Author Topic: matrix 2  (Read 1957 times)


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matrix 2
« on: May 23, 2003, 10:16:13 am »
I saw the matrix two and loved it. I thought it was cool how they incorporated so much depth into the movie discussing existence from a scientific viewpoint and all but I found alot of people didn\'t like the ending. I thought it was good adding some suspense with the machnine and man side by side. anyway, I was wondering what others thought about it.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2003, 10:16:57 am by cmhitman »


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« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2003, 12:59:03 pm »
Originally posted by cmhitman
I found alot of people didn\'t like the ending.

Well, you can\'t say they didn\'t warn you. :)  The fact that it was going to be a cliffhanger has been around since it was anounced they were making the sequels.  Anyway, they only have to wait until November.


Did anyone else get that the \"real world\" was really just a part of the Matrix?  The Architect talked about the fact that Zion was a control mechanism and the whole thing with Neo\'s \"machine sense\" supports this. The only thing contrary points are that Neo doesn\'t catch this (doesn\'t mention it to anyone else) and that the machines don\'t just \"reboot\" the Zion area.  Comments?

EDIT: BTW, besides the sometimes crappy CG and some over-the-top scenes (Trinity/Neo love scene and the whole \"orgasm in a pie\" scene), I though the movie was great.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2003, 01:01:25 pm by kinshadow »


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« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2003, 01:33:26 pm »
aarrgh dont talk about it


im going to see it right now tho so i dont mind i will tell you what i think

but i know allready im going to love it :D


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« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2003, 03:47:15 pm »
    I saw the movie twice and didn\'t like it.  In my opinion they subsituted too much graphics and fight scenes for plot line.  The fight scenes were great but the whole plot of the movie was awful.  There should have been like two big fight scenes and leave it at that.  Hopefully the next movie will be better.

     Ooo one thing I did like even though it really has nothing to do with the movie itself.  I stayed after to see the next movie\'s preview and I noticed there was a song in the movie called Mona Lisa Overdrive.  Also in the game Enter the Matrix there is mention of Wintermute.  Just something I picked up on.  for those of you who haven\'t read William Gibson\'s books you really should.

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« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2003, 04:30:46 pm »
I hate saying this (I\'m a big fan of The Matrix), but I?m kinda with Aendar on this. I did really enjoy the movie ? there are some truly astounding effects, fight scenes and chases which really blow you away. But he?s right, it?s almost as if these are compensating for a lack of story. The story does develop and get interesting, but only towards the end.

Maybe I?ve been spoilt with the first Matrix - still an absolute joy to watch, with a fantastic twisting plot. This sequel somehow didn?t sit right for me ? with some pretty awful moments (as kinshadow has rightly pointed out, the pie and the love scene with the bizzare tribal drum dance thing), and some inconsistencies that somewhat destroy some of the originals atmosphere.

I was left with the feeling that ?Reloaded? is just a bridge to the final chapter and doesn?t stand up as a great film in it?s own right as the original does ? I feel it could?ve been so much more. Perhaps I will see Reloaded in a different light when the third installment is released ? I really hope so.


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« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2003, 06:18:02 pm »

i thought it was fantastic
i loved the fight scenes wich were alot better than the first one, although i thought some of the graphics were well lets say \"dodgy\" and in a movie of this calibre i thought i shouldnt be able to spot stunt doubles wich i spotted alot,

but all round i really enjoyed the film i actually like the way it went and the twist was well done, although some of the people i was with didnt \"get it\" the twist that is , i liked the ending although leaving me realing for more :D

i thouroughly recomend it to everyone, although be prepare for a \"mind fuk\" toward the end.

oh yeah my girlfriend REALLY loved the idea of orgasm pie :D
« Last Edit: May 23, 2003, 06:20:04 pm by PartyBoy »


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« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2003, 11:13:16 pm »
I don\'t know why your complaining about the matrix 2 having to many fight scenes cause one of the main reasons the original was made was becasue of cool kun foo modern movies like Blade etc

That part in the temple was yuk worst part of the movie


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« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2003, 02:41:53 am »
Well Partyboy, it must be that you are not providing the adequate amount time to your girlfriends cares.

Ok, sorry bad stab but it was way too much out there to ignore.

On my view of the Matrix reloaded?

Until the part with the Oracle I was almost bored?no that is the wrong term I was analyzing the CGI more then I was enjoying the movie?after the oracle I really liked it.

Is it better then the first??? Yes and no. it is not as good cause it explains the first and also ruins the first, because we now know that the matrix is not really the matrix but a layer of the matrix. Also we know that the ?machines? are much more in control then what it seemed in the first.

What I loved about this movie what the introduction of politics not only in Zion but among the programs.

The addition of the doorways was in my view excellent?my only question is why Neo just doesn?t teleport where ever he wants.

I loved the ?old agents? ghosts vampires and werewolves Oh, My!! What a wonderful world to role-play in. Would allow a GM to introduce whatever he wanted whenever he wanted and it would be in Genre. Also allows for a reason to make sword-fighting viable and not just cool.

As for the mind screw aspect?what is wrong with it? The first movie was one mind screw this one has 5 or 6.

What I feel many fans of the first dislike is simply that this one made it into less of a linear fight, you lost faith as does Morphious (who is looking a bit pudgy around the midsection by the way)  and the ending is a bit too made for TV cliffhanger in my view?but since the next installment is in 6 months??? What is the big deal?

As for the CGI well it is good, though I feel cheated in that they put a ton of makeup on Keanu to make him mono-tone and thus easy to make into a CGI and Ms. Moss they gave no make-up look, making her look a lot more masculine then Keanu. Overall I liked the movie, will see it again in the theater and see it many many times on DVD.

The question really is what makes a good movie, or a good sequel. I feel this does both in that it extends the story and enriches it, and I felt that my 8 bucks was well spent. Do I like it more then the first??? Not really sure, as I feel they are very different. And like everyone I really did not like the ?love scene? nor the great huge party.

After the third installment we will all be able to sit back and say what was the best, usually the middle one is not great?and all too often the third is terrible, I feel the second was a good strong showing good writing and good plot.

But in the end, what do I know this is all opinion and mine may change in a couple of weeks.

I should add, the comment to partyboy was made in fun I really don?t mean anything by it?and I understand the concept of going to the movies with people that don?t get it, that is why I try to go to these things with people who are like minded to me, or at least as intelligent (in my view) or more so. This movie provided at least 3 hours of after movie parking lot conversation so, I rate it as a good movie. The only movie that I think was great but did not have me talking at all about it was Seven. After seeing it in the theater me and my friend just drove home and we didn?t say a word other then to comment that they ended it in the right way.

Some many days later we really talked about it.  
« Last Edit: May 24, 2003, 02:54:11 am by paxx »


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« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2003, 04:14:57 am »
Originally posted by paxx
Well Partyboy, it must be that you are not providing the adequate amount time to your girlfriends cares.

can you blame me when this game is taking over my life:)

Originally posted by paxx and I understand the concept of going to the movies with people that don?t get it, that is why I try to go to these things with people who are like minded to me, or at least as intelligent (in my view) or more so.

im probably going to get hurt badly for saying thid but i went with a group of couples and when the movie ended all the women had to say that it it was \"crap\" and the first was much better, an ALL the women completely lost the plot when the \"Architect\" was babling on and didnt get \"it\" at all

/me ducks the flying shoe :) j/k

im not sayng all women are thick just the ones i went to see it with

]Originally posted by paxx
 The only movie that I think was great but did not have me talking at all about it was Seven. After seeing it in the theater me and my friend just drove home and we didn?t say a word other then to comment that they ended it in the right way.

Some many days later we really talked about it.  

i still havent seen seven yet i heard it was good tho


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« Reply #9 on: May 24, 2003, 07:31:14 am »
Seven is one of those movies you need to see without interruption or other things going on. If you get distracted or hit rewind (meaning you step out of the movie for a bit) you probably will not get the impact of it.

It is not a nice movie at all. But in my opinion it did a great job in telling a story and having an impact.

And do not watch it with someone who saw it already.

It is slow and sometimes pointless?but it is in my opinion one of the best suspense flicks in recent times.

It was also the movie that made me see Brad Pitt as a serious actor and not a pretty boy.

If you get on a Brad Pitt kick?things to see and in order.

Fight Club
12 Monkeys

You can move Fight club around but it puts some perspective to the others.

Kalifornia is bad, but has him in a different role then the rest.

12 monkeys must be seen after matrix, Brazil ( Robert DeNiro  in it) is another movie that makes president into this mind screw new age concept and there are many movies that have followed in its footsteps. If you want to go down the trail of what came before the matrix?see Brazil, 12 monkeys?I assume you have seen Terminator and T2 and then there is Jonnie Neumonic  (bad), and many more that I am forgetting?but to a large degree Brazil is the first good one, you should add in Blade Runner directors cut and you have?

So for you screw with your head bleak sci-fi genre novices, I suggest the following  Blade Runner directors cut,
12 monkeys
And in the matrix you get the wonderful blend of action and screw with your headedness I am sure there is more to add here?but this is off the top of my head.

As of right now, the matrix is the only one I know of that has more then one installment. But it is also a happier movie then the rest

Sorry for the rant.


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« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2003, 04:37:23 pm »
EDIT: BTW, besides the sometimes crappy CG and some over-the-top scenes (Trinity/Neo love scene and the whole \"orgasm in a pie\" scene), I though the movie was great.

haha i gotta agree with that.. the dance scene was crap and the GI JOE style neo was a joke as well.
fight scenes got kinda stupid like when neo was fighting a big crowd of heaps of the same person. lame jokes etc

the first matrix was SO much better

still its worth whatever u pay to go see the movie i geuss.
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« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2003, 08:40:46 pm »

Originally posted by kinshadow
Did anyone else get that the \"real world\" was really just a part of the Matrix?  The Architect talked about the fact that Zion was a control mechanism and the whole thing with Neo\'s \"machine sense\" supports this. The only thing contrary points are that Neo doesn\'t catch this (doesn\'t mention it to anyone else) and that the machines don\'t just \"reboot\" the Zion area.  Comments?

Zion does exist.  The control they talk about is that because Zion is organized, all the people that reject the Matrix gather in one location.  When it gets too big, just gotta bring in the insecticide and get them in one shot.


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« Reply #12 on: May 26, 2003, 02:32:43 am »
Hmm....well I liked orignal Matrix more. First, it just had a general coolness to it all, like: red pill blue pill scene, computer talking to him, window wipers in the boss\' office, \"and you help your landlady take out her garbage\". And I liked the humor more, I mean, \"now it\'s just me, me, me, and me too.\" not really that humorous of a movie, except for Trinity getting p.issed off. The fight scene were awesome in M2, I loved the weapons. The CGI in the Agent Smith fight scene took 2 years to render. I really wouldn\'t complain if I were you.
And it\'s not really exaggerating. If anything it\'s under-rating Neo. He can control anything he wants. He is omnipotent in the Matrix. There should have been 10x that many agents in the fight scene.
And of course he\'s going to fly. That be the first thing I\'d start doing. Though the superman, pause scene was crappy CGI.
And why does every new character need a 5 minute boring speech. I mean listening to Agent Smith purr, was more than blah blah blah, it got your attention. Instead of going over the same points over and over, choices, reactions, choices, reactions, destiny, did we mention choices? Agent Smith\'s rant was great dialogue and acting. There was actually some sign of emotion in it. Other than some french pansy talking about a cake, that was so pointless. They should have just burned the entire cake scene and flush it down the toilet.

I thought I was watching a Britney Spear\'s music video once they started having an o.rgy in the rave cave. Who really needed to see Trinity have an o.rgasm?



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« Reply #13 on: May 27, 2003, 09:33:42 am »
I was getting the feeling that either there inside a second matrix or that neo is realizing that he can use his powers in both worlds.
but really I think that man and machine are really one in the same and that sooner or later they\'ll join up together to rage against the machine, the machine being the powers that be and not freed robots.

edit: I liked the cake scene and the huge orgy...i mean party, it was cool to me. the party was kinda what I imagine woodstock year 3068 would look like and the cake...well who wouldn\'t want and orgasm cake; I mean come real with yourself.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2003, 09:38:54 am by cmhitman »


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« Reply #14 on: May 27, 2003, 01:32:12 pm »
I believe that Zion is just another Matrix. I base this on:
1.) How could they take the spoon out?
2.) How could Neo have powers in the \"real\" world. So what if He was overlapped with Smith, Smith is still just a program. And the Architect said that \"The One\" was just a flaw in the Matrix. This supports my idea.

The only thing I am doubting is this: What if it wasnt Neo who used the EMP, what if it was the rescue ship?
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