Author Topic: [ORGANISATION] Ad Libertatem [Now Secret but Not Gone!]  (Read 2991 times)


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[ORGANISATION] Ad Libertatem [Now Secret but Not Gone!]
« on: August 08, 2011, 01:30:42 pm »


Following the arrest and incarceration (without trial!) of some of our members for minor infractions, AD LIBERTATEM is now a secret organisation.

[See also the first and subsequent posts below. Every character joining is encouraged to write a story of how they came to distrust the establishment and join Ad Libertatem]

You walk into Kada El's, tired and quite thirsty after a hard day's work of mining and killing several creatures- harvesting their assorted parts for sale to various merchants. After ordering a pint of your favourite drink, you head over to a cozy chair by the fireplace to take a well-deserved rest. You notice that someone has left several leaflets out on the tables, though the tavern itself is empty so you have no idea who. After scanning the first few lines, you shout at the bartender.

"Allelia! Who left these pamphlets here? I doubt the Vigesimi would approve of the political message! Wouldn't want my favourite inn to get shut down!"

"Don't shout in my bar!" She bellows back, and then thinking a bit adds- "No idea, you know that all sorts of shady characters come in here!"

'Hrumph' you think to yourself. Settling down into your chair, you take a sip of your drink, and since you left your usual book at Jayose' Library and out of curiosity, you have a read through the pamphlet.


Something is Rotten in the Dome... Read this before you place any trust in our 'leaders'

A weary and bedraggled Klyros banged his fist against the sodden stone wall. "What I wouldn't give for a pipe of the old Diaboli fern right now! Damn you all!" He let out a long sigh, and slumped back down onto the cold slabs of rock, his chains jingling in a sound that had now become all too familiar. He noticed a few fresh drops of blood fall from the sores his shackles had caused.

The Klyros could see the rain pouring down outside the small window of his cell. Its sweet scent was masked by the stale odor of having gone many days without washing, combined with the malodorous musk of the large globs of mould growing inside the prison. A small arangma dropped down from the ceiling and scurried along the floor though a small crack. The Klyros didn't even notice.

He wasn't sure how many days had been spent inside the cell. The only daily occurrence was the few bits of dried clacker meat that were anonymously thrown through the window, for there was not even a door. The only way out was through magick, and only the vigesimi knew the spells. If the prison warden had varied the meals slightly, he possibly could have kept track of the days, but they were all blurring together now. The worst of it was that when the clacker meat was chucked into the cell, half the time, or even more often, it landed out of reach and was snatched up by a rat or some other such vermin. Not that it mattered, it was usually rotten and inedible anyway. The Klyros' belly ached with the pangs of hunger.

The only thing that kept him going was the knowledge that at some point, some completely unknown and unfathomable future point in time, he would have a hearing in front of the Hydlaa council. He knew that Amidison Stronghand- the Hydlaa vigesimi, would be one of his judges, and Jefecra Harcrit, head of the guards, another. Datal Allavium, the vigesimi of the winch would likely be present, considering the trumped-up charge of his "illegal" presence in the winch area. All told there would be five in attendance, but he didn't know who the other two would be. Presiding over the farce would of course be the Octarch, which caused great worry to the Klyros. In what conceivable way would the Octarch believe a so-called rogue spy over the testimony of his trusted advisors. The exhausted Klyros let out another long sigh and attempted to sleep. His dreams invariably took him back to that ill-fated moment when he was caught.

Interested? You can read more of this story and those of other members amongst the arcane tomes of lore of other liberals.



Ad Libertatem is an organisation of like-minded individuals who believe in freedom from oppression and the right to liberty. While some of our members would consider themselves anarchists, most are simply libertarians. We do not have one single mission or goal, except to promote a free society.


1. The Octarchs are narcissistic figureheads born into wealth and privilege and lacking any sense of reality. The unelected Vigesimi are in control of Yliakum and completely corrupted by their power. There is no system of accountability to the citizens of Yliakum. Think of the laws that have been written that unjustly allow for the Vigesimi to acquire more wealth and control! From the Octarchal Decree of 425 AY:

  • III. "No person shall be deprived of their property except... or direct intervention of a Vigesimi or Octarch."
  • XIII. "Anyone not making productive use of their lands shall have them seized by the Octarchy. A Vigesimi may seize any lands they deem needed for the preservation of the Octarchy with their Octarch's consent without public or private reprisal."
  • XIV. "Any lands deemed by the Vigesimi to be required for governmental use will be exploited to the pleasure of the government..."
  • XV. "Mines and other resources may be seized by Octarchal authority without prior warning."

How can such a callous disregard for the rights of the people be allowed? There is no system of grievance, and no ability to replace a corrupt Vigesimi...

  • XXI. "Racism and racially motivated speech shall not be tolerated."

While this is of course a great liberty, more can be done! Why do the Vigesimi only allow marriage between a man, woman or kran? Why are marriages not allowed between man and man, woman and woman or kran and kran? What absurd hypocrisy!

2. The Iron Hand (Priests of Laanx) are corrupted by their greed and ostentation. Likewise, the Conclave of the Glyphs (Priests of Talad) are corrupted by their own self-righteousness. While we cannot deny the existence of the gods, we can deny them worship and their temples patronage.

  • It is a fallacy to think that the worship of the gods is necessary for resurrection- books by the Death Realm librarian Londris Kolaim state this clearly. Additionally, the temples beguile the gullible into donating their hard-earned tria 'for the betterment of society.' Ask yourself, what have the temples done for you recently?

3. The Circles of Ways are corrupted by their restrictions on the knowledge and practice of inter-way magick, and the shadowcasters are denied access to tomes privileged information reserved only for exclusive masters.

  • The Circles have imposed such stringent restrictions on the trade of glyphs that currently only basic ones are available to purchase Ironically, this has resulted in a black market trade of the more powerful ones through rogue characters, providing them with considerable money and influence. Make all glyphs available to purchase and this black market trading will cease!
  • The Circles have also made it a point to not provide information about the proper combinations of glyphs to create spells. Without this knowledge, many hurt themselves attempting reckless combinations. This practice of withholding knowledge must end!


In Ad Libertatem, you will find support from others in the organisation, but you may do what you wish. [We encourage roleplay] and interaction with others but there are no rules, and no ranks. Any member may invite another to join as a 'Dissident Recruit' and once you meet a few others you can decide to join one of the following seven cabals:

          ***SECRET POSITION***

Shrewd Brigand:Consider yourself a deceitful, conniving and skilled thief or swindler? The Brigands are for you! Of Course- you're just robbing from the rich and selling to the poor right? It's only the fair and just redistribution of wealth!

Cunning Assassin: Enjoy hiding in the shadows and fighting dirty? The Assassins know there is no such thing as a fair fight, and laws only apply to those who are caught.

          ***SECRET POSITION***

          ***SECRET POSITION***

Banished Shadowcaster: Enjoy practicing destructive or seditious magick? The Octarchal laws are very restrictive on where and how you can practice the forbidden, and the Circles are very secretive with all but the best masters. This Cabal encourages the free practice and sharing the knowledge of spells and other forbidden arcane arts.

          ***SECRET POSITION***

There is finally a 'Guardian' of the Organisation. This position is a formality [and a technical restraint] and he/she/kra has no more power than any full member. They are responsible for keeping other members informed and acting as a mediator in discussions of policy.


Contact any suspected member of Ad Libertatem for more information. Just say; "the secret of happiness is freedom."


« Last Edit: September 13, 2011, 04:13:05 am by provisionist1 »
Xirius Dolaktisht


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Re: [ORGANISATION] Ad Libertatem
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2011, 01:39:32 pm »
A few days after reading the pamphlet in Kada El's, you find yourself training again in Levrus' Shoppe of Magick. Discussing with you (at great length as old men such as Levrus are oft to do) his dislike of the Circles of Ways and how he practices all types of magic, you remember what you read- "amongst the arcane tomes of lore of other liberals." Once Levrus finishes his lengthy diatribe, you have a quick wander upstairs to his small library.

There, crinkled and stuffed between a few other tomes you see a bit of parchment with the same blue lettering as you saw before. Wishing you had a pint like last time, you take it out and have a read.


Something is Rotten in the Dome... Part II

"Have you taken care of the dwarf?" a shrill female voice asked. She seemed to have a Dermorian accent.
"Yes madam, Crosh won't be a problem. He's passed out on liquor and we dragged him down to the mines. He shouldn't regain consciousness for hours, and considering how much of a drunkard he is, I doubt he'll come up here" a male Xacha voice replied.

"Zak too ma'am, heeez... yes... had an appointmeent vith Dakkru! He vont be a problem!" Another responded, with a thick but familiar accent.

"Excellent!" the Dermorian lady replied. "There shouldn't be any others in the tower at this time, and now to business. Rikania, I trust everything in Amdeneir is under control?"

"Yes, Molveni. All our plans have been carried out, though I am most displeased you have dragged me here to this horrid old tower. Amdeneir is so much more comfortable."

"We couldn't very well meet in either of our two cities, the courtiers would be suspicious, and a groffel would not do Rikania. We are too close, and cannot risk it being intercepted."

"You are right, of course. Still I do not like it. My wings get so scratched and dirty in these sorts of places. Let's just hurry up and finish our business shall we? The eclipse is nearly upon us... Raithen is acting predictably as we expected. I have spoken with the Conclave and Quasus will no longer be a problem. He is... unhappy, but it's been taken care of. And of course, as you know, Sharven is pleased to offer his assistance. The Iron hand is always happy to oblige when it increases their power."

"And what of Jardet and the rest of those vile druids?" Molveni asked.

"Happily, they are pleasantly oblivi..."

A few tiny pebbles landed nearby, causing an unexpected but slight clatter.

"What was that!?!" The Xacha guard interjected.

"Hmmm... ve might not be alone."

"Well go and check you fools!" Rikania shouted!

It was only moments later that the Klyros was dragged by an Enki and an Xacha before two immaculately dressed ladies- one a Dermorian, and the other a fellow Klyros. He had been exploring in the Dungeons, heard voices and went to investigate. His captors looked down at him mostly with anger and suspicion but even a little fear.

"Who are you!?!" the Dermorian asked. "Speak quickly or Deelor will have his way with you!" At those words the Enkidukai looked very exited.

"My name is Xi..."

"Never mind that! I do not wish to know who you are," said the lady Klyros, turning to the Dermorian. "It does not matter who he is, and killing him won't help us. Dakkru will have her way with him, but he'll soon escape and reveal our secrets. The only way to deal with this... this rogue spy," she shot a devastatingly vicious look towards the Klyros on the cold iron floor, "this piece of tefu dung, is to lock him away and press charges on him. He cannot be allowed to speak with anyone until our plans come to fruition."

"Yes, yes indeed Rikania," Molveni mused with a grin. "Yes... Deelor, Amfarad! Take this Klyros to the prison. Tell Jefecra that he was caught inside the winch without access, and was carrying weapons and practicing dangerous Red way spells in the open streets."

"And also tell him that he is a known member of the Onyx Daggers, a thief and spy!" Rikania added gleefully.

At those words the Enkidukai quickly took out a black sack and pulled it over the Klyros' head. He was bound with shackles and was suddenly clubbed unconscious. He awoke unknown hours later, chained in a small stone cell with only a tiny window and no door. His only possession was a single piece of rotten clacker meat, just out of reach.

*************** TO BE CONTINUED... Keep searching for the truth! ****************


« Last Edit: August 11, 2011, 01:05:18 pm by provisionist1 »
Xirius Dolaktisht


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Re: [ORGANISATION] Ad Libertatem
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2011, 01:55:37 pm »
Some great stuff, will look forward to RP with your Organisation in game.


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Re: [ORGANISATION] Ad Libertatem
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2011, 02:10:36 pm »
You see cloaked enkidukai walking down a crowded street.A pair of guards is patrolling the area nearby.You lose sigh of the enkidukai for a few seconds.The next moment you watch as terrified citizens run away from the place screaming.You see both guards lying dead on the ground.You look out for the cloaked enkidukai but the only thing you see is a thick fog of dark magic.
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Re: [ORGANISATION] Ad Libertatem
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2011, 02:46:25 pm »
Solid enough premise, and you obviously have a knack for storytelling. Hope your guild takes off.


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Re: [ORGANISATION] Ad Libertatem
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2011, 02:47:36 pm »
I am interested in seeing how this guild survives. I honestly enjoy this slight breath of 'fresh air' due to a slightly different guild design/idea. Some quick questions/criticism:

I understand that your guild has a flat structure, meaning that everybody is mostly equal as you are opposed to hierarchy. I like that just because your guild is 'flat' doesn't mean that there is no structure. I can see the structure clearly presents you are a 'jack of all trades' guild with one common belief. Structure wise, I would take out Cleric or Rogues and add in 'Merchants.' But that is just a preference of mine.

Next, you say that your guild isn't Anarchy based, but allows it, this is relatively strange. People for the most part are either for or against anarchy as far as I know. But I understand it would restrict many freedom fighters (as that is how I would categorize your guild) from joining if the fighting is not allowed.

My second last inquiry is based on your general beliefs:

1. The Vigesimi are completely corrupted by their power. There is no system of accountability to the citizens of Yliakum.

2. The Iron Hand (Priests of Laanx) are corrupted by their greed and ostentation and the Conclave of the Glyphs (Priests of Talad) are corrupted by their own self-righteousness. While we cannot deny the existence of the gods, we can deny them worship and their temples patronage.

3.The Circles of Ways are corrupted by their restrictions on the knowledge and practice of inter-way magick, and the shadowcasters are denied access to tomes privileged information reserved only for exclusive masters.

4. Most typical guilds are corrupted by their internal hierarchies.

These beliefs give me the impression of "You are strictly against all hierarchy. Willing to fight for freedom at any cost." Perhaps I am a bit extreme, but they don't present your goal of simply, 'Promoting Freedom' properly.

My last comment is just that even freedom fighters and guilds with a flat structure need a definite leader or at least somebody that will organize the events to promote the guild's ideals. That is completely up to you though and I don't want to piss you guys off too much by over-criticizing. :)


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Re: [ORGANISATION] Ad Libertatem
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2011, 05:55:18 pm »
While we cannot deny the existence of the gods, we can deny them worship and their temples patronage.

Worship doesn't have to be dependent on corrupted leadership, if you consider it corrupted. So worship is really orthogonal to your concerns about problems of power.

The Circles of Ways are corrupted by their restrictions on the knowledge and practice of inter-way magick, and the shadowcasters are denied access to tomes privileged information reserved only for exclusive masters.

There are out of circles NPC mages too (Levrus). Interesting if you can RP it that way, and may be bring out of circle magic association IG.

Next, you say that your guild isn't Anarchy based, but allows it, this is relatively strange. People for the most part are either for or against anarchy as far as I know. But I understand it would restrict many freedom fighters (as that is how I would categorize your guild) from joining if the fighting is not allowed.

That depends on definition of anarchy. Libertarians can also be called anarchists. Also, anarchism doesn't mean supporting criminal behavior with saying "do what you want". That's not anarchism, that's simply social chaos.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2011, 06:04:18 pm by Gilrond »


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Re: [ORGANISATION] Ad Libertatem
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2011, 01:37:06 am »
Good luck with your new organization! Looks like a good start.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2011, 01:38:38 am by Talad »


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Re: [ORGANISATION] Ad Libertatem
« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2011, 04:40:47 am »
Thanks to all the supportive comments so far!

I am interested in seeing how this guild survives. I honestly enjoy this slight breath of 'fresh air' due to a slightly different guild design/idea. Some quick questions/criticism:

I understand that your guild has a flat structure, meaning that everybody is mostly equal as you are opposed to hierarchy. I like that just because your guild is 'flat' doesn't mean that there is no structure. I can see the structure clearly presents you are a 'jack of all trades' guild with one common belief. Structure wise, I would take out Cleric or Rogues and add in 'Merchants.' But that is just a preference of mine.

Thanks very much for your critique. When discussing with fellow guildmates, we decided to differentiate between mages who practiced 'good/light/helpful' magic, and those who practiced 'evil/dark/dangerous' magic. This is purely for RP, rather than the functional difference between them, because while most mages are practising all sorts of ways, most (hopefully) have different intentions through their character's background story. Also, I would have made it 'The Guild of Smiths and Merchants,' but it was too long. I thought those who choose to be merchants will come from many of the different assemblies, and most who are merchants practice some other activity anyway to get their merchandise- crafting, fighting/looting, questing etc.

Next, you say that your guild isn't Anarchy based, but allows it, this is relatively strange. People for the most part are either for or against anarchy as far as I know. But I understand it would restrict many freedom fighters (as that is how I would categorize your guild) from joining if the fighting is not allowed.

My second last inquiry is based on your general beliefs:

1. The Vigesimi are completely corrupted by their power. There is no system of accountability to the citizens of Yliakum.

2. The Iron Hand (Priests of Laanx) are corrupted by their greed and ostentation and the Conclave of the Glyphs (Priests of Talad) are corrupted by their own self-righteousness. While we cannot deny the existence of the gods, we can deny them worship and their temples patronage.

3.The Circles of Ways are corrupted by their restrictions on the knowledge and practice of inter-way magick, and the shadowcasters are denied access to tomes privileged information reserved only for exclusive masters.

4. Most typical guilds are corrupted by their internal hierarchies.

These beliefs give me the impression of "You are strictly against all hierarchy. Willing to fight for freedom at any cost." Perhaps I am a bit extreme, but they don't present your goal of simply, 'Promoting Freedom' properly.

Yes, to extent to which we are anarchists or freedom fighters or political libertarians is up to the organisation and its members. I myself (Xirius) is not an anarchist, and not really a freedom fighter, but someone who has had a bad experience with a couple power-hungry Vigesimi, and knows too much to trust anyone in government. Hence why Xirius is a member of the Syndicate of Rogues. As far as the beliefs, I imagine these will change slightly with new additions as the organisation evolves.

My last comment is just that even freedom fighters and guilds with a flat structure need a definite leader or at least somebody that will organize the events to promote the guild's ideals. That is completely up to you though and I don't want to piss you guys off too much by over-criticizing. :)

Well, there is simply the necessity of having a 'guild leader' by the way they are set up, but it's merely a formality. I think and hope that by letting anyone come up with any sort of RP events etc. within the organisation, it will stay dynamic and free. How we will deal with the possible eventuality of a member acting contrary to the organisation, I'm not sure, but I think that's part of the fun.

While we cannot deny the existence of the gods, we can deny them worship and their temples patronage.

Worship doesn't have to be dependent on corrupted leadership, if you consider it corrupted. So worship is really orthogonal to your concerns about problems of power.

No, true... and we're not against the worship of the deities per-se (although most of our members are 'atheists' in their character description), but we are against the structured religions. The Seeds of Wildwood, being a far less hierarchical religion is fine. We don't actively support it, but we don't have anything against it.

The Circles of Ways are corrupted by their restrictions on the knowledge and practice of inter-way magick, and the shadowcasters are denied access to tomes privileged information reserved only for exclusive masters.

There are out of circles NPC mages too (Levrus). Interesting if you can RP it that way, and may be bring out of circle magic association IG.

Yes indeed!
Xirius Dolaktisht


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Re: [ORGANISATION] Ad Libertatem
« Reply #9 on: August 11, 2011, 04:32:36 pm »
I'd make it sound more shady, since it's something against the Octarchy. I'd also avoid including any mingling with the Octarch and Vigesimi, but since Talad doesn't mind, I guess it flies.
It might be a good idea to add some short term objectives as well, else some people might take it, erroneously I hope, as just a bunch of displeased people.
Disclaimer: This is my opinion and I can be reasoned with. I'm probably right, though.

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Re: [ORGANISATION] Ad Libertatem
« Reply #10 on: August 11, 2011, 04:45:13 pm »
I'd make it sound more shady, since it's something against the Octarchy. I'd also avoid including any mingling with the Octarch and Vigesimi, but since Talad doesn't mind, I guess it flies.
It might be a good idea to add some short term objectives as well, else some people might take it, erroneously I hope, as just a bunch of displeased people.

Thanks for your input Sangwa. I know you said something similar earlier- to which I replied, but one of the moderators has deleted all the rubbish that had been posted and deleted the few serious posts in the same go. Still, many thanks to whoever did that, it was getting out of hand and off-topic.

Yes, I think you're right- I've changed the context for the first posts slightly, and I will talk with my fellow members about roleplaying a bit more secretively and about what our initial goals should be.
Xirius Dolaktisht


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Re: [ORGANISATION] Ad Libertatem
« Reply #11 on: August 11, 2011, 05:29:08 pm »
Shady groups raise more suspicion, and actually only work for the opposite of the stated goals. IMO. On a side note, absolutist blank statements like "all X are corrupted" don't help the guild to sound serious.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2011, 05:31:11 pm by Gilrond »


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Re: [ORGANISATION] Ad Libertatem
« Reply #12 on: August 11, 2011, 08:21:45 pm »
Shady groups raise more suspicion, and actually only work for the opposite of the stated goals. IMO. On a side note, absolutist blank statements like "all X are corrupted" don't help the guild to sound serious.
So you're saying they will be less suspicious if they walk around telling everyone they're displeased with the Octarchy and wish for a free Yliakum? Hehehe, just saying.
And I agree, absolutist statements aren't good. Maybe something along the lines of "the power Vigesimi hold tend to make them corrupt and History has given us plenty of examples."

PS: You don't need to be too secretive. Just don't be obvious. People won't mind a blunt comment or another about this and that, but they'll react to obvious defiance. Also, about the short term objectives, I think it would be fun for you to spread books around stating the "crimes" of the Octarchy and whatnot. Again, don't get caught. It would certainly generate a fuss and lots of opportunities to create more roleplay material.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2011, 08:26:24 pm by Sangwa »
Disclaimer: This is my opinion and I can be reasoned with. I'm probably right, though.

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Re: [ORGANISATION] Ad Libertatem
« Reply #13 on: August 15, 2011, 05:10:51 am »
Rodef Emet is looking to RP with representatives of Ad Libertatem in game. He started a guild called the One, which is based around the principles of liberty, community and equality, and also had no hierarchy. He does not represent the One, but would like to engage in discussion about the philosophy of Ad Libertatem - its virtues, flaws and points of interest.


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Re: [ORGANISATION] Ad Libertatem
« Reply #14 on: August 17, 2011, 03:08:19 pm »
You find yourself travelling back to Hydlaa from Ojaveda after running several errands- a few letters to deliver, some tefusang teeth for Trasok, some Falka oil for Jayose's lamps. Halfway down the road, you are shocked to see a herd of rampaging Maulbernauts, bellowing their calls of fury and beating their chests. Worst of all, they are blocking the main road back.

Thinking you had better climb into the hills to avoid them, you find yourself in Camp Banished, and talking to the affable (though you suspect quite drunk) rogues therein. Tucked away in one of the tents, you see a pamphlet of the sort you've seen before, written in the distinctive teal blue-coloured ink of the Klyros. Once again, curiosity gets the best of you.

Something is Rotten in the Dome... Part III

The Klyros awoke to a slap on the face. Another piece of rotten meat had been thrown into the cell through the window. Though he gagged at the foul taste, he choked it down with all ravenous haste. The last three or even four meals (he couldnā€™t quite remember) had been thrown out of reach and gobbled up by the vile rats with which he shared this dank stone tomb. He knew not if throwing the meat out of reach was the malicious intention of his jailers, if they didnā€™t realise, or simply didnā€™t care. Not that it mattered much.

Several more days passed with the usual infrequent meals. Fortune would have it he always had enough to drink- a small channel in the stone around the window of his cell meant water constantly dripped onto the floor. This particular cell must have been ancient- centuries of water droplets had carved a small basin into the stone floor. The Klyros spent most of his waking hours counting the drops and watching the ripples they caused- the light of the Azure Sun peaking through the cell, reflecting off the pool, and he spent many hours, days, lost in a trance of thought- timeless and unending.

His thoughts turned often to his encounter with the two ladies and the two guards- Rikania and Molveniā€¦ Rikania, and Molveniā€¦ The names sounded familiar, as though he had read about them in a book once. He knew they were powerful too, and wealthy. But what were they up to? The Klyros had no idea yet many scenarios of evil mages played themselves out through his mind, and he knew the trumped-up charges might be the least of his problems. He was only curious at the sounds coming from inside the iron tower, and meant no real harmā€¦ and yes, one is technically not allowed in the dungeons, but the mining is better down there than at the public mines outside of town. ā€˜A member of the Onyx Dagger clan? Seriously!?!ā€™ he thought to himself. The Klyros knew they would probably plant evidence into his possessions, taken away from him after the arrest. ā€˜And what of my precious dark broadswords? I know, I know, strictly they arenā€™t legal, but they are antiques, forged by my grandfather back in Wysthinae.ā€™ The Klyros sighed with a heavy heart. He knew whatever happens, it wouldnā€™t be good. He began to think he was just going to be left in this cell, alone, to rot away forgotten.
ā€˜Thunkā€™ā€¦ ā€˜thunk thunkā€™ā€¦ The Klyros woke to a most unusual sound, and saw in front of his eyes three green apples had been gently pushed though the window and had landed in the pool of water. Delicious, wonderful apples! The Klyros was elated and gorged down on the first before suddenly worrying they were poisoned. His joy was swiftly replaced by the sickness of great worry and fear, but after several minutes, he began to relax once again. He felt no poison, no looming illness and felt better. Who, he wondered, could or would have rolled apples into his cell? He saved the other two for a later time knowing how infrequent meals generally were. He spent the rest of the day in a deep ponder, but slept better that night than any he could remember since arriving.

ā€˜Thunkā€™ā€¦ ā€˜thunkā€™ā€¦ Two more apples fell into the pool. ā€œWait!ā€ the Klyros shouted. ā€œPlease!?!ā€ There was no answer, but he could hear shuffling feet outside. ā€œI know someoneā€™s out there!ā€

A raspy diminutive voice whispered back- ā€œShhhhh! Youā€™ll reveal meā€¦ Just know a few of us are watching out for you. Hang on a while longerā€¦ā€

ā€œWho are you?!?ā€ he shouted back, but no response was given. The Klyros slumped back onto the floor, his chains rattling against the stone. He munched on an apple, in a pensive sulk.
Three days passed without any more visits. Rotten slabs of clacker meat had still been periodically hurled into the cell, but only on the third day having eaten all the apples and wishing he had more did he choke down the vile sinew.

Two more days passed, and the Klyros was becoming increasingly troubled, and hours upon hours were spent sitting against the cold stone and watching the drops of water fall one by one into the pool, scattering dancing wisps of light from the crystal far above around the room. He was completely lost in thought and was very startled by the sudden bellow.

ā€œRight-ho!ā€ a guard shouted from outside the window. The Klyros nearly died then and there from the surprise. ā€œStand up you despicable reprobate! Youā€™re going in front of the Octarch himself! Canā€™t see myself why heā€™s interested in the likes of you, but orders is orders.ā€

A small part of the wall against which the Klyros had been leaning disappeared, the distinctive groaning earthy sound of Brown way magick could be heard, and the Klyros strained to adjust his eyes to the light outside his cell. All he saw was a mage a few paces away before a bag was once again hastily shoved over his head by a Dwarven guard.

ā€œHehehehā€¦ā€ the dwarf chuckled. ā€œThink you were going to see whereabouts these cells were eh?ā€ Not a chance. Now Iā€™m thinkinā€™ youā€™re too weak to give me any trouble, but just know Iā€™ve got a large club here and Iā€™m not afraid to bludgeon you with it. Got it!?!ā€

The Klyros had no choice but to comply...

*************** TO BE CONTINUED... ****************

Xirius Dolaktisht