Author Topic: The Annual Festival of the Irka (#2)  (Read 1491 times)


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The Annual Festival of the Irka (#2)
« on: May 14, 2011, 01:47:01 am »
The Kore Irka-Kor presents to the citizens of Yliakum...
The Annual Festival of the Irka

A famous merchant without a tade, as useful as a great warrior without a blade.

Grrensholo citizens of The Dome, The Kore Irka-Kor are going to hold a festival celebrating the second year of the Kore Irka-Kors re-establishment. The festival is free for anyone to visit or watch and free for anyone to compete.

Event Location: Ojaveda
Tournaments: Dsar Kore, Arena
Markets: Dsar Akkaio and The Steel Bazaar
Mounted Races and Games: Ojaroad 1 (if run)
Find the Lost Notes: Placed around all of Ojaveda

[Friday 17th June 11:30pm (23:00) GMT]
[Saturday 18th June 11:30am (NZT), 9:30am (Australia Eastern Standard Time)]

Rivnak Races and Games
Find the Lost Notes
Rules and Notifications of The Whole Festival


The Markets are free for anyone to set up a stall. However every player (whether or not they are in the festival or not) must obey these rules. Please read the rules before setting up a stall!

  • A vendor/merchant may not have more than three items on display, a guild may not have more than five (reducing lag)
  • First vendor/merchant in that spot gets that spot, however if a guild is wanting to take that spot (only because there is no other spot available) the player much give it up.
  • A guild can only have a stall by having more than two members at the stall at any time [except if they or the server crashs]
  • A guild cannot occupy more than one stall, however a member can occupy another stall under a different genre (e.g the guild runs a food stand, the member runs a glyph stall). The member must run the stall by them self and without any help from their guild.
  • [ All Out of Character (OOC) selling or actions are not allowed, you will be OOCly via a /tell (Whispers). We encourage Roleplay!]
    • If anyone breaks these rules they will be given a warning if they keep abusing the rule(s) they will then be asked to leave [and a report sent to a GM, under any cercumstances a GM can take any action they wish, at this point it is considered 'Grieving' which I believe a maximum penalty is a 30 day ban], if you keep on going you will be killed and not allowed back into Ojaveda during the event [and another report will be sent to a GM]


    Tournaments will be done in two classes. Single and Grouped. Judged by Vakachehk Kivikar.

    Rules for Both Classes:
    • No killing
    • no magic
    • no mounts
    • no food or potions [totally unrealistic how can someone eat a whole pie while dueling and be suddenly fully healed]
    • no shields
    • no ranged weapons.

    Each competitor will be set into rounds with only one other competitor (so not an all-for-all). All competitors must read and obey the Rules for Both Classes! There is a maximum of eight competitors [ If someone relogs the round/fight will be restarted, on the second relog it will not, however they won't be eliminated from the class, they will just have a much more disadvantaged, if they keep reloging during other fights they will be eliminated from the class. ]

    1st prize: 1million trias
    2nd prize: one of the finest Golden Shields in the dome [A 300Q Golden Shield]
    3rd prize: a Vortex Glyph

    Each group is made up of either 3 or 4 competitors, each group will be set into rounds with each other group and (so not an all-for-all). Each group will need to nominate a groupd leader, and make a group name. Maximum of five groups [ If someone in the group relogs, bad luck the member of the group cant not carry on fighting. If the member does carry on fighting the group will be eliminated. Group leaders must make sure every member of the group understands the rules!]

    1st prize: 1 million trias
    2nd prize: 200,000 trias

    [Prizes may increase]

    You must send an application to Vakachehk Kivikar by exactly one day before the event starts,  [24 hours you will be told if your application is successful or not by 12-24 hours after the application was sent. ]
    [ You can do this via PM on the forums, /tell IG or a /query on IRC. If I am not online, just send a PM on forums. ]

    [ The Kore Irka-Kor will examine every application, we are mostly looking for Roleplayers not Powerlevelers. The decision will be decided between Akaiddo Kivikar and Vakachehk Kivikar. The decision is final, and therefore no re-applications are allowed. ]

    [ If you are/were unsuccessful, we will keep it confedencial for you (we won't run into gossip and tell the whole community you got declined). Contact Vakachehk Kivikar (prefurably when I'm not busy) if you want a reason. ]

    Rivnak Races and Games

    Not offical yet. Currenly working on the prizes and finding a judge.

    Find the Lost Notes:

    We are going to hide notes (books) around Ojaveda. All Hint: look around, up, down, in, out, across.

    When you find the book, contact Akaiddo Kivikar for your award. (All awards will be writen in the book).

    Have fun and good luck on finding them!

    [ Rules: ]
    • [ Maximum of two books per player. ]
    • [ To all who want to make fake books, each book will have a number on them and we will report them to a GM if they don't match the code. If you go hiding fake books saying “Kore Irka-Kor will pay you X amount of trias” it will be reported to a GM and if the GM can find out the author, the author will have to pay the Finder the exact amount of trias said. ]

    Rules and Notifications of The Whole Festival

    [ Did you know? If you are cought doing some great roleplay you might win a little award! Lets keep this event In Character! ]

    [ Please note that you can only enter one event at this festival. Tournaments and the Rivnak Races and Games (if run) will be run at the same time. We will make small intervals to encourage shopping at the markets. ]

    [ We encourage roleplay, however dramatic roleplay is not allowed!! This means things that go on wasting Event Officials and Event Participants time. If you want to do a little robbery of a merchant then sure, but please keep it small. Otherwise we will tell you to end it off, if you carry on a report  to a GM as Grieving will be sent. Kore Irka-Kor's members will be hard at work running this event, please understand that we really don't have the time! ]
    [ Kore Irka-Kor is allowed to cancel, postpone or edit any part of the event or the event as a whole at anytime before the event starts. ]
    [ Bet making and gambling is allowed. ]
    [ All other Planeshift rules apply. There is sure to be a GM online. ]
    [ All registering and Applying has to be done privately please don't post below, send a PM via these forums, /tell IG, or query on IRC, to Vakachehk. ]


    Vakachehk Kivikar,
    Kore Manthanol, Kore Irka-Kor
« Last Edit: June 10, 2011, 08:27:18 am by Vakachehk »
You maybe roleplaying but you could still be OOC.


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Re: The Annual Festival of the Irka (#2)
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2011, 07:32:04 am »
Very nice. Only thing i can't understand is why shields can't be used in tournaments, i find this silly. If you think they block everything, well, they don't, even if maxed. Of course you have to use different tactics against them, but in the end is the same as dueling with two weapons. Also considered they give variety to fighting stiles and RP, there is no reason for which they shouldn't be allowed imho.


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Re: The Annual Festival of the Irka (#2)
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2011, 07:44:47 am »
Very nice. Only thing i can't understand is why shields can't be used in tournaments, i find this silly. If you think they block everything, well, they don't, even if maxed. Of course you have to use different tactics against them, but in the end is the same as dueling with two weapons. Also considered they give variety to fighting stiles and RP, there is no reason for which they shouldn't be allowed imho.

Thank you. I have decided that shields aren't allowed as that is targeting PLers, having at least three combating techniques (a weapon, an armor and shield handling) to train is far to much for the ordinary RPer.
However I may think about this, something like you can use shields but can't wear any armor (including helmets), that is giving the player more options to choose between, but keeping them equal. I don't know really as I do not use shields myself, so please discuss.
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Re: The Annual Festival of the Irka (#2)
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2011, 07:41:07 am »
Is not necessary to use a shield against someone with a shield, actually is better two weapons against a shield. Anyway, the only negative thing about shields is that duels takes more time, so you should decide depending on how much time you want the tournament to last. Also, was not a critique to you, but to the people's attitude against shields, that have been banished in many tournaments, forcing me to break the RP, by  wielding two longswords. Finally, i trained the shield together with my weapon and armor, so not for PLing, but just because i wanted my char to use a longsword and a shield.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2011, 07:43:55 am by Gen »


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Re: The Annual Festival of the Irka (#2)
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2011, 08:37:03 am »
Is not necessary to use a shield against someone with a shield, actually is better two weapons against a shield. Anyway, the only negative thing about shields is that duels takes more time, so you should decide depending on how much time you want the tournament to last. Also, was not a critique to you, but to the people's attitude against shields, that have been banished in many tournaments, forcing me to break the RP, by  wielding two longswords. Finally, i trained the shield together with my weapon and armor, so not for PLing, but just because i wanted my char to use a longsword and a shield.

You pointed out time, that's a good enough reason I suppose then. I don't really want to spend my whole day on Planeshift. But like I said I really have no idea about Shields I don't use them myself, I like my old style dual-blading sabres  :D
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Re: The Annual Festival of the Irka (#2)
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2011, 09:35:10 am »
As I came a crossed this discussion it of course peaked some interest as an avid duelist and soon to move into the roll as a combat instructor, as I plan to open along with aid from those from the Alliance of Light and my guild The Adani Order for promising combatants of all levels to hone their skills.

This being said simply to announce that before such a tournament I would be pleased to give some preliminary advice and training to those competing free of charge as a motion to provide a high quality competition that everyone would come to expect, as well as showing a slight offering to the public the kind of improvement in ones combat tactics that training under myself and my comrades offers. Of course this offer also is done to gain some initial interest and publicity for the combat training academy that will be opening sometime after the completion of this fine event.

As for the tournament itself, my take on shields being used is the following. Yes, the use of shields in combat is an interesting prospect but it does lead to tediously long battles which in most circumstances there is no time to accommodate. The notion of a combatant being able to use a shield but instead of their entire suit of armor is an interesting one but in practice the shield user would be in a huge disadvantage, especially to masters in their respected armors. Since, when wielding a shield one will not experience a large amount of effect unless they are fighting in a more defensive position, this is fine except for the idea that they are fighting someone with great skill and armor and fighting in this way will hardly be able to breach the opponents armor. While in the contrary if the shield user is hit by any hit from the opponent it would do a massive amount of damage to them. So, I think in the means of balanced fights shields are likely best to not be included, unless someone really feels that their shield skill far outshines there armor skills and in that way I feel it might as well be allowed, I mean if that is their preferred means of combat and it likely just puts them at a slight disadvantage I think it should be fine to allow it.

I shall look forward to the event hopefully as a trainer and hopefully as a competitor, I think the concepts of the tournament are very intriguing especially the idea of bringing back the long missed group combat   \\o//.

-Ikon Revisions
Prime Duelist of The Adani Order
"Colours die where flowers grow"


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Re: The Annual Festival of the Irka (#2)
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2011, 05:32:51 am »
Thanks for your helpful comment Ikon. I was told by Glaciusor that allowing shields is a bad idea, so I went for it. However now you have explained it more, I understand. So therefore Shields aren't allowed, even if you want to swap it for armor.

Well about training, I do like watching (being a judge) seeing the different tactics the players/characters have. But then having the players know high skills is good for a good competition. So sure, you can give advice to the competitors that want it.
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Re: The Annual Festival of the Irka (#2)
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2011, 04:51:45 am »
Through the large numbers of competitors the single tournament has closed. We wish everyone luck in the tournament! If you wish to compete you can always form a Team and join into the Group Tournaments.

8/8 Singles, 4 available. Ylox, Kaipaber, Mishka, Glaciusor, Ikon, Farirro, Teshia and Irec
2/5 Groups, 3 available. Ferocious Felines (Mishka, Kaipaber and Famiel) | Entropic Collective (Ikon, Irec, Heolion and Tinosey)
« Last Edit: June 11, 2011, 07:32:52 am by Vakachehk »
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Re: The Annual Festival of the Irka (#2)
« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2011, 07:39:39 am »
Will you ban some weapons of massive damage or is everything allowed as long as it's RPed nicely?

"It's all fun and games until someone stabs someone else in the eye."


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Re: The Annual Festival of the Irka (#2)
« Reply #9 on: May 21, 2011, 10:34:57 pm »
Will you ban some weapons of massive damage or is everything allowed as long as it's RPed nicely?

It's hard to monitor what weapons a player is using. So just whatever you want to use is fine.

Also because the rule of no magic, also means no magic buffs. So if anyone competes with a buff done through magic, they will be eliminated.
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Re: The Annual Festival of the Irka (#2)
« Reply #10 on: May 24, 2011, 08:17:06 am »
I have decided that the Rivnak Races and Games will not be held. However we maybe holding these another time when the market day is in Ojaveda and KIC is running that.

We at the moment don't have enough members (able to come on during the event) to run that section of the festival, and I can't get the prize money together as I am very busy with high school and study.

Just so everyone knows, a competitor in the Singles Tournament can join the Group Tournament. Singles will be done first and then Group so competitors may join both.

Just so people know we are amazed at the number of entries in the Singles. We are backed up with applications at the moment. In which I'm pretty sure all of the pending ones will be successful. So you better be quick they are going fast!

In the Group Tournaments I will be making what's called a Compacit (?) Team. So anyone who can't form a group but wants to join one can contact me and I will do the application process and place you in it if your application is successful.
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Re: The Annual Festival of the Irka (#2)
« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2011, 05:46:40 am »
I have added to the Tournament rules that Range weapons are not allowed.
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Re: The Annual Festival of the Irka (#2)
« Reply #12 on: May 30, 2011, 02:47:49 pm »
The Empire shall be there.
Disclaimer: This is my opinion and I can be reasoned with. I'm probably right, though.

Join the Dark Empire!


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Re: The Annual Festival of the Irka (#2)
« Reply #13 on: May 31, 2011, 07:25:58 am »
The Empire shall be there.

Vieg might come along also, however he maybe AFK for about 90% of the time :P
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Re: The Annual Festival of the Irka (#2)
« Reply #14 on: June 08, 2011, 06:01:42 am »
Applications for the singles has closed, we are at maximum capacity of 8 competitors.

If you're really wishing to compete, the grouped tournaments is still well and truly open, so make a group!!

I am going to announce the current competitors, if I have missed your name my apologies, please send me a PM or /tell.
Ylox, Kaipaber, Mishka, Ikon, Farirro, Teshia, Glaciusor and Irec.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2011, 07:35:08 am by Vakachehk »
You maybe roleplaying but you could still be OOC.