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Author Topic: My ideas to bring RP back.  (Read 1132 times)


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My ideas to bring RP back.
« on: September 14, 2010, 07:45:32 pm »
Well as most RPers have left PlaneShift because of the lack of Role-Play on our Zeroping ('RP' server) server.

It has came to my conclusion that something needs to be done, some standards need to be raised. In my own opinion/experience Zeroping server is becoming more and more like EZPCUSA (non-RP server)

When you look around the Guilds based community, you will notice so many have no real In Character reason to exist.
In the process of making a guild, the leader will have to, apply to a GM and/or Dev to be able to create it. The leader writs out something long and descriptive about its IC reasons to exist. Once the guild has passed the application process. The guild will be under watch for 6 months, to see its outcome and during that 6 months the devs and/or GM can close it, due to inactiveness, low RP... list goes on.

As most people know. Guilds have to apply now to get a guild house (Which is a great idea) I do think some things in the application are a little bit hard to accomplish since there are so low amounts of players on the server and so many guilds. But hopefully having to apply will cut guild making a lot.

Reporting OOC behaviours in IC channels
All players should report immediately OOC talk to a GM even if it is just someone saying Kitten or Cat to an Enkidukai. (just so everyone knows Enkidukai's are more known to be tigers OOC, so please use Kub(s) as a baby Enkidukai and Enkidukai or Enki for an adult Enkidukai)
Jumping all over buildings, (don't start a big flame war whether it is allowed or not) this has been told over and over, it's not allowed. Report this to a GM, and they should/will sort it out.

Now how should GMs sort these things out? OOC behaviours should only get 5 warnings per player, breaching above those warnings your character should then be moved to EZPCUSA, if the player remakes a character on Zeroping and is then found out due to IP check and OOC behaviour there IP address maybe blocked fully from the server.

GM Team
Now the GM Team is already hard enough to get into with the minimum 21 age requirement. I have already had a lot of very unprofessional discussions when I was banned, which weren't acceptable in my own opinions, the unprofessional things they said are in italics.
Me - "Has my main character been deleted?" 
GM - "nope"
me - "Then why does it say when I go to access my account, wrong user name/password?"
GM - "Because they had to change your password to give back the stolen items to the guilds."
me - "I told them all my stolen items were on my alt, as I was willing to RP it. My Ornate Galkard, Lonswords of Seductions better still be there and all my other items better stil be on Eyantar!"
GM - "Well then you will realise what the guilds felt like after you robbed them :)"

The GM Team should only allow good RPers to be on the GM Team for Zeroping, and keep a good watch over there initiates to see there professionalism to other player(s), even if they are the player(s), known to the team as in the wrong.

That is all I have to say, if you have anymore ideas please, just post them blow and we can discuss it too.
You maybe roleplaying but you could still be OOC.


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Re: My ideas to bring RP back.
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2010, 08:02:43 pm »
About guilds: The "applying" scenario needs to be taken one step further, by that I mean guilds should have to apply to exist. This means that guilds need an IC purpose. Any guild without IC purpose and impact on the community shouldn't really be there, but should be on Ezpcusa along with many other things that need to be there, like people who don't want to learn to RP or stay within the vague settings that PS has given to us.

About reporting OOC behaviors in IC channels: The only IC channels should be the main or whispers [a.k.a. tells] If people are not staying in character in those channels [especially the main channel] then they should be reported. It's one of those things that makes me say, "Well, duh!"

About your beef with the GM team, it is clearly personal. Either you become a prospect or wait until you turn 21 to join.

RP is gone because most of the dedicated RPers are now gone. Not to say there aren't dedicated folks still around, but there just aren't as many. Some of the GM's are the only members of the PS team that actually care about RP, the rest don't. If you want to bring RP back, then start or keep RPing on PS. Not to say that RP will be satisfying.

Anyways, it's a "no" from me. There isn't enough stated here that would really bring quality RP back.

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Re: My ideas to bring RP back.
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2010, 09:37:54 pm »
Ah... what a perfect chance to beat that old dead horse of "nothing is going to work as all the ideas have been tried already." But I'm going to refrain. I'll leave it at RP is dying across the board in MMOs and PS isn't so special that it can resist the tide. The major problem is a shift in mindset in the community as a whole. Until you can better weed out the tendencies nd notions that are fine for "The Net" but not for fairly serious RP there isn't much that the other stuff will help.


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Re: My ideas to bring RP back.
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2010, 01:19:28 am »

Build your own game - with own content and own settings. Host your own server. Advertize for it. Play with thousands of players who are just as "elite" as you are. Be happy.

I will, instead, stay here, play as serious or as loosely as I like, meet friends I like to play with, ignore others who want to change my style rather than accept it, and be happy.

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Re: My ideas to bring RP back.
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2010, 08:54:44 pm »
Sorry to poke holes here but... *shrugs* Content? Maybe.... but happy might be stretching the definition. I'm pretty sure that for whatever reason, the happy people don't bother with the forums.


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Re: My ideas to bring RP back.
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2010, 09:39:20 pm »
I will, instead, stay here, play as serious or as loosely as I like, meet friends I like to play with, ignore others who want to change my style rather than accept it, and be happy.

Yay! I second! Thats exactly what happened to me.


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Re: My ideas to bring RP back.
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2010, 12:47:10 am »
Build your own game - with own content and own settings. Host your own server. Be happy.

I will, instead, stay here, play as serious or as loosely as I like, meet friends I like to play with, ignore others who want to change my style rather than accept it, and be happy.

Okay! I'll be more than happy to help Xillix with his new project TA. :)
You maybe roleplaying but you could still be OOC.


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Re: My ideas to bring RP back.
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2010, 05:59:10 pm »
Personally, I've never agreed on separating servers for RP and non-RP players. I think it only made the problem worse, but that's my opinion. The problem being is that it brings more expectation upon the RP server.

I've not really been back on these boards that long and from an outside observation I strongly believe some people are missing the point entirely... and instead of fixing the problem, persist in instigating and separating the community with their views on what should, and what should not be in regards to roleplay.

These over zealous demands and rules are a clear example of why many are discouraged from roleplaying... who are you to dictate what someone can or can not do? Nobody HAS to RP and there should not be serious consequences if somebody chooses not to do so. It's a roleplay orientated game, sure... and alot of time and effort is gone into the development of the games characters/races, history, landmarks and back stories etc and it's done so to encourage players to get into character and roleplay. Remember, this is a game... a game has far more elements to it than roleplay no matter how much you want people to do one thing, or another. However, it's up to the individual and how that person prioritises their gaming style and method. You can't *make* anyone do anything they don't wish to and in trying to do so you're only going to be hitting resistance against it. Lead by example and if you're so passionate about roleplay... show everyone, but give everyone a fair chance.

Having said that, it would be favourable that everybody roleplayed to a certain degree as in doing so it enhances the playing experience and makes the world appear that more interactive and enjoyable. From the simplest action, greeting, comment, or short conversation to grand battles, created scenerios, to full blown quests. ANY bit of roleplay sets the mood and creates the environment. It's pleasing to read, and when I was playing PlaneShift on a regular basis it encouraged me to get more and more involved. There should be a happy balance, in my opinion. For example, you can't roleplay as a 'glorious hero' if all you have is level 5 in daggers & knives... that would just be ridiculous. It takes more than reading books in the Hydlaa library to be a good player.

I have not played this version of Planeshift, yet... but judging back when I was playing there was a distinct lack of roleplay. I do believe roleplay should be encouraged but this 'RP law' does not need to be shoved in peoples faces at every given opportunity... it's intimidating, especially to new players who have never roleplayed before... enough so to ensure they do not even try. This where the 'elitist' label has come from and why there is such a division in the different playing styles. Unfortunately, it would appear that avid roleplayers are outnumbered... I suggest everyone moves with the times. It's this kind of hotheaded, steadfast attitude that's the problem, nothing else. You have to give a little to get a little... everyone is free to disagree with me, of course.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2010, 06:16:37 pm by Ulfer »


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Re: My ideas to bring RP back.
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2010, 06:34:35 pm »
Your points on how many are being called "elitists" actually make a bit of sense, but why would you be against the separate servers if you state that you do not think people should be forced to RP? Well lookie here, there is this other server for those who do not want to RP. I myself learned how to RP by observing others since nobody really taught me how, so when it comes to new players being intimidated I don't really get your point, because I was there at once, and I don't recall being intimidated.

I do think that the way older/experienced roleplayers handle those that are young to RP and their mistakes should change, because THAT is the intimidation I think might overwhelm the new players or perhaps those who could become roleplayers. When I find that somebody godmods, I will tell them that they should never do something like that and if they apologize and say that they will not do it again then I will be happy to roleplay with them. I remember being called a godmodder when I was new to the game and I didn't know what it meant until the person that I godmodded talked to me, and it was handled in the way I have described that it should be handled. Mistakes in roleplay or critique in roleplay should be corrected with a serious tone, but that tone shouldn't be hateful or an attempt to make somebody feel inferior.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2010, 06:37:54 pm by Geoni »

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Re: My ideas to bring RP back.
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2010, 06:42:14 pm »
Yeah, the idea of two servers is to allow people to choose whether to RP or not. Only it never worked so well, as those who wanted to not roleplay wanted the more active server.


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Re: My ideas to bring RP back.
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2010, 08:49:27 pm »
I don't personally believe in the split because there's a clear divide. The roleplay orientated server has to distinctly differ to such a degree to make that servers existence worthwhile and needed in the first place... hench this topic. There's far more expectation and the server simply isn't meeting the requirement... or so the impression I'm getting reading through the topics.

As for godmodding... well, that doesn't really become an issue if in-game mechanics settled certain disputes. E.g. Duels, which have had a serious revamp since I last played what with the different damage types being a factor now... along with a few other changes. There's also a number-bot under command prompt for gambling and chance situations etc, if I remember correctly. Honestly, I can't think of a scenario that could make godmodding much of an issue. I certainly agree that godmodding should be addressed in the way you've mentioned.

As for being intimidated, I can only speak from my own experiences and have no idea if such a thing carries on now. Topics like this can be quite intimidating... if I did not already know and played this game before, I would seriously be put off and even anxious of chatting in-game in fear of breaking such and such a rule, or upsetting anyone. But that's just me.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2010, 09:08:28 pm by Ulfer »


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Re: My ideas to bring RP back.
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2010, 09:45:43 pm »
Yes, the expectation on the roleplay server is that people stay in character the entire time that they are online. If a person does not want to stay in character then they should not be on the server. I know I know, what about the new players? Well of course they aren't going to want to stay in character on the server at first, and that is one of the major issues in dealing with newbies, they are hard to teach when they have different schedules than you, and getting them interested in RP is even more difficult. I think this is a major issue and one of the MANY things to take into consideration as to why there isn't much RP on PS as there used to be.

I think that the intimidation thing that you have brought up would be a good thing to ask the roleplaying public, "were you intimidated when you first entered the server and encountered intense roleplays? What about it made you feel so intimidated?" This could help in knowing what the general player feels about being intimidated by RP when they were an unsophisticated n00b, but then there are always the exceptional people who come with experience of RPing.

I think disputes should be settled in a proper manner for the server that they are on:

on Ezpcusa, disputes should be settled by dueling since that server is for people who are dedicated to PLing.

However, on the server "zeroping", disputes should be settled with roleplaying, and that roleplaying should be backed up by "roll"playing which is rolling a die to see who's action dominates on each turn/emote. There is of course plenty of people who don't use that method. This is when things can turn into a godmod, but then there are those who use the system of trust rp, which means that you trust the other person that you are roleplaying with that he/she will not godmod you, and that he/she trusts that you will not godmod on the contrary.

Why do I say that dueling should not take place on the RP server as a way to settle disputes between characters? Because many people on the server RP, which means that they spend their time interacting with other characters rather than leveling in certain jobs/stats/etc. Many people including myself don't have the time to do these things, which take forever on PS. It's a matter of "I don't want to waste my time! I'm glad that you got to build up all of your stats and levels of your character, but that doesn't mean your character should swing an axe at my character and he will fall after one hit, or that he should not have the chance to dodge that hit as the limber and agile of a character he is!"
« Last Edit: September 16, 2010, 10:00:20 pm by Geoni »

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Re: My ideas to bring RP back.
« Reply #12 on: September 16, 2010, 10:21:21 pm »
Wow... those are massive extremes and honestly, it's worse than I thought. The problem lies in choosing one or the other. Why does anyone have to do that? I committed and will commit many hours into training and leveling my character and within that routine, I'll roleplay. I even level based on the kind of personality and race my character is. I'm immediately going to have to choose the non-RP server now (hopes Ulfer is still saved on the database :o)

Sorry to sound a bit insensitive here, but for those who do not actually play the game... Planeshift, where GM's spend much of their time, testing and balancing the game for the communities enjoyment... *your* enjoyment... whilst the development team implements and fixes bugs and such, you're saying players don't actually make full use of the options, functions, and mechanics of this game that is being developed... for you? Why are those kind of people... these roleplayers, even here? You're better off posting on the forum and roleplaying to your hearts content. These kind of players have no right to demand others follow their rather odd tendencies to ignore the very thing that Planeshift is... a game. If that was Planeshifts intended goal then I'm sure the development team would have finished the game by now... 80% of it isn't even needed. RP-Server is really a waste and goes against everything that Planeshift stands for. Not only that, but it clearly causes a conflict of interest.

PL'ing is part of the game, PK'ing is part of the game, RP is part of the game. These are options you do or do not do but you can not dismiss them just because you favour not to do them. If people put in more hours and dedicated their time to the game than you do then yes, they should be allowed to do that and in compliance to the spirit of the game you must role-play according to your status in comparison. I'm sorry but that reasoning just does not hold any weight as far as I'm concerned. Anyone can level their character up, even if it's slowly. The dueling system accounts for misses and dodges depending on your attributes. The system is built for the game, if it wasn't intentional then it would not be placed within the game. It's as simple as that.

If I'm engaged in a roleplay with another character, and that whelp of a character insults or causes my character to be angered by a slur despite obvious strength differences (examine is within the sphere of roleplay... it's also a game mechanic) I will know full well that my own could stomp out 10 of that particular character. If the situation presents itself and the circumstance warrants it, then I will respond issue a duelling challenge... if then I discover that that particular player wants to roll a dice with me... that is very one sided and very mix standards. How is it fair that I recognise and respect roleplay if you won't recognise and respect the game? The only way roleplay is going to get back on the server, is by the synergy of gameplay, and roleplay. If you can not do that, then in my point of view, Planeshift isn't a 'game' for you.

« Last Edit: September 16, 2010, 10:52:54 pm by Ulfer »


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Re: My ideas to bring RP back.
« Reply #13 on: September 16, 2010, 10:53:15 pm »

I disagree with all points presented in this thread.

I've read them all in the past and they're all stupid.


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Re: My ideas to bring RP back.
« Reply #14 on: September 16, 2010, 11:04:50 pm »

If you have nothing constructive to say, it's best you don't post anything at all. It wasn't necessary... especially when some people took the time to actually think over the subject, and post.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2010, 02:01:28 am by Ulfer »