Author Topic: Mraw!  (Read 541 times)


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« on: June 26, 2011, 10:39:11 pm »
Waving his tail happily, Levai moved among the flowers. He stood up and leaned against a tall tree, piercing his claws through its bark, and started climbing up quickly, looking between the branches until he spotted a honeycomb guarded by a single yet massive gawert, which moved from here to there quickly, flapping its wings so fast they made a continuous buzzing sound: Bzzzzzz. The big Clamod menki sneaked closer to the honeycomb, ready to pick it up and flee, when the gawert turned to face him and launched itself against the hungry visitor. Levai gasped loudly and fell from the branch, landing on his back. He rolled around quickly and rushed off on all fours, as he was used to doing. A few minutes later, after making sure the angry gawert wasn't following him anymore, he sat on a rock and sighed softly, gazing at the river flowing to his right. After spotting a big, juicy trout, he dared to get into the water, slowly getting close to it. He got ready, crouched a bit, threw himself to catch it and…


The trout fled, and Levai hit his head aginst the rocky river-bed. Shaking his head, the menki growled a bit and resumed his fishing, pouncing onto the flowing water once and again until he finally caught the big, juicy trout he was decided to catch! Oh, how did it shine bright with the Light of the Azure Sun, how firm was its flesh, how fresh! Happy with his recently acquired lunch, he headed back home.

After jumping over many rocks, stomped many flowers just for fun, and relieving his bladder once or twice on a tree, the big feline got home. He crawled slowly into the small cave, iluminated by a single ray of light which came from a hole on its roof. Next to the ray of light, laying on an ulbernaut fur, a small Clamod fenki was laying on her side. Her swollen belly indicated an advanced pregnancy: probably, the cub was about to see the Light for the first time in little to no time. Levai approached his dearest partner and dropped the fish near her head, purring softly and licking her cheek to wake her up as gently as he could.

The small fenki tried her best to reach out for the trout and eat it, but failed. Levai sat next to her, and ripping the flesh out of the fish with his teeth while holding it with one paw, he offered it to the ill fenki. She couldn't eat but a small bit of what was offered to her, slowly, looking at Levai with great sadness in her eyes. The big menki, noticing her sadness, moved to the center of the cave and started bouncing around and chasing his tail in an attempt of cheering his partner. A glimpse of happiness could be seen in the eyes of the fenki before she howled softly and curled up a bit. Startled, the big menki rushed to check on her. Panting heavily, the fenki tried to let him know everything was fine by licking his cheek softly, but, suddenly, she let out a sad whimper, followed by a shake.

Levai didn't know what to do. His love was hurt, but where? He decided to check between her legs, and what he saw gave him the widest eyes he ever had. A small Enkidukai head. Furry, tiny, black, with its ears, sliding out of the body of his beloved. He just sat down there and watched, jaws wide open, how it happened… first the head, shoulders, chest… and then, everything else! Even a tiny tail! Levai couldn't believe it: he was a father! But then, a sad meow took him back to the real world… his love. She started to breath softer and softer. He moved slowly close to her and laid on his belly, resting his head next to hers. She was blinking sleepily, licked her lips and nose and then licked Levai's lips before closing her eyes slowly… to never open them again.

Levai was puzzled. Was she asleep? "Mraw!" was the only thing he could 'say'. He nuzzled her again, purring playfully. Nothing. She was lifeless. After a couple of minutes, Levai realised what just happened, and laid his head on top of hers gently. A pair of big, salty tears rolled down his cheeks slowly, marking them with their wetness. Slowly, he pulled a big fur over his now gone partner, as if tucking her to sleep. He pressed his lips against her cheek for a last time and licked her nose before picking his kid up and leaving the cave, to never come back.


[Alright, I need a kleenex… I should stop writing this kind of sad stories *sniff!*]
« Last Edit: June 27, 2011, 03:34:03 pm by MishkaL1138 »

"It's all fun and games until someone stabs someone else in the eye."


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Re: Mraw!
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2011, 09:21:05 am »
 :'( Well written, but so very sad


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Re: Mraw!
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2011, 05:23:22 pm »
omg  :'( How could you write it? Great job so sad </3

Never trust a unicorn fish.


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Re: Mraw!
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2011, 08:22:15 am »
I'm wondering the same, Oni  :'(

btw Levai's life is now a bit happier, does this cheer you up? :)

"It's all fun and games until someone stabs someone else in the eye."


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Re: Mraw!
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2011, 12:39:59 pm »
I guess lol  :(

Never trust a unicorn fish.