Author Topic: Some observations  (Read 5573 times)


  • Hydlaa Notable
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Re: Some observations
« Reply #30 on: August 13, 2010, 12:42:23 pm »
Noca - PLease not another Lady Peckerly kidnapping. Been there done that once already not that long ago. Cost me 30,000 trias

Elady, you can depend on Weruno Wine Brokers to contribute to any ransom demands; or for payment to a professional to deal with the culprits if Ven's own swords are not enough.  She considers the Stonehead staff not only dear friends but valued clients; and the dear feathered Lady a loving mascot. :)

- Nova


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Re: Some observations
« Reply #31 on: August 13, 2010, 12:58:09 pm »
 PLease not another Lady Peckerly kidnapping. Been there done that once already not that long ago. Cost me 30,000 trias

I concur I dont really wanna kill another person  :innocent:

AiwendilH I see you reading this and stop thinking that!
« Last Edit: August 13, 2010, 01:10:29 pm by lilura »

Monala arches a brow. "Wait, so eatin' is like..." she shakes her head. "Er, nevermind."
[1: gossip] Monala: Lilu's piesexual.


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Re: Some observations
« Reply #32 on: August 13, 2010, 01:02:23 pm »
  PLease not another Lady Peckerly kidnapping. Been there done that once already not that long ago. Cost me 30,000 trias

I concur I dont really wanna kill another person  :innocent:

My suggestion, then, would be to spend your trias wisely by procuring a lockable chicken coop.  ;D

- Nova


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Re: Some observations
« Reply #33 on: August 13, 2010, 01:19:11 pm »
Know this, the last person(s) to kidnap Lady Peckerly suffered greatly going to the Death Realm.  Lady Peckerly is a personal friend of Xiosia.


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Re: Some observations
« Reply #34 on: August 13, 2010, 01:55:23 pm »
How do I pee? I have seen this vid
Want to do it too.


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Re: Some observations
« Reply #35 on: August 13, 2010, 02:00:48 pm »
Be sooo glad I do not play this game anymore as there would have been fiery death and Dakkru to pay for all of this. Herein lies why I kept such a tight ship... Now you know why I stressed so much about certain things like standing on the tables Elady and other little things. People never felt quite that comfortable, so nothing quite this bad happened before. :-\ Ah well, I hope you get this under control Elady. But it seems like my being "sanctimonious" and calling for a general clamp down is more and more needed. Heaven help you if you still play the game and care.


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Re: Some observations
« Reply #36 on: August 13, 2010, 02:04:17 pm »
Can I slay Lady Peckerly? I need some Kikiri meat badly. ;D.Maybe the tavern stuff will cook it for me. I have not heard of law that forbids to pee on chickens. :innocent:


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Re: Some observations
« Reply #37 on: August 13, 2010, 02:24:23 pm »

[ For the purposes of this post, I will make the distinction between what I refer to as 'cybering' and what I refer to as 'RP sex' and 'RP violence'. RP sex is sex that happens within the confines of the dome and is done completely ICly between two or more characters. RP violence is violent acts, including rape within the confines of the dome and is done completely ICly between two or more characters. Cybering is sex that happens OOCly between two or more players. Whether or not these definitions are widely accepted and/or held by you, the reader, is irrelevant. The intention is simply to clearly differentiate the two for this post ]

I have thoughts I'd like to share regarding the Stonehead banning, but will do so in a different post. I'd like to address the issue of RP sex and cybering in PS that have been raised by Troyyer and commented on by others, and I will try to do it with a logical flow, top down.

The first thing we all need to remember is that PS is not a public MMORPG. It is a private MMORPG offering public access. What does this mean? Simply that whatever the authorities say is law, becomes law. They don't have to follow any common civil liberties practices. Talad's law is the final word. That said, it is in their best interest to try and accomodate the public masses, if they desire players to flock and enjoy their MMORPG. So talking about these issues becomes a vital step in their discussions of rules and regulations, and this thread is a good place to let your voice be heard, regardless of your stand on the issues. I believe they are paying attention.

Next and OOCly, we all must realize that one person's ideology regarding sex and violence is likely to be quite different than the next person's. We cannot impose our own beliefs on a population simply because it's what we believe. We must allow each other our own thoughts and opinions, even if they are drastically different from ours. That is the fundamental principle of individuality. We may choose not to befriend or participate with someone who is diametrically opposed to our thinking, but we don't have the right to pass judgement on them.

I am of the opinion that RP sex and RP violence should be allowed without restraint, under the following conditions: 1] It is performed by two consenting adults (Definition varies widely but is commonly accepted as 18 or older in the US), and 2] It is kept completely in private channels and absolutely nothing that could be considered offensive in any way is done in any public channels. Now, the term offensive is inherently subjective in nature. So for my purposes, I will limit this to sexually offensive.

My character, Eelin, is a male Diaboli who plays as very sexually active. Not only is it completely within the 'settings' of the game, it is quite fun to RP him that way. So in the normal course of RP, Eelin may find himself attracted to a female character (or 3 female characters) and choose to act on his instincts. If he does, these acts are done entirely ICly and shouldn't be a problem for anyone as long as the basic assumptions for RP sex are followed. After all, Eelin is a character on an RP server and encouraged to 'immerse' into his role.

And too there is a great difference between sex (healthy) and rape (not to be tolerated). If one cannot figure out the difference they should refrain from it all.

Assuming this opinion is spoken about RP sex, I mean no offense nor anything personal here. I know Qata and we have RP'd together as well as spoken OOCly, and I have no issues with him. But this illustrates something that I think is important we stop and consider. Both sex and rape are very common fantasies played out on RP servers and RP forums, both done between consenting adults with the same interests, and further...both done in often valid RP situations. The statement concerns me for two reasons: 1] We cannot impose our own beliefs on each other by saying that one's choice of RPing a rape scenario is 'not to be tolerated' or 'If one cannot figure out the difference they should refrain from it all'. We have a right to take offense to anything we want, we don't have a right to see everyone through our own filters and paint them all to look like us with a broad sweeping brush. 2] This can easily be misconstrued as a bit self-serving in that we justify what 'We' do ingame (eg. healthy sex), making anything else unacceptable because we choose not to do it. Again, no offense intended to Qata, just and opportunity to illustrate what I feel are common traps we all tend to fall into.

Most everyone who knows Eelin also knows that I play Ahriman as well. He has been talked about a lot on the forums recently. For the record, Ahriman was created for the sole purpose of participating in a major RP. Every one of Ahriman's victims were volunteers and every one of them was given full reign to control the boundaries of the RP (eg. sex, rape, torture). There was never one incidence involving Ahriman's participation that was not discussed and agreed upon OOCly before it took place ICly.
And as Sarva pointed out, Ahriman did pay for one of his crimes, and he made a rather remarkable self-atonement for another. The point, RP crime has consequences and Ahriman is facing them.

As far as 'cybering', I believe that is the choice of the players. I do not condone nor condemn it, I simply feel it's irrelevant as it's done OOCly and usually outside PS itself.

We, as players in PS, are from a plethora of locations and cultures. This is one of the most diverse RP communities I have participated in. If we always have respect for each other, and open our minds to the fact that our opinion isn't always right for someone else, all of these issues will become moot. Let's make the choices that work for us personally, and allow others to do the same.

Qata says: Eelin, you know not of what you speek


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Re: Some observations
« Reply #38 on: August 13, 2010, 02:25:42 pm »
But it seems like my being "sanctimonious" and calling for a general clamp down is more and more needed.

My thought is what you may need more, Illysia, is a sense of humour and to lighten up a bit.

Personally Elady's post on the Gug Board had me rolling on the floor with laughter. Guess we all don't (or didn't) play PS for fun and entertainment.

- Nova


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Re: Some observations
« Reply #39 on: August 13, 2010, 02:33:12 pm »
One point I do not understand is, that all members of Masters of Move are banned from the tavern. I just find it not fair to all the others in the guild, that they have to pay for this.


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Re: Some observations
« Reply #40 on: August 13, 2010, 02:50:51 pm »
I stopped caring about this game awhile ago but I did, in the back of my mind, believe that things would just quietly get better on their own... Thanks for destroying that hope.

Peeing on the chicken is weird and demented as any player deciding that it is funny is probably not drunk when they come to that conclusion. it's animal cruelty and the fact that it's virtual doesn't make it any less disturbing or telling. And no, it's not a matter of humor. That is really destructive behavior and it's not funny to me and never will be. running a player run area is hard enough without people pulling stuff like this and you really should be more considerate of Elady.

Cybering has never been considered as acceptable RP in 9/10 respectable and even some less respectable RP communities. As a general note, the RP model existed long before current mediums and RP fads. That being said, this game used to be family friendly. Now it's not. Most people are lazy about checking into whether all parties are of the right age and even then you can be lied to. That could easily lead to lawsuits against PS from offended parents. It really is a far more serious matter than people realize, hence why mainstream MMOs have all those wacky chat filters.

Further, you can RP a relationship or even a promiscuous character without actually doing the sex part. If your imagination can't extend that far with actually doing it then you have other hindrances to worry about. I accept that it happens but it really needs to be reigned in as it has gotten out of hand. Side note, RPing rape fantasies? This is an medieval MMO not a sexual fantasy chat... really. And it is disrespectful to the bulk of the rape experiences which are harmful and tramatic and not a fantasy. Come on guys, really... ::|

But whatever, not my game, not my issue... handle it as you see fit. I might as well accept there is little hope that things will get better.

And to answer Sulaika, that's where roleplaying comes in. If they care about going to the Stonehead, they will issue sanctions and make amends. All things can be worked out one way or another with RP. But it's good for Elady to do it that way as it puts the responsibility for corrections back on the guild.


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Re: Some observations
« Reply #41 on: August 13, 2010, 03:21:19 pm »
Peeing on the chicken is weird and demented as any player deciding that it is funny...

Ironically my humour was triggered by that very insight into troyyer's character. This player bleeding from what goes on in the game to what one may feel about the situation in real life make me glad that Stonehead has a new proprietor.

Ban all literature written by the Marquis de Sade (as well as any modern mention of chicken golden showers)!   

- Nova


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Re: Some observations
« Reply #42 on: August 13, 2010, 03:28:40 pm »
Then you should have more regard for said new proprietor. Running a player area is something you have no experience with in this game so I can't expect you to full understand why this is a problem. It is very stressful and hard at times to run an area as a normal player and RPs like this make it harder. Imagine carrying 2 tons then someone kicks your legs out from under you just for giggles. It stop being funny if you aren't the person doing it for giggles. But then maybe you like seeing people get struck out at...


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Re: Some observations
« Reply #43 on: August 13, 2010, 03:38:28 pm »
@ novacadian:

We all play it for fun. Especially Elady does (if not, she would have followed Illysia already).

@ Sulaika:

This ban is in-character and has to be roleplayed. And I believe this ban can be lifted during an appropriate roleplay as well. At least I would expect that from serious roleplayers to try to come to such an event eventually.

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Re: Some observations
« Reply #44 on: August 13, 2010, 04:50:06 pm »
Yes I know so, but I dont get why the rp goes like laying the whole burden on MoM guild...because it was only one of them. So I would not think that irl all would be banned for ones mistake...but well I assume Perlan will handle that issue well roleplaywise.