartedly. But, sadly, this would never come to be. Two days before the wedding, a plague befell his town. This, however, was no normal plague, but a Spell Plague. It killed most of the town's inhabitants, including Saema and Nynin. Those who survived the plague were tainted by the spell, cursed. They could no longer be healed by Crystal Way magic, their eyes changed with their emotions, they couldn't control or use magic, driven into insanity, and depression are all effects of the taint. Bio-luminescence of the eyes was also common.

After being tainted by the plague, Xifer tried to find a way to resurrect his sister and lover. He found one magic that had some promise to help him-- necromancy. This dark and forbidden art was, to him, his only chance at continuing his life. When he discovered that necromancy would only re-animate their corpses, then he fell further into his insanity and depression. Xifer came to the first level of Yliakum hoping to find another way to return to the life that was stolen from him. He never found it.

After a couple years of living and blending in with the citizens of Hydlaa, Xifer's memory was stolen. He awoke in one of the bedrooms Kada-El's Tavern knowing only a few things. He knew his name and another name: Lecoda. He also had a journal, although some of the pages in it were forged. Soon after awaking, he met someone who would be a long-time and good friend of his, Esorono. Esorono helped Xifer through his lack of memories and has been a friend of him ever since.

It's been four cycles since he came to the first level and in that time, Xifer has fallen in love twice. Both of their souls have been claimed by Dakkru for eternity. On the bright side of things, Xifer has gotten over the past. He's overcome the taint from the plague and is now a normal Dermorian. Well, normal aside from the trouble and fights which always seem to arise around him and the whole pyromancy deal.

Xifer spends a lot of his time on the sixth level, searching the ruins of his old city. Something else happened in there, something that he can't remember. It destroyed most of the town, burning it to the ground. Was it him? Was he the catalyst for the destruction? Did so many people survive the plague, enough to speed up his insanity to a point where he couldn't take them anymore? Or was it some other thing, some kind of creature or spell? Perhaps it was the same person who cast the plague upon them. These are all answers that Xifer searches for. So far, he has found none, much to his annoyance.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2010, 04:02:39 pm by Xifer »


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Re: Origins of Fate- The Tale of Xifer Fyresoul
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2010, 08:55:42 pm »
« Last Edit: October 21, 2010, 12:10:14 pm by Xifer »


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Re: Origins of Fate- The Tale of Xifer Fyresoul
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2010, 01:18:25 am »
tl;dr - you should use the enter key more often.