Author Topic: The Song of Ice on Fire  (Read 1892 times)


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The Song of Ice on Fire
« on: July 29, 2010, 11:58:29 am »
RR's Longform & Co
proudly presents:

The SONg of ICE on FIRE,
Hangatyr Gets Angry

"Expect the unexpected!"            

Scene 1. Hydlaa, Kada-El tavern.
(played Jul 13, 2010, said location)

Full cast in order of appearance

•Hangatyr, a middle-aged dwarf, crafter for the Way of the Hammer and owner of the legendary Icy-Fire magical axe. You know him.
•Eelin Everheart, a tall platemail-clad diabolo with rugged, less-than-handsome face and distinguished manners, that day still Councillor to the House of Trayus.
•Shiam Flamebeard, a young Stonebreaker, tired, drunk and a bit depressed... but about to meet a very good friend very soon.
•Eurac Hog, an elderly dwarf with a prominent belly, the well-known Host of the House of Games.
•Esorono Osuiger, a young klyros hunter from the Klyros Junction with very unusual wings.
•Perlan Cernun, a young-looking dermorian man, Grandmaster to the Masters of Move.
•Sulaika Letaza, a charming, mild-spoken dermorian woman, Council Member for the Enlightened Path.
•Zarre, an ylian woman, only stopped in for some water that day and ran into some old friends, which delayed her leaving immediately.
•Kirna Aestle, a very young and childish-looking nolthrir girl, just about to get a bit more than she ever wanted.
•The Villain, little known about him (or her? or kra?). You don't know... the Villain.
•Leras Hammerslagen, a kind-natured cider-loving dwarf.
•Chessire Eylis of the House of Trayus, a young nolthrir girl with a somewhat fearsome look and two crossed longswords on her back.
•Sacho Awotoha, a mild-mannered menki of the Corps Virtuoso, savvy about healing.
•Jesalor Dinere, a rather misterious character, very drunk and supposedly a klyros.

The Azure sun isn't dim yet, but Kada-El's tavern is already full of people. This cycle's Treman turned out to be exceptionally hot, so even those not much into booze, rush to Kada's to have a drink of water or see some friends where the hot azure rays cannot reach.

Inside, everything looks exactly as always. Somebody just broke a liquor mug, and the heavy wine odor wafts around the bar. Some other body is about to slide down on the floor from the chair it still occupies after having too many drinks; not much time will pass before one of the barmaids drags that body out, to lie somewhere in the shade and breathe fresh air. Thus quickening the recovery process.

From upstairs, where Jomed's sacred domain is located, the delicious odor of fresh fish being cooked with exquisite spices drifts down majestically, getting mixed with various kinds of smoke and vapor on its way: herbs in the customers' pipes, logs in the fireplace, candles on the tables, too much people talking and breathing in too small a space.

Allelia is busy serving wine, water and famous Kada-El's ale. It seems like water is in the highest demand this evening, so maybe what's stored won't be enough.

No one knows what's going to happen in less than an hour from now. No one expects the unexpected.

Hangatyr, the all-Dome famous Hydlaa smith, is relaxing in Kada's today, after another tiresome mining day.

Hangatyr leans his huge battle axe against the counter and orders a few pints which he tosses back with a remarkable speed .. "thats what me needed after t' work at t' anvil, ne .. Allelia, more beer here!" -- and waves with the empy tankard at Allelia, he turns around and gives the gathering a measuring look, reaches around and picks up the tankard of ale Allelia had placed on the counter behind him.

>Hangatyr salutes Eelin Everheart with respect.

>Eelin Everheart greets everyone.
>Eelin Everheart greets Hangatyr.

Shiam scratches his beard and gets the rhythm of a dance, and as he is a bit tipsy, he starts dancing a bit

Eelin says: Sir Hangatyr!

>Shiam Flamebeard begins to dance.

Eelin says: It's been a long time, friend. How have you been?

Eurac slurps his ale

Eelin dips his head respectfully

Hangatyr bows "Councillor .. indeed quite some time past since, and thanks for askin' me is doing well"
Eelin smiles "You certainly look well! Must be all that ale." he chuckles

Behind the tavern, where the empty barrels are stacked, something happens. Two figures emerge from the hole in the ground. One, slim and fragile-looking; another, tall and draped top to toe in a bright blood-red cloak with heavy hood lowered so as to cover the face completely. The smaller figure climbs up and takes a seat on the top barrel. It's a very young nolthrir girl; from the way her fingers twitch, one might say the child is either nervous or scared. But there's no one to see that yet, the tavern wall hiding the unusual pair from the guards and also from anyone that happens to be on the small plaza in front of Kada's. People inside keep drinking, smoking, eating and talking.

Eelin says: Can I buy you one?
Esorono says: Hi Eelin.
Eelin says: Hi Esorono

>Eelin Everheart greets Esorono Osuiger.

Hangatyr laughs "Ah ne .. thanks but be my guest please"
Eelin says: I surely will

Hangatyr hands over a mug "take this one, fresh from the keg"
Eelin says: Thank you!
Eelin says: Long days at the anvil still?
Eelin says: Oh
Eelin says: Is that an axe?
Eelin says: Looks like a work of perfection

Perlan says: what did you say again, you wanted to go somewhere quiet?
Sulaika nods to Perlan, "Perhaps that's better."

Shiam looks around him and pays attention to that no'one looks, then nods a bit in Eelin's direction, then attempts to make the grass on his boots to grow down the wooden planks, but as his dark nature corrupts it from within, it falls to the ground, dead... and black. He quietly sighs

Hangatyr nods "Aye .. still trying to improve my humble skills .. ohh yes it's my axe"

Icy-Fire, still leaned against the counter, silently gleams with arcane magic. It's as though the weapon can hear the creator's words and feels proud of itself.

Eelin says: It's fantastic!
Hangatyr says: "Thank you, it took a long time until finally done"
Eelin says: That looks like your finest work!

Sulaika says: Yes sure
Sulaika says: Where we go actually?
Perlan says: ladies first
Perlan says: you're the leader
Perlan says: sires, g'day

Hangatyr says: How is Lord Vilthis doing, if I may ask?
Eelin says: I haven't seen him in town lately. I think he's out doing some research.

Shiam pays attention to Eelin's and Hangatyr's conversation

>Eelin Everheart greets Shiam Flamebeard.

Hangatyr looks proudly at his axe and nods "Ohh research? Studying the Laws again?"
Eelin says: Hello friend

>Shiam Flamebeard makes a bow.

Eelin says: Eelin Everheart
Shiam says: Hello, i'm Shiam, Shiam Flamebeard
Eurac says: Excuse me but talking of axes?

>Hangatyr makes a bow to Zarre.
>Eurac Hog greets Zarre.

Eelin bows "A pleasure"
Hangatyr says: Lady Zarre, what a pleasure of seeing you again

>Zarre greets Eurac Hog.

Perlan shouts: my love!

Zarre cannot help but smile "Hangatyr..."

Eelin smiles, taking a long swallow from the mug.

Zarre says: It's been too long since our paths have crossed.

Kirna nods to the Villain, takes the dagger our of her sack and tries to scratch her slender thigh with it. Her hands shake, her face is pale. After a couple of tries more she turns to the Villain "By Talad, I can't. You do that! Quick!"

Zarre waves to Eurac

Kirna passes the dagger to the Villain, extends her leg and shuts her eyes tight.

The Villain reaches for the dagger; he grins widely, plunging the dagger deeply into the elf's leg.

Hangatyr says: yes indeed
Eurac says: Nice to see you again Zarre
Zarre says: And you as well my friend.

The Villain grins at his work, and races off

Kirna gasps

People in the tavern keep drinking and talking, unaware of what is happening behind the very wall of Kada's this very moment. Nobody can see the tall red-cloaked figure move fast but confident, diving back into the sewers after the foul deed is done.

>Eelin Everheart greets Eurac Hog.

Kirna shouts: Aaaaaaaa!

>Eurac Hog greets Eelin Everheart.

Kirna looks at the blood gushing from the deep wound on her leg

Kirna shouts: I DON'T want to DIE!

Hangatyr says: "Ahh Lady ... what's that shouting about?"
Kirna shouts: Heeeeelp!

Hangatyr looks up and around

Kirna loses blood quickly, her face turning pale
Eelin looks in the direction of the screaming

Hangatyr says: from the back side

Hangatyr and Eelin Everheart, accompanied by some other customers, rush outside, eager to help a child. A small crowd starts gathering around Kirna, covering the crime scene from Jefecra and Rabartus again. It's not unusual to hear some cries coming from the tavern, as drunken brawls and even violent fights are kind of a trademark thing for the place.

Kirna cries

Kirna says: I am...
Kirna says: I am too young to Die!

Hangatyr says: ma'am what's going on here?
Eurac says: Seems I will never get my axes tonight.

Kirna points at the dagger sticking out of her thigh.

Eelin says: What happened, M'Lady?
Hangatyr says: who's going to die?
Zarre whispers to Eurac "Sounds like she is in pain. What goes on here?"

Kirna looks like she's ready to pass out any second now

Kirna says: The dag...
Perlan shouts: i hear thy call!
Hangatyr says: what dagger?

Eelin casts some crystal energy towards Kirna

Kirna shouts: IT HURTS!

Someone goes to Jefecra at last, to inform him about the happenings. Upon learning about the victim already being treated and the wound being not lethal, Lieutenant takes out a piece of parchment and a pen, and starts writing down more details for further investigation... using Rabartus' platemail back as a makeshift table. Thus, none of the two guards can see a tall figure, draped top to toe in a heavy cloak of a somewhat darkish, dried-blood color, with a hood lowered so as to cover the face completely, appearing from another side of the tavern. The figure rushes in, snatches up Icy-Fire, grinning under the hood, and dashes out, turning to its left right after exiting the tavern. Even Allelia, who just finished filling yet another mug with fragrant ale for yet another thirsty patron, has no time to fully realize what is... no, what was going on a split second ago.

Hangatyr says: come on down ma'am
Kirna says: Ahhh...

Eelin checks her pulse
Kirna screams out in pain, the blood still rushing down her leg, on the barrels, down to the ground.

Kirna says: The dag...ger
Hangatyr looks at Eelin questioning ".. and?"
Eelin says: Well, that should have stopped the bleeding

Kirna passes out

Perlan says: sires!!!!

>Zarre greets Perlan Cernun.

Kirna lies on the ground, unconscious
Hangatyr kneels down

Zarre smiles "Only sires?"

>Leras Hammerslagen takes a seat.

Perlan says: hast thou heared a cry for help?
Leras says: at the back of the tavern.

Eelin pulls the dagger from Kirna's leg

Hangatyr says: let me see ma'am

Zarre nods and points outside "The cry came from there."

Leras says: it was a lass i think.
Perlan says: i must look at it at once

Sulaika looks at Eelin and Kirna
>Perlan Cernun makes a bow.

Eurac says: Hmm! Hangy's axe seems to have gone

>Sulaika Letaza greets Hangatyr.

Perlan says: i heared thy cry!
Zarre says: I had no idea whose axe that was

Shiam's head starts banging with all the voices and impressions of the day, he puts the cup on the table and starts walking out

Perlan says: i arrived as soon as possible, areth thou alright?
Eelin says: It's an old dagger, looks like old bloodstains... and the letter "S" branded under a bamboo leaf

Leras unstrings a mug and a flask from his belt and fills the mug with a clear liquid

Eelin says: Is she still bleeding?
Eurac says: Did you see who took it?

Leras takes a gulp from the mug and then puts it down on the floor.
Eurac slurps his ale

Sulaika says: Can we help maybe?
Zarre says: Only out of the corner of my eye.

Shiam looks back at Eurac

Hangatyr says: -- and extends carefully the leg of the Noltrir -- "Ohh some serious wound, but .." -- Hangatyr makes a gesture with his hands casting a healing spell

Eelin studies the dagger "And a small blue crystal"
Perlan says: i track people, can i er, help? hehe
Eelin says: Let's get her inside

Shiam turns around and says "Some young lad ran in, took it, and ran out... i can't say who it was, i'm not from these parts...

Hangatyr says: Yes, Councillor Eelin

Eelin bends over the Nolthrir, picking her up in his arms

The diabolo man carries the wounded elf inside and upstairs in one of the rooms, accompanied by Hangatyr and several bystanders; some others return to the bar for more drinking and talking; someone leaves, someone walks over to the guards to add new vivid details of the crime to Jefecra's fast growing record.

Eurac slurps his ale
Perlan kisses Sulaika

Leras says: hmm...
Leras says: i know that lass!
Sulaika kisses Perlan back, "How about some place in winch?"
Perlan says: is this our business, or not?

Eelin lays Kirna carefully on the bed

Leras says: just remembered...
Sulaika says: I dont know, Perlan
Eurac says: I am not sure I understand what is going on at all tonight?

Zarre whispers to Eurac "I have a feeling she is in good hands...
Zarre says: All I know is that I saw blood on that woman.
Perlan says: sires, ladies!

to be continued...
« Last Edit: July 29, 2010, 12:12:39 pm by sashia_mennar »
Lotsa love, everyone!


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Re: The Song of Ice on Fire
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2010, 05:23:48 pm »
So is this a play...where characters play...themselves?  ::|

-sig by sarras


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Re: The Song of Ice on Fire
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2010, 06:52:07 pm »
This is a story all about how
Some ice got melted, it went all "ow"
So I wanna take a minute just sit right there,
And I'll tell you how ice can't stand up to a flare.

There, this one was actually a song - stop using misleading topic names, thx.


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Re: The Song of Ice on Fire
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2010, 10:29:54 pm »
Not to mention "The Song of Ice and Fire" is the name of a book series by George R. R Martin.


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Re: The Song of Ice on Fire
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2010, 12:21:11 am »
This is so cool! Great to see so many people involved in the rp, and the set up for the 'continuing' saga.

I'm also enormously grateful to Sashia and two 'at this moment shall remain nameless' co-creators, for taking the small idea, turning it into a big idea and running with it. This rp is still going on so look around you and listen- you can be involved in the surprises and challenges to come. This is player created, player conceived, player run rp.Bravo!!

Hangatyr- sorry about your axe, man...
Kima- sorry about your leg, kiddo...
Allelia- sorry about the broken mugs, lady A.

otm and irishman- get ingame or get a life...  :woot:
Perlan and Suliaka- in the winch? Really? Really? (to quote someone else)  ::|

Stay tuned in- unbeknownst to me I happened into a rp associated with this plot last night, before I even knew what this plot was. Great to read the back story!
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Re: The Song of Ice on Fire
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2010, 12:39:41 am »
This is player created, player conceived, player run rp.

The word "roleplay" has gone too far. I want to give some serious and honest critique by saying there should never EVER be a "cast". JP said "expect the unexpected" so what about those characters not in this "cast"? Where does that leave them? How are they treated as part of the RP if they aren't part of the plan? Characters should always do what they would do, and a group of players should never stuff them into one place at a time because of plotted RP. That doesn't make sense. Your character goes where he/she/kra wants to go, not where you (the player) wants him/her/kra to go.

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Re: The Song of Ice on Fire
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2010, 12:49:13 am »
I don't get the impression this is all staged. But I wonder why people see the need to make PS darker? Aren't there enough fantasy worlds set in dark times? Why does almost every RP that gets reported seem to involve people getting hurt? Does the community have no more use for happy times? Are their lives so happy that they need to seek out sad or hurtful RP in game to have different experiences? ::| Otherwise it looks like perfectly reasonable RP.

But I will say this.... Roled, all RP should be player created, player conceived, player run rp. That's the point of a RP game and not just your average RPG. ;) RPing on the roleplaying server shouldn't be a marvel, it should be a given. ;D


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Re: The Song of Ice on Fire
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2010, 12:59:49 am »
Illysia: There's always a criminal element in society. It just so happens that the criminal element in PS society sucks at keeping quiet and unseen.


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Re: The Song of Ice on Fire
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2010, 01:03:32 am »
The criminal element in Hydlaa is often times the type you find in Gotham City or Metropolis... no every city does not have that. :P It's not them being bad at being unseen, those that get caught get caught because they weren't trying to be unseen. ;)


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Re: The Song of Ice on Fire
« Reply #9 on: July 30, 2010, 01:13:55 am »
Geoni- thanks for that thoughtful rebuttal and points.
As I said, I was not part of creating the inciting actions of this particular plot since other players took it and ran. Again I say yeah to them. But I think I might speak to two points you raised.

First, as in the engagement plot, and the crystal plot, and the upcoming not yet happening plot, there is indeed a small group of players who have been/  are in on the planning for the inciting incidents. We are using that term specifically to differentiate between a scripted, outcome predetermined 'plot', and an incident that does indeed kick off action but does not dictate those actions on the part of any.. I emphasize ANY.. players who's characters happen to be at the scene and choose to involve themselves. I assure you, none of us who started the action of the engagement plot had ANY idea that what happened would happen, it just did, as characters each 'did what they would do." They did indeed!

The events that unfolded were unexpected, as I suspected they might be...

I feel fairly sure that when Sashia said 'cast' she meant those who were there, and who participated. Except for those who kicked the action, the characters who were there weren't part of a plan, they were simply there. That was certainly true of the crystal and the engagement plots. In this case 'cast' I feel sure refers to the after -the -fact list of participants.

Second, as has been emphasized in calls, posts, in game invitations, these plots are open to anyone who is there. Where does that leave characters? Free as always to participate. Free to risk playing. Free to become involved, immersed, or to leave if it wasn't to their taste, or their rl time, or whatever.  The intention in trying to invite people to participate has been and continues to be to open rps to folks who don't know each other, who don't usually or often rp with each other, who are new, or who are shy but trying. Characters can happen onto the action, characters can overhear others speaking of occurrences. Characters can continue with their own rps or crafting or mining , can take initiative and create their own stories, or not. Whatever.

Simply trying to rev things up instead of complaining. It's an experiment. If it fails... well it fails. If not, then good for everyone who made their own game out of the few little cards thrown on this summer's table.

There are plenty of seats at the metaphoric table. And there are many metaphoric roads to rp Buddha. Hope to see you on the road.


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Re: The Song of Ice on Fire
« Reply #10 on: July 30, 2010, 01:57:49 am »
I know that it is difficult to have spontaneous RP with the low player count that there is on the server these days, and I admire that you wanted to rev things up on the RP server instead of complaining here, but I think that the mostly new people in the RP scene should not only have examples of plotted RP, or initiated RP for a better word choice, but also know not to get carried away with it.

What do I mean by getting carried away? They create minor alts for minor characters. Many of these minor characters get killed, or just suddenly disappear after the RP situation has finished, I've seen it countless times.

Another thing is that people see a plot go on, or hear about something happening, such as somebody getting...kidnapped...or murdered, and they want to do that themselves. It goes to what Illysia said about every RP that goes on somebody has to get hurt. Is this because players want to add something exciting into the RP and it just becomes a trend among RPers.

One of the problems with players pre-planning RP is that they cling onto their goal and when something gets in their way they want to force them out of the way. It has happened to me various times when I'm in a characters way and they /tell me that they planned to do what they are doing, and I /tell them that they shouldn't be surprised when the unexpected happens and their plans turn around on them, but no, they godmod me. It's happened to me three times.

Anyways I'm just getting carried away myself with the complaining of this post, and I'm not at all blaming it on you Roled. It's just that when you set up a initiated RP you need to be careful that things don't get too out of hand. I think you did a fine job on the engagement initiative, though ever since the kidnapping happened during that plot, it has become a trend, and this trend got out of hand. Honestly I realize just as I post this that this isn't the place to complain about such things, and I was just confused by the whole "cast" thing, and it left me thinking that this entire RP was scripted like a play.

I'm just that hysteric clamorer that shouts warnings about pre-planned RP. I just hope that the newer players that have been getting carried away see how getting "carried away" with their initiatives can lead them to godmodding somebody. I understand that with such a low player count, there has to be some level of preplanning since there is hardly any chance of just spontaneously having a character run into situations anymore, but with this initiated RP I just wanted to emphasize "expect the unexpected".

P.S. Sorry for my complaining and it coming up on this thread, it really isn't the place for me to do that.  :sweatdrop: I hope that this made sense, it's late.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2010, 11:36:51 am by Geoni »

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Re: The Song of Ice on Fire
« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2010, 02:51:21 am »
otm and irishman- get ingame or get a life...  woot

Do you come with tissues? I think Otr wants t' weep.

Illysia: There's always a criminal element in society. It just so happens that the criminal element in PS society sucks at keeping quiet and unseen.

You're right, there's a lot of grandiosity to how criminal-characters in Planeshift behave. It's also that people use OOC information about the criminals in-character and nobody remains secret, so why not make everything bang?

why people see the need to make PS darker?

Dontcha know its just funner if its darker?


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Re: The Song of Ice on Fire
« Reply #12 on: July 30, 2010, 07:16:40 am »
SORRY folks, can't read that much OOC, lol! So please be happy with my short answers for a while... or do not be, it's freeform dammit!

Roled, stop trying to explain IC things to OOC people. Please, Boss, we need you ingame. Really.

Geoni, yes, it's full IC, and the only lines added or seriously transformed are all swamp-green, all the rest is real RP.
And, just fyi, from that 'cast' I wrote as a teaser, only 4 "actors" were planned. Everyone else just joined on the spot, made me say dozens of 'gaab's back then, and... contributed -greatly- to the story, lol. So YAY to all folks who just happened to be there and open for RP  \\o//
And even me, I still don't have the slightest idea about who that Jesalor was, heh heh!

Kull, thanks a lot, I'm glad you do some book-reading in your spare time, it's a pleasant surprise. Now you just buy some corn, relax and wait... or no, expect... or no, I'm not supposed to give out spoilers, am I?  ::)

Illysia, I'm darn sorry, but a big NO, we won't have that convo versus action fight again. (I love you anyways! :) ) And, on a sidenote, please stop making such a big fuss about a minor injury, people at times manage to do worse with their kitchen knives while cooking a dinner. We have people mutilated, killed, tortured every [blessed] Yliakum day. Go talk to -their- players and plot authors, please. Maybe they will listen to you, mend their ways and start cooking pies. We Need More Pies!

Xoel, you still have no idea, heh heh.

Anyone else? Sorry, preparing the next post. I'll be back laterz. Lots Of Love, everyone!

* sashia_mennar laughs and disappears
Lotsa love, everyone!


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Re: The Song of Ice on Fire
« Reply #13 on: July 30, 2010, 02:22:14 pm »

That's my whole point... What's the word Geoni uses so much... Trite? Come on, RP is bigger than "how's your mother?" and "I got stabbed"... That's been my whole point!   Yes this is RP but this is like the advertisement for a good book... it only scratches the surface. You all can do better than this. :( It's about expanding your imagination not wearing out the same dead horse theme. -_- RP is soo much bigger than "conversation" versus "action" especially considering that most current RPers have a very limited view of both.


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Re: The Song of Ice on Fire
« Reply #14 on: July 30, 2010, 02:40:23 pm »
Venorel shushes those talking in the audience, hand twitching on the hilt of her sabre, "For the love of Talad, be quiet! I'm trying to watch the play!"
