Author Topic: Morphing  (Read 2559 times)


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Re: Morphing
« Reply #15 on: April 25, 2010, 05:43:57 pm »


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Re: Morphing
« Reply #16 on: April 25, 2010, 09:16:16 pm »
Aiwendil, there is behind the scenes stuff going on as I'm sure you are well aware of, considering. Whining that bad things will happen before something is even in game seems just bit defeatist.

I've only been playing since 2004, but I remember people complaining about a lot of stuff they thought would ruin the game that hasn't done so.

Sarras Volcae

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Re: Morphing
« Reply #17 on: April 26, 2010, 01:41:49 am »


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Re: Morphing
« Reply #18 on: April 26, 2010, 01:43:21 am »
@ sarras
Dohmo: Please clean up your language immediately.
Me: as i just said, what i said, fits in the guidlines of rated PG, i was just explaining to the G guy
Dohmo: Sorry I tried to e nice
Dohmo: and i'm telling you to clean it up. last warning
Dohmo: now just do it
Dohmo: No more warnings


Sarras Volcae

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Re: Morphing
« Reply #19 on: April 26, 2010, 01:44:33 am »
morphing is awkward


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Re: Morphing
« Reply #20 on: April 26, 2010, 01:45:48 am »
what if somthing goes horablly wrong and you get hidously disfigured?
thats how the kran was born...morphing might be a bad idea o.o
Dohmo: Please clean up your language immediately.
Me: as i just said, what i said, fits in the guidlines of rated PG, i was just explaining to the G guy
Dohmo: Sorry I tried to e nice
Dohmo: and i'm telling you to clean it up. last warning
Dohmo: now just do it
Dohmo: No more warnings



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Re: Morphing
« Reply #21 on: April 26, 2010, 01:21:43 pm »
Aiwendil, there is behind the scenes stuff going on as I'm sure you are well aware of, considering. Whining that bad things will happen before something is even in game seems just bit defeatist.

I've only been playing since 2004, but I remember people complaining about a lot of stuff they thought would ruin the game that hasn't done so.
Ah, sorry, the "LOL" was not about the idea. Sure, I could argue why it is a good idea or not, but what would change? If I say anything here then I can be sure just for the sake of it, it will be flamed by others. And to get the PS team to listen you first have to go through months of ass licking. So the "LOL" was only for the trust in the team. And why do you think I should have any clue what is going on behind the scenes? Isn't secrecy and keeping all infos from outsiders most important for the PS team? But you know..I don't nearly play as long as you do...I am sure I just get this all wrong.


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Re: Morphing
« Reply #22 on: April 26, 2010, 01:54:09 pm »
Aiwendil, I assumed you'd know becuase you seem to be a rather active member, or I at least remember you being one. That's all. It wasn't a round about insult.


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Re: Morphing
« Reply #23 on: April 26, 2010, 02:18:39 pm »
Nah, not really active anymore, just a sad bastard whose forum account should have been deleted some months ago. But like everything this takes a lot of time in PS. Hope you enjoy your time back in PS.


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Re: Morphing
« Reply #24 on: May 10, 2010, 09:51:24 pm »
 If you wanted to keep people from spamming a spell, you would not do it by increases the quests or grind required. The popular MMOs taught us how that goes. Time, ingredient, and mana limits are also only limits in numbers. The limits need to be an inherent part of the mechanic involved.
 Polymorphing one's self should not be taken lightly because the user takes on all aspects of their new form; size, strength, limbs, senses, and in some cases the mind. A clacker player would not be able to wield weaponry or armour, speak to other players coherently, or even open doors. But that player would also be able to pass many monsters ignored, and enter tight spaces they would otherwise be unable. Or at least that's the ideal situation; most of this goes much farther than a graphic switch, as NPCs would have to treat the player differently based on current form and whether the NPC knew who the creature was. Same thing would apply to player perception, in that it shouldn't be obvious the polymorphed person is a player to other players.
 The process can be explained two ways; an actual change in flesh, or a kind of planar swap. The flesh change follows conservation of mass, and would usually be applied to wearcreatures, the undead, and fantastical genetics. The second is the one seen more often, where the person's natural body is swapped out into a statis-inducing plane of reality, and replaced with another one (formed from raw chaos or prepared by the mage beforehand) where their "soul" stays. One could also describe it as the natural body being in semi-stasis and still capable of preforming thought functions for the new body.
 In game, this would mean transformations are either slow and permanent, and instant and unstable. If the new body is indeed formed from a link to raw chaos, this would introduce all kinds of anomalies. Such as players finding it extremely hard to polymorph into anything resembling a living Yliakum creature, instead getting poor, chaos-corrupted imitations of what they were actually trying to achieve. If they are lucky or skilled at this point, they can use the body for a while, if a novice attempts it...

 Heh, even without using amorphia as a fuel source, polymorphing is open to all kinds of Fun.


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Re: Morphing
« Reply #25 on: May 11, 2010, 04:53:00 pm »
Or an illusion. Azure Way. Instead of an actual change, it could be an illusionary one.

Instead of CHANGING into a clacker, you LOOK like a clacker. An empyrean illusion that just makes you think that a person looks like something. 


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Re: Morphing
« Reply #26 on: May 11, 2010, 05:16:56 pm »
That's should make for some rather cool screenshots.

A clacker, grendol, carakas, and a drooling-angry-kick-your-mamma's-ass-bernaught standing in a circle near harn chattingn, harn oblivious to the mob of monsters.

A tloke crafting axes.

An arangma trying to sell plat.

A gobble in kada'el's groping female patrons and acting creepy.

Diseased rats in the broken door ordering beers for everyone.

Might as well allow people to morph into xiosia and laanx too.. Why hold back?

A really cool addition would be the ability to morph into inanimate things, like brooms, stones, lanterns, or a tria.
If people could morph into a tria then a whole bunch oif them could be carried from one town to another by a player !

It might be bad though If someone morphed into a beed and then thristy little dwarf drank them - spilling some of the beer on their beard, shirt, pants, table and floor.


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Re: Morphing
« Reply #27 on: May 12, 2010, 03:53:31 am »
 I'm not totally sure how one would keep illusions from being spammed, since those are pretty easy. People and NPCs would have a weighted resistance roll against a mind-control illusion, and a similar roll for seeing the flaws in a light-based illusion. I guess, like any constant effect enchantment, you would have to keep concentrating on the illusion to hold it up; draining your energy and stamina. Getting distracted somehow (is getting stabbed a distraction? :] ) will force a roll to keep the enchantment functioning.
 One of the main points of morphing or using an illusion is that NPCs and players will treat you differently; if it looks like a monster is coming into to town, the guards will attack, and the newbies will try helping defend. The bartender will be extremely surprised that a clacker has walked into the bar and ordered a drink (or just clacked at him if actually polymorphed or you went too far with the illusion).

 You would not be able to polymorph into inanimate objects without killing yourself or being put into blind stasis. Illusions work fine, with resistance rolls and complexity difficulty of course. For pranks, is it already possible to create illusions of items, creatures, and buildings? How long would it take for people to figure out the stone wall on the forest road isn't really there? Those kinds of illusions would be easily limited by the fact the player has to stay there and keep it functioning.


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Re: Morphing
« Reply #28 on: May 27, 2010, 03:46:20 pm »
I would have to agree with Nivm on this.

Morphing and illusions have both different purposes and side effects.

Morphing in to clacker (unless its that complicated kind of morph) would generally mean that you have to become a clacker and knowing that bugs don't have enough brain cavity to support your intelect that would have to be forgone in the process making a powerfull mage into an onrdinary clacker. For these kinds of situations illusions would be used, as Nivm said, at the expence of constant concentration and drain.
And the restraint for not having many polymorphed wizards or illusions running around would be that since you cannot distinguish it from a monster, feel free to treat it like a monster. So essentially a stab happy person would very quickly find that his wonderfull kill has very strange loot for a rat. Wizardish loot.

Would be nice to see it implemented, very nice. So nice that I already found my PS notebook and joted some RP ideas down if this ever becomes an option. However, I am not holding my breath out for this one.
If I stand on the axis of the world will you mind if I say that the world revolves around me ?


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Re: Morphing
« Reply #29 on: May 27, 2010, 03:56:56 pm »

Morphing in to clacker (unless its that complicated kind of morph) would generally mean that you have to become a clacker and knowing that bugs don't have enough brain cavity to support your intelect that would have to be forgone in the process making a powerfull mage into an onrdinary clacker.

You two are thinking like mere earthings.

Tisk tisk tisk ...

 This is not earth .. for all we know Yliakum could exist within some god's dream. It could disappear like a passing thought and be remembered and relived millions of years later - Perhaps even relived in reverse, or in some modifed form.

If the mind was something that existed outside of the body and the brain was more of a receiver that was biologically tuned to that mind, then it might be possible to turn into a clacker, and still be tuned into that mind ( assuming that the spell is crafted in such a way that the *tuning* of the brain does not change )

How does magic work ?
Can it be undone  ? Can one turn sugar into carbon via magic and then reverse the spell turning it back in to sugar ?
What are its limitations ?