Author Topic: Get out there and RP more!  (Read 7272 times)


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Re: Get out there and RP more!
« Reply #15 on: May 02, 2010, 04:42:12 pm »
Sarras, if you camp in the middle of a road simply because you didn't want to find a good place to camp, you just wanted to camp  ;) , it would not go well. Yes, people need to seek out RP. I know from experience that RPing by yourself is only half as fun.  ;D

Lhaa, if you keep it up. I'm going to give you a sign that says "I'm n ur thredz, stealin ur happyz." or one that say "I haz a grumpy."  :P you too Aiwendil.

Monala's post pretty much sums up the stage I was at before I decided to reach out more. Now that I have, I find I enjoy the game more and RP more. I'm just inviting others to do so. I would appreciated it though if we could avoid sucking all the optimism out of the thread and maybe people can talk about the RPs they have been in recently.


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Re: Get out there and RP more!
« Reply #16 on: May 02, 2010, 04:47:09 pm »
I think it's because you all have intense B.O. and no one wants to be around you.

Except for Sarras. Everyone just hates her.

Sarras Volcae

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Re: Get out there and RP more!
« Reply #17 on: May 02, 2010, 05:51:10 pm »
Sarras, if you camp in the middle of a road simply because you didn't want to find a good place to camp, you just wanted to camp  ;) , it would not go well. Yes, people need to seek out RP. I know from experience that RPing by yourself is only half as fun.  ;D

you're being disingenuous  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(


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Re: Get out there and RP more!
« Reply #18 on: May 02, 2010, 06:16:26 pm »
The community is the lifeblood of the game - the mechanics are merely the body. Ones the blood drains out the body is dead.
With the community dead it might as well be a solo rpg.

You want rp to be alive? You need a lot of people who give a crap - not just one or two rp-saviors.

You want rp back ?
Do what it takes to attract and retain solid players.

If need be, get rid of the sucky players - kick them off for not role playing, tell them they must change, or take away the game mechanics. ( Take down the npc's for good )

That's harsh, I know.
Its worth considering though.

The resulting question is, how important is it to have a role playing community?

As it stands there are a fist full of players left scattered accors multiple timezones on a very large map.
the coals need to be lumped together somehow before the fire goes out.


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Re: Get out there and RP more!
« Reply #19 on: May 02, 2010, 06:28:32 pm »
Lumping the coals together seems now to be part of the reason for the single Spawn point implemented, I mean if everyone who dies is forced to start in one place they are bound to meet eventually are they not?

Now I know I have few posts but I have been around these forums for a few years and I am most disgusted with the flamitory style comments made here towards those that are simply trying to fan flames of what used to be then wasn't then was then wasn't a solid RP culture, Now I don't want to start more argument but if I used to frequent a location where there was many enjoyable bands or shows then it all died, I would be overjoyed to find that the caretakers or patrons of said place had revived it that I would try to tell all the friends that were there with me before.

Sorry that might be rambling but that is the way i see the original post just a friendly reminder that 'Hey PS is still here and there are some great things goin on"




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Re: Get out there and RP more!
« Reply #20 on: May 02, 2010, 06:34:55 pm »
There are several problems I see with RP:

1) noobs don't get the indoctrination in RP they used to.  This is an area the tutorial tries to help out with with Xargon, but it seems that not many folk want to listen to his lecture...:P  That, and quite a few newbies are still getting dragged off into non-RP guilds (*cough* Nexus of Devotion *hack* just an example :P)  Us folk running RP guilds (Rangers, RHoP, Outlaws Guild, House of Treyus, etal) kind of need to step up our efforts not just to recruit newbies, but to give them a proper edification when it comes to roleplaying.

2) People naturally tend to form into RP cliques and sometimes have trouble accepting outsiders into their clique or participating in RPs outside their clique.  This is something everyone needs to work on.

3) The newbies tend to be afraid to try to RP, most of this I'll chalk up to stage fright :P but we do need to find a better way to bring people up to speed on game settings.  Using quests to disseminate settings information is simply ineffective.  Why? To find out which quests your character should run, you either have to ask characters in a similar profession (sometimes easier said than done), rely on OOC spoilers (:( ), or run every quest in the game (which is too time consuming).  The books provide references for some matters, but much of that information is hard to find for the average player (its better than information buried in quests though), and it's kind of hard to run to Jayose's (or worse, the DR citadel) every time a mundane Settings question pops up mid-roleplay.  What we really need is a "quick reference guide" that contains most of the Settings things that a roleplayer would need, in a format that we can keep HANDY and easily distribute to noobs.

4) Most folks are very busy training, because it seems that newbies gravitate towards roles (warrior, mage, expert crafter) that require large amounts of training.  The tutorial should do much more to nudge folks who are unsure of what to do towards exploring the world of the ordinary citizen, as well as the ability to pace your training in a way that leaves you with plenty of time to RP as opposed to PLing away every last drop of your time on PS.

5) Also, there's the issue with caring about RP in everyday life.  The gossip channel isn't helping, but there are much worse problems: I still haven't gotten comfortable with asking for quest or training help in a fully IC manner though, but that's partly because I'm from another era of PS altogether :p.  The absolute WORST issues though are with crafting.  Even some veteran crafters have trouble dealing with the RP side of crafting (things such as non-standard orders and such) correctly.  Many crafters still go "if it isn't in the mechanics, you can't do it", which is straight up WRONG in a game that's supposed to be RP focused.


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Re: Get out there and RP more!
« Reply #21 on: May 02, 2010, 06:54:16 pm »
I love these topics because they always come about at regular intervals. It's like I'm waiting for a new season of football to start only instead of having fun I'm getting new material for jokes.

This still being true as I say this...the only reason these "discussions" *cough* arguments *cough* are ever any good is when someone, somewhere gets some lesson out of it and changes things, breaking the nasty, continous epoch of "RP is dead" and "this community has gone the tubes".

Not saying that those words aren't valid these days. They are. And you know it too. I just godmodded your opinions, that's right.

Lhaa and Aiwendil are two people that are controversial, mainly because they speak their minds on subjects that are constantly "discussed" about, not to mention right now they are always of the opinion on the lighter scales of popularity. I guess that's why the subject of RCD isn't talked about favorably with the general forum population...even though it should be. Anyone notice that a very, very small group of people manned the biggest and best player-run establishment in the game? It's almost like a job, and nobody was going to help them run it. Sorry, when I say nobody, I mean not enough, and when I say not enough, I mean one person. That's a sad thing man. I think the developers should give a good ear to some of their suggestions. And they have a lot of good suggestions, one just needs to look past their anger at not being listened to.

As far as all these theories on RP go...forget that crap. There are some basic problems that could be dealt with if the game developers and the players put their minds to it. You want to talk about solutions to real issues? Then do that. Then you have to move from the "whys" (why is RP dead?) to the "whats" (what will we do about this?). And if the people who run the game won't listen to your suggestions at all, don't play anymore. It won't change. If they do, good for you, get your ideas out there and your opinion heard. Talk to Talad, see what he says. If he doesn't listen or straight-up says no, you know that this game probably isn't for you. If you really want to change the RP in this game and bring it back to something like (not the same as before, because that could never be) what we had before, then do it. Don't just talk about. Because talking is easy. It really is. People can yack all day and put up smiley faces and their Tongue emotes and think they're smart but they're doing nothing. It's cool and all, and if what I'm saying here speaks to you guys then I did something good today.

I have not been playing because I don't have an interest in logging in. Loading is too much for me, I get tired looking at that screen. RP sucks, it is blatantly terrible. The bugs and lag and crashing I can handle, as long as the content of the game is good. It's not. So it adds onto the pile of dung that is what I see in the game right now. You don't like what I'm saying? Too bad. Because a hell of alot of people feel this exact same way. Yeah, people can have their fun time at Kada-el's, and drink, and talk and have fun. That's one facet of roleplay in Planeshift. Just one. And a small, but integral part of our community's roleplay. It's like chilling with some friends at a taco time for a meal after a movie, or having a drink after a show. But it's not IT. A real roleplaying community has a mood in it, has a feeling, there's a satisfying sense of being excited to log into the game and see your friends and meet new people, and include them in what you do, and exploring the world, and roleplaying out your character. But that doesn't really put it into words right either.

It's just a game...but that doesn't give an excuse for this game to be crud. It's a game, but people play games to have fun. And since this is a role-playing game, I would assume that the highest quality of roleplay should be within the game while giving the chance for everyone to play.

Oh yeah, I talked about solutions before. Solutions? Make REAL roleplay rules. But will that happen? I don't know, will it? Get rid of this impossible difficulty of maxing skills (impossible for a person with a life). As if that slows down power levelers. It just gives them a longer goal.

In conclusion, do what you will and when life gives you lemons, squirt that in your enemies eyes. Just kidding.


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Re: Get out there and RP more!
« Reply #22 on: May 02, 2010, 08:18:23 pm »
I don't know about you guys, but I had an absolutely great time earlier when I got on my alt that I haven't touched in months and coming to Hydlaa for the first time.  Resulted in some great RP, something I've been sorely needing.  All I'm saying is that RP isn't dead, we all just need to try something new. :sorcerer:


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Re: Get out there and RP more!
« Reply #23 on: May 02, 2010, 09:42:31 pm »
Sarras, if you camp in the middle of a road simply because you didn't want to find a good place to camp, you just wanted to camp  ;) , it would not go well. Yes, people need to seek out RP. I know from experience that RPing by yourself is only half as fun.  ;D

you're being disingenuous  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

No, I'm being honest and funny. I've tried having two of my alts RPing together and it was only fun for about 10 mins. But it was kinda fun writing both sides of the story.  ;D

Now that, we've gotten through yet another round of back and forth, let's please stick to positive threads like Dracaeon's.

Sarras Volcae

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Re: Get out there and RP more!
« Reply #24 on: May 02, 2010, 11:18:42 pm »
you're not funny, and you know what i mean, illysia. the cute and clueless thing isn't working.

ditto the irishman. there's a whole lot wrong with this game. frankly, i don't want to play it. but it could amount to something some day.


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Re: Get out there and RP more!
« Reply #25 on: May 02, 2010, 11:39:44 pm »
If you really can't stand the game, just do like Lhaa and Aiwendil and stop trying to fix what is broken and go find something else to do. Simple. Or as the chinese proverbs goes, quit cursing the darkness and light a candle. I'm not being clueless, I'm trying to encourage those hanging on by a thread to keep hanging on. If optimism is evil and wrong then tell Duraza to scoot over, there's a new evil overlord in town.  :P

Sarras Volcae

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Re: Get out there and RP more!
« Reply #26 on: May 03, 2010, 12:51:21 am »
sorry, but i'm a kid, not a developer. and did you miss the "could amount to something" part? if i really wanted to leave, i'd be gone.

don't twist my words. you know what i'm talking about. finding roleplay is a ridiculous idea. you just have to roleplay. obviously you roleplay with people.

like i said, quit being disingenuous. or forgetful or mentally challenged or whatever you're acting. i was trying to make a point and you ruined it. gah 


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Re: Get out there and RP more!
« Reply #27 on: May 03, 2010, 02:10:23 am »
Oooh, Illysia ... last weekend we wanted so much to play with you ... when you suddenly disappeared before we were able to arrive. Again too late. Like the weekend before.

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Re: Get out there and RP more!
« Reply #28 on: May 03, 2010, 02:49:02 am »
@Lhaa: You know very little of my interactions with XilliX, or Talad for that matter. It's rather unwise to suggest I am ignorant in the matters concerning politics in PlaneShift development. Whether or not Talad benefits personally from my contribution is not the reason I contribute as a prospect, I contribute for the community.

@Aiwendil: I did not specifically claim to be doing anything to help RP, in my last post... I meant the game community as a whole. The only thing I can do to help RP in PlaneShift, in my honest opinion is to spend more time ingame RPing. Sorry for the misunderstanding.


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Re: Get out there and RP more!
« Reply #29 on: May 03, 2010, 03:23:57 am »
In the spirit of offering positive suggestions...

1} The new term of the University of Yliakum will be starting in the next weekend or two. Has your character been interested in learning something new in the company of other students? Think about being a part time or applying to be a full time student with the Knowledge Seekers! Join the KS and see the Dome! {Roled's rping plug as new Proctor of the KS! He's pumped!}

2} Harnquist's forge has been the happening place recently, what with the re-balancing, many of our characters are turning to mining smelting and forging for our tria. Roled has been asking lots of veteran metallurgists and blade makers for advice and he talks all the time {yeah I know he's a blabber mouth} while he's working. There have been conversations about where the best ores are, whether Garosan was guilty or not, and who the heck Jacula is and where did he come from. Also ask Allelia for the latest gossip! heheheh

3} The Sons of Xiosia had an impromptu Beltane dance in the Garden on May Day, and Roled has received a lot of ribbing for that... The SoX thinks dances in the Garden on Saturday nights are a good ongoing idea... any musicians and bards want to join us?

4} As LigH said we've been chasing Illysia around to throw a welcome back from the wildlands party for her at the Stonehead. illysia when do you want to have a party thrown for you! All invited! Soon!

5} Roled also thinks storytelling time by the elders would be fun.. and he's looking for you lurkers in the forums who've been here forever, to come together and tell us younger residents tales of our history. Enrich our role plays, tell us of our ancestors and the great wars and conflicts. I applaud Lord Vilthis and House of Trayus for working the history of their lineage into casual conversations. And I know the RHof P folks and Queen Lolitra always offers instant and rich adventures!

Ok theres a few ideas... Anybody want to play?

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