Author Topic: Raen The Jumper  (Read 243 times)


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Raen The Jumper
« on: April 30, 2011, 09:53:52 am »
There once was a Dermorian boy named Raen who loved to jump. He loved every part of jumping too... the spring part, the vaulting part, and especially the up in the air part. Raen jumped up on chairs, on rocks, and even on animals. He tried to jump higher every day.

When he got older and bigger, he began to jump into trees and even up on buildings. Everyone wanted him to help them reach things that were too high. Soon he became so famous for jumping that people would stop him wherever he went.

One time, Maxanna the stone breaker asked him to jump up the side of a steep mountain precipice to rescue five pages of parchment that had blown up there into a tree. The tree was barely in sight and some of the pages had blown up even farther than the tree.

Happy to be of service, Raen began to jump. He jumped up the crag of the cliff, over the precipice and up into the tree. A little out of breath, he sat up in the branches for a bit before gathering the pages out of the leaves. There were only three pieces of parchment so he knew he'd have to continue even higher. Steeling himself for the ascent, he carefully tucked the three he'd found into his pocket and eased himself down the tree.

The way to the next piece of parchment in front of him was straight up. He could barely see it hanging there from a fallen tree branch. He looked back downward to see if he could see Maxanna but he could not. He gulped. He had never jumped this high before! He imagined he might jump so far up that he'd faint but then he dismissed the idea and went on.

Raen jumped up again and landed next to a cave in the rock. He saw something shining down inside but he couldn't tell what it was. Carefully, he pushed some brush aside to make his way in and immediately after entering, found a piece of Maxannas parchment! Pleased with himself, he tucked it away and continued on through one of the numerous underground caverns.

Eventually, he started to suspect that the other piece of parchment was not within the caverns. He turned to the right and then the left. He had become a little disoriented. After walking until he was exhausted, he stopped to reconsider his direction. The ore that he sat on was hard and cold so he decided to go on. After turning a particularly sharp corner, he saw the most amazing thing before his eyes.

From one side to the other and from the ground to the ceiling of the cavern were glittering diamonds. Their clarity was so superb that colors reflected from underterminable sources back and forth between them like sparks of fire. Barely able to believe his good fortune, he was able to actually pick three of them with his fingers. These would fetch a small fortune back in town! Try as he might, he couldn't loose anymore from their element and so he decided to return some other time with proper equipment.

Raen wandered and wandered but try as he might he could not find the exit of the dark deep cavern. He finally smelled something... yes! Fresh air! He looked to the left, the right, but he saw nothing. Suddenly, he felt it. It was coming from directly above! Tipping his head back he squinted up... there was a vertical tunnel above him that continued so high that he could only see a small small speck of light. This would be his highest jump yet.

He stretched his legs and straightened his vest. Bracing himself, he forced his body up as hard as he could - straight up into the tunnel.

Maxanna never got her parchment. She waited and returned many times but never heard from Raen. Some say he jumped so high that he disappeared or that he finally jumped so high he couldn't come down again.

Never trust a unicorn fish.