Author Topic: A Forum Game Compendium.  (Read 292 times)


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A Forum Game Compendium.
« on: May 10, 2010, 05:33:21 am »
It's almost as though since inanity is completely banned in other parts of the forum it concentrates here. How fun.
 Since this forum has a dearth of decent forum games, (at least none in 5 pages), I decided to create a listing to collect good ones.

The above post...
  Picture Fight -
    Post a picture that "beats" the previous picture. It can be better, larger, rock<paper, or just fitting. Someone starts by posting a tree, so the next person posts an axe, then the next person posts a rusted axe, then the next person posts Easy-Off BamTM, then the next person posts someone poisoned by cleaning supplies, then the next person posts a necromancer...
     One should try to keep from posting "unbeatable" pictures, like atomic bombs, black holes, or Chuck Norris. The game goes on, but it's bad form.
  Word Association Game -
    Just post the very first thing that comes to mind in response to the last post, just a couple words usually. It's interesting to see people's train of thought.
  Corrupt-a-Wish -
    Grant the last poster's wish like the literal genie, then wish for something, anything, for the next poster to corrupt. Try to make your wishes hard, but don't write a paragraph making sure the next person can't mess with it.
  This, or That? -
    Choose one of the two choices the last poster gave you, and ask your own question. It's usually "lemon pie or apple pie?", "To be or not to be?", "immortality all alone, or one hour with the best friends you could ask for?", "battle-axe or claymore?", "sorcery or wizardry?", "white backgrounds or black backgrounds?". The options and questions are generally up to interpretation, such as the sword "claymore" or the bomb "claymore", or if the question means what you like, what you see, or what you use? The answer should clarify the question.
  The x Word Story
    In this game the first person posts three or four words, like "Once upon a time..." or "It all began with...", then every successive poster adds a few more words, anywhere from one to five depending on the first post's rules. This creates an extremely random paragraph as each player takes a new direction. The thread starter is usually expected to keep the story together in the first post, but it's not required.

The Game Mastercontrols the gameslaves away for the players.
 These are the types of games where a single person creates the game design and runs the game, while the players post actions. Most game masters find it to be very effective at improving their creative writing skills, and they often start them just for that purpose. There are more of these games on the internet than I can feasibly count, but I'll try and get down the general groups with only a few examples (of which will probably come from just one forum).
  Text Adventures - Examples: The Great Tower, MSPA(it used to be on a forum, it has grown): Jailbreak Problem Sleuth Home Stuck(warning: extremely epic), The Expedition, You are in a dark room..., Text you can Play (mine), A journey of a man. A Ratman., 404.
    The game master posts the starting conditions, "You are trapped in a room", then the players suggest actions for the character; this can lead to anything depending on how the GM runs it, and what the players suggest. Often the game is made entirely of Schrodinger's Guns, and players are writing the story even more than the GM. Sadly, in most places there will be at least one nasty player, so the plot is taken in nasty directions, although it looks like this wont be a problem here. See what you can come up with.
  RTD - Roll-To-Dodge - Examples: Sean Mirrsen's, Elemental, Arcanum Octet, Chaosfactions, ARRRRR T D.
    In Roll to Dodge all results and determined by rolling a six sided die, instead of the authors whim. Each person also gets their own character instead of everyone controlling the same one. Usually it goes along the lines of:
  • [1] - Epic fail; not only do you fail but you make things worse by trying.
  • [2] - Your luck and skill were not sufficient for the task.
  • [3] - A fail/success hybrid; you didn't do what you wanted, but it might just be good anyway.
  • [4] - You succeeded decently at your task.
  • [5] - Perfect success, you did all that you could have wanted.
  • [6] - Overshot; arguably worse than a [1], you succeed but with consequences.
    However, most people have their own rule sets for this kind of thing. Such as varying scales for the rolls based on how hard the action is, and one person set it up so a [6] (or highest number) will cause you to roll a die with one more side, increasing the power of the action's result. If you get the maximum roll five times in a row there, it goes to d20 and rolling 19 will turn you into a god (1 is complete game-over, 2 is the apocalypse but the game keeps going), rolling 20 will turn all players into gods, with you as the ruler.
  Crafting Game - Go to here for rule information, it's rather long.
  INCOMPLETE - But you get the idea, right?
« Last Edit: May 11, 2010, 06:54:52 pm by Nivm »


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Re: A Forum Game Compendium.
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2010, 06:25:17 am »
Word Association:
My word:


-sig by sarras