Author Topic: Suicide Game  (Read 13792 times)


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Re: Suicide Game
« Reply #195 on: April 27, 2011, 12:59:43 am »
 ???oh you ment to have objects in planeshift  lol ;D


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Re: Suicide Game
« Reply #196 on: September 13, 2011, 01:03:08 am »
Avathius picks up the peanut. Suddenly he realizes that it is actually his annoying grandmother [in disguise!] who has come from RL to haunt him in his adventures in Planeshift! In fright, he runs out onto the plains near Gugrontid, screaming in terror, before he is skewered up the *** by an Ulbernaut and dies.

Avathius dropped a bag of dung (and yes, that is an item in-game. Have fun.)

Maisent throws the bag of dung at a vilenaut. The Vilenaut gets raged and hacks maisent to death!! :O

Maisent dropped a blackberry curve 8530


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Re: Suicide Game
« Reply #197 on: October 14, 2011, 05:51:31 am »
Ahh... I am back... again after a few years absent but anyway

* Tirion  picks the BB up and knowing it's too shiny that it blinded his eyes and he struck a tree on his way home and died, ironically.
* Tirion  drops a hello kitty doll
Quote from: bloodedIrishman
Have some hope for the human race. We might be misery incarnate but with a little goodwill and some understanding we tend to shine now and again.


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Re: Suicide Game
« Reply #198 on: October 21, 2011, 06:45:14 pm »
Miomai happens by and sees the black Hello Kitty doll laying on the ground. She picks it up and smiles, thinking it's cute, and especially loving it's indigo irises. It reminds her of Sarian, and she thinks about having a little one of her own, and how unlikely that is since she can't even keep people from thinking her wicked for five minutes. The clamod strolls over to Harnquist's, lost in these thoughts, but is abruptly brought to the present by Herihi who is there hawking her wares. The beautiful, yet rude diaboli makes a snide comment to Miomai, "Awww, look at the little baby hugging her dolly." The fenki flashes Herihi a cold look before storming off, determined to retaliate for her repeated jibes.

Not two steps away and an idea pops in her head, and she runs off to the library. Miomai checks out the book "Teach Yourself Voodoo in Ten Minutes for Dummies: The Missing Manual." Feeling a bit thirsty, she takes the book and the doll to Kada-El's and buys herself a refreshing mug of ale. She brings all three items over to a seat in the corner and plops herself in it.

Just ten minutes and one ale later, she's turned her Hello Kitty doll into a voodoo doll ready to torture Herihi. Instead of poking the voodoo doll with pins, Miomai decides to go all out and rip the head right off. She takes the head in one paw, and the body in another and with a quick, "Say hello to Mother Dakkru for me," she decapitates the doll. Unfortunately the doll was already a voodoo doll, of her.

Miomai drops her head.
Miomai is currently sane.

Aramara Meibi

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Re: Suicide Game
« Reply #199 on: October 21, 2011, 07:51:08 pm »
Icerra skips by Jefreca on her way to the tavern, bloody falchions in each paw. She winks at him and he bashfully smiles back, forgetting to warn her of the laws and such. Upon entering the tavern, she notices a clamod fenki head, with Xs for eyes and its pink tongue sticking out between pearly white fangs. Next to it lie apair of broken spectacles. "Hmm," she thinks, "Another skull for my throne!"

She picks the severed head from the floor and adds it to her sack of animal parts, filled with the severed heads of other various creatures of the land. She takes the sack far out into the wilderness and places the heads, all with Xs for eyes and their pink tongues sticking out, on a large rock. There they sit in the raw elements for days, weeks, months even, until they are picked clean by scavengers and insects and bleached in the rays of the crystal sun.

She returns, skipping merrily through the springtime meadows and collects her bright white gathering of skulls to carry back to the tavern, down to the bottom level. There, before the fireplace she stacks them into a morbid throne on which to sit. She sits. The throne collapses, shattering under her childish frame. A shard of Miomai's skull pierces through Icerra's skull, impaling her brain and ceasing her life functions. Once again, she has been defeated by her nemesis.

A Game Genie falls out of Icerra's pocket.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2011, 07:56:57 pm by Aramara Meibi »
all blessings to the assembled devotees.

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: Suicide Game
« Reply #200 on: October 21, 2011, 08:19:30 pm »
Mariana casually wanders down the stairs of Kada El's. She stops at the chaotic scene below and stares in confounded confusion upon the strange display. She hops down onto the floor and moves cautiously closer, wrinkling her nose a bit at the smell of Icerra's rather unique collection.

Her eyes catch on the game genie and she picks it up. Having no clue whatsoever what the device could be, she turns around and sits down at a table. She turns the thing over in her paws and shrugs, and with the blunt end of her sabre, starts smashing the game genie to bits. The battery falls out, leaking, and Mariana smiles at her new-found flavor enhancement. Obviously this must be a container for herbal products, yes?

Pouring herself a cup of cider, Mariana drops the leaky battery into the liquid, gulps it down in a few swigs, and finishes with a satisfied ahhh. Pretty soon the battery acid starts taking a toll on her poor defenseless innards. It doesn't take too terribly long for her stomach to start gurgling, and just a bit longer for her to start vomiting blood. In between heaves she manages to start muttering colorful obscenities and swearing at this dastardly, devious poisoning mechanism. She topples off the back of the bench with a loud and obnoxious metallic clang, her eyes roll back in her head, and she stops breathing, quite dead.

Mariana dropped a box of chocolate.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2011, 08:24:05 pm by Mariana Xiechai »

Aramara Meibi

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Re: Suicide Game
« Reply #201 on: October 22, 2011, 02:00:23 pm »
exhausted, Aramara pulls herself up to the tavern entrance. She leans heavily on the doorframe, her clothes in tatters, a mixture of blood, ash, and dust matting her fur. Slowly and with effort she smacks her parched, cracked lips, wanting nothing more than a cool mug of water, followed by a glass of wine and the soft comfort of a bed, but the sight of a headless fenki skeleton and a decapitated hello kitty doll on the tavern floor has her petrified in fear.

A bony finger lay pointing towards the railing overlooking the taverns bottom floor. Aramara, always keenly aware of such signs, moves in that direction with a sickening feeling in her stomach. And for good reason too, the macabre scene which is revealed to her has her reeling distraught. Her own sister lying dead on a pile of bones, and her good friend Mariana dead too, contorted on the floor with foam and blood oozing from her mouth.

"OH WHY!?!?" she calls out to the Gods,"Why such cruel fate!?!?" but her plea with the deities is cut short when she notices a shiny, red, heart shaped box on the floor next to Mariana. What sort of Heart Container is this? she thinks, and goes to investigate.

Open opening, she finds herself confronted with an array of small morsels of a soft brown nature. Taken aback at first by their resemblance to items of a less pleasurable nature, she sniffs and finds them to be something different, something new. With delicate fingers, she plucks one up and pops it in her mouth.

Oh it was worth it! The joy the chocolate brings her as it melts in her mouth soothes all her anxieties, fears, and stresses. Quickly, she begins stuffing more and more of the chocolate pieces in her mouth. All is good in the world.

Her innate fenki curiosity takes over and she flips the heart shaped lid over to read the filling ingredients. Strawberry, Cherry, Caramel, Nougat, Peanut Butter, Arsenic, Cyanide... wait... what were those last two?

 The warmth in her stomach turns into a burning as the poisons took their course. She begins to choke and vomit, a mixture of stomach bile, chocolate and blood. Violent convulsions shake her being, steadily reducing until one last twitch of her whiskers and she is dead. For those keeping count, that makes four dead fenki in the tavern. On a rooftop somewhere, Travosh is having a picnic.

A snowglobe falls out of Aramara's limp fingers and rolls across the floor.
all blessings to the assembled devotees.

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: Suicide Game
« Reply #202 on: October 22, 2011, 04:36:37 pm »
Clutching a tiny furry creature to her chest, little Rheyai wanders into the tavern looking for her sister. She skips along with happy intent until she comes to the doorway and encounters Miomai's desiccated corpse laying at the table. A little squeal erupts from the poor young enki's lips, and instead of bolting back out of the tavern, she runs down the stairs simply to get away from the chilling sight.

Unfortunately for this unlucky cub, the scene downstairs is even worse than the shocking bleached bones of the crazy clamod. There lay two more enkidukai she does not recognize, and her beloved sister, dead in a puddle of her own puke. The little fenki starts sobbing uncontrollably with inconsolable hiccups and sniffles, confounded by this unforeseen and devastating turn of events.

In the midst of her adamant lament, her bright eyes catch sight of the crystal globe glittering softly. She moves forward and reaches down, gaze locked upon the object, mesmerized by its wonderful shiny-ness. She follows the falling snow and smiles happily at it, overjoyed at this magical new toy she has had the fortune to stumble upon.

She tilts her head curiously as she observes the strange color of the liquid within the globe, finding it has an uncommon yellowish tint. She frowns, biting down on her lip as her head concocts an idea and she stumbles over towards the hearth. She trips over one of Icerra's precious skulls, and her one and only toy goes catapulting into the flames. The liquid that was within the small glass ball, gasoline, ignites, and the fire explodes outward, leaving the unfortunate little kit a smoldering pile of fur a midst the four other fenki fatalities.

Even in the middle of his assumed picnic, Travosh has surely wet himself in excitement at this point.

Rheyai dropped a gerbil.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2011, 04:38:19 pm by Mariana Xiechai »


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Re: Suicide Game
« Reply #203 on: October 22, 2011, 05:44:49 pm »
A blind clamod menki enters Kada-El's, his staff making it's familiar "clack clack clack" against the stone and wood floors. The smell of death permeates the air, and his sharp senses pick it up. He gasps and grows quite concerned, "Hello? Is there anyone here?" Allelia has long since left the establishment, unable to stomach the unfortunate scenes of accidental death. The only thing currently living to respond is that innocent gerbil. It scurries over to him and chirps to Miomo.

Not one to let any of Xiosia's creatures go unnoticed, he bends down saying, "Oh, hello there little one. Do you know what happened here?" He feels around for the gerbil, and finds it when it bites him on the hand, "Ouch!" he exclaims, pulling his paw back and rubbing the wound with his other one. Figuring that he mistook the cute chirp, and this was in fact a rat, he started whacking at it with his staff. Being blind, and the gerbil being small, it took several attempts before he made contact, but that one hit was enough to squish the mammal.


About one week later, Miomo was frothing at the mouth. He was lost somewhere in the forest between Hydlaa and Levrus' magic shop. It was raining, and he was filthy. The disease was eating away at his brain, and making him crazy, like his sister. He stumbled about, tripping over roots and small bushes while slurring Aramara's name repeatedly, but hardly recognizably. He wasn't that far from the main path in fact, and he heard a rivnak trotting down it. He turned to the sound and his insanity was apparent in his unfocusing eyes, having lost his glasses days ago. The crazy clamod sprinted towards the sound and fell down onto the main path right in front of the rivnak. The beast reared up, terrified, and rightfully so. It came down, and the full force of it's hooves crushed his skull, sending it's poor dermorian rider to pitch forward off of the creature.

A nightlantern fell out of Miomo's paw.

[Travosh will soon run out of fingers with which to keep count on.]
Miomai is currently sane.

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: Suicide Game
« Reply #204 on: October 22, 2011, 06:21:39 pm »
That blasted raving lunatic!

Rhianon scowled darkly beneath her emerald hood at the now dead menki lying on the ground. Her delicate features wrinkled in disgust at the plague-infested filth, and she seemed unaffected by the morbid image of her Rivnak's hooves stained with his blood. Not wanting to get infected, the dermorian woman pulled a scarf from one of her bags and held it up to her mouth and nose, inching precariously closer to the pitiful corpse.

Hesitant to breathe in the filthy stench that was emanating from his now diseased husk, Rhianon rolled the body over. Recognition flashed as she noted that this was the very same clamod she'd sparred with some time ago. A fleetingly harsh throb of pain went through her at the realization; he'd seemed such a terribly sweet man. The fates had not at all been fair with this one. Then again, they rarely ever were.

With a hefty shove, she rolled the body off the side of the road and bent down to collect the nightlantern that had been left behind. Shocked that the glass had not shattered upon impact, she used the generous amount of fabric on her sleeve to polish the silver etching to brightness, staring at her reflection in the surface. Weary eyes stared back at a haggard and bare expression. The woman ran her tongue over her lips and was about to cease her examination when something else in the background caught her eye, and she studied the image in the glass panels of the lantern with curiosity.

What she did not realize was that the phantom image she was seeing portrayed was an onrushing consumer, one that had wormed its way past the entrance and managed to get lost in the woods. She let out a startled yelp as the thing clamped down on her head and torso, having been far too distracted by that dastardly lantern to realize its presence before it was too late. Pretty soon only her kicking feet remained in view right outside the ravenous creature's lips, and then those too disappeared behind its generous maw. With a satisfied belch, it promptly squirmed a bit and vanished back into the trees.

Rhianon dropped a ruby amulet.

Aramara Meibi

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Re: Suicide Game
« Reply #205 on: March 05, 2012, 02:32:48 pm »
Finnis Shelnut, Yliakum's last known Xacha, is following a trail of consumer droppings through the forest. Upon coming upon each fresh stool sample, he stoops over, picks it up, and places it in a specially designed glass container for... well... I thought it was better not to ask.

He whistles merrily as he went along, always in good cheer he was, but his birdsong comes to an end when he spies a lone rivnak. The beast is sickeningly skinny, obviously malnourished from neglect. "Poor thing," the sympathetic man says as he brushes his hand over its muzzle, "Where is your master I wonder." The rivnak, a beast more intelligent than appearances let on, leads the wandering Xacha to the remains of its last known rider. Since at least 20 days have passed since this topic was posted in, Rhianon's former self has been thoroughly digested by the walking intestine that is the consumer, and is merely a pile of dung with a few bone shards scattered throughout. Also, there are some mushrooms growing on it.

"Hmm... what an excellent batch. These will fetch me a fair price when I visit the commune on the fourth level. Heck, might as well save some for myself."

He scoops the droppings and mushrooms alike into the container and notices a sparkling red reflection half buried in the forest floor. Digging with his hands he unearths a ruby amulet, beautifully crafted, of Dermorian design by the look of it, what with the floral motif and all. Noticing his reflection in the polished, faceted surface of the gemstone he suddenly realizes, "Wait a millisecond! I'm already dead!"

Finnis Shelnut disappears completely, leaving behind his straw hat.
all blessings to the assembled devotees.


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Re: Suicide Game
« Reply #206 on: March 10, 2012, 11:47:33 pm »
Vakachehk dies from reading this long description of how whoever died from whatever.

Vakachehk drops a small comment below Aramara's
You maybe roleplaying but you could still be OOC.


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Re: Suicide Game
« Reply #207 on: March 15, 2012, 06:27:22 pm »
Vakachehk dies from reading this long description of how whoever died from whatever.

Vakachehk drops a small comment below Aramara's

Maisent eats the comment thinking it was a banana. She goes out to take a walk and find herself ontop of a huge rock with no way to get down. The comment she ate made her fat and she fell down the rock like how humpty dumpty fell.

Maisent drops a galaxy


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Re: Suicide Game
« Reply #208 on: March 17, 2012, 06:23:15 am »
Vakachehk sees the galaxy and wanders through it on his Pterosaur, he soon finds himself in a black-hole and cant get out, the high gravity squashes him into sheets of paper and is later found in a book.

Vakachehk drops a book made from real Enki.
You maybe roleplaying but you could still be OOC.

Timil Deeps

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Re: Suicide Game
« Reply #209 on: March 17, 2012, 11:12:40 am »
Timil picks up the book made from real enki and proceeds to read within its pages the most blood-curdling horror story ever written. Timil's blood promptly curdles (ala Andromeda Strain), and he dies.

Timil drops a Greater Potion of Healing.