Author Topic: Enter Icerra  (Read 3137 times)

Aramara Meibi

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Enter Icerra
« on: March 29, 2011, 04:33:45 pm »
The pain was an awakening. As if her whole life up to this point had been a dream. Here it was, reality made flesh. Pain, actual real pain, the pain of life. She reeled back a bit and lifted a paw to her cheek, where the other fenki had scratched her. She felt the blood ooze into her fur, trickle into her mouth. Salty, bitter taste.
She smiled, but only briefly before she lunged herself at the other fenki. With all her might she leapt, headfirst into the fenki's gut. She wrapped her arms around her opponent as they tumbled into the dirt. The crowd of youth around them cheered her on as they grappled and tossed each other in the dusty back alley. Finally, she was able to maneuver on top, pinning her opponent down. She sat on her chest, grinning into her face. Her arm raised up, claws gleaming in the crystal light, a quick swipe across the fenki's face. Payback.

The crowd did agree, she had won the fight. They cheered her on as she left the alley into the late afternoon street. A haze of dust filled the small village, as usual for this time of day, as the day's business began winding down. The tavern should be filling up by now, crowded enough for her to steal a drink. Her heart was pumping, adrenaline flowing through her veins. She had never felt so alive, so real. She slipped unnoticed into the boisterous tavern, made her way to the bar and swiped a mug of beer when the tender had his back turned. She gulped it down with a thirst like none she had ever experienced. The alcohol coursed through her veins quickly, making her feel dizzy, numb, but good. Boy, did she feel good. Alive.

A few stolen beers later, she stumbled back into the street. The evening was growing cool, a light breeze come down from somewhere on the dome. She looked up at those high, distant cliffs. The sheer walls that separated the upper Dome level from the Barn. Up there, somewhere in the town of Hydlaa, was her sister, gone for only several months. Something boiled deep inside her, bitterness, anger. She spit onto the dusty street and made her way home.

It was dark when she opened the door to their modest home. The aroma of a home cooked meal greeted her nostrils, as did the familiar smell of dried herbs, medicines, and balms that came from her mother's office, the smell of old parchments and vellums stacked upon her father's desk. Her mother was waiting for her in the front room, always patient, but with a grim expression.

"Icerra," she said as she walked through the door, "come, let me take a look at you."

Icerra stepped quietly forth and stood in front her mother as she inspected her cuts and bruises with practiced eyes and fingers. Her mother frowned slightly and turned to walk into her office. She reappeared holding a cloth and a bitter smelling clear fluid. Quietly she cleaned the wounds. Icerra winced slightly as the astringent liquid stung the fresh cuts on her face.

"I heard what happened, " Her mother said, in her usual smooth, calm voice, ever without a trace of anger, "Ever since your sister left, you've been hanging around those street toughs. I worry about you."

Her mother finished cleaning and inspecting the wounds, took a step back and sighed, "I worry about your sister too. I received a new letter today, would you like to read it?"

Icerra had read her sister's letters before. She read how she ended up in Hydlaa and had found Xiosia's Garden. She read how she joined a Sisterhood of Xiosian Priestesses, how she had been serving in Xiosia's name, helping strangers. Every time she read Xiosia's name in those letters, it made her want to spit.

Her mother held the letter out towards her, the grim look on her face told Icerra that this letter was different. Something was wrong.

To My Dearest Family,

I write to you with mixed and troubled emotions. I will begin by telling you that I have met someone, and our love is of the truest nature. He is kindhearted and a man of morals. Never did I feel that there was room in my heart to love someone as I love my dear Miomo....

Icerra had the urge to spit, but not in front of her mother. She continued reading.

I wish that this was the only news for me to write you, but much has happened in the past few weeks that has been very troubling. I have seen much pain and darkness in the hearts of my fellow citizens. Even my closest friends and loved ones I can see have heavy and troubled hearts. Even I, I'm afraid, have been infected by this darkness. The darkness comes to me in my dreams, even in my deepest meditations. I have the same vision, two dark towers, growing in the distance, casting shadows across the land. The towers are too tall, too unstable. They are an unbalance of power. I see war. I see the deaths of many. I shudder now as I write this. The vision is haunting, powerful, and follows me in my sleep. My dear Miomo has been working tirelessly to promote peace amongst the factions of the land, as my Sisters and I continue to bring the light of Xiosia into the souls of the people, but the vision still haunts me. I fear our efforts are futile.

Your beloved Daughter and Sister,
~Aramara Meibi*

Icerra lowered the letter and met her mother's gaze. It was her mother's dream vision that had sent Aramara away to visit the garden and find her path in life. Now it seemed Aramara herself was having visions, but of another kind. There was no hope to be found in the letter.

"Icerra, I want you to go and visit your sister. I want you to bring her something, something that I think will help her find peace and rest."

She pulled out a small leather sack with something small and round inside.

"This was something a client of your father's once offered in payment. I've used it before to calm my patients, but I think your sister needs it now. i would send your father, but he is out surveying the land the Brvanna's just bought, and won't be back for weeks. Will you take this and deliver it to her. She will be joyed to see you, I'm sure, and I think it will do you good to spend some time away from your new friends."

Icerra took the pouch and silently nodded. Then she rushed and threw her arms around her mother, squeezing tightly, tears welling up in her eyes. Mixed emotions flooded her, she was on the verge of her first real adventure, but into what? What was the danger her sister's visions foretold? Was there really war on the horizon?

Icerra couldn't wait to find out....
all blessings to the assembled devotees.


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Re: Enter Icerra
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2011, 04:46:58 pm »
[Oh! This is lovely. I cannot wait to see where this goes in RP]
Also, it's more credible to others if you grow in power slowly over time.  First kill rats, then noobs, then klyros, and eventually work your way up to more powerful creatures ~ Miomai


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Re: Enter Icerra
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2011, 11:59:48 pm »
I love it Aramara! Finally had some time to read and this is the best writing I've seen of yours!


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Re: Enter Icerra
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2011, 12:56:37 am »
I love it Aramara! Finally had some time to read and this is the best writing I've seen of yours!

Indeed, not just of hers, this is some of the best writing I've seen on the forums ever.  Very nice.  And I feel a bond with you from this.  Khado has also written about his love for Miomo :P

But yes, very good!


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Re: Enter Icerra
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2011, 08:22:44 am »
Awesome. I certainly want more.

Just so Aramara doesn't look bad, we at the Dark Empire shall be striving to make her vision come true!
Disclaimer: This is my opinion and I can be reasoned with. I'm probably right, though.

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Re: Enter Icerra
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2011, 09:48:01 am »
"Have you thought about becoming an author?" says the blind man admiring the painting.
Miomai is currently sane.


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Re: Enter Icerra
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2011, 09:50:52 am »
"Have you thought about becoming an author?" says the blind man admiring the painting.

I can't tell if I'm more jealous of Aramara for her writing ability or for Miomo xP


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Re: Enter Icerra
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2011, 01:05:42 pm »

I can't tell if I'm more jealous of Aramara for her writing ability or for Miomo xP

I'll help you with that decision. Miomo's just a fictional character. Aramara's creative writing is real.
Miomai is currently sane.


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Re: Enter Icerra
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2011, 01:11:38 pm »
Really great too if you ask me... She's amongst my favourite PS writers now :P
Disclaimer: This is my opinion and I can be reasoned with. I'm probably right, though.

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Re: Enter Icerra
« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2011, 01:41:31 pm »
Of a list in which you're first or second? :P Just teasing.

Very nice, Aramara. I'd like to see an IC plot about this soon.

"It's all fun and games until someone stabs someone else in the eye."

Aramara Meibi

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Re: Enter Icerra
« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2011, 03:47:34 pm »
Khado has also written about his love for Miomo :P

them's fight'n words

Just so Aramara doesn't look bad, we at the Dark Empire shall be striving to make her vision come true!
Please do, and Aramara will strive to prevent it!

I'd like to see an IC plot about this soon.
ICly I've been building up to this point for a while. This is just one major point on the roadmap that is Aramara's life. Icerra will make her debut this week. I hope you all enjoy her.

Thanks everyone for playing! \\o//

all blessings to the assembled devotees.


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Re: Enter Icerra
« Reply #11 on: March 30, 2011, 05:23:16 pm »
Hey, we've been here longer. We're the ones doing the thanking, you just stay put until you get the right to do it. :P
Disclaimer: This is my opinion and I can be reasoned with. I'm probably right, though.

Join the Dark Empire!

Aramara Meibi

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Re: Enter Icerra
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2011, 09:04:44 pm »
The rogue emptied his bladder on the sewer wall. The saber wielding Nolthrir crept up silently behind him. Her blade pierced through him with hardly a sound. She caught him before he fell, and lay him gently on the scum covered sewer floor. Around the corner, from the shadows, watched Icerra.

Only a few weeks passed since she had arrived in Hydlaa for the task of delivering a glyph to her sister. She wasn't able to find Aramara; she found it funny that everyone at the tavern knew her sister well. Instead she ran into Dannae, a guild sister. Dannae was pleasant enough, had brought her to the guildhouse, and gave her a place to stay. And that guildhouse! It was huge! So this is how Aramara has been living. "There are quite a lot of us," Dannae explained, "but only a few are around now." Icerra stayed the night, but was restless the next morning. She left the glyph in a sack on a table and walked out the front door.

The air was fresh and sweet, unlike the dusty air back home. The light of the crystal was brighter here, the colors more vivid. They danced on the backs of her eyes as her ears took in the birds and varied small creatures chirp and whirl in the foliage. She suddenly thought of something when she turned quickly around and tested the door handle. Locked. Damn!

A stone skittered across the courtyard. She watched as it came to a stop. Her foot stung a little. Hmm, heavier than I thought. She went walking through the shady grass to cool her feet. Someone ran in through the gate and across the courtyard below. She watched. She followed.

He led her down the streets into the Plaza. She was stunned by its openness and clung to the outskirts. She picked people at random to follow, staying far behind enough as not to be seen. She saw a young klyros dash away from the blacksmith with swords in hand and behind some buildings. Interesting.

She followed the klyros into the sewers. She began testing her strength against the giant one-eyed rats. With her bare claws and teeth she hunted them. She found that the guard by the gate outside was willing enough to teach her some combat skills for the right amount of tria. She had gone hunting with her father before. She knew the value of animal parts.

Her bag was full, and had grown heavy on her shoulders. She had been following this Nolthrir hoping that she would lead the way out, but now Icerra saw her in a new light. She waited until the Nolthrir stopped to refresh herself with some drink and was temporarily disarmed to carefully walk up behind her. She cleared her throat.

Her name was Arjaya. Ended up she was a guildmate of her sister. She didn't want to buy anything, but pointed Icerra in the direction of the tavern, where the girl behind the bar would surely buy the rat parts from her. Arjaya wondered what Allelia did with all those animal parts anyways.

The tavern! Why hadn't she thought of it sooner? The perfect place to steal a drink. She could sit in the shadows of a corner and watch the people come in and go out. She could watch and see who had money and who did not, who she could get to buy something and who she could not.

The tavern was empty except for two enkidukai and a klyros. Icerra walked straight up to the bar and threw her sack of rat parts onto the counter. "I heard you pay for this stuff."

Icerra stood nervously still as, from the corner of her eye, she noticed the klyros approaching her.

"Excuse me sister akkaio."
"I noticed your injuries. May I heal them sister?"
She looked down at herself.
"You do that kinda stuff?"
The other two enkidukai were watching from opposite sides of the room.
"Yes, I am a healer"
"What kind of healer are you, magic?"
"The way of the crystal"
Icerra flinched, "Ok, do your worst."

With a flash of light, the klyros healed the wounds she had sustained in the sewers.  Icerra opened her eyes and looked down at herself.

"You are faring at full health now."
"Thank you sister."
"Why are you thanking me?"
"I can never impose my will on any one, yet i still want to help those who I can, and I am thankful when I can. What is it that you seek, sister?"

Took out some of the coins she had just earned from the rat parts and held them out towards the klyros healer.

"I do not require payment."
Icerra flicked a coin at the klyros, "Why not? You did all the work."

From outside, a familiar voice shoted, "Red Crystal Den is open!" The male Enkidukai standing on the stairs mumbled to himself, "Hmm... Good," and walked out the door.

The klyros handed the coin back to Icerra. Icerra took it but looked the klyros straight in the eyes, "People used to pay my mother all the time."
"Charging for life is wrong."
"You didn't charge me, but I want to pay you."
"I still have reservations about payment."
Icerra frowned, "Fine then, what if I buy you a drink?"
"I do not partake in alcohol"
Icerra frowned again.
"Thank you for your hospitality"
"Yeah yeah..."

Her name was Asora. Arjaya had mentioned something about the Red Crystal Den and Aramara sometimes being there. Asora offered to lead the way.


By the cool clear waters of the Hydlaa Plaza fountain, Aramara awoke from her meditation. Her sister was on her way to the Den. She stood. She would get there before Icerra and meet her there.


"Listen, my sister is a priestess or something. You should come in, you might like her. Consider it my payment."
"Thank you. I will honor your request."
"If she's not there, I'll give you that circle."


Aramara lifted the chalice to her lips and lazily rested her eyes on the door. It opened. A strange klyros walked through, followed by a young and an unwashed fenki.


Icerra opened the door and followed the klyros through. At the bar talking to a blind menki about cookies was Dannae. The two enkidukai from the tavern before were also there. At a corner table by the stage, sipping on a glass of wine and with deep blue eyes fixed directly on her, was Aramara.
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Re: Enter Icerra
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2011, 04:05:43 pm »
ooooh... *happy shivers* I love reading about Icerra, and I've loved meeting her too! You've got such skill with your different characters.
Also, it's more credible to others if you grow in power slowly over time.  First kill rats, then noobs, then klyros, and eventually work your way up to more powerful creatures ~ Miomai

Aramara Meibi

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Re: Enter Icerra
« Reply #14 on: May 13, 2011, 03:59:00 pm »
The wind blows over the earth;
The image of contemplation.
-The Book of Changes

It was the month of Ylaaren, and the cold air began to seep through the cracks and fissures along the Dome roof from the dark into the light. Warm, moist air from the lower levels began to rise, pushing the cool air down. As the two air masses mixed and swirled, a gentle breeze tickled the petals of a Charmflower patch near some ancient ruins on the uppermost level. Tall grasses swayed and bowed in reverence to the wind. The cool air carried on it's back the fragrances of grasses and flowers to the edge of the Dome and plummeted, spiraled down the rising columns of warm, moist air.

One level below, a male Kore Enkidukai stopped for a moment to watch as the wind rustled through the bamboo forest canopy. He lifted his head and held his whiskers close to his face, breathing deep the air. Distant, Charmflower. He smiled and watched the kaleidoscope of crystalight and shadow play through the treetops. He felt a slight tug on his pant leg and calmly glanced downward, his gaze resting on the curious, big-eyed face of his youngest daughter. The black and white markings of her fur echoed the play of light cascading from above as her big blue eyes staring up and him reflected the light of the crystal.

"Papa, look what I found!" She held her paws up to him, holding a big shiny, black and iridescent beetle.

"Oh what a find Icerra" he said, encouragingly.
"Can I keep it?"
"If you can hold onto it until we get home, then sure, my darling, you can keep it."

Icerra lowered her paws below her head and giggled as she poked the beetle and watched it flutter it's wings.

"Treat him nice and he will be your friend."
"She, Papa, this is a mommy bug"
"Ah, I should have known, how smart you are Icerra"

Icerra cupped her paws around the beetle so that it wouldn't escape. If she made it home, she could keep it. Papa just said. The beetle tickled her paw as it struggled to make it's escape. She giggled again.

She was six cycles old, and this was the first time he had brought her along on one of his excursions. They lived in a small farming village, and there was much wilderness to explore, and exploring was his profession. He knew his way through the wilds, but the land was always changing, always revealing new things waiting to be discovered. Some local farmers were complaining about their crops being destroyed and had hired him to track down the creature culprits. A simple job, they had found a set of trepor tracks in the fields, which had led them here to this bamboo grove. His eldest daughter, Aramara, who had frequented along on past explorations and had grown rather adept at tracking was somewhere along ahead, past the thicket of bamboo and brambles. He called out to her. No answer. Nothing. Silence.

Another breeze flowed through the thicket, carrying with it the essence of distant lands, the breath of the Gods. He heard the rustling leaves, felt the air move across his fur and whiskers; a chill ran through his body. There was a new scent on the wind, thick and pungent, unmistakable, trepors, and behind that foul odor, almost masked by it, another, fainter, softer, blood, enkidukai, young.

Icerra had her full attention on her captive beetle when she bumped into the back of her father's leg. She looked up and saw his body rigid, head slightly upturned, short shallow breaths taking in the scent in the air.


Without warning, Icerra felt her fathers large paw grip her by the arm. The world became a sudden blur. They were running through the forest, faster than her eyes and feet could keep up. She stumbled, fell. She felt her father's grip tighten hard around her arm as he pulled her arm and swung her onto his shoulder. She screamed, short and high pitched. He didn't hesitate; he pushed his way through the tangled undergrowth. Icerra let slip her hold on her beetle, and watched it fall and disappear into the detritus of the forest floor. She twisted her body to tell her father, but before she could, they ran into a clearing and came to an abrupt and complete stop.

She stared into his face. His eyes fixed forward, wide and dilated. His breathing was hard and fast. He betrayed no emotion, only intensity. She turned to look at what he was staring at and saw her, her sister laying on the forest floor, covered in blood.


Icerra slowly became conscious of the pounding in her skull, the ringing in her ears. Slowly and with much effort she opened her eyes. The tavern was dark, cold, empty. She waited for the dark shapes to take focus before lifting her head. She felt as if her body weighed a ton. There was a noise, kinckling of glass, movement, a shifting of weight. Someone else was there. Icerra groaned.

A chuckle and a figure stepped out of the shadows. It was the Dermorian bar girl, holding empty mugs in one hand and a cloth in the other. She smiled almost mockingly, almost with compassion at Icerra.

"Impressive!" she said, "I didn't think such a young fenki could keep up with those boys. I thought I'd just let you sleep it of here; I've carried enough drunks up those stairs."

She motioned with her head the stairs twisting upwards behind her in the dark. "Don't mind me, I'm just cleaning up. Sure was a wild night, huh?"

Icerra groaned again and picked herself up off the floor. She grabbed the edge of the nearest table, desperate to find her balance. She stood groggily for a moment, waiting for the room to stop spinning. She took a hesitant step forward and felt something squish up between her toes. Slowly she closed her eyes and opened them. She looked down, a smushed rat eye under her foot. She felt sick.

Allelia helped her stumble to the front door. She coughed up a thanks and stepped into the cool night air. Gathering her senses, she took in her surroundings and shuffled through the dark empty city streets. A longing drove her forward, towards the only safe place she knew in this strange town. She found herself standing at the door of her sister's guildhouse, tears in her eyes. She tried the handle, locked. Without control she cried out. She banged on the door and cried her sister's name. No answer. Nothing. Silence. Weeping, Icerra collapsed on the doorstep. She pulled forth her pack, full of rat fur no one would buy. A cool wind blew over her, chilling her to the bone. She lay down her head and cried herself to sleep.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2011, 08:18:27 pm by Aramara Meibi »
all blessings to the assembled devotees.