Author Topic: values essay  (Read 565 times)


  • Hydlaa Notable
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values essay
« on: May 28, 2003, 11:18:23 am »
this is my 11th grade values essay

I got a C cause i turned it in late. it kinda sucks but i gotta keep writting...its the only way i\'ll get better, anyway read it and tell me what you think about it

   A persons values are the ideas they live by. They?re day-

to-day operating system; basically what makes me, me

and you, you.
Although we may share a lot of the same fundamental

details in our ideas, it?s the little differences that

drastically shape ones character.

These values are a person?s very essence. Without

these its safe to say our society couldn?t exist.
We take in information or situations and develop views

. Then (depending on the intelligence level) we research

to find facts that support or prove false our ideals and

decide if the information deserves the right to become

something of value or if it is irrelevant, immoral junk.

This ability to gain complex opinions about things is one

of the core abilities that make us human.

    We get our values from many places; mostly

our parents in the beginning but later  people in our

society and peers, television and environment and just

recently within the last 5-10 years the Internet. The

Internet is revolutionizing human society. Allowing us to

function more and more as a collective allowing us to

gain more and more information from places the

adverage person might not ever see in there life time.

The internet is a vast forum in witch humans not only

watch but interact with and shape there media. This  

allows for and explosive exchange of information that

 witch humanity has never seen before. This is the

future?this the new platform where we will gain

information and have our values and opinions shaped

until the next great information revolution.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2003, 11:20:16 am by cmhitman »


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2003, 12:22:13 pm »
Think you missed something...

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) Devoted to creative writing about PlaneShift world.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2003, 12:25:24 pm by Fanomatic2000 »

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  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2003, 09:41:43 am »
yeah, i did, but i stoped posting at this one creative writting forum and now i just post here to bored people with my essays....dont pay me no attention


  • Hydlaa Resident
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« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2003, 08:41:35 pm »
Let me peer edit this for you.

A persons values are the ideas they live by. They are our day-to-day operating system; basically what makes me, me and you, you{<- Rephrase?}. Although we may share a lot of the same fundamental details {phrase \"fundamental detail\" is contradictary} in our ideas, it is the little differences that drastically shape ones character{\"little differences drastically shape\" - if you want to use a contradictary phrase, you should give an explaination}. These values are a person?s very essence. Without these it is safe to say our society couldn?t exist. We take in information and situations, as well as develop views. Then, depending on our  intelligence level, we research to find facts that support or prove false our ideas {ideas and ideals are two very different things} and decide if the information deserves the right to become something of value or if it is irrelevant, immoral junk. This ability to gain complex opinions about things is one of the core abilities that make us human. {What did these last several sentences have to do with VALUE?} We get our values from many places: mostly our parents in the beginning {beginning of what?} but later people in our society and peers, television and environment and just recently within the last 5-10 years the internet {internet is not capitalized}. The internet is revolutionizing human society,allowing us to function more and more as a collective and to gain more {try not to be repetitive}  information from places the average person might not ever see in their life time. The internet is a vast forum in witch humans not only watch but interact with and shape their media. This allows for and explosive exchange of information that which humanity has never seen before. This is the future: this the new platform where we will gain information and have our values and opinions shaped until the next great information revolution. {good conclusion, but the last portion again seems to stray from the topic: more on learning, less on values}

Some tips:

ALWAYS remember your topic! If you catch yourself straying, double-check to make sure your past couple sentences are on-topic.

Don\'t use abbreviated words (we are instead of we\'re, they are instead of they\'re)

Don\'t use parentheses when you can use commas. Parentheses tend to look out-of-place and stick out.

Always watch your homophones! (eye, aye, and I; they\'re, there, and their)

People often get muddled by colons and semi-colons. Here is the simple instruction as to their use:

Semi-colons connect two complete sentences in place of a comma and conjunction.

The dog stopped running, and the cat was happy.

The dog stopped running; the cat was happy.

Colons are used to connect a complete sentence to a list, or sometimes a fragmented sentence.

Three types of treats came in the box: chicken, liver and beef.

11th grade, you say? Whoo. I\'m going to be looking forward *cough* to a lot more of these, then; I\'m graduating from 8th grade on the 6th of June.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2003, 08:43:58 pm by Valfaran »


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2003, 10:17:57 am »
my work really does make much more sense and seems far more punctual when i read it aloud to you, kinda like one of those you gotta be there to feel it things.

ooh, my own personal little bio spell and grammar checker,
here, edit this one too.

The American Dream, the ultimate illusion
By: Cedric Henry

The American dream is what drove immigrants to the U.S. years ago, the idea of self-actualization and freedom from governmental oppression. This idea of freedom, real? What is freedom?
Is it happiness through doing what you desire; the idea of freedom is relative to whom ever seeks it. If one is seeking freedom, in that act alone I wonder is he then exercising a mechanism coupled with the American dream known as self-determination. The call to control ones existence through his environment. Freedom is relative to a persons ideals, his environment correlates with a system created by something that people have never seen, never been able to prove beyond a scientific doubt exists. What we call god. Is god the ultimate freedom? In order to understand freedom in our plane of existence we need to know the physics of witch we reside. That is we need to be completely knowledgeable in all things existing. Understanding the poem is key to knowing even partially who the writer is or our creator. Through this is the only real way to freedom. Becoming closer to god and the pursuit of knowledge then become evidently one in the same. Yet the massive amounts of information within just a grain of sand, all forces witch work on it, the endless properties it contains. This is too much for just one man hence forth, mans only true path in the that he exists is through humanity as a collective. Functioning like a mechanism and geared toward the pursuit of knowledge.
  Freedom; how the average person views it is in a narrow societal way.
 Like: As long as I don?t do anything that infringes on someone else?s freedoms, as defined in our American constitution, I can do it and therefore am free. In that sense the American dream is on its way to perfection. Though I doubt any of the next 200 generations of Americans will see it. Who knows how long it will take for       all the other fractions of human being to feel ?free? in any society.
   This plays into another idea on freedom in general as it related to the American dream as I see it, henceforth referred to as: the dream. Just so that you don?t mistake my thoughts as generalizations on American culture. The sense can feel free, but the mind, at least my mind, always finds barriers and those who find themselves satisfying the senses get passed up by those crossing mental barrier at an exponential rate in comparison to primal urges witch seem to me to peak at puberty, when a person has experienced most forms of primal urge: The need to eat, reproduce, jealousy, hate. The problem is those so consumed by there emotions they neglect there minds while others get ample mental exercise. This causes an intelligence rift and in a world where knowledge is power, those with the power are essentially more free than those stuck satisfying their senses. The funny thing is how those with power, as soon as there powerful enough try and stifle others on there journey to freedom, self actualization, in affect adding another road block in a persons progress toward happiness in any form.
In stopping your fellow man greedily and selfishly, you have constrained the collective and the fight for the good of all people by giving in to low level thought. These selfish urges can be seen as weights and levies, keeping our social system going and providing constant antagonism and drive.
  I dream of a day when as a whole, humanity no longer wants for food or drink but knowledge. I hope one day when many, many generations of human being have past at last there is no war, irritation. That children are born into the presence of god and they thirst not for anything but are eternally content. This is the dream.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2003, 10:23:19 am by cmhitman »


  • Hydlaa Resident
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« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2003, 03:32:13 pm »
Shouldnt all of this be posted in the homework forum? ;)

Nice job on the edits Valfaran
DizzleCorinthos, Jragi - Planeshift

\"The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.\"