Author Topic: LONG FORM player initiated Role Play in the making- Wanna play?  (Read 4988 times)


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Re: LONG FORM player initiated Role Play in the making- Wanna play?
« Reply #15 on: June 24, 2010, 04:37:15 pm »
Thanks Mordaan... there is a need for the Explorers upcoming in these interwoven plots!

And thanks to everyone who participated.. and joins in as we go forward!

If anyone took any screen shots of the events Tuesday night... at the Stonehead, in the Garden or in the death realm, please post em! Talad has asked for screen shots if we have any...

Also would someone PLEASE POST a summary of the party log? Post short, first person logs or summaries of the IC event (even tho' the gossip channel was hysterical, I know!) of what happened to you at your various parties? What part did YOU play in the events of the night? Did you offer a toast to Eelin? Did you eat of the poisoned cinnamon apple slices? Did you draw blade to defend the brides? Did you follow the perpetrator to the Death Realm? Did you drink too much... :whistling:

SHORT is good!

The not very 'secret agenda' is to have many actions and plot intersections that go LONG FORM, i.e that last in bursts of activity for weeks/ months, so that the community develops a shared history, and thereby comes to know each other. Don't know if we'll succeed, but we're giving it a grand start!

Thanks! Enjoying seeing where your characters go!

Roled Rolak
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Re: LONG FORM player initiated Role Play in the making- Wanna play?
« Reply #16 on: June 24, 2010, 08:16:12 pm »
Please note that GMs start adding even occasional public events to the events calendar. So get used to looking at it!

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Re: LONG FORM player initiated Role Play in the making- Wanna play?
« Reply #17 on: June 25, 2010, 05:01:39 am »
Please note that GMs start adding even occasional public events to the events calendar. So get used to looking at it!

Has anything been added to the calendar yet? ??? For me, it is completely empty except for some US holidays. The Crafting Fair that begins tomorrow isn't there....
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Re: LONG FORM player initiated Role Play in the making- Wanna play?
« Reply #18 on: June 25, 2010, 05:37:44 am »
You looking in the right place Sluuph I see events listed including the crafting fair.


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Re: LONG FORM player initiated Role Play in the making- Wanna play?
« Reply #19 on: June 25, 2010, 01:27:57 pm »
You looking in the right place Sluuph I see events listed including the crafting fair.

I was not! :oops: I was clicking on the "Calendar" button.
Sluuph is "a daughter of DoX not quite becoming of a DoX daughter" --Zytorr


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Re: LONG FORM player initiated Role Play in the making- Wanna play?
« Reply #20 on: June 25, 2010, 03:32:43 pm »
[This is much bigger then I thought it would be! Great job so far!  \\o// Anyways, here's my short first person summary of the party.]

I had arrived in the garden late. I was upset, for I had taken to long to get ready. In hindsight it was better that way. I had not tasted the sting of the poisoned drinks. It being a celebration, I left my armor, and weapons in the Daughters guild house. When I made it in to the garden, the ceremony had already started. I took a place in the back of the crowd to avoid drawing attention to my tardiness; Yet another mistake. Halfway through the ceremony, a man wearing a rivanak mask entered. As what seemed to be part of the ceremony, the masked man handed Sluuph a piece of bread. I had not taken notice of it then, but the more I think of it, the more I think that Sluuph staggered a bit whist eating the bread. Sluuph then fell back in to the mans arms, a had heard a few gasps, but I passed it of as part of the ceremony. That is until the masked man (if man is what you'd call the monster at this point) pulled out a knife and held it against Sluuph's throat. I then realized that she did not just fall back, she had passed out. I was genuinely surprised when I saw the amount of weapons in the crowds hands. Me as part of the crowd, moved to stop the man. He demanded that we would step back and send word to Eelin, no doubt to collect a ransom. Most of the crowd held its position. The masked beast caught in this dilemma killed Sluuph, and before he could move he was struck down. We where able to capture the killers partner, but the mindless kran had no idea what he was doing. A few followed the man in to the death realm to catch him. As far as I know, the man out ran them and now has Sluuph. The kran is in custody, or at least was, but the rivanak man is still in hiding. No doubt with Sluuph as his hostage.

[A little longer then I planned, and a bit short on time and probably illegible :P
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Re: LONG FORM player initiated Role Play in the making- Wanna play?
« Reply #21 on: June 29, 2010, 10:48:46 pm »
may as well add one of my experiences (i deleted everthing that i felt wasn't part of the incident) :)

Halbor was at Harnquist's smithy pounding away at some bronze ingots when Cenwaerd arrives.

(20:00:20) Cenweard says: I need someone who can heal NOW!!!

(20:00:40) Kelell says: xyou dont look hurt ...

(20:00:51) Cenweard says: I'm not Merra is.

(20:00:53) Halbor looks over at cenweard "whats the problem?"

(20:01:49) Cenweard says: I left her over by the Sanitarioum.

I have a hard time typing and controlling my character at the same time so here is where Halbor follows Cenwaerd to the sanitorium.

(20:02:56) Cenweard says: So can you help her?

(20:03:31) Barnus glances at Halbor.

(20:03:33) Cenweard points to the bruises on her stomach.

(20:03:37) Halbor steps in the tent and spots the kran, then looks at cenweard "did kra do this?"

(20:03:50) Cenweard says: No I did.

(20:04:15) Halbor blinks "what? why?

(20:04:28) Cenweard says: I I I was angry.
(20:04:36) Cenweard looks down in shame.

(20:04:50) Merra says: i wasn't his fault...

(20:05:19) Cenweard says: Merra? No I I

(20:05:29) Halbor takes a breath, but gets to business anyway "alright, lets see that..."

(20:05:31) Oscurita walks up to the tent, silently looking at the ground

(20:05:40) >Barnus Fallcrest falls asleep beside Merra Buchino.

(20:06:02) Merra says: my baby...

(20:06:45) Halbor hmms a moment then places a hand over the injury, then starts to glow with the light of the crystal
(20:07:56) Halbor removes his hand and the bruises are gone "how's that now?"

(20:08:03) Cenweard says: Will they be okay?

(20:08:08) Merra grips her stomach in pain "it still hurts..."

(20:08:52) Cenweard says: Here she might be needing this. Handing Halbor the gestration herbs.

(20:09:06) Halbor says: how long have you been carrying the baby?
(20:09:28) Cenweard says: A few weeks now she has.
(20:09:47) Cenweard says: About 2 and a half.

(20:10:07) Oscurita whispers something, and a smaller, weak whisper answers him

(20:10:21) Halbor hmms in thought "much to early to give birth..."

(20:10:46) Cenweard says: What? will she be okay?
(20:11:00) Cenweard says: What is the matter?
(20:11:28) Cenweard says: I knew better than to.....

(20:11:33) Halbor removes his helmet then leans forward to put an ear to merra's abdomen

(20:11:46) Cenweard begins to cry and leaves the tent.
(20:12:07) >Cenweard Alwin takes a seat.
(20:12:35) Cenweard continues to cry and mutter "You worthless fool"
(20:13:06) Cenweard sniffles. "Who are you?

(20:13:30) Halbor straightens then takes the herbs cenwaerd gave him to the mortar and pestle

(20:13:41) Oscurita looks into Cenweard's eyes, and says "I can help her."

(20:14:00) Cenweard says: You what? How? What is wrong?

(20:14:31) Oscurita opens his book, flipping through the pages
(20:15:08) Oscurita places a finger on a page, and says "She will die."

(20:15:23) Halbor grinds the herbs finely then filtres water through it into a mug before taking the mug back to merra

(20:15:35) Cenweard says: WHAT?!?!?!?! What did I do?
(20:15:46) Cenweard crys bitterly.

(20:15:51) Halbor says: here, drink this

(20:16:06) Merra takes the mug and sips it

(20:16:28) Oscurita's voice shakes a bit as he says "I..I can prevent it... For a fee."

(20:16:52) Merra grips her stomach in pain dropping the mug

(20:17:13) Cenweard says: What? But what what?
(20:17:40) Cenweard says: Anything. I'll do anything.

(20:18:08) Oscurita takes a deep breath, and says "I n..need you to come with me."

(20:18:15) >Cenweard Alwin stands up.

(20:18:28) Merra says: Cenweard....
(20:18:36) Merra grips her stomach more

(20:18:40) Halbor looks at merra with concern "that should have eased the pain and helped the baby, i swore i could still hear a heartbeat in there..."

(20:19:05) Cenweard whispers Merra.
(20:19:24) Cenweard says: What dear?

(20:19:29) Merra says: the baby... i can't feel anything...
(20:19:32) Merra cries

(20:19:54) Cenweard drops to a knee crying and hugs Merra.
(20:19:58) >Cenweard Alwin takes a seat.
(20:20:30) Cenweard Chokes out: I I I I'm sorry.
(20:21:36) Cenweard sobs bitterly with Merra.

(20:21:58) Merra cries more

(20:22:17) Halbor puts his hand back on merra's abdomen "i've never heard of anyone trying to heal a baby still in the womb, so i have no idea if this will work..." he looks at merra for permission to proceed

(20:22:40) Merra nods

(20:23:12) Cenweard watches closely to see if Halbor's Magic works.

(20:23:32) Halbor nods back, then concentrates hard for a few seconds, the light of the crystal glowing brighter than before

(20:23:46) Barnus shifts a bit in his slumber.

(20:24:12) Merra screams as her stomach starts to hurt more

(20:24:18) Halbor waits a moment, then does it again

(20:24:35) Merra cries and screams louder

(20:24:52) Cenweard feels Merra's stomach hoping that it will turn out right.
(20:25:31) Cenweard 's tears begin to fall on to Merra's stomach.

(20:25:32) Halbor falls to his knees "i don't think i can do it another time..."

(20:26:00) Cenweard says: Oh Merra.

(20:26:19) >Halbor Gagari stands up.

(20:26:29) Merra cries "please i can't take it anymore...."

(20:26:53) Halbor pulls himself back up and listens for a heartbeat again

(20:27:03) Cenweard says: Do it. He says to the voice in his head.
(20:28:14) Cenweard stands up and says "Do it" Once more to the voice in his head.
(20:28:17) >Cenweard Alwin stands up.
(20:28:27) Cenweard says: Anything.
(20:29:16) Cenweard says: Yes take it.

(20:29:33) Halbor looks at cenwaerd "who are you talking to?"

(20:30:00) Merra grips her stomach harder

(20:30:15) Oscurita walks into the tent, and places one black clawed hand on Cenweard's head

(20:30:16) Cenweard doesn't notice Halbor's comment as he focuses on the voice in his head.
(20:30:42) Cenweard says: Do it now.

(20:30:50) Merra says: no...

(20:31:05) Halbor turns back to merra "alright, we're going to have to get that baby out if you're going to survive this..."

(20:31:14) Cenweard says: No.

(20:31:20) Merra says: no please...

(20:31:23) Cenweard says: He will save her.
(20:31:28) Halbor says: who?

Cenwaerd falls to the ground, dead.

(20:31:47) Halbor says: what?

(20:31:59) Oscurita's eyes widen with horror
(20:32:07) Oscurita says: M...My god!..

(20:32:18) Barnus opens his eyes and glances at Cenweard's body.

(20:32:20) Oscurita says: I have to do this for it?!
(20:32:36) Oscurita nods
(20:32:44) Oscurita says: I...I...
(20:32:51) Oscurita says: I'll it..t

(20:33:21) Halbor looks at the lemur that was behind cenwaerd "what is going on here?!"

(20:33:41) Oscurita looks right into the man's eyes, and begins to murmur an incantation
(20:34:04) Oscurita opens his book to a page, and his incantation intensifies
(20:34:48) Oscurita's hair becomes a raven black color
(20:36:27) Oscurita tries to place a hand on Halbor's head

(20:36:28) Halbor starts to feel something inside him, he drops to a knee, and suddenly comes to a realization "'re the lemur child..that attacked esorono?"

(20:37:06) Oscurita stops his chanting for a moment "Yes.. I am."

(20:38:02) Halbor grunts "why... are you doing ....this?"

(20:39:11) Oscurita says, feeling a lump in his throat as he reaches toward's Halbor's head and starts to cry "For my life back"

(20:39:54) Barnus stands up and reaches for Oscurita to wrap his large, stony hands around the child's neck.
(20:39:55) >Barnus Fallcrest stands up.

(20:40:13) Halbor blinks as he tries to fight the pain

(20:40:14) Oscurita's book whispers to him " Do it slowly.... Painfuly"
(20:40:53) Oscurita does not react to the hands around his neck, simply saying "Don't even waste your time.... He won't like it"

(20:41:47) Barnus squeezes tightly in an attempt to choke Oscurita, and mutters: Stop, Lemur boy.

(20:41:59) Oscurita's bursts open to a page, and an oily black hand emerges from it, and it tries to cut right through the kran's head
(20:42:15) Oscurita cries even more
(20:42:21) Oscurita says: I..It won't work

(20:42:53) Halbor attempts to call forth all his strenght to knock the book out of the lemur's hand

(20:42:55) Oscurita says: Snap my neck like a twig, it won't do anything..

(20:43:26) Barnus leans back, the hand missing and cutting through a large portion of the kran's arm.

(20:43:49) Oscurita's book sprouts another arm, which grabs onto Halbor's leg as it tries to kick it
(20:44:24) Oscurita's arm then attempts to slice through both of the kran's arms

(20:45:15) Barnus stumbles back, towards and over the pot, grabbing his wounded arm.
(20:45:24) >Barnus Fallcrest takes a seat.

(20:46:11) Halbor pulls his leg back just before the arm can grab it, he winces in pain again from whatever spell was affecting him

(20:47:03) Oscurita tries to grab onto Halbor's head

(20:47:58) Merra screams

(20:49:07) Oscurita says: [Black tendrils, razor sharp and very long, erupt from the ground and begin to slash at Halbor

(20:49:33) Merra continues screaming

(20:49:57) Halbor looks back at the child "you won't...gain anything...from this senseless killing"

(20:50:08) Oscurita's book creates another tendril that tries to slit Merra's throat
(20:50:38) Oscurita says: No! H...he told me... That he w..would bring them back!

(20:50:38) >Halbor Gagari stands up.

(20:50:47) Oscurita cries more

(20:51:16) Merra screams as the tendril comes toward her

(20:51:31) Halbor tries again to avoid the tendrils by backing out of the tent, several hit his arms and legs

(20:53:35) Merra gets her throat slit and holds her neck
(20:54:27) Merra says: ...
(20:55:00) Merra feels the life of her baby failing inside her
(20:56:38) Merra chokes

(20:56:53) Oscurita begins sobbing, and he runs away

(20:57:21) Barnus stands up and walks over to Merra.

(20:57:21) Oscurita's tendril tries to slash Halbor's throat as he flees

(20:57:21) >Barnus Fallcrest stands up.

(20:57:36) Merra tries to reach for a crystal in her bag as she bleeds out

(20:58:00) Halbor is barely able to avoid getting his throat slash, but the tendril digs into his shoulder

(20:58:20) Oscurita's tendril appear's one last time, and tries to stab through Merra's stomach

(20:58:48) Barnus places his hand over Merra's throat and begins to infuse life into her wound.

(20:59:05) Halbor pulls himself around to the other side of the tent for cover

(21:00:41) Merra says: Halbor!

(21:00:57) Halbor shouts: the sanitorium....

(21:01:44) Merra shivers as the tendril scars her stomach

(21:02:13) Halbor looks around the corner, then tries to crawl back into the tent

(21:02:30) Merra says: my baby...

(21:02:45) Halbor says: ugh...

(21:05:28) Barnus looks over Halbor and Merra.
(21:05:36) Barnus says: My, what a mess.
(21:06:07) Barnus rubs the deep gash on his arm.

(21:06:13) Halbor looks up at barnus "go, get help..."

(21:06:20) Barnus says: Hmmm?
(21:06:25) Barnus says: Help?
(21:06:32) Barnus says: Yes. Help.

(21:06:50) Merra holds her hand over her bleeding stomach

(21:07:29) Barnus grabs Halbor and tries to hoist him up over his shoulder.
(21:07:31) Barnus says: Up, Ylian.

(21:08:15) Halbor says: no, leave me here, i'll try to keep merra alive, you go to harnquist's and bring others
(21:09:14) Halbor pulls himself up to merra's bed

(21:09:28) Merra tries to stay awake "Halbor...."

(21:09:37) Barnus nods.
(21:09:39) Barnus says: Help.

(21:12:03) Halbor uses the bed frame to get himself standing again, the pain from the spell the lemur cast threatening to tear him up. he places his hand once again on merra's abdomen, over the gash left behind by the dark tendril
(21:12:10) >Halbor Gagari stands up.

(21:12:32) Merra says: is my baby....ok....

(21:13:18) Halbor sighs "i don't know, but i'll do my power...."

(21:14:03) Barnus looks around the tent aimlessly.
(21:14:06) Barnus says: No luck.

(21:14:18) Merra cries "please save my baby..."

(21:14:52) Barnus says: The baby will live.
(21:15:03) Barnus says: Hopefully.

(21:15:06) Halbor summons up all the strength left in him and focuses it onto merra's abdomen. the tent nearly fills with light

(21:15:08) Barnus scratches his helm.
(21:15:17) Barnus says: My, oh my.

(21:15:43) Merra feels life in her stomach as she passes out
(21:15:48) >Merra Buchino appears to have fallen asleep!

(21:16:03) Halbor collapses into a heap as the life drains from his body

Halbor basically kills himself to save merra and her baby, and after a trip through the death realm and some time spent waiting for harnquist to return to the shop so he could put some things in storage so that he wouldn't be burdened by dakkru's curse (I gotta do that before getting into dangerous situation, it's a real pain getting stuck with over half your weight in inventory ;) )  and then found Lilura whom he told of the incident.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2010, 07:38:54 am by scotty110 »
Main character on zeroping: Halbor


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Re: LONG FORM player initiated Role Play in the making- Wanna play?
« Reply #22 on: July 06, 2010, 01:48:46 am »
Here is a brief (hehe) account of something that happened not too long ago:

As some of you may recall, there was a night in question, not too long ago wherein yet another attempt was made on the lives of Eelin, Sluuph and Teshia, in efforts to stop their wedding.  A man, known only as Doon delivered a poison herb present to the trio, who opened it in the presence of Lady Ulla Ilolapar, while planning out their wedding attire.  Twas not long after that, that Ulla, Eelin and Teshia set out to find Doon, and question him to find whether he be friend or foe. They made their way to the sewers, on the knowledge that someone had spotted him within the depths. 

Within moments of descending the stairs, Ulla blinked, spotting Doon.  "Well, Wasn't expectin' it to be _that_ easy."  Teshia, not nearly as forgiving as the others, smirked "Apparently the Goddess smiles on us."  Doon stood beneath the ladders, patting a one-eyed rat, and seemingly oblivious to the trio until they drew closer.  Ulla greeted him kindly, but was only met with a look fraught with shock and pain as the man knelt down and began to tinker with a slab of rat meat lying by his feet.  By his side was a mug, mulky and reeking with sewer fumes.  Ulla stared at him for a moment, before asking him kindly "Hey, uh, you doin' alright?" His behavior seemed odd at the least, slightly dangerous at the worst, and Teshia watched him warily, while Eelin studied him with a polite interest. 

Doon watched the three for a time, before grunting "Uhh,"  his only communication thus far.  Eelin and Teshia moved closer, Eelin greeting him in a friendly manner, while Ulla dropped to her knees beside him, a look of concern on her face.  "Hey - you remember us?"  she asked, her voice gentle.  Doon nodded lightly in response, and began picking at the rat meat and a small pile of herbs lying beside him.  Eelin moved closer to Teshia, dropping to his knees beside her, while she scowled at the Ylian.  Trying to offer the man some comfort, Ulla invited him to come to the tavern, so they could buy him a drink and have a more pleasant time, but this did not have the intended effect.  Doon rose to his feet, eyeing the Nolthrir and limping around the sewer while vehemently refusing. "No!"

Both Eelin and Teshia began to frown at this behavior, Ulla trying once more to pacify the unusual man.  "Well.... alright.  No need to get worked up."  Teshia also tried to calm him down "alright... we don't have to go to the tavern. we just want to ask you a few questions... since you are feeling a bit better..."  Without waiting for their questions, he began mumbling, for reasons unknown, unable to move quickly, or much atall.  "Attack, two days ago."  Ulla frowned, immediately concerned for the man and queried him "Attacked!  By who?  You need healin'?"  Doon replied, his answer again confusing "Dakkru, saved me. It... alchemist."  The two women questioned him, their words spilling over each other.  Ulla immediately made the connection between the alchemist who sent the poisoned herbs to them previously, while Teshia sought for more details on the Goddess' intervention.  Doon gave a slight nod to Ulla, his fingertips curving around the hilt of his dagger as he prepared to strike out at those near him, but again, some manner of spell or potion seemed to be slowing him down and preventing him from attacking.  Alerted by this motion, Eelin rose, alerted and wary, while Ulla gave him a hard stare.  The feisty Nolthrir warned him "Hey, fella - maybe you better sit down again.  An' tell us what happened."

Doon dropped to the ground once more, staring at the three darkly. Ulla and Eelin both tried to reassure the Ylian, but to no avail. He ignored both their assertions that they were not trying to hurt him, and began to bang the mug of reeking fumes along the sewer stones.  Unlike the other two, Teshia began to frown deeply, fingertips inching towards her axe handle, fearing some plot or trick.  She warned him to choose his next moves carefully, while Ulla once again tried to pacify him.  She raised both empty hands, speaking calmly "See? I ain't gonna hurt you. I just want to know what happened."   The Ylian began to act almost crazed, clutching at his head and shouting at them while trying to hide his face.  Having had this same reaction to her own cursing, Teshia immediately frowned "He's possessed.... or cursed."  Eelin began to suspect something dark had taken hold of the man, and asked Teshia if she could help him.  She shook her head, too new to the Dark Way to have any certainty of being able to help him as Ulla cautiously knelt beside him.  Looking him over, Ulla began to suspect it had something to do with the lingering effects of the drug. 

The three of them watched him closely, unawares that a Kran made kra's way down into the sewers in response to the crazed screaming.  The kran watched the group, not noticing the Ylian sitting on the sewer stones at first.  Hearing kra approach, Ulla glanced back, and Doon took advantage of the distraction to snatch up his dagger, stabbing at her foot.  Teshia shouted a warning to Ulla, and given his slow, weakened movements, Ulla was able to push herself backwards in time to prevent injury.  She jumped to her feet yelling "*****, someone take that dagger away!"  Before any of them could react, Doon threw his mug aside, rising into a slow limp.  Teshia drew her own dagger, watching him and trying to again reassure him that they posed him no threat, but he gave no indication of having heard.  She began to summon Dark Energy, warning him to drop his dagger, a sentiment echoed by Ulla "Doon, drop the knife.  You don't want to hurt us."

Their attention was suddenly diverted as the unknown Kran dropped into a stance, mud and blood caking his face and obscuring his identity.  "Hey!  No one is touching anybody here."  Teshia tried to reason with kra "You do not know what you are interfering in.  We are not trying to harm anyone."  Doon tried to charge at the Kran, but failed and Ulla began to plot a way to disarm him.  "He's slow as a baby. Tesh, you're bigger'n me - can you grab his arms an' pin 'em?"  Before she could answer Ulla, Kra pointed kra's saber at Teshia, licking the blood that trickled down kra's face.  "Let me take him and this will be done."  The Ylian shouted a refusal as Teshia frowned, stepping closer with arms outstretched and preparing to spring on him.  Ulla and Teshia both began to advance on the Ylian, both of them arguing with Kra and refusing to hand over the man until they had finished questioning him. 

Lady Chessire Eylis, of the House of Trayus made her way into the sewers, stumbling on the unlikely quintet, immediately asking Eelin, Retinue Councilor for the House what the meaning of the situation was.  While the others were distracted by the appearance of Chessire and the Kran, Doon began to pick at the filthy rat meat, eating the disgusting flesh.  Chessire turned to her guild mates, questioning again why the Ylian was being surrounded.  As the Kran began to calculate his chances of grabbing Doon without being killed, Teshia crept closer to him, both hands reaching for his dagger, her voice soft for once "Doon... let's put the dagger down..."  Sensing his potential for interference, Ulla stepped closer to the Kran, glaring up the considerable difference to kra "I don't know why you want 'im, but you're not gettin' him." 

Chessire looked at the others, still confused about why they were all there, and what should be done.  Teshia glances back to her, explaining "He delivered the poison that almost communed me with the Goddess two nights ago... He's cursed or possessed... I cannot tell which."  Doon threw his rat meat at Ulla, trying to stab out at Teshia while she looked away.  Teshia jumped back, receiving only a shallow scratch from his attempt, and trying to gain control of the dagger.  Ulla whirled about, yelling as the meat smacked into her and hollering for someone to pin him down.  Having a bit more experience with the Dark Way, Chessire stepped up "Let me try... Perhaps I can tell... If he lets me touch him."  Doon began to back away from Chessire, a fear of her blade clear in his eyes, as Teshia confirmed they suspected Dark Way, but were unable to tell the cause. 

Chessire pointed her sword at Doon, ordering him to not move as Eelin suddenly launched at him, using his full weight to knock the man to the stone, Doon hitting his head as he landed.  Giving him a closer look, Chessire frowned "I remember you.  I realized something was wrong the night I drunk that stuff in Kada El's and my energy was disturbed.  She sheathed her sword and approached him, as Eelin held him down.  While she approached him, the Kran pushed Ulla towards Eelin, trying to topple the group and create a disturbance big enough to steal the Ylian away.  Unfortunately for kra, Ulla was too small to take the others with her as she fell.  She jumped back to her feet, cursing at him, while the others focused on the Ylian.  Eelin continued to wrestle with Doon, trying to disarm him, while Chessire and Teshia insisted on seeing his eyes closely. After looking him over, Chessire declared "I see no curse on him.  I don't know what it might be... but its not necromancy or something like that."   

Kra began to threaten the others "This will be the last one.  I am outnumbered four to one.  Give him up."  Teshia frowned over at him "Stop that immediately!  You are not out enemy, but if you touch Ulla again, you will be!"  Ulla glared at him herself, yelling "No! Scram, Gemma, or you'll with you had."  Kra stopped, biding his time while the others contemplated the source of Doon's madness.  "It must be a poison then..." Teshia mused, and the man began to throw the pieces of the herbs lying on the stone about.  Chessire inquired as to whether anyone was hurt, as Teshia frowned, recalling their last encounter with Doon and herbs.  "Don't breath any of that... Don't let it get on your wounds!"  Ulla gave kra a dark stare, to which he only chuckled as she joined the others around Doon.

A suspicion beginning to form in her mind, Teshia narrowed her eyes, looking at the Ylian again.  "Ulla... did anyone try Crystal Way on him?"  Eelin grappled with the still struggling Ylian, trying to straddle him and pin his arms down.  Ulla confirmed her suspicions "I ain't' an' I don't think anyone else has" as the kran piped up "I suggest not to try the way of the Crystal on him."  Teshia frowned "Why not?"  The kran replied cryptically "Just don't do it."  Teshia continued to argue with kra "That's not a good enough reason.  I need to know why."  Chessire added "He is not necromanced kran... the other cases with that problem towards Crystal Way were with bewitched people."  Eelin interrupted them, turning his attention to Teshia while he settled his weight over the Ylian. "Love, you're talking to a rock.  He's useless." 

Ulla made the logical conclusion with Doon's condition "If it's poison... Anyone good at Blue Way?"  Chessire shook her head, her disappointment obvious "Not me..." and Teshia frowned, also shaking her head.  Doon continued to struggle, arms pinned.  Chessire pointed to Ulla "Perhaps this girl knows a bit more about her tradition?"  Ulla sighed and shook her head "I don't have any glyphs that'd help, but why don't we at least take the poor fella outta the sewers.  This ain't healthy air."  Eelin interrupted them with a caution "get the stuff form his hands."   

Choosing his time carefully, the kran slipped up towards Eelin, slashing out at him with kra's sword, declaring "That is enough."  Ulla shouted a warning to Eelin, while Chessire struck out with her claymore, trying to protect Eelin from the blow.  Given his crouching over the Ylian, Eelin was able to duck under the sword, the blade glancing off his plate armor.  Teshia glowered at the kran, drawing both her axes and snarling at him "I'll turn your hands to dust if you raise that sword to him again."  Eelin jumped to his feet, drawing both sabers and swinging them towards kra's chest.  Chessire and Eelin both advanced on the kran, swords at the ready.  "Who do you think you are stone head?"  Chessire questioned, stepping up and unsheathing her sword, swinging out at him as Eelin ordered for him to be taken out.  Stepping up, Teshia dropped the blade of her axe across Doon's neck, eyes never leaving the kran "Move and you lose your head, Ylian." 

Kra parried and blocked with his shield, pushing against Eelin's chest "Any problems?  I can take all of you down.  Let me take him and there will be no blood shed."  Chessire kicked out strongly at kra's chest, but kra was too heavy and she was tossed back.  Ulla smirked at the Kran "Hey Gemma.  Let me remind you of somethin'."  Kra replied "What?  four on one?"  Eelin stepped back a bit, laughing and raising his sabers "You have no chance against us all, fool.  back up or die."  Ulla replied, her voice edged "No.... Remember me?  From the Stonehead?  An' Miss Maisent?  You want me to put up posters, Gemma?"  Doon struggles about, attempting to free himself, but the escalating violence only served to inflame Teshia's curse.  She glared at him, grinning darkly "Give me a reason... I'll take you to Dakkru myself."

Chessire focused all her attention on the kran, leveling kra with an angry stare.  "Give me a reason to become a miner now."  Teshia smirked faintly "I've got a lovely rock pick you can use, Chessire.... It's brand new and very sharp."  Ulla glared up at the Kran "You either tell us why you want him, or you leave now.  Or I'll make your life real difficult from here on out."  Kra spat at Teshia, the blood on his face flecking the ground before her "Try me."  Kra turned then to Ulla "Posters?  For what?  And who is this Miss that you speak of?"  Ulla stared at kra significantly "Gemma, _I recognize you_."  Growing tired of the word games, Eelin gave the call for all to attack the kran at once "Ok everyone, I've had enough of this snake pit...Charge him...Now!"  Ulla tried in vain to stop them all, to give them a chance to pull Doon to safety, but the other three did not hear her in time, and began their attack.  Eelin charged the kran, swinging both sabers at kra's legs, but kra proved to have a strong balance, and did not fall, instead pushing against Eelin with all the force he could put behind his shield.   Eelin stumbled back and Chessire ran up behind Eelin, claymore at the ready and called out for him to duck.  The kran had barely a moment to mutter to himself before Chessire jumped in front of Eelin, dropping a strong vertical hit at kra's chest.  Eelin regained his balance, slipping around behind kra to swing both swords at his back.   

Ulla sighed and muttered a curse to herself, darting forwards to tug on the Ylian's sleeve, trying to urge him to safety.  "You!  C'mon!"  Teshia stepped before the two of them, glowering at the kran and summoning a ball of Dark Way energy, aiming it at kra's legs and threatening "I'll blow your legs off you ignorant statuary!"  Ulla tugged urgently on Doon's arm "Unless you wanna be Ylian mincemeat, get off your feet an' _move_ while they got him busy!"  Doon refused to move, whispering ""  Teshia gave Ulla a short glance "Grab his hair if you must... Drag him!"  Ulla growled back 'Draggin' is easier said than done..."  But she looped her arms around his, tugging furiously in the hope that her momentum would help her move him from danger.

The kran continued muttering to himself, spinning about to swing both shields and blocking Eelin's sabers.  He tried to stab out at Eelin, but was unable to see and block the forceful strike from Chessire.  Unfortunately, her claymore did relatively little damage beyond scratching up kra's armor.  Kra's sword pierced Eelin's side, and he rolled back, clutching the wound.  His wounding sent Teshia into a furious state, and she summoned more dark energy, sending it down the length of her axe blades and stalking closer "I'll chop you to pieces!"  Chessire stalked closer as well 'I'm not done, rockface..."

Ulla continued to tug urgently on the barely responsive Ylian "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon" but he still refused to move with her.  The kran huffed lightly, while Eelin checked his wound and climbed to his feet again.  Eelin and Chessire both cast Dark Way spells at kra, Chessire sending Taste of Death directly into his face, summoning dark tendrils to attack him.  Teshia smirked faintly, slipping closer to swing both axes at once, one high to his chest, the other low to his knees, dark energy flowing from both blades.  The combined force of the spells and axe swings took kra by surprise, and he was only able to block one of the swings.  He swung his sword at Chessire's chest as Teshia's lower axe knocked his legs out from under him and toppling him to the ground.  Teshia rolled under his sword and dove onto his chest, both axes slamming down at his face.  "I told you not to touch him!"  Kra tried to duck and block them, but was only able to deflect one with his shield, the other catching him on the forehead.         

Doon rose slowly, grabbing his beer as Ulla growled and tugged on his arm again.  "Come ON damn it, run, Don't gawk!"  Chessire jumped back, kra's sword slicing through her armor and leaving her bleeding.  "You will pay for this kra..."  She stabbed her claymore into the ground, summoning more dark energy and casting an even stronger spell at kra, huge black tendrils grabbing at kra's feet.  Eelin focused his spell at the kran, sending pulsing waves of energy at kra.  From her precarious perch on kra's chest, Teshia hissed at Eelin "Hit me with it....  I can't hold him forever..."  Kra continued to mutter, apparently unperturbed by the dark spells that assaulted kra.  Eelin stopped his spell on the kran, aiming it instead to Teshia and channeling his dark energy towards her.  Teshia's entire left side darkened under the magic, tendrils sliding down her axes and searching for kra's wounds. 

A menki, Caraick Dastrid, flew down the stairs, bow in hand as he leapt from his drifter "What's going on here?"  Ulla glanced away from the Ylian, staring at the kran and answering the newcomer "This Kran is tryin' to kidnap this Ylian here!"  Chessire drew her sword again, attention refocusing on the kran.  As her back turned, Doon began to move quickly, as if an aura disappeared from around him and stabbed out towards Chessire.  Ulla cried out a warning and Chessire dropped to her knee, turning to throw a spell back towards Doon "You filthy scum... how dare you!"  Eelin called out "Caraick!  Help us!  Subdue the Ylian!"  Immediately Caraick raised his bow, arrow drawn taught as he released it towards the Ylian's shoulder at the very same moment Ulla dove at Doon's legs, trying to knock him off balance. 

As the others fought, Teshia struggled to hold the kran down.  Kra covered kra's face with kra's shield, awaiting more blows, but Teshia only flooded dark magic over the two of them, surrounding them both in a dark aura.  Eelin channeled his own dark energy towards Teshia, weakening somewhat, but fighting to stay focused on the battle.       

The Ylian chuckled as he limped back away from Ulla "Now, now.  What is this?"  Chessire fired a strong, angry blast of magic at him, and Caraick quickly strung another arrow, this time aiming at his chest.  The arrow narrowly missed Doon's chest, but the magic blast hit his arm, wounding him and tearing off one of his sleeves.  He rolled aside, running to the ladders, followed quickly by both Chessire and a growling, irritated Ulla.  Caraick slung his bow over his shoulder, pulling his daggers and following the two women.  Chessire caught up to Doon first, a strong hit with her claymore cutting the ladder in half.
The kran continued to mutter, shielding kra's face as Teshia fought to keep kra on the ground.  Eelin fell to his knees, his dark power lessening and beginning to steal his own energy as he sent a final pulse to Teshia.  Kra began to struggle more, slightly moving his knees and gaining the balance to free his left leg, kicking Teshia back as she swung her axes down at his chest.  Teshia growled, rolling back and coming up into a crouch "We're not finished here, Kran..."  She fired off another blast of dark energy, directly at his chest, but his armor and shield blocked it.

As the ladder collapsed, Doon ducked the sword swing, throwing two daggers with a deadly accuracy towards Caraick.  The Ylian rolled back from the ladder, releasing a spark of energy from his fingertips.  Caraick leapt to the side, rolling up to his feet, daggers raised and poised to throw as Chessire swung powerfully at Doon's hand.  Ulla stepped closer cautiously, then paused, her expression going blank as she stepped up onto the pavement beside them.  Doon backed away, limping into the sewers to avoid the sword swing, his hands beginning to emit a black aura.  Chessire ran after Doon, Ulla waiting to the side, eyes narrowed.  She quietly reached up one of her sleeves, pulling out a dagger as Caraick whipped a paw up and forwards in a blur of motion, sending a small dagger hurtling towards Doon's chest.  Doon blocked the dagger with his hand, yelping in pain and casting Darkness.

Noticing the others moving deeper into the sewers, Teshia growled.  "Eelin... They'll need us."  He rose slowly to his feet "Let's go.  Leave the rock."  The kran tried kicking out at her again, but she only snickered as her dark energy slid over his foot "Tata Rockboy.  We'll play again soon..."  She grinned wickedly as they both ran up to the others "Someone trying to play with magic?"  Eelin knelt, trying to regain the lost energy.  Ulla muttered "Y'know what? I ain't feelin' sympathy for this Ylian anymore."  Caraick stumbled around, reaching to steady himself against the iron grating as the Darkness stole his sight.  Gaining a hold, he pulled a glyph, casting Dazzling Light on himself to rid the darkness.  Doon looked about at the others, running off into the depths of the sewers, followed by Caraick and Chessire.  Ulla caught sight of the kran approaching again and shouted a warning "Tesh!  Behind you!" before slipping after the others.           

Teshia turned, laughing coldly at the kran.  "Come to play again?"  Kra threw an axe directly at Teshia's chest, but she only laughed, swinging both axes to block it aside "You'll have to do better than that."  Eelin stepped around to the side, taking position to flank him.  The kran examined the two of them "Well, At least it is even now."  Teshia smirked "I could have sworn someone mentioned something about liquid rock polisher... What I wouldn't give for a bottle now..."  Eelin took advantage of her taunting to drink a potion, but kra chose that time to throw another axe, this one at him.  "A little cocky are we?"  Eelin raised an arm to block the axe from hitting his chest, but it sliced into his forearm, gashing deeply.  Enraged, Teshia began to whisper quickly, animating the shadows up from the depths of the sewers to swirl around them all, darkening the area and hiding them from kra's view. 

Caraick raced up, coming to a stop in a kneeling position, bow raised with an arrow drawn taught, aimed at the center of the kran's forehead.  The odds seemingly turning from his favor, the kran summoned his mount and commanded the rivnak to find a way out of the darkness.  Kra fled, his rivnak jumping over the ruined ladders to escape.  As he fled, Ulla made her way up out of the sewer, looking them all over.     

Teshia called out a last taunt to the kran "Go ahead and run!" as Eelin fell to his knees, forearm bleeding freely.  Teshia rushed to his side, horrified.  The menki cast Dazzling Light, trying to chase away the shadows as he ran to Eelin "What happened?"  Teshia muttered softly, calling back the shadows and reversing the spell.  She looked up to Caraick "Are you a healer?"  Ulla glanced hopefully at Caraick, who shook his head "Not exactly, but I can at least try and bandage it..."  Eelin stood shakily, "I'm ok.  I can heal myself.  Took an axe."  He cast a healing spell on himself, dropping once more to the ground.  Teshia knelt by him, stroking his hair as they began to explain the curious events of the night, and what brought them all to such a place. 

Ulla growled and summarized everything perfectly. "What a waste of time that was."  In the depths of the sewer, Doon escaped into the Death Realm, killing himself and taking and his answers with him.  The others were left horrified at the loss of one of their own, and nursing various wounds and unanswered questions. 

[so much for brief :p ]
Also, it's more credible to others if you grow in power slowly over time.  First kill rats, then noobs, then klyros, and eventually work your way up to more powerful creatures ~ Miomai


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Re: LONG FORM player initiated Role Play in the making- Wanna play?
« Reply #23 on: July 06, 2010, 07:42:59 pm »
and so the plots thicken
and darken

and invite you in....
"RR is a PieSexual" ~ Monala


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Re: LONG FORM player initiated Role Play in the making- Wanna play?
« Reply #24 on: July 06, 2010, 08:56:02 pm »
* scotty110 takes a taste of the thickening plot

mmm needs more garlic.  :innocent:
Main character on zeroping: Halbor


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Re: LONG FORM player initiated Role Play in the making- Wanna play?
« Reply #25 on: July 11, 2010, 10:31:45 am »
You know I been watching this with interest as it has developed from the beginning and had the opportunity to play along several times in it. The whole group in this has done a fabulous job with it. I have popped in before work, after work, and times when I couldn't sleep and found characters RPing out some part of the stories ongoing. Most of the main characters in it are usually on when I go to bed but it is spread out enough during the day to catch up with much of it. That is really great because one can join in with little knowledge of where it is at and pick it up quickly. I have seen it played out in several locations by other characters at the same time. So it isn't stuck with just the main group involved as others have been able to play out their parts along side the main direction of the RP and later fit it into the story. So to those that started it and those that play it out and pass it along for others to join. Great job Everyone!


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Re: LONG FORM player initiated Role Play in the making- Wanna play?
« Reply #26 on: July 11, 2010, 09:35:44 pm »
@Jaycol    8)

Roled starts whistling an antiphonal setting of the newest medieval Bachman-Turner Overdrive hit,

You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet ... ;D
"RR is a PieSexual" ~ Monala


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Re: LONG FORM player initiated Role Play in the making- Wanna play?
« Reply #27 on: July 15, 2010, 04:43:02 pm »
great job guys!  Im very impressed at the quality of the rp! get involved...


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Re: LONG FORM player initiated Role Play in the making- Wanna play?
« Reply #28 on: July 20, 2010, 11:41:23 am »
Elady leaves DoX

Here's an RP summary of the some of the events leading up to Ahriman's residing within the Daughter's of Xiosia guild house and Elady's departure.

Dannae was returning home late one afternoon. As she approached her guild house, before turning the corner, she overheard two of her guild sisters, Narthen and Ellessa, in what sounded to be some sort of disagreement. She rounded the corner and greeted the two. Once joining the conversation, Dannae soon learned that her former kidnapper, Ahriman, was inside the house at that very moment, apparently having been invited there by another guild sister, Zalya.

Dannae became livid that some of her sisters would even consider bringing the ynnwn Ahriman into their house. Barely a month had passed since this ynnwn had slipped out from cover of darkness to drag Dannae off at knifepoint toward his then-current lair. (The account of the kidnapping will be posted at some point for those who have not discussed with her in-game and care to read). Though Ahriman had not physically hurt her during the abduction, she remained traumatized by the event from what she considered to be severe invasions to her privacy, her self, and her mind, resulting in the assault of her very dignity.

After Narthen's attempt to convince Dannae that Ahriman posed no threat and that the ynnwn should even be considered lovable failed, Dannae set off toward the front door, sabre drawn, resolved to oust the intruder. Although she could not prove it, she still suspected the ynnwn of capturing her guild sisters affections and loyalty through illegal means of potions or spells.

She flung the door open, Narthen and Ellessa at her heels. She entered to find Ahriman lounging in the guild house parlor. "Get out!" she yelled at Ahriman as she approached him with raised sword. As Narthen ran to Ahriman, defending him vocally, Sluuph entered the house. She interrupted the fracas to call a vote in accord with the guild's policy of only allowing guests inside who have been previously voted onto a trusted guest list.

Assessing the situation as best as she could given the circumstances, Dannae suddenly appeared to change her mind, voting in favor of allowing Ahriman to be added to the list -- realizing that the only way to keep the ynnwn from ever hurting another would be to imprison him within the guildhouse. Perhaps she could hold him until the spells wore off from her afflicted sisters! She whispered her decision and reasoning to Ellessa who joined her in voting "yes," to Ahriman and Narthen's amazement. Sluuph quickly added another "yes" vote. Sluuph had separately come to the same thought as Dannae, but at the time the vote still shocked the nolthrir priestess.

Ahriman began gloating at the sudden turn of events, but Dannae crept close to the unwary ynnwn and knocked him to the floor with an unexpected blow from the butt of her sword. A second blow sent him into unconsciousness. Narthen screamed in horror and running for the door, nearly colliding with Elady as she entered. Elady could only stare in disbelief as Ellessa helped Dannae to chain Ahriman in shackles.

When Elady found her voice, she began questioning what was going on, and after hearing of the vote that took place and witnessing the results of the prior violence, told the girls there, "This isn't the way we do things, sisters. I'm afraid I cannot condone these actions. This isn't the guild that I know and love. We don't hold captives." She slowly removed her DoX pendant.

Elady's words and gesture stunned and shamed Dannae. Realizing that her plan, which months of worry for her kidnapped sisters and rage over her own kidnapping had led her to contrive and carry out, was indeed not the way she had ever desired to treat another. She cried out, "What have I done?" She threw the key to the shackles at the once again conscious Ahriman offering freedom. She removed her sword in its scabbard and thrust it handle first toward Ahriman, bowing her head. "I did you wrong. Do what you will with me. I repent". The ynnwn pushed the sword aside, and Dannae slumped to the floor in despair.

It was too late. Elady shook her head. Dropping her DOX necklace to the floor, she walked out the door with the others looking on in disbelief. "I don't know what happened, but this is not the DoX I know and love. Xiosia have mercy on this house." Her final words were punctuated by the closing door.


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A Vagrant Squatter is Evicted
« Reply #29 on: July 22, 2010, 06:59:33 pm »
Elady, who had left the Daughters of Xiosia when Ahriman was admitted to their guild house, had pointed out to Sluuph that the vote to admit him was invalid. Sluuph passed this opinion on to Dannae.... "Since the first vote was invalid, we two should be enough to rescind it and tell him to leave. And I can bring half the town to help, if he disagrees."

Dannae looked confused. "Why was it invalid?"

"Elady or Siteya have to be present in every vote, according to Elady."

"What?! Elady's not even in the guild!" Dannae snapped.

"She was at the time. Now it's you."

"I never knew that," Dannae admitted. "Okay, let's do it."

A crowd of warriors quickly assembled outside the guild hall. Sluuph unlocked the door, glad that the lock was kept well oiled. She tugged on the outward-opening door, but it still would not move. Ahriman had barred it. Later, they would see the steel rods he had threaded through the inside handles.

Dannae gave the order to burn the door. Sluuph objected that the door was too heavy and would take too long to get weak enough to break down.

Sluuph offered the suggestion, "Burning will take all night. I say blast it. This has already gone past the peaceful solution we had planned."

Teshia added, "I can chop through it."

Leicace asked, "Couldn't we just break down the door? I'm sure all of us together could take him on."

Sluuph shook her head. "Yes, We can take him. Dakkru's outhouse, I could take him alone! But the door is very solid, Leicace."

Dannae suggested, "Maybe my rivnak could kick it in."

Leicace nodded. "That's a good thought."

Sluuph said, "Forget the rivnak. I have Energy Arrows. But what do we do when we don't have a door? It's bad enough that he is there with all our stuff around him. Dannae, you're the High Priestess, and you have more stuff in there than me. Do you have any ideas?"

Dannae said, "We can replace the door easily enough...."

Sluuph said, "Then I say we blast it to flinders."

Dannae said, "Let's try something first. Ahriman! Let us in! The vote was invalid!"

Ahriman shouted back through the wooden door. "What do you want?"

Sluuph shouted, "The vote to let you in was invalid!"

Ahriman retorted, "No, it wasn't. It was unanimous. I'll ask again. What do you want?"

Dannae shouted, "Elady or Siteya were required to vote! Neither did!"

"Elady left your guild! She has no vote!"

Sluuph said, "She was in the guild then! But didn't vote!"

"And she had the opportunity to vote! And her vote wouldn't have mattered!"

Sluuph lowered her voice. "Dannae...? This is wasting time," as Teshia growled "Blast it in."

Ahriman shouted, "So what is it you want?"

Dannae said, perhaps too quietly for him to hear, "We just want you gone...and out of our lives."

Her voice still low, Sluuph said, "Dannae, good and evil do not depend on votes."

Ahriman said, "All right! I'll let Dannae in to negotiate. The rest of you can remain just outside."

The chorus outside the door as cacophonous. "NO!" "Don't trust him! "Not a good idea...." "What are the negotiations about?"

Ahriman said, "As far as I'm concerned, I'm here legally. If you want me out, you send someone in."

Sluuph said, "No negotiations! You have no say in the matter! Leave, or we call the guards!"

As usual, Teshia didn't talk as much as Sluuph. "You don't get a vote, you steaming pile of tefuplop!"

Dannae said, "Ahriman, we won't negotiate this. Another vote has been taken and you lost."

Ahriman said, "The vote has to be taken in the house. You know that."

"You're a barrister now? A Barrister of Xiosia?" sneered Sluuph as Teshia ordered, "Then get out and they will go in and vote!"

Dannae answered him. "No, it doesn't...never has been a requirement."

Ahriman changed tack. "Now send someone in to talk, or this will not be pretty!"

Sluuph said, "Folks, shall we just call the guard and keep this simple? We don't want to be thought to be vigilantes," she added disingenuously.

Again the answers came in chorus. "Sounds good to me." "Not as much fun, but probably safer for the floors in there." "Sounds pretty simple."

Venorel said, "I am only here to support, yet I have little faith in the guards."

Sluuph said, "I can't stand the Guard myself, but I'll make use of them. And they know him, well."

Ahriman said, "My last request for a negotiator, then I'm digging in. You are all at a great disadvantage. You have one small entry point which I have covered."

The chorus: "You don't get a request." "There is nothing to negotiate." "Then we call the guards." "I've a pick and axes. That wooden door won't last long." "What could you possibly have to negotiate?"

Ahriman called, "I want to negotiate my exit! I was invited and I'm here legally. If you want me out, you negotiate."

Teshia growled, "You've been dis-invited. Now get out! Negotiations over."

But Dannae appeared to yield. "All right Ahriman. Let me in."

The chorus: "Dannae... be on your guard." "Dannae, no." "I will go with her." "She must not go alone." "Yes, Dannae, don't trust him."

Ahriman asked warily, "Are you coming alone? Alone, Dannae, or take your chances."

Sanrai, from around the corner, called back to the crowd at the door slowly, "Ladies, here is someone... you might be interested in...."

Dannae shouted, "Open it!" as Sluuph pressed herself against Dannae's back, ready to move the instant her guild sister and High Priestess did.

Teshia moved to Sanrai's side, snarling, "You, sir... be you friend or foe?" and Sanrai answered for him, "He is foe, I think."

Denolyier chuckled at the war-like pair. "I wouldn't know, simply observing."

Dannae watched and listened closely to the door for any sign of movement, hearing Ahriman remove the steel bars. He cracked the door open enough for one person to get in. He watched from behind carefully, ready to react instantly to any tricks. They paid no further attention to the fracas in the alleyway.

Ahriman said, "Don't try anything stup--!" Dannae and Sluuph yanked the door from Ahriman's grip, Dannae dropping a club to prevent the door from closing again. The two Nolthrir darted in, but Sluuph tripped over Dannae's club and stumbled right into Ahriman's grip. He grabbed her instantly, his dagger pressed into her neck.

Ahriman said, "I told you one person alone."

Sluuph grinned at Dannae as Ahriman pressed the dagger firmly. She sneered at Ahriman. "I've been murdered before by better men than you."

Ahriman pulled the string, setting off a line of gas bombs at the entrance.

Dannae said, "What are you going to do Ahriman, commit murder in front of all these witnesses?"

Sluuph tried to kick Ahriman in the shin with her armored heel, while twisting to throw him sideways, but Ahriman only staggered briefly from the kick in the shin. His blade, pressed into her throat, ripped to the side, plunging through her gill in a fountain of blood. She fell gasping to the floor. Sluuph raised her hands, Crystal magic sparking, but her spell failed.

Ahriman pulled the prepared trap line, setting off a line of knockout gas at the entrance.

Dannae cried out, "No...not again!" and lunged for Ahriman with both swords.

Glaciusor tried to run to the entrance, but stopped when seeing the gas. He took a deep breath and came through the door followed by Ketta and Leicace.

Sluuph scrambled back away from Ahriman. Colliding with the chairs, she clambered to her feet. Sluuph gasped as she grew dizzy from loss of blood, "Kill him!" A blaze of light surrounded Sluuph as several healing spells enveloped her. Her neck wound closed instantly.

Perhaps distracted by the blaze of Crystal magic, Ahriman didn't see Dannae attack, taking both of her swords in the chest. He fell limply to the floor, bleeding profusely.

Sluuph staggered back from where she was leaning on the chairs. "Don't kill him! Just drag him out."

Dannae leapt on top of Ahriman, raising a sword over her head.

Sluuph cried out, "Stop! Dannae, no!"

Ketta suggested, "Set him on fire first!"

Ahriman coughs, looking up at Dannae and grinning. "Do it, Dannae. It must be you!"

Sluuph, a trace of panic in her voice, begged, "Dannae, back away. Dannae...!"

Dannae hesitated, turning back to eye Sluuph, as Ahriman's blood pooled under him.

Sluuph lowered her voice, "Back away. Drag him out of our home. Leave him in the gutter."

Ahriman reached up and grabbed at Dannae's sword. "Do it, Dannae!"

Venorel said, "Take his manhood and then send him to the realm. I have rusty dagger!"

Sluuph said, "Dannae, it is not our way! You would stop me."

Dannae backed away unsteadily, covering her mouth from the gas wafting through the air.

Sluuph said, "Open the door! Let the gas dissipate."

It was Ellessa who said it. "Your oath, Dannae."

A large chorus of voices began denying that they had any oaths restricting their bloodthirsty imaginations.

Ahriman coughed blood, starting to lose consciousness.

Sluuph said, "Back away, Dannae. You did exactly enough."

Ahriman smiled as he died from Dannae's wounds.

Dannae said, " sure?"

Glaciusor blasted the gas out using Azure Way magic.

Sluuph said, "Yes, Dannae, I'm sure." She sheathed her weapons locked the guild house door and hugged her sister priestess.

Dannae sighed, "I'm sorry, Sluuph."

Sluuph began speaking softly but quickly, holding Dannae close and stroking her hair, "No. Do not be sorry. You did exactly the perfect right thing."

Dannae said, " oath...?"

"Do not be sorry. Rejoice! What is your oath? What is it, Dannae?"

"I never meant kill him."

"Your oath does not forbid killing. What is it? Your oath is to defend!"

"Yes... that is true, killing to defend another is permitted."

Sluuph touches her healed gill, as if expecting to find a gaping wound.

Glaciusor held out a bottle to Sluuph. "Sorry to interrupt, but I just want to be sure you are all right. Do you need this?"

Sluuph takes the bottle eagerly and chugged it down, then stared at the bottle in disappointment. Sluuph said, "Um. Healing potion? Thanks, Glaciusor. I was hoping it was red liquor."

Glaciusor smiled. "Oh, sorry. I carry a few of these just in case. I knew a few people such as that... unmentionable are around causing trouble."

Sluuph pulled Dannae to the floor of their home. "Sit, my love." The two held each other closely. Dannae began to weep softly. Sluuph stroked Dannae hair and back, crooning wordlessly.

Glaciusor left to see what was happening outside. Leicace looked uncomfortable at the sudden display of emotion and crept out as well.

Dannae said, "We will be stronger now."

Sluuph said, "Hush, my love. We did it. That's all that matters. It's over. He's gone. It will be ours again. But you are right. We will be stronger."

Dannae said, "He'll be back..I know it."

Sluuph nodded confidently. "And he will find that our wrath can shake the Dome. We are strong, Dannae."

Dannae said, "What did you want Sluuph? If I hadn't done this terrible thing?"

Sluuph said, "If you had not done this wonderful thing, this heroic thing, we would not have a home. You have saved us. You have won us our home!"

Dannae said, "But you didn't want him dead."

Sluuph said, "Oh, I wanted him dead. I wanted him fed by inches to consumers. I wanted him thrown into the Crystal for Talad to grill well done. But this will do."

Dannae inhaled deeply then let out her breath slowly, "Let's never be caught like this again. Elady was right....We are no longer the DoX she knew. And it's a good thing."

Sluuph said, "No, Dannae, we're not. Just as the blade taken from the quench is not the one that went into the forge. We are case-hardened. We still need sharpening, though." Sluuph rubbed her neck, again surprised to find herself undamaged.

Dannae said, "We need to stick together..we can make Xiosia proud again."

Sluuph said, "Xiosia is proud, Dannae. We live."

Dannae held out her hand staring at her Xiosia ring.

Sluuph said, "Dannae? You are our High Priestess. You must guide us. I believe I know Her. But you make me wonder if...."

Dannae stopped her. "You're right Sluuph...I need to be strong...I can't do this without your know that-- If?"

Sluuph said, "Um. You know that my ... attitude toward, well, um, violence isn't exactly what Elady likes. In fact, well, um, I believe that sometimes it is the right, the, um, blessed thing to do. And I've discovered that we, the guild, have many supporters, outside the guild, who agree."

Dannae searched Sluuph's eyes for a long moment, then changed the subject abruptly, "I can think of no better way to show appreciation for our sisters than to hold a ceremony, and invite all those who helped us this night."

Sluuph rose and spoke to those waiting outside the guild hall, once again their home. She called out proudly, "We are going to the Garden. You are all invited to come witness our ceremony. The Daughters of Xiosia are unbowed and stronger than before."

But as they approached the Garden, they all heard a new voice proclaiming "Oh, woe and agony! Doom and destruction! Death is coming!"
« Last Edit: July 23, 2010, 01:55:48 pm by Sluuph »
Sluuph is "a daughter of DoX not quite becoming of a DoX daughter" --Zytorr