Author Topic: GM events  (Read 678 times)


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GM events
« on: June 16, 2011, 07:53:44 am »
I would like to complain about the GM events.I am playing since 0.5.4 and since then I have only been aware of two events.Both of them were ran on an absurd time (2 a.m. for me) suitable only for Americans.I understand that the GMs try to limit the number of participants so they do not advertize the events but that has went too far.It is bloody annoying when the events can only be visited by the same players every time and the rest of the community is snobed.Also the website calendar often shows wrong event time.


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Re: GM events
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2011, 10:27:24 am »
I second that. It's especially annoying when the calendar shows wrong times or even dates.


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Re: GM events
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2011, 10:58:52 am »
While I can attest sometimes the calender lists the wrong time, GM event's arent supposed to be a giant spectacle with an arena's worth of people, that just isnt realistic. The game is about immersion, remember? There are certain things you can look for that might signal a GM event is going to go down, or just ask a friend or guildmate if they know something is happening.

I've only been in... I think it's 3 GM events, but most of the time I hear they get ruined because so many people show up and it gets to crowded and hectic. I heard GM's can't even do huge spectacular things because people complain that they didn't get to take part.


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Re: GM events
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2011, 11:32:14 am »
Note the Calendar events are suppose to be primarily player run events. GMs may support those events some times, like having a GM merchant show up now and then at markets,  but mostly the events are suppose to be player lead activities.

The situation is that most of the GMs that we currently have who can do events are American and those GMs are only available at times that are better for American players. YEah we wish we had more GMs so we could hold more events but for a while now we have been working with a small number of GMs.

Events are a two edged  sword in that yes players have fun at them, and most of the time the GMs have fun as well, but I have seen a lot of players be OOC during events just in the hopes of getting some kind of reward. Like the player who is a very devout follower of Dakkru but is more than wiling to do a sacred ceremony to Talad. Then again now that most of the items that use to be GM only events are now available via quests, such as wands and rare glyphs, future events are probably going to be a lot less about rewards and more about the RP and experience.


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Re: GM events
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2011, 05:49:10 pm »
GM event's arent supposed to be a giant spectacle with an arena's worth of people, that just isnt realistic.
Then why list them in the calendar at all? Plus, take the "Celebration of the Spirit"-event. I'd say this is the perfect example of a spectacle for all Laanx-followers. I can understand, that it may be a problem for the GMs if too many people attend, but I think that was one event where it would be pretty unrealistic, if only a few selected players would have appeared (no clue what actually happened, because my char isn't a Laanx-follower).

This would also be a perfect example where factions could come into play. A kind of religious ceremony like that would realistically only be open for true Laanx-followers, so there should be a possibility to restrict access automatically to players with a certain faction that relates to it. This would partly solve the problem of too many players attending. Of course, then there are other problems. Like, people who are only interested in RP but not in quests may not be able to attend, as they wouldn't have the necessary factions.

I've only been in... I think it's 3 GM events, but most of the time I hear they get ruined because so many people show up and it gets to crowded and hectic. I heard GM's can't even do huge spectacular things because people complain that they didn't get to take part.
That's most unfortunate. But I think part of the problem is the relative scarcity of events. If there were more, people would probably not complain so much.

Anyhow, the original complaint was about the (for European players) bad times and that sometimes the time given in the calendar seems to be wrong. Completely different problems.

Note the Calendar events are suppose to be primarily player run events.

I see. Then maybe that could be expressed more cleary? Posting events in the calendar makes them look like an official thing. Plus, the statement "If no GMs are around..." sounded to me as: "Usually there should be GMs around (normal case) and only if there are none, the players should organise it".

The situation is that most of the GMs that we currently have who can do events are American...
That explains the "weird" times. Nothing that can be done about it, other than finding more GMs.
The alternative could be to give certain players GM-like powers for some time, though I realise that this would be very risky. I think it may be enough if players would only get a small fraction of these power, like the ability to lock objects on maps. In that case, regular players could create events by themselves without the risk that some other players disturb or destroy the event by messing around with the objects placed by players.

I have seen a lot of players be OOC during events just in the hopes of getting some kind of reward. Like the player who is a very devout follower of Dakkru but is more than wiling to do a sacred ceremony to Talad.
This is simply stupid behaviour and goes against every rule of RP. Though I have no clue how that could be prevented. Players should stay true to their roles.

Not giving special items for attending an event may be the solution though. Imho, events shouldn't be about handing over special items at all (or at least only in very rare cases, when it makes sense IC-wise). Giving out items just for attending an event sounds pretty much OOC to me.


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Re: GM events
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2011, 01:25:06 am »
I third this. I have been playing for nearly two years. All I have attended was 3 secret events, and 3 publicly known events.

Ok sure. I don't mind them not being publicly known, because that would just get massively abused. But more spread out so that easterners are included as well. I think you should make a rule that, a GM event can be held during Western evening times however another one cannot be held till on is done during Eastern evening time.
You maybe roleplaying but you could still be OOC.


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Re: GM events
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2011, 04:56:56 am »
Do you know what's the problem? The lack of active GMs able to hold events in the Europe time zones. So don't blame the Game Masters but the people who could apply for the team but don't. Or even the Game Lead, because their rules reduce the number of people who could apply and do a good job but can't because they're too young or too new, when some of them have been playing other roleplaying games for year (and I'm talking about D&D, one of the most known roleplaying games).

Anyways, the figure of the Game Master should be nothing but a mere moderator who helps the players run develop their events smoothly, providing items if possible and reuqested nicely with strong reasons. But now that you can get a lot of things with a bit of work in game, what's the point in Game Master events?

Just my 2 cents.

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Re: GM events
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2011, 08:47:34 am »
I third this. I have been playing for nearly two years. All I have attended was 3 secret events, and 3 publicly known events.

Same here.  I have 4 official events listed in my events screen.  And I've been playing since GM events started.  So that's what...4 events in 6 years?  Though every once in awhile I pass up an the other night, there was some Laanx event.  It sounded very religious based and since Mordaan is not really the devout type, he just moved along.

So one could be torn between staying true to character or joining in with the attitude "wow, an actual event...FINALLY!!"   ;)
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Re: GM events
« Reply #8 on: June 17, 2011, 01:17:53 pm »
Though every once in awhile I pass up an the other night, there was some Laanx event.  It sounded very religious based and since Mordaan is not really the devout type, he just moved along

As RP is strongly suggested on the server, I would say that was a good decision (I would have done the same if my RP wouldn't have prohibited me from attending anyway for other reasons. Imho, doing RP true to ones' character is the most important thing, therefore some events are just not suitable for everybody.


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Re: GM events
« Reply #9 on: June 17, 2011, 08:19:04 pm »
OK I am going to chime in on this one.

YLIKUM cred- I've been playing since CB- three full years plus some.

GM Events- well I have 4 listed but I know there's 6 or 8 more I stumbled into.

Prizes gained - lots of pp for the first two events, and a holy helm before they were in game,  :thumbup: which is still my proudest possession, since RR gave away his ring of Xiosia, which was his problem...  several other cool things but not any of the big rare gyph prize...  ::|

In my growing experience in this game, the biggest appeals of GM events seems to me to be
1) exposure to 'assets' not in game yet, like the thrill of seeing Xiosia's rivank announcing her arrival at Christmas time, and the turning of player characters into that sheep like animal  ;D (hehehe poor Kisoji!), and wands and robes and stuff  :woot:
2) "civic" events, the capture of that character who was on his way to be executed,  :sweatdrop: until interrupted by the magician  :sorcerer: and the ulber attack on the East gates  \\o//
3) the chance to participate in settings building long term role plays, like when Jayose held his storytelling night, which developed into the Knowledge Seekers helping to build the library collection for the Library Annex coming soon tm to a game near you,   :whistling:
4) the chance to buy new possessions or looks, :flowers:  like the Hair dresser who gave Roled his gorgeous, fire red warriors knot! or the merchant who sold the carpets and pillows in the plaza square
5) the chance to meet new players in a role play to develop connections and characters and
6) the chance to earn rare prizes.  O--)

It seems to me that most of the things that are appealing (to me) about the GM events don't require any winning of stuff- it's more like seeing something new, and sharing that discovery IC with other players. The #2 and last one are the only ones that REQUIRE a GM, since we players don't have access to the big prizes or animating npcs.

My point is- mostly these events require organizing: thinking some plot points out ahead of time, inviting key participants, then getting the word out in game. None of these activities require a GM, but more folks come when GMs are involved, I guess because they might get prizes.  Players can organize big, interesting events, with surprising elements in them, but I admit it takes quite a bit of time, caring, negotiating, planning some things ahead of time, making sure key players know their parts, and the most important thing, I think, is ASKING and INVITING and re-asking and re-inviting players to participate- in game and in character, and on the forums. The more people involved in the planned event, obviously, the more attendance and fun! IMHO the key is organizing and re iterating, and inviting others to participate. The tension between the desire to gain ground with your character (aka power leveling) and developing your character's role plays and community is a constant pull and push.  :'(

So our game is lacking in GMs and availability right now it seems.  X-/ But summer is often a good time for players to gather their own free time resources and create some events.  :thumbup:  :woot:  \\o//  I've been reading the stories on the forum- there are so many members of this community with lots of creativity and ideas. The thing we need to remind ourselves, teach ourselves, and share with each other, is the desire to create our own events rather than wait for someone else to create them for us.

Those who call for GM events because prizes are possible have a valid personal point of view: but it's not a perspective I share. It's great to win stuff of course!  \\o//  \\o// It's also fun to simply create things- art shows, performances, fairs, religious ceremonies, drinking parties,whatever, with your guilds and allies and others you run into. Invite newbies to come for drinks at the taverns and ask them questions.. reach out to other players.

You didn't ask my advice and here I am spouting off again.  :oops:  But really some of the most fun things I've done here haven't been GM events... no prizes except the prize of a really good time for a few hours.

So- if you think you'd be a good GM, then hey! Apply! Europeans, Aussies, kiwis, all, ! And if you'd like more events, get together with some other folks who like events and make em happen! We will all be grateful for your efforts.

Thanks for listening!

PS RR attended the Laanx event as an IC thing- because he thought prayers for his partner lover from any and all gods might be useful. Plus RR likes a good parade! Thanks all!
RR  ;)

"RR is a PieSexual" ~ Monala