Author Topic: Get over it - An unexpected visit  (Read 321 times)


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Get over it - An unexpected visit
« on: August 18, 2011, 11:12:37 am »
A small bundle, wrapped into a big ulbernaut fur, was sitting at her tent. The dark furred head, with two pointy ears, one of them with a grey spot on it, seemed to be hugging her knees, looking, presumably, at the ground. A soft sob could be heard every now and then, followed by a short sniffle and occasionally, the fenki had to blow her nose on a pure white napkin, which would surely need to be replaced instead of cleaning it, from all the use she was giving to it. Tiny whispers repeated over an over "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Sabriel... I'm stupid". Someone cleared his throat softly, even though it didn't seem natural... Mishka turned around, her bloodshot eyes darting around the tent.

 - Who's there?!

A menki appeared in the middle of the tent slowly. He didn't enter it walking, he just appeared there, slowly, as if the light created the shape of an Enkidukai. He looked at Mishka through his light aqua, green eyes, and smiled. The fenki, shocked, frozen as if touched by th most powerful freezing spell ever researched, stared back at him, unable to talk. She stood up slowly, revealing her bare fur under the ulbernaut fur. The now well defined Kore menki gave her a small smirk and reached out  paw, caressing her cheek. It felt like a tender warmness comforting her cheek:

 - You're pretty as your mother, dear. But you should cover yourself a bit. - His voice didn't sound real. Or it did, but as if it came from so far, yet still so close. He was there, yes... but then again, he wasn't either. She covered her naked body hurriedly, staring back at the figure of her deceased father:

 - This isn't true. I might be dying, or dead, and you came to take me with you. Or I'm drunk, again! What a shame, my father catching me drunk... - Mishka sobbed softly, covering her face while holding the fur wrapped around herself with the other arm, tightly. Kerrz, smiling softly, took her paw gently and poushed it down. To her, it would have felt like she was doing her action without her will, weren't it for the warm sensation she felt.

- You're not dead, Mishka. Nor drunk - he snorted a bit -. You were too young to even remember, but right after mom left us, I drank. A lot. Not in vain our family is in good terms with dwarves, hm?
>>Kerrz let out a chuckle. It echoed a little bit, and seemed to comfort Mishka quite a bit. "Look at yoursel, honey. You're a grown up woman. Remember when I left this world? You were still a little girl. But you had an excellent husband. And don't forget you father-in-law."f

 - B-but dad... I...

 - I know, I know what happened. You told me, don't you remember? I promised to always be by your side, and that I did. Sometimes it was hard, like when you ride your rivnak. But I'm always there. And I listen when you try to talk to me. I was there when the flowers died. And I was there when you decided to cut your relationship with Sabriel. I've been there, always. I tried to make you feel better when you cried, and laughed with you when you did. I was really proud you found someone you could be loyal to, someone who loves you for who you are and doesn't mind your flaws. I think he's a good husband for you. But don't think I've always accepted your actions. I thought I taught you better. And I'm sure you'll make ammends, won't you? Now, look at me and tell me you will try to fix everything you've done wrong, come on.

Mishka raised her gaze to look into her father's eyes, and then looked down again, shaking her head slowly. He poked her in the belly, she giggled a bit (it almost felt real!) and then, smiling slightly, she looked at him and said:

 - I will.

Kerrz embraced her in a warm hug. Surprisingly enough, this time it felt completely material to her. She wrapped her arms around the temporally corporeal body of her father, and closed her eyes, sniffing softly. "Don't cry now, Mish... or you'll make me cry too." he said, with a humorous tone. She letf out a soft chuckle and then let her father go, wiping the tears from her eyes. The menki, still smiling, wiped away one of her tears, or at least tried to:

 - Here's what we'll do. The first person you have to go and apologize to is... yourself. For ruining your life. But get over it soon, right? Because we don't want Barike to worry about you. He's the next one. Tell him you're sorry for all the problems you've caused, tell him you'll make ammends. Will you do that?

>> Mishka nodded quickly a few times, indicating Kerrz to go on: "Good. The next one I want you to apologize is that Akkaio fenki, Mariana. Really, Mish! You left her pretty beaten up. That's not something I would expect you to do... well, I'm lying. I saw you beat up that kid when you were only seven. But still, not a nice thing. Tell her you're sorry, and actually mean it! And tell her you're really saddened by your own behavior, and because she could've been your friend but you ruined it. Now, can you figure out who's the last one?"

 - Yes, I can...

 - Go talk to him. Tell him... well, I'm sure you'll know what to tell him.

Kerrz smiled softly and caressed Mishka's cheek "It feels lonely there, where I rest when I'm not by your side. I miss you a lot, dear". Mishka looked away, hiding a tear "I miss you too, dad..." He placed a soft kiss on her forehead, giving her a nice comforting feeling: "I won't say goodbye, because I'm always there. Oh, and don't forget to keep learning " and then started fading away quickly, a smile on his lips.

*  *  *

Mishka stood there, blinking slowly. Letting out a soft sigh and smiling lightly, she started to groom her fur.

 - I'm very sorry, Mish. I'm sorry for making your life a living hell. But I promise I will change, and your life will be better. And this time I really mean it.

Smiling happily, she put on her clothes and got ready to face the start of her new life.

"It's all fun and games until someone stabs someone else in the eye."


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Re: Get over it - An unexpected visit
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2011, 07:04:17 pm »
Very nice :) I like the tone of this story. Kerrz's fatherly advice was just precious. I saw a few spelling errors but I wasn't looking too hard for them.

I'm glad Mishka's getting her life together. Hopefully everything will turn out well.

Lilura: ralas and Jjairr  be all like "oh i was a xiosia worshiper before she existed" "rivnaks are too mainstream I ride a yulbar" "I was a nolthirir before they were green"


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Re: Get over it - An unexpected visit
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2011, 12:26:24 pm »
I love your writing Mish. Absolutely awesome. I love how you interject a little humor into the most tense moments and all the personality in your characters.  \\o//

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