Author Topic: Oni's Story  (Read 1479 times)


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Oni's Story
« on: May 15, 2011, 11:18:34 am »
I decided to try! I'll add more as I write it

Oni had landed her first job. She was a very young Nolthrir with skin the color of darkly glowing green tree leaves and a long shock of dark hair that sometimes got a bit wavy in the rain. Her ebony eyes blinked back at her from the stream’s reflection as she gazed upon herself this morning. She was on her way to work and wanted to check her appearance. The soft green grass under her feet felt cool and she threw her worn leather boots over her shoulder for the time being. As an only child who was sheltered and provided for all of her life, everything away from home was new and exciting. She loved her job serving pie and sand cookies to the patrons at the local inn. She met strangers of many races and from faraway lands there who told her amazing stories of creatures and events that she could never have imagined just sitting at home.

That day a hunting party of Hammerwielders kept Oni running back and forth from the kitchen to the dining room for ale and then for food until she left work dragging her feet with exhaustion. She absentmindedly squeezed the soft bag of tria in her pocket as she made her way home, thankful at least that they were good tippers. It was almost dark as she pressed through the villages cobbled mud brick streets. It had rained while she was working and the air was humid as she flexed her gills instinctively. Everything was quiet as most villagers began to settle in for the evening with their families. Oni could sense something odd as she turned the corner and approached her house. The window coverings were gone and when she got closer she realized that the house was completely empty. Even in the faded light she could see right in and there was nothing inside!

Not knowing how to react, she stood staring into the dark empty house. Her mother and father… where were they? She studied the front deck which had been built years before by her father and uncle. Her mother’s alembic and alchemy tools were not there and her father’s anvil and hammer were missing as well. Her heart sunk inside her as she fell to her knees and cried out for them but no one answered. She went inside and closed the door. It was so quiet that her own breaths were all she could hear for a moment. Even the sketches which usually hung on the neatly washed walls had been removed and the rugs were not on the floors. Oni crouched down in the darkest corner of the room, alone, and cried for hours until finally falling off to sleep.

Oni woke up the next morning to the sounds of the waking village outside. The light of the crystal shone brightly into the room with no window coverings and her eyes began to focus on her sparse surroundings. Her eyes were red rimmed and puffy from the hours of crying and tears began to fall again already. She didn’t move at first… she just stayed there in the corner wondering what could have happened to her family. Finally she stood and rubbed her eyes, stretching the stiffness from her long muscular legs. Determined to find out what happened, her shock and sorrow began to change to great concern. Oni made her way out to the garden where her and her mother would often sit to share their dreams with one another. Everything there was still intact so she quickly chose a few spices to add to her meals later. She would fish up something to eat after she had made a thorough search of the area. She reached out to touch the old wooden bench where she remembered her mother sitting as if to convince herself that it was still really there and then made her way out of the nearby gate.

Never trust a unicorn fish.


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Re: Oni's Story
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2011, 01:25:06 pm »
Nice start Oni!  :thumbup:
I like the descriptive and emphatic writing enough to feel Oni's sorrow. It's very different from your previous tales that I've read which seemed to me, were meant as cute stories to be told to children. I thought those all were interesting and entertaining to read, but I like this beginning of a story on an entirely different level. Love to find out what happened next.


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Re: Oni's Story
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2011, 02:08:38 pm »
waah... nice one. You definatly have to continue ;)


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Re: Oni's Story
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2011, 09:46:27 pm »
Thanks this is a very different style. This had to be more like I would write in rl. And I'm learning from all of you wow great writers!!

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Re: Oni's Story
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2011, 10:12:06 pm »
... part 2 of ?

She closed the garden gate behind her and pushed aside young apple tree branches to get to the well worn path between neighbors. The crystal’s light fell softly over the cliff to her left side, exaggerating the depth of the fall and dappled into a spotted blikau pattern.  Charmflowers splashed their color on either side of the footpath which filled the air with their soft sweet scent. They would always remind her of this place. Finally reaching the next door neighbors’ back door, Onilise knocked gingerly and waited for an answer although a part of her wished that no one would respond.

The older Dermorian named Marinel opened the door, laughing at something which had evidently just transpired inside. Her face fell when she saw Oni’s serious expression and she reached out to lay her hand on her shoulder. “Are you okay? What’s happened?”
Oni raised her eyes to Marinel’s slowly. A small tear involuntarily ran down her face and the woman embraced her and pulled her into the kitchen, closing the door behind them. Pushing out of her embrace, Oni blurted desperately “Have you seen my parents?”
Taken aback, Marinel shook her head. “No honey they were packing the rivnaks this afternoon with all of their belongings. I assumed you were with them! How did you become separated?”

“I was not with them, I was um…” Oni bit her lip and looked away “I was at work.”

“…at work? And they didn’t tell you?" Marinel looked her up and down. "Well you can’t be more than fifteen cycles old child!”

“Oh I can go to my relatives’ house”, Oni lied. They’ll probably be waiting there. I should go.”

“… but” Marinel reached out and grabbed Oni’s arm. She knew that all of Oni’s relatives lived on other levels and were nowhere close by. “…wait”. She pulled a small bag out from behind her stove and pulled out four circles. She stared intently into Oni’s eyes as if she knew something that she wasn’t sharing and shoving the tria into Oni’s pocket she whispered “may your path be lit bright little one”. After one last quick hug, Oni ran from the house and down the dirt path toward the center of town. She didn’t stop until she had passed it and then had reached the outer gates. The guard there wouldn’t miss her. She had been born down river from his dwelling and their parents often visited one another as long familiar friends. As she tried to pass by him he reached his arm straight out in front of her.

“And what are you doing here young lady?” the size of the Ynnwn would have been intimidating to others but she recognized his playful jest. Doing her best to appear cheerful, she smiled as widely as she could and elbowed him on her way through. He snickered but remained at his post. Relieved, she continued into the thick and dark surrounding woods. When the trees and overgrowth had swallowed her up, she ran and then walked until she could walk no more. She found herself near an empty cave save an old clacker shell and a few wild carrots. She pulled some branches from the trees that surrounded the entrance and lay them on the cold stone floor. Flopping herself down into the pile, she pulled off her boots and hung her head low.

“They left me” she said to the echoing emptiness. She traced a loopy pattern into the moist soil floor of the cave with her finger. How could she ever explain to anyone what had happened? How could she tell the townspeople that, yes, they had purposefully left her without a word and thought nothing of what would become of her. She couldn’t face any of them. Her concern for her parents began to change into something more like anger and she felt broken and heavy somewhere deep inside. She would have to find a new place to live now. She needed a place far, far away where no one knew about her parents or her family or anything else about her situation. She would have to be more careful. If her mother and father could leave her without a word, what more could she expect from anyone else? She would have to keep up the façade of normality and depend on herself alone. She wouldn’t let know anyone know what had happened. She began to imagine that her parents were on a pleasure trip. Yes, they would probably be returning before the end of the cycle. For now, she went to sleep hungry and wondering in which direction she would travel when she woke.

Never trust a unicorn fish.

Aramara Meibi

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Re: Oni's Story
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2011, 12:00:20 am »
i've considered Oni's InGame writings to be very folktale, and I've always enjoyed them. I think they fit her character well.

I also enjoy seeing the difference in style between your writing and hers, makes me wonder how it fits your character.
all blessings to the assembled devotees.


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Re: Oni's Story
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2011, 12:26:59 am »
Very impressive, the detail that draws the reader in is very good.  :thumbup:
Come by the Crystal Den and enjoy a drink


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Re: Oni's Story
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2011, 01:59:39 am »
... part 3 of 3

She woke to the squeals of a passing one eyed rat and lay soaking wet on the shallow flooded cave floor. She remembered where she was and pains shot down her arms and legs. The pain was physical... it traveled her bones but she had no apparent injuries. She imagined her parents on a pleasure trip again and the pain disappeared almost immediately. “It is lovely how they went away to relax for a while” she lied to herself and then bolstered up the energy to rise and rummage through her bag. She couldn't break down now. She'd have to believe whatever it took to survive. She pulled out a comb that she had purchased with her mother at the market not long before and tried to pull it through her muddy hair. She'd have to find some water to wash in... this would never do. She packed up the few belongings that she had with her and exited the cave to enter the morning's rain streaked forest. Her senses drove her further this way, then that as she sought the cool smell and sound of flowing water which was barely detectable ahead.

Along the way she very quickly found a spring that sent a small stream of water flowing down a rocky embankment. She stopped there to wash her hair and her body as she hummed a tune that she'd learned as a child. She washed her clothing and then put it back on wet. “It will dry eventually” she thought as she continued downstream. At the bottom of the embankment was a rather large pool that appeared to be dark and deep. Oni fished there from a great rock and ate her catch before continuing through the forest toward some unknown destination. By the time the darkness had begun to fall around her she found that she had stepped into a clearing. Cautiously she took a few steps back to survey the area before leaving the protective cover of the forest. After seeing no movement for a time she pressed forward toward the crest of a hill. Her dark wavy hair flowed behind her in the fresh cool breeze that passed up from the valley ahead. At the summit, she lay on her belly and peeked over the crest to survey the land below. There was what appeared to be a small town with a few people milling about but no guards. She was trying to get a closer look when she lost her footing in the stones and began to fall down from her precipice.

A few moments later, she found herself at the bottom of the hill with a large woman standing over her. She could only understand parts of what she was saying but Oni saw a kindness in her eyes. The woman helped her up and asked her if she was okay.

“I'm alright... I...” Oni stopped, confused and patted herself to make sure that everything was there. She began to explain that she'd lost her footing when the woman interrupted her.

“Oh you'll not be speakin' yer broken Nolthrir here girl. Let me teach ye how to speak proper.” She took Onilise by the hand and led her toward a wood fence that surrounded a well manicured grass lawn. Passing through the yard she led her between two buildings where there were sidewalks made of smoothly lain brick. After correcting her grammar she sent her forward to friend who offered to teach her something about magic. Oni's eyes grew wider... “magic you say? I would love to learn more about that.” The woman smiled and held out her hand. She gave her her very first glyph. You'll need to learn some crafting and at least defense to enter Yliakum. It's the law you know.

Never trust a unicorn fish.


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Re: Oni's Story
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2011, 04:41:00 pm »
A very nice story. I love all the details when she walked through the forest. Lot's of details, i wished I'd be able to write like that as well.
Sad story though, I wonder if she will ever find her parents again (or if she wants to). Would love to hear more, maybe in game? :)


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Re: Oni's Story
« Reply #9 on: June 14, 2011, 07:52:44 pm »
I've been thinking...  O--)

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Re: Oni's Story
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2011, 06:28:13 pm »

Oni lay in the crystal's mid-day glow on the surface of a large rock which protruded from the Irifron river. An eagle gobble splashed in for a passing fish and the spray of fine coolness showered over her. She didn't move; she just laid there and smiled. Her raven hair spread over the stony surface was starting to dry into wavy whisps. She felt the breeze on her lips and wiggled her long webbed toes.

Soon asleep, she began to dream. Transported by the silvery threads of unconsciousness, she was back in the neighborhood where she had been born in Mielthis. She could hear the eagle gobbles in the nearby pond scratching in the grass and the air was thick with the fragrance of the charmflowers that grew there. The scent of the charmflowers was what woke her. If someone were there to look closely, they would see a small tear run down the side of her face shortly after her eyes opened. It was always like this in the morning and at night. As she would lay still, memories of the past would overtake her.

She wiped her face and rebelled against the feeling. There was no use in being sad all the time. It wouldn't change a thing! She wondered again where her family went when they left her that day but shook off the question. Who could answer anyways? She began to twirl her hair, a habit she picked up somewhere in Hydlaa. She looked down at her chest in response to a spreading warmth and realized her skin was drying. Slightly irritated at the need to move, she rolled off the rock and into the water.

As she sank down a few bubbles escaped her nose and rose up through her hair as it followed her head downward. She let her body sink at it's natural rate to the sandy bottom as her gills flexed and began to work. She pushed up suddenly and broke the surface with such force that she splashed a nearby eagle gobble who promptly hissed at her.

She'd finally learned her way around without the help of a guide or map and planned to set out to Ojaveda to visit Jirosh. He had taken a liking to her and was helping her get into marketing and she thought he was more than a little cute. She let the water drip behind her leaving a trail from the river halfway to Ojaveda. She was careful not to attract the attention of the rogues that hung out along the road, after which she felt safe again. After greeting one of the guards on her way in, she headed toward Mikana's.

Suddenly, she heard someone yelling about a robbery. She looked around nervously but only saw a couple of men standing in the road looking confused. Their confusion was only a ruse. They drew her into one of the warehouses and then pulled out swords and robbed her. They took all of her tria and left her laying there for dead. Bleeding from too many places to count she shouted for help. Jirosh ran over and quickly wrapped her wounds then set off to get the guards to find the attackers. Scared for her life, Oni ran out into the street and then kept running all the way to Hydlaa where she collapsed in front of a group of friendly faces.

Lying in front of them she held her wounds and tried not to cry out too much. Suddenly everyone was asking her if she was okay and she found herself spilling the story of what had happened to her.

Dannae... the woman who was kind and spoke to her when she had first set foot in Hydlaa showed great concern as did Aramara and Jilata. There were others... but the faces faded in and out. It had been the daughters of Xiosia whom she had felt safe enough with to tell the details to. This memory among others would be the catalyst to bring her to join the daughters, after some studies with the Knowledge Seekers guild.

As one of the Daughters Of Xiosia, Oni finally felt at home again. Her sisters taught her everything about everything and she felt safe like when she lived with her parents. Mining for tria and helping others for the goddess for many cycles, Oni grew older and wiser. She had begun to notice boys and had learned about hunting, self defense, music, and lakka. She arrived at one of her favorite places near the stealth pool and regarded her reflection; yes, she had become a young woman now. She smiled and flipped her long wavy hair back as she turned to make her way back to Hydlaa.

Never trust a unicorn fish.


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Re: Oni's Story
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2011, 03:19:03 pm »
Nice continuation Oni! The beginning makes me wish for summer already again so I can lay out on that rock.


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Re: Oni's Story
« Reply #12 on: December 18, 2011, 06:22:59 pm »
Thanks Dannae. I was going to continue with some drama about the parents but I don't think I will. I wanted her to grow a little older though.

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Re: Oni's Story
« Reply #13 on: December 24, 2011, 01:04:23 pm »
Oni passed the leather stand and nodded to Jeyarp. The crystal shone so brightly but the weather was nice and cool. She took a deep breath and flexed her gills. She was walking barefoot and she felt the cool stones beneath her feet. This kind of weather usually kept her smiling but this day she looked concerned and a little confused. Looking up she saw her guild sister Liil standing in the grass. It had been so long since she'd seen her that she almost hadn't recognized her there.

"Hi Liil!" Oni waved and walked up closer. Liil greeted her back and they chatted for a while about music and things. Oni looked preoccupied and finally blurted it out. "Now that I've turned into a young adult," she wrinkles her nose at the thought, "I have to decide on one main career."

Oni looks up toward the crystal and back at Liil "I"m not sure what to choose."

Liil nods "that's a really important decision and shouldn't be made too fast. What are your interests?"

"Well... I write stories, I play the flute, and I do mining. I don't want to be a miner but I will probably always have to mine some for extra tria. Onilise shrugs, "So I guess I'd have to be a story writer or a musician."

Liil smiled and the two of them continued on thier way but Oni couldn't help but contemplate the future that lay ahead of her. She wondered if she'd ever really have a grown up career and what it would be like. She decided when she did, she'd try to remember this day and feel the satisfaction of knowing her destiny.

She raised the flute to her lips and played another tune that she remembered from her childhood and her eyes seemed to smile as she did.

Never trust a unicorn fish.


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Re: Oni's Story
« Reply #14 on: January 08, 2012, 08:39:41 pm »
[I decided to stick to the story line and continue it after all  :P]

Onilise was standing next to Harnquists... heading for the arena when the groffel approached her. Ever since her sister Seazu had mentioned that an older Dermorian woman was looking for her, she knew a moment like this would come.

Suddenly she smelled the charmflowers again and her arms and legs ached. She remembered finding nothing but an empty house, her mother and father gone. She had no idea if they were still alive and really if she should care. After all, they had completely abandoned her. Her nostrils flared and she dismissed their memory after which she felt stronger.

The groffel pulled on her boot. Onilise flipped her long black hair over her shoulder and bent down. "Thanks little guy" she handed the groffel a fish. He began too tear the flesh from the bone as she opened the note.

"Oni can you please meet me at the Red Crystal Den in Hydlaa? I have something for you." The signature was Celizan's. Oni looked up at the crystal. Something didn't feel right about this. She scratched out her affirmative reply and sent the groffel away again. Time seemed to have slowed to half speed as she made her way to the den. Perhaps Celizan would have Marinel with her. Oni remembered Marinel's face when she gave her the circles and hugged her that day so long ago... when she discovered that the time of being a child had come to a sudden end.

Celizan met her there in front of the Red Crystal Den as promised. There was evidently a party inside and voices were laughing and celebrating. Why would they laugh? After some discussion about seeing the Dermorian in Gugrontid, Celizan handed Oni a small bundle.

Oni carefully opened the bundle. There was a golden ring that she recognized as one her father had given her mother and a simple golden locket shaped like a water droplet. She opened the locket carefully. Her webbed fingers trembled as she saw the pictures sketched inside... her mother and her grandmother. There was also a strange bottle with some sort of thick gray liquid inside. At once, Oni felt far away, as if she were watching the moment unfold from another place. She felt suddenly as if she belonged to someone but then as suddenly, as if she were the only person in the whole universe.

She opened the note:

Dearest Oni nal arilear,

I'm not sure this letter will ever really reach you or even where you are now.

I received news that your Aunt Nira who had been living in Ojaveda, was caught within the section that was quarantined because of the plague when they locked the doors.

Of course, you know me, I used every bit of knowledge and some instinct to eventually come up with what I thought could be the cure. A potion that would cure every living victim and put an end to the plague once and for all.

Your father and I set off to deliver the batch personally but we were turned away. We found a rogue who promised to get us through and eventually made our way to the physician in charge.

Unfortunately Oni the remedy failed and we have both contracted the plague ourselves. We had planned to send for you the same day we packed up to leave but you didn't arrive before the hired hands had us packed and on the road. We sent a messenger but he never returned and I fear he may not have lived through the journey.

Keep this locket and ring. The locket belonged to your grandmother Ireth and the ring was the one your father gave me when we were dating.

I am also sending a bottle of the remedy potion that I mixed to work against the plague. Please pass it to someone with authority so that it might be used to free us someday.

We love you,

Oni carefully folded the note back up and tucked it into the bundle where she had found it. Her fingers lingered on the parchment as she imagined her mother touched it too. People were asking her if she was okay and inviting her into the party. Kelan heard her story and said something kind to her but she couldn't remember as she thanked them exactly what had been said. She steeled herself inside and imagined it was any other day. She tried to feel something... anything... but so many feelings were overwhelming her that she couldn't single any one of them out.

She had to find a master healer. Someone had to help her and everyone on the other side of those gates and the potion in her bag could well be the beginning of the cure that would save so many lives. Her next move could very well determine their fate. She could only think of one master mage that she had met recently. But wasn't he dedicated to Dakkru? She furrowed her brow and began to tremble again with the weight of the responsiblity. What if she gave it to the wrong person and she never saw them again?

Oni cried and wept but no tears would fall. Suddenly she couldn't feel anything but anger. She looked up from the stone floor where she had found herself walking and realized that she was in the arena. She began to imagine the clacker in front of her was the plague. She fought him without magic or weapons. Smashing clacker after clacker she tore her hands and her blood mixed with theirs. She continued blindly while the clacker shells tore and ripped the skin on her hands and arms until she fell asleep in the arena floor covered in her own blood and tears.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2012, 08:41:59 pm by Onilise »

Never trust a unicorn fish.