Author Topic: [GUILD] The Adani Order  (Read 16402 times)


  • Hydlaa Notable
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[GUILD] The Adani Order
« on: January 01, 2011, 05:13:59 am »
The Adani Order


The Adani Order is a council-led guild that is dedicated to the defense of peace, and the respect of all life, in any form. The Adani Order serves the people of Yliakum, for the good of Yliakum, using their abilities and strengths to serve as the guardians within the Dome. Adani serve others, rather than rule over them, for the good of the people as a whole, and for the necessary continuation of peace and justice. Adani are teachers, protectors, negotiators, servants, and defenders, no member of the Order ever uses their powers for their own gain, or to harm an innocent being. The Adani welcome anyone who wishes to join their ranks, all that is required to join is a desire to learn, and to be instructed in the teachings of the Order.


As long as Yliakum has been ruled by the Octarchy, the Adani Order has co-existed alongside the people of Yliakum, as much a part of the people as they are separate, excluded from normal life by their heightened abilities and grave responsibilities. The first Master of the Order, Solran Adani, was a master fighter, skilled with all manners of weapons. After a life of fighting and adventuring all across Yliakum, Solran discovered the need for guardians against the constant advancement of evil and injustice across the land. Working in conjuction with the young Octarchy, Solran started a school for his like-minded followers, named the Adani Order. Solran and his friends sought to instruct his followers in the art of combat, and negotiation. Adani strove to show his pupils the need for defenders of peace and justice in Yliakum, and trained them to serve as these guardians. As the first Apprentices in the Order advanced in age and experience, their power and influence in the world around them became clear, and Solran saw the need to establish the Order as a permanent part of the land of Yliakum. Before he died, Adani stepped down as Master of the Order, and passed on his sword to his successor. The Order continued to serve as the guarding force against evil and corruption throughout the ages, surviving and continuing to the present day, where Solran's sabre continues to be wielded by the current Master of the Order. The ancient teachings of the Adani continue to be passed on to their Apprentices, and the Adani still serve as trusted and honorable guardians of light and justice in Yliakum.

The teachings of the Order are eternal and universal.  Many of the current Order members have turned to this path, after experiencing firsthand the pain and suffering caused by injustice and cruelty, as both victims and oppressors.  The ever-present principle of respect to all, as well as the goals of striving to protect those near and precious are the basis of the reformations that strength and guide the Order members.  


The Order is organized by the ancient concept of master and apprentice, and the guild is divided into two main paths: that of the fighter, and that of the negotiator. The Adani Order is overseen by the Adani Council, and the Council is led by the Master of the Order. The Master of the Order is, in nearly all respects, simply another member of the Adani Council, he or she has no additional powers other than the task of organizing and directing the Adani Council, which is the ruling authority of the guild. The Adani Council approves petitions for apprenticeship, administrates over any guild disputes, and votes on any major guild decisions.  All new members begin at the Initiate ranking, where they are given a more hands-on experience into what their time in the Adani Order will be like. If deemed a good fit for the guild, an individual at the Initiate Rank will then be promoted into the true ranks of the Adani Order, beginning with the rank of Mantharor. Enkien for learner, Mantharors receive basic training and instruction at the hands of the senior members in the Order. At the Mantharor rank, members begin to choose which path that they will follow in the Order, and once that path is chosen, a senior member, either Ambassador or Master, or rarely, a Knight or Journeyman, will take that Mantharor as their personal Apprentice. The Apprentice begins the long path of training and fighting alongside their Master. Once an Apprentice is deemed worthy of advancing by their Master, then the Master will present his or her Apprentice to the Adani Council.  The Order recognizes that not all individuals are suited for combat, nor are all capable of delicate negotiations.  Therefore, there are two main paths established, that of the Knight, a fighters's calling, and that of the Ambassador, the diplomatic corps.  At the time of presentation to the Council, the Master and Apprentice will choose the appropriate path to be followed.  The path of the negotiator is culminated in the rank of Adani Ambassador, and that of the fighter leads to the rank of Adani Master. Adani Ambassadors have the task of representing the Adani Council to the people, Octarchy, and to other guilds that they may be negotiating with. Adani Masters are tasked with being the main teachers in the guild, and the training of Mantharors, as well as defense of the Order, is their responsibility. All members of the Order are taught to respect each other, and to love one another, as indeed they love and care for themselves.

Guild Ranks:
Master of the Order
Adani Council
Adani Master
Adani Ambassador
Adani Knight
Adani Journeyman
Adani Apprentice


In-Game Contacts:
 -Teshia- -Caraick- -Glaciusor-
« Last Edit: February 04, 2011, 07:15:36 am by Tessra »
Also, it's more credible to others if you grow in power slowly over time.  First kill rats, then noobs, then klyros, and eventually work your way up to more powerful creatures ~ Miomai


  • Hydlaa Notable
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Re: [GUILD] The Adani Order
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2011, 09:46:46 pm »
Lawdy, a forum post!


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Re: [GUILD] The Adani Order
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2011, 09:56:14 pm »
Nice set up and all but to be honest you sound like most other ordinary guilds out there, what makes you so unique or special? I understand why you are around ICly but why OOCly? Why don't you all just join Masters of Move or Diamond Claw? Full of warriors with some over the top history on how great they are, and how they never had any issues because they are so great, ya know Mary Sue I believe is the word. (Sorry to offend members of those guilds)

So far you sound like the different types of The Bible all have different names (NLT, ESV, GNB, NIV, King James, NASB, Living, Jerusalem, The Message, etc.), the whole book is technically differently spelt, but the whole point, plot or story, is exactly the same.

Sorry if I sound hard on you, I know I haven't spoken to any of you IG about this, but it's just my feedback.
You maybe roleplaying but you could still be OOC.


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Re: [GUILD] The Adani Order
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2011, 11:03:34 pm »
Interesting... but what the heck does "Mantharor" mean?


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Re: [GUILD] The Adani Order
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2011, 11:10:11 pm »
Interesting... but what the heck does "Mantharor" mean?

I have a feeling it's Enkien and it means learner.
You maybe roleplaying but you could still be OOC.


  • Hydlaa Notable
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Re: [GUILD] The Adani Order
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2011, 12:06:32 am »
And what makes you so high and mighty Vakachek that you can go and pass judgment on everything as you seem to do so? What's so special about whatever guild your in?  God damn dude, you're arrogance incarnate. I've yet to see a single forum post you've made that hasn't drawn at least one person into argument with you. Oh great, now ive been drawn in too. Do you have a big whiteboard somewhere filled with everyone's name on the forum and just erase them as you start another argument?

Welp, erase me off of it.


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Re: [GUILD] The Adani Order
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2011, 12:25:25 am »
And what makes you so high and mighty Vakachek that you can go and pass judgment on everything as you seem to do so? What's so special about whatever guild your in?  God damn dude, you're arrogance incarnate. I've yet to see a single forum post you've made that hasn't drawn at least one person into argument with you. Oh great, now ive been drawn in too. Do you have a big whiteboard somewhere filled with everyone's name on the forum and just erase them as you start another argument?

Welp, erase me off of it.

Umm if you have eyes you would know I'm in The Dark Empire, Kore Irka Clan, and Akkaio Setha Clan, I am also in the House of Games but I don't show that publicly because I hardly play that character I just like to support their house. I never said anything mean, I said basically from what I read it's a Mary Sue guild, I can't seem to find why they are of an importance, I was asking a question not completely putting them down, I ant stupid enough to do that before investigating the guild IG first. But I know their players well and are keen RPers so I am wondering if I read something wrong or not. I'm trying to figure out why they have only one Enkien word Mantharor but the rest in common?

I don't try to start arguments I try to start discussions but everyone on these forums are so argumentative and take everything like there's no tomorrow.
You maybe roleplaying but you could still be OOC.


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Re: [GUILD] The Adani Order
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2011, 12:32:45 am »
Mantharor means learner i think it was.

and i think you're using the wrong word. Mary sue is a term used in fanfiction to describe a character (or i suppose organization could work) that is so grossly overpowered (or other related things) that it overshadows the canon things.

For example, i'm an anime fan, so say i wrote some story about Fullmetal alchemist (if you dont know what it is, well than shame on yourself.) and made some character or another who could beat up Edward and Alphonse and Scar all at once without losing at least a limb, and could kill all the homunculus at the same time. Probably these events one after the other.

THEN, thats Mary Sue.

and when you yourself say that a majority of your posts spark arguments, Shouldn't you take the hint that your doing something wrong instead of saying everyone else on the forum is?


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Re: [GUILD] The Adani Order
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2011, 01:26:21 am »
No you, now stop acting like its the end of the world and go die!
That's starting an argument.

To me Mary Sue is something that is common, ott (Over the top), too perfect (as a character), has never done anything wrong.

What you didn't read was this
Quote from: Vakachehk
what makes you...but why... Why don't you...
all in which I am stating a question, questions make discussions, get the point now?

The first Master of the Order, Solran Adani, was a master fighter, skilled with all manners of weapons
greatness, to me May Sue-ness
You maybe roleplaying but you could still be OOC.


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Re: [GUILD] The Adani Order
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2011, 01:30:57 am »
Another question.
Was their someone in the past that may of messed the order up, was an evil spy that got into a leader/master position and did many evil tasks, or something?
You maybe roleplaying but you could still be OOC.


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Re: [GUILD] The Adani Order
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2011, 02:04:22 am »
i aint the leader, so i wouldn't know the entire past. Ask tesh.

and you may call it Mary sue all you want, the technical terms are still just overpowered (for over the top and too perfect), cliche (common) and never done anything wrong is pretty much the same as too perfect.

and questions can start arguments just as easily as simply being an ass. They have to be asked rudely, or be a rude question itself.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2011, 02:09:53 am by Phantomboy86 »


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Re: [GUILD] The Adani Order
« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2011, 02:35:34 am »
Histories can be biased, leave out the nasty details; it all depends who's telling the story...Tesh is most definitely NOT a Mary-Sue, and from what I've seen of him, Glaci, and from the snippet of other peoples' of logs I've read (as regrettably, I have yet to RP with him myself), Caraick, don't strike me as Sues either. I'm sure there are plenty of unwritten tales about this Solran Adani that'd indicate he wasn't exactly perfect too.

How 'bout giving this guild a chance before deciding it's yet another mass-recruiting we're-here-to-help-newbies dealio? This one's history is more detailed than a lot of other guilds I've seen come and go, and has talented roleplayers leading it.
Role Play Preferences
[1: gossip] Glaciusor: There's now a guy in skimpy armor having war flashbacks about daemons. Have fun Hydlaa


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Re: [GUILD] The Adani Order
« Reply #12 on: January 02, 2011, 02:45:55 am »
Vaka, I think it's great that you are asking questions.  And honestly... one of your questions is exactly why this guild was founded.  Why didn't we just join one of the other guilds?  

Simple.  We want to have an active presence in Yliakum, and PlaneShift.  Many of these guilds that you listed are wonderful guilds, full of incredible people... but we want more. We have incredible people, we have good role players, we have leveled players, we have duellers, we have a wide variety.  We cater to two vastly divergent paths, that no other guild supports in the same manner.  We have fighters and scholars, and we seek to help people to excel in whichever path they take.  We neither force, nor heavily encourage our members to PL/duel/etc.  We simply ask that they show respect for all life.

We are not all "great."  We are normal people, united by a common IC cause.  None of our people will tout their own skills and greatness, we value instead humility and confidence, not arrogance.  And if you knew many of us ICly, you would know almost all of us have some very dark spots in our past.  Speaking only for Tesh, she was the wife of one of the biggest mobsters in PS, ordered assassinations and the defilement of certain temples, as well as employing a vast network of spies for her threatening and blackmailing schemes.  It was only after seeing the damage and pain her actions were causing to her few friends that she began to rethink her life, and chose a new path, that of the order.  She has never been a MarySue type.

Before letting anyone into this guild, they have to go through one of the council, and they are verified to have the same IC goals that the guild has.  Even people who I have been in 2 other guilds with, I have still "interviewed" ICly to ensure they really wish to be within this Order, and that they understand at least the basics of what we are about.  We are not about a name, or gathering members.  We are here to be active, and to fulfill a role.  We will not fade out as some guilds have done, nor will we simply exist to exist.
Also, it's more credible to others if you grow in power slowly over time.  First kill rats, then noobs, then klyros, and eventually work your way up to more powerful creatures ~ Miomai


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Re: [GUILD] The Adani Order
« Reply #13 on: January 02, 2011, 03:30:50 am »
So you're a group of common people, but at the same time excelling in whichever path you want?

For me, it seems too open and generic, much like Vakachehk has stated. Almost like any good-guy could join to go fight "teh evulz"...

My advice is to simply make things more specific. As it is written now, anyone could have made this guild... and I think you guys are (judging from the testimonies of others in this thread) more talented as roleplayers than this.


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Re: [GUILD] The Adani Order
« Reply #14 on: January 02, 2011, 05:00:54 am »
I do totally agree with Candy, none of these people Teshia, Caraick or Glaci are Mary-Sue type players, I would of thought that if they made a guild it would of been made for heavy RP but yes to me this does sound like... what Chucki said.

@Teshia nice to see my questions answered, and I promise I will let you develop your guild more before I give you more ranty questions :)
I know about Teshia's past being very evil, I wasn't to sure if you used the names Teshia - Caraick - Glaciusor  as their main characters of the actual characters, since you all were in guilds the last time I played, and Caraick was really enjoying The Warriors and didn't think he would leave, but hey I was really enjoying The Warriors and by a months time I was out so mmmmmh.

Anyways good luck with your future of this guild, and to be honest take Chucki's advice, he's good with making guilds... and alliance.
You maybe roleplaying but you could still be OOC.