Author Topic: LONG FORM player initiated Role Play in the making- Wanna play?  (Read 4970 times)


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A long form, improvisational series role play is in the works- Wanna play?

This long form improvisational role play is an experiment in collaborative story creation.

Several of us are developing a role play with four different and intersecting plot lines. We have started to lay the groundwork and inciting events in game even now, and a core of us are developing the plot lines , separately from each other, with me acting as liaison. Once we have the outline of the inciting events and the complications and conflicts for each plot, we'll weave the plots together so that they will intersect with and depend upon each other.

We are not writing the outcomes, for we all feel those should happen in game. We are also keeping much of the preliminary plot actions secret from each other so that each different set of players involved most heavily in one plot will be surprised by how their plot intersects with others.

We're also planning to have the culminating events during the second week of July, after the usa 4th of July holidays. We're trying to have some group in each of the four plotlines in various timezones so everyone who wants to can be involved.

The plots lines are designed to offer various characters a 'way in' to the action, so goody goodies, type A workaholics, socialites, crafters, bad guys, magicians, fighters, healers, sweethearts and liars will have access to inciting activities that would make sense to their characters. I'll start another thread when the rps start, where the collaborators (for lack of a better term) can post the rp summaries that advance each of their stories.

If you would like to be significantly involved, please let me know in pm. I'll talk with you individually and see where your character's interests lie, then connect you with the collaborator role players who are setting 'your' storyline in motion.

If in the next few weeks you start running into some odd or intense rps please join in as makes sense to your character in game. This woven story is not meant to be only for the collaborators, but for anyone who wants to play, or who wants to up the ante for their characters in game.

Thanks! It might be a mess, it might be amazing. It will be fun!
Roled Rolak

"RR is a PieSexual" ~ Monala

Sarras Volcae

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Re: LONG FORM player initiated Role Play in the making- Wanna play?
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2010, 12:23:24 am »
i'll be travelling, sorry. but y'all can have fun without me.  :'( lol


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Re: LONG FORM player initiated Role Play in the making- Wanna play?
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2010, 01:31:22 am »
I believe I couldn't avoid it, even if I tried ;) ... what I usually don't intent.

But always remember: The more detailed plots are planned, the less likely they are going to happen. Usually at least because someone doesn't appear the other day.

Gag Harmond
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Re: LONG FORM player initiated Role Play in the making- Wanna play?
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2010, 10:31:49 am »
Who knows what happens with my characters. They are always doing something, or getting into some sort of mess, so who knows if I'll find myself RPing in whatever situation this is. I most likely will.

-sig by sarras


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Re: LONG FORM player initiated Role Play in the making- Wanna play?
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2010, 04:39:20 am »
[One of the initial events has taken place already. Keep an eye out for a paranoid Ynnwn. ;)]

Monala Colleler was pleased to find company upstairs at Trasok's. Particularly since it happened to be her best friend, Roled. The two exchanged their hellos and set to work, the Ynnwn admiringly watching Roled hammer away at his stocks, marveling at how strong he'd gotten since they first met outside of Kada El's - she had shown him the way to Levrus's shop, glad to get away from the nasty brawl that was going on in the tavern, and subsequently fell in love with the lost Dermorian almost immediately. The feeling wasn't mutual, yet there was still a strong bond between the two. Much had happened since then; things that might have broken any other friendship, and yet Roled was one of the few who didn't hold it against her that she'd been missing for quite some time before returning to Hydlaa. Her train of thought was interrupted as he turned to speak to her.

"So, Lady Monala, how are ye?"

"Ah, I"m alright. Been huntin' a bit. You?"

"I have been...studying..."

He had a nervous look on his face, his tone cautious. She knew what was up - even for his kindness, his attitude towards her had still changed as vastly as everybody else's. She also knew he was studying magic. His heart was in the right place, but she didn't like the fact he was a mage. Making a feeble attempt to play clueless, she replied.

"'Ey now, wha'ss with--"

Roled began hammering again. Annoyed, she looked at the dagger she was sharpening and, satisfied with her work, sheathed it and tucked the whetstone away. The hammering stopped.

"Hunting, did ye say, Lady M?"

"Aye...'aven't 'ad much success, though. It'd seem I'm outta' practice."

"I still be trying to get better at swords, but ye knows I don't wish to kill."

"Mm, I see."

"I did ask Gregori if he might put some straw dummies in the arena for practicing upon."

"'Ow'd 'e react to that?" she snorted amusedly.

"Believe it or not, Lady M, he said he would think about it."

"Really? I think 'e's gettin' soft, I do."

She chuckled to herself, remembering the conversations she'd had with Gregori -  she thought the arena master came off as a self-important brute with respect only for others like himself.

"You're getting to be more of a brute yourself, lately." She pushed the thought to the back of her mind. It was true - her most recent lover, possibly the longest-running one she'd ever had, had brought out her gentle side, but had run off with another woman while Monala was away. Single again, she tried to avoid dealing with the pain of yet another heartbreak by spending more time hunting and practicing swordplay.

"Either soft or he's figured out the way to get rid of little elves who don't like them big claymores he wields."

Roled paused, and then asked:

"Have ye -- have ye seen yer brother, Lady Monala?"

She nodded.

"Chays? 'E's been around - still layin' low. I've been teachin' 'im a bit about huntin' th'beasts. 'E's used t'huntin' crooks - says the beasts tend t'be smarter."

Roled laughed. Monala didn't.

Chays had rescued her from the predicament that had caused her to go missing. A woman had lured her off and asked her for help with some experiments with the Azure Way. She was a witch and an alchemist, specializing in illusions. Monala had agreed at first, and the illusions were quite pleasant, but she didn't realize she'd been trapped. Told the potions were part of the process, she'd trusted the witch that brewed them, and ended up unwittingly taking large doses of several potions brewed with mostly illegal and dangerous ingredients. The witch, for reasons Monala never found out, began turning the illusions against her - immersing the increasingly mentally unstable Ynnwn in them, making her unsure of what was real or not, and conjuring terrible, nightmare-like scenarios.

Deror - a friend of hers - had found Monala cowering in the woods, telling some unseen foe to stop speaking to her. Knowing something was wrong, he wrote to Chays, a guard in the Ynnwn's hometown, and naturally, Chays came to her aid. Not being well-versed in magic himself, and not having been able to enlist the help of his friends back home, Chays had truly killed the witch with a poisoned dagger. Deror gave them a head start, ensuring nobody came across the body over the next few days.

The Colleler siblings camped in the wild for quite some time before Monala made her return to Hydlaa, relatively certain that word of the witch's murder hadn't spread far, if at all.

Uncomfortable with the present subject, she segued into another.

"Ah, speakin' of fellas we don't see much of, seen Dragonis? 'E still mad at me?"

"Lady Monala, I ha'int seen me Brother fer quite some time."

"Ah, I see."

"Seems he came back into Hydlaa for new quarterstaves from Jardet, but then he disappeared again to practice."

She nodded. Dragonis did stay in the wild quite a bit for his own reasons - and she hadn't seen much of him since returning to Hydlaa. Last time she did, he'd completely ignored her. He was livid that she hadn't sent for him to try to rescue her, and talked like she'd left with no goodbye on purpose, as if she knew it wasn't going to be one of her usual hunting trips that only lasted a couple of days. She wished she could be mad at him too, or let it slide off, but all she felt was loss - the klyros was a close friend, and now he wasn't even around to try to reason with.

"I wish he were around to teach me more Blue Way magicks; I be floundering on me own here."

Monala frowned at the mention of magic, reminded once again that Roled was involved with such a sinister force.

"That might not be such a bad thing," she replied, a slight edge to her voice. "After what 'appened t'me - I-I jes' dont think th'same of magic, any more."

Roled hammered at his stocks again for a bit before seeming to do a double take.

"But Monala! Magicks be the most amazing--" he paused. "Oh, umm, aye, now I remember. Sorry Lady!"

"Aye. It can do amazin' things, but it's dangerous."

"Aye, Monala, it might be dangerous, but that be why we must train with ethical teachers."

His expression darkened for a moment, and then he began hammering again, more vigorously than before.

"Ethical teachers don't always beget ethical students. Th'witch studied under Levrus an' then taught 'erself 'ow t'manipulate Azure Way into th'illusions..."

She shuddered and trailed off.

"Monala, ye were just unlucky." Roled reasoned. "Magicks be the most important way to keep ourselves safe in this world!"

"Is it? We could do without, an' I think we'd be better off that way. Frankly, I think th'gods made a mistake, bestowin' glyphs upon th'mortal races."

Roled turned in horror at Monala's words.

"The Gods cannae make mistakes by helping us to live!"

"Th'gods make mistakes. Or 'ave ye forgotten what 'appened between Laanx an' Talad?"

"Nae, I've not forgot. But they be more...endowed than we mortals be, that's fer sure."

"Endowed, aye, but givin' people th'powers magic provides....well, power corrupts. Jes' read th'books in Dakkru's lil' library, next ye 'ave th'misfortune of bein' there, if ye don't believe me. She's a right power-mongerer, that one - jes' wants things dead so she can 'ave more. An' then there's th'favored followers she mentions: Rogues, murderers...somethin' like that...despicable lot, anyway. An' th'Dark Way mages, bringin' th'Grendols up..."

Roled turned to reply, which is not a clever thing to do while one's hammer is still on its way down. He smashed his finger.

Monala's eyes widened and she clamed a hand over her mouth at the sight as Roled dashed downstairs to stick his hand in the quench tank. Monala ran after him.

"Roled! A-are ye...?"

She trailed off as he fainted from the pain. The phrase "It's my fault," repeating in her head, she carried him to an abandoned building and, sure there weren't any rogues about to harm her friend and unable to bring herself to stay with him until he came to, she promptly ran off to drink away the guilt.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2010, 04:43:28 am by Candy »
Role Play Preferences
[1: gossip] Glaciusor: There's now a guy in skimpy armor having war flashbacks about daemons. Have fun Hydlaa


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Re: LONG FORM player initiated Role Play in the making- Wanna play?
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2010, 11:56:26 pm »
Following a contentious party at the Stonehead, where a quarrel about the upcoming engagement  parties for Eelin, Sluuph and Teshia had overwhelmed the other guests of the tavern, Illysia attacked the tables littered with empty mugs, crusted cheese stew bowls and remnants of pie crust. She industriously scrubbed the table tops.

Abruptly a voice behind her called out.
Illysia turned to find a Dermorian pointing the sharp end of his war club at her throat. He continued, almost politely, "Give me your money."

The manager of the Tavern had just about had it. She was exhausted and cranky and not at all pleased to find the business end of a war club leveled at her neck. She held out her empty hands.

"Does it honestly look like I am carrying anything? Robbing a person at a tavern where everything is free makes very little sense...”

The fellow sighed. “The hard way, eh?”

“Well, you are the one that decided to rob someone that doesn't get paid.” Illysia rolled her eyes. Perhaps that’s not the wisest reaction, she thought to herself, but a bit too late.

The Dermorian considered, “Aye, tis true. But one thing. There's bound to be something on ya.”

The would- be robber looked her up and down, and then reached to grab a key hanging from her neck. Illysia grabbed at her key and felt the war club pressing into her neck. The robber whacked at Illysia’s hand, then at her head. The club grazed her nose, and the barkeep lost her grip. As they scuffled, Illysia thought to herself, ‘I’m a former miner, no weak fenki, but maybe I’m not as strong as I used to be.’ She thought she might try reasoning with the robber and his club.

“Now you let me go before I call Malco up here.”

 "Thanks for the idea." He gagged her with a dirty cloth.

Illysia coughed as he stuffed the gag into her mouth. She struggled, but the robber managed to wrestle both of her hands into a messy rope made of ulbernaut sinew. The fenki tried to scratch him with her claws. Angrily, the Dermorian pushed the gag deeper into her mouth "Just stay." The war club connected with a dulling thud into the side of Illysia’s head, opening a bleeding gash and sending her spinning. The assailant yanked the key from her neck, then smiled thinly, muttering, “I don't even know what this opens.”

The mugger suddenly tossed the key outside, and ripped up the rug in front of the fireplace. He
began to club everything with his weapon, ripping up everything within reach. He laughed and pulled a few robes that look like torn up sacks over himself. The robber headed for the exit.

Unfortunately, the leader of the Call of Destiny, Destina Tigerress chose that exact moment to stroll into the Stonehead to see her good friends Illysia Caterean. The bezzerk fellow aimed his trusty club at Destina’s head. Destina jumped backwards, only to see her friend bleeding from the gash, her hands tied and her mouth gagged. But Destina had no time to consider, since the maniac now swung his club at her again.

“What are YOU DOING?: Destina screamed. She twisted away from the blow and ran behind the counter. The lunatic jumped the counter, and threw his knife at her. As she reached for her daggers, Destina winced as his blade dug into her arm. She dropped her dagger, hissed as she recoiled from the injury and ran towards the exit. Nimbly the robed robber jumped over the counter, and blocked her. Illysia slumped, blood running down her forehead.

Destina summoned her strength and healed Illysia’s wound as quickly as she could to slow the bleeding. Their attacker smiled, amused.

“Get away from her!” Destina demanded. The grinning criminal hurled a few more knives at Destina, exhibiting impressive knife throwing expertise.”Die!!!!”

Destina hid behind the pillar holding her wound and trying to focus on what was happening.

With a nasty curl of his lip, the attacker spoke in a Ylian accent “Your friend will die from suffocation soon." He smiled again. "Your kind has never helped the poor, time to pay up!"

Destina in desperation slashed at the crazy man, her own wound now gushing blood. He frowned and aimed another knife at Destina’s rivnak.

“Your obnoxious fenki friend has approximately one minute... then she’s off to the death realm. Or your rivnak could die right now. Which would you like?”

Destina jumped up on Yrra and galloped off, shouting, “Help!”

The assassin smiled and waved at the fleeing fenki “Goodbye! Nice to meet you.” Then he turned to Illysia, and watched her eyes roll up in her head. All resistance drained from her body.
“Only a few seconds, love...
 About nine seconds...
Oh goody.”

The Dermorian yanked Illysia’s Royal House of Purrty necklace/pendant from her limp form. He summoned Red Way flames, and began to melt the pin. Using his knife, he scratched at it. One of the fenkis's emerald eyes fall out. He muttered, "The damned royals like that Lolitra will be beaten yet, the damned tyranny..."
The assailant kissed Illysia’s bloodied lips and grinned.

“Goodbye, love...” His lips curled as he licked her blood off his own.

{thanks to Illysia, Destina and the "dermorian" for this episode... RR}
"RR is a PieSexual" ~ Monala


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Re: LONG FORM player initiated Role Play in the making- Wanna play?
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2010, 04:47:38 pm »

Dear Friends~ Let us celebrate this Season of Marriages,
with TWO PARTIES next week!

There be an Engagement Party fer all Females and friends of Lady Sluuph, of the Daughters of Xiosia and Lady Teshia of the House Trayus. Ladies Narthen Droplet and Dannae Renoir of the DoX Be yer hostess fer the evening and be providing Beverages. 'Tis a pot- luck party in Xiosia's Garden, with dancing and friends and festivities. Please to put on yer dancing boots and yer best party clothes and bring yer friends to celebrate these two lovely ladies in their engagements! Please RSVP to any of the DoX if ye can, but if ye don't see them PLEASE COME ANYWAY fer it be Time to Celebrate!


There be a Bachelor Party fer Eelin, Retinue Councilor of the House Trayus, at the StoneHead Tavern. Lady Elady will be on hand to provide libations and edibles. All who know Councilor Eelin, or who wish to celebrate just because 'tis good so to do be invited!  Poets and singers are especially invited, and yer host for the men's party, Roled Rolak would love to speak with ye before the celebration! Please plan on attending- gambling games, dancing, beverages and party favors be in store fer all. RSVP to Roled, to Lord Vilthis of the House Trayus or just show up if ye can't find us to respond to!

and the many surprises in store fer all as they begin the journey to their new lives joined!

Roled Rolak

{OOC the parties are concurrent- Ladies to the Garden and Gents to the Stonehead, next Tuesday June 22 at 11 pm EDT, 8 pm PDT or 3am UTC Wednesday June 23- sorry to everyone across the pond.

These engagement parties are part of the long form improvisational player lead role play. PLEASE JOIN IN! These story lines are open and meant for all who wish to play- oldbies, newbies, middle agers, dark agers! PM Roled if you have questions OOC- please talk to any of the folks mentioned in this notice IC for IG information. THANKS!}
"RR is a PieSexual" ~ Monala


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Re: LONG FORM player initiated Role Play in the making- Wanna play?
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2010, 08:12:42 am »
As Emma didn't say ;) "if I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your roleplay!" :thumbup: But since you're throwing a party O--) I'll be there! 8)
Sluuph is "a daughter of DoX not quite becoming of a DoX daughter" --Zytorr


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Re: LONG FORM player initiated Role Play in the making- Wanna play?
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2010, 10:28:07 pm »
Narthen found two of the trio sitting on the grass by the gazebo.

"Hi!" Sluuph called. Seeing her friend and fellow priestess was a delight, though hardly unusual. But something was different in her smile this evening. Narthen bubbled like a fast-running creek. Sluuph rose to greet her with a hug.

"Hey, Eelin!" Narthen called over Sluuph's shoulder, returning the hug strongly.

"Hi, Narthen! Should I give you girls some privacy?" Eelin smiled warmly while Sluuph studied Narthen's face, sensing something coming. "Um. What brings you here, Narthen?"

Narthen was jumping up and down excitedly while Sluuph tried to hold her. "Oh, no, Eelin, I just wanted to invite Sluuph and Teshia to their bachelorette party!"

Eelin merely chuckled as Sluuph let out an ear-piercing squeee!!! "Um! When? Where?"

"It'll be in the Secret Garden, five days from now. [Tuesday, June 22 at 11pm EDT, 8pm PDT, or 3am UTC, Wednesday, June 23.] I'll invite all the Daughters of Xiosia, and all the Trayus girls, too! And anyone else!"

Sluuph took Narthen's hand, smiling in delight, and said, "Oh, thank you, Narthen. You are a true friend."

"It is my pleasure to make this a joy for you. But, sister? You know that there will be more for you than for your sister-wife."

Sluuph frowned. She could not imagine doing something like this without Teshia. "What do you mean? She is not less-- Oh!" She breathed a soft prayer. "O Goddess...."

Narthen nodded. "You are a priestess."

Sluuph's eyes grew huge. She knew what was required -- had known for most of her life -- but had never imagined that it would happen to her. "O Goddess. I- But-"

Narthen nodded again, just as solemn. "You know how it happens?"

"Um. Yes. But-"

"You must, sister. You know you must."

"Of course. And I will. I just- Um." Sluuph took a deep breath and smiled at Narthen. "Teshia must help."

It was Narthen's turn to blink in surprise. "But she-?"

"She does not yet know Xiosia. But I am the priestess for this, and I require her. She will be my sister-wife. She will stand with me for this."

Narthen grinned impishly and bowed. "As you say, priestess."

Sluuph said, "Um. Um. I don't want to be rude? But I feel like celebrating with Eelin. I know I have to let him have his dancing girls at his bachelor party, and I want to make sure he doesn't forget me."

Eelin grinned. Narthen listened with a puzzled look. "So... what are you suggesting?"

Eelin shrugged in false confusion and Sluuph wondered what was unclear, but decided to speak plainly, "Um. I'm suggesting that we're going to be rude and run away now. I hope." She glanced at Eelin. "But I'm really grateful, Narthen!" Sluuph leaned forward and kissed Narthen quickly. Narthen winked at Eelin as she returned the quick kiss, but as she started to turn, Sluuph decided to kiss her again, more slowly. Narthen leaned forward to savor the lengthy kiss.

And after a timeless moment, Narthen grinned at Sluuph, turned, and ran into the dusk.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2010, 09:10:11 am by Sluuph »
Sluuph is "a daughter of DoX not quite becoming of a DoX daughter" --Zytorr


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Re: LONG FORM player initiated Role Play in the making- Wanna play?
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2010, 11:23:11 pm »
Eelin sat on the edge of the bed, occasionally remembering to smile absently, as bored as any man is when women's garb is being purchased.  Sluuph and Teshia, his betrothed, were happily discussing wedding attire with Ulla, the local tailor commissioned to create their outfits.

The stranger knocked on the door, calling out "Delivery." Ulla opened the door and the Yilan stepped inside with a small wrapped box in his hand. He had a strange stench about him that caused the four to step back. He placed the box on the nightstand and walked swiftly out of the room, laughing in his wake.

"My loves, are we expecting a package?" Sluuph asked. Teshia shook her head as she stepped over to it. Sluuph frowned as Ulla put her hands on the table and peered at the package. "Looks harmless."

Sluuph said suspiciously, "Shall we open it?  Ulla stepped back as Teshia nodded, slipping the top of the package open slowly and peering down into it. A strange miasma wafted from the box.

Sluuph leaped from the bed where she sat and tackled Teshia, throwing her to the floor.  Ulla backed up hurriedly.

Teshia squeaked as she landed hard on the floor, "What the...?" Sluuph said, "I know that smell!" She pushed hard on Teshia's stomach. "Sneeze if you can, Teshia ... it's poison. Don't breathe it! Ulla, water!"

Ulla nodded hurriedly and darted towards the kitchen.  Eelin rushed to Teshia as she suddenly stiffened, her back arching off the ground.

Sluuph stood quickly and darted to the window. Unable to find any way of opening the heavy leaden frame, she seizing the room chair and hurled it through the window. Turning back to her espoused pair, she made quick passes with her hands, granting Teshia extra health and healing her.  "Eelin, get her outside!"

Eelin lifted Teshia swiftly in his arms and charged toward the door, nearly crashing into Ulla as she rushed in, water in hand. Ulla cried, "Here, I -- great Laanx!"

Sluuph snapped, "Ulla, cover your gills with a wet cloth around your neck, and don't breathe!" Ulla gave a startled squeak, covering her mouth hurriedly with her sleeve.  Teshia struggled wildly in Eelin's arms, back contorting and lifting into almost impossible positions as he carried her down, leaping the entire flight of stairs to land on his armored feet with a building-shaking crash.

Still in the room, Sluuph took a deep breath of clean air from the shattered window while Ulla peered around, mouth and nose still covered, protected from the toxic miasma. She grabbed the note and read aloud: "see you at the wedding." The Nolthrir stared at each other for a moment before turning as one and running for the street, Ulla yanking the door to the room shut.

Outside the tavern, Teshia fought and screamed, foam flecking her lips.  Eelin dug frantically in his sack for a vial. Finding it, he tilted Teshia's head back, pouring from the vial into her mouth.  "Drink this, love. Hurry!" The liquid trickled down her throat, beginning to take effect almost immediately. Her convulsions slowed and stopped as she collapsed, near unconsciousness.

"What is that stuff?" Eelin demanded.

Sluuph sighed. "Poisonous herbs.  Breathe too much and you get massive stomach cramps. Eat it and you die. But it's very aromatic and easy to identify. No one expected it to kill us. Any herbalist would know that smell. The eyebright isn't poisonous itself, but it releases and disperses the nectar from-"

Ulla interrupted the lecture, her brow furrowed. "Maybe we oughta make her throw up, s'what my ma did if I ate somethin' dangerous...."

Teshia moaned, pressing her face into the cool stone. "It ... hurts...."

Eelin said, bewildered, "Why would anyone do this to us? Who would do this?"

"I can think of a few who hate our very existence," Sluuph snarled.

Ulla bit her lip. "That guy the other night at the Stonehead did seem a zealot,  but ... would anyone stoop this low?"

Teshia coughed weakly, drawing her knees into her chest. Sluuph stroked Teshia's forehead and cheeks with her small, angular hand. She looked up from her betrothed, moaning in pain, and venom dripped in her voice as she said, "There are people who would tie us to a rivnak and gallop down the road dragging us behind if they could."

Ulla leans down to speak to Teshia. "Hey -- want me to grab some milk from Allelia? Might settle your stomach."

Teshia groaned, shaking her head. "No ... can't ... drink...."

"Milk will soothe your stomach. You must also breathe deeply, no matter how much it hurts your throat," Sluuph directed Teshia.

Ulla's mouth compressed to a thin line. "Try, please, it'll make you feel better.... Sluuph, I see your point, but I dunno how we could prove it."

Eelin continued, "I think we're jumping to conclusions."

Sluuph began a retort, but Ulla cut her off, looking thoughtful. "The fanatics that have been harassing you have all been followers of Laanx, where they not?  I know y'all follow Xiosia, but if you asked.... Sharven might let you stay in one of the rooms of the Temple for now. If this attack is from Laanxian fundamentalists, they ain't gonna try somethin' there.

Sluuph and Eelin both looked at Ulla in surprise.

"That's a good idea," said Eelin as Sluuph nodded.

"We need a safe place," Sluuph added, "There's more to come. This was just a warning."
Sluuph is "a daughter of DoX not quite becoming of a DoX daughter" --Zytorr


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Re: LONG FORM player initiated Role Play in the making- Wanna play?
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2010, 12:22:46 am »

THANKS to everyone who participated in the role plays tonight/ tomorrow morning! It was great to see so many old characters and new folks work themselves into the action.

PLEASE DO write short posts about your characters involvement and experience to this discussion thread:

... please join us for the ENGAGEMENT PARTIES

{And after the events please post your update! Who did what to . with whom?}...

We as a community of rpers can also use this thread to teach and encourage each other on how to better our rp. It occurs to me that some folks may not know what god modding is, and others may just miss things like rped spells... and there's room for discussion of how to effectively mix rped actions and mechanics actions. It was great to see Guards show up, and great to see so many people take action initiatives in their characters. Good work you all!
Special thanks to Elady and Narthen for being the hosts of tonight's parties. If you're still around feel free to go to the Stonehead or the Garden and help clean up. Just don't eat the poisoned food in the Garden!
Yers with a big thankee!

Roled Rolak
can't hold his red liquor
"RR is a PieSexual" ~ Monala


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Re: LONG FORM player initiated Role Play in the making- Wanna play?
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2010, 12:53:03 am »

 Just don't eat the poisoned food in the Garden!

Zonthek ate it


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Re: LONG FORM player initiated Role Play in the making- Wanna play?
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2010, 05:47:38 am »

Roled Rolak
can't hold his red liquor

No he can't.
Ardoin: So, do you drink moonshine?
Earowo: As long as it has alcohol, I'll drink it.


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Re: LONG FORM player initiated Role Play in the making- Wanna play?
« Reply #13 on: June 23, 2010, 12:34:36 pm »
I would write up my wonderful but much too short party, but I'm kinda tied up at the moment. :-X
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Re: LONG FORM player initiated Role Play in the making- Wanna play?
« Reply #14 on: June 24, 2010, 10:13:08 am »
Mordaan begins reading the party announcement and scratches his beard, looking confused for a moment.  He mumbles "Wait...he's going to marry...both of them?  I don't know whether to admire the guy or pity him."

Mordaan chuckles at himself then looks around to see if anyone heard him.

Good initiative!!  This is just the sort of things PS needs.  Sorry I didn't make the parties, although I happened to stumble on to it when dropping by the Garden for some business with Jardet.  Good thing Mordaan decided not to grab some food.   ;D  But I was about to head to bed so didn't have a chance to join in.  But I will certainly try to get involved where I can.[/OOC]
--Overseer, Explorers Guild.